The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 04, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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vAan 8
Hints fllvon Ity Orpitrlmriit of Ag
rlrtilturo lit Hliotv Profitable
HiuiillliiK or Offal Wheti
Applied to l,itnil.
Ilnvo you nny Idea how muuli
n(nl)Ii) niiiiiiiro' probably tbo host
" fnrtillxnr In Hi') world In wnntoil In
thu United HI it Inn ovory year?
Figuring on llio basis of commoi
rial fcrtllUor values, nnch horno r
inula produces each ymtr $27 worth
of mnnuro; ouch head of cnttlo J20
worth: nucli hog worth, and each
theop IB. doing Imck 10 yours nnd
'tailing thu tlguros out nboiit 2,1).
O00.000. KntlmittfN by tho United
Htitlos Department of Agriculture In
dlmit" (lint prolmbly uboiit n foiirtii
of thin Ih wasted.
Farmers nro constantly coitfmilnd
iv ltd tho problem of maintaining noil
fertility. At thin tlmo, following tho
wnr period whun nit unusual f'ralu
va placed on American fnrm: the
problnm Ih nioro acute, thnii usual :tnd
tho wunto of manure immune a mom
mirioun nnpafit.
Mtirlt Could Ito Hitvril.
$ Of courno, nil tho murium cannot
bit saved. Homo Of It. nt ln bent,
must bn lout. Hut uiIIIIoiin of lol
lnm worth or M could bn mtveil with
practically no ndilmt expend nnil
with comparatively llttlo outliiy or
tlmo nnd effort.
Tho cheapest titul bout wny to linii
illu innuurc, where convonlrnt. In .o
hnula It to tho fluid nnd up re ml It
ilnlly, or nt leant tivury two or lliirn
day. In till way, ir pliinly or bud
llnit be used, prnctlciilly nil tho vrtlu
'nblo conslltuentn or tho mnnuro nro
saved, Hln co lnnchliiR uflnr tho twin
tiro In on nrnblo luud merely nerves
in put tho fertilizing materials whoro
I hoy otiKht to bo In this way, too,
loan through hunting, or "flrnfitng.
lug." lit avoided.
Muny farmers, however, nro not
no situated tin to tnnko It prnfttnblo
for thorn to hnudlo mnnuro In thin
way. For nucli farmer tho concrato
I n u mi ro pit offers nn Ide.ul wity or
Vnvlng mnnuro. Hucli a pit need not
ontnll erenl expense. A pit 3 feet
deep', llfiJBl long, nnd 0 teol wide,
with walls nnd floom C Inchon thick,
'will nerve tho ni'odit or llio average
form. In ground thnt iIocn not ami
lit. only nn Inside form will be neeri
cd for nucli n pit, except whoro tho
roncroto oxIdiiiIn a fow Inches above
tho ground to prevent flood I nit by
surface water. Tho floor should bo
reinforced with wovon-wlro fencing.
Your Creamery
Builds Business
for Yourselves
The Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
Will Pay One Cent
Above the Market
Price for Butterfat
, Paid by Portland
, Creameries
Yearly Market
Fair, Honest Tests.
The Creamery Should!
ba Your Asset.
Bring in Your Cream
Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
put In nftor nboiit 2 Inchon or content
linn houu laid, tho nation or fencing
being cut long enough to bund up n
few, Inches nt olthnr ond Into tho sldd
walls. Wlion thu rtilnforclnc Iiiim
boon put In, thu roiniilnliig 3 Inchon
or tho Hour In liilifTtlld thu forms for
tho itldo wiiIIh not up nnd Used Im
mediately, Uso oiio part commit, two
or hiiikI, nnd four or ncrounod grnvol,
A pit or thin kind Ih la rite, unough to
hold tho nccumtihitlon or mnnuro on
lio average farm until ouch it tlmo
iin It can bo hauled conveniently to
tho Hold nnd spread.
Another good way to save mnnuro,
'onpoclntly In the en no of hogn or of
hoof cnttlo, Ih to huvo n concrete
paved' rood lot, preferably under n
ulied roof, Whoro thu fnrmer cannot
nfford it paved floor, a cheap opon
feeding Hhed may bo made to servo
'tho purpomi vory well, If abundant
bedding Ih lined (o nbHorb tho valu
able liquid mnnuro. In nucli n food
lug lot or nhod tho mnnuro In allowed
to gather under tho root or tho nnl
iiiiiIh, each day' budding being
ntrown over tho well-tramped nccum
tihitlon belw Homo, runners lining
UiIh nyntnm nrrnngn tholr food rnckn
ho that limy can bo rained from tlmo
to time, making It pohhIIiIo to rood
till Hoveral feet of nolldly parkeI
mnnuro linn ncciiiniilated under tho
Hhed. It ban been nhown that mini
tiro suffers llttlo from heating and
leaching when handled In this wny.
Advantage or Keeling Hhel.
Tho rending nhod sorveH tho pur
poxo or giving 'tho gonornl farm, or
tho beef cnttlo farm, Homothlng or
tho ndvnntngo In the. ranttor or mnn
uro Having held by tho Intonnlva dairy
rami. It ban boon nhown by Karm
ManiiKemeut nurvoyn that tho mnn
uro naved on tho American fnrm
under prcnent condition Ih almost
oxnetly proportlonul lo tho numbor
or iinlmnli red undor covor on tho
farm, nnd thnt tho mnnuro of nnl
main not ntnblcd lion vory llttlo ef
fect on yloldn, except In canon whoro
Hold cropH nro "hoggud-off" or other
wise pan tu red down or whoro pnnturo
In lined In n rotation.
EARN $33,095
l,KUi:, Corvnllln, Fob. 10. Oregon
club boyn nnd glrln 2693 of thorn
produced during 1919 llvontock,
goodn, and other prodtictn vu'uod at
corn, potatoes, garden truck, canneil
0C, 005. 02, according to tho annual
report of II. O. Hoy mo ii r, ntato lead
er or boys' and glrln' ctubn. Not
earning or J33.005.40 arc shown
rfter deducting for labor, rant, pur
chnno of tuir.ialn nnd all otier :na-
mBMki li".!! a'"H "jJ Bi
tually computed tholr work out of
tho 13,000 Mirollod nt thu Inhuming
of tho year. JJvory county l:t thn
to wnn reprcnontod.
Tim por.t production projeet shotm
the greatest profit with JC,G!!5 75
cleared from 1 17 market hnn nnd r,2
bicoil now
Tho vegetable gardening project
ranked necond In value, 170 mnmbem
nhowlng a profit of C,2C7.10. The
293 poultry club mombern rnlied I,
703 chlckciiH, 10 turkeys, and K.O
ducks, and sold 23-18 dozen oggn,
making a total profit or f4,439..l,
Cunning club glrln canned 9179
qunrtH or fruit, 3101 quarts of veg
otablen, and CCS quartn of meat nnd
llnh bcnldcn drying 431 pounds of
fruit and vcgetnblon with a net earn
ing of 13,701.21.. Hbeep nnd wool
mined by club boyn mid glrlu valued
ut $1,157.21, cost them I7GG.98
making n profit or $700.25. Calf
club motnbors who cleared $1,-127.50,
own cnlvcs worth $1,177.50. Olrln
In tho sowing clubs mndi) -1311 dif
ferent articles nt n profit of $1,158
.10. Cooking club members, boys as
well as glrln, learned to prepare and
servo tneulK nnd hako bread nn g"ood
nn mother makes. Tholr profit was
During Fobruary tho question of
purchasing clove seed and planning
tlin firrone,. In tin m,,1fft thin inrtnp
Thoso figures tiro based on reports will bo under consideration. Clover
tho club boys nnd glrN who nn seed Is high priced and scarce, nnd
(Built of stock lumber no patents to pay for)
WOODKN HOOPS mado of VjX3 flat batts nallod on top
of oito another, about ton thicknesses, breaking Jolnta form
ing a strong hoop with samo expansion na tho rest of tho
alio all wood, Hoops easily sot In placo,
nouill.l-: WALIj mndo with two layorB of flooring, ono
lnyor Insldo of hoops nnd ono Inyor outsldo with paper
IIOOHS nro mndo of two thlcknoasea of flooring with papor
botwoan and aro ntr tight nnd non-oxpnnslblo,
IADDBlt formod by 2x4 clouts nallod to dooru with 1x4
ANCHORED by six anchor bolts running up threo hoops
high and ombodded In conoroto rooting.
INSIDE coivtod with "Roynods Silo Coating," an acid proof
NO OUY-WIRE8 In tho wny, (10 hoopa to tighten, no staves
to shrink and bucltlo.
TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO, Redmond, Ore.
good samplcn will command prices
that many fanners will bo loatho to
pay. The United States Department
of Agriculture, howovex, urges tho
seeding of ns largo nn acreage ns
poHnlblo. The best Information ob
tainable shows that tho foreign mar
ket Is qulto ns bora or clover seed
as Is our own. This means thnt
clover seed will bo high for at least
two years to come If not more, and
thono farmers who seeded lant spring
or who seed In 1920 will have n
chanco to sell tholr clover need crop
at n good figure. This Is a time to
look abend, nnd for American farm
ers to got the benefit of the high
prices, beforo Europo has been able
to got back to normal production and
tho prices rail.
Watch Quality of Henl.
In view of tbo high prlco of clover
scud, It Is cspeclnlly Important that
farmers pay careful attention to the
quality of seed they buy. Tho rela
tion between tho purity and germina
tion of it sample, of clover seed nnd
Its vnluo to tho farmer has boen so
frequently discussed that It Is not
necessary to enter Into details. Tho
only way to dccldo this Is to sccuro
samples nnd quotations from reliable
firms, and have tho seed analyzed by
Filing of articles of Incorporation
for an organization which may event
ually tnko the place, of tho Deschuteii
Valley Potato Growers association,
was announced today. Tho Control
Oregon Potato Orowern corporation
Is tho name of the new organizntloa
and J. y. Rice, F. M. Wallace, J. A.
Marsh, Oils E. Stadlg, and M. O. Ceo
aro the Incorporators. Capital stock
amounts to $10,000, and Is Issued la
shares of $100 race value.
A belter thnt a corporation can
rnoro efficiently handle tho market
ing of Central Oregon grown pota
toes than can a cooperative associa
tion, underlies the filing or tho arti
cles by tho five, men named) all of
wlmm wnrn Influnntlnt membnra nf
tho State seed laboratory or by tholtno oclalion. The articles permit
the leasing of land and construction
need laboratory of tho United States
Department of Agriculture.
The nttontlon of farmers is also
called very especially to the fact that
French nnd Italian seed has been and
is being Imported Into this country
and that the experiments Indicate
of. warehouses, making posslblo the
storing of potatoes for high prices.
with a spring grain In a well pro
pared seed bed. Seeding alone with
out a companion or nurse grain crop
tfc'lll nffnrt tin tinffnr tint nnt filnrfttrtf
, -. w ....,, .. ...... M.nw..
that this seed will produce a plant if seeding must bo dono on rather
more subject to disease and less (worn soil, It Is better to seed aloao
hardy under our Antelean conditions, especially If tho field in not Tery
than plants from our own seed. weedy. If a special seed bed is pre-
In sections where there Is no dls-j pared It should be well compacted,
cacc and If tho winter Is moderate: a freshly plowed and harrowed field
a successful stand of cloved may bo Is too open for the best results. The
seiured with Imported seed but tho J soli must be compacted or the seed
ennnces apainsi success aro always oca will ary out before tno yoang
greater than when using American
seed. Farmers aro urged, therefore,
to Insist upon a statement showing
plants get their roots down far ea-
Good clover crops lie at tho foua-
wbexe tho seed offered thorn was bar-1 datlon of agriculture In tho north
vested, j eastern quarter of the United States.
It Is also n time to consider with On many farms good clover crops
more than usual care the means; can not bo produced without lime,
necessary for getting tho most out but lime alone, will not permanently
of tho need sown. It will not pay to' help the situation. A proper system
throw expensive, seed on poorly pre
pared ground as was so often dono
when clover seed was cheap. The
seed bed should be well prepared.
The best way Is not to sow tho seed
In early spring on the wheat but to
harrow it in on tho wheat or to seed
of rotation with clover as a regular
element in a three or four year rota
tion must be adopted for the perma
nent upbuilding of tho land, and then
whatever else tbo land needs In the
way of lime or fertilizer must be add
ed thereto.
What's Your Biggest Problem
or Prospect for 1920?
You are not farming for only your health not
merely to earn wages anii derive an existence.
You are farming to make money.
money you must become a
make more
Better Farmer.
To be a Better Farmer you must know about .
To help farmers know more about farming
thats the function of the
The farmers of Deschutes county need you in
the Farm Bureau. You need the spirit of help- ,
fulness that exists in the Farm Bureau. When
you join the Farm Bureau you get in on the
development of these projects :
Irrigation Livestock Rural Finance Soils
Fertilizer Alfalfa Potatoes Silos
Rodent Control Marketing and Shipping
Livestock Shipping
QfTMFl R1 ff t0 D- L' JAMISON, County Agent, Redmond,
OlilL p JLmJJ Oregon, for Membership in the Fnrm Bureau