The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 04, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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j What's Doing In The Country
VLA1NVJEW. Mnrch 3.At the
Rnnunl mcottne of Uio DosChutos
County Farm Bureau, lield nt Uio
l'lalnvlow school huuao last Monday
ovcnlng tho. officers of the Progrei
slo club word chosen to net for Kami
Bureau "ofllwra. A number of now
committeemen were solectod. Tiio
now County Agent was present but
nrrlvcd Into hnvlns; lost his way, ana
little bus! nosa was dune. It ! hoped
a more, successful meeting will bo
hold In tho near future. Rabbit poi
son lias been prepared and can bo
had in any quantities nt actual cost
by npplylnc to J. F. Davison.
R. A. Ward of Rend and Fred N.
Wallaces of Tumalo made nn offort to
attend tho Farm Uureau meeting but
did not arrive, on account of car
A small attendance of ladies mot
with Mrs. A. E. Hoss, Thursday after
noon for the rcRular O. D. O. club.
Tho next meeting of tho club will
bo with Mrs. Vcrn Llvosay on Thurs
day afternoon, March 11.
Lily Colfclt came homo from Be,nd
on Thursday. Sho 1ms been quite
sick mid Is still unable to Ko buck
to her school work.
A. C. McCalllster was called to
Prlneville tha last of the week to at
tend tho funeral of his uncle. Kenl
S. L. Burgess of the Pino Trco
Mill was a caller in Plalnvlew Tues
day. A baby Rlrl was born fo Mrs. Book
man Inst Wednesday. The mother
and little daughter arc being caro.d
for by Mrs. H. T. Hartley at her
home. '
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mamoro aro
spending the week in Portland on
John McKlnney and Jim Pulllnm
took their cattle to the high desext
last week. John McKlnney will re
main there with the cattle but Jim
Pulllam will return homo this week.
Ray Armstrong hauled several
loads of potatoes to A. F. Balw nt
Tumalo last week.
Paul Scoggln was a business caller
in Bend Saturday.
Ruth Johnson Is spending the week
with Wilma Bennett.
, Mr. and Mrs. Groter Pulllam were
week end guests at tho home, of Alex
A number of friends enjoyed a
very pleasant evening playing cards
at tho homo or Phil Smith Saturday.
Mrs. John McKfnuey and daughter
Clauda are, staying at the Pulllam
P. A. Smith was n caller at the
Mamero ranch Saturday.
lined to Iter homo In Bend with u
Tho Swalloys nml tho Johnson nro
convalescing from their recent sick
ness. Tho evening train from Portland
now passes thru Deschutes nn hour
earlier, that Is, at 6:15 p. m.
Mr. P. A. Cochran In sick this
wook. Miss Daisy Is recovering.
Mr. Olo Hanson has built n sub
stnntlnl atone- garage.
An est rayed gray mnro, which hns
been on tho Long Butto ranch slnco
tho big snow and which has boon ad
vertised slnco then by Mr. Brandon
berg, was found dead.
Mr. J. S. Whlto will have n sale
March 17. Tho White's contemplate
lenvlng for Arkansas.
Hotful HcsiiltH For Her.
Only n person who has experienced
that awful "nil night" cough that
sometimes follows Influotun can ap
preciate what a good night's sloop
can be. Mrs. Annie Davison, 20S0
Myrtle St., Long Beach, Cal.. had
such a cough. Sho writes: "Tho re
sult of using Foley's Honoy and Tnr
was a restful" ono for mo." Adv.
Cut Thli Out It Is Worth Money.
Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c
to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave.
Chicago. Ill, writing your name and clearly. You will receive in
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound,
for coughs, colds and croup, Foley
Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic
Tablets. Adv.
DESCHUTES. March 3. Tho
schools report only a few attend
ance because of sickness and weather
Mr. George Kanoff hauled a small
house from tho Helmholz ranch ori
to his ranch.
, Mr. R. V. Sefton Is working In
Bend this week, making repairs on
the school buildings.
Mr. Allen Grant returned from
Oregon City, where ho and Mrs.
Grant went to attend the funeral of
Mrs, Grant's slstex. Mrs. Grant and
eon Elmer will remain.
Mrs. John Vincent came down Sun
day from Bend to take the place as
cook for tho hotel.
We hear that Miss Hllga Holm
green, who was to have served for
Mrs. McCormack this week. Is com-J
ORANGE HALL. March 4. Tho
Grango school opened Monday morn
ing with eight pupils in attendance
All but 3 were Just recovered from
tho ilu. The rest of tho pupils nro
still sick. Scarcely n family has es
caped In this neighborhood, nnd It
Is no worse In this vicinity than nuy
Tho Richardson school is closed
this week, tho teacher, Mrs. Slack
and mnuy pupils have the (lit.
W. J. Smith and two children aro
up again after an nttack of tho flu.
Mrs. Ellngsen from Astoria Is vis
iting her parents in this neighbor
hood. Tho aid was hold Thursday at the
homo of Mrs. George Erlcksen. It
was quite well attended.
Mr. H. Helgescn has been very low
with the flu. but Is improving now '
Mrs. Reynolds and daughter Eliza
beth called at the toachor's co;tgo -Tuesday
Mrs. Ellugsen called at the Georgo
Erlckscu homo Sunday aftrmoon.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Young aro on
the sick list this week. I
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Young called I
at tiio teacher's cottago also, Mr. P.
J. Young's home Sunday afternoon.
Mrs.,C. M. Rasmussen Is nbI"o again
to be in tho school room but is quite
weak yet.
W. J. Smith received n blooded
Partridge Rock rooster thru the
mail. Saturday.
ueorgo Ericksen.nnd Mr. Mosler
were appraising land Saturday In the
Tumalo and Deschutes districts.
Elizabeth Reynolds was nn nvor.
ii(ght vltlsor nt tho homo of Esther
cricKBen inursuny night.
Fred Hr.ttman's family are down
vtih the flu.
Gladys Dahlo Is convalescing.
Tho March storm has prevented
-Mr. .Mercmint from moving to his
own rancn tiio flrst of the month.
Mr. Edd Young of North Yakima
Washington, arrived Sunday night to
visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. J
Young and his children who moko
their home with their grand-parents.
.ur. oung m head chemist at the
sugar factory at North Yukima, and
Is on his way back from Salt Lako
City, Utah, whero tho hoad chemists
uciu ineir annual convention.
Thl HlnMihl Interest Other Womi-n.
"My kidneys were giving mo
trouble for some tlmo." wrltos Mrs.
L. Gibson, 12th and Edison St., Lo
Junta. Colo. "I took Foley Kldnoy
Pills and they helped mo right
away." Backache, pains In sides, sore
i luacuvi, una rneumauc twinges nnd
uiwavn iirnn rnAiini." .. ........-
u,o ojiiinuiun
always tlrc4 fooling"
of kidney trouble,
Want to buy liay, uso Bulletin clas
HjffeI nil.
I. ' t&Z
J3k , a
You will find what a simple operation it is to
set aside 5 a week if you determine upon a
regular weekly deposit day.
You will actually look forward to this day with
a great deal of pleasure,
We Will Help Yoit to Save.
Our Savings Department Pay 4 Jntereit
p$mMAm Hi 1 1 fll
, - - timi&M
inn iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiLirEiituiiuiiiiinHiiiiiiiv v
isj fSya if father, the boys 1
hP and tlrIs Its J
iMm he sweet for all t
h-g$rg asies at work or
ijSr play. jjJH
llllllllr When you're Jmttm
lllllllllf nervous or fired. Mtfwl
W u u irHljKM
W refrcshcsl JMSm
I Tfos Flavor J m$$Wt
m !MHv?STjJUrrirtTiii'iyiiXJYir &
li WWmmS d
1 1 mi ii Hmmm eu-tt jj v
t WEMimmm
SI C 3" -- nr,ri-.':. .',.. B Of
9177 rcirc.i 'jun r z K BJ
Mrs. Hurt llttyitohlH and huhy of
ltiulnioiul Mpoiit Did wool: nml nt tho
11. A. homo.
I'lill nobtioii of Iteiluionil vliillod'
lutium; Powoll I'.utlo fi'londu ovor
Sunday. I
A little (liwigUtor of Leo lloblm I mi
ililltn ill of ilu coiupllcatloiiM. '
Tho Infant hoii of, Mr. nnd Mrs Vwl
Fhilioi' was iiillt) norlnunly III forfrt,
row dnyu im woro iuho Mr ami
Flalmr, hut t hoy nti nl) Impiri
At tho Cliirolii'u I'Vrcusnn hi
(('(iiitliuKid on l'ugn K )
Had it Cold All Winter.
Colds that "hang on," coughs thut
ruck your body and wear you down,
tho weakening that conies from loss
of sleep -theso nro nfflfctions from
which rollof Is a blessing. Nick J.
Whres, SSnlil, N. D writes: "Had u
cold all winter, but since, taking
Foley's Honoy and Tnr It has ontlroly
disappeared." Adv,
of bad colds nnd
ilu. none of the case has proved
fatal nor havo any been prolonged
beyond tho shortest possible limit for
com pic to recovery.
J. A. Itiggs, well known rancher
of our community, is quite III of
tlu. Mrs. Biggs Is nursing his.
The, members of tho family of Jno
.Manceaii are all down with flu but
tholr neighbor. K. IJ. Williams Is
looking after 'them.
Aunt Sarah Zell of Prlnoville enmo
out to look after the Jloiiry Kdwnrds
family and with her caro they nro
all Improving nicely.
Other people who havo been on
tho sick list uro Mrs. A. V. Bayne,
Mrs. J. F. Illce, Mrs. John Skeon nnd
revorul members of tho Bushwell
family. John P. O'Cnllnhun, little
Wallace Foster, Con Iiro.on, Duwey
Shobert, and Fred McCaffrey. All
Improving at present writing.
Miss Kdlth Bales spent sevnral
days last week as a guest of Mrs.
Arthur Wurzwoller.
Jack La Mont and Miss Ethel WAV
son came out from Itedmond .Satur
day night to attend tho social at Miss
Bussetts school.
MILLICAN. March i. Cliff Evans POWELL BUTTE. March V-
anu wire ana two llttlo girls movrd While many people have been III dur
KvimL ,. til.. w.iMmI. I.. 1llll.. nl ' f. ,1 l.l.... .. 1....I I.I.. I
"" " " ii .1IHUI.UII tii-iiiK iliu ujiiuuiuic ui mill
icy tne l&tli or February and on the
ICth the whole family was taken sick
with tho tlu. Juko Coliininn also
took the flu and Is very sick at this
writing nt the. Evans home. Mrs.
Hanson of Fort Itoc ono of .Air.
Evans sisters is nursing them.
Mrs. Lottie Kluklo went to Bend
Sunday evening to take lessons in
millinery from Mrs. McEutosh.
Mr. II. Y. Byro was a caller at tho
Mllllcait post olllco Tuesday and cal
led on W. II. Iteatn on his way homo.
Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Perravlllo
were callers at tho Benin ranch Wed
nesday morning.
Mr. Henry Schlslor of Lewlston,
Idaho was e, caller at tho Lono Star
ranch Monday morning uccompanlcd
by J. H. Buchhotz of Bend.
Mrs. L. S. Itonm received a tele
gram ono day last week from Alius,
UKianoma, tlint Dor mother was very
low with pneumonia.
Fred Terrlll sold 14 head of cattle
Mrs. J. J. Holland visited school
and cnlled at the Terrlll homo, whero
she bought some gee.10 tho past week.
Oscar Shear returned from Bend
If. K. Cooko visited at tho L. O.
Morgan homo Monday evening, re
turning homo Tuesday morning.
Mrs. C. If. Qrnffonborger and II.
K. Cooko wore, Sunday visitors nt tho
J. J. Holland homo. Tho Holland
children were on tho sick list.
Tho flag polo was raised at tho dis
trict No. 20 school house Saturduy,
quite a few were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crlnstead
visited with their son Glen at Bond
Tuesday, Olen was sick nt Ills grand
parents' homo but Is now well again.
.Miss E. Matheny loft for Tho Dal
les, Oregon, Wednesday after a sovon
weeks visit with hor sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Mor
gan. Mrs, Morgan accomjmnUyl hor
to Bend returning tho following day.
h. O. Morgan Is on tho sick list.
Tho Heinz children nro sick with
tho flu.
C. J. Cooko returned from an ex
tended trip, Thursduy.
Mrs. Morgan called nt tho Keller
homo Frlduy morning.
Mrs. J. J. Holland cajlel nt tho
ICollor homo Wednoudny and Thurs
day. Mrs. II. B. Keller vjslted nt tho
Morgan homo Friday afternoon.
The Boaver Supply Co. store was
cjaHcd hy Eomo of tho creditors,
Thursday evening.
The L, 0. Morgan family aro soi
ling all tholr household goods, thoy
calculate to leave hero In about 2
wooks or less.
tensiblo shoe?
lav a smooth path
r " 'J 1
tor vow jeer'-
Sensible shoes for sensible men
shoes that fit well, wear well,
look well these arc Buckhbct
Shoes. "Extra service every.
step, comfort every minute"
is more than a slogan it s
fact stitched into every
Buckhecht Shoe.
JK wi HH m
J&? J?9 l
.win j IJHM.
11 in WttltttKltMmS '
'.' BucK.11r.c1iT Shoes for you for active men in nil
f walks of life arc sold in u variety of styles and
!' leathers from $8 to $12 by principal shoe dealers in
r the West
f If ml bj jir Jmtir, unit hi) nrnnt anJjtur crJir ft
' mirvriMr.MAM k IIECHT md
f Central Oregon Garage
Exclusive Agents for Northwest Auto Co. for
Deschutes, Crook nnd Jefferson Counties
Marmon-Cole, Reo and Dort
Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and
I Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and ?
I Duplex Trucks I
Ship Your Livestock
Oregon Live Stock Commission Company
A Company that will work for the
welfare of Central Oregon Stockmen
Dealers in Cattle (grade and stock), Sheep & Hogs
North Portland, Oregon
17 Tp
HIS Bank extends to you
the services of an organiz
ation adapted
business and
to every
need of Central Oregon. '
TFieTTan7ToTsUpi;Mor sekviceT
I Mill:-!
WSpc ,