nKXD nUIXETIN, HKND. OREGON, THURSDAY, KKIIIU'AUY n, tO'M PAOK a EffiminniniBsuaKiHiiaitnnatiannnatniiBra What's Doing In The Country raR:a::R!:i8B:iii:fiHBaiHRi!:ttSBSu:i:r.w NEWS NOTES FROM MILLICAN FARMS MILLICAN, Feb. 2. Frank l'er clval was a Hem! visitor this week. .Mury M. Hollanil called nt the Keller- nml Rosin homes Snturduy. . 'J, J. Holland spent, over Sunday av home. , ' ' f Jjjf Holland nnd son Joseph nml daughter, Miss Mary M.. called at the H. H. Keller homo Sunday. Mrs. C5eo. Cooke enmo out Monday to make an extended visit with her eons, C. J. and H. K. Cooke. Mrs. L. (5. Morgan and sister, Miss Edith Mutheny, called on Mrs. Fred Tcrrll Thursday. Mrs. J. J. Holland was a visitor nf tho Keller homo Wednesday. J, M. Smith, Oscar Shear and Mrs. L. O. Morgan mado a business trip to Rend Saturday, whllo Win. A. Rnhn ucted as postmaster. Walter and Roy Keller mado a business .call at the Win. A. Rahn home Saturday morning. L. G. Morgan called at the R. U. Keller homo Friday evening. Oscar Shear was a caller at the Morgan home Friday evening. 11. R. Keller called at the Cooke homo Wednesday. T. E. Going, Sr.. was out over Sunday, returning to Rend Monday. .Mrs. L. G. Morgan and Miss Edith Matheny wero school visitors In district No. 26 Thursday, also called on Mrs. J. J. Holland the same day. Rasmus Peterson loaded another car of hay at Deschutes this week. Rasmus Peterson and Hans Mlk kelsen were transacting business In Rend on Wednesday. Anton Ahlstrom was In Redmond doing some trailing on Friday. A largo crowd was out to the meeting which, was held at the Johnson homo on Thursday own ing. Rev. Johnson delivered a fine 'sermon, after which u lunch con slating of sandwiches, cake and oof foe was served. J. W. Peterson was u business visitor In Rend Saturday. Mrs. O. E. Anderson was a Rend visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Catherine Johansen sold her lamb to a Rend butcher this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray wero gucts of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Ander son nt dinner Sunday. FARMERS SEEDING . AT LOWER BRIDGE Dear Grace; I know you did not hnvo a good time at the dance last evening. Just n hint Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea Is tho best ever for bad breath, sallow color, no pep, pimply face, bad disposit ion. Joe. Attention Old Maids Confiden tially. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea Is your last hopo for a sweet breath, rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes Don't give up without trying it. PLEASANT RIDGE TO SECURE NEW CARRIER PLEASANT RIDGE, Feb. 4. Mrs. W. H. Gray was on the sick list but has now fully recovered. Mrs. Cathrlne Johansen . enter tained tho following guests Sunday: Miss Edna Paulson and Antono Paulson of Madras, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hanson, and Hans Hanson of Deschutes, Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Mikkclsen and Alfred Mlkkelsen nnd Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanson of .Tumalo. We expect to have a new moll carrier tho first of the month, Clyde Moore having resigned to take up other work. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. White wero shopping in Rend on Wednesday. Miss Edna Paulson of Madras accompanied by her brother spent Saturday and Sunday visiting at tho homo of Rasmus Peterson and Mrs. Cathrlno Johansen. H. T. Mlkkelsen and son Alfred were Redmond visitors on Saturday. Rasmus Peterson was using his tractor to cut bay for O. E. Ander son Saturday. Mr. Thorpe of Bend has been working on Ed Swnlley's new house this week. Roy Miller was working for O. E. Anderson the first of the week. Alfred Pcdersen and O. E. An derson went to Redmond Monday after lumber. Mrs. Ole Hanson of Descmites rnllnri nn Mm. Pnfhorlno .Tnhnnin I Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Johnson went to Bend on business Wednesday. BONUS PLAN USED AT IITMIII?I PAMP A JtJ4tAA UAV VAA (Yew Pulling KKI or More Trees In Day nl Camp Near DrM-tiutos Gel !?l Per .Man Ktm. DESCHUTES. Fo.b. 5. The crew at the juniper tree pulling camp Is making good progress and soveral men are working, hunting tho trees on a contract basis, pre paring the timber for the gas power saws that are now on tho way here. The company has evolved a new scheme to get the maximum of ef fort out of each man employed on the stump pullers, i. e.. every day that a crew pulls 100 or more trees each man receive n bonus of $1.00. The minimum wage paid is CO cents per Jiour or $4. SO, so that an added dollar Is cjulte an Inducement to the men. At the cut up camp near Tumalo they have been having some trou ble and their engine that ran tho cut up saws gave out, so they shifted the crew to the tree pulling camp to keep thpm busy whllo necessary repairs wero being made. The company arranged tp get n tractor to operate tho saws and after moving it part wny discovered they could not use it because it was In bad shape, although it was a new machine and hud plowed only nhout forty acres, but had been neglected so that the bearings wero full of sand, and it had not been oiled. It Is understood that tho cut up camp will bo idle for about two weeks or until a now engine can be obtained. The farmers' telephone line be tween Rend and Deschutes Is pro gressing nicely and tho wire is all up. An; Von lowing "Pep?" Do you feel tired all tho time? Does yoir back acl.o? Do you feel that ynu are not so spry as you use to bo? Foley Kidney Pills tone up and Invigorate tho kidneys, banish backache rid tho blood nf poisons. Rev. W. F. M. Swyndo!., .Maeon. in writes. "I am ready to .my time to speak a word for Foley Kidney PIIIh." Adv. Blackheads, pimples W howl Isn't she a sight don't worry sho is going to take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea then watch her. Owl Pharmacy. Want to buy tiny, uo Bulletin clas sified nds. J&M3grr3$ , . .ft .L,V s mi ffiMm & LOWER RRlfoOK, Fob. 4. --During tho week tho farmers have all been busy seeding rye and plowing. An nll-iluy meeting was was hold on Monday at tho school house by Evangelist J. Wesley MacCullum and his singer, Goo. Wallacu Scott. i Lunch was served nt noon, I The cattle raisers using tho ' Me.tollus rnugo meet Saturday at tho A. 8. Holmes homo to lay their I plans for this summer's operations. The sense of the meeting was to co-operatively employ riders on tho summit of tho mountains to keep their stock from straying over the I summit. It Is understood that losses have been very heavy In tho past from stoci stiaying onto mo west side. A surprise parly , was given In honor of Mr. Roil Foster's birthday on Friday last. Those attending wero Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Holmes. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Updike, Mrs. Nnss nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. llosklus. A very enjoyable evening was spent and dainty refreshments wejo served. Mr. Guy Dobson of Redmond and Mr. Luckey of Cnnby, Oregon, who Is to bo malinger of the Hosklns property when It Is turned over to tho new owner, wero business vis itors nt the Hosklns home Thursday afternoon. Mr. Parrot Is hauling lumber from Rend for his now house. J. W. Howard purchased a new manure spreader this week. Chns. lluins of Crooked river was a luminous visitor at the Hos klns ranch Saturduy. J. A. Scott was transacting busi ness In Redmond Saturday. S. E. West was u business visitor to Redmond Wednesday last. Tho O. D. O. held Us regular meeting with' Mrs. Howard lliutloy last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. John McKlttuoy, Mrs. Lou rottu and Mr. Grover Pulllam wero business callers In Redmond Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Kills KdgliiKtou of Sinters wero visitors In lMnluvlow Frldny. Hay Armstrong had tho misfor tune of brenklug his crunk shaft of his Ford whllo on his way to Rend Friday. Roy llortt went to his rescue and took him to Rend. A number of friends enjoyed n delightful evening nt curds at the McKluuey homo on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scogglp an nounce the birth of a sou on Sun day morning, February 1. Lawrence Scharfenberg, Roy Heart! and Ray Armstrong bad a fine time at tho banket social at 4- &7 THHANHATTAN ISLAND was purchased for iiAYiJ 815.00. The significant thing is a man ggj had $15.00 with which to pay for it to the M, man who needed SI 5.00. He saved. Op- j& portunities come to him who, hy saving, si J I lib II IC2CIYC. We Will Help You to Save. Our Savings Drpartment Pays 4 Intereit CENTRAL OREGON BANK Don't VcRlerc In? I.lltl- One. Mrs. J. S. Plls.io. tJ7 K. 'tW SI Cleveland. O.. writsr "I cunt M'eak too highly of FoHv Kiiuiy and T.ir. When my little girl h.H - rold I cle her Foley's Honev mil Tar and that stops her coughing In .1 Hill' while '" Children like. It. It contains no opl rtes. It is healing, soothing, prompt lu action. Ad. PLAINVIEW CLUB TO GIVE DANCE FRIDAY PLAINVIEW, Feb. 4. The Plain view Progressive club will give a dunce at Tumalo hall Friday even ing, February C ,to ralsa funds to help the new community hall. An excellent lunch will bo served and n tbree-plco orchestra from Bend will furnish first clnss music. School work was resumed on Monday as Mrs. Ward was feeling much better. Mrs. II. T. Hartley was a Rend caller Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Gipson was quite ill the past week. Mrs. Grover Pulllam and son Georgo havo been visiting at the Alx Leverenz homo for a weak. Gilbert Edglnton is working at the H. T. Hartley ranch. Nearly all of the Plalnvlew ranchers are plowing nnd seeding whllo tho weather Is bo favorable Your Creamery Builds Business for Yourselves The Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery Will Pay One Cent Above the Market Price for Butterfat Paid by Portland Creameries Yearly Market Fair, Honest Tests. The Crctmcry Should beYour Asset. Bring in Your Cream Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery "Fir Tell the World" sJjs the Good Judge The man who doesn't chew this class of to bacco is not getting real satisfaction out of his chewing. A small chew. It holds its rich taste. You don't have to take so many fresh chews. Any man who uses the Real To bacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco v Tumalo Friday evening. Misses Jo Riirgess and Frances MrCormnek of llend were week-end guests ut the Box A runch. Mr and Mrs. Martin and daugh ter Doris of Washington lire gnenta nt tho John McKiuiiey homo this week, Alfalfa Seed 'CHMiXfJHti Tluy ttrH that you can rr brfora yon par for It Iluy feil that you can rnlurn It you ar not aatliflfd. lluy acrl Dial cotnpllta with th tfd Laws of Wajblnr. ton and Ortton, Wo ran uhlp rarloada or Icaa from our warehouse &t fitatilr. 1'orllanil. Tuklma, Walla Walla, Klltnaburff, Wapato and through local agenta. Jiiijs BEST ALFALFA SEED Baa a reputation In the Northwm for tho laat i ytAr. Tou tannot buy titlr frd and you cannot t aa good Mad for l monry anywhere. liES CateNlsUdliB The Chas. H. Lilly Co. IMWWWWWWtf I i - - illy CtUlAtlunl Kit ?! f .1 I1 ' l I I TJ 1 c '! W ' ' 3 "J O ! - ' 3 'i u 1 t 1 1 ,1 . ,1 t- FARMERS LOSE THOUSANDS of Dollars Every Year by not Keeping in Good Repair their Farm Machinery When a plow .share breaks when an axle snaps when a cultivator, seeder or automobile breaks, it is not always necessary to purchase a new part. WELDING will save you a great deal of money every year and make the broken part as strong as when new. WE HAVE the most up-to-date acetylene welding plant in Cen tral Oregon, and the expert workmen who can "do all kinds of this work. When a metal part of your machinery breaks send in your HUSH WORK to t Bend Iron Works where it will be scientifically and quickly repaired. BABY CHICKS! tiik oitt:;o.vronvAM,!ri ii.vrciiKiiv co. 811111 II, Moore X Hon O. A. C. WMto Leghorns and Jlarred Rocks a specialty, with other leading MXClnylng strains of tho I'aclflo Const. Also from egg producing Rhode Island Reds. Roforo placing orders write to II!) North 14th, Cor vullls, Oregon Threu Illotks North of O, A (.', CumpuH, I, rt j;rT-.- J 1 DORT-The Family Ik CL4-aaK-A ,1 mirrrri rsKJIfiLf,XX3ftaaKMiHaHa0HLHHIi ' Km.BaMifliMMyiriBIMHinilr'"" 11 if 41 v1 $u&3iiSHHHHHHBMlRL. ',0 - - s. - s x. -jw- BEND r3M4gpHtllflB9a9 Br & & OREGON M$mMA$ COLE Areo Eight The King of Performance I I Ml A KlbWrr ar- m rTI'T-T Ul OB VtC' Tfj f Qr Quality goes clear through. We can make imme diate deliveries on Dorl cars, HEO, Light Six CJ We are Sole Agents for Des- chutes, Crook and Jefferson counties for the Northwest Auto Company. fZSSSffiSffiT CENTRAL OREGON GARAGE ffiSSD Iding ' - s