niSND HULLKTIN, IlKNI), OREGON THURSDAY, VKllMJAttY lid, Ifl'JJO PAGE II rEDJGREED FOWLS BEST INVESTMENT M'M lM'l' IIIMIN Iff IHUIl llll"M Will Hi Inn Greater Profile, 'l'i'tii Ni .VceHat), A bird AvltH it podlijree is com- jtuMliiiK a fancy prlcu In poultry olr- fi today Ancestry oouiiIh In ohlck- iilir its much m In esttlo or iiirHP'i nnil every poultry man or Ionian wlio In endeavoring to Imllil tli egg productivity of IMh Dock (lei u bird wldi it kocxI OKn-nroiluo' nurt'tttry t bend It. Jur "till. jbuyn u pen of pedigreed lrcH nittl iditnlly chIIh out ihltt common ) For these MrtlH lio komk to lublv breeder of Ilia variety tint! k in It In nut tirofltnll for owner of n lary Hock who In MiiHiii: egg and chickens for mnf- to pedigree. Tim breeder, hand I): fewer tilrdii ii nd making n rolw- y lilKhrr jirolit on each one. can lord to iKnd mor4 time ud cur tho Individual. With lilm It U how iniiny." Iiut "how good." Trap XeMx Nwiifcary. Ivdlgreitlng u chicken mesHi the rping of ii romploto brwaillnK ro- XliiH involviHi n record by n iid or some oilier accurate f Identification of tli ma f o whlrh ma muted: a rec- oid, with tlio uld of n trap nest, of ciicli iKK laid; mi niTiuigomonl of tho ui:km In thu Inciilmlor ho that (ho baby ehloltii call lilt Identified and tho lubollng of thu chlcka by a leg band uftur tholr ronioval from thu Incu bator. I)y menus of log haiidnd hens nnd trnp ucjtM tho luoodor lit nblo Jo Identify ovoiy egjf produced and to murk each egg. Tho United Wtutos bttpnrtiiionl of Agriculture poultry specialists mark (ltd big und of the ugg.wlth thu nnniliur of tho bttl-und then put nndusimath Hint the pan nuniMir. Tho number mi tlitt Utt baud of the ban i:lvuHtli olu in the rwoord booh to hor podlgre Tho pen humUr glvu tho Jnforthatlon regarding tho Hire. luminous phones, $2.fi0; resldonci phonex, fl.GO; Switching chrr for non-miliNcrlberrt, 25 cents. Undur tho present tnothod of op oration, (lio polltlon stale the monthly income In $0.1, Tho month ly salary of tho telephone central Is $03, nnd (ho Hillary of manner fli n month, leaving only $3 to cover In cidental OXPCIIHOS. I Don't Xiulu(t i, l.llil One. Mrs. J. 8 I'ltKjo. 7 B. l4ili SI . Cleveland. 0.. wrlt.w "t en n't -piuilt too hjghly of Folc ' liouiy sml Tnr. When my illtlo c.lil lt'i 'i i aid I irtvo bar Koljr' lluce.y a I Tur and tint! fllopn jnr dotiKlttllK in .i lltll-i while " Chlldrtn llktt It, It oontnliiH no opl rtw. It l IiohIIiik. oothlu;, prompt In action. -Adv. U'iiiiI in buy bay, uo Hullctlii rbiH- Slflcd ikN. TELEPHONE COMPANY 1 WOULD ICAISE KATESiI 17-A T MniP17QT 1jXsJa1j I l 1LjU X Kottlns: forth (bat lnnulllcltnt ftimlM am Hvnllablo for mnlntonMtico and rupnlr of tho Fnrniord' National Tultphont Co., oprntliiK nl Tiimalo. r pvtltlon lllod by AlannKor A. J. Hrlr (ink boon niihiuKlml to tho 'ubllo KorvbiM commlHfllon nuklnn foi mi iidvaiKto In rtiU, I'riwimt cbnrto aro $2 r ntonth for biiHlnwMi tnlopliono.i, nnd 1 it month for riMldonco tolMphonii, with no (twitching olmrum for non-tiul)' Mrlbuni. Tho company doftlroa to d Vance It ratot to tho following imlo' NOTIfK I'Olt IMIIMt'A'JIO.V. Ilcpai-iiiiciit of the Iiilcrlor. U. 8. UASl) OKKICH at Tlio I)allo Oregon, I'cbriMiy 18, 1020. NOTIt'B In horoby kIvoii that Hor nott IC. Cooljo, of Mllllcan, UroKmi, who on Octohor ,10, lOlti, mado liomtMlond entry. -No. 0100 10, for lot 1.2-HH NWW NE'4. neotlon I 'J, towiiNblp 20 South, ruiiRO IC Kant, Willamette Meridian, ban (lied iioilco of Intention to make final throo your proof, to olh!lih claim Claimant nnnicm ok wltncmtcn: Ktanlny Bmlth, of Mllllcan, Ore f;out llouben It. Keller, of Mllllcan, Oregon; Thomas K. (John;, of ISoiul, OrC'Kott; I,co Tnuticlior, of Uend, Ore ttdn, II. THANK WOODCOCK, IlOKlHtnr. 62-4p TANUC FOR SALK DY The Owl Pharmacy SOLK AOKNTS t'Abb KOll KKOIHTKItHD (.):.S'j:itAI I'l'XIl WAItHAXTH Notice U. hiraby glvon that reKl tortid warrHtiU No. 3 10 to 100 inclu hIv drawn on the flwnonil fund aro willed for puymHtit on FttbriiHrV 2 Int.. 1120, and are payable at tho county TroMHtirorV ofllco, Dond, OreKOu. IntoreHt on thttf warrnntH Htop on and after r'brunry 21st. 1320. CIA'DK M. AIoKAY, Treaurr, litMChutoti County. 2c Ady. matoly equal, principal and lntrrt, j locatod asf abovo Htntud, nnd was by coiiimunclng elevon yenrB after the , tin taken up on November Ifi. 1918, XOTK'K OK IIOXI) ALK. Healed propoiwlit will bo received by the Hoard of Olrectorn of North Unit IrrlKittlon DlHtrlctitt It ofllce in Hald UiKtrlct In. tho city of .MadniH, JofferHon rounty. OroKou, for tho purclinuo of five million dollar (J5, 000,000) lio nd h of Maid DlRtrlct until 10 o'clock it. in. Hi 3tth dHy, of March, 11120. and Inimeuiatoly tbexe ufter publicly oponed by nald Hoard, mild bonda to bear'intorest at C per cent per annum, payable enil-an-nually on the llrnt daya of January and July In each year, principal and IntoroHt payable at the. ofllce of tho County Treasurer or at tho Fiscal AKonay of tho State of Orocou In New ork City, aald bouda to bo number to tho land abovo described, before. II. (J. Kill. IT. H. ConimlKHloner. at cd from 1 uowurdti. to bsar date of Heml. Oregon, on the Cth day ofjlHHUo and to iliajuro Jterfally In nn Apr.l, IU20. Inual umounts Ml as to be npproxN ? i 'mm , i . mmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmlmmmSimmmmmS ' - ' -rr i iTiinn mm , m iiwmmiimmim h mmn m nM , n i-m TifW (Do You Know That Hudson I Builds the Essex? SEE THE ESSEX It is the Light Weight Car That Holds the Greatest Endurance Proof Of course you know all about the Essex and its record of C870 miles at an average speed exceeding a mile a minute. It was the only new car at last year's shows. Now it holds tho greatest sales record, for 22,000 buyers paid $35,000 for Essex in its first ten months. An Essex stock chassis officially pet the world's endurance mark in a 50 hour run totaling 3037 miles. The same stock chassis in three tests covered 6870 milcB in 94 hours 22 min utes' driving time. A dealer's demonstrator that had been driven 12,000 miles, covered 10G1 miles in 2-1 hours over Iowa snow-covered roads while a blizzard was raging. Think what these proofs mean to you. It settles the light car question. It places Essex endurance on the same, level with its companion car tlio Hudson Super-Six. It elevates the moderate priced car into the fine car nuality and performance class. All tne advantages in gasoline, oil and tire economy are retained. Hudson Designed and Builds Essex What group of men are as well quali fied to build performance and endur ance in a moderate priced light weight car? And what other manufactur ing organization is equipped to pro duce it? Consider how the Super-Six has pro duced those qualities; then answur if Essex is not the rightful heir' tpY Hudson. - "' Essex is the "New Day Car" ., The long-Ulked-of light weight, mod-, crate-priced car with satisfactory: performance and reliability is found1 in the Essex. l fulfills the hope of true 'automobile economy. Qualities of endurance, fineness, and beauty are combined with the advantages in price and operating costs of light cars. Judge Essex reliability by what you know of the Super-Six- its economy in gaso line, oil and tires by light car standards. The day when reliability and fine per formance were to be had only in Jarge, high-priced cars is past. A visit to the Essex show will convince you. So will a talk with any Essex owner. And don't forget deliveries of Essex cars are becoming more and more un certain as its fame grows, despite the increasing number being built. .& ) PIONEER GARAGE CO. ' Bend, Oregon i i KUiW!lffil;ilJ!ffl IKIHWiWJllUniUltl!UmUll!iIUtlWmMmruaitM(MHtMHIUII m';;nTajuj!a!Xi!!ig.a'jacg aio ttEiiiimwaag'iiiMJiiiiMiiiiiiiiiwT'Miiiiiiiiiiiiai date of (Mtie nnd ending thirty yar after the date of Imiue. Said bid mud b accorfipanM by a cwtlled chock for five por -nt of tht amount bid. Tno Hoard roarvo the liBht to rejMt any or nil bid. A. V. AtfDEItSOX. aa on otttruy, nnd a mIo thnreof vAm ordered to bo hold at the abovo tlmo and plaoe by tho Hon J. A. Hasten, Justice of tho rce. SM animal will bo onrod for ! or ch. to the fci(hol bidder, 'o MUtofy tho damaiim Kuatalnod by I m, ujv Guam in Kuujunif, ami an ox- JX NOTICK 01 COXTKST. Department of tlio Inferior. Lnkovlow, Oresaa. February 12, 1024 To Thomas II. Hanna of unknown addreitts, contented! You aro hereby notified that Justin It. I'oHtlo who Rives Itox 580, Band, Oregon, an bin pont-oulco addroait. did on January 17, 1920, file. In this of fice Ins duly corroborated nppllca Kuorolary. iiwiim Incurred, including tha. fee S2-ic,of the Jftntica of tho poaao, fdsUi of au-ramaing ami nucii oiner 005 18 and txtMWMta tut may bar fteiyi lawfully Incurred. DtI at &od, Oregoti, February 18, J20. PAUL MHUTSCiUMO. . WILL HOltSBLL, 51-G-to xoTicB to cnimiroiiU In tha County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Dechutt County. In (he matter of the oatato of (1. W. Crawford, ilnrnnuod. lion to contest and nccnro the tancol-1 Notice ia hereby givon that tho lation of your homeatead entry, fsor-iundenilRned wan. on tho 0th dny lal No. 073C5 mode April 3, 1911. of February, 1020, duly appointed for Kant half, ncctlon 22, townIHp;admlnli)trator of tho estate of G. 22 8. range 17 K. Willamette, JIr-;W. Crawfonl, deceased. AH por- Idlan, and an grounda for bin eon teat h all"j;''! that Thomas II. Hanna filed IiIh ha Id entry more than five yeam prior to tho date heredf. und never mado or oatabUohod reel' douce on,$ld land or improveil the amo In any wny. and has never re aldod thereon, and has wholly aban doned mid entry from tho date thore of.' and that said abnonce from tho land wna not duo to tho ejitryman's employment in tho military or naval organizations of tho Unltod States or tho National Guard of any of the several Statos. Von aro, thorefore. further noti fied that the said allegations will be taken a confessed, and your said en try will bo canceled without further right to bo hoard, olthor before this olllce or on appeal. If you fall to (lie in this ofllce within twanly days after the Fourth publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to those allegation of contost. together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on tho said con testant either In person or by resl fered mull. Vou should state in your answer .the namo of tho post office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. JAS F. BUIU3ESS. Register. Dated of first publication, Febru ary 26, 1920; data of second publica tion. .March !. 1920: date, of third publication, March 11, 1920: data of fourth publication, .March 18. 1920. C2.3c sons bavins claims against said es tate will present tho noma duly verified io me within six monlha from the date hereof. C. H. KUICKSON, 60-2c Administrator. XOTICK OK SIIKRIFF'.S SALK. Uy virtue, of nn execution in fore closure duly Issued by tho clerk of tho Circuit court of tho county of Deschutes stnto of Oregon, dated thu 2Sth day of January. 1320. in a cer tain action in tho Circuit court for said county and stato. wherein Alva E. McClung us plaintiff recovered Judgment against E. Lee Rlggs for tho sum of Nino hundred dollars, nnd attorney's fees In tho sum of ono hundred and twonty-llvo dollars, and the further sum of tlftccn dollars on tho 23rd day of January, 1920. Notice Is hereby Riven that I will on the 28th day of February. 1920, at tho front door of tho county court houso in Rend. Oregon in said coun ty, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of sajd day. sell nt public miction to thft highest bidder, for cash, tho fol lowing described property, to-wlt: The south half of section olght, in township twonty-ono South of range twonty B. W. M. Tnkon nnd loviod upon as tho proporty of tho sail E. Loo Rlgga or as' much thereof as may bo necessary to satisfy tho said Judgment in favor of Alvu E McClung against said B. Leo Rlggs wiiii inierost thereon, togother with XOTICK OK SALK OK KSTItAYS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN: That on Monday. March 8. 1920, at 2 o'clock p. m. at my ranch nlno mllos southeast of Ilend. Deschutes county. Oregon, located In section 20. Township 17 South. Range 13 E. W. M . the following 'dVocrlbcd cat tlo will be offered for sale a estrayo, by L. A. W. Nixon, tho nearest con stable, to-wlt; One black. -long yearling steer, with two silts in the loft bar, ono silt la the right ear. and no other risible marks or brands. One red heifer, about two years old. slit and hole in Wt ear, tip cut oft of right ear, small dewlap on brisket, without other visible marks or brands. Said cattle wore taken up uy mo as estrays at my ranch in Deschutes county. Oregon. located as abovo stated, on December 2nd, 1919, and a sale thereof was ordered, at tho above time and place, by tho Hon. J. A. Eastes, Justlco of tho Pcaco, ba being the nearest Justlco of tho peace. Tho said cattlo will bo offered for sale at the time and placo' abovo, mentioned, for cash, to satisfy the damages sustained by roe, the costs of keeping said animals, and all ex penses Incurred, including justice or tho peace fees, costs of advertising and sale nnd such other costs and expenses as may have been regularity incurred. Dated at Bend, Oregon, February Hth 1920. FRED P. REYNOLDS 61-le NOTICE OK SIUCHIFIAS HALE. By virtue of an execution in fore closure duly Issued by the clork of the, Circuit court, of tho county of Deschutes. Stato of Oregon, dated tho 23rd day of January, 1920, In a certain action in the Circuit Court for said county and state, wherein Geo. B. Simpson as Plaintiff, recov ered Judgment against George S. Clayton for the sum of ono thousand dollars, nnd costa and illBbursomentB taxed nt dollars. and attorney's foos in tho sum of ono hundred nnd fifty dollars, and tho further sum of ton dollars, on tho 11th day of January 1920. Notice Is hereby given that I will on the 28th day of February, 1920. at tho front door of the county court house In Baud. Oregon. In suld coun ty, at 10:00 o'clock in tho forenoon of said day. sell at public auction to tho highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described Dronorty. to-wit ;--- or may nccruo. S. E. ROBERTS. Sheriff. us .tsu' k srMWEi van : ,a'D-c a tho property of tho said George DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR U. S. Lnnd Office, at Thn nii!n Oregon, January 22, 1920. ' ivotico is Hereby Riven that Elmor L. King, of Mllllcan. Orocon. who. on April 21, 1916, mado homestead entry No. 014767. for NEU N4 SEW Sec. 33, NVj SW 80c. 34. Township 20 south. Ranco 17 eimf. Willamette morldian. has filed no tice or Intention to make final three-yonr proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before 11. v. Kins, u. s. Commissioner at Bend, Oregon, on tho 8th dov of March, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Dllburn D. Tusslng, of Mllllcan, Ore gon; Nols Delude, of MlUlcan. Oro roiJ; Orlea O. King, of Mllllcan. Orepon; Reuben D. Goorgo, of Bond, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4S-52p Roglstor. NOTICE OK SALK OK ESTRAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Friday, the 12th day of March, 1920, at 2 o'clock p. m. nt our ranch 1 1-2 mllos northeast of Alfalfa, lu Deschutes county. Oregon, locatod upon Section 13, township 17 South, range 14 E. W. M tho following des cribed animal will bo offered for, sale us an ostray by L. A. W. Nixon the nearest contitnblo, to-wlt: Ono rod and whito spotted helfor, now about two years old, with a split on tho right ear, wattle on the right hind leg, and branded on the right shoulder, without other vis ible marks or brands. naliln 15, lots 3 and 4 nnd the North half of the Southwest quarter of sj,tlon S. Clayton or as reuch thoroor aa may be necessary to satisfy tho said, Judgmont in favor of Gcorgo D. Simpson against said George S. Clay ton with interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursomeuta that have or may nccruo. S. E. ROBERTS. . . Sheriff. DntAd at Ben1' Oregon. January 2C. 1920. 43-520 NOTICK OK HEAHIXC; ON FINAL ACCOUNT In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes Cqitnty. In tho matter of tho estato ot Mrs. Bertha Stowell. decoasod, Notico Is horoby given that R. D. Stow oil, administrator of tho estoto ot Mrs. Borthn Stowell, do censed, has made and filed with tho Clork of tho County Court of Deschutes County. Oregon, a final account of his administration of said estate, and that the Judgo oC the above entitled court has set Monduy, tho 15th day ot March. 1920, at tho huur or 10.30 o'clock; iu tho foronqon of said day at tho court room in Bend, Oregon, as tho tlmo and placo of hearing the final Bottling of said estate, and all per-, sons Interested are cited to appear at said tlmo and placo nnd show cause, If any, why Bald account should not be allowed, Dated this 11th day of Febru ary, 1920. R. D, STOWLL, Administrator of the JtaUte ot Mrs. Bertha Stowell, Deceased. Date of first publication, Feb J ji& uald animal came to our ranch. ruary ii, xaau. EB-2g