The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 05, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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In Ihu con ii ty mini of tlm alula
of Oregon, for tlm county of Dew
rhuluM. Order ih'ovIiIIiik tor llm Ihhiiiiiii'ii,
nilvuitlsuinitul anil wild of IioiiiIh
In llm mil tt 4i of tlm l-uiiiitiirn of
bonds by l)ih(ilmtiH rniiuly for Hi"
piirpom of ruining mutiny to In lined
fur tlm construction nnd malnliui
' unce, of pnrniuiiniil ioiiiIh In tlm
rnunty. i
WlmroHN, nt mi election iluly rail
il mid held In Deschutes county, on
Mho .Inl day or .limit. I tllO, an Issue
of IioiiiIh for llm building of permit
limit roads In milil county wmh duly
no Hi mixed liy llm voter In tint mini
of $1211,0011. ior,tiiir with intents!
Hiernnii, mii Id hntuls to run nml do
payable mm liii'(tlniiftir not forth unit
to hear lulorimt ul Ilvo nml ouii-hiilf
per cent pur ii n ii tt nt (fi 1-2); nml
WhiiriytH, It now becomes the duty
of tlii roiinly rourt to riitisu the
nfovi'Hiilil IioiiiIh In bo Issued mid to
kiIvdiIIki) Hiirli mnouiit of Ilium for
Midi' iin In tint Judgment of tint rourt
iiui v tut iiccessiirv: mid
Whep"is, In tin JiidKUH'iil of lint
.roiinly rourt It In now necessary to
Ihriik nml sell I2R,000 00 nf tint
I'fdM'riilil IioiiiIh. (Iiohii so to Ittt now
iiilvrlli"td nml sold to lut of tint ear
lier maturities nnd ntinihured run
"rutlvi'ly 'rom I unwinds; now
tlirritforn. It Is hereby
Ordeied Hint Deschutes roimlv do
Issue Hit IioiiiIh In tin mini of Xl-T.,-nno
pnr vnlun In nnfount, In dennm
I tin Hon of 1 .000 cudi nini-bercd I
In 12B, linth uiiiulirrn Inclunlvo. mild
IioiiiIh to Imitr ditto November 1.
Igl'J, nod to mntiire Hi-ilully In
numerical order ns follow
J IS, 000 four (II years from dnt
of Ihiii;
IIR.onn five (R) yours fioin dnte
of Issue;
$18,000 six (rt) yeum from ilstn
of Issue;
IIS. 00 seven (7) year from !
' of Issue;
JIH.000 eight (B) inr rmrt dnte
of Usuu:
, HH.OOfl nine (9) yet-m from ditto
of Inmiik:
1 1 7,(100 iwn (10) years frnm tlnln
of iMiut;
(iIih IioiiiIh of ouch nf said imhI'iiI'
! to Im lettered series A to (I In
elusive) Huld IioiiiIh to Iih rhhIimI with
tin sihiI of sold roiinly hihI Mtgnd
Itv tin County Judge nml County
Clerk, tint entire Issue nforeid lo
Imnr lutortwt at tint into nf Ilvo rud
one-half per cent T, 1-2) per milium.
twvNltli Hml-Hiiniinlly on May nml
November HihI. Mtld Interest being
rpreutoil liy Interest coupons nl
Inched to mtld IioiiiIm lien ring tint n
iihvimI fnmluillo signatures of Hut
County Judge mid County dork.
Iiolh jirliirliml mid lnteiel imynlilit
In fulled States rold roln of tln
prMlil HtitmlMrd of vnlun nl tin of
lien of tint roiinlv trt'NHiiirr or tit tlm
riHl Acoin)' of tin Slnlo of On-con
In ,Vw Vork City, nt tho onilou of
lint IioIiIit: mid It Ik fiirtlutr
Ordorod (tint tin liomlri linntliy nil-
thorUoil mid tho roiiionH ultnchi'd
tlirnlo hIiiiII lie In Miilmtnutlully tlm
ftilUiwInK form:
No (COI'V) J 1.000 00
IxNiutil for tlm liiilldliii; of pcriuit-
intni rou tin thitrttln.
Do You
ESSEX success has not been accidental. No one
doubts its right to the position it holds.
llut how many know why Essex in its first year
revealed qualities more mature, more evident of
tho influence of long experience, than is commonly
found in cars even in their third and fourth year?
You will recall tho Essex was announced one year
ago without one word as to the identity of its
builders. Not a claim was made for its per
formance. You were asked to go look at it, take a ride and
"form your own opinion. The Essex, we said, would
have to speak for itself.
Now that it has established itself, we for the first
time reveal why Essex has all the qualities of cars
of long development.
Was Designed by Hudson Engineers '
They conceived it as they developed the Super-Six.
All they learned about endurance, they incorporated
in the Essex.
They gave to the Iijssex the power that has made
it famous in all quarters. Its speed is the result
of what had been learned in making the Super-Six
winner of all worth-while speed records.
The Essex can never be all that the Super-Six is,
for they are totally different types.
But the Essex does bring quality and performance
to a class field that was unknown.
Tlm cdiinty of DcHchuluit In tho
utiiln of OniKOii for vnlun rccolvoil
lutro.hy inoinlHii to tmy lo bunmr
on llm IIimI dny of Novriiihi-r, l
wlHi liitnritHl Ihiirnon ul Hut rnlii of
Ilvo mid oim-hulf pur wml (fi 1-2)
Iiui' ii ntiii in pnyuhh) Hiiinl-miniiiilly on
tin- Mint ilnyii of Mny mid Novt'inlmr
lo tlm lii'iirur of llm rcHpocllvu con
piiim tlnMoror Imtitlo nttclmd up
on prrtmuilullon mid miiii mulor tluutt
of iih tlioy iiinliiro. Iiolh piliicltinl
nml liilnroxt 11111111 pnynlilo In I'liltnd
Htuti'H colli coli "f Hi" tuoHoiil Htuml
mil of vnlun nl tlm olllc of tlm coiiii
ty tt'diiNiintr or ul tlm KIkoiiI Ai'tuicy
of tho nlnlo of Oii'con In Nnw York
Clly, nt lint option or tint holder.
'I'll I m lioiul hi oim of a HciliiM iitith
orlri'il liy n voln of tin volitrn of
DitHuhutiM county, Oickom. vol Iih: ul
un oliiclloii Imhl for Hit I il purpiiHit In
hii til county on tint .lid dny of, .hunt.
1 01 It, hold In piiiHiiniico or luw, mid
iiudor mill hy vlrlun or mi older of
tlm county court of mild county, nflcr
dim iiotlco Klvitii, ul which wild cloc
t Ion mi ItidithlitdiU'HM In tint hiiiu or
oiiit It ii nil it'll nnd twnnty-llvu IIioiih
mul iIoIIiiim ($12r.,l)00) mid liidi fit
(In toon wiih niitliorlcil hy mii Id vot
ttrH to hit rrontfil for tint 111111111111; or
pitrinmmiit roinU In wild county.
And It Im hi'iuhy cci tilled Unit
itvury H'(iilii'iinMil or Inw rolutliiK to
tlm iHrtiin In-rcof Iiiim Iioiiii duly com
piled with mid Unit thin lioiul Ih
within ttvttry duht mid oilier limit
pnyicrllied hy tlm CoiiHtltutloii or
Iuwh or llm tllute or Oregon, mid Hint
for tint luiiirtuul pityineiit or llm
prlnclpnl mid IntoroM tntronu tin full
fulth nnd credit or l)encliiiteH county
In Inire.liy Irritvncuhly pledged.
In wllmiNH wlmreof, tlm county of
DcHcliuti'M hnri cuiincd 1 1 m neiil to hit
Imntto nmed mid thin ho ml to h
hIkiu'iI hy the county JiiiIku mid conn
ty clerk mid tint uiiiivximI coupoiiN
lo hour tlm fitCHliulht nlKlluttlleH or
tint nnld nMlcurN iih or tlm tlrnl dny or
iNovoinlmr, I DID.
County JiiiIku
County Chtrk
No. (COUPON) $27.60
On thu llm duy or May. I ,
On tlm lit nt duy or Nov., I!"
Tlm County or IhwchuloH, Hlnte or
will py to Itonror Iwonty-M'vnii mul
ftO-1011 iIoIIhtm In ('lilted Hlittn Kold
coin or tint piexent hIhiuIhiiI or value
nl the olllw of the county trennurer
or ul the KIhciiI Arency of tint Htitttt
of Oii:on In Now York City, for hIx
oioiiIIin' IniHMiHt then dim 011 ittt rtmd
bond No 1
uy . .
County JudttH.
County i'lrk.
(Crrtinrnto to Im nudiinmil on IkiikI)
SlHle of OreRUII )
County of DoHchuttm. )
Tint undernliiiiiMl, hm county trwtH
uror for Dimclitilett roiinly. OroKon.
Inrehy certlllt Hint thu within IhiiuI,
with IIn nttNched rttupoiiH. In one of
u eilfM of IioiuIh uuthnilred hy 11
vote of tint VottMH of DotM.'llUtK
county, Qienon, nl hii eleciloii held
thouRhtoiit Mild county for Mild pur-
pone on I ho 3rd duy or June. lUTJ,
which voIh itiithorhed thu creittlon
or mi liidul)lt(iiia III thu hiiiii or
$12r..000 Mild liilttriwt thoreon. Hiid
mitliorlicil Un liwumictt or nucIi
Duted hi Ilttud, OitMchiitoM county.
OreKoll. IIiIh I hi dli of Nolejnlier,
County TieitHiiror
County, OruRou.
and II Ik further.
of DfHchutoit
Know That Hudson Builds The
Oidered Hint Imi'lnnliiR with tlm
fourth your nftur tho miln of thu
nfoi'omtld Ikhiiu of IioiiiIh thu county
court mIiiiII ench venr tlierenflcr KOt.iinv roud.
iihIiIii un 11 uppchil riind ror llio pity-
nmiit or thu IioiiiIh hiicIi peicoiitnt
or (Im ruuu vu I ur, or tho IioikIh iih nt
tlm iIhIdh or tlmlr leHiicctlve tmittir-
Itli-H Mhiill iiKKlitKiilu Hi" full ruco1
viilim tliereof. mid ror mild purpomj
11 Hopfiruto, reitituiplloii fund hIiiiII ho
Itiovldml ror ench norhn or ohiidx
11 11 d It Ih riirtlnir,
Odeied t Ii ft L tlm miiouul nei'"tHiiry
lo provide Hitlil redoinptlon firnl mul
lo pny tlm miuiiiil InlereMl mi .Hit
Htmulliii; IioiiiIh hIiiiII bn milled to
tlm i;eiieinl levy or lux oh iih mny lie
reunited, which tux Hhull he levml
upon nil the tuxubbt properly within
llm county; unit It Ih further,
Oidered that tint Nth day or lie
cemliei. 1 i 1 0, at Hm county court
hoiiHit In DoHchuteH county ul 10
o'clock 11. in. Ih hereby llxuil 'is llm
tlule mid place or hiiIii of 'lie nfoic-
Hiild IioiiiIh In the hum or $125.111111,
Hiild bomlH ho lo Im Hold to he ntnii
bered from I upwaulH, nnd tlm
county clerk Ih hereby liiHtructud lo
iiiukit dim uilvortlHcumnt thereof by
publlHliliiK notice of Mitle (hereof ror
nt leiiHl three (.1) weekn In the lioiul
llulletlii, Ilftul. Oregon, mid Ited
nioml KpokeHiiiiin. Ilediuotid, OrcKon,
two uewHpHpurH printed In tlm coun
ty. W. I). IIAUNKH.
County JiiiIko.
County CotuiulHHlunerK,
County Clerk.
W. I). lliirneH, County JiiiIko; C,
II. Miller, CommlHitloiifr; Seth
Htookuy, ConiiiilHHiniior.
(-'ourl recoiiveni'd Noveniher 2!i,
1919 all meinberH helm; preheat
In thu mutter or clnlniH aKuliiHt
tint county.
At thlH time. It In ordered, that the
clerk he mid lie Ih hereby nutborlred
to Ihhiiu IiIh wnrriiulH In puymeiit of
Jury feeH mid nillcaKu, h the Kiime
are cliiluied mid entered In the jury
book nt pit Keit 8 mid 10 thereof. Fur
ther that wild clerk Ihhiiu h wnrruut
to V. I). I In in en In the hiiiii of JIT,'
. 1 r, for the payment of the freight
cluiri'eH on (he two truckn Hhlppvd
lo tint county by tlm fttMte lllKhwny
Coutt whm then niljourned to No
vember 2fi. 1919.
Court rwpnvened WnilnmHlHV No
vember KG, 1919, Mil IiihiiiIhth belli k
Ill the nutter or tlm pHtltlon or
V. V, OrlHtttMHl, Mild othurH for' u
county roHil
TIiIh umlier now count 011 to be
hoHrd iiihiii tlm petition of V. W
OrliiHtiwd. mid It now appearing to
the court from the HlHtementH or tlm
UlHtrlct Attoiney. Hint hmIiI petition
conforniH to the rixiiilreuiitntH or litw.
Ordered, thitt Itobert II. Could- M.J
I,. IllmU. nml OenrKo I,. Itobertn be
Mini tjiey Mre hereby appointed view-
em iiihiii mild road, -a ml (hnl they
iniwt on Noveiubor 29. 1919. to view
nnd lay out nnld propocd county
II It remembered, that nt m term
or the Honorable County Court of
DeMcbutiiM Count, State of Oregon.
I)4Iiiii hihI held at the com I hotlne
III Ilcnd. In nnld county, on tho Sth
dny of Novuiuhur, A. I).. 1919. and
from dny to dny thereafter during
tlm coiitliiiiaure or mild term.
I'rMPiit: Hon. W. I). It.irnoH,
County JiiiIku; Hon. C II Miller,
CoiunilHtloner; Hon. Selb Stookey.
CoiiiinlHHlouer. J II. llaner. Clerk;
mid S K. UobertH, SherlfT
The folIowliiK iiiiioiik other pro
ceedltiKH wiih had. to-wt
TIiIh be.ltiK a ntKular term of the
above entitled court, mid at which
It Explains Why
through sheer ability and without
other endorsement, 20,000 were
Essex Made Good
The former owners of large costly cars that have
adopted the Essex have .not been Hudson users.
They have come from other cars, cars that fall
short of the Super-Six in all particulars save size
and cost.
The Essex appeals to such users because of its
nimbleness. They like the way its- performance
compares with that of; the Siiper-Six. You can
see this on every hand. The two cars in anv com
munity that are most prominent because of their
performance ability are the Hudson Super-Six and
the Essex.
tliuo tlm court Ih nl lowed hy resolu
tion to lonnlii, DHtuhllHli, nllor, wldnn,
HtrulKlittu or cliiuiKO tlm direction of
And It uppiirln; lo tho court that
11 public ncroHnlty oxIhIh, tlm court
docH lioruliy decliuo IIh Intciillon
to tocuto mid oHtnbllHh n roud In thin
county hiitvecii tlm city or llond iiiuM
tlm nolith llim or Jerre.rHon county,
Oitk'iu. tlm hhimo to bo a imrt or
what Ih known tot tint OHlloit-Cullfor-
11I11 lllchway, and dencrlbod iih fol
CouiiuuncltiK at a point on the
line between DiwrhutoM 11 mi JefferHon
coiintloM approximately 1090 rent
! Kant or the N K. Corner or nectloit
I, towiiHhlp 1,1 Koiith, raiiKe I.'i Kant
V. M. Thence iiiiiiiliu; In a Kenuial
Houtliurly dlrecllon tbroiiKh and
acroHK HectloiiM. ,'!, I, 9, 10, 21, 28. .1.1,
III and towiiNhlp It Koiith, rmn;e 1.1
KtiHl W. M and Hoctlotm .1, I, 9 and
10 In towimhlp IS Houth, ranKe 1.1
KiihI V. M. to a point on tlm llim
murkliiK tlm north Corporate llmltH
or tlm city or Uedmnnd 80. r, feet,
WphI or tlm H K. Corner or the NK
l-t or HK1-I of Hdld nectlon 9 In
IowiihIiIp 1T Koiith, rmiKe 13 Kant
. M.
And cnininenclm; on thu llim which
iiiarkH thu Kouth corporate IIiiiUh of
the mild city of Itedmoud nt a point
r.o feet Went from llm North quarter
corner of nectlon 21, townnhlp 15,
South. raiiKo M Kant V, M. and run
nlni thence In a Houth-wcHterly di
rection throurh nnd arniHH Hectlonn
21, 20, 29. 30 nml 31 In townnhlp
IT, Kouth, 1 a nee 1.1, KhhI W M. mid
the Kouth Kant 1-4 or Her Hon 30 In
(owiihIiIp l" Kouth, rutiKo 12 Knnt
W. M. mid HcrtlotiH 1. 1 1. 1 I. IT,, IC,
21, 28, 33 and 32 In towiiHhlp 1C
Houth. rnriKf 12 Knnt V. M. mid nec
tloiiH r.. 8, 17. 20, 28 nnd 29 In town
Hhlp 17 South, ruriKe 12 Kant V. M.
to tlm line which inurkH the north
corporate llmltH of the city or Mend,
In DeHclititoH county at a point up- 390 feet went of the SK
corner or the NKI-I of the NKM
or hpcIIoii 29 In lowimlilp 17 Kouth,
raiiK" 12 KiihI V. M.
Kald roud lo be CO reel wide
throughout IIh entire length, and to
follow and correHpond HiibHtantiully
to llm Hiirvey of the DnllcK-Cnlirornln
IllKliway iih now Hiirveveif. winked
and marked out between the polulH
nbovii mentioned by the cnglneem
einployod by the Ktte HlKhwny com
It Ih further ordered Hint tlm con 11
ty roud Maier. County Kurvnyor or
inuy iiiuitiiHii deputy. Hhull rIvo
iiotlco of thin roHolutlon by poHtltiB
true cople tliereof. certllled to hy
the clerk or thin court, iih follows
One upon the Ilulletln board or thin
court, and one ul three public places
In tho vicinity or the nbovo dnxcrlb
ed road to he located and OMtnbllHh
ed. ror 11 period or thirty dnyH pre
vloim to h benrlnK by this court.
notirylnK "II pcj-HoiiH concerned that
Hah! leHolutlou will he coiiHldered
nnd paiwed upon by thlH court t lt
next term, and thai the court mim!I
have power. In I(h discretion, ror
Komi and nulllclent ruaHoiiH, to over
rule mid deny any objections or re-
inoiiHtrauroN which hIihII bo prvaunl-
eu or tiled aipilnHt the wuno.
(liven under my hmi i and the wnl
or mild cnurt ut Ilonil Orflijnii IiiIh
2 Bill day or November. 1 9 IS
J. II. HANriil.
' County Cl.-k.
He It remembered, that at .1 term
or tho llonornblo County Court of
DencliutoH County. State of Oregon.
lieKUti nut held nt tho four; House
In Ileiid. In mii Id county on the day of
November. A. I)., 1919, nnd from day
to day thereafter during the contin
uance or mild term.
I'roHont: Hon Vv I). Ilarnus,
County Judge; Hon. C II Miller.
CoimiilHsloner; Hon Seth Stookey,
CoinnilHHloiiur; J. II. Huner. Clerk:
H. K llobcrtn, HhorlfT,
The following mnoni? othor pro
ccudltiKH wuh bad, lo-wlt:
TIiIh bcliu? n- rt'Ktilnr term of tho
above entitled court, and nt which
time tlm court Ik allowed, by resolu
tion, to locuto, onUiIiIIhIi, allor, widen,
HtralKhtou or clmriRO the direction of
any roadi
And, It uppnnrlnK to tho court Hint
a public noceiHlly exlntn. tht1 court
,i..iH, iw.n.i.v ,i,.niiir' ii. ininniimi t
lie and itHtiibllHh a road In thlH
nty, (le-tcrlbed iih rollown:
. I
A road CO feet In width, beginning
at the Norlhennt corner or Hcctlnn
.10, townnhlp 17 Kouth, range 12 K.
W. M ; thence Houtherly aloiiK tho
cortHt llim or nnld nectlon .10 n tienr
ly iih practicable, ror a dlHtniico of
2900 feet more or lean to an Inter
Hectfon or tlm Hiirvey or the Central
Oregon Highway at a point near the
Kant riuarler corner or Hald hpcIIoii
It Ih further ordered that thn
coimty road MuHter. County Hurvoy-IVi
or, or duly qunllfl
fled deputy, nbnlli
give notice of thin rcHolutlon by pout
ing true coplcH thereof, certified to
bv the clerk nf I Mi rrmrl. im fnl.
Iowh Ono upon the bulletin board!
or thin court, mid one nt three
....- ..-.. .... ....... ... .'!..
lie plnceH In tlm vicinity or tho above.
ilfHcrlbed proponed road to he located
and CHtabllHhed ror a period or thirty
HayH previous to a hearing by thlfl
court, notifying nil pemonn concern
ed that mild reKolution will be rou
nd lercd nnd panned upon by thin
court at Uh next term, nnd that the
court flhnll have powex In Uh iIIh
cretlon, for good and Hiifllclent rea
HoiiH, to over-rule and deny object-
Ioiih or rcrnonntrnnccH which nhal!
bo prcnentcd or filed agalnnt the
(liven under my hand and the Heal
of mtld court at HendN Oregon, this
2r,th day of November, 1919,
J. If. llaner, County Clerk,
W. I). HarncH, County Judge,
C. If Miller. CotnmlHHloner,
Seth Ktookey, ConiinlitHloner.
He It remembered. That a regulnr
term of the county court of Des
chutPM county. In the Htutn of Oregon.
wiih begun and held nt the court
Iiouho In Uend, in Hald county, on
Wednemliy, the 3rd duy of December
1919, paid day being the day fixed
by law for tlm holding of term of jnlco of pern)aenl roatla ,n lho
tlm County court in mild county,' ,.,..
wbeti were nretenl
Hon. D. D. Uarnes, ("ounty Judge;
C II. Miller. County Commissioner;
Seth Stookey, County Commissioner;
J IF. llaner. County Clork; S. E.
UobertH, Sherlrf.
Whoroiipon the following proceed
IngH were had. to-wlt:
In the matter of claims present
ed for paymejtt.
After due consideration it was
ordered, that the following claims on-tcj-od
In the Claim Docket of this
court, be and they are hereby al
lowed nnd the clerk Is directed to
issue warrants in pnymont thereof,
No. 89 to No. 9(5. inclusive.
No. 98 to No. 118 Inclusive.
No. 120 to ,N'o. 109 inclusive.
In tho County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Don
chutes. In tlm mutter of the Issuance of
certificates of delinquency on certain
property on which taxes are delin
quent. "
He It remembered. That at n tog
ular term of the county court of ihot
1), llt-Kllll HUH ll-- V -uuil liuunc.
III the city of Uend. Deschutes coiin-l
ty. Oregon, on Wednesday, the .Irdl
day or December. 191. the some
being tho tlrst Wednesday in raid
month, and the tlmo fixed bv law to
hold 11 regulnr term ot sal J court,
there being present I
Just as the Super-Six is the choice of those who
recognize its unmatched performance and reli
ability, those who demand light car economy choose
the Essex for its seed, power and endurance.
Think of the advantages Essex has had. What or
dinarily would have required years to perfect was
made 'possible in the very first model.
That is why 20,000 are now running, why more
than $30,000,000 was paid for Essex cars in ten
Essex Did Not Need Hudson's Endorsement ,
That has been proved. That is why the two names
have not been previously connected.
You have not needed the Hudson endorsement to
understand Essex performance. Think of what
hundreds of thousands have been saying in praise
for the Essex. They have told how well it looks,
how it out-performs others and how after months
of service and thousands of miles of use it has
proved its right to the position it holds.
Essex has won its own way. Hudson gave it full
benefit of the experience of its engineers and the
ability of its manufacturing organization Its
name was not needed.
Now Hudson takes the same pride in acknowledg
ing its kinship to .Essex that a father might in
speaking of his son who on his own account had
made good.
Hon V I), llarncfi. County JiuIro;
Hon. V II Miller, County Conimr-i-slonor;
Hon, Soth Hlookoy, County
CommlHslonor, 8. K, ItobortH,
HhorllT, J. H, Hntior, County Clark;
A. J. Monro, District Attorney, -on
Wednof-duy, Oocouihor Hrd 1919,
thu followliiR, iimotift other proceod
ItiKH. worn hud, to-wlt:
It nppenrltiK to tlm court nt thin
tltna that there, Ih coimldornhlo rent
properly In PoiicIiikgh cotiiitv. Ore
...... .. .. .f I. t .. t... - ...1
" "'"cn no hixoh c""rc ."'"J
nfioHfjtl fr the year 1915. 19H.
linn un are iieniiqiieiu 111111 tiiipniu,
nnd that It Ih advlnuhlo nt thin time,
Hint ccrtlllcutofl nf dellnauoncy
Hhotild be iHrt'.iod ngiilmtt nnld pro
perty to prlvute pernoiiH. now, thoro-
It Ih hereby ordered Hint tha
xherirr of DeochuteH county, Oregon,
Hhull, upon demand of any pernon or
pentoiiH, and upon payment of tho
taxed, penalty nnd Interim, tnnko
out and Ihhiiu to any Hitch portion or
persons cerllflcutcH of dellnauoncy
nguliiHt nny or nil property In Dos-
.l0" ,co ?ly, V .K, .- lor ,no y?..
'""' 1M" ," Jl'' i"'W"'c
tint taxed charged or uHftcflHcd for
illicit yearn are delinquent and un
paid. DntPd at Ilcnd. DoHchutes County,
1 . mm .
tmb-l"r,:Kon' unH frH W- uocemner.
1J:,y ,
W. I). Itnrncn, County Judge.
Soth Ktookey, County Conmlnioti-
C. IF. Miller, County Commission
The court then adjourned to meet
December 11, 1919.
Court reconvened December 11,
1919, at which time there wiih pre
sent V. D. ISames, County Judge,
and no quorum being present tho
date was continued to December 12,
Court reconvened December 12,
1919, there being
V. D. narnos. County Judge: C
II. Miller, County Commissioner;
J, II. llaner. County Clerk.
Order for sate of $125,000 of
In thn matter of the Issuance or
bonds by DeBchute County ror tho
purpose of raising money to bo used
for the construction and niainton-
Whereas, pursuant to an order of
this court heretofore made, and en
tered 011 the 17th day of November,
1919, bonds of Deschutes county in
the sum of 1125,000 wore duly ad
vertised for sale by tho publication
of a. notice, of sale thereof for at
least three (3) weeks In the Uend
UullQtin nnd Heduiond Spokesman,
two newspapers printed in the coun
ty, all of which will more fully and
at length appear by proofs of pub
lication 011 We, with the clerk of this
court; mid
Whereas, nt the time and place
of xalo heretofore tlxed and specified
In the advertisements, to-wlt, tho
11 Hi day of December, 1919, at tho
olllco of this court In the court houso
in Hond, Oregon, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. tn., the court duly con
vened with W. D. Humes prcsont and
there not being a quorum present,
adjourned to meet nt 3 p, 111. Decem
ber 12, 1919. at which tlmo tho
court duly convened. W. D. Uarnes.
C. H. Miller and J. II. Hatier county
,',,'", 'V, J ,.! 'u. 1 ''r
clerk, being present, and lmmcdlato-
. , . jqjj. ,.. I,pl n follows-
lcr I31J' 8"mo, t)emJ:, " .'
Carstons & Larles, $1,023.20 per
$1,000 and accrued Interest,
Ralph Schneejoch & Co., 1 1,0 14.00
per $1,000 and uccrued interest and
,,. ., ; r .
(Continued on Pago 8.)
Essex ?