PAHK 8 BKXD IIULIiKTIN, HKND. ORKOON, THURSDAY, MARCH I, tOSO ' HrViE.P'V jnn The . ' Devil's Own. jScwtfc MMAhi ills Imna went up Tnvoluntnrlly. It Is possible ho had never missed It be fore, for rt took of Indecision came Into tho man's face tho first symptom of weakness I hncl ever detected there. "It must Imvc been lost mlslnld " "It was; and I chnnec to ba able to tell yon where In this very room. Here is your pin, you Incarnate devil. I found It caught In those blankets yonder. This Is not your first visit to this cabin ; yon were here with Indian murderers." "It's a d d !lo " But Kennedy had him, locked In a vise-like grip. It was well ho had, for the fellow had hurst Into n frantic rage, yet was hound so utterly helpless rs to appear almost pitiful. The knowledge of whnt he had planned, of httt despicable treachery left us mer ciless. In spite of his struggles we bore htm to the floor, and pinned htm there, cursing una snapping IIKo a 'wild beast. "Tear up one of those blankets," I called back over my shoulder to Hall. "Yes, Into strips, of course; now bring them here. Tim, you tie the fellow yes. do a good Job; I'll hold hltn. Lie ntlll, Klrby, or I shall have to give you the butt of this gun In the face." He made one last effort to break free, and, as tny hand attempted to close on his throat, tho clutching fing ers caught tho band of his shirt, and dipped It wide open. There, directly before me, a scar across his hairy, ex posed chest, was a broad, black mark, a tribal totem. I stared down at It, recognizing Its significance. "By Heaven, Tim, look at this I" I cried. "He is an Indian himself a black Sac!" I do not know what delayed the attack of (he savages, unless they wero waiting for some signal which never came. I passed from loophole to loop hole, thus assuring myself not only that they stilt remained, hut that the cabin was completely surrounded, al though the manner In which the war riors had been distributed left the great mass of them opposite the front. The others evidently composed a mcro gunrd to prevent escape. No move ment I could observe Indicated an Im mediate assault; they rather appeared to be awaiting something. Those I saw were all dismounted, and had advanced toward the cabin as closely as possible without coming within the range of guns. They had also sheltered themselves as far as possible behind clumps of brush, or ridges of rock, so that I found It diffi cult to estimate their number. Only occasionally would a venturesome warrior appear for a moment In tho open, as he glided tifealthlly from the protection of one covert to another. No doubt some were brought within range of our rifles, as these efforts were usually made to more advanced positions, but I forbade firing, in the vuguc hoper that, not hearing from Klrby, the chiefs might become dis couraged and draw off without risking an open attack. This was more a desperate hope, rather than any real faith I possessed, lleyond doubt the Indian chief knew, or thought he knew, our exact strength before be consented to use his war riors In this assault. If the band hail trailed us to tills Kpot, it lmd been done through the Influence of Klrby, an.d he had, beyond tiiestlon, Informed them as to who we were, and the conditions under which we had fled from Yellow Hank. The only addition to our party since them was the rescued boy. They would have little fear of serious lots In. an attack upon two men, and two women, unarmed, except possibly with n pistol nr two, even though barricaded be hind the log walls of a cabin. And, with one of their number within, any uttempt t defense would he but u farce. This same gang had olready sacked tho cabin, taking with them, as they believed, every weapon It con tained. Iu their haste they had over looked the cellar below. They had no thought of Its existence, nor that we tiwiilted them rifles in hand and with nn ample supply of powder and lead. Whatever mlghi ho the final result, a surprise of no pleasant nature was awaiting their advance. Convinced, as I had become, that Illuck nk was actually wltii the party, although I was unable to obtain any glimpse of him, I felt there was small chance of his departure, without making at least one effort to rapture tiio cabin. That was his nature, his reputationthat of n bulldog to hung nn, a tiger to Mr;'u More, even, this bund of raiders must be far south of the main hodyof tho Hawk's follow ers, and henco in danger themselves. They would never remain here long, facing the possibility of discovery, of lunlng their retreat cut off. If they ntt: "Wed tho attempt would not be loi lelayed. t there was nothing left to do bu alt. Wo wero already as com pi ' prepared as possible with our u ces, ' twain assault would undoubtedly be Ivercd (rota tho front, directed np t the door, the only point where tb nuld hope to break in. Here TJ id Myself held our positions, as rr as we could be for any emer gency, Tind watchfuPof ihu slightest movement without. Tim had even brought up tho half-keg of conrse pow der from tho cellnr, and rolled It Into one corner out of tho wny. His only explanation was, a grim reply to my question, that "it mought he mighty handy ter hav round ofore the frneus wus done." There was no fear In Klolse, no shrinking, no evidence of cowardice. Not once did I feel the need of giving her word of encour agement even as I glanced toward her It was tc perceive the gleam of n plstot gripped In her hand. She was of the old Trench lighting stock, which never falls. Against the log wall n few yards nway, Klrby strained nt his blanket bonds, and had at Inst succeeded In lifting himself up fur enough so ns to stare about the room. There was none of the ordinary calm of the gambler nbout the fellow now all the pitiless hate, nhd love of revenge which belonged to ills wild Indian blood blazed In his eyes. Ho glared nt me In sudden, Impotent rage. Ton think you've got me, do you I" he cried, scowling nenxs; then an ugly grin distorted his thin lips. "Not yet you haven't, you soldier dog. I've got some cards left to play In this game, you young fool. Whnt did you butt In for anyway? This was none of your affair. D you. Knox, do you know who she is? I mean that white-faced chit over there do you know who she is? She's my wife; do you hear? my wife I I've got the papers, d you! She's mine! mine; and I am going to have her long after you're dead yes. and the whole d Ileau cnlre property with her. By G I you tnlk nbout fighting why there are fifty Indians out here. Walt till they find out whnt has happened to me. Oh. I'll watch you dlo nt tho stake, you sneaking white cur, nnd spit in your face I" "Klrby." I snld sternly, but quietly, stepping directly across toward him "You are n prisoner, nnd helpless, but I am going to tell you now to hold your tongue. Otherwise you will never see me nt the stake, because I shall blow your brains out where you lie." "You dnrc not do" "And why not? It will rid the girl of you, nnd that means something to me and her. Just try me, nnd see." nc must have read the grim mean ing in my face, for he fell back against the log., muttering Incoherently. Ids dark eyes wells of hate, his face n picture of malignancy, but utterly helpless the lurking coward In him. unable to face my threat I left him and stooped abovo her. "We shall be busy presently; the de lay cannot be much longer. I am afraid that fellow may succeed some how in doing us harm, no Is crazed enough to attempt anything. May I trufct you to guard him?" TTer eyes, absolutely fearless nnd di rect, looked straight up into mine. "Yes, he will mnke no movement I shall not see. Tell mo; do you believe there is hope?" "God knows. We shall do our best If the worst comes what?" "Do not fear for me; do not let any memory of me turn you aside from your work," she said quietly. "I know what you mean and pledge you I shall never fall Into his bunds. It It can not be wrong. I nm sure, and and I must tell you that. I I could not, Steven, for for I love you." My eager hands were upon hers, my eyes greedily reading the message re vealed so frankly In tho depths of her own. She only was In my thoughts; wo were there alone alone. "They're n cotnln', Cup," yelled Ken nedy and his rifle cracked. "IJy O i they're hero I" With one swift spring I was back at my deserted post nnd firing. Never before bad I been In an Indian battle, but they lmd 'told mo at Armstrong that the Sacs were fighting men, I knew it now. Tills was to be no play at war but a grim, relentless struggle. They came en masse, rustling reckless ly forward across the open space, pressing upon each other In headlong deslro to bo first, yelling like fiends, guns brandished In air, or spitting fire, animated by but one purpose the battering of C way Into that cabin. I know not who led them all I saw was n mass or iiuir-naueu bodies bounding toward me, long lialr stream ing, copper aces aglow, weapons glit tering In, the light. Yes, I saw more the meaning of that fierce rush; the instrument of destruction they brought with them. It was there in the center of the maelstrom of leaping figures, protected by the grouped bodies, halt hidden by gesticulating red arms a huge log, borno Irresistibly forward on the shoulder of twenty warriors, gripped by other bunds, and hurled toward us as though swept on by a human sea. Again and again I fired bljudly Into tho yelping mob; I heard tho crack of Tim's rlflo echoing mine, nnd the chug of lead from without striking the solid logs. Bullets ploughed crashing through the door panels and Elslc'.t shrill screams of fright rang out above tho unearthly din. A slug tore through my loophole, drawing blood from my shoulder in llsirirssTige, uiitniulfeflTlvn TnTeTTinVno opposite wnll. In front of tu snvngos foil, staggering, screams or anger nnd agony mingling ns tho astonished ns SHllants tho light before them. An Instant wo held them, startled, and demoralized. The warriors hear ing the log stumbled over n dead body nnd went down, tho great timber crushing out ittother life as It fell, Again wo fired, thin time straight Into their faces but there was no stopping them. A red blanket Hashed back be yond the big tree; n guttural voice shouted. Its hoarse note vising above the hellish uproar, nnd those demons were on their feet again, tilled with new frensy. It was n mlmitcun more. With n blow thnt shook tho cabin, propelled by twenty strong arms, the great tree, butt struck, splintering the oak wood ns though it were so much pine, nnd driving n Jagged hole clear through one panel. Kennedy was there, hinting nwny dl- rectly Into tho assailants' eyes, nnd I Joined him. Again they struck, and again, the Jagged end of their battering rum pro truded through the shattered wood. We killed, but they wern too many. Once more the great butt came crash ing forward, this tlmo cavity: In the entire door, bursting It hack upon its hinges. In through the opening tho ml mob hurled lelf, reckless of death or wounds, mad with the thirst for victory; a Jam of naked beasts, crazed by tho smell of blood u wnvje of slaughter, crested with brandished guns nnd gleam of tomahnwks. There Is nothlit- to remember nothing but blows, curses, yells, the crunch of steel on Hesh, the horror of cruel eyes glowering Into yours, the clutching of lingers nt your throat, the spit of fire singeing you, the strain of combat hand to hand the knowledge thnt It Is all over, except to die. t had no sense of fear; no thought1 but to kill and he kilted. I felt within me strength desiK'rate, Insane strength. Ttie rifle butt splintered In tny hand. but the bent nnd shapeless barrel roe and fell like u llnll. I saw it cruMi against skulls; I Jabbed It straight Into red faces I I brought It down with all my force on clutching arms. For on instant Tim was beside me. He had lost his gun and was fighting with a knife. It was only n glimpse I had of him through red mist the next In stant he wus gone. A huge fellow A Huge Fellow Faced M bago, I Knew. Wlnne- faced me, a Winnebago, I knew, from his shaven head. I struck him once, laying open his cheek to the bono; then ho broke through and gripped mo. The rest U what a dream; a de lirium fever? I know not; it comes to me in flushes of mud memory. I was struck again and ngnln, stubbed, and flung to tho floor. Moccuslucd feet trod on me, and some fiend gripped my lialr, bending my head buck acrox u dead body, until I felt the neck cruck. Above me were nuked legs and anus, a pandemonium of dancing figures, a horrible chorus of maddened yells. I caught u glimpse of Asu Hull flung high lntogthe ulr, shot dead In mid night, the whirling body dropping Into the ruck below. I snw the savage, whose fingers were twined in my lialr, lift u gleaming tomahawk and circle It about Ids head ; I stared into tho hate of his eyes, and ns it swept down there was n glurc of red mid yellow Jlume between in, tho thunder of nn explosion; the roof above seemed to burst asunder und full in and dark ness, death. (To Be Continued.) gm&mMmrns&MmMttmamsi&m What's Doing in the Country. yswsZ I'OWKMi BUTTE. (Continued from rago 2 ) all but Clarence woro down with flu. Clarence announced that he had had all his share of tlu last year, no tuoro for him. The family has all recover ed. The pupils of Miss Bussotts school gavo u unique ontortnlnmout und "shadow" social at tho Shepherd schoolhouse Suturduy night, tho pro ceeds to go to tho Armenian Holiof fund. Dan Hourigan was thoro and by "bidding up" on some of tho fel- Brand Directory A Right side; right ear crop pod; wattle right hind leg II, L. TONE, Sisters, Ore. adv.lOOc ' iituiuiinniuiiuiintiuuuiiuuuiuunnuuiiniiiitnnniitiinnnuitiuiiiiuiiitiiumiitiiimiiuuiituuimniihiiiiu Don't "Pan" Your Merchant To The Other Fellow 4 Talk over your troubles with your " own merchant--he's human. Have you ever thought of it that your local merchant is your employe; that you pay him to perform certain services for you, which if well done you retain him and if he does not you dis pense with him and employ another? Now then if you were employing laborers who ditl not serve you satisfactorily, you'd call tnem in and talk over matters, showing them, from your point of view, wherein they were wrong. And by this procedure, perhaps, you, an employer, might learn that you, yourself, wero wrong, in that you had a misunderstanding, were misinformed, or, erhaps, prejudices held by others against you had influenced tho laborer. In nine out of every ten cases a conference straightens out mat ters. Seemingly big difficulties often are, in reality, only triv ial matters settled in an instant. Why not try this on your local merchant? He's your employe. You are the employer. Call on your merchant when things seem to go wrong. Talk over your problems. He's human and reasonable. Don't go about panning your merchnt. It's not. the way to get down to bedrock. He has some stiff problems every day. Grant that he may go astray. Your going to him with your troubles will help him to keep his ear closer to the ground; to feel the pulse. Your merchant is sincerely trying to give you better merchan dise lower prices, or at lest the benefit of the best price he can obtain he's trying to give you service. If he isn't doing these things to your satisfaction CALL ON HIM AND POINT OUT WHERE HE IS NOT. There's a little 50-50 idea here. Surely you're willing to go with your merchant on the basis of an even break. Bend Merchants' Association i ... KKBUSsnaraiasissss:: 5i:i:::niuiuntu:n;:n:i:r;;:n:i::i3:as;uu:si:HirjiUCT:i:iu: lows "best girls" shadow, ho ran thai amount up to $32.50 which wus more dls- than rwlco tho quota for this trict. Mr. und Mrs. Davonport of Prlno vlllo cullers at the C. M. Charl ton home last week. James QrltOo is hauling wood to Prlnovillo. Good wages nro made nt wood hauling while present prices prevail, $10 per cord. K. L. Iveruon and wife weru Red mond visitors last week. Tho free danco at Community Halt was qulto a success, several car loads wero out from Bund and I'rlnovllle and a fow from Redmond. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Luldqulst havo had as guests, their son Druco Llnd quint und his bride, w:io wns Miss Ankcs of Terrebonne. They woro recently murriod at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charley Johnson of alfalfa. Mr. und Mrs. Mudqulst will reside on tho Ableson placo hero ut Powell Uutte, having loosed thu sumo for threo ycurs, A lino wicker rocking chair u tok en of ostcjm und appreciation was presented to Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde Moore, newly weds, ut tho charivari xlven In their honor recently. A largo crowd wus present und spout u pleas ant evening. Mrs. B, I). WilliamB who has bean quito 111 In a Portland hospital of pnoumonla Is roporteu ns convales cent und will soon bo able to come homo. Her baby, Charlos Edwurd Is doing ftno, gaining right along. Mr. und Mrs, R. P. Hchourer havo moved out to thejr now homo, recent ly purchased from Allan Wilcoxen, Frank Pouters family aro at tholr Powull Ilutte home buying recently loused tholr Prlnovillo homo to Dr. Horace. Dolknap. TUioy will remain on the ranch. Sheriff John Combs nnd deputy I'utmun were among tho Prlnovillo bunch who attended tho danco at Community Hull, Powojl Rutin Horosln club hold n business tnoe.tlng nt Community Hall last Wednesday, Warning to Mothers Mnthors should see thnt tho whole family tnko a thorn, purifying system cleansing Fls-lk this spring. .VOW IH TIIK TI.MK. Tho family will bo healthier, happier, and got along butter If tho blood Is given a thoro purifying, tho stomach nnd bowols cleaned nut, nnd tho germs of wlntor accumulated In tho system, driven nwuy. JIOI.MHTHR'H ROCKY MOUNTAIN TKA Is one of tho very best and surest spring medicines to tuke. Got it nnd seo tho difference in the whole family. Their color will bo better, thoy'll foci flno and bo well und happy. OWU PHAR- Franklin! I '' "" ""'' J." LL 1!!S jyj FRANKLIN FACTS AND FIGURES FOR 1919 The hvituro mileage por set front tires wns tft.ftOri. Tho uvcniK" mileage per set rear tires wns l!l,fiHI. Tho iiverngo mileugn per sot four tires wns 11,(110, Ten per cent of Franklin owners drove more tbiiii IH.000 miles before replacing the original set. Tho lilgheot record for nillcttgo wus U0.H10. An niTugo of one puncture for every 1,111 miles. Only one blowout to three sotN of tires wits reported. Only one-fourth of the owners curried n nparo tire In Jtllll. Franklin Motor Car Co. The Dallas, Oregon. BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER BUILDINOS- VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 ?cT,h BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. 'S ') X- ' r r C w