HEM) BULLETIN, NKNI), OIlF.flON THUItHDAV, MARCH I, 1020 I'AOE If 4 il OH COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS GO. 40, COUNTY COl'llT. I)i:mIIFTI"8 COUNTY, OltEGON CLAIM DOCKET. .KoploiilliuiS 1019, Claimant Account of Wllhml M. Iloimto Pacific Toluphoiiu & Tolo- graph Co Win. I. Downing, I Ion nl of I'rlNOiiorn, I'liclllo Tulupliouo & TnU). graph Co J'nclMc ToUmIkI(i & Telo graph Co Pacific Telephone & Tula graph Co . 1'moIIIo TolophoiHt (i. Telu- graph Co Pacific Ttilupboim fi Telu graph Co .... Jj.inil A. A. Club. Hull for I Eh'otlon. H. K. ltolmrlH. Sheriffs HXp. M. A. Cunning, Dint. Any. .. J. II. Ilntiur. Clerk; Cnsh to I). Imriius I N. Gilbert. Junltor lrwltiHodiuiii Co, Funilt- iin lnvln-lloilHon Co. Furnit ure, Mrs. V. M. 'nohnry. Cro of Anthony Mrs. W. M. Zuohnry. Oiiro of Anthony, .. . t (Hum &. Priidhommo, llllllllCM PrnuooN E. TliiniipMiii, CNtrk Siipl. MuIiooIm I'nelric Telephone & Tule graph Co C. It. Millar. CoiiiiiilNHlonorn A in on nt All'tl. $ 10,119 10.05 60.00 11.70 4. 615 3.20 3. 20 3.26 6.00 206.30 .86.00 lK.OO 7 COO 0.1 .1 6.8G 33. 0G 11.00 i.or, 30.00 0.38 Foes. A. J. Aloorui Tolnplioiui Bur- I vlco 8.25, Owl Pharmacy, Hint. IV. niiorirr i.flo Anna 13. Tntu, Clmlc fiy Ah- minsor 00.00 Owl Phuiinticy, HiippIIhh for HoHpiiiti ii.on J. II. lliimir. Cleric; IMliI for Chirks 80.56 KIIIIiiiiii Hln. ft Ptg. Co. Stato Hupt. Hoi 3.00 KIIIIiiiiii Htii. ft Pig. Co, Blutii AHr 0.00 (llllHN ft Pl'IKlllOIIIIIIO Co, Statu Clerk, 66 Vontrn Union Tol. Co. T'tlegniph Hnrvloe J .00 ltoiu) Garage, Inc., Cur Hup, Hlmrlff, .. 34,31 Kevonilor lllno Print Co, Surveyor Bills. 8,70 Frodnrick Pout Co., Survey ors IIIIIh, 10.2(1 J. Alton ThiiiiipHoii, Pont ICIf-tlon NotlccH 12.10 Mr. J. M. Jlrlckoy, Cnro of Indigent 120.00 Slmidurd Oil Co., Oil & Oiik- ullii'i fliippllmt 128.28 It. II. Could, KlIIVlO'OIH Feos 30.00 Miller I.tiinlutr Co. Ltimbor, 11.26 H. H. NHU. Komi Work, . .. 8.00 AIImii CmiikIhiii. Komi Work, 6.00 Hodinoinl Pino Mill Co. Lumber 40.60 Jim IJoiiiOi'o, ttonil Work, .. 16.60 O. M. Uwtinxou, Itouil Work Toam 31.00 Km n If Wltloniiiu, Itouil Work. Town. .- ... 3-1.00 John Il.ll. IttHul Work. : 1700 It. W. MeCiimiiilii, lloml Woik 40.00 W. W. OniiKhiiy, Itouil Work. f....... 22.00 IIohiI Oanigo Inc 22.06 II. A. Koiultill, Supplies for Itouil Crew 02.10 A. J. Goggium, Painting 6.16 W. I), limit. Timiii on ItomN 17.00 O. II. Culdwall. Team on !toailn 12.00 "I Don't Need to Tell You" says the Good Judge Why so many men arc fjointf to the nmall chew of this good tobacco. You get real tobacco sat isfaction out of this small chew. The rich taste lasts and lasts. You don't need a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles ' RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Al. Brooks- Scanion Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, lbiilding Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Sin-J.fd Sun. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sole AkviP, MILLI.lt LUMIILIt CO. M. Aliiokllnbun;, Itond Work 8.00 Jim Douioro, Itond Work, .. 13.60 W. O. ItuniHowor 6.26 Tu in A Ltini Lhr. Co. Lum ber 96.86 Joo N'. liuukniiiHtur, Vay Poll of B. W. Uurnoy, 20.00 Marry Crunor 108.00 John Mfllfrloh. . 88.00 John Oiitflelnoli 70.00 O. O. KIiik 20.00 Mclvlti CrAiinr .90.00 C. II. .Mlllor. Comm. Kx- pniiwcH, 76.10 llolon Al. Foloy, Doptity Clerk 90.00 C. II. Miller. Trnllor Wlicol 30.00 C. H. Miller. Comm 27.00 W. II. Mny, 200.00 Win. Hunt. 176.00 BmoHt Bnilth, ....... 100.00 Itowi Torrlll 110.26 Mr. W. If. Mny 77.60 Jcim Tothurow 80.00 Cloni (Jrqtnwuld 130.00 181.90 90.00 W. A. Pickett. Itlchnrd Alltoholl, Ittidlfor Joo llutohor Paul Van Allen, .'... Win. Van Alien M. A. KIiik - J. II. Mortz, .- Philip Schmidt K. K. N'kituh . !i n nullum L. T. Smith :.. .. Ham Kilter Seth Hlookcy, Comm. Ad vance for Itvp llotid Water, L. & P. Co., LlKhtM & Water (Scow Itobcrtit, Itoad Work 8.00 70.00 96 00 22.00 128.00 90.00 92.00 10.00 03.00 84.00 72.00 30.00 3C.00 10.40 9.06 88.00 cin I nu MM ) MM If we could only recall (he wasted hours we spent in idle pursuits- ' , i USE YOUR SPARE MOMENTS . IN USEFUL PURSUITS Learn Williams System of Shorthand Writing . You can have the expert instruction of a man who has spent 22 years in the field of shorthand writinga man who is thor oughly acquainted wijth the fine points of all the well known systemsa man who knows how to teach shorthand writing effectively. THE WILLIAMS SYSTEM Combines all the strong features of the best known systems of s h o r t h a n d eliminating the cumbersome, absorbing the strong, and incorporating now ideas which make for speedier, more legible shorthand writing. Harry C'raner, Itoad Work, 104.00 Melvln Croner. Itoad Work, 80.00 Underwood Co., Itupalr Part 1.10 If, S. I'ortwt Horvlce, Itoad . Work I.. 13.60 Both Stookny. Comm. & Por, i Worn 07.20 Alary Supernant. Cure Coun ty Patient -. 32.13 Turn A Luin Lumber Co Lumber. Hazel Manlon, Clark In Hhorllf Olllce .. C. H. Miller, Bxp. Atlondlnc II. Com W. I). Ilarno. Kxp. Attend- iiiK Judge A C. Ahho., i ,W. I). liarucH, Kxp. Attend- liiK II. Com . IJond Ilultetln, Reic. Carda & Covora Etc DennlH I). Hunt, Deputy WatermaMter . Itobcrt D. Gould. Sorvlcea as Wotermaiitor Olana ft Prtidhomme Co. JudKinent Itoll Cavcra, A. IJ. Colo, Umlarwood P. Jrmtalliyl ........ F. ncmout & Co.. Supplies For A. A. Anthony, J. K. Lytic, Itoad Work. -.. Chas. W. Snyder, Itoad Work. Ikj nd Hardware Co., Itoad Work W. II. Crawford. Itoad Work. AIcKlnley-HampKonn Lbr. Co., Lumber ... Ilend Hardware Co Walter Untie Standard Oil Co.. Oaaollno, Standard Oil Co., Garo- Hno. Standard line, .. Standard line, .. Standard line. .. Standard Oil Co., Gaao- Iln?. Standard Oil Co., Gaso line Standard Oil Co.. Gano- ll'ici. Standard Oil Co.. Caso- lluo, ... ..... 3.97 standard oil line, .. Standard line, .. Standard II line. .. I Standard 6 lino. .. Standard Oil Co., Gaso line Standard Oil Co., Gaso line ji . IIukIi O'Kano, Rent of Sur veyor OfllCOH October, 1919. Kastern Star Grange, Uso of ' Hall For Election E, P. DroBterhous, Cabinet For Sheriffs ORlco Frank N. Ollbct. Janitor. .. J. H Haner, Allac. Ex- POIIHOS, AiiKuat A. Anderson, I5ox Itent Stamps Hazel Manlon, Clerk Sheriff's, Offlco, .. II. G. Illackwell. Trln to Prlnovlllo 18,00 P. A. Erlckaon, Groceries For J. E. Ilrower July P. A. Erlckson. Groceries Oil Co., Gaso b'ii Co.. Gaso Oil '"co.i""Ga80 Co., Gaso- Oil Co.. Gaso Oil Co., Gaso- Oil Co., Gaso- 17.92 26.00 48.98 49.70 76.00 75.00 80.05 0.00 7.20 20.00 0.00 39.41 4.25 17.92 378.97 5.00 1.33 3.97 1.33 2.31 9.54 4.50 5.30 2.05 5.30 2.S4 1.85 5.30 14.14 2.67 12.60 TANLAC FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy KOL-B AOKNTS C. L. Smith Itoad Work, .. Pond KJne, Ilepalr Shop, Ito palrlnc Auto Truck Holon M. Folty, Deputy's Salary, Florence E. Hen?. Salary 5 wcokiO , Flonuico B. IlerK, Salary (1 week.) Ccnt.-Ore. Motor Co., J. Alton Thompson Ham J. Dumboltoii, Fare to Portland St. Hq. Survey or. O. K. Halloway, Labor on Itoad, Max A. Cunning, Astit. Dlsl. Atly .'- 50.00 10.60 90.00 70.00 15.00 37.42 8.21 93.9 1 26.00 (To be continued noxt week.) LEGAL NOICEST XOTICK I'OK Pl'lILICATIO.V. Di-piirlnimf of fhn Intrrlnr. V. 8. LAND OFFICE at Tim Doll Orcson. February 18. 1920. NOTICE Is hereby given that Hor aco It. Cooko, of Mlllfcan. Oregon, who on October 30. 1910, made homestead entry, No. 013010. for lots l-2-B4 NWU NEW, twtlon 19, township 20 South, rango 10 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of lnton'fon to make final three yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land aborn described, bo fore II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Dend, Oregon, on the 0th day of April, 1920. Claimant namoH ns witnesses: Stanley Smith, of MNIican. Ore gon; Iloubeu It. Keller, of MIIHean. Oregon; Thomas H. Going, of Ilend, Oregon; Leo Tauscfcer, of Bend, Ore Bon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. 52-4p an an estray by L. A. W. Nixon tho noarcst constable, to-wlt: One red and white spotted hclfcr, now about two yontn old, with n split on tho right ear, wattle, on tho right hind leg, and trtndnd on tho right shoulder, without other via Iblo marks or brands, Said animal came to our ranch, located as above Rtatnd, and was by us taken up on November 15, 1918, as an ngtray, and a sale thosuof wan ordered to lio held nt tho abqvo tlmo and placo by the Hon. J. A. Eastes, Justice of tho I'eace. Said animal will bo offered for alo for cash, to the highest bidder, to satisfy the damages sustained by us, tho costs of keeping, and all ex penses Incurred. Including tho fees of tho Justice of thu peace, costs of advertising and such other costs and oxpenses us may have hce,n lawfully Incurred. Dated at Ucnd, Oregon, February 18, 1920. PAUL MBRTSCHING. , WILL IIOItSBLL. &l-54a NOTICK OF SALK OF KSTKAYS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Thnt on Monday, March 8, 1920, at 2 o'clock p. jn. at my ranch nlno miles south-east of Rend, Deschuteu county, Oregon, located in section 20, Township 17 South, Range 13 E. V,. M the following described cat tle will bo offered for sale as cstrays, by L. A. W. Nixon, tho nearest con stable, to-wlt; One black, long yearling steer, with two silts In tho left ear, ono slit In the right ear. and no othor visible marks or brands. Ono red heifer, about two yrn old, slit and hole In left car, tip cut off of right ear, small dewlap on brisket, without other visible marks or brands. Said cattlo wcro taken up by mo ns OKtrnVB at mv ntnrh In n.wHti,..a ! county, Oregon, located as above stated, on December 2nd. 1919. and NOTICE OF IIO.VI) SALK. Soalod proposals will be received ,!flii0C."lilr:a. ' thereof was ordered, ( tho "" i"u ulnul" " ' ""' "',oooie iimo ami niar. h hn linn District in the city of Madras, j. A. Eastes. Justice of the Pencn. !. Ti i.-, . . .. z r. - "" . oin mo nearest justice or tho peace said Jefferson county, Oregon, for purchase of five million dollars (5,- Tho said cattlo will be offered for 000.000) bonds of said District until 'saio at the time and place above 10 o clock a. m. tin 30th day of , mentioned, for cash, to wnufv , March, 1920, and Immediately there after publicly opened by said Board, said bonds to bear interest at 0 per cent per annunl, payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July In each year, principal and Interest payable at the olllce of tho County Treasurer or at tho Fiscal Agency or the State of Oregon In New York City, said bonds to bo number ed from 1 upwards, to bear dato of Issue and to mature serially In an-. nual amounts so as to be approxi mately equal, principal and Interest, commencing eleven years after the damages sustained by me. thn mh of keeping said animals, and all ox ponses Incurred. Including Justice of tho peace fees, costs of advertising and sale and such other costs and expenses as may have been regularity incurred. Dated at Dend, Oregon, February 14th 1920. FRED'P REYNOLDS' 51-lo NOTICK OF HK.lItl.a ON. Fl.VAIi ACCOUNT dato of issuo and ending thirty years In thfi riPrilIf rrf , ,, , . after tho dato of issue. L n fn n r .f tbo Stato v...., i.. . . . . . . oi Oregon, for Diehiiiim rvmntv In tho matter of thn .ini nf Said bids must be. accompanied by n certified check for flvo per cent of tho amount bid. Tho Hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A. D. ANDERSON. Secretary. 52-4c , LEARN SHORTHAND IN -90 DAYS The simpleness of the system and the efficient method teaching makes possible the completion of the course in to 90 days. of GO 5.00 17.00 ,75.00 127.45 39.05 115.00 57.23 NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of the Interior. Airs. Bertha StowcIL ilpcnsivi Notlco Is hereby given that R. D. Stowell. administrator of tho estate of Mrs. Bertha Stowell, de ceased, has made and filed with the Clerk of tho County Court of Deschutes County, Oregon, a final account of his administration of said estate, and that tho Judgo of the above entitled court has set Monday, the 15th day of March. 1920. at tho hour of 10:30 o'clock In tho forenoon of said dnv at tho Lakevlew, Oregon. court room "in Bend, Oregon, as tho February 12, 1920. time and placo of hearing the final To Thomas H. Hanna of unknown settling of said estate, and all por address, contesteo: sons Interested aro cited to appear You are hereby notified that Justin at 6a'd time aud placo and show R. PoBtlo who gives Box 580, Bend, cause. If any, why said account Oregon, as his post-oulco nddress, did should not bo allowed, on January 17, 1920, file In this of- Dated this 11th day of Febru flco his duly corroborated appllca- a"y. 1920, tlon to contest nnd secure the cancel- R. D. STOWELL, latlon of your homestead entry, ser-' Administrator of tho Estate of ial No. 0736C made April 3i 1914.. " "ortua stowell. Deceased. 30.11 30.93 3.25 29.84 CONSULT ': Prof. W. W. Williams, at his office in the O'Donnell Block,' over the postoffice, where the Pacific Extension Institute .of '. Portland Is opening a branch school in Bond. Pacific Extension Institute i Prof. W. W. Williams, Pros. O'Donnell Block, Bend, Ore. or j. k. urowor Aug 56.85 P. A. Erlckson. Groceries For II. Huntlugton, 3- 4-5 22.69 P. A. Erlckson, Groceries For II. Huntington, 6- 7-5 Bond Garage Inc., Sheriff, .. Cont.-Oro. Motor Co., J. Alton Thompson Cont.-Oro. Motor Co. J. Alton Thnintiann l.ni.) Cont.-Oro, Motor Co .'.." 1495 K. r. liroatorlious. Glass & Labor, 7,53 Kltluim Sta, & Print, Supt. Sheriff, Assessor ., 16.30 Kltlmm Stn. & Print. Treus- uror-Troas., Sheriff 38.81 J. Alton Thompson, Insti tute Expenses, 133.50 j. Auan Tuompsan, stumps, Kxpross, Tologruma Underwood Typowrltor Co. Ovorhnuling-Supt. olllco... M. A. Pnlmor, Clerks Ofllco, M. A. Pnlmor, Sharlff's of flco, u Lucllo Snyder. Salarv'Top Soptorinbor 3 4.00 G. Q. Mqrguu, Trying Caso flt Tunmlo . jj 40 R, G. Blackwell, Auto For Judge liarnes, o 00 O. S. Holmes, Sorvjccs us Vlower, , 25.80 R. J. Skeltou, 8orvtco8 us Viowor. a aa Standard Oil Co. GaTo "" 112.84! 7.50 23.7G 12.00 for East half, section 22. township 22 S. range 17 E. Willamette, Mer idian, and ns grounds for his con-' test he allege that Thomas H. Hanna tiled his said entry mora than five years prior to tho date hereof, and never mado or established resi dence on said land or improved tho samo In any way. and has never ro Bldcd thorcon, and has wholly aban doned said entry from tho date there of, and that said absence from the land was not duo to tho entryman'a employment Jn the military or naval . organizations of tho United States or tho National Guard of any of tho! soveral StaTVs. You aro, therefore, further noti fied that tho said allegations will bo , taken ns confessed and your said en-1 try will bo canceled without further! right to bo hoard, either boforo this otllco or on appeal, It you fall to file In this olllco within twenty days after tho Fourth publication of this notlco. ns shown bolow, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to theso allegations of contest, together with duo proof that you havo served a I copy of your answer on tho said con-, t atant either in porson or by regis-1 lorcu man. You should stato in your answer tho immo of tho post ofllco to which you dP8lro futuro notices to bo sont to you. JAS P. BURGESS, Resistor. Dated of first publication, Febru ary 2G. 1920; dato of second publica tion. March 4. 1920; dnte, of third publication, Mnrch 11, 1920; dato of fowvth publication, March 18, 1920. 52-3o Date of ruary 12, first 1920. publication, Fob- 50-2o ALWAYS A GAS MARKET k NOTICE OF SALW OF ESTRAY, NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on Friday, tho 12th day of March, 1920, at 2 o'clock p, in, at our ranch 1 1-2 mllos northeast of Alfalfa, In Deschutes county, Oregon, located upon Section 13, township 17 South, range 14 B. W. M.( the following des cribed animal will be offered for sale At Palace Market Bend, Oregon for Eggs, Butter, Poultry Beef, Veal, Pork Sell your products at home Chas. Boyd