The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 05, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Kennedy, pulling happily upon n
pipe, eniua loitering ulmiil the corner
of the lint nml approached tin. Klolse
staggered to her (Vol, shrinking buck
ugulnst (lio wull of (ho shack, Iut eyes
on Ills fuoo.
"Tluit limn liorol" she orlod In ter
ror. "Tlmt tiiiint Why, ho was nt
lll'IMUXO I'liAXH DKriCltllKI).
Until adjustment of liiHurauco rati
bu Hindu, no plans for rebuilding tho
llaptlst church, which was partially
destroyed by tiro .lanuary afi, will
bo made. It was decided last itt;ht
Uooms, however, will bu titled up and
UHcd toiuponullly for church pur
poses, Devils Own.
AlfotnaaceoFiltcBldck Hawk War
Aullwr of Contraband, SJtcviof (blruh&ti'jafc
" lL74MT1tnf nr uv. tfiv4 (
jSSiawft? ca niaiWcJ kjlrvl Mia
Tim lol tho horses nwny nml staked
thorn out where Ihoy coultl crop the
rlrh, dewy grass. After removing Iho
snddlcs ho followcil iho mulatto Kir)
Into Iho hut, nml I muld hour the mur-
imir of their voices. 1 endeavored to j
science, tie knew I wns n white wom
an: ho linil hoeomo convinced Hint I
was Klolse Hcuucnlro. Did you know
that, also?"
"I learned the truth on the boat,
from the same source where Klrhy oh-
address Klolse, seeking thus to uwnken
her to some sense of my presence, hut
she merely smiled mennluglossly,
lennrd her head wearily hack against
tho poles and closed her eyes.
It was n poor meal enough, although
It sulllced to dull hunger and yield us
some strength. Klolse succeeded In
choking down n few morsels, hut drunk
thirstily. It was pitiful to watch her,
and to mark the constant effort she
was making to fore the return of
memory, 1 had Klale luithe her face
with water and while, no douht, this
refreshed her somewhat she only
rested her head hack on my cont, which
1 hnd folded for a pillow, and again
closed her heavy eyes. Tho negross
Appeared so tired 1 bade her lie down
and sleep, and soon after Tim also dl.v
Appeared. I remained there alone,
guarding the woman I loved.
How were we to escape, burdened by
this helpless girl, from pursuit, which
perhaps had already started from Yel
low Ranks? At nil hnrards I must now
prevent this dazed, stupefied womau
from ever again falling Into the power
of Joe Klrby. That wan tho one fact
I knew. I would rather kill her with
my own hand, for I was convinced tho
fellow actually possessed a legal right,
which I could not hope to overthrow.
I Remained There Alone, Guarding the
Woman I Loved.
However It had been accomplished,
through what villainy, made no odds
she was hit wife, and could only be re
leased through process of luw. lie
could claim her, hold her In spite At
ine, In spite of herself. No Inlluonce
I might bring to bear would save her
now from this contamination. It would
nil be useless, n thing for laughter. Hit
signature of which Klrby had boasted
and the certificate signed by the
doad Uasktn.s, would offset any os
slble efforts I might put forth. There
remained no hope except through
flight outdistancing our pursuers : find
ing n route to safety through tho
wilderness which they would never
I must find nn unknown path, an un
traveled trail. Our only hope Iny In
bnflllng pursuit, In getting far be
yong Klrby' grip. I dragged the map
out from Its silk wrapping and spread
It forth on the ground between my
knees. It was tin latest government
survey, given me when I first departed
for the North, and I already knew
every line and stream by heart.
I became tfr Interested In the prob
lem as to entirely forget her presence.
Iiut. when I finally lifted my bead, our
eyes met, mid I Instantly read In the
depths of hers the dawning of recog
nition. "Who are you?" she breathed In
rreduously, lifting herself umui one
hand. "Oh, surely I know Monti-mint
ICnoz! Why, where am I? What has
linppencd? Oh, Clod! you do not need
to tell me that I liut you; I cannot un
derstand ubout you. They they said
you died."
"They mtiRt have said much to de
ceive you," and I bent forward to touch
her hand. "See, I am very much alJve.
Let me tell you that will be the quick
est way to understand. In the first
place I did not drown when the boat
wns smashed, but was rendered help
less and borne nway on the water. The
Adventurer rescued me ubout daylight
the next morning, and I was no sooner
on board than T was told how the keel
boat had been run down below on the
river during the night and that your
party bad ull been saved two white
men and two negross slaves. Of course,
I knew you must bu one of them."
"Then IFicn we were actually to
gether, on the same. boat, all tho way
up here?"
"Yes; I tried bard to find where you
wore concealed on board, but failed.
Klrby guarded you with great care
from all observation. Do you know
"Yes," she answered, ns. though forc
ing herself to speak. "I do know now.
I thought I knew then, but was mis
taken, I supposed It-might be bemuse
I looked so little like u negress, but
Umv I real lo It was, his own con-
tulnod his Information. Kl.slo Clark-
told me."
"Klslo Clark I Who Is she? How
did she know?"
"A free negross. who hnd been cm
ployed by Amos Shrunk. She was tho
other prisoner on tho keelbont when
you wore raptured, kept locked below
in the cabin."
"llow could she know who I was?"
"She did not. Only she was ixisltlve
that you could not be Iteno Ileauenlro., she know that Iteno. In com-'
pany with her mother, bad departed
from Shrunk' cnbln before those raid
ers came. The two had already started
for Heurdstown."
She sat upright, all lassitude gone
from her body, leanliu eagerly toward
mo. her eyes' alight with Interest.
"(June I Iteno escaped them!" she
exclaimed, her voice choking. "Oh, toll
mo that again. Was the girl sure?"
"Quito sure. She saw and spoke
with both the women before they left
In n wagon. They were on the Under
ground, bound for Canada, uud safety."
"I am so glad so glad." she said
simply. "Now I am strung enough to
hear tho rest, Lieutenant Knox. You
must tell mo."
"There Is not so much to toll, that I
am eock-surv about." I began slowly.
"Klrby had you securely hidden nwny
somewhere on tho second deck, while
this Clark girl had been locked Into n
stateroom above. I possessed such n
growth of bean! uud was altogether so
disreputable looking ns to be mistaken
for u rotistd out by tho bn.l's olllcers.
who set me nt work to earn my pass-
age. In this way I munnged to talk
with KMe. but fulled to locate jour
q larters. The only glimpse 1 gained
cf yru wns when yon were tlng taken
esliore. Then I followed, and a little
later suce-i'ded In getting you out of
Klrhy "s hands. That Is about all."
"Ob. no. It Is not j ou you came
too Into."
"loo late! Perhaps I may know
whnt you mean."
"Do you? Surely not to blnme me!
I I wish to tell you. Lieutenant Knox,
but but I scarcely know bow. It Is
nil so dim, Indistinct In my own mind
and yet I remember. Huve I been
"Without question. We have boon
riding nil night and you were strapped
to your horse. I'rohnbly you have no
recollection of this?"
She shook her hood In bewilderment.
"No; the last I remember I was with
Klrby nnd another man. He he was
dressed like n minister, but but he
was half drunk, and once he swore at
me. The place where we were wns a
little shack In the side of u hill, with
stone walls. Klrby took me there
from the steamer, together with a man
he railed Itnle Jack ISnle. They
locked mo In and left me alone after
dark. Then this other man. who
dress4i like a minister, came back
with Klrby. They had food nnd some
thing to drink with them, and lit n
lnmp so that we could see. It was
"That Man Herd" She Cried In Terror.
"My Godl" She Burt Forth.
Ueaucnlrol Ho Is the one to hoin I
claimed to bo Iteno."
Tim grinned nt me, but did not ap
pear particularly Mattered at his re
ception. "Not quite so fast, young lady." he
said, stuttering n bit uud holding the
plfH In his band. "I reckon J wus
thar nil right. Just lyi ye say, an' thet
I did yer n mighty mean turn, but I
nln't such a dern orunry cuss as ye
think am I, cap?"
"No, you are not," I hastened to ex
plain. ".Miss Ileauenlro does not un
derstand, that Is all. Kenned hero
merely supposed he was doing his duty
until he learned what Klrby contem
plated. Then ho refused to have any
baud In It nml tho two quarreled.
Shall I relate that part of the story?"
Her eyes scVtciicd, her lips almost
"Yes." she said. "I urn glad to know ;
tell me ull."
I described Tim's part In the w.ole ! wit:
tragedy swiftly, while lie shifted awk- I I'hilm No
wiinili- from ,ni,i fruit tn Hi.. .ill..... .mil : SlVO.
occasionally luterjeeteii muiio com
ment or correction.
"Then I shall count joii my friend
now." she said simply. "And I inn so
delighted to understand everything.
There are four of us hero, counting the
mulatto girl, uud wo are In hiding nut
far from lellow Hanks."
to pay t IM per cent Interest on
Morris Hros., I'ar and u premium
or $2,1 so. no.
Lumbermen Trust Co., Par and it
premium of $15 10 per $1,000
II. L. Doveroaux & Co., I'ar. accru
ed Interest and a premium of $2,50.1
Central Oicgou Hank, I'ar. accru
ed Interest and $1,1200 premium and
pay I percent Interest ou balances,
Whereas, the bid of Italph Sclinee
loch Co., of Portland, Oregon Is
the highest and best uud complying
with -the tortus of the advertisement;
now, therefore It Is
Considered, ordoied and adjudged
that tho aforesaid bid of Italtih
Sehueeloch & Co.. bo and the same
hereby Is accepted, uud that tho
county Judge, county clerk uud coun
ty Treasurer be and they are hereby
aiithorlxed and Instructed to see to
the proper execution nnd delivery of
I said bonds to said purchaser upon
j payment of the aforesaid purchnso
price therefore.
Duted this ltli day of December.
W. 1). ItAltNKS.
County Judge
C. H. MlLLKIt.
County Commissioners
County Clerk
In the matter of claims against the
This matter conies on for the au
diting of claims on Din. when after
proper consideration, It was ordered
That the following claims entered
In the claim docket of this court bo
and the same are hereby allowed,
nnd the clerk Is Instructed to Issue
ins warrants In payment therccf, to
170 to No 177 lurlti
The largest electric sten
in the world advertises
on Times Square. New York
City: It is 250 feet Ions!. 70
feet high. Made up of 17,286
electric (amps.
The fountains play, the
trade mark changes, read
ing alternately WRIGLEY'S
and JUICY FRUIT, and the
Spearmen "do a turn
This slan Is seen nlahtlv by about
500.000 people from all over the world.
The clerk wns ordered to .iiidlt a d
Issue his wiirant for the pnymci t of
machine parts V. () I) viu Ameii .
can Hallway Kxprens when sii'h parts
are received.
The court lhMi,jidJourned to le
cembor 19. tain.
The county court rsronveneil Pn
day. Docttmhor 19. 1919. pursuant to
I Mil Iftltf lll.iiti.t ..II ... . t .
iiii .4ii(tr i j. - .....
Tim's eyes fell upon the map. lying Vit memi.or l.elng pre
uui.ronn on me ground.
"An' whnt did ye think wns host.
cap?" he Inquired gravely. "'Tnln't
ti -i:-r:
I ' 4
rjt .... . fv " "i
ujMuriii! 1 jk'
.r"W- 'f3-KS2iV,YJ
.-vajAra i. :rrarasft,',U'jbw
likely wo got all summer tor sit 'round
yore un' talk In. Tnln't such n bad
place, but by notion Is we ought tor
be Joggln' 'long."
".Mine also. Come over here, both
of you, and I'll give you my Idea. I
figured our chances In this wny,"
In it few words I explained my
choice of route, pointing It out on th
map nnd telling them briefly why I
wns afraid to seek refuge either ut
Fort Madison or Fort Armstrong, or.
Indeed, at tiny of tho nearer settle
ments. ICIoNo said nothing, her gaze
rising from the map to our faces as
wo debated the question, for Tim
spoke his mind freely, his stubby fori
finger tracing the course I had Indi
cated. "An whnr tin yer reckon nre them
Injuns the hostile ones; this yore
bunch o Itlack Hawks? S'poe we'd
mn Inter u raldln' parly o' them red
bucks. I nln't got much hair, but I
kin use whnt I Imv' got."
"I uui mi run. Tint, hut I would
In the mutter of establishlnc nlp.
tlou precincts.
now at this
conduct of the IiuhIucks of the mini
Till- mult..- ....... ' l",u'.'1 ' "" inai iiuo no.
Iiik " iiiVoii Vh i.T,i J i,,e r i i ll'" ,,r ,,,B "'" 'ton such budget
roc tic s Sm li nn.. .ri 1 " '.'" h"M ,)eH" """ll!,l"" "ccordlt.g In law;
:t,r ',' vr ..v1:: v .'-1 time ni rr u...
iu. f. i... ..'... . """ "' "uring thereon, and
... .. ..., .ut i. nil iiik in nnril
and It now appearing to the s
i.,u in un, conn mat the. precincts Muds:
""""""""" ion urner oi mis court,
with the exception of precincts No.
' 10 and 11. am now arranged to
the greatest convenience of the vot
ers residing therein, nml il.m ih
iiutter, tlmo there have boon no objections, and the asssor Is hureby
intisfact- made or lllud thereto, the court eMend said nmuiint upon
irccliiRla ilnds: rn. r, ..... ., ,,..'
ijouuuartes of pieclncts No. fi. No.
10 and No. 11 should now be chang
ed. Is therefore,
Ordered that Precincts No. 1 in N'n.
r.. Inclusive. No, 7 to No. 9 Inclusive.
No. 12 to No. 2 1 Inclusive, bo and
they horeby nro re-established In ac
cordance with the order of this court'
entered January 29, 1917, and with
the same boundaries, numbers, and
names ns designed In said order.
Ordered; that Awhrey precinct No.
10, as established by said order of.
this court of Jnhunry 27, 1917. bo
mid the mimo Is hereby abolished.
Ordered, that nil territory hereto
fore contained In South KI1 nr. i
That It Is uociHomry to rulse the
nllowug Hums of monev by tho ill
rett levy of taxes thoroforo for tho
following purchases, to-wlt:
For Statu taxi. $11.
For county Oononil Fund. 171,
r. 3. i.oo.
For the lload llrldge Fund. 8,
887.00. For tho County .School Fund. 527.-000.00.
For tho High School Tuition Fund,
1. 100 00.
For tho Library Fund, $300.00.
That the total amount uucowtury
in ho raised for all purposes Is the
sum of nr.C.r.09.00 for the expense
of the county for the ensuing year,
to w(, 1920. It N thoioforc.
Ordered, that there be, uud here
by Is levied a direct tux upon all tho
taxable properly of this county
amounting to the sum of I lfiil.f.OU.UO
directed to
the tux
rolls for the year 1919.
In the matter of claims against
tho county.
Attur duo eoiiMldnralloii It wns
ordered that claims No. 179 to No.
1 90. as entered In tho claim docket
of the Court, be and the Maine nro
hereby allowed, and the clerk Is dl
teolttd to Issue his warrants ul pay
incut thereof.
The court then adjourned for tho
County Judge.
C. II. Mil. I. Kit,
County Commissioner,
County Commissioner.
amy nave Willi nun." I retorted, my ,. "" , : .r " "..'", """ ' 'm g
gaze on the "..oMInnlng face of the I ' 'Hn "'1 ,"!! ,"'.' V''0' "V I
.!, ,,i, ., . ..... . procinci to no Known and doslcnntcri 'K
girl. "However. Ih.-re Is little i hance (J1H ,, ,.roccl N- ihi,ii.iii
of our encountering such u party. The, Ordered, that all the territory Iv-'S
soldlerH are till coining mi from theilng South and Knst of Tunu.if. r,.rn'..!l
mmiiii nun are iiotiiui to rorce ulncK i eny contained In Awhrey I'rcclnct
Hawk's warriors to the other bank of 'No. 10, bu and tho same Is hereby
the Itoek. There will bo nothing but nttnehed to South Side I'rcclnct No.
barren country east of here. What do c
you say. ailss Klolse?" . Onlorml. that all tho territory ly-
iiik " m aim wesi oi i umain ureeK
nnu ronnerly contained In Awbroy
I'rcclnct No. 10, be and tho same
hereby Is attached to Tumalo Pre
cinct NO, 11,
Her oycH met mine bravely, without
a shadow of doubt In them.
"I shall go wherever you ny," she
replied firmly; "I believe you will
know best."
'Then I deride on this route. Once
we get beyond the swnmp lhoc fel
lows are going to have u hard task
following us, unless they have an In
dian trailer along with them. We
huve been here several hours; the
horses must be rested. Let's eat what
we can again and then start."
Kennedy stood up and stared about
us ut the dlsolate scene, the oxpres
Ion of his face proving his dissatisfac
tion with tho prospect.
"O course, I'm u goln' 'long with
yer, caii," he acknowledged, dryly. "I
never wns no ipillter, but this yere
trip don't look so d d easy tor
me, for all thet. I'll wake up thet
Clark gurl mi' then saddle the bosses.'
I watched him round the corner of
the cubln, not wholly ut ease In my
own mind, then gathered. up the map
and replaced It In my pocket, uware
that Klolse had not moved from her
position on the grass.
"Is he right?" she questioned, look
ing up at me. Ms there nuy real dun-
fer..of Indians?" . .
nit'mllt- .llurmil n.t.f ....l I. !.....
She pressed her hands to her head ! rV4-'n lir,,f,,r ,J,il' " I''nic overtaken , JIl,inpt ; c- ' ",tb of tho North 1
despairingly. "I can remember nll ,,y J,M" K,rl,y ,""1 '"' -'ung he'll prob- lA"l'u,, ?"? .'i'.l "J"0!?'.' Homh H
this, but later It Is not so clear; It
fades out, like a dream."
"Try to tell me ull you can," I urged.
"They fed you?"
"Yes. I managed to ent n little, but
I would not drink. They both became
angry then and -frightened ine, but
they did compel me to swallow some
of the utuff. Then I became dazed
and partially helpless. I bad nn will
of my own. no (tower of resistance."
"Vou were married to Klrby."
"Oh, (Sod! was I? I wondered; I
did not really know; truly I did not
know. I seem to remember that I
blood tip, uud then signed some paper,
but nothing hud any meaning to me.
Is thut true? Do you know that It Is
I grasped Iut hand and held It close
ly within my own.
"I am afraid It is true," T answered.
"I know very little law, nnd It may
bo that such a ceremony Is not legul.
Yet I Imagine those men were i ertuln
as to whut they could do. Klrby hud
planned to marry you from the very
first, as I explained to you before,. Ho
told me that on the Warrior the night
your father died,"
"Yes, you said so; but I did not
qulto understand he planned then
why?" "Hecnuse bo bad heard of your
beauty nnd that you were rich. Were
these not reasons enough? Hut, ufter
ho hud mistaken you for Iteno, tho
only possible wny in which he could
hope to gain you was by force. Jack
Itale suggested that to him am! how
It could be done. The other miin was
a friend of Hide's, a renegade preach
er named Cusklns; he Is dead."
"Dead I Killed?"
"Yes; we brought you away nfter a
fight with those fellows. We left Halo
bound uml Klrby unconscious."
"Unconscious, hurt but not dead?"
"He had u bad gush In his skull, hut
wp" n live.''
Edison Amberola
Great Quantity Now
in Stock
The court then adjourned to n.
coin Dor 23, 1919.
The court reconvened December
23. 1919, pursuant to adjournment, M
an memuers neing prcsont.
In the matter of tho tax evy for
i no expenses or tiio county for 1920.
This matter now comes on to be
heard for tho levy of tuxoH for State
uouniy, county Road, County
ncnooi, anil otner expenses of the
county, nnd it now appearing to the
court tin. I lui.iix.iu ui. .....,
the amounts necesHnry for tho B,mBwn,n,,l,BIII,limu
Horton Drug Co.
Bend, Oregon
(To Do Continued.)
Four chairs at your service at the
Metropolitan. Ho waiting. Adv.
Tut It Ui Tho Bulletin.