TAGK BKD ItULLKTIN, HRNlOHKOON.THUUHnAY, MAllCll II, 100 i j . ' I i! 1 "' . f&r The Bend Bulletin (Weekly Hdltkm) Published By THR-BENI) HULLETIN M , .(Incorporated) FRBD A. VdELFLEN Editor' ROBERT W. SAWYER, Manager An Independent newspaper standing tor tho square donl, clean business, cleanlpblltlcs and tho best Interests of Ilcnd nnd Contrnl Oregon. . One year i.t.ii .....,.. ?2.00 Six wonths....: 1,00 Threo' months .a................... .60 fta, 4 THURSDAVY. .MARCH II, 1920 J TAXES. , f Now Urn tho lax bills for tho cur ront year nro being made up people nro finding thnt they havo larger bills to pay for public purposes than over before1 ntid ns usual, uuder such circumstances, thoy nro trying to WdTfeomeono to blamo for tho con- ' ditton. So far, we gather, tho blnmo Is, divided between two causes, tho lacrosse, iu assessed valuation nnd tho unusual city budget for 1920. Inasmuch ns tho word 'blame sug gests a, fault It would perhaps bo better to discover the cause rather than to place tho blame, but If blame v nesi bo placed It belongs on every us. What is coins now is Vhe thing that happens ns often as tax paying time comes around. Peo pie get their tax bills and grumble. , 'Then they pay them and forget. . Annually, when tho grumbling is going on, we venture to point out a few facts nbout taxation and this now vtseems to be the timo to mention them again. ' Those who are giving the increase valuations as the cause of high taxes are absolutely wrong. Vnlun- i tlins are merely a means of doter- 4gjfyiing what proportion of the whole ..ajtaxpnyer shall pay. They may bo $Wgh pr they may be low, but If they are placed on property la tho same ratio' the proportion always remains the same. Increase In assessed values ia Bend may make us pay more . cHnty tax than before if like In creases wero not made elsewhere In the county, but if the, values are uni form we have no right to complain. J3e are paying only, our Just share. j-The thing that determine:) whether a -tax is to be high or low Is iho money that is spent by the city- or the school district or th county, or all three together. Assessed valua tion play no part In the decisis. All a tax is is the contribution made by a; property owner toward the ex pense of the municipality. The ex pense,, then, is what determines the jslte- of "the tax. If the district lis spending a lot of money Its "faxes will.be high; if it Is not spendlag much ther will bo low. The- tax bill comes around once a year but every day and every week andr'every 'month the expense that - the tax bill is to help care for is running on. If taxes seem high there Is no use In grumbling over tho bill. Pay tho.bUl. It must bo done. That is past history. Then If you are Interested in keeping taxes down get In and help In your public adminis tration. Watch what is being done. Suggest, take a part. After all It's your town, and your school district, and your county. If you will not hejp in its administration you have 80 right to grumble over paying its bills. cussed. Mr, Strahornt on oo qt his visits here, mndo an cspeclnf ploa to the Commercial club to take 'stops for tholr protection, Tho BUbJcct has moreKtlhiteohco boon dlRQUsdOdr' in iiio- Hiiuuun: low mounts ago another local newspaper took Up tho ruus.e. '"'No results havo yot boon ob tained from ftnv of this nirttutlon. however, nnd It occurs to us that the ! roason is bocauso there Ih no ono of ilclal responsible for the work. What Is .-everybody, business i nobody's business, Our Commercial club com-t mltteos c.Uher will not act or ro tip-, pointed too Into to get results. Thero' fstnofclvta body sufficiently Interest ed to care for tho trees nil tho tlmo and the trees got no protoction. Why not cruato tho olllco of tree warden in tho city of Uend and havo I our trees cared for and protected' I The osteemed Orcgonlan obsorvcai that "To dato w.o havo not heard j nnyoouy remark tlint Wilson put tho lance in Lansing," Thej-emnrk was made Iu Tho nullctln about three weeks ago. SEVENTEEN Tips HER WEIGHT IN MILK ' 'Tr-i'' x ' .r . mA. I The best thing wo have seen yet Iu the Allies Palndcxter candldncy for tho Republican nomination for president is the slogan, "No red with out iho white and blue." s JessssssHtf K S M "3 ' ' w IV n l Mary, owneil by P W Aycr of rinngor. Mo., Is tho now chnmplon Jersey milk and buttcrfat producer of the world. In ono year sho sot tho mark of 15.2C5 pounds of milk and 1040 pounds of butlortat. It was a remarkablo tout dalrymon say it was about 17 time her weight In milk and at tho present retail prlco of butter nr produc tion brought In $832 Hvr weight U 900 pounds. rnMAfTTNTHATTOM rf- - A AVr A .. AXA m 4, OATS IW.VKCKSSAItV. Editor Bend nulletln: Your Item In last Thursday paper regarding the valunblo birds which were devoured by a hungry cat de serves more than cursory notice.' and should awnko all bird lovers and in different people as well to the menace, of tho cat to our birds. , It is not only the hungry cntsTthat catch birds but tho sleekest in-t well-fed cat will kill them, nc nil times. If wo aro to luro tho birds to our grounds by feeding them and fur nlshing bird houses we must first de stroy tholr greatest enemy tho cat. Of whnt nvall aro our efforts to cul tivate tho friendship of tho birds and havo them build tholr nests Iu our trees, when In tho next ynrd there uwaits a greedy cat to devour them nt tho first opportunity. It Is an established fact that a rat is of moro harm than use. A few traps will catch moro mice, nnd are far more sanitary and clean. A cat prowls In all tho filthy places In n town, In alloys undor houses, gar unco cans and still neonlo allow their children tohnndlo them. Thero has been n fly-catcher around my houso for soveral weaks, darting past my wlndowB catching tho ilrst tiles, that inu nuriu uuyn iiiiyu uruiimu Minn. It thero was a cat hero I'm sure that the bird would not havo remained. I was down along thu river few days ago, looking for some signs of spring and there up among tho rocks, 1 saw n cat, almost tho color of the rocks, waiting for tho llrst bird to co mo along. Destroy tho cats, If you would havo tho songs and beauty of birds ii i-on ml your hotuv. A -IUltD LOVER. I- J1 a HOSIERY ' ''; For AH Thev Family Ladies' cotton medium weight, black, corddvun. balbriggan and white, hem lop, odd hzIos arid rib ton ..IM)c Ladies' black, with whito feet.t ..i!)c Ladies' fine nibbed cotton mercerized, black,' white and tan ....v.,(8C' Pure silk, pearl and cordovan $1.49. CHILDREN'S HOSESALL SIZES Medium weight cotton, strong and durable, for school or play? black, white and tan !)i)c Misses' fine ribbed combed yarn, black, white and cordovan 5!lc Misses' fine ribbed mercerized, black And white 79c INFANTS' HOSE ALL SIZES Mercerized, fine ribbed, black and 'white 09c Mercerized, fine ribbed, heavy weight, black and white '15c MEN'S HOSE ALL SIZES Cotton, fine ribbed black, cordovan and pearl, 35c, three pair $1.00" Fine ribbed, black, white feet ,....10c Cashmere, black .18c If you want the best hosiery, wear Foot Rest Fair Store HAS $300 MORTGAGE ON IMPERIAL LOTS HKI'ORT OK THE CONDITION OK First National Bank of Bend AT I1KND, IN THE ST.VI K OK OKKfiON AT TUB CLOSE OK BUSINESS KEHHUAUY tW, UtiiO ,' KESOUKfES ' Loans and discounts. Including rediscounts. $791,029,77 Total loans 791,029.77 Overdrafts, unsecured - , U. H. Government Mrruriiic nxtned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S., bonds par , "'? ; ..........-.-v 12.fe00.00 Pledged to secure postal savings deposits (par value) ...u l ........... 11,600.00 " x-jeugeu as collateral ror state or other deposits or bills payable 97.750.00 Owned and unpledged .., ..... C8, 200.00 War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps , ,t .; actually owned .. l, , 23.57- 791;029.71 lO.'0 10.21 ., JL. ' " luiui u. a. Bfruruics .... .,... . Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to se cure postal savings deposits ....w-........ 2.CH.78 Securities, other than II.- S. bonds (not Includ- , Jng stocks), owed and unpledgcd..4 35,121.34 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S..'. Stock of Federal Iteservo Bank (60 per cent of subscription) . ..... Value of banking houso. owned .and unlncum- . i lt . r- a80,.173.57v Ejisterner Wrltru to AHrritnlu He lelopment of TowiiaKo .Mnr- ketctl In Iloodi Dins. , That tho failure of tho townslto of Imperial to materlallzo into n city, or even u town. Is stlllunknown to owners of land staked out In tho sagebrush, was shown Thursday "when a letter was received In tho sheriff's oRlco from A. M. Holton. of Minneapolis, holder of a $300 mort gngo against 10 of tho "city lots" mnrketed hi the boom days. Mr. Holt asks whether tho country has devel oped so that ho can pay tho tuxes on the property and still havo. something left. It is tho opinion In the sheriff's oClce that he might bo nbo to get ns much, a $5 for all his Imperial holdings. tho high desert this year. The experi ment was tried earlier In Iho his tory of tho country, nnd according to Mr.' Haines,. n 'good stand of io forage plant was obtained on n num ber of farms, A two years drouth, however, completely obliterated tho last vestige of clover. Mr. Iliiliwn believes that It can be iniido to gro-v successfully on the soml-arld lands, tiud a high grado of seed, developed In dry countries, will bo used. Tut H la Tim Ilullrtln. COUNTY SEAT ISSUE TO BE VOTED ON (Continued from Togo 1.) of Portland, tho club nuthorUed Dm appointment of a committeeman to hapo charge of Ilend's representa tion at the Juno fiesta. Tho constitution of the Commu nity Clearing Houso lcagun was re ferred to tho directors of tho club for ratification. bered ..$ 23,044.30 Tt I A Tnfp wTnrv Jt fc A IIJlJkUba "'f Along about this tlmo of year there aro being held all over New England those annual gatherings well known to all students of muni cipal government as tho New Eng land town meetings. In each town the voters congregate at the town Jwll.'a chairman, known as the mod erator, is chosen and tho annual bus Ibsm is transacted, Including the vot Jng of taxes, discussion ,of'town af fairs and the election of selectmen and ether olflcers. W have no intention of proceed ing with a discussion of this town WfMrtfcE form of government, nor of -stpjirlng it with the other forms in s, fti oher parts of the country, fct fo do want to call attention to the fact that In all these towns ono gf'thij officers elected is tho tree war den to whom is entrusted the. caro or all trees on the public streets and highways, nia job Includes not only the care of Iheso trees but also theJr jiruiuijiiun uKainsi uisngurement or destruction (n connection with street tjnprojvemeivt work or tho work of those jpub'llc utility corporations that use tiio city streets. If work tbht Inloltes a tree In any way is to bo wlerlaken the treo warden is con sulted and his permit obtained. Look ing at the work from the view-point oouo Interested In tho tree he is nwienuy able- to suggest changes Vnrnftllrn nnil flvtiifna M .. M..M .A,M.k .....H...MM Real estate owned other than banking house.. Ldwrui reserve with Federal Heserve Hank.. J Cash in vault and not amounts duo from na- tional banks Net amounts due from ban, bankers, and trust companies In the United States (otb'cr than included In Items 12, 13, or 14) Exchanges for clearing house ... Total of Items 13, 14, 15, 18 and 17...,..,... 133,007,24 Checks on banks located outsldo of city or- town '' of reporting bank and other cash Items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer.. Expenses and interest paid I- TOTAL ... 3 7,7.3 CIO 1,500.00 23,04 4.30 C. 470.01 7,390,(17 7,902;S7 t i 120,542.47 9,002ll6 4,122:62 4,375;00 C25100 .13,(126.31 SWEET CLOVER WILL BE TRIED ON DESERT llcnklo & Haines, real estate deal ers, aro preparing to distribute more! thnn 200 pounds of sweot clov on I REBUILT FRANKLINS HA.MB OUAItA.NTKB AS ON OUU NEW CAIW HEIIUILT THItOUOIIOUT AND ItKI'AINTKI) ALL U'OltK DONE IN OUU OWN SHOP OUU ItKIlL'ILT KltANKLINH WILL filVB YOU THE HAMU NEItVICE AH A NKW t'AH Special values from $850 and up WHITE OK 1'IIONK I'M KOU DISIO.NHTItA'llO.V FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO. THE DALLES, OHEGON' Capita stock paid Surplus fuad Undivided profits In. LIAIJILITII- :. .Jl.297,767.06 ..,1.11,042,93 10,471.24 (modifications of plan that mean rlRgVf fett it mu8tbe trimmed or cut m some wav he will spa Hint mi Last possible damaga Id done !iff?1UVtly 'o Ihe past tho matter Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts duo to banks, bankers, and trust companies In the United States and., for eign countries (other than included! In' Items 29 or 30) ... . S.rfM,. Certified checks outstanding . .-..... Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding.,..,... Total pf items 29, 30,, 31, 32 and 33... Demand deposit, (oilier than bank tfcpbtiltHHl Kubjt-rt. to Iti"crvo (deposits payable' wltht-j'( in oy uays; , Individual deposits subject to check ......'..;... ' State, county, or other municipal deposits se- , curea oy piedgo or assets o rthls Dank .... Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items" 34, . 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39... Aj,.,.. 766,590.53 Tiuje deposit subject to Itcscrvc (payuble after . 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more , notice, and postal savings): . '-TKU, ' Certificates of deposit (other than for money ' ;p , . borrowed) c.....'. State, county, or other municipal deposits bo- . , ,' Pof tall savirigs deposits k...., .... . ,f4.i4wft A 25,000:00 25,000,00 11.04293 12,500.00 3.805.21 470.51 6,195.52 736,590.53 20,000.00 ffl '' 0. 50,410.69 Stipn- 75,375.10 7,929.41 323,437.16 Othor (ilme deposits ,. . Total of time deposits subject to .Resqrvi .,..... An ,1 1ft Mt -4-tV ! -, Mrn'-t nm ,i.iic!i!D iv. ii, i. uuu a... j.vr.rt.is. o 4,1 u.oo;-. I .If t , V TOTAL j Z...H.il ;..f,297,757T60 State of Oregon, County of Deschutes ss: . . Jt I, C. G. McReynoIds, Cashier of tho above-named bank, do sdlomuly nwear tba,ttbe above, statempt Isj truo to the best of my knowledge and belief. '.' , - K. OiMcREYNOLDS, Cashier, f.-'r , .nu..DJrJctors. . ') ' fl -. t i n A -- . " ... 'Sbst titeutin our tree, has been dis- Mv cmmK,,o .., n,fim,,0,'V' ,Kf ia,h " lm CORRECT Attest: ' .. ! n -a ,TiitncrM b$n. -o.z;elLb, ' ' IU. A. DAlllbll, FS fOROIa AIDS TO. HEALTH AND BEAUTY When your cough nd tickling I throat keep iWhcn you have that uncomfortabU fcclingf of wanting to clear your throat constantly to ao avail when you are hoarse and sore from continual coughing -then yea will rOROto WhiU Piiui Compound ' wlhfaw a4 effective PUROLA White Pine Compound contaiaa White PSm Bark, Tar, Wild Cherry o&tK, naim or UHead, Menthol and other remedial faHfredlenla valuable for certain cUtordera of the throat a&d lunge, OUAXANTEE tVKOlA WMf fU Cempei m 9araU4 to to fur nnd r-vl titt wI rwMl tw mony. ll AT AtL DRUG STORES. I llgOl .r'inOiAj VUTir AVUU xcm i (ttlHtMMe tltHIfH tB I Bkmui;- ax PWlW, rwoi Uto! ,-u,u,f Prears4 aai CeaaaU4 VMm WMMeawfFraak UWaUrke ... i MX W ""i trfKT.. mmimm?KyMMm ww v & w ' $v v. J"i! Jl UIU.H ?..' J.ni -'-Sa-.i...JUM.V,K' ' ,Mm