The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 15, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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' Mi' '
I i
' i:ililcni or y limlri7 of Hen
Aid Introduce DUN Calling Vor
ttrnCentft Olroll Deliver
p ' .Mcnuo l lii'nUlnltiN. '
HAI.KM, Jim. I-. Kmli Iioiuo of
ft . t -Clio
IrRMnlnir, uliorlly fl- " "P,
rlnl Pt'Hklon t-onvcnr-l, nnniilmoit-ly
l.iel h Joint involution riillfjlug
Dm fiitniil equal MifTnige mneuil
l.ltftlfM t Mfl llltlllttflfk llf llll
uriuito InlKMtiiriil resolutions i.;l
vMIng for lln restoration of rjipltnl
ptittllinieiit. hrniilor Itanko nt
Irtnplril to eritrr mi amendment
making It optional ultli Dm Jury
whether itoalli or. life Imprisonment
ahoiilil lie Impotnl nt n M'tilr-nre. Ho
Mtlit Hint ollirruNn llic. voter of tlio
iflo vuiutil'ilcfrnit t Iir auirtittNieiit.
.The resolution mii referred lo tlio
'Juilli-lnry rommltler,
' Tim liou.o nt ncr plunged Into
the Huh mill Riime romwilloii fight.
No i)pflnll action on tin question
lias I km-n taken, however.
BALKM. Jun. 12. (Jovnrnor 01
rntl's "primary object" In calling the
legislator of Oregon Into special
session was to "moot n Krnru oinor
goncy seriously affecting tlio welfare,
ninl, In many luMniires, tlio liven of
J ho mini niiilvoiiion employed In tlio
juiiunirios uiOMC ,' n "L "v'!" ,m?
executive In ii'mssago wlijf h "tin
rid to ilHmoiiator Vind rqproMit-
utlvftH. In Joint spssfon. ut (fit open
Iiik of tho ICKlHlntnro hurnAtodny.
Olcott iwlyfrod 'ilin luwiniiVnru tiiiit,
4 In u RoiioriTl way. their inllnn In
"to Krnpplo with nnd ovwcotmt tho
. oHKonlhil eniorKonrleii. Mini, no far uh
pofiilhlo, to iillcrlnlo hurdunx- nnd
Hulve prohloniN IohvIiir to construct-
Jvo owls " ,
l,inioe Oiitllniil.
Tho Koviynor, in IiIh prnnlnnintlnn
ctillliiK I lio upccliil nnHulon. outlined
llvii pnrpoKfiHS .
Atuundiiiojit ' of, ( (ho fc work inon'ii
coifipoiiKJitlon net: f
Appropriation of money neremnry
to properly execute Ihu rioldlora',
jmllnin and iiinrliien' udtcatlonul
' viict, nndXti' 'uient llnhllltloa vlilch
Mhp HtiiluTeinnrpeiicy hotud authorized
liurlnK 1019;
tiio reworuiinn or tlio dentil pen
xntt IOKMhitlonoiioceiiiriry to
e!it iind'carry out tliti"s1nto
payment of Irrigation and
(Iralniigo bond Interest constitutional
Itntltlrntlou of the- federal HUffrago
t . lUnundinent.
,'llut Hlncn the IsHtiunco of the proc
lamation ordorlug the HpcclalkHeHSlou,
tho Important IIhIi ami gumu cnminln
bIoii controversy luin arisen, So tho
," Kovernor asks the legislature, to sot
fXloth) wraiiKlo, , -''if'
Olcott recontly lipid 'a conforoneo
wan momuors or uio iisiiories nml
game cnmmlttceH of thu house ami
Honnto, for tho purpnso of dlsciibHliig
tho controversy ami making rocom-
lUndutloiiH to tho leKlHlnttiro.
Ui-ron Conipensatloii (limine.
4 jt Tho govprlior, In 1 1 M - opoiilng. part
(it IiIh mostmuu today, deult ut length
K Jjvllh tho proposed amuitdment qt-tjiu
, jvoMcinon'H romponnfitfon act,. 1lf,nin
Uwiioiihatlon bonolltti piovlilud for Jln
J ii rod workmen by tho Workmen's
Compensation law, were established
v'by thu legislature In 1013, whon liv
ing cohIh worn vory matorlnlly loss
thun now' he nssoi tod. "If tho com
lioiiHatloti puymenta woro properly
ruUxtNt, Uiuj Unto, It Ih solf ovldout - lnndequato under
prosont fondltlons, When the orIh-
n 1ftllu'&w,ViitJ,nssoii n your ago, tho
iM'-wuillnk "ophon was tho com of
Dying woulUb'on Wsglft to dereafee
Kor'tl)t?t'veifs1i was not rqiytfrtereil
r ,
(ContiiuitU oil Last Tase.)
Fair Committer Hhoiilit Hitp All
illtlonnl I'urnowc, Say Ovrrturf
Thrift Week Plain and Irrl
Ration Result Tohl.
In cabi! the rniolutlon Introduced
In tim Hoiuo by State ileprcKcutalfVo
Ilurdlck for (hi nntabllnhmetit of a
county fair for DeicbuteH county
nhoiild inen n the designating of fled
inond, Mr. Hurdlck'a home town, n
(ho location for ntich a fair, tho
llend Commercial club will fl!itiio
renolutlon vlRorotuly. Thli waa do
cldcd thin noon at the.1 weekly club
meeting at the Pilot Ilutto Inn, whon
ho appointment of a committee for
thin pitrpoxo wait authorized. In dlH
cuiuilon which proceeded tho putting
of the quciitlon, numoroun exproH
alona of opinion were given favoring
llend na thu location for tho fair.
It. W. Huwyer, who Introduced the
nubject, reported Iteprenentntlvo
Hurdlck'a action in tho limine, Muted
that while he believed that Iledmoiid
In at nrrannt tho proper place for a
fair, ho ild not consider that this
aliould be fixed by legislative act und
moved (Ho appointment of a special
County School AiUImiI.
In connection with tho queHtlon,
T. H. Foley's motion that a fair
ground for llend be necured, was car
ried without opposition. C. IJIr'd
will reported that a slto south of tho
city which would be nvalhiblo for an
aviation landing uVId uh well iin for
u. .. .- .:.... tL, . . .
inir Kniuiuii coiiki oe secured ni
llitto cOft. August Anderson, a
former icifdnnt ofKrdmond. declar
ed that that city would be'imablo to
MUppart a fair.
Developlug the subject. If J. Over
turf suggiyited that the rommltteo al
so take steps to ohtulu for llend sonib
of tho fow remaining things In (ho
county not already nrnuired by Itod
moud. Ho declared that llend hns
jieen nsleep while Itedmnml has so
cured tho union high school, mail
routes, ami other advantages H6
advised that a county high school
hem. in tnko Hi all the territory not
Included In thu union high, should
b formed.
Thrift Plans Tohl.
It. A. rd, of tho Thrift Weuk
committee, tohl of the necessity for
saving lnyIe'woL tho contemplated
govonilivoiit iic'lfou'to deflate tho cur
rancy of the. nation, and told of the
plans made by I ho commlttoo, Includ
ing the school easay contests on
thrift subjects, talks by four minute
moil", thrift sermons, nnd thrift slides
lo bo shown In thu moving picture,
II II DeArmond. ono, of tho dele
gates to tho irrigation Congiesa In
Portland, enumerated tho chief re
sults ajtalnod for CentraJ Oiegon as
consisting of tho passage' of thu res
olutlon railing for tho eUubllahmont
of tho duty of water, (ho success of
tho resolution asking federal aid for
thp Deschutes projert, tho acceptance
of tho resolution favoring a J2G0,- gove,rninont appropriation
Tor tho reclaiming of avid lands, nml
tho passing of tho resolution calllmr
for govornmont guurnnteo of Irriga
tion bnuiiR, eliminating discount
louses. Othor sidelights on the hap
penings nt tlm congress wo given
by T. II. Koloy, It. A. Ward, J. A.
KiiBtos. and K. L. Payne.
I'. ff. Duncan who directed (ho re
cont TtfA. A. C. debt raising cam
paign, was n guest of tho club, and
spoko hrlnfly ..urRlntr cooperation
with Ui IndiiHtrlnl Y. I. C. A." In
ovdor that It may bocomo a trim com-.
Jiumlty qonter.
A now business will -bo stiwtod In
Bond tomorrow whon Sara Hlder and
O, P, Mui-qulii will open the Bend,
Flail find Poultry Market In ti.a
WilEht Hotel Building.
vo ii:KACirs o.v tax km onV' yon i.imiAiir mu.vaH totak
Ttim:i: vhahk.
th i j past
Within tlio three ycnrH of tho cx
lulcnco of pin Deadline N'utloiinl
Furni I. ohm imnorlntloii, not ono of
tlio 26 momhorB of tho orKttnUatlon
Imp dfiiutfl In jiiiymoni of either
Iiitorent otrloaiiH, or tuxcH, It durclojl
iul TiU'kilny nfloniooii when tho an
tuiul nicotine of tho nxxoclntlon wan
held lt llend. Tho nieotlnc wan cull-
ed primarily for tho election of dlj wIimi the city levy was turned
rectors for tho year of 1920, the fol- OTHr to Asessor W. T. Mullarky re
f owing being selected: Hoscoe N. cently, the library Item had been In
landers and Charles Hoyd, of. Bend;
Mrs, Mildred Ulladeau, of tho Arnold
district; nod George M. Krlcksott nnd
K. K. Hurler, of tho Qrangu district.
Tho board will namo tho association
officers in tho neir future. A local
board of appraisers, also chosen yes-
tenluy. Is composed of Almus Neif,
Prod K, Mosler and Glenn Slack, with
H. Hogcen us alternate.
The annual report showed that In
addition to tho 36 members, whoso
loans amount to J60.000, ten moro
aro on the waiting Hat.
Federnl farm loans may bo secured
at C 1-2 per cont for tho purchase of
intid, stock, or financing of pcrma-
ucn( Improvements. One case Is on
record where nu nutomobllo has been
considered an essential in farm man
agement, greatly Increasing efficiency
in marketing dnlry farm products.
Payment or loans Is on thu amort
ization plan, J32.G0 paid Jeml-an-nually
for 3C years, discharging a
(1,000 obligation. Balances may bo
paid In at any time, howovcr.
Instead of 1920 licenses, big white
curiis, bearing tho Inscription "li
cense trppllcd- for," and Rood for 10
days. are. being dlsnlared by llend
auto users duo to tho fnlluro of.,nolu, "?I'resontcd tho defendants.
metal tags to nrrlvo from UioRecro-
tary of State's ofllco ln"sSlomTN'S
less (hall 20 of tho temporary II
ronsos wure Isaiied on .Monday by
City Judge I) II. Peoples
instruction sUrtcd today wi tlioJKPinni ..fn.iTt, i...i....i.. ....
Acres schpol. which is to be
....l ... ...i i... ,.... .
, "7' 'v' '7 """" ;"" ",,"1U1K T"" ho under: the direction of Miss Mar
bPRln. on January 26 .Additional (j
scl,pol,,ooni will bo provided by mov.char.0 nm, wjl nwt Mont
pg tho old Kenwood two room build- wedue-dhy und Thursday evenings
Ing to n situ close to tho high school. rroin 7;4C to s.30 0cock.
The. structure will hnVo to bo cut in UeserTOtlons for this class should
two In order to bo moved ncrosa tho be mado at ouco by calling phono
county bridge. ,1441.
Lam recently acqulied by the Do
schittos Vulley Seed Company, a sec
tion Just oast of tho Mustard ranch
In tho Powell Ilutto country, Is rapid
ly being cleared of Juniper, nnd 400
acres will bo ready for a crop this
ttprlng, according to Guy K. Dobson,
Redmond banker, and momtmr of the
company, who was In llend TiittsQny!
iiftqrnoon. Two hundred acres wTf
Do put Into potatoes thlti year, tho
remaining hair of tho laud domed
going Into grain, hut ne.t year it
Is hopqd to have tho entire, tract' In
potatoes, Netted Gqms. Burbanks.
and British Queens will ho used.
Tho Deschutes Seed Company,
which wfm oigantzed with a cnpltnl
Stock of 150,000 only a fow weeks
iipii, nns as ns cnior stocKiioidora,
(loorge L. Iliirtt, ono ot (ho biggest '
potnto buyers on the- Pnclllo coast,
W. H. lmlr of Canby, G. S. Rold of
Portland. S. D. Mffstard or powoll
Butto, ahd Mr. Dobson. All excopt
Ilia lust named stockholder aro dt
reetly lulorosted In tho plowing ot
pqtntoos, Mr. pobsou Is, epnlldont
(hut (ho entire output of tubers can
hq nturkotod as sood, In 'California
without dllllculiy. "Callfovalu pota
to miHi nro now advertlsln'Oregon
seed aiid'wo oxpect to fiu've tjiq Baino
condition all along the coast," ho
Iimtcad of bcjnrc Iohh thun the year
bofora. tho mlllaKe on which 1919
taxes will bo collected In greater by
one mill. Tho fnct that nrevlouii
coaipututfonn did not Include the tm
necwiHury for tho clty'n J3.000 lib
rary appropriation nccountx for 1.8
mills, nnd brine tho totnl inlllaRe
In Hcnd up to 79.6.
ndrtontly omitted, leaving the city
levy Juki $3,000 shorty lleforo ue
realized the error, Mr, Mullurky cert
ified (h county levy to thu stato tax
commlsxlon, nnd had the taxes ex
tended, noiirly ready to be turned
over to Sheriff Koberta, wheji It was
found thai tho county library would
be without half of Its estimated in
come for the year. The matter was
at oncj taken up with tho stato com
mission, nnd yesterday Mr. Mullarky
rereived permission to add 1.8 mills,
JThls involves a correction of practlc-
ally all city taxes, no that tho rolls
may not be completed before next
Report of settlement out of conrt,
of aho 118,000 damago suit of the
Deschutes Lumber Companv tb. Af
fred Munz and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Colfett, was mado last week. The
suit was brought In Multnomah
county for alleged breach of con
tract to soli three sections of Um
ber hind lying between Sistofs and
Tumult), and tho adjustment of tho
matter wau made by nu agreement to
a now contract. R. S. Hamilton of
llend, nHdW. II. Daggett, of Rod-
. '
A courHu In Homo Nursing and
first aid for tho mothers ot Bend,
will he opjmed In connection with
Ilin tllullt fiMtnnl nl tli.. llnml I.I..1.
.,". .-. .,.,
"". ...; ..a., uin nam mil
said, "It Is much more dtftlcult to
get tho right kind ot seed than ono
might think, and there la no ques
tion about tho demand. Wo know
this fiom experience, for wo are hav
ing troublo In securing Burbauks for
our llrsfplantlng."
.Mr llu'rtt,. Mr. Dobson stated, la
ready to tuko 200 cava of Central
Oiogon potatoes, If ho can Ret them,
'and tho organization ot tho company
as well as tho bringing In of inon
who aro able to linudlo potatoes in
such large quantities, "In oxpectcd to
provo a tremendous stimulus to this J organization was brought up. and
branch of iiRrlculturo In Central Ore- many sugestlpus wero mado.- includ
K011, inir Proi-reRslvi) flnli Ta. ri..i
Anothor tract which will bo dovot-
Jed largely to potato culture In the
net year Is tho G. F. Hosklus ranch
at Lower Bridge, recently nurchascd
ny tlio uidohl Investment Co., of
Portlaud. J, R. Luckey, of Canby.
an oxporlonccd potato man will
farm tho property for tho now own
era. In the couiho of hta remarks yes
toi day, Mr, Dgbsou remarked (hnl he
haa trausforied hia Inlerost In tho
13,900 aero tract botweon" Powoll
Butte and Prlnoylllo, to, GeorRo L,
Btirtt. who nlq ucqultod the Bmi(ii
holdings pt Gwirgo Shlma. Jnpnuesi'
spud kind,
KjmtII LeRbtlntfrc Kelon To Knd
Saturday Xoon "tt'n nml
Meant Commit! re Miiftt lie
duic Appropriation..
SALEM. Jan. 14. Representative
Denton G. Ilurdlck, of Redmond, in
troduced a resolution in tho Houso
late Tuesday afternoon marking
tho first ntej in the plan to secure
cooperative, construction of a rail
road from Bend to Klamath Falls.
It provides for the appointment of a
commission of ttn-ce to investigate
and report to the legislature of 1921,
especially regarding the feasibility
of removal of one railroad from 'the
Deschutes canyon, use of that mater
ial In the construction of tho pro
posed extension, and (he practicabil
ity of tho state building a highway
betwoou Bend and Klamath Falls,
of such width and grade as to admit
of a railroad line bolng constructed ol l" "5"- -rngauon correal
on the edge of the right of .way. I wa8 ues,owd - Dwchutw ceanty
This will bo dono contingent upon mnB ,n the C,aS,S,f' MM'H 4' th?
tho execution of an agreement lK)-;conBroM ,n l'a Fred N. Wal
tween tho O.-W. It. & Si., nnd tho;,ncc' ot Tuma,' Ing chosen ta
Oregon Trunk roads, by which they head tho orgaBlzatloa 5or the next
consent to take up ono of tho Des-!ycar Tho ohD,ce Waa HnaB'w0M'
chutes Valley lines, and re-lay it on '0,low,n -" wttaarawal of H. It
tho grade es.irD.lshed by tho tAmmulmnt.
between Bend and Klamath Falls. other offhjare.. elected aru:
Roprcsontatlvo Burdick also Intro Patrick J. Gallagher, ot OaUrla.
duccd bills to lncreaso tho salary of,rat vice-president; Fred A. PalUI,
(ho Deschutes District Attorney, and l Rakor, tevoad vlce-preaidet; C.
to establish a county fair for Des
chutes County. ,
Sim kliolilrr of Creamery and All
ItanrlierM Inlerilttil I'rRitl to
lie I're.font mi .liinuary "I,
'ninong Its Dthor ruemboxs Harry W.
Followlug up tho campaign mado'aard of Mqdra's. II. II. DeArmond of
during tho latter part ot 1919 for the Bend, M. A. Lynch of Redmond, and
development of tho dairy ludustry in C. M. Elklus pf Prlaeville.
Central Oregon, tho directors of tho! LorUm - Policy Hacked.
Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery! The congrtbs favored tho policy
urge thnt all ranchers having milk urged by tho American Legion, fcack
siock or who contemplated the pur-''B tue niovo to glvo ex-iervice mca
chnso of dairy animals, attond the1'119 consideration Itf, apportlonlug
ineeiliiR of the creamery as' tho 'uut abpuUUpoer. Klamath Lake,
soclatlon, to bo held In the Deschutes :"n1 advocated Uio immediate extern
County court room, at 2 o'clock'nt'on of alien anarchists, and tho
unlay afternoon, January 24. cancellation of cl'tlzeuahlp of rods
Tho chief purposo of tho meeting. wh "nv Token outthelr papers,
will bo for tha discussion of matters' Several resolution's, which call for
of benefit to a farmers' organization J action by the legislature, follow:
of the kind," and special topics of In- Vor immediate enactment of
torest to tho dairy furmer. Including amendments 15 ihtf Uralnago district
tho subject of dairy marketing, wfll.mW8 which will obviate delays In tha
bo dovcloped. An address will bo!tl,ture au "lst ponding organlza
given by R. A. "Ward on the subject! t,ons t0 Procoed -with their develop-
of cooperative creameries.
Discussion of 'membership featur
ed the meetlug nt the Pilot Butto Inn
Friday night of the tentatively forin
ed civic council, and It. was
open until lator. The organization
will bo completed ut another session
to be hod on Friday evening. Jan-i " " , '" """" " "
,... ,ft . i... in.... at i. ..',0 each nibor ot the eglslatura
uar 30. A by-laws cmmltteo will . ...,, .
bo Instructed to report before that
tlmo. R. S. Hamilton presided at
last night's gathering.
The question of n name for tho
Council. Communltv ciearinir irn'
Bend Ceutral Council. Community
Welfare League, League of Arbitra
tion and Leaguo ot Organizations. No
decision on this point was reached.
In tho election hold Tuesday,
Qua Stadlg and A. S Holmes' -wer'
olectod director ot tho' Squaw
.Oreek, Ivr(gatlon, district, and C, H.
IJHamJy waachosn a a member of
t'rlct, accordlug & reports received
Cent ml Oregon Men Hold Imiort-
ant rotltloni ou (Jommlllcn
DelcRate) Consider Heflon
Mett KarrcftHful.
Results of the Oregon Irrigation
jCongrcsi were raore than satisfact
ory to Central Oregon Interests, K
was reported by tsoso from this sec
tion, who attended the sessions la
Portland last wetk aad who rstnrH
ed to Bead early this week. Tha
election of a Cearl Oregon man
to tho presidency, the pasags of Mm
resolution urging federal aid for Uw
Dtscbutc project, and the placing
of a Bend man as chairman of tit
federal aid committee, aro conU!ere4
ns distinct advantages in the carry
ing out of the Irrigation program.
f The highest honor at the disposal
T. Darley, of Klamath Falls, third
vlcc-rrestdeat;- J- F. Splaalng, ot
Echo, secretary." Many Central Ora-
gon men appear .on Important com
mittees, J. E. Aldricb of Sisters, and
George Russell of Prlncvlllo. belBg-
tho on the,qxecut(vo committee, Jay
Upton and Denton Burdick holme
chosen on the board which will havo
charge of legislative affairs, and the
general federal aid committee, head
ed by T. ILFflley ot Bend, bavin
ment without untrecesaary delay.
Recominonding the eouctmout ot a
low permitting the organlxqtlo ot
cut-over land Improvement dlstWcU
similar to and under like favorably
conditions now accorded to arid and
Lswamp lands.
Ueiolutlnas Important
That the salary of tho state engi
neer be increased by legislative en
actment "(o a figure commensurate
with the lespQusibllitiea involved,"
for action at tho special session.
Urging tho legislature at Its spe
cial session to pass a bond Issuo bill
of $ 10,000,000, lo bo roferrod to. the
pooplo. for completing road construc
tion. Speedy construction of all projects
In tho state whlcH havo boeJi or may
be approved by tho Uqlted Stato rec
lumatlno department la urged in a
resolution .which wus unanimously
Among resolutions passed ot par
ticular lutpreet to the peoplo ot Cen
tral -Oregqa, eaa, calling for federal
aid in the construction of the, 6m-.
chutes project, la orejalneat, aad'1ta
lu fact (he wifsure which the
Central Oregoa delegation wrf'Mit
Hrmly determined to caVry tkrMWh.
awoav oth'dk1 things wr the. -.
Op-Miliwc 149 of KUwatlt I4ui
rservatleti,t .
(Contlaus( pn Last Pag.)