BEND BULIJCTIIf, BKflD, OIIEOOJI, TIIUHflDAY, PBIiriUARY B, 1020 rAOK 7 t:ia(nimyHniiinui(nHtti:un:iininnniHinMtnii!iiiit:iMtniiinntHinui(i!i)unii!iiiiinini(tiiiiiiniHniiniiuiiiinTu i i BEND -HAPPENINGS FROM DAY TO DAY .in (MltililllniUIMMUIIIIIiUlltSIIIIUillliiiilliiuiniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiimiuiimiimiiiiiuiuui Wcdncsdny County JuilKt) W. 1). Homes Im In l'urtluud on romJ business. U; I IlonklfiH. of J.owur llrldge, was ii IjIIhIiiohk visitor In tlm city )imtiiriluy. (lift K. Hlmllg, Lower IlrltlKO rancher, wits In Hend liiNt night on business, Thomas J. Cancan, of Ontonagon, Mich,, Ih visiting IiIh sister, Mrs. J. K. Arnolil. Mlurt Lucille Hnyder leaves to night for Corvallls, where nlm will visit for u week or worm Judge T. K. J. Duffy ilrovn over from I'rliiovlllit IiinI night to attend tho meeting of I tut Klks lodge. Mr. unil Mm, V, H, Hudson re turumt this morning from n vucu tlou trip to southern t'aljfprnla. Mrs Alexander Thompson, of Tin Dalles, Ih In llond visiting her daughter, Mr, t'linrb's W. Krsklne. Mm. Fred Fish Ih leaving for Kan Francisco, where nlm will spend suviirul weeks visiting nt tho homo of her brother. Mm. 1'auI Norseth of Delaware 9 Keep Your Nose and Throat Free from Infection with Ze Pyrol Listerine Pineoleum Lavoris Magill & Erskine Your Druggist . The last of the Season 's Selling of Reduced-Price Winter Dresses and Suits " d&kVy&tw Mil ALL Practical Styles, and all reduced in price to the lowest figure at which they will he sold. This is the final Clear ance of all Winter Wear Dresses and Suits, and the woman who seeks economy in dress purchases will find scores ot pleasing opportunities in the wide selections of styles and materials included in this last of the season's selling of reduced price wear, ! i i ' I.' Prices range from' $14. 7S to $62.50 - . i , ii avenue will entertain tho Ladles' Aid Hoiiloty of tin) KcuiKllnuvInn l.uthuiuii church TliurHdny evening. (I. A. I'nrkliiM luft IiihI lilght for Hpoknne, where Im will 'represent tlm llrotikH'Kuiinlon Lumber Co, nt tlm convention of 'box inuuufuttiir ers In thut city. iTuesdny Carl Wise nml K. U. Clark uVir In from l.u I'lno today. II, I., Totio and Dennis Hunt, of Hlslers wont business visitors In tho city toduy. August A. Anderson loaves to night for I'orllnud unci 9a lorn on official business. ltobnrt :. Hinltli, of I'ortluud, formetly Liberty Loan mauager for tho Rluto of Oregon, In In town to day on business. A license waH Issued Inst night from tho office of tlm county chirk, to John I' O'Ciillsghaii and Minn I'volyn A. I'etormnn, Hiulth, of the. Korrnt Ser vice, In leaving today for Fort Hock to aniilMt Hunger Hoy Mitchell In pontine boundaries and telephone and ' toad maintenance. ftoorge Fletcher htm arrived In llelid from Itosehurg to tako tlm munWonicnt'of thn local branch of tlm I'ui'lllc Fruit anil I'roduco Co, V. 1). Mile, who has been acting In thin capacity, will ho Iran for rod to Hood Itlver or Tho Dalles. Mrs A I. Livingstone, mother of Mm. A, J. Kulstud, nml her sons Frank and Alexander Livingstone, who havo been on an extended visit will ruturn lo their homo In Mis soula, Montana on Wodnesduy. Haturdiiy evening it crowd of 30 Moose and their when and frlendn met at tho Mooso Club, then pro ceeded to tho ranch of Mr. and Mrn. Ceo. T. Mellaril, ono und a half mllen eiint of the city and were entertain ed at a duncliiK party until mid night when a delglhtful lunch wan M'rveil, DanclttK wan renumed until early In tlm iiioruliiK when all motored buck to their homen. limine r.uentn of .Mm. Sellarn wero Mr nud Mm, Ktoren, of ('reticent, who are leavlne fur Keatllo then to ClilraRO makliiK tho trip over land, they expect to be i;on" a year and u linlf. Monday F. A. Howard In 111 tit bin hoi k with iniurnklu,. K. W. Wober, of l.u Pine, npent tlm week end In Ilund, Mrn. C. A, Waruur loft Saturday nlj;ht for u ihorl vlnlt In Portland. Mr. mid Mm. F, K. Toomey were puciiorn on lait nlchl'a train for Portland. rrr-rr , ,OREG6tJ ri ' " ' i" '" Mr, A. M linden wnn cnllod to Knit I,n) lo nca b'ir jnothur who In tier' lounly ill, Mrn. I, V. McAdoo and non Flrrnnn loft Uiittirday rilclit for Halnm wboro Finnan will attend ncliool, Mr. and Mrn, W. I., O'Donnoll and chlldrou worn nnnnmiKorn on lant rilcbt'n train for I'ortland, I,. O, Taylor, Htipurlutondonl of Tho Klmvlln-Illxon Company'n box factory luft lant nlitlit for Hpokane. W. Lnlr ThompHon, foruiur ntato noflator from Lukovluw, and prcnl- dunt of tho ntnta nonute, yran In Hand today from liln homo In Portland. Mr. and Mrn. J. H, Mulnter Mt lant nlKht for Hpokane, Mr. Malntor will attend a convention of tho Went' ern Pino Mnnufacturcrn' unnaclntlon DccorntorR huvo practically com plclcd thulr work In tho Pilot Hutto Inn dlnlnc room, and the flrnl mcnl with tho now nurroundliiRn, will be nerved tonlRbt. Mrn. II. K, Hrookn and' Mrn, A. M, Prlncle. departed lant nl(;ht for PhlladcJphlu and New York. Villo cant Mrn, Hrookn will undergo u dlfll cult operation for bur even. It. M. Hmlth received word thin mornlnc from Wullnvlllo, Mlnnourl, of tlm death pt C, I), Heed, weJI known to tunny In Hond, and former ly annoclated with Mr. Hmlth In the old Hced-Hiulth Mercantile Co, AiiKtint Hullblrd, formerly rnnldlnR ,lliri'J mllen from Hend on tho Turn- ulo road, hun nold bin ranch to V. A. Itlrton for $2,000, and bun left for California. Prcvloun to bin de parture, u nurprlno party wan Riven by tho ramlllen living on adjoining fa nn n, Mrn. Clurenci) Mannhelmer and Mrn. J, C. Hhoden entertained about 20 frlejidn of Minn Hurtha Dlnhon Friday t the homo of Mrn. Mann helmer at a mlncellancoun nhonor. Minn DIhIioii who In noon to bo mar ried to Mr. Henry Hllllngn, of Wnd linniH &. Korr, of Portland, wnn tho recipient of mauy beautiful Rlft.i. Saturday Mm. E. C. Bhovliri arrived In Hend thin morning from Portland. C. W. HeynoIdH of Catuway In traiiKiictlug biinlnenn In tlm rlty to duy. Mrn. 8. P. Rtevennon 'of this city In vlnltlug lelntlvoH ut CiiHtlu Hock, Wanh. It. F. Lane, W. H. Kuril and Leo Colllim were among Silver l-ake vln Itorn In Hend today. Whllo preaching nervlcen will not ho held nt the ('hrlntlan church to morrow, the regular bourn of meet lug will he obnerved. Frank Crampton, a prominent stockman oftliu Fort Hock valley, came into Hend yentrday to bavo noino dental work 'done. Mm, II. II. Hchanno arrived In Hend luni night from Portland to Join her hiiHband. who In ono of the now ownera of tho Hend-Uurns Htago line. Mr. und Mrn. J. II. Mclnter nnd T. A. McCiinn will Icavo for Spokano tomorrow night, where Mr. McCann und .Jr, Mulnter will uttend u luin bornieu's mentlng. County School Suporliijeiulent J. Alton Tbompnon him received coplen of tho Htuto reudlng circle lint for tho use of Denchuten county teach ers. Twonty-nlx bookn are Included In tho list. Tut It In Tho nullettn. Four chain at your service at tbe Metropolitan. No waiting. Adr, iMfo THE NEW FOR SPRING hrHn LOOK HERE; FOR. A BLOUSE We Strive to Please THE WARNER COMPANY nitlTITV IUirilAMliLtaX AT VnmMV tluinve QUALITY JjKltC.UMUSK AT TC- Mrn. O,, W. Kontor In conflnod to lior homo by lllnwm nn tho rinijU of n vaccination for nm'nllpox. Hov, O, K. WllllamH leaven tonight for Hpokanu where ho will remain novcrnl dnyn on bunlnonn. During jim ubHonco, wrvlcon will not bo held, In the Chrlntlrin church. Mr. and Mrn. C. 'O. TMcCluro, of North Yuklmu, Wnnhlngton, ore In Hend vfnitfng with their non It. H. McClurc. Mr MCCIuro recently dln ponel of Inrgc farm holdings In tho Ynklnlu vlclnlt. ""Tho l'lalnvlew ProgreIve club In announcing a benefit danco to be given at the Tumalo aknoclntlon hnll February C. The fundn nro to bo lined In tho erection of the pro posed community hall for the resl dentn of tbe l'lalnvlew district. Thursday O. 0 I)augbcnbnugb o, Mllllcan, arrived In tho city Innt night, and in rejiinlnlng ovist today. F. H Walto, Portland livestock. and real entute opcratorV was a vln Itor at tho Central Oregon Hank to day on bin wuy to HllvuF LaReJ II. If Cutwrlgbt ban arrived in Hend from Halt I.ako City, bringing with him nevoral Utah farmcrn who aro planning to purcltanu land in the Fort Hock Valley. It. A. Allen, who In in charge ot a fleet of Diamond-Trucks on Htatc highway work near Hurnn, wan In Hend today on a brief bunlnenn visit. Mrn. Allen accompanied him. Clyde M McKay and J. Alton Thompson were among tho Hend Mnnonn whom motored to Prlnevillc today to be prcnent nt the corner Btouo laying ceremonies for tbe new Masonic temple In the CrooU county seat today. II. II. Wilcox ban left for San Franclnco to attend tho Century club convention of the West Coast 1.1 fo Insurance, company. The con vention In attended only by repre sentatives producing 1100,000 worth of insurance annually. William 1.. Hall, formerly an of ficial In the forest ottlce in Washing ton', I). C. Is in Hend from Chicago, looking up timber properties, and making a brief survey of local lum ber und timber conditions. New owners of tho Hend to Hums stage Hue. II. H. Hcbanno, Wesley Hill, und O. H. Peterson, left this morning on their first trip over the route One passenger, A. M. Uuck leu, and one of tbe former owners, V. P, Wray, accompanied them. STOLEN CAR FOUND WITHIN BRIEF TIME Less than 24 hours after the auto mobile belonging to II. II. DcArmond was taken from In front of tho O'Kano building Into ut night, tbe machine wan cn yesterday after noon by Mrs. L M. Foss, to the rear of the stone, building being erected at tho corner of Harrlman and Greenwood. Mr. DeArmond was Im mediately notified. With tho ex ception of a broken spring, tbe ma chine was undamaged, and bad ap parently been driven ouly n short distance, as part of the ilve gallons of gasoline with which tho car wasj cquippcu wuen stolen, sun remain ed In tho funk. No clew to the identity of tho thief or thieves has been found by the authorities. BLOUSES ARE HERE I - ;j-v Friday Georgette Waists A variety g of colors and styles to suit every jjjK taste. Priced within easy reach ?j. ofall-$4.95, $5.45, $5.95, & $6.95, $7.95, $8.95, $9.95 U j Pongee WaistsMade in nat- $ ural color silk pongee, with the p" new convcrtable collar. Can be W worn high or low neck$6.95 Novelty Striped Satin Waists- M Navy, black or brown back ground, with stripes of contrast ing colors $5.45 I'Ol-OtUX V NICKS ., I V U MEN" jjbrothers um Quality 'Pioneeh PREDATORY ANIMALS YIELD MANY PELTS $7 10 In IJountlcH Paid During Jun- uary Furs of High tirade Taken by Trappers In County. Pelts of predatory animals taken In Deschutes county and presented at tbe, ofllce of tho county clerk, net ted trappers $740 In bounties dur ing tho month of January. Two hundred nnd twenty-seven pelts were brought In, 190 of these being taken from coyotes, and tho remainder from bobcats. Because of the sev erity of tbe early Winter, all furs were prime with unusually long balr, and at prevailing quotations would be worth In the neighborhood of J5.000, in addition to tho boun ties paid. 5 100 Reward, $100 Catarrh l a. loesl disease greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefor requires conetltutlonal treat ment. HALL'S CATAIUUi MEDICINE I taken Internally and acts th;-ou-h tbt Stood on the Uucoua Surfaces of the Sye tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the dliease. elves the patient strensth by improving; the general health and aesUta nature la doing- Ita work, fioaoo for any case or Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH UEDICINB falls to cure. Drugglata Ttc Testimonials rrea. T. J. Cheney tt Co.. Toledo, Ohio. OH aKt-mm o me oo nut !)()() 0-i0-Bo.ea() The high cost of deliveries is really a myth- Lots of people have been telling you ' "that all grocery deliveries are expensive. That they greatly increase the cost of your food. That you ought to save this cost by carrying your groceries home. On the contrary our customers find our delivery system really economical. It doesn't add to the cost of their grocer ies and provisions. It saves their time and energy-which they can more profitably devote to their homes or to various outside interests. ': X v'i 'rf Smith's Grdcery S. r Tl tw it? ii x nunc ui j :t sr u I'linna . r. DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE of standard quality is the most satis factory to buy. That is why we carry K u p p e n heimer and M ichael Sterns Clothing, Alunsing Underwear, Wil son Bros. Shirts. Holeproof and In terwoven Hosiery, Imperial Hats, Bostonian and Co operative Shoes, Patrick Mackin aw's, Lee Ironalls. Because they are made by well known JtanJ- ard maker. Since 1911 THREE FINISH WORK AT B. H. S. With grades for the final exam inations In, announcement was mado today by City Superintendent S. W! Mooro ot the members of the senior class who are In line for graduation providing satisfactory results in studies aro evidenced ut tbo closo of tho spring term. Tho class numbers 21, and of these, three. Hllah Hrlck. Merle K. Miller, and Wendell A. Thompon, havo completed their high school work, but must wait until the end of tho present term before receiving their diplomas. Th class ban adopted as Its flower, the yellow rose, whllo the class colors aro lemon and green. yi'AItAXTIXB IIUI.K GIVKN. Hereafter, at all houses quarantin ed for smallpox, the yellow cards will not be removed fdr three weeks. Dr. Anna Rles Finley, City Health Want tojiuy hay, ne llullclln clas sified ads. f