IIBN1) BULLETIN, IIMNI), OREGON TIIUIWDAY, MARCH 4, 1020 PAO V HU.MMO.N8 K-SOH II, II. Cook ft y.. 7 JJ.80I) Frank M. Whlto ... j:-870 Fritiilc M, Wlilto ... Jj-871 h. ! Cook & Co t t E872 Frank M, Wlilto K873 Frank M, Wlilto (12, 3, 4, G, I U6, 11,12 ' Mt. Vlow Add IT' flu ItudinoiKl.. 18.45 1,2,3,4 5,0,7,8,0, 10. 11, 12 '1,3, n, 4, D, 0, 7, H, It, IV, ii, iz 1,2, .1,4, fi, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11,12 2, 3, 4j r,, 0, 7, 8, It 10, 11, 12 10 10 17 Ml. Vlow, Add T to Hudmotid.. 5.82 Mt. Vlow Add to Redmond.. 11.4:1 Alt. Vlnv Add r to Hodmotld.. 18.45 I Mt. ISfto Vlow Add Itiidmond.. 23,00 H-874 K-876 K-870 E877 E-878 E-870 K-880 E880 K00l E-018 K-P33 JJ-935 K-UDO E-973 i:oso E-981 K-985 II, 8. Coolc ft Co......... II, 8. Cook ft Co..-.. II, 8. Cook ft Co,..... Frank M. While ........ II. 8. Cook ft Co Trunk M. Whlto A. II. IlWoll ." 7 1,2 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4 '1, 2.3,4 1,2,3,4 Ml. Vlow Add 2(1 to Uodinotid.. Ml. Vlow Add 21 to ltodiuoiid Ml. Vlow Add 22 to llmlmond.. Ml. Vlow Add 23 to Rodmond.. Ml. Vlow Add 24 'to Redmond.. Mt. Vlow Add 25 'to Hodmotld.. Wutorwny Add 3 ' to ltodiuoiid . Chun. J. HJndmnii A, T. HclitiltK DKSORlinMON OF PROPERTY ...... NWU NEU Boo. 34, Ti. II, 8. NEU ' HvT t' NB VJ" 'Ji$ UllW Hoc. 24, Tp. 14, 8. 11. 13 Elizabeth C. lloby., I), I), Itiilliunn ....... I II, Wilson UllW KWM Wu""" WW W'A Boc. 12, T. 10. 8. U. 10, EWM ;; -- -:: " . NEU Hoc. 28, Tl, IB, 8. II. 1Z, EWM . NWU Hoc. 32, Ti. 15, 8. II. 12, KWM Sf SSJnfiS"!.!: I-U 2,A4. Hon. 0, T,0, 8. It. ,n.l Hr.ck ft T.I. Co. f2' R.. i,nyM ,, Anna M, Lang 8WVi W VbKU . Sec. 10, Ti. 17, H. II. I. !'.. Mt. Vlow Add 10 flu Itodinond.. 28.08 3.00 0,50 0.32 0.32 7.22 D.82 1,18 5. 00 22.58 17.02 20.0 30.00 7.02 01.07 37.17 Elizabeth Lang "faJCiP$i?' LFS VJ,C J- owrt"rf ; aWSwC:.-": :.? .8.02 . NKli NBU, Hoc. a, in. i .. o. 14, KWM 8f . NEU HBU. 80c. 24, Ti. 18, 8. It. 1" KWM ' -0, . SKU 8oc. 35, Ti. 18, 8. It. 12, KWM "::"'. bJ' K087 J. I'. McClothnrd .... K.005 W. J. McO.lvrny ...... K-OOB Unlit It. Ovnrlurf .... 1M000 Emma M. Ilnrno Koff IM014 (loo. II. OcI'iio E-1015 James M. Lackey IM018 Annto Dobbs ............ .1M020 Miss Kershaw ...... K-1022 Paul Smith K-1028 Prudential Inv. Co. K-103I W. T. McCulloch 1M032 W: T. McCulloch E-103G (loddnrd ft Co E-1036 (loddnrd ft Co 8.30 0 55 Tp. 18, 8. IL 13, Kt" U..K KWM UB.-M EU HWU 8oc. 30, To. 10. 8. It. 14, KWM - - NU BBU BK'.i 8KU Sec. 30. Tp. Ill, 8. It. 16, KWM -,, Kj HBU 8oc. 24, Tp. 20. 8. II. , 10, KWM -A"":'.' V BWU Sec. 10, Tp. 20, 8. It. . 11, KWM NKW 8WW 8i'C 18, Tp. 20, 8. 11. 11, KWM - NE 8K4 Hoc 10. Tp. 20, 8. It. 10 KWM 0.23 0.25 17.10 ...7 ...... ..... ... rr.. a l u II. .. KV4 Hl'.Vt ! !' " ' "" 18. KWM - - .. NU4 NWU Sec. 30, Tp. 21. 8. It. . 20. KWM " .. NWU NWU 8oc. 30, Tp. 21, 8. It. 20. kwm i--"o-vr . NKVi 8KU 8ec. 30, Tp. 22, 8. It. 10. KWM .. NWU 8K, Hoc. 30, Tp. 22, 8. It. 10, KWM 3.10 0.23 0.00 0.00 7.72 And you, tho Mid dofondantn no much thon'of m may bo nenmry Iwyo nnmod. nnd cud! ind .all of ,to untlsfy ld Hon or Hon, nnd ueh frrT0 "."- ""--. :...- .,. imiirmotit or decroo ii may bo ontor- od horoln, by tho, BhorlfT of DoachiitcB you, and all poronii unknown own InB, or clBlmlnt; to own any rlr.ht, tltlo or Intorent In and to tho nforo untd roal property, or any part or parcel thereof nro hereby required to apponr within sixty (00) dayii from and after tho day of tho ncrrlco of thl Mummons upon you, exclusive of tho Oral day of nald torvlco, and defend thin suit, or pay tho amount or amountn duo, an abovn not forth, tonothor with Interest, penalty, costs nmi nceruod costs, and In enno of your fnlluro so to do, tho plaintiff will apply to tho nhovo nninml court rminitf. Drncon. accordlnR to law. All procossos and pleadings In this procccdluc may bo served upon tho undeslKiied. District Attorney for Deschutes County, OroRon, attorney for plaintiff In tho abovo entitled CttulO. 8. E. HOIIKHTS, Sheriff and Tax Collector for Dcs chuteit County, OroKon, with res Idoiico and post ofllco address, at llond, OroKon. A. j. .muuiii-;. for n decree forocloslnit tho Hon of District Attornoy 'r licwliulM ';.. ....! ,.. r .i..ii.,.iiiniiv County. OroKon. and Attornoy for nin.ti.n nmi above described, and 1'lalntlff. with roHldonco and post dlroctlnB Ihnt tho isamo bo sold, orl olUeo uddreH at. Houd. oreson. BUMMONH IN TUB CIItCUIT COUItT OF THE STATE OF OHKOON. FOR DE- 8CHUTK8 COUNTY. )cchutos County, Oregon, a pub lic corporation, p Plaintiff, h vs. W. O. Ilooth, ot nl., JuIIuh Cohn, Wm. O. Ilooth, J. W. McKay, 6'Noll Ilrothorn, Nowlon ft Kollcx, W. D. Newlon, W. A, Carponter, V, O. Coo, Tr Ooo, 8. Clnuson, l.eo Dorby, C. A. Chandler, Lcroy A. Macomber, Ella OraMop, Ilond Park Co., Oregon Trunk Develop munt Co., Florence M. Duonwald, A, II. Howcn, O. 8, Cox, C. I,. Cox, Frank Hormlt, Erlckson ft Nols Frodorlckson, Olaf J. Kulkenstron, H. W. Hchuuter, A, O. Erlckaon, (lustof Iarson, Otto Johnson, T. Natsolnogo, O. P. Johnson, Ooo. Johnson, John h. Johnson, Erlck l O. Dahlln, Ilort Mooro, Dond Park Co., Holon M. Uppor, Mrs. Julia Btledl, HattlQ M. IluttH. 11. M. Ueod, JuIIuh Kortmnn, 11. W, Col lier, Elinor NlBWongor, Ooo. Mur nkaml, W. O, Waugh, W. L. O'Don noll, Uodmond Townntto Co., O. A. McDowoll, John Cook, T. M. Johnson, V. A. Olouson, J. E. ,Myors, A. O. MyorB, K, H. Lytlo, Wm. O. Phoonlx, Ktlrabeth Ood wln, F. M. Whlto, Einor 8aundora, W. T. Davenport, Konnoth Camp bell, Clnudo Knnpp, Howard Con tract Co,, W. J. lluckloy, Floronco E. Caso, Andy Andoruon, Mnry IC. Aldon, Edward Mahor, F. W. Mc Caffory, Victor Mulm, E. L. Lud donian, Arva ft Uo"ivos, Wllcoxun, A. O. Alllnghnm, W. O. Darbor, P. O, Jurdon, Clom Drown, J. J, lluckloy, I. A. lluckloy, Ella O. Fell, O. MIbcIi, O. M. Sloaum, Josalo Koch, Jonnlo Fuller, O. W. Oallry, H. H. Palmor, O, A. Ollno, II. 8. Cook & Co., Frank M. Bhlto, Inaao Martin, A. D. Howo, Floronco M, Duonwald, A. D. Howo, A. D,i Howes, Laldlaw Townalto Co., Oor trude M. Woodcock, O, W, dpdlko, Jamofl L, Cam, Frank Uelbuff, J. H, Davidson, D, N, Collngwood, Mnry Corking. Walter & EUjol SplrcH, Mm. J. V. Kenworthy, F. A. Uoottlngor, It. O. Ilcdwell, E. D. Nolman, Ollvo M. Eborwlno, Mary A. Flick, Sorona Sollmnu, Chas. F. Chafon, Otis nuck, II. K. Allen. F. W. McCaffory, ot nl., Elizabeth M. Story, Mrs. A. M. Ilarrott. Ilobort Motcalf, Harriot E. Dunham. It. B. Enion, R. H. Morse, Frcl LaFollctto. W. F. Arnold. Frod Wnrou, II. I. Keonoy, Chas. J. Illndinan, L. O. Smith, Elizabeth C. ltoby, W. A. Lamb, J. P McUrannhnn, A. II. Tackman, V. U. Weber. C. A. Cllno, F. C. Thornton, J. II, Ehrot, Eva John son, D. D. Itullman. F. D. Wilson, Guy B. Dobson, H. H. Chappol, Ed Mnxoy, J. A. Wright. Northern Pacific Railway Co., T. H. Nichol son, J. O. Oorklng. A. W. Rhodea. O. O. Oulttttc, O. A. Molnel. M. W. Howard, Deud Ilrlck ft Tilo Co., Anna M, I.antr. ElUnboth Lang, W. A. Ilooth, First National Hank, O. W. Wntklnii, J. F. McOIotlmrd, Jno. Smith, W. J. Uakor, Ruth It. Ovorturf, Emma M, Ilarnukotf, C. U. Oatonbeln, Ooo. II. DoPuo, James M. Iackoy, Annto Dobbs, Luthor Metko, Miss Krflhnw, Harry D. Hill, John U: Schnctr C. H. Smith. J. W. OlngorlcU. Vllora. N. Smith, W. T. McCulloch, Jonnoto Popo, Alox McKoown, J. T. Amos, (loddnrd & Co,, and all porsons unknown ownlug, t claiming to own any right, tltlo or lutorost In or to tho real pro perty hereinafter doscrlbod, Dofondants To W. O. Ilooth, ot ul Julius Cohn, Wm. O. nooth, J, W. McKay, O'Noll llrothors, Nowwlon & Krollor, W. D. Nowlon, W. A. Carponter, U. O. Coo, Tr., Ooo. S. Oloaaon, Leo Dorby, O. A, Chandlor, Loroy A. Ma comber, Ella Qrassop, llond Park Co., Orogon Trunk Dovolopment Co,, Floronco M. Duonwuld, A. I). Howos, O. 8. Cox, O. L. Cox, Frank Hormlt, Erlckaon & Nola Frodorlckson, Olaf J. Falkonatron, E, W. Sehuator, A. O. Erlckaon, Gustof Poaraon, Otto Johnson, T. NatBolnogo, O. P, John son, Ooo, Johnson, John L, Johnson, Erlck O. Dahlln, Oext Mooro, Doiul Park Co., Union M Uppor, Mr. Julia Stlodl, Ifattlo M. HuttH, II. M. Rood, JuIIuh Kortniun, U. W. Collier, Hlmor NlMwongor, (loo. Murukninl, W, O, Wuiigh, W. U. O'Doniloll, Itcdiiiond Towifiilto Co., C. A. McDowoll, John Cook, T. M. Johiiiion, F. A, Olonnon, J. B. MyorH, A. O. Myftra, E. H. Lytlo, Win. O. Phoonlx, Elizabeth Godwin, F, M, Wlillo, Elnor Hnundorn, W. T. Dnvoiiport, Konnoth Onmpboll, Cluuilo Kuitpp. Howard Contract Co., W. J. lluckloy, Floronco E. Case, Andy Anderson, Mnry K. Aldon, Ed ward Mahor, F, W, McCnffey, Vic tor Matin, E, I.. I.uddoiuitu, Arva ft Ilooven Wllcoxoii, A. O. Alllnghnm, W. C. Harbor, P. O. Jurdon, Clom llrown, J. J. lluckloy, I. A. lluck loy, Ella G. Foil, O. MIbcIi, (1. M, Hlo cum, JohhIo Koch. Jonnlo Fuller, C. W. Onltry, II. II. Palmer, C. A. Cllno, II. 8. Cook ft Co., Frank M, White, Isaac Martin, A. D. Howo, Floronco M, Duonwald, A. II. Howe, A, II. Ho wii.i, Laldlaw Towuslto Co., Oor trudo M, Woodcock, O, W. Updike. Jumoit L, Carn, Frank Itolburr, J. II. Davidson, D, N, Colliugwood, Mary Gerklug, Wnltor ft Ethol Spires, Mrs. J. V, Kuiworthy. F. A. Uoottlngor, It. O. Iiodwoll. E. D. Nolman, Ollvo M, Eborwlno, Mnry A. Flick, Sorona Bellman, Chas. F. Charon, OtlH Iluck, H. K. Allan, F. W. McCaffory, ot nl., Elizabeth M. Story, Mrs. A. M. Ilar rott, Ilobort Motcnlf, Harriot B. Dun ham, It. E. Eaton, It. II. Morse, Fred LiiFollotto, W. F. Arnold. Frod Wnron, II. I. Keonoy, CIiiih, J, Hind man, L. O. Smith, Elizabeth C. Roby, W. A. Lamb, J. P. McGrnunhan, A. II. Tackman, F. L Wober, C. A. Cllno, F. O. Thornton. J. II. Ehrot, Eva Johnson, D. D. Itullman, V. I). WIUou, Guy E, Dobson, H, H. Chap pol, Ed Maxoy. J. A. Wright, North ern Pacific Hallway Co.. T. II. Nichol son, J. O. Oerklug. A. W. Rhode, C. C. Ouletto, G. A. Molsol, M. W. How ard, Hand Ilrlck ft Tile Co., Anna M, Lang, Ellzaboth Lang, W. A. Ilooth, First National Hank, C. W. Cert, of No. Against A)l Watklnn, J E MrOlothnrd, Jno Smith, W. J llnkor, Ruth It. Ovor- turf, Emma M. Hirnokorr, C, u. Gatonboln, Ooo. H DoPuo, James M. Lackey, Annlo Dobbs, Luther Metko, Minn Korshnw, Hurry D. Hill, John H. Helmet, C. II. Smith, J. W. dlngo rlfch, Vllora N. Hrnlth, W. T. McCul loch, Jonnoto Popn, Alox McKoown, J. T. Amos, Gaddnrd ft Co., nnd all parsons claiming by, through, or undor you, or olthor of you, or any person or porsons having or claiming to have right, tltlo or Intcrost In or to, or Hon, or claim upon tho pro perty hereinafter described, GREET INGS; In tho nnnio of tho state of Oro gon, you, and each of you, arc here by notified that Deschutes County Orogon, a public corporation, Is tho owner and holder ot certificates of delinquency numbors H-OC to IJ-854. Inclusive, saving nnd excepting nil such certificates which have horeto- foro boon redeemed, Issued and dated December 10, 1010, by Crook County, Orogon, and anslgnod to Deschutes County, Oregon, by Crook County, Oregon, on tho 1st clay of May, 1010, by John Combs, Sheriff of said Crook County, Oregon, by Floyd A. Howell, Deputy, In tho total nuin of Threo Thousand One Hundred nnd Twonty-Ono and 83-100 (J3.121.83) Dollars, said sum being tho amounts then duo for delinquent taxes for tho year 1014 upon real property assess ed to you, and of which, property, according to tho assessment rolls In tho hands of tho sheriff and tax col lector for Deschutes County, Oregon. you uppcar to bo tho respoctlvo own- ors, which said property Is located In Doschutcs County. Oregon, and particularly described as follows, to- goiiiar witn too names of the owners of ouch of tho respoctlvo parcels or tracts thereof, according to said as sessment roll, and tho corresponding numbers or uniu delinquent cortlfl eaten, and tho amount duo to plaintiff on eacn on tuo lOtli day or Decern her, 1010: Dlock Addition Amount II- 07 W. 0. Ilooth ot nl. G,G II- 08 Julius Cohn ............ 5 II- 77 Win. (I. Booth 7,8 II- 78 Wm. G. Booth ct al... 7,8 A"1 II- 83 J. W. McKay ... II- 84 O'Nell Brothers II- 31 A Nowlon ft Kollor II- 04 W. D. Nowlon B- 0G W. D. Nowlon . II- 88- W. A. Carpenter B-103 W. D. Nowlon B-104 U. O. Coo, Tr. , 11-100 Ooo. 8. Classon . 11-107 Nuwlon ft Roller ...... 11-110 ) Loo Dorby and I C. A. Chandler .. 11-1 11 C. A. Chandlor Lolloy A. .Macomber.. 15 City of Bond$77.70 20 City ot Bond- 21.45 13 Town or Des- chutca 2.05 1 4 Town of Des chutes 11-112 IM14 B-117 B-11S 11-119 B-120 11121 IM22 11-123 11124 IM25 11120 B-120 12 4 C 3 10 7 1 15 ' 10 0,10 Lytlo Lytlo WIpHtnrln 10 Vicatorla 10 Wicstorla Wlcstorla Wlestorla Wlcstorla Wlcstorla Wlestorla 12 10 20 25 25 38 38 14 Ella Orassop ........ Bond Park Co. Orogon Trunk Devel opment Co ........ Florence M. Duonwald 14 40 GO 8 -r Orogon Trunk Devol opmont Co.................. 2 Orogon Trunk Dovol opment Co 1 A. II. Howes 10 r Orogon Trunk Dovol opment Co ... A. B. Howes 0 1.2 A, II. Howes., ... 4 Oregon Trunk Devel opment Co.... A. B. Howes.........-.. 0 7.8 10 G B-127 C. 8. Cox 11-128 C. L. Cox B-120 Frank Hermit 11132) Erlckson and Neln j Frodorlckson .............. 7 11-133 Olaf J. Falkonstron.... 0 B-134 E. W. Schustor 10 111 3G A. O. Erlckson 3 tr 11130 11139 IJ-140 11-141 11-142 11143 U144 111 4 G 11-140 B148 IMG 4 11155 IMGG 11-157 B-168 11159 B-100 B-162 B-103 D-104 B-105 11-1 CG 11-1 CG B-107 B-100 B-100 B-170 .95 .10 . 11 Lytlo ,.... 1.20 8 14 Lytlo .. 1.20 1.4G 1.20 1.20 1.20 .04 .04 .04 .04 1.20 11.20 7.70 1.12 .04 .94 l.CS .04 .04 .94 .04 1.G8 .94 .94 l.GS .94 .94 33,3J,'3G,3G SO Bend Park... 3.1G . 94 .04 .94 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 ..04 .04 .04 .04 .94 .94 Unknown - Tract No, 2 adjoining Bend 1.10 Unknown Tract No. 7 adjoining Bend 1.10 Parcel described In Doed Book 12, pago 230, Crook County, In BWU 8BW Soc. 20-17-12 8.20 Unknown Parcel 13 In Sub. NW',4 NWU Soc. 27, Tp. 17 S. R. 12 94 Hattlo M. Dutts Parcol 15 in Sub. NWJ4 NWU Sec. 27, Tp. 17 S. R. 12 04 Hattlo M. DultB Parcol 20 In Sub. NWM, NWU Soc. 27, Tp. 17 8. R. 12 94 II. M. Rood 10,1 1,1 2 3 M. W. Aero -,- Tracts 2.40 Julius Kortman ,.i. 11, a 2 4 M. W. Aero a Tracts 1.08 SUBDIVISION SEU SEC. 4 AND NEW SEC. 0-18-12 R. W. Colllor 7 Mi 1 Part woat of '.TV 7 c 1G Gustof Pearson ..... Otto Johnson ......... a T. Nataolnego ...., O. P. Johnson ......A.... G Ooo. "Johnson 0 John L. Johnson 7 Erlck O. Dahlln ........ 12 Bert Mooro S Bond Park .Co.,..'........, 8 Holon M. Upper ........ 8 Mrn. Julia Stlodl .- jo At Rlvorsldo .... Riverside . .. Center Add to Bend Ccntor Add to Bond Center Add to Bond f Grandvlow 4 l Add to Bond 4 Grandvlow Add to Bend J Grandvlow Add to Bend Grandvlow 0 I Add to Bend 0 Grandvlow Add to Bend Orandvlew Add to Bend 9 Grandvlow Add to Bend 0 Grandvlow Add to Bend f Grandvlow 10 Add to Bond 10 Grandvlow Add to Bond 5 Bend Park.... 11 Bend Park... SO Bend Park.. . (1st Add to 101) Bend Park .. 101 1st Add to Bend Park.. 1st Add to Bend Park.. 1st Add to Bond Park.. 1st Add to Bond Park.. 1st Add to Bond Park.. 1st Add to Bend Park.. 1st Add to Bond Park.. 1st Add to Bond Park.. 1st Add to " Bond Park.. 1st Add to Bond Park.. lat Add to Bond Park.. 1st Add to Bend Park.. 1st Add to Bond Park. 102 10G 105 100 100 111 111 111 110 117 120 123 X Bond Park Co 8 Elmer Niswongor ...... 1,2 Ooo. Murakami ,3 Elmer Niswongor - G,G W. O. Waugh 1,3 Elinor Niswongor 5,6 "W. L. O'Donnoll , 7,8 Elmer Niswongor 5,6,7,8 v RW Tart woat of RW Part west of nw Part west or RW Part west ot RW Part woat or Part woat ot RW Part woat of RW Part west of RW .04 2.03 3.00 2.03 3.00 7.55 5.17 5.17 7.56 1741 75 Redmond Townalto Co 1,2,3,4,5,0 176 l',V 178 170 180 181A 18111 182 1R3 181 185 101 102 100 197 108 109 200 201 ) 202 ( 203 203 204 ' 200 207 208 200 210 212 213 21S 210 217 218 210 221 222 f 223 225 220 230 ( 231 234 285 280 1 287 J 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 248 -240 251 2G2 -253 -254 i Redmond Redmond Townslto Co 3,4 Hndmond Townslto. Co 7,8 Redmond Townslto Co 11,12 Chas. L. Mead 5,0 I Redmond Townslto fCo 0,10,11,12 Clom llrown E'4 7,8 Redmond Townslto Co 11 V Redmond Townslto Co S Redmond Towrfslto Co 9,10,11,12 2 i 3 3 0 0 7 0 Redmond Redmond Ro'dfttofld' Redmond Itodinond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Townslto Co 7,8,9,10,11,12 12 Redmond Redmond Townslto Co 7,8,0,10,11,12 Redmond Towrislto Co 3 Redmond Townslto Co 5,0,7,8 Redmond Townslto Co il,12 Redmond Townslto Redmond Townalto C. A, McDowoll Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto John Cook Redmond Townslto T. M, Johnson F. A. Olcason J. E. Mycra .: A. O Myers Redmond Townslto E. E. Lytlo Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co 1,2,3,4,5,0, 1,2 3 1,2 W 1,2,3,4 ., E 0,10,11,12 W 9,10,11,12 W 21,22,23,24 K'A 21,22,23,24 18 10 6 0,10,11,12 14,15,10,17,18 10 3.4 Redmond Townslto Col, 2, 3, 4 Redmond Townslto Co 2,3,4 Redmond Townslto Co 3,4 Redmond Townslto Co 21,22 Wm. G. Phoenix and 1,2 Elizabeth Godwin...... Frank M. Whlto .... 3 Redmond Townslto Co 2,3 18 18 10 19 20 21 21 22 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 27 27 27 27 20 30 3t 32 37 38 38 30 l(edmond .... Redmond . . Redmond .... Rcdmbnil .... Redmond .... Redmond . .. Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond . . Redmond . .. Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond' .... Redmond . .. Redmond .. Redmond .... Redmond . . Redmond Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond ...- Redmond Townslto Co 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 40 Redmond Redmond Townslto Co 10,11 Redmond Townslto Co 0,10,11,12 Redmond Townslto Co 1,2 Redmond Townslto Co ' 7,8 Elnor Saunders 5,0 Redmond Townslto Co 18,10,20,21 40 41 42 42 43 Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond 44 Redmond .... 17.00 257 258 250 260 261 264 265 266 270 271 272 f Redmond Townslto Co W. T. Davenport ...... Kenneth Campbell .... Claudo Knapp .. Howard Contract Co.. Redmond Townslto Co 14,15,16,17, I 18,19,20 W. J. Buckley 3 ' Floronco E. Caso ...... 5,6 Redmond Townslto Co 3.4.G.0 Anuy Anderson . ... .. Mary K. Alden Redmond Townslto Co Edwnrd Maher . F. W. McCnHcry Victor Malm . E. L. Luddeman Arva and Reeves Wllcoicn . Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto 7.8 0,10 19 10,17 415.6 1 3.4,5,6 4 7.8 5 4 5 Co Co 73 -275 276 Redmond Townslto Co 27SI 279 3.4 7 1.2,3,4, f 1,2,3,4,5.6.7, 18,9,10,11,12 45 45 45 46 47 47 48 40 50 51 51 53 53 54 55 55 56 57 58 Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond 59 Redmond. 280 281 282 283 284 -285 2SC 287 288 280 290 I '2'J1 204 205 206 20S 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 307 308 309 310 311 312 314 Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto Redmond Townsito Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto Co 7,8,9,10.11,12 Co f 1,2.3.4,5,6,7, 8,9,10 Co 1 1,2,,7, 8.9,10,11,12 Co 1,2,3,, 8,9.10,11,12 Co r,2,3 60 61 62 63 64 Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Redmond Townslto Co i Redmond Townslto Co A. G. Alllngbam ........ W. C. Barber P. G. Jurden Redmond Townslto J. J. Buckley I. A. Buckley W. J. Buckley Redmond Townsito Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto Redmond Townsito -Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto Redmond Townslto Co 315 Redmond Townsito 316 Redmond Townslto 31 31 319 7 S j Redmond ueumonu Townslto Townslto Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co) Cof Co Co Co 2,3,4.5,6,7, 8,9,10 4 7 8 9 3,,0, 10.11,12 1.2 3.4 5,6 1.2 3.4 3.4 3,4 1.2,3,4 1,2.3.4 1.2,3.4 7,8.0,10,11,12 1,2,3.4,5,6,7, 8.9.10,11,12 AH 1.2,3.4,6,6,7,8 1.2,3,4,5.6,7,8 65 66 66 66 66 60 70 70 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 78 70 SO 320 Redmond Townslto Co 1,2,3,4,5 321 Redmond Townslto Co 3,4 324 Redmond Townslto Co (1,2,3,4,5,6.7, 8,9,10.11,12 325 Redmond Townsito Co 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, union. i 326 Redmond Townsito Co 1.2,3,4,5,6 327 Redmond Townslto Co 4,5,6 32S Redmond Townsito Co 1 320 Ella C. Foil.,... 2 330 Redmond Townslto Co 3,4 9 10 11 12 13 12 331 Redmond Townalto Co 6,7,S,9,10,11,12 13 !f 332 G. Mlach 1 18 t 333 Redmond Townslto Co 2,3 18 334 Redmond Townslto Co 6,7,8 IS 335 O. M. Slocum . ...... 1 19 336 Redmond Townslto Co 3 19 337) 338 3 Redmond Townslto Co 5,6,7,8 19 339 Redmond Townslto Co 2,3,4 - 20 t 340 Redmond Townalto 00,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ' 1 341 Redmond Townalto Co 1,2,3,4 2 342 Redmond Townslto Co 1,2,3 3 343 Redmond Townslto Co 1 4 344 Redmond TownBlto Co 2,3,4,5,6,7 6 345 RodniQiid Townslto Co 1,2.3.4 6 (Continued oa Page 10.) Redmond ... Redmond --. Redmond . Redmond .. Rodmond .... Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond . .. Redmond .... Redmond .... Redmond . .. Redmond ..- Redmond .... Redmond . Redmond .... Redmond .... 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