The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 05, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    BBNDnCIJiKTlN, BRN', OttBWWft, TIVCTlhn.U'v Vh'llYtVAltY fl, 1020
The Bend Bulletin
.Published By J
(Zncorperatcuj ..
An Independent newspaper standing
lor, tho(qunro deal, clonn business,
clonn politics and the best Interests
of Bond .and Central Oregon.
Ono year $2.00
Blx months 1.00
Thrco months.., BO
" Apparentlr we touched a tender
fipot When wo referred Inst 'week to
overcharges mado by a local news
papers for tho publication ot city
notices, (or tho Btatement has pro
duced a great sputtering and froth
of words. Jt would be too easy to
make ,fun of it all, to Josh about the
new word "Inuendos," and tnko ad
vantage, of tho many openings for
jest that tho author's anger has left,
It wouTd bo too easy and we shall
not take that course.
What wo shall do is point out that
our friend reluctantly agrees that
Tho Bulletin Is right in its statement
that it does not receive $30 per
month- for publishing tho county
court proceedings. It is wrong again
In saying that only The Bulletin
knows what it has been paid for the
service, this past year. Itemized bills
arc onfllo in the county clerk's office
where-they could have been seen If
our friond had wished to discover
tho truth.
Wo would also point out that our
friend admits our charge that it has
collected from tho city more than it
was entitled to collect for publishing
certain notices. It admits the charge
and says that it knew of it last sum
jner. Next month, now that wo havo
called the attention ot tho public to
the fact, it will make restitution.
, .So, far as Tho Bulletin is concerned
lt'haa- never consciously over charg
ed. If it does over charge the per
'pon Interested does not have to wait
Klx.jinonths before receiving repay
fc?enf. If it appears, as asserted by
' our friend, that we have overcharged
the city at any time, which wo be
llevo wo havo not wc arc not only
willing, but able to repay at once.
Our of tho angry welter of words
to bo expected from one who had
to admit that he was wrong, as in
' ' dlcated abovo, ono other matter ap
pears. This is a statement that tho
. editor of Tho Bulletin convinced
i the city attorney that to comply with
( tho vlty charter certain noticos
v should bo printed 10 times. This Is
abnrefaced and shameful He. Neith
er the editor nor any mejnber of The
Bulletin stafT had anything to do
with tho city order to run the notice.
.in question 10 times.
Plnallyr Tho Bulletin has not
imsde any "attempted defense for
not having printed the county court
proceedings during the past six
months." No defense was necessary.
i vfne- proceedings have not been print
ed because they were not furnished
The Bulletin for printing. When they
a'irro furnished, the publication waa
begun in the first Issue
possible. If our friend found
such a dearth of news for its read
er's that It nad to publish them in
full in order to fill its pages there
bulletin does not claim any especial
ji'rtutor luVelf. It does try, hovfr
SvoWjjto publish bows n.i wejl na
county-court proceedings. (
"Women cn'gor for lookout Jobs
In forest service," sayB newspaper
ti end fine. 1'robably all unmarried
and naturally on tho lookout,
It is not tho purpose of Tho Bul
letin', to v engage in any small town
newspaper controversy. It has stead
fastly maintained this position and
will continue to do so. Moro than
once In, tho past it has been lied
Vbbut and has taken no notlco. An
honest 'newspaper, like an Honest
man, docs' not havo to protest Its
honesty. Its batting average in tho
truth docs not havo to bo figured. It
la either 1000 per cent or zero. There
Is no mVddlo ground, vich as is
claimed for Itself by rf'local news
paper whoso malicious mendacity"
was mentioned hero on Saturday.
Becauso ot tho very mallco of tho
untruth The Bulletin has taken not
Ico ot this latest attack. Attacks may
be expected to continue. Wo think,
however, that tho admissions already
made by the newspaper in question,
plus tho two letters printed below,
indicate just how much credenco is
to be given to Its statements. Wo aro
therefore done with tho subject un
less to acknowledge the apology tnat
should be forthcoming.
Tho letters referred to aro as follows:
Bend, Oregon, January 31, 1920.
Tho Bend Bulletin,
Bend. Oregon.
"In a local newspaper I notice a
statement which may bo taken to
mean that somo ono connected with
The Bulletin took up with mo and
convinced me that certain city no
tices had to bo published 10 times
to satisfy the provisions of the city
charter. I wish to stato that no ono
connected with Tho Bulletin e.ver at
any time discussed any such matter
with me. My Interpretation of tho
charter which led to 10 publications
ot tho notlco in question was made
without suggestion from Tho Bui
letln In any way. shape or form.
Truly yours,
City Attorney.
Bend. Oregon, January 31, 1920.
Tho Bend Bulletin,
Bend, Oregon.
"Noting that you have been accus
ed of making legal Interpretations
for tho City Offlclals. I believe that
It li 'proper that everyone Interested
should get the facts straight.
"In each caso where notices to con
tractors weje run In your paper, it
was done undor my express instruct
ions after consulting with the City
Attorney. We wero subsequently
convinced that the days publication
wob unnecessary and have acted ac
cordingly since that time All ro
ponsiblllty for the publication of no
tices to contractors tests with the.
City Attorney and City Recorder."
Yours very truly,
City Recorder.
Putting on a good minstrel show
ia now added to tho accomplish
es mtle to be virtuous over. The ment8 of tho Bend f,ro department.
A method ot, dumonntraL
Ing It Interest In country roads nnd
nt iho snmn tlmo ot gutting soma
road work dono hn Just been an
nounced by tho Prlnovlllo Commer
cial club,
A "Good Roads CouIcbI" has been
arrangod with substantial prizes ot
tered for the most decided Improver
mont pIiowh in a quarter mllu strip
of rond, tho work to bn dono by
farmers between February P and Oc
tober S, Kn trios. In tho contest are
to be recolvd and tho strip ot rond
selected tor Improvement by each
ontrant visited and Its condition re
corded by the JudgCH bo Core work
Tho most important rules for tho
contest, which might well bo copied
here, aro ns follows:
"I. Contest startK Wednesday,
February 11( 1920, ' v
"2. Any person in Croolc county
is eligible to enter. ,. .
3 -Length of road to bn Im
proved- one-quarter mllo.
"iv Entries closo Monday, morn
Ing..' February 9, at 9 a., in. and all
wishing to enter must rill out the
blank below nnd mall It to tho
secretary. Commercial Club, Prlno
vlllo, Oregon, In ordor that It may
reach him before that date.
"5. No contestant will ho per
mitted to begin work on his section
before tho morning of February 11,
1920, as tho Judges) must Inspect
his section of road and take notes
on it beforu he stnrtn to work.
"C. Tho Judges shall make tho
awards to tho pereoiiH maklug tho
most decided Improvement In hln
section of road nnd all equipment
must be furnished by him except
In the event of tho need of culverts,
tho same may bo obtained from the
county without cost If the county
court so approve the location of the,
proposed culvert.
"7. There will bo throe prizes
First, second and third, with a
guaranteed first of $100 cash, sec
ond $50 cash and third $25 cash.
"in addition to tho abovo $175
to Uo awarded. It Is expectd and
understood that additional cash nnd
merchandise will bo donated to
ward the contest and It Is quite safo
to say that before tho contest closes
the total prizs offered In cash and
useful merchandise will reach cloo
to $500. The additional prizes will
be published from tlmo to lime In
tho local papers.
"8. Tho contest closes October S,
1920, nnd the nwnrdn will bo ninde
from tho udgei stand during the
Inter-State fair on that dato.
"The" location of the qtuirjor-mllo
of road to be Improved will bo ho-
lected by the contestant, hut must
not bo" moro than 12 miles from
Prlnovlllo. - J
...u .....iivi, ,u ,1111,1111 tliu CIIH-
test to a radius of 12 miles from
Prineville is that it will bn Impos
sible for tho Judges to visit the re
mote sections of the county at JIiIh
time of. tho year. It Is expected, j
however, next season to hold a sim
ilar .contest, taking in that part of
the county extending trnjntho 12
mile radius, .to the county boundary."
tho systems ot tlielf children, Jy'lll
bring other diseases or nlrfnu wjifsu
In effect than the dlsfnnn thai is
being gurirded ngaltttd, '
, It Ia unfortunate that such opln
lomi nhuuld bo held liocmiAo they
merely add another hlndrmtco to
tho work of wiping out ono of
mankind's dread diseases. HmulUl ,j,n CorvnlllH & Eastern had been
pox, before Dr. Jennem dmcdvuiy
of vaccination against It, was one
of tho most terrible scourges that
visited the human race. Ji'iinor
observed t lint certain persons were
Immiiuo and discovered Unit a sort
of vaccination was apparently re
sponsible. Ho tried this vaccination
on others and they wont not
touched by the disease. Since his
day tho scourgndlko character of
smallpox linn disappeared anil In
muny communities It has 'linen
o.llmlpnted. Yacpluatlon li tho
, With this fact so well established
,Jl Is to be regretted that any should
object to vaccination. It Is true
that by falling to procure proper
virus and by unclean and unsani
tary methods some physicians have
done bad Jobs. It In equally true
that vaccination has almost dono
away with smallpox nut so long m
any remain unvacclnated they may
tako tho disease nnd put expense on
the community, or bo the meuus of
Its spreading further.
Somo say Hint they ore willing
to have smallpox If the only way
to avoid It Is by vaccination and auk
why they may not be allowed to do
ns they please, lotting the red of
tho public avail Itself of the protec
tion of vaccination. The answer Is
that tho thing Is a matter In which
the soclul order Is Interested ami
for Its own protection must trout
all alike. Society's relation Is much
tho same as It wns to drink. That
haa been ruled out. Some day
smallpox will be.
unless it Is a step In the construct
ion of a lino to Bend'. ,'.
II. U, Mutzlg, 'who 'returned lust
week from a seven wooJib trip lo
Chicago, nud, Pittsburg, hoard lit
Chicago of some railroad plans of
Interest to the Bond country, U
wns lo the effect that an option on
j. Fifteen Years Ago
(From the columns of Tho Ilullutiii,
February 3, 1905.)
From a source of undoubted au
thority it Is le.-irned that tho Corvnl
lls & Kan tern railroad has completed
arrangements for an advnuce 10
miles Into tho Can en do .Mountains,
It Is not quite clear what this move
of the Corvnllls & Eastern means.
taken by a California syndicate. Ac
cording to the atory Mr. Mutxlg
brings, the plan Is to build tint Cor
vullls & Eastern ucroim tho moun
tains and meet It In Central Oregon
with the Western 1'uclflo, now on the
way up from San Francisco,
At the council meeting last Tues
day night, the franchise ordinances
for tho llend Water, Light, Power
Co. and the DchcIiiKui Telephone
Co., wero passed. Ilolli give perpet
ual, hut not exclusive rights to the
The Itev. Anthony Mitchell this
week unuounced that the building or
a Presbyterian church In Mend was
assured, and that work on tho struct
ure will bo begun us soon as the
lumber can be put on the ground
and the workmen employed,
The lower crew on construction of
the Pilot Butte canal Is now within
live miles of Crooked River. At the
present rate of progress the canal
will he completed by Februnry 30,
nud the crew will then be released
for other work.
In considering (he statement or
the Bend post pfllco, which appears'
In this Issue, It should bo remember
ed that n year ago llend was" too In
significant to have. t post office at all.
Now Its business Is next to the larg
est In Central Oregon.
Tho llend Lltorury and Debating
society Wednesday night elected the
following officers to servo during the
year; President. II, James Over
turf; Vice-President, I'huuucoy P,
Becker; Secretary-Treasurer. Miss
Ivy West: Sergeant at Arms, Frank
H Mny
Charh-y Stansburrough has return
ed from bis nnnual visit with Port
land friends nnd relntlves.
Frank Nichols returned to town
Wednesday after a two weeks' visit
at his ranch nt liny Creek.
What s LTpiiYg in j
the Country. j
ORANGE HALL. Feb. tf.- The
Grange,! s at Grange Hull Have clnmiMi
Feb. Ill, as the evening to entertain
the puhlle, The ladles will servo it
emu so luncheon. Each course will
bo done up In Miipurntu pnakiuu.
On en I ii will he taxed 10 tientn poi'
paaldigo, and If packages do not con
tain Jusl what the biiyera wish the
may trade, There will ho many other
enjoyable features through out the
evening. Everyone In must cordial
ly Invited.
The young school haw luid several
open air sessloifi during January.
The teacher, Mm. Riiuiiiessoii, and
pupils declare tiny urn MiipMlm to
tho Indoor session In many way
Mr. Lester sold two-ltinulnnt l.unlix
lost week. Mr. O. UwaiiHiii dullvei
ed the lambs to th't station.
Miss Anna Smith, an eighth grade
pupil at the, Young sriool wrote the
prlzu story for the North Western
Farmer Inst mouth. The story w iu
entitled "A Faithful Friend,''
Mrs. Chus. Wlllaliiuon e.tllod iitt
Mm. Frank Whltteniiiu'ii tuu iluy
lust week
Mrs J J Young called at Mis.
CrowoM Wednesday affe.riioon.
Katheiue Helgeslen called at Aiinu
Smlth'4 K'ltiduy afternoon.
P. J. Young and family wcio Sun
day nfttruooii culldu nt A. N'ofTV
I audi.
Herbert Nelson, Kut'iarliiM lit I
usen vul Dorothy Vomit: wlm tork
the 7th grade examination; received
their let urns from Hupl Thompson
office, Saturday riiry Iitiil part, id
villi ovollojit staudllift.
Gladys Duhlu Is on Iho sick list.
Mr, J. Iloyer who Is visiting "In
Pennsylvania writes he will be dml
to get back to the laud of Sunshine,
Oregon, as he has had but one
gllmpmt or the sun during In two
month's stay In the Inst.
Service hy tho llend Watur.
Light K- Power Co, wan bark lo
normal today following tho wimh
out at the wing dam near the pot
er plant Sunday, but perinnnunt
repairs are yet to be made. Con-
In a suit recently filed In Portland.
Andrew J Kroenert, of Bond, ,.ok,,,ruc,mn P'unn are now being con
a divorce from Alice Kroenert. Tho!",,,,,r',', n,", " '" expected that the
caune for action In not known, j Pr,' u( ," earthen dike whciTi
..... how swept uwny by the water, rnn
Sell j our poultry lliraueli Bulletin '"" ri'lucrl by concrete within tv,
rlnlfoi! iiiN. i or three weeks,
Folks are making quite a to-do
about vaccination.. The objectors
aro fhosa who havo religious scru
ples against It and thoso who fear
that tho Introduction ot tho small
pox virus Into their systems, or into
Scrap The Scrub Sire!
ET that be your slogan for 1920. Scrap him just like you would
hggjjj scrap a wornout, antiquated, useless piece of machinery. Prac
tice efficiency in live stock breeding just as efficiency is prac
ticed in any up-to-date manufacturing industry. The best place
to begin is with the sire. Select carefully the best animal money
wiirbuy and he will prove far the most profitable live stock in
vestment you have ever made. Come in and talk this over
KVithus. '"
i '
. f
The First National Bank of Bend
1 - - -Atj
Discovering that I am about two years ahead of mv ranch in
stocking it with Dairy stock, and being short of help also, I
have decided to let the stock go until I can bring hay produc
tion to a point that will carry the stock desired. The animals
offered are among the best in the county and were selected
with great care.
The sale will be held at my ranch a mile and a half weattand
half a mile north of Redmond, beginning at 10 o'clock a. mj bn
U Pert-heron mares 7 ear old, weight 17.10 enrh.
WI-I.1III1U-S i (nun) grniio nnii rename in eierv way.
One of the bent teams in
.'10 head of Pnre-liml anil Grndo Jersey conn and reglMered Jersey hull, Golden
Terrebonne, No. Ml:t7H, bred by J. Ilrcmn Hon, Hhedd, Oregon, and Mrong
In Golden Glow Mood.
Pure-bred Jersey row, Butler Cup, fl jeartt old, le.t ,7 and now ghlng 10 pouiiiN.
I'ure-lireil Jersey row, Irene, O eiir old, tent .', due lo frr-dicn March I. Above
IU iHiuniN nlv mould last er.
Piire-,rtd Jerey row, Mwh, 5 jrarft old, test l.r, now git Ing JKl pound.
Pure-bred Jersey row, Mny, fl car old, ten 1,(1, fn-h and giving ilO pound.
Grade Ji Jerej cow, Jersey, fl enrn old, h.:t, frelt Uy date of (.ale. Given
(I jeuisiild, I
InM jearjE.' 4
y, (I yeupTold,
tirade 7; Jersey rmv, Badge, 0 yeuisjild
10 nouiiilH lor eight mouth I
Grade 34 Jersey row, Ilntuue;
Grade Ji Jersey row, .Mndge, 0 em old.
year. Due March n.
lotj. 1.7, by date of sale. Guve
((( ft.-, giving ,'IH pniiiiiN.
Gae 10 pound for n iooiiIIih last
Grade ?4 Jersey row, .Margaret, : jears old, fresh and giving 112 pound (esllng l.l.
Grade i Jersey row, .Mary Ann, 2 jearn old, fresh and giving HO pound
Grade Tn Jeisey row. Baby, II )eaiH old. March It! test Gave ill! pound
for eight mouths last jear.
Grade ?i Jersey row, Pet, jenra old, giving Id pound now and 21 last year
testing !l.7. Fresh Murrh UH. '
Grmln i Jeiey row, Bed, (I carn old, lest -1.(1 and giving ill pound. Fresh
November "It last.
Grade )i Jei-sey cow, Brln, fl year. old, (t -1.0, gavo III pound for flv oiiIIih
Inst year. I'rcsli liy day of sale.
Grade ?i Jersey row, Goldy, fl yearn old, test 1.7, gave ilO pound, lino u,
freshen .Murrh 21.
Grado 7A Jersey row, Beatify, fl enrn old, test 1.7, gave itH iouud. Duo March l!(l.
Grade Jersey-Guernsey, Young Guernsey, it jearn old, II pounds eight mouth
1(1 now, test -1,0, Dm. March Ifl.
Grade 'Jersey-Giiernsey, Guernsey, fl yeuin old, test 1.7. Guve -ll! pound for
nix month.
Grade Jersey llolslelu, Black Daisy, (I jearn old, (est ,, giving !!l pound.
a 9i Jerseys, ii yearn old. IClhel, duo April :i, and Itiilh, due .Mny 20,
JlloHsom, IH months old, )i Jersey, duo April 10. Olgn, yearling, Ifl-io Jemev
not brel, " - ''
I pure-bred heifer ralf, II weeks old, Hlx kinall calve. v ' ,- ''
Jerney-IIolsteln cow, yearn old, lest 11.7, gait 10 pound lost year.
U Jersey, I yearn old, named Brln, tent 1,11, gave 12 pound eight months taut
year, fresh by day of sale, V
Ifl turkey )ienn and 2 gobblrm, all Bronze,
7 Id-gallon and it fl. gallon ran. Hoven shoals a months old.
I set doubly enm linines. 1 Dol.aval No, 12 rream neperator, good an new
ii;ii.'mm uk ham;:
Cash on sums of 910 nnd under,. .On largei
.......... .- ., ,, v ..".. .... ,,,-, , ,,,, nllu iiniier,. ,i;ii larger aiiiouiilM n
crwllt of eight mnndiH will be extended on bankable iiniier at 10 tier rem m- .
dlneouut of fl per rent for cnh. , ' i
C. H. MILIAR, iCJerk yf. N. BROWN, Ow'nVr,
-riiNivux" kwjnjnulus, Auctioneer