The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 12, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
No. M
Owiu'tn Iii Faraway Corner .of tho
World HUH llcltcwi In Vuluo of
Towiifilli' Properly nought
In Doom !)".
Tim towmtlto or Imperial Itt bulng
foroclonod. Klovtni ytvirH ago Imper
ial powumiiod two bunks, n high
School, churches, paved streets, ami
wiiu situated on ttui railroad. Toilny
ii guldn U numlcstl to show tlm woy
to Hi it place, which wus ouch u thriv
ing city, on paper. Homo 000 I m
perlul city lotH tiro on tlm 1013 do
llnqunnt Hutu, which urn being pub
llnlied In tint summons for foreclos
ure of tax certificates, for tho first
time. Ono hundred mill ilnoly
mivcn former owner of thu proporty,
will yield their lust logul clnlms when
foreclosure In nnally iiffucled.
Tho pnpiir city, onco tlm proporty
of Mlrts Conittnnco Hold, of Portland,
wan platted In 1011, and marketed
hy M C. MoiilKonmry. Wlmro ho
now In, remnlns a mystery which will
probably never bo solved, althoiiKh
many would wnJcoin thu opportunity
of ugnlu meeting him One of theso
people arrived In Ilend recently, In
i qulmd when the Imperial train
would leave, and wnn llnally pej-su-
ml ml to remain over night and mako
ttiit ?0 itilln ImlrflftV In ii Hlinllill V I
r ' ' '
chartered rar tho following tiiomlni:.
On Dm trip out, ho mystified, hlit1
-driver ulth occasional iiiatlnnim
to tho relative merits of tho Imper-,
lal bunks, and how nmiiy hundred !
children wnro enrolled In tlm high
fhool. Outside roouiN wnro nil that
tlu luiporlal "hotel" could hoaHt,
and ho rot omul tho in night Ho
will tiny tin inoro (axon.
Timv (Annn I'ruiii Afnr.
Hut ninny will, for payments mill
rums In to tin ortlco of Sheriff S. K.
ItohnrtN, from Canada. Kntland. Al
aska, and miiiih evmi from China
nnd Australia. Mottm dny tliwun own
on, too. mny r-ottio to Inspect tholr
city lot. Ami thoy uImo will ho
ntrlckon from tho lint of tnx-pnyors.
Thu tux list for 1913 and 19 H
Hhkh on which nro now In tho first
procctHi of foreclosure, total Jfi.GGl.
.09, Tin))' are a portion of Deschutes
county's luhijrltuiico from Crook
county, from" which It was carved
thruo years iiko. Parcels of laud In
, tho two IIhIh on which taxes nro do-
llnquont, total l,r,2ii, and county or
llolnlri predict that comparatlvoly
littto of It will bo rmluomml hy tho
original nwimrH.
In nddltlou to tho proportion In
Iiiiporinl, some .100 lots will ho fore
closed In llarpur, hoiiHi of Hand on
thu I'U I'lno road. Hurpor went on
tho mnrkot In 1 010, and few sales
woro mado outside- of (Vntrul Ore
gon. I'roHpoclH of railroad extension
coiiHtltutod ItH chlof doHlrahlllty In
thnoyiiH of tho roal ontulo pur
chnHor, hut tlm railroad bulldcrn
hnltod wlum Hunil wan reached, and
Harper lotn ko under tho hummer.
AddlCloilKMlli I,Ut.
Outlying uddltlonn to Rodmonil,
optlmlHtlcnlly platted, furnlnn uevor
nl h ii nd rod moro lotn which uppojir
on tho 1913 and 1911 IIhIh.
lllllniau Ih nnothor Contrut OrcRon
Jown which onco flourlaliod an tho
map, and u namo which now oxIhIh
only tochnlcnlly. An onon;otlc enm
palKn of llorld, ultra-optlmlHtlo ml
vertlHliiK piiHhod tlio hiiIo of Hlllmun
property In 1909. Tho marltetliiK
wan don'o hy tho Contral OruKou In
voHtmont Co., chiefly componod of
Iforllund HpocuhitorH and tho fact
thnt tho town wiih located In ono of
.tho boHt HoctloiiH of tho Contral Oro
Koh IrrlKntlon project, an well an hu
Iiib tuppivl hy u railroad, provontod
It from fallowing other "papor"
townH Into oblivion. Proaiimubly It
wiih named .for Hill and Harrlman,
lieadlnu tho iwo rullroutln whlcJi pon
otrntod tho Dohciu(oh Valloy, hut In
1911 (ho conviction of Claronco Hill
man In connection with th Boattlo
(Continued on last page.)
NO ro.OI'KUATlON WITH 111(211
I'ntll tho Htnto Highway cotnmln
kIoii Ih In n ponlllou to offur I mined -Into
coopuratlon In cotiNtructlon of
roiidn tbroiiKli DenchutcH county, tho
I county road bond money will remnlu
Iln (tin bank nM an Interest drnwIiiR
depoHll. Thin wiih tho declaration
i today of Judge V. I). HarncH In com
i inentlni: on the permliuilon to Hpeud
' county money Klvon by tho commlN-
hIoii at Iln recent meeting In Port-
laud, whlah wiih nttoiukvl hy Judge
lliirnoM and by CommlHMlonerH Heth
Htuokoy and C, II. Miller.
Judge UarnvK contniHtud favorably
tho reception given tho I)ono!iuto.n
county dulegntlou with that formerly
accorded In the day when W, If
Thompitou ruled tho cointnlwilon, but
nienllonivl diat no innttor how good
tho commlMloiior' IntoiitlonH might
bo thy could do nothing without
f iindri.
Tho eoiinly'H refiiHt for coimtruct
Ipn on,tb Hend-lluniK rond hm far
hm Hornu lililgo, Involving n total ox-
mndltur of tnto nnd counly money
of M9.323, nix and n half nil Ion con
Mrurtlnn on tho Ilend-SlHlern rond,
nnd Improvemeiit of tho Itodmond-
SlHtorH road, woro all turned down
becaumi of lack of fundH. The, com-
mlfttilnn, however, ordered u nurvey
the Iledmond to Slutorn nectlon
of tho MoKoiulo Highway, which,
Judge Hurtle nayn, will comploto
practically nil the nurvoylug nocded
In the county.
In addition to Ijio national and d!n
trlot prlron ofrwril for tho winnorn
of tho War Department onwiy writ
ing content, two uejlon of awurdn nro
ofTored locally, It wan announced Innt
night by Major H. B. Clyne, now In
Central Oregon on npeclal recruiting,
duly, For tho nenlor nnd Junior
high nchool, tho First National Hnnk
haH ofTored 10 cuhIi prlno. Symonn
llron. Jewelry ntoro offorn J5 In mor
chnndlHo, whllo n Ilko amount for
tho third prha In pledgod by tho
Hond Fumlturo Store For tho
gradon, tho Contral Oregon hnnk
given u $10 ciiBh prlzo, O. M. Whlt
tlngton, of thu Oruiid and Liberty
thoutrcn glvoH 10 tlcketn to each of
tho two movlo houscn, and tho lliuul
Hardwaro Htoro offorn JlJ In niorchun
dl HO.
Doris Miller, u Kophomoro In tho
Hond high school sustained a sorlous
ly Injured nrm wlion tho haudlo of
tho car she whb nttomptlng to crank
slipped and broke both bones in her
right forearm. Miss Miller was
about u mile, and a half from town
whon tho nccldont occurrod and sho
was rtiHhod Immediately to a Hond
physician. It In bollovod that tho In
Jury will not bo iiormauont.
H5P"Bij3iasiife:-- ((
hi 1 la n . - .ii.-i mimriaaris'-z:mw.rm-:ax-jM.z -r- -
After Buffering for moro than a
month from a form of Bleeping nick
newt, II. I. KIHott, a rancher living
eluht mlloa ent of Ilend, In recov
ering rapidly and now tnkeu only'
nhprt naps during tho day, Itmtoad
of the protracted nlumber which
murkod bin condition during tho
pant month. County Health Officer-)
Dr. It. V. Hendernhotl ntaten that
thu cano In tho only ono on record
In DoHchutcH county.
Currying out tho company plans
for annual uddltlonn to Itn cimnl
which will ultimately bring It to its
originally oRtlmiitcd capacity a crow
of, men under thu nupcrvhilon of
Cluudo Johmion In now at work on
tho Arnold cnnnl. About 2,000 yards
of earth nro being moved In tho pre
nunl operation at an estimated com
of 11,000. Following thin rock work
contlng $1,000 will bo done.
Later In tho nprlug a Hubsldlnry
company, tho Pino Forent Irrigation
Company, will iiIko do work amount
ing to $1,000.
Tho Hond Chapter of tho Ileboknh
l.odgo under Mm. Hurthii Morgan
will Institute n ne.w chapter ut Turn
uln on Friday uveulng, February 20.
The Hond IndleH will liuvo churgu of
thu initiating and tho Prlnuvlllu
lodge him lieon anked to tako charge
of tho tloor work.
PIUNBVILLE, Feb. 12. Jay l'p-
ton of Prlnevlllo. who has Just retired
ufter two toxins us President of tho
Oregon Irrigation Congress has an
nounced that ho will bo a candidate
nt tho primaries for tho Republican
nomination for Stnto Senator from
tho district comprising Klamath,
Lnko, Deschutes, Jefferson and
Crook counties,
"My reason for making tho nn
nouueomont nt this time," hu said,
"Is to Bet at rest rumors that I might
hu a candidate for other otllcos that
hnvo he.on inontloned. I do not In
tend to muko any acttvo campaign.
I think thnt my efforts tho past llvo
yjunro to Boouro tho irrigation of tho
vast hrons of arid laud in Central
Oregon and my offorts ns n Good
KoiuIh Huoster huvo enabled tho peo
ple of this district to determine
whuthor or not I will muko thoin n
satisfactory sonator, and if thoy want
mo to roprosont them In that capa
city, I am ut tholr disposal, I have
not MQimvod n program platform,
but v win do so whon th6 tlmo for
filing arrives. I can say, howovor,
that I nni ngulnst tho radicals and
Rods, q( ovpry kind. I am a Spanish
$50,000 THEATER
8(1.500 Kilo on Wall Purchased
From It. H. .Mutlg to Ho UmmI
Itoad SIiomm nnd Hest MoUes
Will Ho Hnudleil.
Following tho transfer Saturday
of tho KO hy 13S foot lot fronting
on Wall street, Just north of the
Prlnglo building, from It. H. Mut-
rig to O'Donncll Hros. for n con
Hlderutioiit of JC.500, unuouiiccmunt
wan made on Tuesday that the re
cently ncrjulrod proporty will become
tho slto of a thoroughly modern, up-to-date
theatre building, Tho new
ntructuro, In thu building of which
T. M. nnd W. L. O'Uor.nvll nre to be
niwociatod, will cost npproxlmatoly
$RO,000. and will have a noatlng cap
acity HomawlHTo between 1S00 and
Thu entire lot Is to bn usod In tho
coiiitructlon of the theatre, and gen
eral ordors given to Archltoct Leo
A. Thomas, governing tho drafting
of plans, specify two storlos, n 10 by
CO foot basement, n large balcony, n
Inhby 20 feel dcop by 2S feet wide,
with small store rooms on each sldo,
nnd a stage 30 foot square. Uoxes
will bo Included In tho seutlng ar
rangements. War Votornn and my entire sympath-
ios tiro with tho American Legion In
tholr fight for 100 por cent Amerl
cuuism. Wo need moro and better
roads In this district and wo need
more irrigation development. I will
do my utmost to bring this about.
Tho groat lumbering interests of De
schutes and Klamath Counties nro
entltlod to better transportation fa
cllitles. -Tho isolated county schools
need moro assistance. This senator
ial district which comprises nearly
ono fourth tho area of tho Stato of
Oregon Is entitled to moro represent
ation In tho State Legislature, both
In tha Sajinto and thu House and It
will bo my purpose to socuro n pro
per lucronBo so that each county may
huvo a nropor representation In tho
loglslnturo. I will not roprosont ono
town or ono county but will ropro
sont tho entire flvo counties nnd will
work for tho ontlro district."
Mr. Upton owns n largo Irrigated
farm at Prlnovlllo and Is also on
gagod in tho practice of law. Ho
wns novor n candldnto for publlo of
fice, but onco, when ho was oloctod
to tho loglsluturo from Multnomah
county in 1912.
fl Miiifti..a
Final Figures on Street nnd Sewer
Work to Ik: Finished In Few
IjStejLDnyV-i-New' Itecord for Kx-
pendlture, bet In .lanunry.
Anxious to have all necessary pro
lliiilnurlen attended to in order that
tin early start In streot and sewer
work mny be Insured, the Hond City
council, in session Krlda' ntgli', or
dered Itecordcx D. II. Peoples to call
for offers for bonds wlti-.'h will total
approximately $350,000. tho bids
bo opened nt tho regular m-tiL?
Friday evening February 20. Definite
estimates had not been completed
by City Engineer Gould, but this
work would be dona within tho next
few days, ho said, and at tho end
of that tlnio, the apportionment of
costs to property holders will
passed on by the streets committee
An estlmato which Mr. Gould In
formed the council might not bo en
tirely accurate, gavo $150,000 as tho
approximate cost for sewors and
$200,000 as tho cost of contemplated
street improvements.
Hills ordered paid set a new record
In city expenditures, equalling the
amount ordinarily expended In two
months. Warrants were authorized
for $5,207.10. Tho fact that a largo
number of bills for extra work dur-
Ing tho heavy snow In Documbor. as
well as delayed ncuouuts on tho fire-
house, wero token caro of, was in
n large ntoasure responsible for tho
unusually largo sum.
ItidKen Amilng Causes Trouble.
One bill which was disallowed was
that presented by N. It. Gilbert. ofiw-" "" , um,.er tn? ' 1Iot .1,ull1
riM.n.. n... ..i . .'Canal. If. therefore the capacity of
Gilberts Grocery, who. accompanied the CamU syitom thr0UBll which'thls
by his brother, N. II. Gilbert, appear-i water Is to bo delivered Is sufflclont
ad beforo the council to ask that
the city should pay for an awning at
his storo on Hond and Minnesota,
which had boon torn down tho week
To create. further Intorost in tho
raising of Shorthorn cattle and to'
,' Wrf-.,. . - - "
ta.' "0""rn inrmors or mist
Jii JvKfitlty an opportunity to seo some.1
Tjjtho -high class herds of Contral
Oregon, a Shorthorn tour will bo
mado on Thursday, February 19, ac
cording to it. A, Ward, of tho First
National bank. Tho 'stitrfwll"bo
made from tho bunk at 9 o'clock and
tho first stop will bo tho ranch of J.
N. Jamison. From thero tho party
will proceed to the Ochoco ranch of
"Dick" Dlggs. tho big Shorthorn
raiser of Prlnevlllo. "Anyouo Inter
est may make, tho trip," Mr. Ward,
said, "and all Shorthorns aru expect
ed to do so."
Thnt his fathor-ln-lnw, T. J,
McClellnn of Ilend, came to tho ranch
homo of Mike Morg, four mllos from
tho city, on Monday, mid with no
apparent reason bent tho son-in-law
sovorely about tho lioad with an
automatic pistol, was Morg's declar
ation yesterday when ho nppoarod bo
foro District Attorney A. J. Mooro,
and sworo to a complaint on which
tho warrant for McOlollnu's nrrost
Is based, "Assault and battery, bo
lng urmod with n dangerous wea
pon," Is tho spoolflo charge, and Mrs.
Morg, It Is understood, will be a wit
nc33 ugaiust her father when tho
preliminary hearing in Justice court
Is held.
Percy A. Cupper. Hccltes Conflicting
i:iementN Wlikli Hinder Project'
Development District Control
. J
Thought MoHlHntlifnrtory.
i It in the recommendation of Percr
! A. Cupper, ntato engineer that thn
settlorn on tho Contral Oregon Irri
gation project and tho C. O. I. Com
pany should avail themselves of the
services of tho Desert Land Hoard
to arbltrato tholr differences and
onco and for all como to a settle
ment. Thin recommendation was
contained in a report to tho Desert
Land Hoard In which it wan also rec
ommended that tho proposed con
tract between tho C. O. I. Com parry
with tho Lone Pino Irrigation Dis
trict bo withhold from approval for
at least 90 day.
Mr. Cuppor's" report In full In as
"Tho Contral Oregon Irrigation
Companx proposes to deliver water to
tho Lone. Pine Irrigation District and
cancel an equal area of Irrigable pat
ented land In tho project, asserting
that the procoduro under Section 6
of tho Contract of June 17, 1907,
i permits of such transfer. Tho d la-
tojJnct,on11 between this transaction aad
tho ordinary transaction under this
section Is In the area of tho tract
embraced and the fact that tho land
is all located beyond tho extreme
limit of tho project, requiring a sub
stantial modification In tho Irriga
tion system. It would seem, how
over, that this would not necessarily
put It beyond tho application of sec-
tlon C above referred to, which reads
i nit tnMrwx'm
" 'It Is further agreed by and be
tween the parties hej-eto that no
water rights for lands not embraced
In this contract shall bo sold by tho
party of tho first part except upon
written application to tho Stato Land
Hoard, and the citicejlatlon of an
icqual area of Irrigable land embrac
ed In the contract. Tho specific
tracts In this contract to be cancell
ed by tliccconii.Davty shall bd de
slgnitM in tho written application
of t?-o ilrst party. Tho salo of water
rights to lands not embraced In this
contract as above provided shall be
mnita militant ,i tlm ti'itti,. in.m. .in, I
conditions in all respects as lands In
thin contract.'
A number of the Hoard rulings
have limited the company In tho ap
plication of this section, however,
and no land would bo nvallablo for
cancellation exeept tho unsold pat
ented land, of which there, are some
to deliver water to these 1.000 acres
In addition to a dollvery of l.S aero
feet to all other lands served from
the canals, then it would seom that
section C of the contract would under
ordinary clrcunistnncos bo applica
ble. Consider Water Supply.
"Tho settlers hnvo rnlsod the ques
tion that l.S acre feet per aero is
tnsutnclent to properly Irrigate tha
laud, calling attention to the fact
that they are entitled under tho law
to "sufllcleut to raise ordinary agri
cultural crops." Tho quastion nu-
i uiraiiy arises wnai constitutes a ao-
termination of this quantity and has
It been determined? Tho Statu fixed
this amount In its contract with tha
Company and has requlrod tho com
pany to construct Its works accord
ingly. The Federal Government nan
said that It Is willing to patent tho
land on this basis. This would seem
to constitute a determination in-so-far
us tho obligation of thn company
to deliver wator Is concorned. In
other words, tho company could
hardly bo required to deliver addit
ional water ta tha lands under Itn
contract. Tho Attorney-General has
advised tho board that a delivery of
l.S aero feet Is all that can bo re
quired of the company without addit
ional compensation. Tho record
would seom to ludlcato that tho ob
ligations of tho company aro satis
fled wheuover tho cuual bus aulllclent
capacity to deliver 1.8 ucro foot to
tho hind. However, beforo taking
up tho question of cauul capacities.
wo should consider thu matter apart
from its strictly logal phuso.
"If tho limitation of 1.8 aero foot
per ucro will result In n failure or
partial failure on this project, snd
Profossor Powors of Corvullis advises
that not less than 2 aero feet should
bo nvallablo, tho board should t'uka
such reasonable precaution to lus'uro
a dollvery of additional wator using
Its best oudeavors to protect tho
rights of all concerned.
"Water has boon sold to some 43,
000 ncres of land, und it would bo
disastrous to tnko uny action that
would doprlvo those lands which
hnvo boon doveloped ut couaiderublo
oxponso und hardship, of sufficient
water for their rensonublo uso. If
It Is truo thut thoso lands cannot ba
properly Irrigatod with tfcnVr water
available the Hoard should 'ffit hesi
tate not only to disapprove tjTja con-
(Co'ntlnuod on t'agu