MOW) BULLKT1N, flHlf, OlM HIMfMONH. HM T1IM CIRCUIT COUItT OF TUB rtTATM OF OKKOON, FOIl DH- HCI1UTKB COUNTY, I i Donohutoa Cotlnly, Oregon, u Public Corporation Plaintiff, VS. David Hill. 0. C. Henkle, Tr John W. Usher, J. II. Ilimtr. Charlota. Hohlflcr, O. 0. Ilonkle, II. 0. Tholsirop. 0 II. TholHtrop. A. M. DobbB, Theresa A. Hhr nor, Kmlly H. I'pttHo, K. II. IIontondnIil, Imperlul Townsito Co., Mm. Dunn, M. 0. Montgomery, W. M. Tondo, t'hiiH. Murrln, H. F. Johnson, Win. .1. HiirrlMon, Henry Harlow, Ohur- lotto Dunn, Constunco He,ld, John H. Beck. H. H. King. Anna Col slfsko, Mm. 'Alien Borden, (1. . Hwunson, li, M., Harrison, Hiram V Ouffogg, T. J. Whltller, James II. Hurt, Oeo. W. Kaufman, Hroud- way Htuto Hank. Juntos' Hlxley, . W, Kiillorton, Mm. A. Mimtuwl. J. I'. dough, Archlo Muhor, Maudlo Duy, Kdwln L. Cox, L, II. Hllkworth, Prlwi Fowler, Anna M. Carlor. Mm. Nelllo Hrlggs, Flor unco Hurrls, Mm. I. 0. Hullsborg. Horn H. Yerkes. J. H. McFurlnnd, Jumea II. Wllllitmn. Orun II. Car penter, Gladys Qulnn, Curios Mcndnx, J. K. Armstrong, A. II. Applegato, Kllen Hystrom, KlUu L. Strong, F. K, Pock, Mm. Lotllo Wood. Chun. F. Ilalim, Hen H. Zel boll, W, It. Flck, Mm. O. H. Tholr- lug, Mm. Kiln Horns, Daisy H. (lul dun, Kdwln II, llotborton. Dan t Clnrk. W, P. Hlhoorn, K. P. Gray, - H. M. Coluin. It. H. k Inv. Co., Lou I'llu WorkM, W. (I. Duvls, John KkklHli, Mil ud.i Lofgreon, Kdwln F. Louts, James A. Miller. War utii KIiihiiiiiii, ituy Holman. Mm. W. It. Klly, Mm. W. Hhurp. F. J. llnwalt. W. It, Wood. Oeo. Work, Klliubelh Work, Moiidn Londenk lon, M, It.. Wood. K. K. Nyqulsh, A, A. Graham, Oon. Mercantile (fa,, F. A. Nutbrown. Joseph Hlxby, Stephen It. Iamb, Hannah I'. Hchanfem, Rose Osborne, J. M. Culberson k K. A. lluker, Mm. J. W. Hnydor. I.aldlaw Townsito Co. Gertrude M. Woodcock, l.oyd J. Carbln, J. II. Davidson. Geo, W. Ilrnwn, I.. A. I.cavengood. I), M, i Colllngwnod, James Klermuii, Mary florklng, Waller" Spires, i:thl Hplres. Nora Ilothwnll, F. A. Hocttlnger. It. O. Dedwell k K. II. 'Nelmun, Margaret Mcxs, Ollvo M. Kderwlno, Serene Rollinun, Chus. F. Cbafou. Otis lluck. F W. McCuf fery. ot nl J. I. Duckott. William M. Berry, Carl J. Carlnon. It. H. F.ton, Fred La Folletto, C. It. Murphy. loyul llrowu, John W. (lingerie!), Ktvlra II. I.elghthefld. Hunter k Hluut. C. W. Iluainan, J. W. McKny. O'Noll Bros., Win. N. Roberts, Kenwood 1'roinotlon Co., Nuwlnu k Kollor, W, I). Now Ion, Newton k Koller. Nellie II. Murkol, U. C. Con. Tr., Geo. S. ClanHon, Lvi' Dorby A C. A Chaiul .,ler, N. K. NidtlH-ad, Loltoy A. McCoinbor, It. O. & (Jrtrudo McCann, A. 6 W. O. WcIkwI, Or Kon Trunk Duvclopnmnt Co., C. H. Cox. C. L. Cox, KrlckNon & Nnla Frodnrlcknnn, Olal J. Falkon utrom, K. W. Krlnnilcx. AlCrod 01 huii, A. O. Krlckxon, (Iimtof IVar on, John ChrlNlinnon. Curl ('hrltt tcniton, Otto Jnhiuion, T. NaUnlnn- . ko, O. P. Johtuon, (loo. Johnnoii, Jno. L. Johimnn, lluitd Park Co., Chan. II. Wnbbor. Hurt Moorn. J. 0. Drown, llattln M. lluttH, John F. Ilciin. tl ul.. II. M. lived, Lunnr NlNWonK'.r, (loo. Murakami, C. A. IIoIiiicm. A. H. Horn. Itedmond Towimlto Co.. Chan. L. Moud. II. F. Dodrldiio. Oco. W, Ooldvn, Oco, Kohl, J. K. Myom, A. O. Myom, Kenuolh Campbell, Claude ICnapp, . Howard Contract Co.. Florence K. Catui, Kdward Mahe,r. Victor Malm. K. L. Luddemuu. P. O. Jur dan, J. J. Iluckley, I. A. Iluckley. W. J, Iluckley, 0. Miach. 0. M. Klorum. JchmIii Koch, C. W. flultry, F. W. McCaffery. II. H. Cook & Co. Frank M, White. A. II. Uowoll, Chan. J. Illndman, L. O. Hmlth, A, T. Hchultt. A. Duw, KlUabeth C. - Uoby, J. P. .McOriinnhun, F. C. ' Thornton. J. II. Khret. I). I). Hull man. F. II. Wilnon, Northern Pact tic Hallway Compuny. M. W. How ard, Hand Ilrlck & Tile Co,, Anna M. I.tuiK, H. J. Overturf, J. F. McUlothard. W. J McOllvray. Huth It. Overturf, Kinina M. Ilnmckon, Cleo. II. DePue, JumcM M. Lackey, Annlo DobbM, Mian Kemhuw, Paul Smith. Prudential Inv. Co.. W. T. McCulloch. Ood (lunl k Co., Mary K. Allen and nil pemona unknown owiiIiik. or clnlmlnK to own any rlitht. tltl-i or Intercut, In or to the real prop erty hereinafter dencrilied, Defendants. To, David Hill. O. 0. Henkle. Tr., John W. UHlier. J. H. Llmiter. Char Iota Hchirfer, O. C. Henkle, II. O. ThoUtrop, C. H. ThoUtrop, A. M. DobbH, ThercHn A. Hhrlner, Kmlly 10. 1'euHO, Yi, II, HoHtondnhl, Impor Inl Townnlto Co,. Mm. Dunn, M. O, Montgomery, W. M. Tondo, ChaH, Murrln, H. F. JohiiHon, Win. J, Hur iIhoi), llciry Harlow, Charlotto Dn'liu, CoiiHtunCu Hold, John 'H. f Delin quency ' No. Agulnst Lot Ulook Addlilon Amount K-lTO Dnvid"HIII, ..'.'. .' T."2 1 Harper 1 1,4. K-101 O. Q, Henkle, Tr 3 1 -HiirpeV .74 J'MOl John W. Usher 4,5 1 Harper 1.55 1M02 David 'Hill 0. 7, S, 9, ' 1 Harper ,. -'.! k IM OH J, II. (.luster 10 ' 1 Harper S7 IM 04 Chiirlotn Rahif(r 13 1 Harper 87 1M0G David-Hill 15, 10, 17, IS, 19,20,21,22, ,w 23,24,20 1 Harper w. 7.43 V 1M05 O. C. Henklo 20 1 Harper a... .87 K-fOfl Churlotu Hehlffer 3,4 2 Harper 1.55 IM 07 3i II. Llnstor 8. 9 2 Harper v.... 1.55 K-108 Duvld Hill 10 a Harper" 87 I'M, 09 II. (I. Tholstrop 11 2 Harper 87 1M10 John W. Usher 12 2 Harper , 87 IM 11 Charlota Bchlffer 13 2 IJarper S7 1M12 O. C. Henklo, Tr 14,15,10, , , ,17, 8' 2 Harper ..v....X., 3.5S l-M 13 David lllll ' ,,1 II ,;,! , 2 Harper ...,.,.... .,87 K-U4 "lohn'W. Usher 20 .'; 2 Hurper - ;U' .87 K-115 .DavltPMllir 81 , ... ,. 2. Harper .... .87 1M1G o; Ci Henkle, Tr, ., 22.2324; 2 Harper 2.03 Heck, II, II. KiiiXi Anna Colnlfnko, Mm. Alice llordon, O. Swanuon, L, M. Hnrrlnon, Hiram OuffogK, T. J. Whlttlcr, JnmeM R, Hart, Oeo. W, Kaufman, llroadway Htate Donk, Jnmen lllxloy, It. W. Fullnrton, Mm. A. Mantuol, J. P. CIourIi, Archlo Mahor, Maudlo Day. Kdwln L, Cox, L, H, Hllkworth, Prico Forrlor. Anna M. Carter, Mm, Nelllo HrlnB. Flor encn HurrlH. Mm. I. C. HalUben;, Dora K. Yorkew, J, K. McFurland, Jumcn It. WllllamH, Ornn II. Cnrpnn tor, Oludyn Qulnn, Curloii Mender,, J. K. Arnmtronn, A. H. ApploBato, Kllnn HyHtrom, Kllxu L. HtronR, F. W. Peck, Mm. Ittlo Wood, Chan. F. HaliiH, Hen K. SCoIImjII, W. It. Flck, Mm. O. II. Thelrlnsr, Mm, Kiln HurnM, Dulny H. Ouldnn, Kdwln II. Uother ton, Don Clark, W. P. ttllicorn. B. P. Oroy, H, M. Cohen, It. K, k Inv. Co., Lou Klin Work, W. 0. Darlit, John KIcklNh, Maude Lorgrron, Kd wln F, Loutx, Jumpa A. Miller, War ron Klnaman, Hay Holman. Mm, W. u. ,nmy Mm, W, minrv, Ft J. Ho. wtti.'W. It. Wood. Oeo. Work. Kllza beth Work. Maude I.ondenklon, M. B - B - K - B - B - K - K - H - K - K - B - K - K - K - It. Wood, K. K. Nyqulm, A. A. Ora- hum, Oon. Mercantile Co., F. A. Nut brown, JoHoph Illxby, Ktophen It, Lamb, Hannah P. Hchunfem, Hone Onborno, J. M. Culbemon k K, A. Ilaker, Mm. J. W, Hnydor. Lnldlnw Townnlto Co., Oortrudo M. Wood cock, Loyd J, Curblu. J. II. Davldxon, (loo. W. llrowu. L. A. Lcnvonnood, D. M. CulllnRwood, Jumcn Klerman, Mary Oorklnic, Walter Hplr, Ktliol Holren. Nora Hothwoll, F. A. Hoet- tlniter. It. O. Dedwell k K. II. Ni-J- man, MarRarot Mem, Ollvo M. Kher wine. Rerene Knltman. Clnm, F Cha fon, Otla lluck, F. W. McCoffory, ot nl J. P. Duckwlt, Wlllluin M. tierry. Carl J. CarUon, It. K. Katon, Fred Iai Follettc. C. It, Murphy. Loyal Drown. John W. Olnccrlch, Klvlra H, !elffhthead. Hunter k Htaut. C. W, Hcaman. J. W. McKay, O'Noll Hro ther. Wm, N. Hoberta, IOnwood PrompllHh Co,, Ndwl'on ft Koller. W. D, Nowlon, Nellie H. Mnrkel, Newton k Koller, U. C. Coo Tr.. Ceo. H. Cloaiion, Leo Dorby k C. A. Chandler, N. K. Lelthend, Leltoy A. McCombor, It. O. k Oortrudo McCann. A. k W. U., WclKel, Oregon Trunk Develop miint Co., C. B. Cox. C, L. Cox. Krlcknon k No In Fred erlckon, Oluf J, KulkenMtrom, K. W. Bchumer, Alfred OUcn, A. 0, Krlcknon, Ouxtof I'enmon, John ChrlHtennon, Carl .ChrlRtenson, Otto, Johnkon, T. NatnolnoKO, O. P. John mn, Oeo, Johnnon. Jno. L. Johnnoii, llend Park Co., Chan. II. Webber, Hort Moore. J. O. llrowu, Huttle M. lluttH, John F. Hean, et nl H. M, Hevd, Klmnr NlHwonKer, Oeo. Mur akami, C. A. Holme, A, II. Horn, Itedmond Towntdta Co.. Chan. L. Mead. II, F. Dodrldco, Oco. W. Gold en, Oeo, Kohl. J. K. Myum, A. O. Myero, Kenneth Campbell, Maude Knapp, Howard Contract Co., Flor ence K. Cae, Kdwurd Ma hex. Vic tor Malm, h L. Luddnmnn. P. 0. Jiirdun, J. J. Iluckley. I. A. Iluckley. W. J. Iluckley. 0. MUcli. O. M. Klo cum. Jewilu Koch, (5. Oaltry, F. W. McCafTery. II. S. Cook k Co., Frank M. White. A. H. Howell, Cha. J, Illndman, L. 0. Hmlth. A. T. Kchtlltx. A. Daw, KlUabeth C, Itnby, J, P. .Mcilruuuuau, F. C. Thornton, J. II. Khret, D. D. Itiillmnn. F. II. WIIhoii, Northern Pacific Hallway Company, M. W Hownrd, ilond Ilrlck k Tile Co.. Anna M. Lam:, II. J. Overturf. J. F. McOlothnrd. W. J. McOllvray. Huth It. Ovejturr, Kmmu M. Ilarneknrf, Oeo. H. DePue, Jiimes M. Lackey, Anne Dolibx, MIm Ker ahaw, Paul Hmlth, Prudential Inv. Co.. W. T. McCulloch, Ooddnrd k Co., Mary K. Allen and all pontoon clnlminR by, through, or under you. or either of you, or any pemon or pemonn huvlng or cliiltnlUK to have any right, title or Intereiit In or to. or Hen. or claim, upon the properly hereinafter described, OUKKTINOS; IN TUB NAMK OF T11K HTATB OF OHKOON, You. and onch of you, lire hereby notified that Denchutca County, Oregon, u public corporation, In the owne.r and holder of Certifi cate of delinquency numbcm K-100 to K-1038. IncluHlve. Having and ex cepting ull nuch certlflcntea which have heretofore neon rcoeomou, ih wued und dated Juno 1, 191C. by Crook County, Oregon, and unidgned to DettchutcH County, Oregon by Crook County, Oregon. May 1, 1919, by John Combs. Sheriff of wild Crook County, Oregon, by Floyd A. Ku-we.ll, Deputy In the total mim of Three Thounand Fivo Hundred and Twenty.nlno Dollar and Twenty nine centa ($n, 529.29), Hiild sum be ing the amount then due for delin quent taxes for the yivir of 1913 upon real properly uxxeicipd to you, and of which property, according to the aHHORHinoiU rolls In the handa of the sheriff and tax Collector for Do Hchutc.H County, Oregon, you appear to bo the respective owners, which said property Is located in Deschutes County, Orogou, and particularly described as follows, together with tha uamc3 of tho owners of cuch ot the respective purccls or tracts there of, according to said assessment roll, tho corresponding numbers of wild delinquent certificates, und tho amouut duo to plaintiff on each on tbo lMt duy of June, 1910: 1 K 11U John W. Dshor . 1 117 David Hill ... ,. 11, a, 4, C, 6, 7, H, 0,10, 11,12 llA David Hill . . ,. .. V.i 1ID 0. II. Tholstrop 14, 1C 120 David Hill 10,17,18,19 121 John W, Ushor 20 122 David Hill 21 122 (), 0. Hcnklo Tr 22 I2II Charlota Hehlffer 1 124 David Hilt 2,3,4,5 12G John W. Ushor 0 120 David Hill 7,8,9,10,11 127 John W. Usher 12 I2HA David Hill 13,14,15,10, 17,18,19,20, 21,22 B-I28H K-I28C K-129 B-lflO K-131 B-132 K-133 K-134 I'M. 15 VM.10 1-M.T7 I'M 39 K-140 I'M 4 I 1M42 K-143 B-144 l-M 4 5 I'M 10 IM47 K.I48 F.-149 FM 50 1M51 K-152 K-IG3 K-154 l-M 55 K-150 I'M 57 IM58 Churlola Hblffer 2, 2 David Hill 4 John W. Usher r, David Hill 7 Duvld Hill s, 9, 10,11, 12 Charlota Hhlffor 13 J. II. Llmiter 14 Duvld Hill 15, 10, 17, 18 19,20,21 John W. Usher 22 David Hill 23,24,25 Charlota Hehlffer 26 A. M. Dobbs I David Hill 2, 3, 4 O. 0. Henklo Tr C David Hill fi David Hill 7,8,9, 10 II. O. Tholstrop II, 12 John W. Usher 18 Duvld. Hill 19,20,21,22 23, 24, 25 Charlota Bchlffer 20 David Hill 1,2,3 John W. Usher 4 David Hill 5 Theresa A. Hhrlner .... 8 David Hill 9, 10,11,12 John W. Usher 13 David Hill 14, 15,10 David Hill 3 John W. Usher 4 Duvld Hill C. 0,7,8 John W. Usher 9 IM 59 David Hill .... 10, 11. 12, 14. 15, 10 i 'i .... 4. .... 6 .... ,7 .... 8,9,10 11 ...- 12 ..- 13, 14 .... 1.2,3,4 .... 5 K-ion K-101 K-102 l-M 03 K-104 K-105 K-100 K-l 87 IM 08 K-l 09 K-l 70 IM71 1M72 K-l 73 1M74 1M75 K-l 77 K-l 78 K-l 80 K-l 8 1 K-l 82 IMS3 Duvld Hill John W. Usher .. O. C. Henkle Tr. Kmlly K. 1'eano .. Dovld Hill John W. Usher .. Duvld Hill David Hill David Hill John W. Usher David Hill 0 David Hill 8. 9, 10 David Hill 11 John W. Usher 12 David Hill 13, 14 John W. Usher 1,2 K. II. llostendahl 7 David Hill 9. 10 O. C. Henklo 14 Duvld Hill 15, 10 John W. Usher 1 David Hill 2, 3, 4,, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 . 11,12,13 John W. Ushor II David Hill 16, 10 K-l 84 K-l 85 K-l 80 1MJ.7 K-.1M K-IS9 K-190 K-I91 David Hill - 1.2.3, 4, John W. Usher 8 David Hill 9. 10, 11 12 13 John W. Uslvr 14 David Hill 15, 10 David Hill 1. 2.3,4, 0, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 John W. Usher ....:..... 13, 14 David Hill 15,10 Duvld Hill 1, 2, 3, 4 O. C. Henklo Tr 0 John W. Ushor 7 David Hill S K-l 92 K-l 93 K-l 94 IM95 IM90 I'M 97 K-l 97 K-l 98 K-199 K-203 K-204 K-204 K-204 K-2CI K-204 K-20( K-204 K-2GG K-200 K-207 K-208 K-209 K-209 K-270 K-27 1 K-272 K-27 3 K-27 I K-27 5 K-270 K-27 7 K-27 8 K-27 8 K-27 9 K-280 K-281 O. O. Henklo Tr O. C. Henklo Tr. David Hill Imperlul Townnlto Co. Mm. Dunn M. C. Montgomery .... Imperial Townslta Co. M. C. Montgomery .... Imperlul Townslte Co. M. O. Montgomery .... Imperial Townsito Co. M. C. Montgomery .... 9. 10, 11, 13 14 3,4 G 7, 8,9 10 11, 12,13 14, 15 10 17. 18, 19, 20.21 1 O i . ... 1, 6. 7, S 13 Imperlul Townsito .Co, W. M. Tondo 14 Chas. Marrin 15 S. F. Johnsou 1G Imperial Townsito Co. 17 M. C. Montgomery .... 1.2,3 Win. J. Harrlssn 4 Imperial Townsito Co. 8 Henry !lurlqw 10,11 Imperlul TowtiBlle Co. 15, 10, 17, Imperlul Townsito Co. 1,2 Imperlul Townsito Co. 3, 4 Cunrlotto Dunn 5, 0. 7, S M, C. Montgomery .... 9, 10 8. F. Johnson 11, 12 Constanco Held h 8. F. Johnson ir. v John II. Heck is Constance Hold 19; 20 M. C. Montgomery .... 1,2,3,4, G, 7, S, 9, II. II. King 11, 12 Anna Colnlfnko 13 Coustanco Held II Mrs. Alice Horden .... 18 Constance Held 3 . O. Swansou s Imperial Townsito Co. 1; L. M. Harrison 9,10 Hiram Ouffogg 14 L. M. Harrison 15 T. J. W.hlttler iC' Imperial Townsito Co, is,'l9,'20 Imperial Townsito Co. , James It. Hart Oeo. V. Kaufman a Imperlul Townsito Co, nroadwuy Stuto Hank u.ia llroadway State Hunk tt Constance Held 17 Constance Held 19 Henry Harlow 0 Imperial Townsito Co. 1 James lllxloy 0, 7. S It. W. Fullerton 11 Constanco Held 13 Constanco Held 15,10 Mrs, A. MuHiuel 17 Henry Harlow 20 Henry Harlow 7 t Cojistnnco' Held S Imperial Townsito Co. 11,12 . Against Lot J. P. Clough 13, 14, 1,5 Imperial Townsito Co, l ' 8. F. Johnson ." . u;'-, 8 Archlo Mtitier " .". . 8, 10 ConsVnnce'Held 12" ' ;,t , MuuiJIo Da?,.... (, ', - 282 i:-2K3 K-2S3 K-884 K-285 K-280 K-287 K-2K8 K-289 K-289 K-290 K-291 K-202 K-293 K-204 K-295 K-290 K-297 K-29K K-299 K.301 K-302 K-30K K-304 K-300 H-307 K-30S K-309 K-S10 B-312 K-313 K-313 K-II14 No. K-315 K-316 K-317 K-318 H-319 K-320 .87 B-321 K-321 H-322 K'32.1 B-324 K-325 K-320 H-327 K-328 K-320 B-330 B-331 K-332 B-332 B-333 K-334 FXJ35 K-336 B-337 K-338 B-339 K-340 K-341 K-342 B-343 B-344 B-346 K-346 K-347 K-348 K-349 B-3S0 K-351 K-352 K-353 Harper .. ...... Hnrper . 8.62 Harper , .. , 1.55 Harper 2.90 Harper ,.... ,87 Harpor 87 Harper 87 Harper 87 Harper 2.00 Harper 87 Harpor 3.68 Harpor 87 Harper 0.96 Harper 1. 55 Harper '.87 Harper 87 Harper Harper 4.16 Harper 87 Harper 87 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Harper ... Harper ... Harper ... Harper ... Harpor ... Harper ... Harper ... Harper .., Harper ... Harper ... Harper .; Harper Harper .. Harper Harper .. Harper .. Harper .. Harper .. Harpor Harper .. Harper .. Harper .. Harper Harper .. 4.93 .87 2.22 .87 .87 2.22 .87 .87 1.55 1.55 B-354 K-365 K-350 B-357 K-358 K-359 K-3C0 K-861 K-362 .87 1.93 .87 2.22 .87 .87 .87 2.90 .87 2.22 .87 .8 2.90 .87 4.93 .87 .87 1.56 n nt "!S7 2 42 2i90 37 .87 3.09 .87 1.55 1.55 .87 1.55 .87 1.5r, .87 3G3 B-3C4 K-365 K-367 K-3G8 K-369 K-370 K-371 K-372 B-373 K-374 B-375 K-370 K-377 B-378 K-379 K-379 K-380 K-381 K-382 K-3S3 K-384 1385 K-386 l-38G K-387 K-388 1389 f390 8 8 8 8 8 I 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper 0, K-390 K-390 K-391 K-392 B-393 K-394 K-395 K-390 K-397 B-3'98 K-399 K-400 K-401 K-401 K-402 K-403 K-404 F.-405 K-400 K-407 K-407 K-407 K-407 K-408 K-408 12 12 12 5.0 13 13 Harper 8.30 Hurper . ....... .87 Harper . 1.55 Harper ... 4. 25 Harper .87 13 13 13 Harper Harper Harper 3.5 S .87 1.55 n. 10 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Harper Harper .. . Harper, Harper ,. Hurper .... Harper . Harper Harper . . Harper Harper Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial .. Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperlul Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperlul Imperlul Imperlul Imperlul Imperial ..... Imperial Imperial ' Imperial Imperial Imperlul Imperlul Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Impsrlot Imperlul Imperlul Imperial Imperlul Imperial Imperlul Imperial Imperlul Imperlul Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperlul 1mjerjal Imperial Imperlul Imperlul Imperlul Addition Imperial Imperlt.l Imperlul Imperlul Imperlul Imperial .4.;., ... S.30 ... 1.55 ... 1.55 ... 2.90 - ,SI .S7 .S7 ... 3.68 .87 ... 2.48 ... 1.34 .. 4.92 ... 1.34 ... 0.70 ... 1.34 ... 2.67 ... 1.34 ... 9.35 ... 1.34 ... 1.34 ... 1.34 ... 1.24 ... 1.24 ... 3.03 ... 1.34 .- 1.34 .. 2.4S ... 4.77 ... 2.48 ... 2.48 ... 4.7S ... 2.39 ... 2.3S ... 1.34 ... 1.34 ... I.St ... 2.48 ... 11.42 ... 2.4 S ... 1.34 ... 1.34 ... 1.34 ... 1.34 ... 1.34 .. 2.39 ... 2.39 ... 1.34 ... 1.34 ... 1.34 ... 3.G3 ... 1.34 ... 1.34 ... 1.34 .. 1.31 ... 2.48 ... 1.34 1.34 ... 1.31 .. 1.3 .. 1.34 .. 3,03 .. 1.34 .. 1.34 .. 2.48 .. ' 1.34 .. 1.34 .. 1.24 .. 1.21 .. 3.48 Amount ... 3.G3 .. 1.3 .. 3.03 .. 2.4. S ,.. 1.34 12 K-409 K-4 1 0 E-411 K-4 11 K-4 12 K-4 13 K-4 13 K-4 14 K-4 14 K-4 15 K-41G 3 3 3 4 IS K-4 17 E-418 K-4 19 K-4 20 K-4 21 K-4 23 K-4 2 4 K-4 20 K-427 K-42S K-4 2 9 5. 10 K-4 30 K-4 3 K-4 3 2 K-433 K-534 K-4 3 5 K-4 30 K.-437 K-4 3 7 K-4 38 K-439 K-440 K-4 41 K-4 8 S 8 8 S S 8. 9 9 9 Hlock 9 9 10 10 10 ' 10 K-4 41 K-4 4 2 K-4 4 2 K-4 4 3 K-4 4 4 K-4 45 K-4 4 5 K-4 4 6 K-4 4 5 K-4 4 5 K-4 4 6 K-4 4 6 K-440 K-4 4 7 t 3 Harper , Constance Held 15 llroadway fltato Hank 10 tUiwln L. Cox . , .... , 19,20 llroadway Htato Dank 3 L. U. Hllkworth 4,6 Constance Held 6,7 Price Fowler 8 Constanco Held 10 llroadway Htate Hank 11 Constance Held 12 Imperial Townslte Co, 13, 14 Constance 'Held 15 Imperial Townsito Co. 10 llroadway Htate Hunk 17 Constanco Held 18 llroadway Htate Hank 19 Constance Held 20 Henry Harlow 1 Constanco Held 2, 3 Constanco Held 7 Imperial Townsito Co. 1 1 Anna M. Carter Mm. Nelllo Ilrlggs Constanco Held Florence Harris Mm. I. C. Hallsberg Constanco Held Constanco. I!ld Dora K. Ynrkes Constance Held l: 15 l 17 18 1 3 5.0,7 10 12 13 14 10 17 20 1.2 . 3 5 0,7 8 10 13 IC 10 17 18, 19 1.2 5 , 7 8 9. 10 11.12 13,14 19,20 1 J. K. McFarland Constanco held James It. Willlamn .... Oren II, Carpenter .... Oladys Qulnn Carlos M'ehdcz Constanco Held J. K. Armstrong Constanco Held A. If. Applcgato '. Kllcn Hystrom Constance Held Kllza L. Htrong F. K. Peck Mm. Lottie Wood Constanco Hold L. M. Harrison Chas. F. Halns Imperial Townslte Co. Hen B. Zelbell H. F. Johnson W. It. Flck Constance' field W. It. Flck B. F. Johnson Mm. O. II. Thelrlng. Mm. Klla Hums W. H. Flck . W. R. Flck L. M. Harrison ......... Daisy B. Gulden - Kdwln H. Dotherton.... S. F. Johnson .. Broadway Htate Hank 8,9 . 10 15 14 . 10 18 9.10,11, 12, 13 15 19,20 1,2 3 G Dan Clark Henry Harlow W. P. Hlheorn Constanco field K. P. Gray S. M. Cohen It. K. & Inv Co - 8 Lou Klla Works 9 W. O. Davis -.. It Constanco Reid . 12, 13, 14 Imperial Townslte Co. 15 Constance Reid . 1G John, Klcklsh IS Constance Hold 20 Maudo Lof green 21 W. It. Flck i tr. Kdwln F. LouU James A. Miller Warren Kinsman ...... Hay Holman -. Constance Reid Mm. W. It. Kelly - Constance Reid . Mm. W. Sharp M. C. Montgomery M. C. Montgomery .... M. C. Montgomery . .. M. C. Montgomery --- H. F. Johnson - , H. F. Johnson F. J. Howatt - Imperial Townslte Co. L. M. Harrison L. M. Harrison - Broadway Stato Hank 3 4 5 11 14 19 20, 21,22 23,24 3,4.5 1.2.3,4.5 1. 2. 3 4 9, 10 11,12. 13, 14 19.20 1. 2. 3. 4 6, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10 11,12,13.14, 15. 16,17, IS, 19.20 1.2,3,4 0 W. R. Wood M. C. Montgomery .... Henry Barlow Imperial Townsito Co. Henry Barlow Oeo. Work Kllxabeth Work Imperial Townslte Co. Mm. W. Sharp M. C. Montgomery -M. C. Montgomery .... 9,10 11 12 13 14 17, IS. 1.9, 20 1.2.3,4.5. 6,7.3.9,10, 11.12.13,14. 15. IG. 17, IS, 19, 20 5, 6, 7, S 9.10 Maudo Londenklos .... Imperial Towuslte Co. M. C. Montgomery .... 13, 14, 15,16 Broadway State Bank I G, 7, S, 9, 10 1 3.4,5, Imperial Townslte Co. Broadway Htate Hank L. M. Harrison M. It. Wood 6, 7, 8, 9 Broadway State Bank 10, 11, 12, 13 K. K. Nyqulst 14,15 Broadway State Bauk 16. 17. IS, 19 M. It. Wood 20 K-431A Imperial Townslte Co. 11,12.13,14 lit A. A. Graham 1,2.3,4.5.6, 7,8,9, 10.11 33 Imperial Townslte Co. 19 A. A. Graham A. A. Graham Gen. Mercantile Co... 13.14,15,16 17,18,19,20 6,7,8.9,10 Imperial Townsite Co. 11, 12, 13, 14,15,16, 17,18,19,20 2.3 4,5 9. 10,11. 12 14, 15. 16 17, 18, 19,20 S. F. Johnson F. A, Nutbrown ... Daisy 8. Gulden ... M. C, Montgomery Joseph Illxby Imperial Townslte Co. 1. 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. 9 41 L. M. Harrison 10.11,12. 13,14,18, IC, 17,18,19 imperial rownsue uo. so Broadway Stato Bank Imperial Townsite Co. L. M. Harrison Imperial Townslte Co. 1.2.3 4,5 G. 7 15,16, 17, 18. 19. 2n 7. 8, 9 10 11, 12, 13 14. 15,16 18 19 20 L. M.'.'Hurrison Stephen R. Lamb .. . Imperial Townsito Co. Hannah P. Schaefors.. Hoso Oaborno ! Broadway State Bank Hoso Odborne Hannah P. Schaofera., Broadway Stato Bank 5,0, 7, S., 9, (Contlnued on . ..!-( 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 It 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 15 15 . 15 15 16 16 16 16 1G 1G 16 16 1G 17 17 17 18 IS 18 IS IS 18 18 18 IS 18 IS 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 21 nl 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 Imperial ..... .... 1.34 Imperial 1.2t Imperial ........ 3.4 S Imperial . ... 1,34 Imperial 3.48 Imperial 2.48 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.31 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 2.48 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.24 Imperial 1.... 1,24 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 4... 2.48 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1,34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial list Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 3.63 Imperial 1.34 Imperial l.31 Imperial 134 Imperial ).34 Imperial 1.31 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 2.4B Imperial l'.34 Imperial l'.34 Imperial 2.4R Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1:34 Imperial 2.48 Imperial 2.48 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 2.48 Imperial ......... 2.48 Imperial 2.48 Imperial 2.48 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial ... 1.34 Imperial Imperial . 4.97 Imperial 1.24 Imperial 1.24 Imperial 1.34 Imperial 1.34 Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial . 5.92 .... 1.34 ..... 2.48 2.38 .... 1.25 . 1.34 1.34 1.34 .... 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