The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 19, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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No. til
loss is m
llrnkrtiinu Woden In Scalding U'ntrr
In Kncitplug From Wreck
I.osm of LonmmlHo Keenly
Fell I))' Company.
Ono triilninun badly cut ami ncnld
od, tlirvo loss norlouiily Injured, nnd
n Incomotlvu damaged to the extent
of approximately 110,000 (hone
fnro thu wults of nil oxploslon onrly
on Friday throo miles from Ho ml,
whun tliu boiler of lint Hlmy engine
operated, by (ho Hrooks-Scniilon
Lumber Co. burnt ns tlio endue wan
hauling a string of empties into tlio
woods. A defective crown pinto In
thought to lnivo boon rnnpoimlbli) for
thu uxploslou, whloh wan ho terrific
In Ha forco Hint hot mud utid water
woro showered over trvt 160 foot
from Hut track.
Four tralnmun wore lu the nab of
tho engine nt 7: t6 o'clook when tho
heavy steam pressure proved too
much for tho liollor as tho unglno
stopped JiiMt before starting on tho
grndo nimr thu Arnold ditch. Knit
Inter Gunq Carroll nnd Fireman Mar
tin Culler, hint boon Joined by A.
MeGlbbou and Itny llortln, brake
inon, nnd It wan tho two lattor who
went moMt Kovuroly Injured.
Wnile In Hulling Water.
Tho forco of tho oxplonlou throw
thu flrognto ngnliist MeGlbbou, pin
nlriK him between thu Icmlor nnd the1
oab nt tho same tluujUinl tho Jar
rnlwuoil tho broaks,--allowing tho
load to slide iiKnlnot'tho ongluo,
whlh wna twltilrd from tha track.
Thu ton in KuiiRo broko. and McGIb
bgn'tgjfmck win proiioutml to tho
Moulding npTn'y fur two mluutus bofora
bo squirmed loose. In a dunso fog of
steam, unnblu to boo IiIh way, ho
xtoppwl from tho cub Into a pool of
tiOiUttwiilor, scalding both foot nnd
till lower portion of both legs.
CJHllflr wh blown from tho engine.
sJigUlnliiK bad cum about Ihu facu
. nnd should r. whllo Carroll,' thu
wniciHeer, km thrown to tho floorand
ernwlod out with only slight Injuries.
Ilo miff trod no burns, llortln wnH
Pjtniid In much tho sumo mnnuur an
4lt(2Sbboiib but his burns weru loss
warfare. Leaving from tho opposite
Hide 6f tho cab. Cullnr. Carroll, nnd
BflrHu avoided-the bolllnR pool into
i'liUli Maaibbon had wodod.
Walks Willi Hrnldrd i'tvt.
Leaving tho wn&kcd locomotive
tho four walked nonrly u mllo to
Gnrroll'u homo, where thoy Todo In
IiIh unto to Horn!. llortln lu In tho
hospital, whllo McQIbbon la nt bin
homo, Both will rocovcx. Cullor
nnd Carroll woro nt work iiriiIii thin
KollowliiK tho HcjidliiR of Doputy
Hhorlff A, 10, ClirlHtofrorson to hn
Pino on tho complaint of E. L. Clark
(hat ho foarod mob notion na tho ro
Hult of fnctloitnl troublo In tho nctiool
dlntrlct, Honry CnvnnniiRh nnd Harry
D. Hill woro lu Ilond Saturday brim;
Iiir with thorn putltloiiN, oun of which
rnqtiQstod tho ronlKimtlon of tho en
tire Ln Pino school board, of which
Mr. Clark, W. It. Hlloy, nnd Cnrl
VIho uro inomborH, whllo tho other
wuu propurod for prcsontntlou to tho
county court. Ohurgou that Mr.
Clurlc hitH tnkou oxortod unduo Indu
unco ovor Mr. Winn lu tho conduct
of, hcIiooI nffnlrH, that ho hna UBOd
lirofnuo lunftuiRo on tho school
grounds, ami that ho oxpollod two
pupllH without Riving thorn n hunr
I UK.' uro mndo lu tho lattor docuinont,
which ubUh tho court to ntop furthex
troublo In tha district. Aftor arriv
ing In llo ml, howuvar, It was docldod
that tho proHoutntlou of this potltlon
would bo luadvlsublo.
Clyde M. McKay JIchiIn llody
Second MccIIiik I AniiotinriMl
1 f(r Mondny' Hvcnlng.
Hoornnnlxntloii of thu old Doit
cliutci count)' II n pit b 1 1 c u n
club WnM ff o c t o d T U d n y
nfternoon whnn iimmborH of tho
party mat In th circuit court roomn.
Clydo Mf. IcKny wiih nleictoil prim
Idt'iit, It. 13. llnmlltou, vlco-pronldont.
IT, H, Do Armond, nocrutnry; nnd
AliRiint Andutaon, trcnaurpr. Klvo dl
roctorn will bo oluctd tit thu mvit
mootlni; of thu organization, "xct for
Mondny tivonliu:,' Kobrunry 2.1, lu tho
court roonid, mid In (ho im'niitlmo
tho aocrc.tnry wan In wtrtictud to pro
paro by-luwH to bu nubmlttod for
At tho roorcnnlxiitloii iiuotliifT, It
wna noted (tint with tho exception of
throo, all woro inomborn of th'o, r
contly formed I.connrd Wood IciRim
Of tho threo, two fnvorud Kowdcn,
and tho other ovlncwl no proforuueo.
Omt-foiirlh of Dnuntoiwi I'routnRe
Affcrlnl KIk'kmI 1'or Out of
Town Ileal I y llolderM Art
, Coniiiiuiilrnted Willi.
Of tho 8,000 front fcot of atrcat
proposed In n potltlon aoon to bo pro
aontod to thu city council for pnvltiR
In tho downtown dlntrlct, approxi
mately 2,000 front fcot has boon
nlRiiod for by property ownera, nc
cordluicto W. C. HlrdRull, who haa
boon nctlvely oiiRaKcd lu tho circul
ation of tho potltlon.
A Runornl oatlmntu. for tho In
formation of property ownora, hnB
, been proparid by Oxknr Hubor, rond
'contractor. In wjilch It In (Inured that
Mho coat will bu about IS a foot to
provldo h nlx-lnch cruahod rock bnao
nnd two Inch bltullthlc aurfaco, curb
In;:, inturaectlona, cntch basins nnd
Tueuty-two on I.lit.
Mr. Illrdaall oxprowoa tho bellof
that tho entire lint will bo alRtiod
within thu next fow day and ho Ih
now lu commiinlcntlou with out-of-town
property holdera advlaliiR thum
of tho moaauro now before the butd
naHs man of Clio city.
Tho property ownora, who hnvo
nlRiiod up for (ho pnvltiR Improvu
munt nro: W. C. Illrdaall, Pilot
llutto Inn, GeorKo A. Jonca, F. I)o
meut, AiiRtiat Kalaon, Woa'toru I.oun
& Ilulldlni; Co., by H. J. Ovorturf.
A. M. PrliiRlo, J. n. Minor, Itobert
W. Bnwyor, K. M. Thoinpaon, N. P.
Hmlth, C. A. Warner, W. C. McCuls
toif, h. h. Fox, A. J. Tucker, M. P.
CaHhman, W. It. Speck, Loo A.
TliomnH, O'Oonnoll Ilroa. and Humor
& Htnntu.
Tho (orrltory covorod lu tho peti
tion la nil followa: On WnH from
Vermont Plnco to Franklin, Inclu
alvo; Ilond Htreot from Grocjiwood
to Franklin, Inclusive; Oreonwood to
rallorad trncka, Inclualvo; Mlnno
aoln, Wall to Ilond, Inclualvo,' Oro
roii, WnH to Ilond, Inclualvo: nnd
Frnuklln, WnH to Houd, Inclualvo.
Slight chnngoa In handling or stock
woro doclded on Suturdny when tho
Upper Doschutos Llvoatock nasocln-
Hon hold lis annual mooting lu tho
ofllcoH of tho Dosohutoa National for
oat supervisor, Tlio decision of tho
monibora to omploy n 'rldor In tho
Fall Itlvor territory, was most Im
portnnt of thoso. Jnck Harvoy was
retained nB hordor nt tho Crane
Prulrlo camp. A mooting of tho ad
visory bonrd wus aot for Friday, Fob
ruijry L'2, In Prinovlllo.
Oincora olooM by tho nasoclntlon
nro: Cocll Rtonrna, prosldont; N. A.
McCain, vice-president; H, m.
HtovotiB, Bocrotnry-trousuror; George
JonoB, N, F. McColn, Lolnnd Cnsoy,
and Luthor IIurrliiKtou, mombora of
tho advisory board.
TIioioukIi CnnvniK of Itouir Under
W'ny iiniber nud Mull He-
reptiiebm MiinI He Put Up
by Mni'fti tft.
Preparing for the, beginning of
carrier mall nervlco lu Itcnd,
PoBtmuatnr W- H- Hudaou, la having
n thorough cutivmw.inado of tho two
city routoH, and taking mwnafi and
ntrect ntimbcrn. At tho nnmu time,
every lattor which now Icavoa tho
pont olllco, bonra it red Inked stamp,
asking If tho Individual to whom tho
letter In uddrcHHed, wlnhea to bo In
cluded In tha cnrrlcr delivery.
Whllo a Buulcluitt uumbor of
Iiouhob aro numborod to coma with
in tho postal regulations, there aro
ittlll muny liomoa nnd IjiimIiicbh houaoa
bearing no audi dlatltiRulBhlng mark,
Mr. Hudson saya. Ilo urges that this
bo nttcndod to nt once, nnd nlao that
mull receptacle bo provided at nil
plncoi whore touauta or owners wlnh
to tuko advantage of tho now sorvlco.
Aa tho carriers will bo atarted on
April 1, n report to tho post olTlcu
department atatlng tho number of
atops to bo mndo on each routo and
tho number of reccptnelea provided,
must bo In on March IS. If tho pro
portion of receptacles la not audi
clontly largo, the, date of starting
will bo postponed.
For tho information of business
Iiouson, Mr. Hudson states that tho
onrly morning delivery will bo finish
ed In tho downtown district by 9
o'clock, nnd In tho same part of tho
city tho second delivery will bu com
pleted by 10 o'clock.
What may bo n now rocord for
crosnlnR tho McICoiulo Pass was re
ported Wudnondiiy Frank Shodluld,
Hand taxi driver, who returned to tho
city today after spending tho Inst
throo months In I.os Augolos. Whllo
In Deschutos, Mr. Shoflleld was told
that n car had passed through aftor
having -crossed tho summit by tho
McKenzio route. Ho was unable to
socuro tho names of tho early sou
sou tourists.
Willi practically every organization in the city represented tho Com
munity Clearing House, headed by Carl A. Johnson la 'now ready to begin
action on civic probloms. Tho delegates selected and the organizations,
thoy represent nro as follows:
Hod Crow -... Mrs. V. A. Forbon
Wotnut's Civic Improvement Longuo Mr. X, a Juwbson
Hod Mon K. I). Gllson
I. o, O. F - How Farnlinm
K. of P - H. S. Hamilton
Woodmen of the World - - Frunk t.ubntt
Modoru Woodmen - O. C. Mcrgun
I.. O. O. M, '. Dr. It. D. Siowell
Anierlcun Legion . ; K. S. Allon
Stum of Norway -...... . '. II. Ilagon
Hulmkqh Lodge . Mrs. O. C. Morgan
Hoynl Neighbors -.... - Mrs. Mnudo Shuoy
MooHehonrt Legion . , Mrs. Adelaide Sollors
Mnatcr Hurbors Association C. F. Dlalock
City Schools .. . ... -. S. W. Mooro
Muboiis ............-m MM.... C. L. Simpson
11, P, O. H m ... ............ ,.......:,... K. P. Mabaffoy
Flru FlRhtora ............. .... .Tom W. Carlon
City of Heud ..'.......M..-. ........ J. A. Eastes
County Court ... W. D. Barnes
II. A. A. C ......... .., ,..L. W. Trlckoy
Ilend Study Club Mrs. A. F. Larson
Ilond Commercial Club .....-......... Carl A. Johnson
QliVistlnn Church .............................. a. E. Willlaius
Scandlnnvlau-Luthoran Church
Haptlst Church , .Hoy. W, Johnson
Catholic Church Hov. Lnko Sheohnn
Molhodlst Church :. a. J. Edgar Purdy
Piosbytorlnn Church ..... c. S. Donson
Central Lnbor Council
Tlmborworkcrs ..
Culinary Alliance"
uaroora liOcnt
Holnll Clorks
Elootrlcal .Workors
Miisoiib' Local
Hodcurrlora ,
I'. l, L. L
Laundry Yorkota
Library Hoard ,
School Hoard
Emblem Club t,..w
Sovcnth, Day Advontlsts ....'. , .
Christian Sclwico
Llvo Boya' Ciub ,
V. H. WnKc, Trrnsurcr of OrcRon
Mt'VMlock (JoiitmUftlmi Co., Mnk
IHK Hurvey of CondillOiiH lfi.
Fen ft. Wnlte, formorly with tlio
Ceiijral Oregon Hank was lu the. city
Rstunlay lu tho Interests of thoro
cautly organized Oregon Llvostock
Commission Co. commission mer
chants of North Portland. Mr. Walto,
treasurer of tho company, will spend
several days, on his present visit.
Interviewing llvostock men nnd farm
ers, reiiowlng iic'iiinlulancea and ob
taining Information on livestock con
ditions lu Central Oregon.
"It in the Intention of thu Oregon
Llvostock Commission Company to
offer tho best In tho way of service
nnd marke,t to Its patrons. Wo have
tho facilities with which to carry
out our plan," Bayaf Mr. Waltc. "On
tills trip through Central Oregon I
shall try to make n thorough survey
of conditions so Hint to tho livestock
men making shipment, wo can offer
the. best that tho market affords."
Tho officers of tho Oregon Com
mission Company lire; F. II. Walto,
president: Lynn Caton, vice-president,
specializing In stock and dairy
cattle; K. K. .'Schrlnichey, goneral
manager and head cnttlo buyer; F.
S. Walto, treasurer and specializing
In Bhccp; Perry Gould, head hog
Iledmond was officially designated
for tho holding of tho annual Trl
county track and Hold meet set for
Saturday, May 1C, when representa
tives of thq school systoms of De
schutes, Jefferson, nnd Crook coun
ties met Saturday In .Madras, Ueud
delegates reported today. J. Alton
Thompson, Superintendent of this
county, continues In office, as presi
dent, Superintendent Myers of Crook
county? vice-president. ' and Paul
Irvine, of Itedmojid, is secrctary
treauror. Tho executivo commlttco
was ordored to compile n schcdulo
of standards for all events which will
figure in tho moot.
Iledmond delegates requested that
hereafter tho moot be held annually
In their llty. offering to construct a
more ndequuto track nud a grand
stand na tho consideration. The of
fer wan recorded and Indefinitely
tabled. '
a, II. Baker
f. E. Brobort
. N. A. Harris
Norrls Stouo
c. P. Cai'pontor
Fred Ellenburg
i. v. McAdoo
n, s. Olson
'. l, Doonor
Joa E. Stevens
l. v. AHuisI
Earl Mathlewa
;. d. O. Halo
n. wsilwyor
...r .., j;,; "
, 4
XVw Jvdlflro (o Accommodate Maxi
mum of Moro Than M)0
IHPJBssa - as-.
Already In .Sight.
Building plana' of tho Methodist
Congregation of Bend reached a
climax last night when a canvass of
tho voto taken Sunday morning
showed a unanimous adoption of tho
recommendation of the advisory
building commlttco for tho construct
ion of a $40,000 cdlflco.
Tlicso recommendations Include
tho Immcdlato launching of'a build
ing campaign and tho erection of a
modern church building as soon as
funds aro available.
"Wo propose," said tho pastor, J.
E. Purdy, when interviewed Mon
day, "to put up a building that will
bo a real credit to Bend. Thcro la
no getting around It," he continued
"tho churches of Bend hare not kept
pace with tho civic, industrial or edu
cational progress of Bend. The
stately church now being erected by
tho Catholic 'pcoplo Is a step In the
right direction. Good churches will
help stabllizo population, Increase
real estate values, and mako Bend
moro and moro a "homo" town as
well ns an Industrial center.
HlRgcr Building Jfcrdcd.
"Our program simply means that
tha Methodist church will do Its
share toward that development. But
thoso aro riot tho only reasons wo
plan to build" said ho "U Is n ques
tion of nbsoluto necessity. Our Sun
day school has already reached the
limit of tho "Llttlo Brown Church's"
capacity.' Tho ordinary Sunday
morning congregation (Ills tho pre
sent building without loavlng any
room for an Increase. With ade
quate facilities wo could doubleboth
Sunday school nnd church attendance
within threo months."
"Our proposed building, which Is
ooing planned by Leo A. Thomas,
provldo an attractive, v Gothic
structure, with n minimum of six or
savori hundred. Thoro will bo edu
cational fucllltics for a Sunday, school
of four or flvo hundred. And a
largo social room will accomodate
not only tho social life of tlio mem
bers nnd frionds of tho church but
will bo freely available, for convent
ions and meetings of fanners, unions,
business men or any other commun
ity purpose."
Announcement was made Friday
by T. II. Foley and H. A. Miller of tho
salo of thoir controlling Interest ln
tho Bond Iron Works, to Charlos J.
Dugnn, the other chief stockholder
In tho company, which la capitalized
nt $25,000. Tho consideration wes
hot given. Mr. Minor and Mr. Foley
have bcon associated with tho com
pany for tho past two years.
With the aim of Increasing the
general oftlcloncy of tho Irrigation
systoin In use in the Arnold district,
i mooting will be held at Raborts
Hull on tho ovoning of Saturday,
Fobrunry 28 of all who now obtain
wntcr through tho Arnold system, or
expect to uso this systom lu obtain
ing wntor for Irrigation.
,-A previous mooting of the kind
was held oii January 5, when Inform
ation, on Irrigation district organiza
tion was given In an Informal ad
dress by H. II. DoArmoud, of this
Giitlirrlng of Cnttlo nnd Khccp Mca
Kxpectcil to I'rccrdo Important
Herniation for Stricter Stock
Inspection. -
A county livestock board, with del
egates representing all of txe llvo
stock organizations In Deschutes
county, to copo with (ho problems of
tho sheep and cattle range, Is to bo
formed If tho plans of tho livestock
men, who attended Saturday's meet
ing, in conference with Supervisor
N. O. Jacobson of tho Deschutes Na
tional Forest, arc brought to matur
ity. Such range problems an rustling,
killing unlawfully of livestock on the
rango and subsequent soiling of the
moat and hides, disease, inspection
of meats and bidets brought to tho
various towns came up for consider
able discussion at tho noon lunch
eon at tho Pilot Butto Inn at which
more than 30 cattle and sheep men
attcuded. A -matter of revision of
tho brand laws was discussed at con
siderable length by A. J. Moore, dis
trict attorney, who told tho livestock
men that under the present opera
tion of the atate laws livestock
mon could obtain only llttlo protect
ion against rustling.
To Outline Lcgi-iliitlon.
As an outcomo of consideration
discussion of the needs of tho range
It was voted that one delegate and
two alternates' be selected by each
of tho trrcstock associations in the.
, county to meet within tho next few
days to form a county livestock
board, which when In operation,
could draw up needed measures for
stnto enactment and devise rules and
'regulations for the range. Of this
proposed board D. L. Jamison, coun
ty agent, will bo secretary.
Tbo llvostock men expressed thoir
opinion that a bettor and moro
systematic method of handling tho
peddling of meats within tho limits
of cltls should bo dovlscd, as tho mar
ket afforded to rustlors who kill on
tho range and sell meat in tho cities
fostered unlawful killing on tho
llnnga Vars Forgotten.
John E. Ryan pointed out
It is tlmo that tho llvostock
formed an organization for a better
understanding among tho cattle .and
sheepmen through the opcrationa of
which tho Interests of all could bo
protected against outsiders. Such
nn organization Mr. Ryan suggested
should bring about a groat reduction
In tho rango lossos. According to
Mr. Ryan thoro has boon too much
ludlfforenco regarding tho care ot
llvoatock of any other raiser result
ing In tho opportunity for tho thief
to step In and got a fat percentage
that should go to tho livestock man.
A similar a(tltudo was oxprossod by
Max Wurzweller who runs a largo
amount ot cattle In tho Metollus dis
trict. S. E. Roberts, eborlff ot Deschutes
county suggested that the proposed
livestock board seek closer coopera
tion betwocn the county and city of
ficers in the matter ot prosocution of
City to Cooperate.
Mayor J. A. Bastes stated that it Is
tho desire of the city officials ot Bend
to do everything iu thoir powor to
cooporato with tho livestock men and
that any abuses now existing In the
clt, which nro a dotrimont to the
beat Interests ot tho livestock indus
try would be, corrected, as soon as tha
abuaos wero brought before tho city
Tho llvostock men took an oppor
tunity to express their dissatisfaction
with tho present operation of the
city pouud, expressing (he boiler that
hi placo ot the employment of n
noundmastor who receives n commis
sion or a prjee pur bond for livestock
ImpoundOfi .tjiat a. man aiLsufury
should bo selected who is r.qfliialnte I
'Cmttlnueri nn page i.)
ii MM-.titnftaKwuwjn: