The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 22, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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viit n
"Did yon say ye wus nn army offer
"Yes, n lieutenant; my nmnc Is
"I never knotvM ycr."
"Probably not, hut Joct Klrby does.
I wop on ln steamer Warrior coming
down when lie robbed old Judge Ilcuu
cnlre. That was what pt me mixed
up In this a'fTalfr. Later I was In that
skiff you fellows rntmiicTnnd sunk on
the Illinois. I know the whole dirty
Mory, Kennedy, from the very begin
Hint;. And now It Is up to you wheth
er or not I tell It to Governor Clark."
"I reckon ycr must he right," he ad
mitted helplessly. "Only I quit cold
the minute I caught on ter vrhut wus
np. I never know'd she wa'n't no nig
ger till after wc got ycre. Sure'a yer
live that's true. Only then I didn't
knot; whut else ter do, so I got blltn'
"l'ou are willing to work with me,
"Ver kin bet I am; I ain't no
"Then listen, Kennedy. Jack Hnle
told me exactly what their plan were,
Iwcause he needled nic to help him.
Vhen you Jumped the reservation, he
had to And someone else, and picked
me. Thcy'-mcan'to pull off the nffulr
tonight. Ilcrc'a the story."
I told It to tdm, exactly In the form
It had come to me. Interrupted only In
the recital by an occasional profane
ejaculation, or some Interjected ques
tion. The deputy appenred sober
enough before I had finished, and fully
grasped tho seriousness of the situa
tion. "Now that Is the way It stneka up," I
ended. "The girl Is to be taken to this
fellow's shack and compelled to marry
Klrby, whether she wants to or not.
They either Intend threatening her, or
Civ to nctunlly resort to force likely
"both. Jn doubt they can rely On this
renegade preacher In either case."
"Jack didn't name no name!"
"No why?"
"Only thnr uster be a bum hnngln'
round the river front In Saint Loue
who bed preacher's iapers, en worn
n long-tailed coat. Tlmr wnn't no low
down game he wudn't take a hand In
frr a drink. Ills name wua Gasklns; I
bed him up fcr mayhem onct. I'll bet
he's the duck, for he hung round Jack's
place most o" the time. Whatcha want
hi ter d6r
"It has seemed to me, Tim," I said
thoughtfully, "that the best action for
tai to take will be to let them place tho
girl In my hands, Jwt as they have
planned to-do. That will throw them
estlrely oK their guard. Once we suc
ceed In getting her safely away, and
remain unknown ourselves, there ought
to b rcry Utile trouble In straighten
Ing out the whole, matter. Sly plan
would be to either ride around the
romp In the idght, and then report tha
whole affair at headquarters, or else
to strike out direct for Kort Armstrong
arrows country. Ho y u know auy
place you can pick up a horse?"
"That'a a slew" ov 'em round yere,"
be admitted. "These fellers are most
nil hosft-Koldlcra. I reckon I cud cinch
nim wirt o' critter. Ycr want mo
"Perhaps not, Tim. Your disappear
nnce might cause suspicion, and send
tln-m nfter us. Sly plan Is to get uway
us quietly as possible, and let them be
ll-vp everything Ik nil right. I want a
day or two In which to work, before
Hale or klrby discover we have not
gone to Hear Creek. I'll met them alone
at the spring down the trail, but shall
want you somewhere near by. You see
tills Is bound to mean n fight If I nm
recognized likely three against one;
and those men wouldn't hesitate at
"I reckon not, nn' It wudn't be tlielr
furst one uuther. Look ter me like
ycr wus (akin a big chance. I'll be
thur, though ; ycr kin bet on thet, nn
ready fer a fight er a foot race. This
Is how I size It ui If llmr ain't no
row, I'm Just ter keep still un' low; an
If a fracas itarts I'm ter Jump In fer
all I'm worth. Is thet the program?"
"Exactly that's my Idea."
t "War then, I.'m a prayln It starts ; 1
want Just cue crack et thet Klrby, the
ornnry cuss."
We talked the whole matter over In
detail, having nothing better to do, and
endeavoring to arrange for every
probability, yet did not remain togeth
er for long.
I felt nervous, anxious, eager for
ortlon. Tho time dragged horribly.
What If BOiiiPtblns unforeseen should
ttccur to dinner Utile's plun? My Ood J
If I only knew where It wus they hud
concealed tho girl.
Tho two of us explored about the M
lent cabin, but discovered nothing.
There was no light visible In the rear
room, nor any sound of movement with
in. Tho two windows were closed, and
the door locked. Wo found a conven
ient stump In tho woods and Hat down
to wait wbero we could see all that
occurred about the cabin.
It wus nearly twelve before even the
slightest sound near at band Indicated
the approach of others. I was already
In an agony of suspense, Imagining
fcomethlng might liavo gouo wrong,
when tho dull scuflllng of horses' hoofs
being. Ifd cniilloiisl.v u thi trail t
Devilfe Own.
Aloacof tiwBlock Howie War
- " t1..4 a&4
"" V""'"T ".- !"" "w
my right broke the Intense silence. M
listened to unsure myself, then shook
Tim Into wakefulness, leaving him still
blinking In the shadow of the stump,
while I advanced In the direction of
the spring. I saw nothing of ltnle until
he spoke. ,
"That yer, Moffettr
"Yes; w bar's yer party?"
I caught n view of his dim outlines,
as he stepped slightly forward, reas
sured by my voice.
"They'll be yere; tlmr'a a bit o' tlmo
ter spare ylt. I nlmed not ter keep 'em
wultln'. Here, this Is yer boss, nn
yere' the tcinlln' strap fer the others,
lletter tie It ter yer pommel, I reckon,
no's ter leave both yer hands free ycr
might hav need fer 'em. We'll tend
ter mountln' the gurls. an then nil
ye'll hav ter do will bo ter lead off.
Hotter walk the bosses till yer git
crost the erlck. so the sojers won't hear
yer. not that?"
"I reckon I hav. an' sense 'nough
ter know It without heln told. Did yer
think I wanted ter be catched on tills
"All right, but thar'a no harm a
tellln' yer. Whnr's Tim gone to?"
"I reckon he don't even know bis
self; he's sure sum drunk."
Hale chuckled, patting the stde of
the horse next him.
"Whole caboodle workln' like a
charm." he said, good hnmoredly.
Thoiitht onct tho deputy might show
up ugly, hut a quart o' red-eyo sure
fixed him thar'a our party a cotnln
now. Ye'rc ter stay right whar yo
They were advancing toward us up
the bank which sloped down toward
the creek. Hale moved forward to
meet them ncross the little open space,
and a moment later, from uiy biding
plnce among the motionless horses I
became able to distinguish the slowly
approaching figures. There were four
In the party, apparently from the garb
two men ,nnd two women. The second
man might be the preacher, but If so,
why should he be there? Why should
his presence at this time be necessary?
Unless the two main conspirators had
special need for his service!. I could
conceive no reason for his hnvlng nny
part In the action that night. Had I
been deceived In their plans? Even as
thla fear overwhelmcdunc with conster
nation, I was compelled to notice how
helplessly the first of the two women
walked as though her limbs refused
to support her body, even though ap
parently upheld by the grip of the
man beside her. Rale. Joining them,
immediately grasped .her other arm,
and, between the two, she was Impelled
forward. The saloonkeeper seemed
unable to restrain his voice.
"Yer must'r give her one h o o
dose," he growled, angrily. "Half o'
thet wud a bin' nough. Why, d It.
she kin hardly walk."
"Well, what'H the odds? It was Klr
by who replied sarcastically. "She got
more because she wouldn't drink. Wo
bad to make her take It. and It wasn't
no easy Job. Gasklns will tell yon
that. Hnve you got your man here?"
"O' course; he's wultlng tliar with
the bosses. Itut I'm d d if I llku
this. She don't know nuthln', does
"Maybe not now; but shell come
around all right; and she signed her
name. .So there ain't no hitch. 8U
seemed to get worxe nfter that. Coa
on, we can't stand talking here; let's
get them off. Jack; there Isn't any time
to waste. I suppose wo'II have to strap
her Into Hip middle."
I held back, and permitted them to
work, merely leudlng my own horse
slightly to one hide and keeping In his
shadow, nankins brutally Jerked the
shrinking mulatto forward and forced
her to mount one of tho horses. She
made some faint protest, the nature
of which I fulled to catch clearly, but
the fellow only laughed In reply and
ordered her to keep quiet. Klolso ut
tered no word, emitted no sound, made
no struggle, as the two other men lifted
her bodily Into the saddle, where Klrby
held her, swaying helplessly against
him, whllo Itale strapped her securely
Into place.
The entlro proceedings were so
brutally cruel that It required all my
strength of will to restrain myself from
fiction. My lingers closed upon the pis
tol In my pocket, nnd overy Impulse
urged mo tolTurl myself on the fellow,
trusting everything to swift, bitter
fight. I fulrly trembled in eagerness to
grapple with Klrby, hand to hand, and
crusli him helpless to thu earth.
"Thur," said tho saloonkeeper, nt
last, testing his strap. "I reckon she
can't fall off nowhow, even If she don't
sit mi worth u d . Co ahead now,
Itoth men stepped aside, and I led
my horse forward. The movement
brought' me more Into the open, -arid
face to face with Klrby, Hy some trick
of fate, at that very Instant u star
gleatir, piercing through tho screen ot
leaves overhead, struck full Into my
eyes. With un oath he thrust my hat
buck nnd stared straight nt me.
I could not see tho mingled huto and
horror glaring In thu man's eyes, but
there could bo no doubt of Ills recount
tlon. Tim acknowledgment found ex
Iro.sloa In a sjurtjed exclamation.
When you see.
that means
Heinz Demonstration Week
at Smith's Grocery-
Mrs. L. C. Misz is at Smith's this week demon-,
strating the many uses to which Heinz 57
Varieties may be put on your table.
Call on Mrs. Misz
j for valuable
I Heinz Katsup, Apple Butter, Pickles, Beef-.
steak Sauce, Olive Oil, Baked Beans, Spaghetti,
I Horseradish and 48 others.
Smith's Grocery
"'Ily God!- you. hero!"
That wni all the time I gave him.
With every pound of strength, with
every ounce of dislike, I drove a
clenched list Into Hint surprised face,
and the fellow went down an though
smitten by nn nx. Kvcn ns he reeled,
Hale leaped on me, cursing, falling to
understand tho cause, yet Instinctively
realizing the presence of an enemy,
nis grip waa at my throat, nnd. even
as hi- tlngera cloxeil suviigely, he struck
me with one knee In the stomach, nnd
drove nn elbow straight Into my fnce.
The next Instant we were locked to
gether so closely nny blow became Im
possible, youth and agility waging
fierce bnttlo against brutal strength.
I think I was his match, yet this I
never knew for all my thought cen
tered In an effort to keep his hand
from reaching any weapon. Whatever
happened to me, there roust be no
alarm, no noise sufficiently loud so aa
to attract the attention of sentries on
Cuard. Tills affair must bo fought out
with bare knuckles and straining aln
ews fought in silence to the end. 1
held him to me In a bear crip, but hit
overmaiterlng strength, bore me back
ward, my body' bending beneath the
train attl every muscle ached.
"D you yon sneakln' spy I" he
hissed savagely, and his Jaws snapped
You, You Sneakln' 8pyl"
Hltied Savagely.
at me like n mad beast. "Let go I
d you let go!" .
Crazed by the pain, I swerved to
one side, and half fell, my grip torn
loose from about, his arms, but as In
stantly closing ngalif around bin lower
body. Ho strained, hut failed to break
my grasp, and I should have hurled
him over the hip, hut at that second
OaskliiN struck tue, and I went turn
bllng down, with the saloonkeeper
falling lint on top of me, his pudgy
lingers Mill clawing fiercely nt my
(hroat. It seemed us though conscious
ness left my hraln, crushed Into death
by those gripping hands, and yet the
spark of life remained, for I heard the
pX'prt'itt'lier utter u ylp, which ended
In u moan, as r. blow struck him; then
Itale wax jerked off me, nnd I sobbing
ly caught my hreuth. my throat frco.
Into my dazed mind there echoed tho
sound of u voice.
"Is thet 'nough, Jack? then holler.
D yer, yer try thet again,' nn I'll
spill whut bruins yet got till over this
klntry. Yes, It's Tim Kennedy talkln',
an he's talkln' ter ye. Now yer Ho
whar yer are. Yer ain't killed, be ye,
I managed to lift myself pat of the
dirt, still clutching fur breath but with
my mind clearing,
"No; I guess I'm all right, Tim," I
tmld, punting out the words wih an ef
fort. "What's become of Klrby? Don't
let him get awuy."
"I ain't likely to. Ho's n lyln' right
whur yer dropped liltu, Holy smokol
(To Dq Continued.)
Itccehnl lu I'nynient For
Crutlier Ilend V'n
to Aid In llridge Vo
Mruetton. Work of thu city council Friday
was devoted chiefly to cleaning up
old business, threo ordinances being
passed to transfer of tho city library
property to tho county library board,
to extend the fire llmlU. and to or
der tho Improvement of Kait Third
street. Tho sale of thu rock crusher
was also completed, for Knglneer
Robort II. Gould reported that ho
had recelvod from tho city of Sea
side.' a warrant In the sum of
$2034.23 In payment. Tho gurbagi
collection problem, and tho question
as to whero a pest houso should Lo
erected, were virtually tho only mat
tcra remaining unsettled, and thene
roro both referred to tho health
Councilman Ithodos reported that
In regard to the financing of tho now
footbridgo-, thu IJond company would
tako city warrants up to 1000.00 to
tnko cans of labor costs, and thnt tlu
company would bo wllllnj; to leasa
or rout a right of wuy for a walk
on tho east aldo of tho brldgo. City
Knglneer Gould, stated that tho
brldgo Is to bo of rustic type, and
that poles for Its construction nro
now being cut.
Money WnMeil Ouirge.
Cnmplalntii that a plank walk tak
en from Drako road, had been laid
down on Nowport nvenuo, brought
from Knglneer Onuld n promlso that
tho walk would bo replaced at nnco.
Tho raattnr of improvement of tho
streets of tho business section wurf
Introduced, nnd was combatted vig
orously by Councilman MoI'liersou.
"As long as wo hnvo tho prcsont typo
of street surfacing, It's Just pouring
money down a rat hoto," bo de
clared. "Wo neod hard surfacing, In
tho business district, nnd tho worio
tho streets nro allowed to becomo,
tho nioro keenly will th0 need for a
pavomont bo foil."
A collection of old weapons and
curios, purchused by tho city Home J
"Some Men Don't Know It Yer
says the Good Judge
This class of tobacco
gives n man a lot more
satisfaction than he
ever gets out of ordin
ary tobacco
Smaller chew the good
taste lusts and lasts
You don't need a fresh,
chew so often. Any man
who uses the Real To
bacco Chew will tell
you that
Ptut Up fn Two Styles
RIGHT CUT, is n short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
nluo yearn ago, and which ban been
stored In tho library for auvnrol
years past, was brought to tho atten
tion of tho council, and tho public
property committed was instructed
to taku an Inventory, and put the ar
ticles of valun In tafo keeping.
. Tho council ordered Installation of
a light nt tho Pilot lltttte canal
brldgo on Oroonwood.
Forest Hupervlnor N. O, Jacolmoii
announced Hnturdny that he has
I dlsmlitnod tho cuno brought In-federal
. court against J, II. Fox of Fremont,
charged with killing n deer within
I the boundaries of a gamo refuge. Fnt
I claimed to bo Ignorant of the fart
! (hat lie was In thu gnmo reserve, nnd
brought tho buck to'ono of the forMt
service rampn a short tlmo nftnr
word. As It Is tho first cane of thu
kind In regard to this particular
game refuge, Mr. Jarnbiion asked the
dismissal of tho action but wilt prm
ecuto vigorously nn any suhkc'iueiit
charges of tho kind.
Your Creamery
Builds Business
for Yourself es
The Ceriral Oregtn
Farmers' Creamery
Will Pay One Cent
Abore the Market
Price for Butterfat
Paid by Portland
Yearly Market
Fair, Honest Tests.
The Creamery Should
beJYour Asset.
Bring in Your Cream
Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
AMOUNTS TO $887.50
No Icnh limit IKS7.C0 from tho
statu fund for anointing former sol
diem, sailors, and mnrliies In ob
tain an education .will come to
llejtil, for the part of tho school
year eliding Juutmry I. Fifteen
returned servlco men have taken
advantage of tho financial aid of
fered by Mm state, and a number of
others who urn attending clauses,
have made no claims or this kind,
City Krliiiol HiipcrlntHitdent Mooru
rour chairs .at your aomen at the
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv.
J X fc
Z Our Grocery
; Prices Are Right J
; At AH Times
Try Us and be
J Convinced .
Palace Market
Bend, Oregon
Sell your products
at home
Chas. Boyd
ii -!