r WEEKLY EDITION , - OIN THE M BUREAU THE "FLU" Ml' 1 . 15 OFF ' VOL. XVIII IIK.M), miHQllVTHH COUNTY, OltKflO.V, THURSDAY, MARCH I, 1020 .V, 1 BEND BULLETIN I HP ARAL HELP NOW POSSIBLE rrUMALO CHANCES ARE BRIGHTER -3 jHtnto Hnglnepr, In J.cllrr Jo Fred f. Wwllner, Outline Now Op-'-lnrtiinltln for IrrlgBllon District. KAI-n.M, Murch -I. Thut tho Turn lo project, by virtue of lt rocmit ruanlzntloii Into nn Irrigation dls Hct, inuv now- imrtlclpittn In tho lion flt of tiny jtlnn adopted for tlio roc imntloii of Jho entire DokoIiuIoji pro jet, In the Information given out In letter written It)' Htutn Htiglueer 'nrey A Clipper to Fred N. Walluco, innngur of tlio projoct. After inontlonltiR tlio cooperative rport prepared In tlio year of 1013 4 by tlio engineer's ollw ""' i'10 nlti't) Stales reclamation service. In which n plan wan outlined for tho orlantiitlon of Approximately 200, 00 acre through mo of the Uetihnm .ulU reservoir silo, Mr. Cuppor writes a follow' "A thoroiiKh Investigation of thin onnrvolr iilto wan tnndo Inst summer y "rofoMor Crosby, tho noted gcol gist, u ml others, nnd wlillo no ro tor t linn nn yol boon received, Pro- wur Crosby linn Indicated that n iivornblo report might bu expected. ri preparation far tho time when thin oport inny bo received, nnd cither uihllc or prlvnW) (uildn nro nvnllnblo or tho contraction of ono or mora if tho iinltnffft?lho Deschutes pro ject. It loemn to mo that nt leant ono (other district nhould bn organized, which would Include tho landn In tho "west unit. 1'our DlitrlrlM Included. "If thin in done, there will bo four dlntrlct In a ponltlon lo co-operate In tho conntructlnn of tho Deschutes projoct, tho north unit, Tunialo, west unit, nnd tho Contrul Oregon Irrlga- lan district "Tho Central Orison Irrigation dis trict nmy hnvo llttlo Intercut In com- I' io with tho othor dlstrlctn unloss fporchanco It tnkcvn oror tho. entlro 'holdings of tho Contrnl Oregon Irri gation coinpuny. Including tho north ) vtnal unit, coitaUtlnrc of soino 33 000 icro of unreclaimed Cnroy net Innd. U la to bo hopod that on early ad justment botweon tho contrnl 6rcgon irrigation dlntrlct nnd tho company will bo mado In tho very near futuro, is I havo no doubt It will clour up many mnttors of Importance to tho larxor development, Tho JonKor tho tdjuntmont In postponed tho mora implicated cnndltlonn wilt become, veMUtllng Inevitably In greater diffi culty In adjuntmont nnd tho maro un certainty thero will bu about tho do "olopmont of that section of tho ntnto through tho construction of tho Don- hutoH project Govrmmont Holds Water HIkIiIn. I will call attention to tho fnct hat all water rights nnd public laud Igbts required In connection with t Deschutes projoct nro In tho -"ill. of tho ntnto nnd foderal gov- ument, nnd no undue advantage n bo secured by ono unit over an- her. Succftm can only bo attained ugh hearty co-operation between Interests affected. "It is of course Impractical to or ganise the north canal unit nn nn Ir rigation district an practically all tho ind'w unonterod Careact Innd, and , ho snmo in largely truo of tho south nit, It being withdrawn by the - ted 8tntes reclamation sorvlco, i 'I wlnh to ngnln cart attention to Do nocoBnlty of harmony nnd coopor tlon botweon tho vnrlouH Interests. I The state ntnndB In a position lo pro tect anu hurmonlzo nil Interests In tlio big DeHchutcs projecta, pnrtlc ularly Insofar nH wnton rights nro ennwnoa, nnd nil nvnllablo onorgy nnd effort should bo dovotod to simp log tho project up ho that It enn bn resoniea in a favorable light to 'llior the redsralgovenimont, or rlvate capital, as the ease may bo. n organisation pf the dlrectora of the various districts nffaoted, which I understand you havo suggested would bji an excellent step' 'and I hope and trust yon njay be able, to secompllsh something along this line h well an encourage the organisation of the, west unit,1' STOCK BOARD IS FIViE ASSOCIATIONS REPRESENTED (Scorgn June HrniK Central Orrgon LhcMock Men ltelleriueiil In !. nnd (Jrndo of SIckU In Aim. An tho culmination of n series of moetlngi hold In Hond thin year by stockmen of tho Central Oregon country, tho Deschutes Central Live stock board wnn organized hero on Wednesday, following a dinner given nt tho I'ilot Ilutto Inn attended by reprosentatlvesof Avu livestock as sociations mid by othorn vitally Inter ested In tho upbuilding of tho in dustry. Tho business meeting nt which tho organization was perfected and constitution nnd by-laws discuss od, was hold In tho ofllco, of Forest Supervisor N Q. Jncobson. ucorge Jones, of tho Upper Des chutes Cattle Raisers' association, was chosen president, It. A. Ward was elected vice-president, and County Agent D. L. Jamison com bines tho offices of secretary nnd treasurer. Othor representatives nnd tho associations of which thoy nro members, wero Charles Knight, Northern Lako County Livestock as sociation; II. T. Hnrtloy, Sisters Motollus Livestock association; Fred N. Wallace Deschutos County Short horn Breeders; nnd Phil Smith, of tlio Tumnlo stockmen's association. Tho bosVd will moot twice, yearly, once following tho fall round-up, when tho matter of ostruyn may bo taken up, nnd ngnln In Fobrunry. Spoclnl meetings will bo called at any tlmo by tho president on tho request of two mombors of tho bourd, when ever prompt notion Is necessary. A determined campaign against stock thloves and changes In tho Hond Impounding lawn will bo among tho chief objects of tho board, while In tho development of the industry It Is hoped to owrk out plans for.the exchange of sires by tho various as sociations included lu tho board's membership. Although only five were represented yesterduy, it Is pro vided In tho constitution that the membership list Is open to all live stock organizations In Contrul Ore gon, Whon mombors of the Dosdhutes Central Livestock board attend tho iinuuiil mooting of tho Oregon Cat tle and Horso Rntsors nssoclntlon lu Hums on May 0 and 7, thoy will curry with thom rocommondntlona for legislation which nro to be work ed out by a commlttco named nt tho orgiinlintlon mooting of tho board Wednendiiy, composed of It. A, Ward, II, T. Hartloy, and Fred N. Wnlluco. lit tho meantime, a commlttoo com posed of Ooorgu Jones, It. A. Ward, ORGANIZED and N, O, Jncobson will Invostlgnto tlio possibility of changing tho local Impounding lawn and tho question of meat Inspection in Contrnl Qrogou. In general, tho board will strvo for tho advancement of tho livestock industry through qooperntlvo offort, the Improvement of broodo, onnct mint of promotive 'measure's, and (Continued on Pago 6,) "BVINGHIMTHEHOBH" ! j' SOCIAL SERVICE AIM OF BOARD SALVATION ARMY IS REPRESENTED HERE I). (J. Mcl'lirroii JImhIh Xcw Or Kniiiuitloii I.oml Economic mid Boclnl Questions Will He looked Into. How tho Salvation Army can work moro effectively in Deschutes county and how tho county may use to hot tocadvnntage tho nrmy'n trained org anization and Institutional facilities Is to bo determined by u Salvation ... .. . . . . . " Army Auvisory uoaru lormeu uere uy it group of prominent cjtlzeoe who boo n tho Salvation Array Homo Ser vice program for 1920 an opportun ity to obtain social sorvlco for this section more closoly approximating that given by tho Army for many years lu tho larger cities. Tho board was organized at a meeting held In tho Circuit court room after tho plan had been ex plained by Mr. Elmer it. Turner field representative of the Salvation Army and thoroughly discussed. D. O. McPhorson was choson chairman of the board; II J. Ovorturf, vice chairman; und Mrs. V. A. Forbes, secretary. To Study Poverty. Another meeting will bo held soon, at which tlmo tho board mombors will discuss tho findings of their tidy. Tho othor mombors of tho board nro: K. P. Mahaffoy, J; P. Keyes. Mayor J. A. Gastes. Judge . D, Rarnes, J. Alton Thompson. S. K. Roberts nnd Dr. R, W. Hondershott. Other membors will bo solcctcd by tho bonrd from tho surrounding country. This body is to study certain phases of poverty, uuomployruont, Juvoniio dollnquoncy and illegitimacy and roport to the ntnto headquarters of tho army. PLANS MEETING FOR DISTRICT DIRECTORS Organisation nnd Cooperation Aim. lug Toward Federal Aid Is Hopo of Tunialo Project Manager. 0 Following tho recolpt of tho re cently published lottor from Percy A. Cupper, stnto ongluoor sotting forth possibility of grentor coopor ntlon umoiiR tho units comprising tho groator Doschutes Irrigation pro ject, Fred N, Wallace, manager for the Tumnlo projoct, from which tho Tumalo Irrigation district was form ed, Is planning" to call n mooting of directors of tlio Tumnlo, North Unit, ntul Control Oregon districts in Red mond on Monday, March 16. Tho mooting will hnvo as Its aim tho org anization of tlio units named for the purposo of corporation as ono dls trioti or lu soourlnj; federal aid. , Mr, Wullnpq hoppB to hnyo ropre- sauUtlve of tho stntQ Irrigation con gress present at the meeUus. STATE HIGHWAY DAMAGES GIVEN TOTAL IS $6,011.50, SAY ' VIEWERS Many lu Terrebonne Section Not Pleased With Location Nop Willi Amounts Allow 1 Protests Mil lie In by WedneMlay. Damngcs in excess of tho benefits derived by Deschutes county farm ers whoso lands will bo crossed by thnt part of Tho Dalles-California highway botweon tho north county lino and Rend, total C.011.50, tho roport showed "which was filed with tho county court by tho viewers, .and read for tho first time yesterday afternoon. Tho estimates aro tho re sult of work dono early In February by Robert U. Could, R. II. Rayley, nnd A. II. Horn. A largo delegation of Terrcbonno and Pleasant Valley ranchers appear ed when tho compilation of assessed damages was read, but whilo It w'as understood that a determined ob jection would bo shown ngalnst a number.of tho items on tho list, only n fow landholders along tho lino of tho highway, including Earl Donton, J. J. 'McEtfresh, nnd Ooorgo lunkcr spoke against tho estimates and in fnvor of higher damages or a shifting of tho survey to mako tho road con form moro noarly to section lines. After a brief session with the county court, tho members of tho delega tion reported nt tho office of Robert U. Gould, county survoyor and chair man of tho board of viewers, and wero glvon tho reasons prompting the report just submitted to tho couit. IVotwtH to bo Filed. While fow objections woro mndo yosterday, this does not necessarily moun that thoro will bo none, for property holdors along tho lino of tho highway uro glvon up to noxt Wednesday to fllo wrltton protests. At that tlmo, tho report will bo road for the second tlmo, and on tho fol lowing day tho court will consider roport und protests. Among a considerable number of thoso- whoso names appear on the datnago list as well as among others whose benefits wero considered by (he viewers to bo equal to tho dam ages, feeling Is high against the re port, and it is understood that pro tests will be numerous. Damages usnessod by tho viewers aro ns follows: Qc.orgo Iunkor, JOB; James Mutton, $300: J. J. McElfresh, $500; Fred A. Rtco, 25; Jessiq Hayes, $SG0; J. II. Jackson, (400; Snrah L. Jarrott, $100; Sarah A. Neol, ?125j J. O. Hooker, $000; C, R. Armstrong, $400; Chinook Land Co,. $200.; Mode Daughman, $200; Rasmus Peterson, $300; A. Ahl strom, $000; Jounlo R. Waltora and F. W. Cnrstens, $10Q; F, A. Fosa, $250; Oeorge Whltels, $120; Slovort, Deblng, $175: James R. Ronham, $326; Martin R. Rogors. $5Q; Edwin J. Rogors, $25; Charles Stansbur rough. $130; Shorldnn Sroufo, $32; Jamos fh Reeves, $18; M. F. Mlllon. $50: Anjt "ndenvood, $5; C. H Harriott $P5; David h, Haworth $14 T Rkqr. $SK0; O P l n ha i CONDUCTOR BUYER OJ ALFALFA LAND.flAIlK IflllllmlifTI A, JC. Condon I'urilum'x 10-Acrc Tract J'lom Mlm Mary Ilcnn nt t J'lom Mlm Mary lien About 912.1 I'cr Acre. J. K. Condon, a pioneer conduct or on tho Oregon Trunk Tuesday closed a deal through tho Central Oregon Realty Co. for tho purchase of tho -10-ncro trnct of Miss Mary llenn. Tho consideration, It In (in derstood wan about ?12.' per acre. Mr. Condon has considerable farm ing interests In Kans.ia and Is an ex pert In alfalfa growing. Into which ho expects to go extensively on lijn newly acquired holdings, Mr. Condon has been with the-Ore-gon Trunk Railroad ever sinco tho operation of its first trains up tho Deschutes river valley. NAME EVENTS FOR BIG MEET PREPARATIONS MADE FOR MAY 15- Officials CIiom-ii by Hxccutivc Hoard High .School, Grades, and I'rl mnrles in Three Counties to lie Represented. Selcction of officials and drawing up of a schedulo of events for tho annual trl-county meet to be held In Redmond Saturday, May IS, was completed Monday at a meeting of tho executive board ot the Central Oregon School Day. association In Redmond. J. Alton Thompson ot Rend, president, Paul Irvinu of Red mond, secretary, and J, E. Myers, of Prlnevillo, wero the members of the board in attendance. It is expected that the meet and declamatory contest will be the big gest event ot tho kind over put on in Central Oregon, and a now feM uro is to bo introduced In tho award ing of medals. First prizes in each event will bo ot sold, while en- tranta placing second will receive rlbons. Contestants placing third will securo points but will bo award ed no token for so placing. Mr. Thompson, who Is in general chargo of tho meet, (s determined that tho events shall bo run off in rapid Uro order, and believes that the entire track and field program can be com pleted in nn hour nnd a hair instead of tho four or five hours sometimes taken in previous meets. Konts AruMnny. Tho events will bo as follows: 50 yard dash, high school; 50 yard dash, grades; 50 yard dash, midgets; 100 yard dash, high school; 100 yard dash, grudes; 100 yard dash, mld gots; Javelin throw, high school; rajle. run, high school; high Jump, high school; high Jump, grades: T5 jord low hurdles, grades; 75 yard low hurdles, midgets; 120 yard high hurdles, high school; 440 yard dash, high school: 220 yard low hurdles, high school: shot put, high school; 220 yard dash, hih school; running broad Jump, high school; running broad Jump, grades; discus throw, high school; pole vault, grades; pole vault, high school; relay, widgets; 880 yard relay, high school; 880 yara relay, grades, OMclals at the meet will Include the following: Officer ot the Day, Paul Irvine, of Redmond; Assistants. J. H. Myers of Prlncvillo, and J. Alton Thompson of Hond; Record Keeper, Carl A. Johnson of Rend, Tlmo Keepors, RUey Cook of Mad ras, D. II. Peoples ot Rend, and L. M. Dechtoll of Prlqevlllo; Starter, Dr. J, F. Hosch of Redmond; As sistants, Arthur Michel ot Prlnoville, Principal Gabriel of Madras; Judges for grammar dlvlslou cf Held sports, S. W, Rabcock of Prlnoville, John Tuck of Redmond, und O. Jonson of Madras, NEW O.-W. SCHEDULE ALLOWS EARLY, MAIL i A, change of schedule for 'south, linunit fl.W IrulllQ frv tnlra w. Monday, as annctuncod thlvafjr- noon, ngcorwng to wnton tia eve ning train will srrlvo (n Rp'iid at; t'SQ o'rlocdc Instead of 7:40 ns at "resent. j WiPV UliTfUfTU IN BEND MILLS BOOSTED TO NEW SCALE TO TAKE EFFECT MARCH 1 . HIGH PRlbES SHARED "Tut Four Ij Request Rack of Ad ranee I. ' . Jn Local Hcalc Differential rpM.-r'i-ist' ran win Re HW-c4tablt-.Iied. ,, ' Announcement was mado on Sat urday of a wago increase tolfea employees of tho local saw mills that' will bring tho scalo for ablo bodied common labor up to $5 a day and make additions in varying amoaaU in tho scalo for tho various classes of skilled labor. The new scale will take effect on March 1. At the Urooks-Scanlon plaat'ttM increase was made following a re quest from a conference committer from tho A L's, accompanied by. G. E. Wllliums, tho employee member of tho board ot directors of the 4 13 from this district. Their request, ac cording to Manager J. P. Keyos, cam as the result of Increases recently granted In the coast mills at the fee quest of tho organization la that sec tion. Fir manufacturers of the coast, Mr. Keyes said, wero receiving prises for their lumber far in excess eC thoso being asked by tho pine mills. Their employees, through 4 L cesa mlttces, asked for increases In wages, as a share of these high prices asst not because of any increase la the cost of living. The Increases were granted and on the fact becoralas known here he was waited on by a committee asking for higher pay, which was'graHted.' DiirereaUal Ro-establUlioO. For The Shevlla-Hlxoa Company T. A. McCana stated that the Iscre&se on his side of the river had been made as the result of a recent la- crease In tho minimum wage reted i by the directors of the 4 L's, aad was being put Into effect without art&k' on tho part of the Loyal Legl-ea U tho Shovlln plant The former scale for common lafcer in tho two mills was $4.30, the Ig uro sot by tho Oregoa state hoard of conciliation last fall. This agare made a flat rate of 60 cents pex hear and on its takfng effect other chassis wero made In the pay to other classes of labor which upset the differential theretofore existing, la coHBeeUea. with the present Increase, the former differential is largely fo-cstahl&ed. ' Over 90 per eeat ot the eajp&Hes ot the two mills are affected bVtfcs wago increase. 39 Local saw mills wages before this incroaso wqre the highest la the la land empire pine ladustry aad thU' addition serves to make the eempai isoa evon stronger in favor' of the. '. Bend mill employee. PIONEERS ATTEND TRIPLETT FUNERAL With an . attendance competed largely ot early residents of Rend and Central Oregon, funeral iwvleis Pere held Su,Jday afteraooa at tlHt Baptist church fer George Y. IrVn- lett, pioneer, who died last weak or an Illness caused by old age. The services were conducted by Roy, R.sJI. Johnson, of the Baptist church, aad Rev. H. C. Hartranft of the Prel terlan chnrch, and Interment waa made in Pilot Rutte cemetery. Mr. Trlplett was SG years old at the tlmo of his death. He was bora In North Carollua in 1833, served In the Confederate army during tho civil war, and catne to Central OrepuTi 1903. LUMBER COMPANY LAUDED BY BAKER For notable wprk In the haadllag of products fer government umUm Shevlln-Hlxoa Company, of (hte ejty, is inuued (n a emmunleatlot frew Secertary of War Baker. Tan -. lln-Hlxon Combaay is onai of n U se noctkwast to receive sacK eem- mefluttMi; V -s'l