The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 05, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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the bend bulletin.
No. 49
(iii'Ml Nerd for Itodenl Control
lUiichcr Oppmril lo llounly Hy
I em Varm-JIurrmi Membership
('nmpMlKn lo II l.utn hnl.
Determined to limit Its scope of
work io tower specialized activities
mid lo launch Into projects with
greater vigor, the lcnehutc County
Farm Jlurniiii started Its second yrur
yettoiday l tlm H rut itnniuil nuvt
Iiir held In Itedmond More (linn
"riirmer-inrmbrra of tlm bureau at
tended. ,
The followlnR projects will come
under tho, eye of lint county agent
I), I. Jamison, and the Farm llur
csu; cooperative marketing nnd ship
pint;, under tho direction of flu
A j. Hindis mill K M. Hby, Irrigation.
Fred N. Wallace; noil and fortllUn
tlon J. A. Mrlvln, ludoiil control,
ft. V Fllrklugcr; potatoes. M 0.
Coo; alfalfa, V It Davidson, live
stock mid silos. It A Ward and John
Mnmh; farm finances, C. W.
F. I,. Ilallard, assistant slate-conn-ty
ngont louder rend tho annual re
port of II. K. Kooiik, formur county
agent and outllifod lu detail tho
work thul has been accomplished by
tho Deschutes County Bureau tho
lM year, complimenting the organ
gallon upon Un achievements during
tho hint year nnd polntlm: out many
IIiIiirs yet to bn considered within
lint scope of work for tho coming
W'nlliirn IllrcliMl llrod.
Fred N. Walla re. of Tuninto. and
J. A. Melvl f ll.ind worn ru.luct.'of rodent uoulrul
c )d president und vice-president re-
rip.ctlVoly of the bureau for the coin
ing year, with I) I,. Jamison, secretary-treasurer.
Tho executive board
InrlndliiK tho president and vlre-pres-lilcnt
elected are as folliMVH. It V
FllnkliiRor. M. (I Coo. W. It. Dnvld
Kon, It. A. Ward. John Miindi, K. .M.
Kby nnd (' W. .McCIiiiik
Vi One of tho major nchlevoiilcnlM of
the Kami Ilureaii dnrliic the IiihI
year Iibm heun tho development of
thu ue of Niilphur iin fertlllxer on
Irrigated alfalfa. More than -'85
loim of Hiilphiir nnd 177 (unit or laud
planter were dUtrlbuted dliectly
thrniiKli the K'ann Iluruuu, covorliiK
ynoio llian .1,000 ncrm, iiiIiIIuk more
than .100 lonn of alfalfa hay to the
hay lonnnKo of DoKchuten county.
Spirited dlHcuNdlon wan Injected In
to tho meotliiK wlion N. D Wood, of
the V. S. IlloloKlcal Survey, niiKROHt
clt inouHiiron to curb tho coyote pent
In tho county Mr Wood oxprennpd
lilmKnlf mi oppoKcd to the bounty
Hyutein. Tho nyHtc,tit of couuly'H pay
ln houutleH for coyote, lin ntatcd,
lead to' Kreat expendltiireM for ncalpn
of predatory unlmnlH not killed In tho
eotmtlcH whore tho houutleH weio be
Iiik pnld, At IIiIh Juncture many
farniern Hpoko on the Kieat need for
HyMomutlc action uh noon iik pomilhlo
to check the propagation of rodeutM,
V runolutlon w Introduced by It. I,.
KammonH, of Tumnio, lu which tho
l'a mi Uuroau went wolldty on record
an opponed to tho prcmint nyHtom or
eeilKlcatloii or nculpa und niiRRnnted
that U ho nocoBHnry for tho cortlll
enllon of at leiiHt two Htocknien that
hu coyoteH we io killed In DeHcliute
cotinty heforo bounty U paid. Tho
mutter or tho campnlKn aRiiluit Jack
inhbltH and hiiro rutn won llnally Ion
with (ho executive board or tho Farm
Ilurtuiu which will take early action,
oulllnltiR a dorinlto campalRii for tho
- ICntliiiBlaHtlc (IIhcuhnIoii followed
HUKKuutloiiH rolatlvuto butturliiR tho
ileHtock condltloim In the, county,
isifi. 1-Jlllqt.t, of tho Terrebonne Mo
tion, a former livestock HUlusmnp,
Hiild, "It Ik no much onalor lo brood
bettor stuff, ro why bothor with tho
, knot hnndH. Holtur llvoutou will
niako ovory farmor prouder of IiIh
county und prouder of IiIh livestock,"
It, A. Ward, of tho First National
Hunk .or. Iloijd, fjpqkei upon, farm
llnancuH nnd the wllliiRiie(iH or the
bank to copporato with tho farmerH
who munjroBtud an Iptaroiit in farm
ihiniicoH'. Ho Hppko pf (ha dlfforonco
Vdtyya'on produqUro credit urnl. ooil-
numpllvo credit, tlm rormer being
tlm IjiihIh upon which biuiku ilotor
tiling tlm amount of critdlt it fnrmor
tuny obtain.
In tlm Interest of poultry raisers
tho Farm Bureau, cooperative with
llio Oregon Agricultural college hi
peels to lmr poultry experts In De
schutes county to help tlm poultry
raisers thin coining Hummer.
An oxtenslvn campaign will ho In
nuiiRuratnd toforq (ha farmer' busy
season opens to enlist n larger mem
bership In tho Kaf-m liiriiiii. It In
hoped morn than to douhln tint mem
bership of tho organization which
stands now morn than 300 farmers.
I). I,. JA.MIHHOV, (). A. ('. C.ltADi:
ATI:, l'OIIMi:itl,V OF I. H.
FIIIIiir tho VMCuucy which linn
exliitrd for n number of weekn fot
towliiR the icNlRiiiitlnii of II. 1.
KooiiH, 11. I,. JHinlenon, formerly of
(ho (' H. hloloRlcnl Mirvey, today
taken the poslllou or county ukciiI
for DeKchuteN county, lie wan to
mako hi jlmt nppearnuro In IiIh
new official capacity at the farm
bureau meeting at ItedMioud today.
Mr. Jniuleiiou In a graduate of
of the Oieson Agricultural CoIIcrp,
und Iium hud coimlderalile experi
ence lu work or the type which ho
will be called on lo perforin In t IiIh
county. While lu the government
employ, he huh lu the department
Tho debating Kchedulo for tho
Heiid IiIrIi mcIiooI, which ban been
withhold for novcral wccUn In order
to permit the entrance or all tho
mcIiooIh lu tho division lu which Ilond
In located wiin announced to tho hlRU
Tho flrHt otiRiiKemonl for tho I lend
hlRh Nchool will bo February 18,
agnhiHt tho Itcdmnnd IiIrIi nchool, In
miction A nnd II oIruI bcIiooIh have
centered In tho Intar-xcholaiitlc dobat-
Iiir leuRiio for OroRon, They are Head
Itedmond, I'rlnevllle, Culver, Thu
Dnllew, Morn, Hood Itlver, and Odell.
The Nchedulo Ik as rollowx for hoc
tlnu A:
February 19- -Prlnovlllo vn. Cul
ver; Hend vh. Itedmond.
February 27 Prlnovlllo v. Ited
mond; Ilend vh. CulVer. ,
March fi - I'rlnevl'lle va. Ilend;
Culver vii. Itedmond,
Tho nchedulo ror section II Ik an
February 19 Tho DiiIIck vh.
Moio; Hood Illvor vh, Odell.
February 27 Tho Dalle vb.
Odell; Hood Itlver vh. Moio.
March a Tho Dalles vh. Hood
Illvor; Moro vh, Odell.
Tho dnbutcH will ho dual In na
ture, with each Hchool Hiipported by
nn utn.rmuUvtt. Und noBiiUve team, one
ui'iiaiiiiKnwuy iroin uonio anu at
home on ouch of tho Hchcdulod date.
Tho wlnneiH of unction A and II
will compote ror- division honorH
'March lL', tho place or UiIn contust
later to bo Holcctod.
A telegram recolvod Wednesday by
Mayor J. A. KiihIoh rrom A. It. Hob-
ortH, who Is to conduct tho Halo of
Hiirplim government Hiippllo ho-o,
HtateH that ono car or canned 10111
litoim has nlreiuly readied hern, und
that two cars or other supple aro
on tho wuy. Mr. Hobohs expects,
to bo, hero to commQiico tho snlo on
Friday or thla wook.
According to present, plaui, the
urmy Roods will bo sold rrpm the
Shaw building.
Jvxpliunitlon or hln porxonal rela
tlonx with the I'limTieo I,uinher Co.
n bunkriipt corporation, und thu
Ilend Flour MIIIh, wiih given on Wed
nesday by A, J. Kroenort, wIioko
oHtuto In alto In the hand or tho
receiver, In a hearlni: conducted this
mornlnR at the rcu.ut of W, It.
Iloyto, trunlce. That ho had receiv
ed 20P u montli iih preMldeiit pf tho
Pine Tree, und J200 u month for
bending the (lour milling company,
w4i Mr. KroolUvt'H teHtlinoiiy, but
tin mlrti,il Hint In tint l:illnr r.'inurltv
ho hud taken Credit Innteud of cah
nIiico tho plant tipeudcd operation
Ho Hluled that ho owue1 98 per cent
of the nodr mill Mock.
To Argue Mortgngr HImIiin
That tho HtntiiH or the mortgage
given by tho Pino Tree Lumber Co.
luxt aprlng, to cover delivery or
170,000 worth or lumber to tho
IlrookH-Kcnnlon Lumber Co. will boiraUo 20 ' cent "o.Prcwt price
iirRiied by brief, wu tho ugreemeot
reached lute Tuenday afternoon at
tho couctiiNlon of the hearing before
Hefereo Cannon on the objection of
the trunteo to the mortgage being,
coiiHldered a a prior claim agulut
tho bankrupt lumber company, oft " ,s ""' "0' 'u
which Mr. Kioenert wa the chler I'"""'" ' '"d than c
Morkholdur. " iH ' K'vcn oui
II. K. Allen or tho nrook.Kcan-r'u,nber Company thi
II. K. Allen of tho Ilrook.Kcan.r'u'nb-'r Company that tho recent
Ion Lumber Co. told of tho pay-j,JOOMt ,n "'o P'lce o' local lumber
ment of monthly niiuiu by hi coln,,', t,,,J flr"1 ,,,Hl f'o company has
puny to rover pay roll, Ntiimpagoj '""''e hIiico September 191, while
and other oxpenneH of the Pino Treo,0,,"r conimodltleu entering Into the
Co. In all yr,,00n wa reprenented couHtrdctlpn of building have been
lu the dfullugN or the two com-1 tteadlly raited. Tho local dealer
paule, ho ald. I aro nfTcctcd by outside quotations
on the price or Nhlngle and fir floor-
lug luiporled from the coat.
LAND HOARD DEFERS J Soldom a day goo by. the Miller
ACTION ON CONTRACT Lumber Co,lauy hiih, that order
HAI.K.M, Feb. i On the recom
mendation or Pet cy A. Cupper. Mate
engineer, the deert land board I
deferring approval of tho contract
prepared by the Central Oregon Ir
rigation Co., which would furnlxh
flu ftitU'lv urt'fittl vttil f unit DIha frL
gatlon dlMHct water NuHlclent for
1C00 acroN.
Delay or 90 day In putting tho
contract Into effect wiih miggested
by Mr. Cupper In order that an at
tempt might be made to reach an
agreement u hereby the operation
nnd control of the Central Oregon
Irrigation Co. would pans to the
central Oregon Irrigation dlntrlcl
lecenlly organized, compoxed or
owner or moio than 43,000 acre
or lam) In the vicinity or Mend,
ltodmoiid and Powell hulte.
k llenrlugM or the loquont for np.
VI oval of the contract were held
December '2,1 and 2t! und the Mate
engineer ItiHtrurted to Investigate
and make a teport covering thu
Hltuntlon, together with recommen
dation for future action.
H)' n .rPoclal dispensation, lleud
Lodgo No. 1371, II. P. O. K. will I11
Itlato a class of ('look County candi
date, lu Prlnovlllo. nn the, night of
February 21. A dunco and dinner
ror Elks nnd their ladles will follow.
A largo number or Ilend lodRciuen
win oe in iittondanco. .
Ono of the unique una tury, e-
clustvo ofuco bulldlitRh In the North
west, entailing 1111 uNpoudlturo or ap
proximately ?fiu,000 will "bo erected
this spring b' J. It Miner, or Ilend
on property purchased on Wall
streot, adjoining the present locution
on t)iu north and Including CO feet
or tho building occupied by tho
Aivtorloan lakery,
Tho structure will cover tin area
or 75 root by 1 (0 root of, Ionic ar
chitecture with an arcade, nnd
will bq Qijo ot thu most imposing
business: blocks lu tho city. Accord
lug to Leu A. Thomas, In whoso olllco
tho plans' aro now bolng drawn, Uio
building will bo unique In arrange
mout ot olllco rooms, llghttuu nnd
upcBSBjhty, Tho, arcade vvlll extend
ovor thu putlro frontaso of 75 feot
TliHt tho recent advance In lum
ber prlccH Hliould cuiiNf) no one to
have great four If ho Iiuh been con
templating building IIiIh year In tho
Htiggctttlou ndvunced by II, A, Miller,
or the Miller Lumber Co. Hliould any
one oiMertaln thu opinion that, local
lumber price are above thu prlco or
other localities any mich mluuder
Htniidlni.wlll bo dlnirr.te4 by com
purlHori with jirlcer outHldo tho city.
Although tho percentage or rla In
(ho common Rrnde or lumber bai
been nllRlltly greater than In clear
lun?bor' ""ordli.R to Mr. Miller, tho
dollurx per 1,000 feet represented lu
tits erection of a renldonco otructuro
In not no gieat a lu clear lumber,
11 Hinall proportion or which goes
iuto tho construction. Ah evidence
or till Mr, Miller point out that
Hlieetlng before tho rale wan
tr, pvr thoUHond and after the
Ih $20 Knowing a raise of $4 per
thouHnnd. Hegurdlng tho Incrcaxo
In grade of clear lumber. It Is
nhown that the prlco of thin grado'
U0Ioru J"ry J. wa r,q per thou-
. . .
" " w" v Per cent ralo
en lens clear
common grades.
" lH M,K0 'v-'i out by the Miller
ror iiimuer rroin coast point do not
meet with refunal to fill, Indicating
the demand In that market.
,tol7 ;e'ock.nH appeared In a
dUtrlct, which hitherto linn been 1111-
nioieico oy me. weed. Hoot Hample
brought in from one of the Irrlga
Hon ditches near Deschutes, are now
at the olllces of the National forest,
and It i reported that the plant ha
already caused thu death of suveral
young cattlo within a short distance
of the point where tho roots were
Seed rroin Cruno Prairie, which
floated down tho river, was swept
into tlm C.v O. I. intake and finally
germinated In the Irrigated land, is
believed to be the history of the ap
pearance of tho hemlock near Des
The farmers oft be Ornugo Hall
district, homo 10 In number, are
negotiating through the First Na
tlonu Hank for tho purchase or
pure-hied Ayrcshlre bull ror use or
the fanners of that district. Among
the ranchers concerned there aro
about 75 cows.
This Is believed to bo a stait for
the Orange Hall ranohora which
will prove contagious and that other
groups of rnrmers lu that district
'will rollow suit.
with a depth or sovon feet from tho
Insltlo edge of the side, walk, Tho
arches will be o,r Ionic architecture
with large attractive pllastbr1 sup
ported by heavy pillars. Tho rront
will be built or white cement with
attractive trimmings.
Tbore will be u 12 root Interior
court.sllghtod by a'largo skylight, ox
tondlug tho outlro length or tho part
or tho building to' bo occupied by
olUco' tenants. JnJaU thofotwlU bo
21 rooms, which wlirbo divided Into
ofllco Bitltos. Tho AmorlciijuHnkory
will occupy a spaco' 20 tee?, by HO
According to Mr, Miner construc
tion on tho now strucluro will begin
as soon as weather conditions per
mit. Tho tlniQ sot for occupancy by
tonauts is July I, t (
Cotter Dam l Hlortnl nnd Concrete
M'all Will He Kxtrndctl to
(rrrfciil Kcenrrtjnte or
'f rouble.
Hole bored by crawfish Just above
water level. In tho earthen wing dam
diverting tho water or tho Den
chute Itlver through tho plant of
tho IJnd Wator, Light, : Power
Co., are considered responsible for
a washout which occurred shortly
before noon Sunday which ' will
cot the company Heveral thousand
dollar. Water impounded In tho
Joint log pond or the Hrookn-Scan-lon
Lumber Co. and The Shevlln
Hlxoii Company, a mile above, was
suddenly relcaned Sunday mornlnR
while tho pond was being cleaned
mil. wllh Ihn rfit!r ttihf flir.'nnrMhn
or tho wnB dam weakened by tho
boring or tho crustacean was quick
ly swept away.
When first discovered, the .flood
menaced tho Ice plnnt and creamery,
but an alarm brought tho members
or tho Ilend Fire Department, and
volunteer workers Joined them, fil
ling sand hags, and carrying many
tons of hay to be placed in front-of a.
temporary dam of timbers which was
hastily erected. At ono time or an
other, fully 200 men mid boys were
at work in checking the widening of
tho breach, and largely because of
the aid Riven by volunteer workers.
It was not found necessary to ,UB-,8llPsr,ntona?"t ?f Tue Shovlln-Hlxoa
pond power service. "Dr 5 o'clock P,nnt pnmtilnjrthlB uuprecedent
In the afternoon. It was consider- p1 uork- "ntead of radiating tho
ed that the dam was no longer ln,r,l,i of lo" "i-eeii rrom a steel plato
Inuncdlato danger I w,,lcu would obstruct the course, ot
I through.
Another featuro Is the, arrange
.w . r - uu.. .uuuo iu ment of the Interior wall at tho point
tho Inst week Indicates 'already In' where the heat will ho croatii.
the Infancy of brcedliiR and ralslnp
of pure-bred cattle, that there Is a
local market tor homo raised pro-
ducts, sales amounting to moro than
$S00 were mado possible through
Desolations with tho First National
Hank, In which pure-bred bulls both
raised lu this locality and Imported
ami fed hero havo found market.
Hull sales made tills last week were
A, E. Grlflln to Georgo Thompson,
ot Hampton, J. V. Drown to J. 11.
Fox. It. I'. Fllcklnger to W. E. Van
Lake of Hampton, Harry McGuIro
to Frank Perclval. of MUllcin and
Tumalo Shorthorn association to H.
Hofferd of Silver Lako.
SALEM. Jan. 29. For tho Irriga
tion of the lands tinder tho Plain
view Irrigation system near Olst,
Oregon, the Plalnvle.w Irrigation Co.
has tiled au application with the stato
engineer covering appropriation or
wnter rrom a tributury of Sparks
J. P. Novell or Portland asks per
mission to coustruct a reservoir for
tho storage of 80,000 acre feet pf
tho waters of HIr Marsh creek, a
tributary of the Deschutes river, ror
the Irrlgatloh or lauds near La Pino.
Offers of $90 a (on for fancy seed
potatoes havo betfn received by tho
Deschutes Valley Potato Growctrs'
association, CJus E, Stadlg, manager,
announced this mornlnR when ho ar
rived In Bond from hs Lo,we.r Hrldgo
ranch. Tho offer b jroally lower than
tho 'price made. ,ln a recent salo to
Washington prbwera, when $4.25 a
hWretl. w-kas'lven for the run or
tho flold, 'UdMr. ' SUdlg has not
yet ns'd'rtoMjl,
Kcwncil Top artd Itfplarrablo Fira
nrlrk Llnlatf DevlU by K. H.
D,.a More Thsp Hair .Million
llrlck CimI Jo lKrty Cylinder.
The largest kurner in the world
for the destruction of naw mill waste
I now ncarlijR completion at tho
plant or Tho Shovlln-HUon Company
and Is expected soon to bo In use.
The scaffold In R has Just been torn
down from tho Interior of the. huge
brick, steel and concrete structure;
tho conveyor which will carry in Uis
wood waste, is nearlng completion;
placing or tho grates will start short-
, Standing outside tho great burner
ono I" Pied br U lio but bo-
'cause he sees only the rounding side
can get no adequafo idea of tho
whole. Inside ho seca the whole dia
meter and the course on courts' ot
brick rising to .a point In tho air
scores of feet abovo him. It is llke
being under' a great domo except
that the sides go up straight, ths
actual domo being 'tho heavy stool
Htructure which caps tho whole '.
Dome Ih Important.
This domo Is 1u reality a double
domo and embodies; oqo of the moat
important of tho several new rcat
ures devised by E. H. Dca, general
the heat rrom the burning wasto bo
low, and in time buckle and glvo
way, Mr. Dea has started them from
n ring or steel. Then, to cover tho
' opening left inside tho rlug anothor
screen has been erected with tho
ring as Its base. This leaves only
open screen for tho heat to ride
! Here where the brick wall to a helRht
of 1C reel la 27 Inches thick there
aro 10 Inches of this wall or separata
tiro brlek construction that can bo
renewed without Interference with
tho rest or thp wall. These tiro brick
are luld lu side by side and one tier
around the burner contains -HO
brick, Tho Are brick in tho burner
lining number 198.561 and there are
also half a million common brick
Ninety Toui of Ktcvl IVcd. ,
The burner resis on a coucreto
base 90 feet in diameter and eight
feet thick. It is itself 50 feet In dia
meter und from (his base to the
screen 145 reet In helRht. Tiro
screen rises 42 feet abovo the top
of tho burner wall. Thero are 180,
000 pounds pf steol In tho outside
wall nnd screen. Tho (rates, which,
by tho way. were made rlRht here
lu Bend welsh 60 tons.
The burner was erected by tho
Wm. Dros.. Company, of Minneapo
lis. Tho brick work was lu charRo
or M. K. Roberts and tho men under
him placed, on an avoraRO, 2,900
brick u day each.
Its cost Is uuderstpod to bo about
, , &
Opportunity tq njake up for thi
20 to 18 defeat eustalned Friday
night ot PrlnYllle, hy the Bend
high school team, will he given Sat
urday, February 31. when the return
game with tho Crook County players
is scheduled here. On Friday. Feb
ruary 13, Bend wI play tho Madras
team at tho Jefferson county seats
Tha Madras, team, by the way, Is the
only ono which; has so fur remained
Undefeated, and la apparently th
moot serious early season contest
ant ror psMaaat hoaom,