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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1920)
nBND BULLKTIN, JIKHV, OREGON, THUTtBDAY, FEBRUARY B, 1020 PAOE 11 7 V 4 Feeders, Attention! We have just received new stocks COTTONSEED CAKE NUT SIZE j Analyizing 36 Protein And .... 42 Protein CAN MAKE IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES WIRE OR. WRITE Swift & Company Animal Food Dept. CONCRETE PIPE INDUSTRY HERE IS UNDER WAY NEW FACTORY STARTS PRODUCTION v STEADY RUN ASSURED HT It I'M Win III f I'riMlurl I'm! Out Dully by SIB.OIMI , Sli'Hin fiirlHK TriHf.- I'i loiiK-. I.lfi f I'll" To nupply th nel of Hand nnd Cunlral Oregon for time proof, water proof plpo. tho model factory of thu Concrtitw I'lpe Co. with headquarters .In I'ortland. U now In operation hunt Just to the eunt of the track, nnd In turulnr. out 500 feot of elKhl Inch plpo per day The pro duct now holm: manufactured In to till tho Immedlute need of newer coiiMtructlon now under way In llend, but within n nhorl lime, addltlonul mnchlnury will arrive for tho ninklnK of reenforced culvert pipe. KlKhty feet u day of thin typo can be put out, and tho value of the factory'n dally output will exceed $100. Seven men nro now umployed. but tho full crow will number 11 Thu plant In now In charge of V II llullen nnd Phil Kanterduy. member of tho com pany, but It will noon bo turned over to a superintendent The totul outluy ropienoutod In tho fnctory In Riven an $ir,.ooo. - Tho procenn unud In tho maklm; of ordinary newer pipe wan developed by Mr. Hulluii, and fnvolven the two of nn automatic feed with a machlno tamper which Ktrlkiw 400 blown a minute, 7f poundn to each Htroko. A fairly wet mixture In uned, In order that tho plpo may lutur be Impervl ouu to water. Spetlal I')imin t'sod. Tho plpo U taken to onu of tho Hoven Htoiiin cliumlmni In tho factory, Tho chumbur romnlim dry for two hourH whllo tho concrete sots hIIbIiI ly, thou the Htoum In turned on, in croaBliiK In Intontdty until at tho end of -18 lioum, u wator-Batnnited vapor Ih comiilotliiK tho klln-ourliiK. Tho Htoum iirociviH In curlm;, Mr. llullon HtntoB, not only taken tho pluco of hIx or hovoii dnyn of oxpimurc to tho ulr, but niiikuH u liiirilor, more cohesive mono. Aftar two dayH of drylni; In tho ynrdn, tho plpo In ready for uso. In tho mahnfucturo of the. roon forcod plpo, u liquid concroto mix turo Ih pourod Into tho mold which ulrondy contalna a houvy wlro scroon, which bocomoH tho Nkcjuton of thu plpo. ThlH HyHtom Ih ouo porfoctod by. Mr, EnHtordny, nnd tho plpo Ih UHod whoro on uiiubuiiI pressure niiiHt bo withstood, Lutor, othor urtlcloB may bo manu factured by tho company, nlthouBh plpo will romuln tho btnplo product. It Ih tho Intention of tho compnny to opornto nt tho Hjuno capacity tho yonr round, nnd to avoid any Inyoff, enro will bo tnkon not to Incroaao tho output boyond tho domnnd, Doth Mr. Roeterdny nud Mr. nul NORTH PORTLAND, OREGON Ion i-xprt'NH thciiiHidvcM n bHtiK iiiohi ritvuralily luiprniwd with tliu quality uf material which In nvullablu hcrr. "Rnfor we. catuu In ht-ro, wu worn tuld Unit wo mlKlit linvo dlfflculiy In Kuttlm: th kind of wind nnd Krnvt'l, but wo linvo located pructlc ully unlimited supplies. nd of ex cellent iiuulll)'." .Mr. Hullfti wild. Itellrr lit bn on tin Sufi Klilr. Nearly iivijrybody nt ioiiip limn or Oilier lunrrn iriini, rwiu niUHclfn. swollen julntM, rbcumutlc pains or othur symptoms of kidney and bladder allinantn. These may not b; HcrloiiN, but It certainly payn in be. on tliu wifo Hide Foley Kidney I'llln ntniUKthen and InvlKorato kid nen nnd bladder and help I hem do their work AdA OFFICERS PICKED BY CIVIC COUNCIL ('iii I A. JolniMiii lli'uiN OrunuUa tloil Willi ll U Clilloletieil Cum- iniiuliy t'lrJiriiiK lloue. Orcnnlratlou of the civic council, which ban been In process of for mation for novorul woekn punt, was completed hint Friday. A name for the council wan uIho choien, and it will hereafter bo known an the Community ClearliiK House Leaguo. ()fflcrn elected are an foil own: Carl A. Johunoii, irenldeut; U. H. Baker, flrnt vice-president; Itev. J. I'urdy, necoud vlce-prenldnt; K. D. Cllnon, necrotary, nnd Ralph Allen, troanuror. Tho flrnt three articles of the conntltutloii wore adopted, and re ferred to the by-lawn committee to be put Into pormuueul form. Tho next meetliiK Ih to bo held ou the eveulUK of February 13. One Result of Wlnti. Life Indoors with Inck of exercise. fiml lntnvv f.Miil Ih mil lit llirnw 111.. IdlKoHtlvo orKaun out of order. Foley Cathartic TnblotH nro n wholenomo phyNlc that thoroiiRhly cleaiiFo tho bowln without KrlpltiK or nnUHeu. Thoy nweeten the. Btomuch; invigor ate tho liver; banish hendnches, bJllouHiionn, MimtliiK, kuh. Adv. Had bron ill, colorlenn lips, sal low cheokH Klvo a girl llttlo chnnco for "a man" Don't Klvo up, try HolllBter'a Rocky Mountuln Tea and hoo how popular you Kot, Compare tho typebnr HyHtom, carrlngo and escape ment whoul of thu Woodstock with thoBO of other tyiiuwrltoru a ml you will readily undoratuml why this machlno IioIiIb up bet tor. It Iiiih Iohh partn, too which uddB to Ha durability, The Rebuilt Typewriter Company DISTRIBUTORS 301 Oak St. Portland, Oregon. Slightly used Underwodds, Remingtons, L. C. Smiths and other makes of machines can be had at easonable prices. FILE DEMURRER IN SLANDER SUIT In thu null for $10,000 damage brought by Ireno Neolands agalnnt Chnrlen J. DiiKnn on a charge of dander, a demurrer to the complaint wan filed Katurdny by It. 8. Hamilton, attorney for the defendant, In which It In not forth that Innufllclent facta nro alleged to constitute a cause, for uctlon. Tho dofaunc, In arguing tho demurrer, will contend that tho lan guage which the. defendant In alleged to have lined, doen not In Itnelf can no damage to the plaliftlff. You Oin't Ixi tiMi Careful. Elsie O'llrlen, It. F. I). 7. Vlncon nen, Ind., writes: "One bottle of Foley'n Honey nnd Tar broke up my cold right away." It relleven coughn, coldn, croup and whooping cough; clearn the pannagen, noothen Irritated menibrauen and stopn tickling in the throat. Foley'B In tho original and genuine Honey nnd Tar. -Adv. BEND WOMAN CALLED AT AGE OF 69 YEARS Funeral nervlcen wore hold from the Ninwoiiger chapel at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon for Mm. D. J. Wimer of thin city, who died at tho llend Surgical honpltal, aged CD years and neven months, after a protracted Illness. Sho Ih Hiirvlved by two daughters and one non, Mm. W. J. Mnhoney of Hend, Mm. W., II. Fallin of OranU I'asn, and Evan Wlmor of Roscburg. I Our Grocery ; Prices Are Right J J At All Times I Try Us and be Convinced THE ATOZl GROCERY 44 Brand Directory A Right sldo; right ear crop ped; wattle right bind leg. It. h. TONI3, Misters, Or. adr.lOOe LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK ()K HHIJRIKF'H HAI.K. Hy vlrtuo of nn execution In foro clonure duly Innucd by tho clerk of the, Circuit court of the county of Denchuten, 8tato of Oregon, dated tho 23rd day of January, 1920, In n certain action In tho Circuit Court for mild county and ntnte, wherein floo. 11 Blmpnon nn Plaintiff, recov ered Judgment iignlnnt George 8. Clnytou for the num of one thousand dollars, and contn and dlnburxementn taxed ut dollarn, nnd nttoruey'n fees in the num of one hundred and fifty dollarn, and the further num of ten dollarn, on tho 14th -day of January 1920. Notice In hereby given that I will on the 28th day of February, 1920, at tho front door of tho county court houno In llend, Oregon, In xald coun ty, ut 10;00 o'clock In tho forenoon of nald day, noil ut public auction to tho highest bidder, for canh, the fol lowing dcKcrlbed property, to-wlt: The Southwcnt quarter of the South east quarter of section 32, township IT., lotn 3 and 4 and the North half of tho South west quarter of section C, Township 1C South of range,. 11 K, W. M. Taken nnd levied upon nn the property of tho nald George H, Clayton or an ituch thereof nn may he necessary to natlsfy tho said judgment In favor of George IJ. Klmpson against nald Gcorgo S. Clay ton with Intcrent thereon, together with all costn and disbursements that huvo or may accrue. S. K. ROHKRTS. Sheriff. Dated at Hend, Oregon, January 2C, 1920. 48-52c XOTIt'K FOR I'l'III.ICATIO.V. Department of the Interior. U. 8. I.AND OFFICE nt Lnkevlew, Oregon. January 17, 1920. NOTICB in hereby given that Mar garet Mulligan, of Hend, Oregon, who on March 4, 1913 & Juno 19, 1913, made Homestead Entries, The Dalles No. 01129C. nnd I.akevlcw. No. OC402. for El-2 SB1-4 8B1-4. SW1-4 8B1-4 SB1-4. 8B1-4 NW1-4 SB1-4 SB1-4, SBI-4 8B1-4 SW1-4 SE1-4, Section 34, T. 20 8.. R. 10 E. In Tho Dalles District; and Sl-2 NW1-4 NE 1-4. 81-2 NE1-4 NW1-4 NE1-4. NE 1-4 NBl-l NW1-4 NEI-4. S 1-2 NW 1-4 NW1-4 NEI-4. NW1-4 NW1-4 N Wl-4 NEI-4. El-2 SE1-4 NW1-4. E 1-2 NEI-4 8W1-4. SBI-4 NW1-4 SE 1-4 NW1-4, El-2 SW1-4 SE1-4 NW 1-4. NB 1-4 NW1-4 NEI-4 SW1-4, SBI-4 8E1-4 NEI-4 NW1-4. Section 3, T. 21 S R. 10 E.. Lakevlew DIb trlct. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before If. C. Bills, U. S. Commissioner, ut Hend. Oregon, on the 2Stu day of February, 1920. Clnlmnnt names an witnesses: Frank Hearn. Resale Hcarn, Luther Metkc, Martin Main, Sllra Perras, ull of Hend, Oregon. JAS F. HURGESS, Register. 47-51c KU.UMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DE- t SCHUTES COUNTY. THOMAS WILLIAM TODD. ) Plaintiff. ) vs. ) THE LYTLE TOWNS1TE CO. n) corporation; WILLIAM J.) McOILLVRAY. IVAN V. Mc-) GILLVRAY. J. R. RROCIC.) THE KNOWN HEIR OF) JACKIE S. IIROCK. deceas-) ed. J. E. MEYRICK. SAM) SWANSON, LULU Jl'DD.) ALWAYS A At Palace-Market Bent), Oregon for Eggs, Butter, Poultry Beef, Veal, Pork Sell your products at home i CASH MARKET Chas. Boyd TANLAC GEORGE VITT8. MAROA-) ! RET POMAINVILLB, TUB) KNOWN I1BIR8 OF TOR-) K1L HWAN80N, deceasod.) . Alno nil other pernonn or) pnrtlex unknown claiming) any right, title, estate, lien) or Interest In the real entnte) described in the complaint) herein, ) Defendants. ) To William J, JlIcGlllvray, J. E. Meyrlck. Sam Swanson, Lulu Judd, Ocjrgc VittH, Margaret Pomalnvllle, tho known helm of Torkil SwanBon, deceased; also all other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, defendants above numed: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: you are hereby requir ed to appear and answer the com plaint of the Plaintiff Med against you In the above entitled suit, on or before Saturday, tho 21st day of February, 1920, and If you fall to answer, the Plaintiff will take judg ment against you for the relief de manded In his complaint hexein, which relief consists of excluding you und each of you from all Interest In and to tho following described real estate nltuatcd in Deschutes County, Oregon, to-wlt: beginning at a point in the. North boundary line of section thirty-two (32), township Hovenjeen (17), south of range (12) twelve, East Willamette Meridian, ;ten hundred-seventy two (1072) feet west or tne nortneasi corner oi saiu section, thence south two hundred eight and seventh-tenths (208.7) feet; thence west two hundred eight and seven-tentlm (208.7) feet; thence north two hundred eight und seven-tenths (208.7) feet to the north boundary line of said section; thence east along nald boundary line, two hundred eight und scveji-tcnths (208.7) feet, tfjthe point of begin ning. This summons is ordered to be ser ved upon you by publication thereof In the weekly Hend Rulleln. a week ly newspaper published in Deschutes County, Oregon by order of the Hon orable W. D. Harnes, Judge of the County Court of said Deschutes County, said order being made and entered on January 7, 1920, date of 1st publication, January 8, 1920, length of publication C successive weeks. Dated this Stb day of January, 1920. C. S. RENSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Bend, Oregon. 45-50c Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Materinl, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS K COMPLETE STOCK ol Sundwd Sua. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-1C First National Bank Dldg. Tel. 511 (Dr. C' Former Offica.) It. H. DeArmond ChM. W. Enkln DcArmond & Erskine L A W Y K H S O'Kano Building. Dend, Oregon II. O. JC L L I S Attorney-at-Law United Stated Commh!doner First National Dank Dulldlng BEND, OREGON DR. A. LESSING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bend Press Bldg. BEND, OREGON Phones: Office Red 41; Res. 123 IRIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING B i THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES Id ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES rZjrftffl Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, President Most Complete Abstract Plant In Central OroKon. Special Attention Given to Federal Loan Abstract!!. First National DonK Bldg., BEND, ORE., Cor, next to AUej FOR SALE DY The Owl Pharmacy SOLE AGKNTS of December, 1919, nnd which said data In the date of tho first publica tion hereof, at a If you fall to nppenr nnd nnnwer within snld time, tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for Uie rollef prayed for In nald com plaint, t -wit: For a partition of tho Northwest quarter of the Houthwent quarter of section nineteen, township neven teen, south of range thirteen, E. W. M In Denchulrs county, Or gon, to gether with all water rights appurt enant thereto, plaintiff heroin own ing a two-thirds interest In the foo of nald described prcmisefl and tho defendant owning n one-third Inter est In nald described premises, and if a partition c-mnot be nnd without material injury to the rights therein then for a sale of Bald premises and a division of the proceeds between the parties according to their rights und for a division of tho costn nnd dlRbursements attached (o this pro ceeding. Thin summons is published In tho Rend Bulletin, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published In Rend, Deschutes County, Oregon, once a week for six ronsccutlvo wcekn by order of Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, judge of tho circuit court, which order in dated this 9th day of December, 1919, and which order specifies tho date of the first publica tion of this summons, and directs that you appear and answer within six weeks from the said 18th day of December, 1919, and that a copy of the complaint and summons be forth with mailed to you ut your last known post office address Date of first publication, December 18 1919 " DeARMOND & EnSKINE. Attorneys For Plaintiff. O'Kane Bldg. Rend, Oregon. 42-48c Dr. L W. Gatcbell Optometrist Manufacturing Optician Complete Lem CruxJin; Flail in cod ocetion with ray offkc tt LARSON & COJowclrn 143 Orrgra sttcct. Bend, Ottgon Phone Black 1391 LEE A. THOJIAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kane Building BEND ... OREQON O. P. NISWONOER, Bond, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Knibalmer, Funeral Director, Phone Red 4.'l. Lady AmL DR. R. D. STOWKLL NaprapAtlilc I'hynlclaa Over Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours i to S I'houe Red 4H2 'DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Bend with New Equipment Private Offlco in Thoruon's Jowelry Storo Dr. Turner will bo In Prlne vllle every first and third Fri day; In Madras every second and fourth Friday, nnd In RVd mond every first and third Thursday of each month. Read the Classified Ads.