1 I'AOK ia IIKN1) nUI,I,KTIN IIKND, OKEOON, TIlUltMDAY, MAHCH , lOllO aMABni S - r, .. r ,- Ml IM CLOTHING :OF QUALITY It is the desire of every ninn tp look his very best. Let us help you into your Spring Suit., Our immense buying power, which is now repre sented by 207 Busy Stores, eoupled with our method of doing lyisiness, means a direct saving of 10 to 20 to you. Our policy of buying only the best nt n given price, backed by Our Own Label insures you satisfaction. Was Afraid To Cross The Street Could Hitttlly Stand I'p NiilTi'twl Thirty Yours ItcMnml Hy Tailing Tunlnc. Men's Worsted Suits the kind that wear-$24.75 to $54.75 Young Men's Snappy SuitsVSr-$29.75 to $42.50 BOYS' SUITS J. C. PENNEY CO., Inc. MEN'S PANTS I "Daddy Smith's Homo Qurdun Market. Fresh Vr-.gotnhlett ami Plants uf all KlnitH For Sale IIori." Nearly ovorybody In l.os Angeles will remember having rend tho nbovu sign nt 3711 Month Maine Htroot, and hundreds of po.oplo nru pornonnlly acquainted with J. F. ("Daddy") Smith ovor, whoso phicu of business tho 8lKti npponrn. "Daddy" Smith Is not only thoroughly pout ml on business nlXnlr. but Is also woll tip on mnttorn of non oral Intercut. Ho talkn cnpoclnlly In tercstlng on tho nubjoct of modlclucH, having, nn ho says, trlotl ovorythlnK during tho past thirty yearn In bin efforts to overcome a chronic enso of Indigestion. In relating IiIh oxperl onco a fow days ago "Untidy" Smith had a groat doal to nay about Tanlac, declaring that It Ik tho only inodlclnn ho ban ovor found that did hint much good! Hvro In bin statement: "For at loant thirty years I have HiitToroiI tho worst kind from Itull gentlon Aftor eating I would bloat up as tight an a drum and foul Just tulnorablo for hours. During tlu past throo years especially I Just Htif fored agony, and no mutter whnt I ato. It only n ploco of broad, tbe re sult wore tho minio. I nfte.ii had to get up tbroo or four times nt night and take soda or something else try ing to got relief from my mlnory so I could Hleop. I bad no appotlte. and With Ollly two or tlirrn hnura ul.r.n at night and not eating much of any- i urUtiy tblng I got no nervous and weak that - could hardly keop going. i Kor somotinio uiforo I took Tan system, him liuon bulU,, up, niilomlltlly, I want to hay to any one tJiiffoVInK from Ntomanli troublo and n run down condition, tultu Tatilao by uN iuoauh, for my cxporluiico In that thenOI iinlhlng Hk IU' "Talilao In' wold In llonil by Owl Print Co., la HlHteiH by Uorgo F. Alt koii; and In llend by Horton Drug W High Print May Oiiumi IUim, At thin nuiiHOti of tho your when fresh vegetables are no high innny persona surfer from deraiigiid dlgunt Ion. If you font dull mid sluggish, or If you miHpect Indigestion or cntiHtl pulton you will fenl hotter tomorrow If you lako n Foloy Cathartic Tab lot tonight. They Imiilnh hlllounnnns and headache. --Adv. Sell jour poultry through Ilullctiii tlaiKlfliMl nili, XOTU'M TO (IIIKDITOIW. In tho County Court of tho Slate of Oregon, for DeHchuteH County. In tho matter of tho entato of (J W. Crawford, deceanud. Notice In lieroby given that tho undersigned wiin. on the, Oth day of February, 1020, duly appointed ad ministrator of the eHtate or 0. w. Crawford, deceased. All pernoiiH hav ing claims against nald entato will pronont the hiiiiii) duly verified to me within hU moutliN from thn, (Into hereof C II. KUICKSON. AdmltilKtrutor. fiO-2c build up a ver' hlcn, profltubla biwl niiHrt. Fur full purtlaulnrn nddroHK Chun. II, Wnlkor, 8 Front nlrootj I'orthuid, Oregon. n.1-R2-:io WANTICDTwo to threo liinidroil ncntllu to water and raiigo. J. II. HulxhlNor, Hiunplon, Diego", mi ni -G 3 e WANTKI) Mini to put up about 170 toim alfalfa hay, by roiitruct. I.on lor & Pnyuo, llonil. Oregon. 2D-(D-In. sifetjij.tiae;'x;nj.i,".il. fiitt- 1011 BAI.R. 197 BUSY STORES a IMPLEMENTS TO BE CARRIED PIONEER TO HANDLE J. I. CASE LINE Need Is Soch In Central .Oregon for Better I-'arm Equipment . n- ' ''- M Coneral Supply AVI11 Be . . . Available tral Oregon country. That Is why we have decided that wo shall carry a full lino of Implements." Thero is not a great demand for heavy machlnorr, according to Mr. Royce, but thc.ro is a growing de mand for binders, mowers, plows, garden lmplcmonts, hay balcm, feed cutters, cnsllago cutters rakos, seed ers etc. It will be tho Pioneer's policy to give axesy, posslblo assistance to de serving farmers In this lino. jvldlng the state, will have the survey made and will furnish tho mnch'no (for pulling treeH and sago. "Thero Li a great need for bettor farming Implements in Central Ore gon according to our impressions," says 11. B. hoyce of the Pioneer Gar age, who recently slgaed a contract to handle tho J. I. Case lino of farm Implements 'for the territory south of Redmond to the California line. "Many farmers have asked about tho matter of farm Implements. They seem desirous of obtains better equipment now that they are getting on their feet and can see tbelr way clear to handle better - machinery. Tnen, too, there la a demand for it. More land is tinder cultivation. More stock Is being raised on tbe Irrigated ranches throughout the entire Cen- STATE HIGHWAY DAMAGES GIVEN (Continuqd from Pago .) Strong, $2; John W. Price, 5 17. Right of Way Offered. Another matter of Importance In county road affairs was brought up when owners of property on the Bend to Burns highway, submitted In writing an offer to donate fight of way It tho highway within Deschutes county la laid out In the, present year. W. P. Dorn, J. M. Hayes, E. D. Lalonde, Alfred Incognito, James Grolno, and H. Marchand were the signers. In connection with this, tho court will suggest to the state high way commission that tho county will bear tho expenso of preliminary clearing on this stretch of road pro-- J. SWIFT NEW NIGHT POLICE Mayor J. A. Eastcs Tuesday an nounced tho resignation of M. K. Stovcnson as night pollco officer, and tho appointment of J. Swift to fill tho vacancy. This action will bo submit ted to tho city council at Its regular meeting Friday night, for ratifica tion. -' Tho new night ofllcer has "'boon prominent in tiro dopartmont work slnco tho organization of tho volun leer department, aim lias Held suc cessively tho ranks of captain and assistant chief. He has recently substituted at Intervals for tho night officer. I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CUulflcl attrrttlilnc rlmrn ir luu SO rnt fur to w..nl or I,-.. On. rml vt word I for all r.,r So. At rloMlAr.1 n.lrrdU n. ch In innrrM I i'ou m:.vr lac I would not uttompt to cronn the FOIl ItKNT Oood farm. 1 06 acres ntroot alone, for I wan no weak I under cultivation, with good wan orraiti or falling. I wan dlxry water right, 00 acre In alfalfa, all tho time and would tromblu all wagons mid Implements Inquire ovor like n loaf. Well, I wan com- John Stoehll, near Plain Vlow plotoly down and out. not worth u "chool. (JIhI. 02-SZc nlcklo, no far as any kind of worki ' ' wan concerned. I bavo rend audi WAXTUI. ntudlod a great doal and belluvu I , , , bavo tried every medicine I e.vor' WANTKI)- Position by innn cook, heard of and I will nay right hern1 Camp .preferred, wrlto 0. B. Flnh tbat I bavo novor found the mjunl or. Hond. Oregon. 75-1 p of Tanlac. At first I thought Tanlac WANTBD Htump puller. Will bny was going to fall mo llko nil the rent! or rent, nlno Pnland-Cblna bonr had, as the IlrHt bottle srumed to do for mile. Wrlto liox S21, llonil, mo little good If any good. Hut I Oregon. C9-S2p stuck to it and while on my tilth bnt- WANTKI) Man, nlnglo. office man tie my stomach bognn to fcol llko n and typewriter, one-half tlmo oc now one. Well nlr, today I nm In cupicd In taking water readings hotter condition than I havo been In over telephone and record clerk of for many years and I am still gaining mo. Wrlto or call Central Ore both In wolght and strength right .gon Irrigation Co., Deschuten, Oro. nlong. I work every day without 60-521fc tiring cnslly. cat Just anything I want' nKPIlKSKNTATIVB WANTKI) Wo ntlf! ftlfinn lln n In.- nvnw 11I1.I1I Pm. u.nnt (i Ia.hI vivif ilj,t I n I !.'. In . .....,, a...w , .vi, ,(,ni.v. ruj I ...,. iuviii ,', if..n,....r .1., i u miiK nun: t uuvo uoon uoinorcn I uonu, noiiuig n wen Known, wimi with my kidneys, but slnco taking advertised creum separator. A man Tanlac thoy are better and my whole who can work all or part tlmn can KOII HAI.K TIiito a yvr old llorw ford hulltt and lis yearling lltire- ford IiuIIh all reglnturud. Price 1200 to 27C per lieiul. IhlwardH Ilrotliorn, I'ohkII, Oregon. H-l-lo FOH SAI.K w TIl,U)K I limid of milch co ww, one Jerney frenh, one. Holntelu, one llliio Ournney, one Shorthorn. (I. W. Foster, Slntorn, Oregon. lOO-t-l'o FOIt SAI.K or TUADI3 100 ncren 100 in cultivation J (SO paid up water right, small limine and Htablu nil fenced, 100 ncrtv leady for alfal fa. 16 miles mint of Uend. (1. W. Fontor, Hloteni, Oregon. l0-t-3o FOU SAI.K Will Imvo sovuml thousand good, high grade young calwm the coming hoiihoii, now open lug. Write for prices and pnrtlcu Inrn. - N. K. Molchlor. Tlllamoolt, Oregon, denlvr In livestock. 70-1-ap FOU SAI.i: -r, mlloH eant of Iloiid, K0 acre A 1 potato autl alfalfa laud, 20 acren in alfalfa. For full pnrllmi larn, write owner. It. U. 1 llox 20, Uend. Oregon. 80-1 p FOU SAI.K 1 good yearling Here ford hull, registered. II. T. Hart ley. Tumulo. Oregon. 03-1 -Up KUOH FOU HATCHING S. C. Whltu I.eghorun. Heavy winter layers, muted to Taucrnd cocks, of 230-250 ngg strain. $1.60 per 1C H. C. It. I. Itvds. inatod to high clann eockorelit from prlxo winning stock $2 for 1C One third ennh with order, baliiuce on delivery.- -llofHlettor'n Poultry Farm. Tiimnlo. 07-Sltfu FOU SAI.K- Setllug eggn of all breeds, best laying ntralns In Cen tral Oregon. Others supplied on re quest (3 a netting. lfl-Oltfo FOU SALK Marred Itock eggs for hatching, lOcts. each. Don A. Slaughter, 4 mile north of Hand on Itediiinnd road. tir..rl-2p FOU SAI.K If Its bnrgnlu for cash you aro looking for belter son or wrlto Kdwln J. lingers about that 120 acren of potatoes mid alfalrn laud Kdwln J. Itogers, Tiimnlo. Oregon. 68-I3tfo FOU SALK Alfalfa ha, 4G0 tons at 20 a (on, Somo pasture will go with it nt this price. Address, J. I). Miner, Iloiid. Oro. 70-3 Itfc I.OHT AM) FOUND. LOST Klectrlc automobile lamp be tween Tumulo and Denchuton, Sat urday, February 21. Fludex ploano notify James It. Dunham, Tiimnlo. 72-lp 7.nusssnnnnns:iKss:nnm8tMRinrun.'sn:mtmntumtni3miman!i:uummuuimaimm!tmmat:mimttmmnnmn CoNtN Mora Hut Price It Name. Foloy's Honej and Tar Is tho orig inal and gonuino honey and tar cough medicine. It costs Foloy & Co. moro iu iiiuku inun u cosis oiners 10 maxe mixtures of cbeapor Ingredients, but It costs you no moro than tho choap mixiurcs. contains no opiates. Chil dren llko It. For coughs, colds, croup. Adv. Announcing if t v- ,K '... ' "' Mmke Arrival This Wrfgt - ' ' of a Carload of ' Kt '.-r ' it ' . ' ,4 ft Jyl. Case i' Farm Machinery K ' m'' '. .Mr . PIONEER GSR AGE .v . V T .-At V? t Exclusive Dealers in Deschutes, Lake anI Harney Counties MONAMOBILE m What is it? ; We quote J. M, Wray formerly of the Wray Stiige Line. wn "Monamobile gives us far more mileage and with better results than any other oil I have used" Since Monamobile has been distributed from Bend it was used exclusively on the Bend-Burns stage run, A good oil stands up under the severest motor heat, it lubricates and does not break down under these conditions Monamobile Stands the Test,, ' Nothing but a parrafine baseqillill, . stand or meet these requirements. 4 7 To avoid deception ask Qn& ln on MONAMOBILE r i ' M Bend, Garage Sold In Bend by Deschutes Garage A. W. Bbntrager . i '. Bend Hardware Co. 7 x Central Oregon Distributors Monamobile Off - " ' r r ft !ft r If , iika.'UBi::iHUi u:;gait:iwawma;auwwjwtwattw -JS! ft A 4 I - Sir.. .. , te. b-w )k .iVi'i'i liml'Awi' X ,,tivWfe,. ,i4t;iiYXr, -, , - ill .!. r i i - L ii l 1 1' ' ' ' " .i ti i r ii