The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 04, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    iiBNi) iwhhrmy, iiknd, oitrcaoNTnritHnAV, mahcii t, tow
rAOM 7
. . .
iiiiMMiiuniiilMiitiiii!iiini!r!iiititiMiiit!iiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiitiiiiiiit iiii!iiiiiiiiinii!iiiiiiiiiiii:iii)iiiji:iiiiii!itiiiiiU!iiiiiti';
f, i ,
-i Mies NiioiiiI Hnydor In confined Io
, hur. homi by lllmiHti.
Dr. 13. H, Clriiy In lit at tho hontu
of Mm. A. T. Krnmo.
' . Mm. 1'roil Kgll, of flllver Luko, nr
Vlvtyil I" I (0 it tl hint night,
.' Dntinln 1). Hunt, HIhIui'h cattleman,
wiiii a vlHllor In tho city today.
Clint Whlttoil Iiiih riittirned to
llunil after u prod noted iibiuiiice In
MIhk Atidioy McCuuo linn accepted
n position nh bookkeeper (or tho
Ploneor Ofinii'.o Co.
Mr. mill Mm. V. I). Ullo and ohll
(hull loft tlilri morning for Hood
lllvor, who io thoy will locate,
Jiibho Day returned hint nli;lit from
n trip to Wnliior, Iilalio. who in liu was
oo 1 1 ml by the death of lilt brother.
' Mm. II. H. Itlloy, nf AMtorla. Is
vhiltliiK her parent, Mr. nml Mm.
0. 0. Morgan, living between llend
mid Tuinnlo,
Mm. William TIioiiihh h hero
from May Creels to upend n wotfk
ut tlio homo of liur dutiKlitur. Mr,
M. P. Cashmuu.
Minn I'll)' DoAriiioiiil returned till
morning from Portland whuro hIio
trantKietMil biihlnuHH in the- inturoat of
(lio Wnrnor iiloro.
Invitations aro out for a Kt. Pat
rick's Day mnsuiio bull to lie glvun
on th evening of WodnoHday, March
.17, ut tlio Pilot Ilultti Inn,
MIum I.oIh Hlmmoim, of Twin
Kails, Idalio. Ik vfnlt1iiR- ta Ilond at
tlio homo of ligr uncle and mint.
Mr. mid Mm. J. J. Wohltinburg.
0. P. Maniulri linn purcliHuod th
MoltlliiRK of Ham Kliler In tlio Itond
1-lsh mid Poultry market and will
ojiorn'to tlio hunlnt'tM In u profut
Jocntlon In tlio .Shaw building.
Mr. and Mm. Claudo Kolloy, for
merly of tint city, now of Ih'dmoud.
wore In tho city yonlorday. While
Iti'dnioud Ik cloned up durliiK the
lufliiuiua epidemic, thoy will visit
with Mm. Kclluy'M father, 8th
Mr. mid Mm. A. K. Could, for
several mouths pant rimlduutit of
Do ml, lenvo toulKht for Portland,
whore Mr. Gould linn aooupti'il n po
ult Ion with tho Portland Hallway
Light ft Power Co, Mr. and Mm.
(Jottld camo to Ilonil from Manor
ovrol mouth tino.
fife' Kurt Hock rotinlry woro visitor
fn Ik'lnl yuMtonlny, ' ' ; '
Hlinrlrf H, 13. HohortH In confined to
his homo by IIIiiohii, canned by a
kiimlijiox vacclilatloii,
Frank Crituiptoii, of Korl Hock, ar
rived In Hoik! laid night, mid in
upending tlio day In Ilond.
Mr. and Mm, I, M, Dutilolnoii, res
IdoiitM of" I!finl for I ho pant year, nro
leaving for Thorlngtoti, Wyoming, to
miiko tlloJr homo.
Mm H. 0. Caldwoll nniioiiiicki to
day tho engagement of hor daughter,
Huth P , to Craig Coytior of thin city.
Tho wedding ditto ban pot boon uot.
Dean Coovurt. of Portland, wlio re
cently purchuHod tho Ounrln ranch In
tlio Alfnlfii (I hit riot for $.'12,000 ar
rlvod lit lond thla mornlm; and wjll
i;o to IiIm now hnldlni:n today. M U
Mr (.'oovorlV Intoulloii to ko oxtcu
Mvoly Into alfalfa mid HvoMtock iIk-Int:.
Mr. mid Mm. C. M. Juffarlca are In
from II urn n for n few duyn.
Ooorno Chlldri, of tho Ilond Hnrd
wnro Co, (n confluod to bin home llilh
wook by lltuciui.
Mr. a tut Mm. K. C. Kcttofmyer of
Ployd Doiiiiml m coon noil to IiIh
homo today by Illnitm.
C. A. Hwnok, of IliiriiK, w n btiil
iiuim visitor In Hon d today.
Mm. Dora Pltchor, of Hllvor Lake,
Ik n visitor In tho city today.
CharluK Kaylur roiurnml thin morn
Ini; from a IiiihIihwh trip to Portland.
t J. II. Iluybtirn linn rocovorod from
IiIk rocont IIIiiomh, and Ik huo); at hi
Ooorj;o JoiiuliiKN, of Opal City, nr
rlvod In tho, city limi nlht nnd In
romalnliiK over today.
Mm. Krod FIhIi Iiiih roturncd to
Ilond nftor Hpondlni: Kovorul wool: in
California with rolatlvox.
Tho body of I-'rnnk lllvom, mill
omptoyo who dlod .lioro hint weo'c,
wim Khlppod limLnlnht to fit. Paul for
Mm. JoHphliiu II. Kotttcr ban ac
cuptod a ponltlou iin RtonoKrnphor in
tho oIIIcoh of tint I)Hchuto National
Mm. C. I). CoHtollo nrrlvi-d in tho
city Katurday night from Now York
City for tin oxteudod villi with hor
KlKtT, Mm. K. A. Howard.
Prank May roturnod Bunday morn
Int; from a two nioutliii ubnenco dur
li)K which tlirnj ho vUltnd In Chlcano,
Now OrlomiK, and fiouthurn Callfor
A. F. I.-nmou rfturnojil to llcnd
Hunday inoriiliiK from Portland. Ho
roportu that Mm. I.umon, who hna
boon In tho honpltnl in that city, In
much Improved und will roturn with
In a fvw day.
I), '.. Hoblnotl In In Ilond today
from bin homo at Kllvor Lnko. '
0. II. Caldwoll "wan In tlio city
today from IiIh ranch noar Ilond.
Mr. and Mm. Humor 'J'lioinun, of
Mllllcan, a io HpondliiK tho day In
II. A. Mlllor loft lust nlitht on a
btiHlnoDM trip to MlnuoapollH and
other miitorn jiolutii. Ho will ba
Kono for tho noxt throo wookK,
K, A. ICvcrott, principal of tho
HlHtom uchool, wan in Ilond thin
moruliiK, conforrliiK with County
Huporltitondont J. Alton Thompson.
John M. Perry, who In in charco
of drilling tho' Kovormnunt woll on
tho national foroHt at Fort Hock,
won In tho city yoKtorday, Ho ro-
portH that a dopth of 235 fcot ha
bi'uu ruached.
Friday v
IM KkII, Harnoy county rancher,
urrivod in tho city this moriilni:.
Mr. and Mm. J. W. O'Koofo, of fill
vor I.ako, aro vlnltln& In tho city to
day. Horn to Mm. OoorKo Jamon thlN
tuornliiK at hor homo on Hunt Hocond
Htrout, a baby clrl.
CtiNtav Incuninn, Travelling Kocro
lary of the Koiih of Norway, arrived
In Hond liiHt nlKht from MlnncapollR.
Y. 0. Hlrdtall Iiiih Juki sent to Ir
vln; 8. Cobb, fa in o ii h hiunorlBt who
visited Houd taut yonr, a not of pict
ure of tho Pilot Uutto Inn, hearing
th.o liiNoriptioii, "Vour Olhor Homo."
0. N. Mallory, oim of tho ownom
of tho taxidormlHl nhop on Wall
Htrcot which wa rccontly sutfod by
lire, In opoultiK miothur oHtabllailimcnt
of tho kind In tho roar roomii of tito
Shaw building on OroKon and Hond
HtroctH, In addition, ho, will onrry
u lino of frowh fruit and vcKotahhiH
which will bo hmidlod In tho front
roonin of tho bulldinK, fiIbo occupied
by tho Hond FIhIi ft Poultry Markot.
'llov. J. Kdtfur Purdy ofllclatcd 8un
duy moriilm; at RravpHldo nervfecs
hold nt Pilot Hutto ccmotory for
Mm. Harry HanklnH, who died Innt
wook of pulmonary tuborculonl'. Rho
bad boon a roxldcnt of ilond for the.
pant nl no years.
I,o u In Nlmchl In In from Tuinalo
F. A. nnd W. K, Fulghmn, Culver
Hpeut today In Hond.
Johmi Day Ktartcd this morning on
a bti8lnesR trip to HoIbc.
0cnr U. Illack wa In tho city to
day from his homo In Hampton.
Percy Drlnkwatcr, of Sutnmor
I.ako, In a buslnosg rlsltor in Hond. Mlns Winona KllnefcJt. Kd William
Pat Gurvoy, of Prlnoville, arrived son, Lonora Kirk, Mick Mahonoy,
in. tho city hut night, and is roniuln- Harlo Turner, Elwood Hllsaback,
Ing over toduy. Celesta Kllnofelt, Hurton DavlB, Ina
E. M. ThompNon left this morning JonaK Hurtle Mlllor, Harbarn Zlor-
UttoaiiHo of the IIIikmm of two of tho
directum of tho Cntrnl Oregon Irri
gation dlntrlct, tho mooting hcIilhIuI
e,d for Wednesday night, at which
tlnio final nrrmiKomentH woro to
hve been made for tho launching of
tho Hult to eliminate tho Irrigation
company from control of Irrigation
nffairH within tho Kogrogatlou, wan
Indollultely pontponeI, it woh an
nounced thlN morning.
A big Hurprlno party was given In
honor of Marvin Jonas on his 17th
birthday, March 2, at his homo in
Hond. Tho evening wan given up to
gumos and dancing and rofroBhinonta
woro Bcrved. Tliono prcKent woro
on ti trip to fiuu Diego. Ho expects
to remain In the no nth for tho next
throo uiontiiH.
J. L. Mulholland mid wife, of Spo
kane, aro vlHltlng with their daugh
ter Mm. W, L Random, on Awbrcy
Hood, and may locate in Hond.
ling, Marvin Jonas. .Minn Ethel Miller,
Miss Wlnnlo Cat, Alvln KHn'efolt,
CllfTord Jonas, Hc.irld Joiiob, Mrs. H.
E. Goodman und family. Mm. Ed
Miller, Mm. It. Zcrling, Mm, D.
Jonas, Mr. F. Wood, Mr. G. Kirk, Mr.
Jn Jorum and Mm. I). Jonas.
I S3 'iJmxfrfF Ar vJW '
M ?-af v m
isn i 'l. 3
mm m . .
l i ,r ,'
ZjjLsjH Jl jpilii i ' .
'!r.''.VSFm"'li-z?jl CafjrUU
3gJg TUIUitl
INTO MATTER whether you are
on travel -bent or stayastay
at home, you want clothes, that
"get there" and our spring line will
answer every need.
The House of .
Kuppenheimer Clothes -
Quality Piontcn Since 1911
Four chairs nt your anrvtco nt tht
Metropolitan. No waiting. AdT.
1 The New I
I Spring Silks
itumtttttUHHiiuiit imiT4miiuttimimmmimiimtnt:t:!!.'
When you are down
town come in to see us.
i i
WE nre getting in something new every day
Styles aro so different this season that
it is just impossible to describe them in this small
.space. Kut you'll make no mistake in coming in
to see thejn. In the wonderful variety of dillerent
garments you'll easily find something exclusively
.your own in style and perfectly suited to your
own personality and at a very moderate price.-
Suits, $25.00 to $68.50
Coats, $19.50 to $65.00
Dresses, $14.75 to $49.50
Where You Get tho Best Wearing Stockings
Are here. In them you will find
Beautiful Patterns Wonderful
Colorings Exquisite Materials.
We Invite
you to see
Mifki 3N' !'' I
Friends filled the Methodist church
to itti utmost capacity Monday
afternoon wliou funcra: services were
conducted by Rev. J. Edgar Purdy
for Mm. Iva Ward, wife, of Elmer
Ward, who died Saturday of pneu
monia. Despite the winter season,
floral offerings were many nnd beau
tiful, almost completely covering the
Music was furnished by a male
quartet composed of O. A. Thomon,
Dr. Turnex nnd Sylvester and Princo
Staats, with Mrs. R. S. McCIure as
accompanist. Ashley Forest, II, II.
Do Armond, Don Rodgers, A. II.
Oliver, William Vandavert, nnd II. E.
Allen were tho pall bearers, and L.
L. Fo, was usher during tho cere
monies in the churh.
W s
Satins, Tafletas, Foulards, Pussywillow,
Brocaded Satins, Printed and Plain Georgettes,
Printed and Plain Crepe tie Chines, Printed
Radium, Poplins, Pongees, an'd such wonderful
Silks as Countess, Raronet, Fan-ta-si, etc,
You will find the wanted kinds
in the wanted colors.
When It's Silks, Come to Headquarters
rurchaso of the interests of the
Deschutes County Abstract Company
from D. II. Peoples, 'by Clyde M.
McKay, of tho Central Oregon Ab
stract Co. was announced Friday. Tho
consideration is not being nuido pub
lic Tho flies nnd other documents
nnd equipment of tho Deschutes
County company will ba moved from
Mr. Peoples' ofllce to tho second
floor In tho courthouse, building,
whore tho Central Oregon company
otllcoa nro located.
Neither company will lose Its Ident
ity, nnd tho business Just sold to Mr.
McICny will bo in charge of It, S.
Mechanical StolJlno Patent,
The first patent for.ineclmnlcnl stok
Ihk was taken out In 17S3, tho Inven
tion of .lames Wutt.
State of Ohio, City ot Toledo, Lucas
County . . . .
Frame J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is
eenlor partner ot tho llrm of P. J- Chelioy
& Co., dolus business In the City ot To
ledo. County ana Stato aforesaid, nnrt that
Bald nrm will ray tho Bum ot QNU tl
.RS for any casa ot Catarrh
thnt rnmiot ba Allied bv tlia usa of
Swrn to before mo and subscribed lit
ray cresence. this th day ot December,
Seiil) A. W. nison, Notary PubHe.
cn Internally and arts through the.lllood
on tho Mucous Surfacaa of the flyitem.
OruggUtr. 79c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Improvements and extensions
which will enable tho Tuinalo hatch
ery to take care of 4.000.000 trout
eggs at one time ura being rushed
In order that the largo quantity ot
spawn taken at Elk La ho this win
ter by Hatchery Superintendent
Pearl Lynes. may .be turned out as
fry for planting in Central Oregon,
lake; and streums. In addition to
1,000,000 egga for the present sea
son it Is planned to hatch 2,000,000
more of rainbow and redslde eggs
early In the summer. Tho Improve
ments now under wuy bavo been
made, possible through the work ot
W. C. DIrdsall, who first conceived
the idea of the hatchery on Tumalo
Plans outlined for this Reason, In
volving tho expenditure of approxi
mately $6,000. include the extension
of the main hatchery building 121
feet, making a total length ot 200
feet, diking the creek, nnd construct
ion ot numerous concrete lined
ponds, each from 20 to 40 feet long,
in which tho fry will bo placed until
they are sufficiently largo for plant
ing. Additional troughs uro bolnR
March S to 12 Is the period decided
upon by the, committee 'at tho Meth
odist church whjm if will conduct Ua
local drlvp among. Its, members to as
sure the rulslnj; of suiflctont Xunda
to asRuro tho erection of Its proposed
$40,000 church in Bend.
According to Rov. J. Edgar Purdy,
tho church has promised of $18,000
which sum for vtho building will ba
availublo contingent upon fpceJvluK
outslda appropriation! for tho build
ing Plana ara now being drawn for
the now edlfica by i Leo A.' Thomna
nnd will bo roudy for ' publication
within a fow days. "
What's fi Dencflt , '
The tread of .an L'uBHsin Juveiitor'a
nutomoblJo tiro contains numerous
Binull plc&cs of steel, so 'Inserted m
tho rubber that tho latter ifovs not
touch the ground.