The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 12, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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((mmitiumnwumiiMmimmmuiiimimmmmiiiiiiiMiiwitiiiimtiiiMii'iiiimiiiiiiiii miiimiiiiiiiimHiiiiiMitiiii
Mm, K. Poml wiim mi in rival from
I.oh Aii',olot thin morning.
Con Union, Powull Hullo iiiiiolior,
Ik hkiihIIiii; Hid day In Ilnud.
II. (I, Davis, U It. Hchi'i, ami A.
W. IIiiUIiih, woro vlHllorH In llouil
InhI night.
County CoiiiinlHuloiu'r ('. II. Miller
Im tmrloiiHly III In Iti'iltnoiul. Punii
inonlii Ih fimrcit.
Mr. anil Mm. Wullor Dnvlsr of
Ilnud, urn Hid tntiuiilH of it mIx pound
luitiy liny, lioru UiIh morning.
W. 0. Iliirrliiiiin him locovered
from u novum cold mid linn niHiiiuud
his wiulc In llin (illlcn of tlio finest
HiipiirvlHiir toilny.
Onn of llio furumr Kenwood school
buildings Iiuh Ihm'Ii iiiiivcil near tho
IiIkIi huIiooI iiml will Im iihik! for tliu
Junior IiIkIi department.
Tim HapllMl IuiIIoh will liolil u food
mi In Mntiuiliiy iiflnrnooii, Koliruitry
1 I, nl Urn Hoyliuni lliirdwmo Mtorn
at tho nut nor of Wall mid Mliiliimolu
A fiiitlmr supply of iihuiI clothes
In iKimlud by llio Itoil Oohh, Mm.
Vuiiioii A. Koiliim. homo Hurvlco m-c-ru,lnry,
sliituH. Olfts of tint III ml may
Im loft nl Imr ollh.o In tliu court
Iioiiri) building.
In ii Intli'.r ntri'hiHl (IiIh morning,
Information Ih asked liy tlm ntnto
tuliori'iiloHlii iiHHiii.'Intlon concerning
an 18 ymir old boy naiuiid Tumor,
who Ih thought to luiwi coino to Ueiid
from Portland.
Word Iiiih lii'ou received of tlm
dimlli of K M W. Illiidmau, of ('amp
Polk, at tlm iir.n of St7 yearH Mr.
Hlmlman wuh oiio of tlm earliest
while roHldinitH of Central Oregon,
coming Into tlm country In I8GG.
It. J, Whllo, vociitloniil advisor,
ropromintlng llio 11. B. government,
will Im In Iltjiitl on Friday to con
fi',r with ox-HiirvIco men desirous of
taking udvniiliigo or tlm vocational
rnliubllltitlloii offered hy tlm govern
imoiiI and lo moot employe who can
ftirulHh otnployiimnt for partially ills
ahlad iniiii.
Tlm Coiumunlly Objuring Hoiiho
limguo will meit In tlm county court
rooiim Prlduy uvuulug, to complotu
orgunlulluii, including Uiu adoption
of constitution and liy-luwH, and
election of additional olllcorw. All
organizations In tlm city itinllllid to
representation aro urged to nwiil del
egates. V. P. iiml J. M. Wray and families
limvn by auto tonight on u trip
through Portland, Seattle, Tncoma,
Yakima, and way points. Tlm Wrnyji
recently Hold tlm Iloud-iluruH stage
lino, and tlm trip which they nre
starting tonlcht will Im not only In
tlm naturo of a vucatlon, hut nlso
In search of it now locution. Thoy
were residents of llond for seven
Tliu third wi'k of each month haB
hnun wot usldu an parontB week In
all of tlm schools or liend iih a ro-
Our Annual
Y'w iti in hi Mirann in km aw mot rn r: km u.j
l' IW rrtnfliL C: lfl M
. L,
t " 'JVuiii I I V.
V -i-O KWT2 TU. . k fcY. M
fsA I. ,. L- HMPr'nriiitiii1iOli ',53 1
Cotton Piece Goods
.'G-inch Indian Head .. 39c
80-inch Dimity Checks Mc
Linen Finish Crash Toweling. 22c
Trusen mvr Cloth
Three Specials . .'Wc, 43c, 53c
English Nainsooks . -12c, -19c
Ladies' Night Gowns
Very fine sheer Nainsook, slip
over styles $1.59
Lace Trimmed, special $1.98
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
A big lot of fine Handkerchiefs
in values up tojfflc, at .....lgc
Silk Camisoles
Beautiful garments, made of
wash satin and crepe de chine,
lace and ribbon trimmed, in
three lots.. 98c, $1.59L$1.79
Plissc Crepe
White and colors, yard '19c
Daisy Bleached Muslin
A fine 36-in. cloth 35c
36-inch Lustre Cambric, a fine
cloth at a low price 39c
iSnch Dimity, fine for baby
dresses 2,)C
36-inch Figured Challies, good for
comforts 35c
72-inch Bleached Mercerized
Damask, a big value 95c
Fine Nainsook Corset Covers
Lace and embrodiery trim, extra
special 4(Jc
Turkish Towels
Fine bath towels at a price, good
each . Jac
Bleached I luck Towels
A white sale, special
Bungalow Aprons
Some gingham, some percale, sev
eral styles, a lot especially priced
for the white sale Jl.o9
Children's Heavy Ribbed Black
Cotton Hose
Seconds of a 60c line, all
Half Linen Table Cloths
54x60, hemmed ready for use ex
ira special
Mercerized Table Cloths
Hemstitched, 56x68 $2.95
With six
56x72, set
Napkins to
Curtain Marquisette
White, cream, ecru, 36 inches
wide, a white sale special 45c
Women's Shoes
Fine kid, dark brown with French
heel, a 9-inch top, Fashion's Fa
vorite, welt sole, a high grade
shoe, special $9.75
Women's fine patent leather with
black satin top, a good looking
dress shoe at a real low price,
during this sale $6.75
The "Warner Company
Quality W w Merchandise at i Popular Piled
iiiHiiiiiiiiiaiiimiHimiim!::i!i!!i:ii!imiHiitii!iiaimi!i!iimmi!i:H!:i iKiiiiKiMitiinniHiHiiiitiiiiiiiinnHKantaiiaiiiainiHKiiiniaaMiajiiauniiiwr.iijaiaantiianHjuiHimii;,
Kuppenheimer and Michael,
Slerns & Co. Suits
$28', $30, $37., $40, $42.i!
Better iclect one before tliey are all 10IJ.
Heavy Cotton Ribbed Munsing
Union Suits
Medium Weight White Wool
Mixed Munsing Union Suits
Blue Mixed Silk and Wool
Genuine Shell Cordovan Shoes
Just a few Kuppenheimer and other brands
of Overcoats left. Priced $33.50, $47.50
4 x ' ni y
.SP" ' "JMI
jrjp TU Houc
Cepjn'ttil I9I9
tX KupnUiaoi
This store strives to meet the demands of the public, feuturing prices within
reneli of nil.
Mannheimer Bros.
Quality Pi
Since 1911
c nrnammannKHmrn! WH9ciJnnnnnnra.'
f J Wednesday, February 10. Hvery errorc nas uecu
S made to make this sale a big money saving opportunity.
i Glance over this list. It tells a part of the offerings.
Hult of a mi'Otlni; of tin; Beliool prln
olplcB 1at wi-aJt. Suporlntcnilcnt
Mooro jitatim that thin I'lun will nlil
In riiI nl in; tlio InturoMt of paruntrt In
conornl school work and lie bcllcvoii
It will I tho lioKlnnlni; of n, coopcr
utlon Iictwuon RtudcntH, parontH nnd
toachurn which will result In hotter
s3 ' work and keener employment on the
' part or tho siucicniH. ra rents ere
urccd to mnke. tho coining visiting
week an uvunt which will be looked
"IK forward to hy both pupils and tcach-
Studebaker Is ronflncd to his
K.jJ-1 Ktudebaker
IfomUiJiy Illness.
J. M. and (J. Per
Bat ho red at their home and conduct
ed an oldfashloned harlvarl. The
party took a late supper afterward
at Downing' cafe. , .Mrs. Hottrell
was formerly Annette Allen of this
Sheriff S, K, Iloberts is confined
to his homo by n Bevere cold.
. Mrs. V. M. Chrlsnian. of Silver
Lake, Is upending a few days in llond.
Hayes Loop of tho Deschutes Gar
age has purchased a now Oakland
Mth O K. Yoachunw left Saturday
rkins. of Klfo, are
In Hyid today on busing.'
Mrs. J. Churles Smith has returned
from ft buying trip In Now York City.
Mrs. C. A. Warner bus returned
to Ili'iid from a wtyjk's trip to Port
laud. MIsk Laura Zloglcr nnd C. Sims,
of the Ilortou Drug Co., are serious-' wVn7ri
ly III.
W. T. Mullarky returned last
night from a businora trip to lied-
MIhh Fern Allen nnd Hattle Ilutts,
of the First National Hank, uro con
tlued to their homes by illuoss.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Frank McDroom. of
Silver Laku. arrived In llond Inst
night, and aro remaining over today.
A meeting of tho Hoy Scout Coun
cil will he held tit tlm Pllut Hutto
Inn at noon on Thursday, February
V. D. Llllo was in Tho Dalles yes
terday, attending a conference nfj
inumigers of the Pacillc Fruit and
Produce Co.
MIbs Mnry Agnes Sheridan arrived
In Ilund yestorduy from TuIbe, Ok
lahoma to vUlt her mother, Mrr.
Agues Sheridan.
A load of poles was received yes
tcrday, nnd work Is now under way
constructing tho rustic railing for tho
now foot bridge,
P. A. Howard, of the, Owl Phar
macy, who has been confined o his
home by smallpox, is Improving
rapidly, nnd will be out of quaran
tine wlhln a taw days.
H. A. Ward and Dnn Helslng left
this morning for CiiHtleford. Idaho,
where they will muko the purchase
of 75 hend of pure bro.d Kniuboulllet
sheep for Central Oregon farmers.
1). J, Winner arrived from Port
land this morning to accept n posit
ion with tho llond Furniture Co.
;ur. w inner is an ex-servlco man,
and spent tho greater part of his en
listment ovorsoas.
Mrs. A. II. Muuwnrlng arrived in
Pond last night from Murshflold, to
Join her husband who is to bo In
charge of tho sorvico station now bo-
lng built on tho corner of Green
wood nnd Wall street.
Mrs. Frod A. T, Cornollussen, sus
tained a badly slushed hand this
afternoon whon tho knifo with which
sho was trimming niont, slipped, tho
blado laying open tho loft palm. No
toiuloiifl.or largo nrtorios wejo sever
ed, and' tho Injury will not bo por-
Mr. and Mrs. James Bottroll ox
porloncod n pleasant surprise, last
night when a number of friends
$100 Reward, $100
Ctrrh la a local dlio rrntlr tnfln
enccd by cbntltutlonl condition. It
therefore renulreo constitutional tr.t
li Uktn Internallir and acts tnrouch th
Ulood on the Mucous Surfacei of the Bra
destrora the foundation of the dtteaae.
elves the patient strength by Improvlnc
the crniral health and aulita natura in
doing; Its work. flGOOO for any caee of
Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE) falls to cure.
Drcrcteta TSc. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio.
night for a several weeks' visit In
Seattle. ''l(- "
August Anderson Is In J'ortland
undergoing nn operation 'prttho re
moval of the tonsils.
Miss Margaret Schracdcr'Icft Iaat
night for Southorn California, whero
she, will visit for several months with
her parents. tf.
J. H. Melstex has returned frqm
Spokane where he attended n meet
ing of tho Western Pino Manufact
urers' association.
Pcrit Huntington, formcrlypf Sis
tors, is in town today. Mr. Hunting
ton Is now located at Tho Dalles but
Is considering returning to his ranch
in tho near future.
Mrs. Raymond Churchill Is tnking
the work of Mrs. J. W. Foster In
tho oDlco 6t City Recorder V.- II
Peoples. Mrs. Foster will Icavo the.
latter part of the week for Portland
to spend a two weeks vacation.
Members and friends of tho Dcnd
Methodist church will hold a meet
ing next Sunday to voto on tho
erection of n $40,000 church build
ing, the site to bo on tho corner of
Kansas and Bond streets.
An Unusual Collection of
Fashionable Spring Suits
Priced at $29.50 to $67.50
Astonishingly low prices for such Suits, but we
contracted for these Suits early in the season,
and we are satisfied with a fair profit. Judg-
(ing from the way they have been selling these
i days, they will not last long.
A Shipment of New Spring Dresses
li i
hl' 1 1 '
Are expected here tomorrow Wednesday.
Among them are Wool Jersey, Tricotine, Serges
and Georgette Dresses.
They have been very carefully selected from
U11U UX 11CIV lUJftO IIIWDUicimuic oiiuu.
in and look them over.