The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 19, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 11, Image 11

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J Iifm . .- . . W
i What s Doing m
the Country.
rowiJt.ij mittk.
(Continued from I'm:') 2.)
Iml by tliu ynuiiKiir incmborn of tho
i fnmllkm. Turkey and cranborry
nuuco, imlnilrt nml oilier (HhIidm, with
Ico cream and cako (o comploto the
food, Aftor all had fouiUcd to tholr
. uiillro KtitlNfactlou, Mrn, (luorrw 0
r TruiiHilnlo im toaHtmlHtnmn In u fow
wall cIiohoii wordH Introduced onch
Hpoukur, Tlio following IdiinIn woro
jjlvon "our IIUHbundit" Mm. Carl
FUhor, (ircNldunt of tlio HotoiiIh;
"Our Club," Mm. Alfred W. Bayno;
"Tlio Ladle, Clod IIIuhh 'Km," J.
Franklin Him; "Othur lliiiuiuutN," J.
A. KIkkn; "ItcmarkH," (' M. Churl
Inn, DiirliiK tho ovoiiIiikh proKrnm
Mm. TriiuHilali) reminded (Iioro pre.
mint that wo havo JtiMt pant a birth
day iiniilvenmry of Abraham Lincoln
and callud for a (until from Mm,
Mary V, Charlton on "Tlio Wotuun
Lincoln Loved."
i Max and Arthur Wurwellor drove
about l'Jti head or Iholr calllo, that
lllivn bmiii Itnlit hiiro for wlntitr fnml.
Iiik. over to (Iraiulvlow liiHt week.
Where limy will bit kept In patituro.
J. P, O'Callahan haw broiiKht homo
n urmii.i nrmeriy .Minn Kvyuitu roier
man of lloml. True to custom,
Powell Itutto. people Knvu thorn a
roiiNliiK wnlcomu In tliu way of a
Kood old funhlou charivari. At tlio
Kruom'H hoxpllabla Invitation wo
went all Invited Into ureal Urn bride,
'luarn and candy wait tlio treat and
mid intinlc and mIuuIiir furnliihod the
ttveulnu'ri enturtalumunt.
Clyde Mooro In IiuuIIiik lumber for
a neat -little reiddoucn hero at l'owoll
Edwin Campbell who has boon at
tiuutliii: (hi) Wllnon hcIiooI. ban roiih
llll.ttn (. Ill,, II, .1. ,.,. .II.IbII I. ..
ni'illii in(,uv IIIIIMII i UIHllltl una
n.-iiuiit'i nww nun ftuwiu onu may
at homo and attend rcliool.
Jew, Hhobort lout a valuable homo
y recently.
Mr. and Mm Hurt Reynold vlnlt
fil at the 13. A. lluHnott homo a day
or two lam week. Mr. Reynold ban
Movored bin relallonii with tlio Lynch
mid Roberta Mora al Kudmond and
Iiiih uonit to Montana whuro bo ex-
"Pay as you
ride" on our
easy pay
ment plan
poctH to on tor a now Hold of labor.
Mm. ItoynoldH ami baby will follow
Mr. and Mm Itoy Oliver havo mov
ed onto tlio Will Koiitnor farm, and
Mr, and Mm. Kitiitner and tlmlr boyi.
havo moved to lloiid,
.Harold M. Cliarltou and friend Mr.
Iluriiutl of Portland vlHltud at tho of
U. M. Charlton a Hhorl tlmo IiikI
week, llaiold will maklnu a bunl
iiohh trip Into thlH purl of tho coun
try. Mr. mid Mm. John Drlncoll havo
moved to Itodmoud and Mr, and Mm,
I). A. OuIiih aro now comfortably net
1 k'd on tho farm formerly owner by
Minn Mablo Allen and Hlnlor nro
al homo from nu extended vltiltod at
Houlx City Iowa.
J, I,, Ollmon and J. I'. Illco wonl
to lloiid hiNt week mid biouuhl back
lulto a HiiVply from tho. Army (JoodH
Mm. E, A HiiHHett vlnitod a fow
dayM In Itodmoud with her mother,
Mm. Drown who Iiiih boon under
treatment for cancer. Mm. Ilrown In
Improvlm: nicely,
Mr. mid Mm. K. II. Wllllama aro
rejolclnu ovor tho birth of a non who
Iiiih been named CharleM Kdward,
born January 30 In Portland al tho
Maternity honpltal of that city. Tho
koii In doluu well but Mm. William
contracted pneumonia when tho batty
wiih about three daytt old and Iiiih
had quite a nerlouH hc.Iuo of It Hho Ih
now out of dauuer.
Mr mid Mm. W, Iloblm and clill
dreu havo moved to Klutum, wlioro
how 111 be employed,
J huh Hhoberl baa liiHtnllod a tolo
phouo two nhort rltiRH will call thorn
Llttlo Harriett Hhohort Ih quite fit
with la urlppo. Tho community Ih
full of that complaint and Home
others aro iiilto III with It,
Tho ne.wly elected olllcem for tho
Powell Initio Cooperative iihhocIu
tlou aro Ci.'orr.o C, Truendale, prim
Idenl; ). A. YatoH, vlce-prexldeul:
J. !' Itlcv. microtary; C. I.. Wortell,
treiiHUrer, A V. llayno an trunto,
holdn over for another year
Homo of the Hchooln In thin vicinity
obnervod Bt. VatoutluuH day with apo
dal oxercUeH. At MIhh IliiHxell'H
Mchool the piireutH nttntided and en
joyed the fun with tho children.
At Mm. Mllnem hcIiooI a iiiont do
lluhtful llmo wiih enjoyed. Quito a
iiumliej- of vlnltom woro pronont, and
a real pontmnnter wan a featuro of
tho afternoon at tho clone of which
Among the vast number of motorists that con
sider reliability and economy the prime requisite
of automobiles, the Maxwell is the choice of its
price class.
The fact that a Maxwell gives MORE miles
on gasoline, oil and tires and that in doing so
it gives stable, dependable service is the great
factor in creating the vast national demand for
this car.
More than 1 00,000 persons who want to make
their money go as far as possible will buy
Maxwells in 1 920. And some 40,000 persons
who desire Maxwells will be disappointed
because of the shortage.
The output of the eight great Maxwell factories
will not can not meet the demand. It will
probably be impossible for you to get imme
diate delivery later on. Order early, and you
will at least get a definite and early delivery
a dollrloiiH luncheon wuK,Hervcd con
hIh(Iiii, of hot cocoa and ' whipped
'cream with caku and hiiikIwIcIuvi.
Tli ore will bo a froo ilauco at Com
mnnlly Hall February 27, Oood
mimic will bo furiiliiliud. There will
bo Hiippur for which th reuular
charf.o will bo mado,
Mrn, Will Arnold and hoiiii of
Prlnovlllo mid MIhh Illlllo Korrnlmori.
of Portland attended tho HoroHln bau
(uet Friday nluht. Mm. Arnold Ih
a former prexldonl of tho club.
Onn I tot ii It or Winter.
I,lfo Indoom with lack of oxorclno
and heavy food In apt to throw tho
dlcontlvo orunnn out of order. Foley
Cathartic Tahletn aro a wholononio
phynlc that thoroiiclily cluunno tho
IjowIh without urlplnu or nauitea.
They nwcoton tlu, Htomnch; Invluor
nto tho llvur; banish hoaduchcH,
blllounuoHH, bloatliiK, Ran. Adv.
PLAINVIKW, Fob. 18, Tho O, I).
O, Club uuvo a hard tlmo party at
the A. V". IIohh homo hmt Friday ovo
nine A largo crowd attended and
participated In tho uood tlmo. Much
fun wan provoked by tho pool olllco
featuro whero M. W. Knickerbocker
uctlnu an poHtmiiHtor (llntrlbutcd a
laruo number of comic valentlnen to
tho uuontH. Homo very clover" hltn
wti, made. Later In tho ovonlnu
Vern Mvcaay actlnu an Juduo, In
flicted heavy flnoH rmiulnu from tbreo
centH to ten on vlctlmn broiiKht In
by tho mamhalH for wourlnu Jowolry
or belnu othorwlHo too much drcHxed
up. A HiibHtautlal lunch of potato
naiad, bako bcaiiH, mindwIclicH and
cotTeo wiih Hcrved.
Mm, C. F. Cluilfan ban relurnn!
homo aftor a dolluhtful nix wcokn
vlHlt with relatives In Portland.
Tho ProuroHHlvo club cleared about
Hoventy-llvo dollars for tho Commun
ity Hall fund at tho dance ulven at
tho Tumtilo hall February 0,
Mr. and Mm. .Martin and dauuhtcr
DorlH have returned to tlit-Jr homo
In WaHhlnulon after vlHltlnu at tho
McKlnnoy homo for novornl dayn.
Mm. Van Tannel Htarted recently
for Vancouver wlioro alio will visit
her reJatlvos eiirouto to an oxtennlvo
visit with bur urandparents HvIiie In
Tho 0. I). O, club mot with Mm,
Herman Maruero for a dolluhtful
luncheon after which a full afternoon
wan spout worklnu on tlio club riillt,
Tho n,ulll Ih beautiful womted lou
cabin pattern and chances aro now
hejuu Mold at twonty-flvo contn each.
Albert and l.ouls Nlmchal havo ro
lurned to the Htaehlo ranch to do tho
sprlnu work,
Mm. Louzolta Pulllam, Mm, John
'McKlnnoy and Jim Pulllam mado n
'huslnosH trip to La Pino Halurday.
Mr. ami Mm, J, II. Klklns, Hay
Armstrong, Uooruo Calvorloy and II,
A. and Paul HcokkIh wero buslnen
callers In Dend Friday,
Itoy and Kduar Ileartt sold part of
their Hock or sheep last week.
Mr. and Mm, Colfolt wero uuefltH
at tho Hohm homo Hunday afternoon.
MIhsoh Jo IluruwH and Connlo
Knickerbocker of Hand and Itoy
Ileartt and Lawrence Hcharfnnberu
enjoyed a home back rldo to tho head
i;ates on Hqtiaw crook Sunday.
Had breath, colorlrrm lips, sallow
chcokii ulvo n girl llttlo chance for
"a man" Don't ulvo up, try Hollls
ter'n Kocky Mountfiln Tea and seo
how populur you got, Owl Phar
That on Monday, March 8, 1920, at
2 o'clock p. m. at my ranch nlno
miles Kouth-rast of Bend. Deschutes
county, uregon, located In. section
20, Township 17 South, Kongo 13 B.
W. M tho following described cat
tlo will bo offered for salo on est rays,
by L, A, W. Nixon, tho nearest cou
ntable, to-wlt;
Ono black, long yetrllng ntoer,
with two silts In tho left ear, ono
silt In tho right car, and no other
visible marks or brands.
Ono red liclffcr. about two years
old, nllt and hole In loft car, tip
cut off of right car, small dewlap
on brisket, without other visible
niarkH or brands.
Raid cattlo wero taken up by mo
an estrays at my ranch In Deschutes
county, Oregon, located an above
stated, on December 2nd, 1919, and
a salo thereof was ordered, at tho
above tlmo and placo. by tho Hon.
J. A. Bastes, Juntlco of tho Peace, ho
being tho nearest Justlco of Iho pcaco.
Tho said cattlo will bo offered for
salo at tho tlmo and placo above
mentioned, for cash, to satisfy tho
I. 1
' V
y .
VV -
damages sustained by mo, tho costs
of keeping said animals, and nil ex
ponHCH Incurred, Including Justlco of
tho poaco fcoii, costs of advertising
and salo and such other contn and
oxponnen an may havo bcon rogularlly
Dated at Hond, Oregon, February
ltth 1920.
liy vlrtuo of an oxccutlon In fore
closure duly Issued by tho clerk of
the Circuit court of tho county of
Deschutes, Stato of Oregon, dated
tho 23rd day of January, 1920, In
a certain action in tho Circuit Court
for said county and state, whorcln
Geo. II. Hlmpson an Plaintiff, recov
ered Judgment against George S.
Clayton for tho sum of ono thousand
dollars, and costs and disbursements
taxed at dollars,
and attorney's fees in the sum of ono
hundred and fifty dollam, and the
further sum of ten dollam, on the
Hth day of January 1920.
Notice In hereby given that I will
on tho 28th day of February, 1920,
at tho front door of tho county court
house In Hond, Oregon, In said coun
ty, at 10:00 o'clock In tho forenoon
of said day, sell at public auction to
tho highest bidder, for cash, tho fol
lowing described property, to-wlt:
Tho Southwest quarter of tho South
east quarter of section 32, township
IS, lots 3 and 4 and tho North half
of tho Southwest quarter of ReUIon
C, Township 16 South of range, 11
E. W. M. Taken and levied upon
an tho proporty af tho said Gcorgo
S. Clayton or as uuch thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy tho said
Judgment In favir of Gcorgo B.
Simpson against said Gcorgo S. Clay
ton with Interest thereon, together
with all costs and disbursements
that havo or may accrue
8. E. nOHERTS.
Dated at Bend, Orccon. January
2C, 1920. 48-B2c'
Department of tho Interior.
U. 8. LAND OFFICE nt f.nknvlntr
Oregon. January 17, 1920.
NOTICE in hereby given that Mar
guret Mulligan, of Bend, Oregon, who
Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Luth, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish
Local Sale.-. Agent, MILLKR I.UMBKK CO.
Business and Professional Cards
Rooms 13-1G First National
Bank Bldg. Tel. Cll
(Dr. Co' Former OlSec.)
II. H. DrArmonJ Chat. W. Era Vine
DeArmond & Erskine
h a v v i: it s
O'Kanc Building, Bend, Oregon
H. O. L L 1 S
Oalted States Commissioner
First National Bunk Building
Bond Press Bldg.
Phones: Office Red 41; Res. 123
Dr. L. W. Gatchell
Optometrist and
Manufacturing Optician
Complete Lent Grinding PUot in con.
occti'on with my office at
LARSON tU CO,, Jewelers
M3 Oregon rtitrl. Bend, Oregon
Deschutes County Abstract Company
D. H. PEOPLES, President
Most Complete Abstract Plant in Contral Oregon. Special Atlnnllon
Given to Federal Loan Abstracts.
First National BonK Bldtf,, BEND. ORE., Cor. next to Allej
The Owl Pharmacy
on March 4, 19lrf A. Juno 10, 1913,
mado Homestead Entries, Tho Dalles
No. 01129C, and Lakcvlow. No.
0602, for El-2 8B1-I SBI-4, 8W1-4
flBl-4 8B1-4, HB1--I NW1-I SBI-4
8B1-4, 8B1-4 8E1-4 SWt-4 8E1-4,
8icllon 34, T. 20 8., II. 10 B. in Tho
Dalles District; and Sl-2 NWl-i NB
1-4, iil-2 NE1-4 NW1-4 NB1-4, NB
1-4 NE1-4 NW1-4 NE1-4, H 1-2 NW
1-4 NW1-4 NE1-4, NW1-4 NW1-4 N
Wl-4 NB1-4, El-2 SBI-4 NW1-4, H
1-2 NE1-4 SW1-4, 8E1-4 NW1-4 SB
1-4 NW1-4, El-2 SW1-4 8E1-4 NW
1-1, NB 1-4 NW1-4 NE1-4 SW1-4,
8E1-4 8E1-4 NE1-4 NW1-4, Section
3, T. 21 8., B. 10 E Iikovlow Dis
trict. Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to mnko final
throe-year proof, to establish claim
to tho land above described, beforo
If C. Bills, U. 8. Commissioner, at
Bend, Oregon, on tho 28lh day of
February, 1920.
Claimant namca tin witnesses:
Frank Hearn, Bosslo Hearn, Luther
Metko, Martin Main, Hllra Perrau,
all of Bend, Oregon.
In tho Circuit Court or tho Stato
of Oregon, for Deschutes County.
In tho matter of tho cstato of
Mm. Bertha Stowell, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that It.
D. Stowell, administrator of tho
estato of Mrn. Bertha Stowell, de
ceased, has mado and filed with
the Clerk of tho County Court of
Deschutes County, Oregon, a final
account of his administration or
nafd estate, and that tho Judgo of
the above entitled court has sot
Monday, tho ICth day of March,
1920, at tho hour of 10:30 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day at tho
court room In Bend, Oregon, as tho
time and placo of hearing tho final
settling of nald estato, and all per
sons Interested aro cited to appear
at said tlmo and placo and show
cause. If any, why said account
should not bo allowed.
Dated this 11th day of Febru
ary, 1920.
Administrator of tho " Estato of
Mm. Bertha Stowell, Deceased.
Dato of first publication, Feb
ruary 12, 1920. ' 50-2c
Fkono Black 1391
2-4 O'ICane Building
0. P. NI8WONQER, Piind. Ore.
Licensed Kmb&Imer, iiBtrfcl
Phone Rod 421. Lady Aut
XtiprnpMhle Physlcl
Over Logan Furniture Co.
Wall Street Hours 9 to E
I'hoBe Red 4HS
Permanently Located In Bend
with Now Equipment
Privato Office In Thorson'o
Jowclry Store
Dr. Turner will be In Prlne
ville ovory first and third Fri
day; In Madras every ancond
and fourth Friday, and In Red
mond ovory first and third
Thursday of each month.
Read the Classified Ads.
mtm'wn )iwiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiifiiii''iiiiimuiiiuwinwv'mwnmuiwinour?M
Bfl,tW-WWimi'iT-" M rtt1li II i I ' '" " If'l'f'l11