PA0K ft A I1KND BULLETIN, MSKI), OBBOQN, THUKflDAY, JANUARY H, 1020 !l& & v I-, tn rt . . i.. ItU .If ( ' liiiiiwiwiiiiuiiuiBiiMiiiiinipiiiiniiiMiiiNiiHiMiiiBiiaiiifliiiiiiitt " ", twj JC J J VICTOR RECORDS FOR JANUARY mm '. . SOME FINE NUMBERS ;. -. 4 lly Hmlllo do OoKorzft Jly, MIhcIiiio Klmnn .lly Oornldlno Fnrrar . ,.Dy John McCormack Uy Onlll-Curcl i'hlludolphla Orchestra . . ...lly Ilmiato Zanolll .....illy Ilonala ZomoIII 1 i t 1 1 v., . Hi;i HHAI 0lfi3(J Door Honrl 74507 'Ilytnn to tlio'miu 87212 BcitJH Tol 04K3H Oiiiy You 74(1011 Putt lnttfitulv Citvutlnn 74BD8 tiivlluilun to tliti Walt lly 04831- riiRlliioql, Prologue, Part 1 01832 PiiKllacel, Prolog.)"', Part 2, POPULAR HON'GH 1 R020 I Am Climbing Mountains, lly Cumpbell anil Durr. Ymi Didn't Want Mo When You Had Mo, by Henry i j Uurr. 18C2B Wall .Till You Oct Thorn Up In mo Air, "f "l"J ' - Murray' FlonllnR Down to Cotton Town, Jly American Quartette. 1S031 Worulnrfitt Pal, lly fltPrllng Trio. ThorV A Lot of IllUo-Kyod Marys Down In Mary land, Ity Hlitintion Koiir. Gem from "Soinctlmn." lly victor i.igm uiur uo. (InmH from "BIiA'h a Good Fellow" By Victor Light Opera Co. danci: My Dnby'a Arms, Moilloy Fox Trot, lly Pletro. And Hf'd Bay Oo-La-Lal WeO'Wnol Modloy One- Ktop lly Piotro. .1 Wunt a Daddy Who Will Hock M to Blcop Ouo- Ktup lly All-Star. All tho Quakr-rn Aro Hbouldnr Blinkers, Fox Trot, Uy .All-Htar. -1 Might Ho Your "Oiico-ln-a-Whllu" -Fox Trot, Uy Hmlth'ri Orclii'itra. PatchesFox Trot lly Smith's Orchestra. 18f,30-aiil What n Pal Wan Mary WalU fly Bmllh'H Or- chi'ttru. Nobody Known Ono-Rtcp Uy Smith's Orchestra. HORTON DRUG GO. nnoD4- 1802C 18020- 1H028- BJiiiu'wiiiUiiraaiutmwuiuitBDHiiwwiOMinuiwBamiwwouiimRKiBi lMMtoammMWMntmniBiwmaemmmvt tsstmnamtnrnronmwnnrom.mnatnr. BEND HAPPENINGS FROM DAY TO DAY IsJBnimaiwnwi :inmujrMimmJ:tmBnnJttraswinuw Wednesday Mm. J. Chorion Snjlth leavm to ' morrow night for Now York City. Kliu oxpocla to bo gone for a month. ' j. A. Kastes'und II. J. Ovorturf 1 tire among tlioso leaving tonight as delegates to tho Oregou Irrigation Congress. In tho Indoor baseball gnmo played JUonday night at tho gymnasium, tho mlllmon'N team defeated tho office man, 54 to 20. i Charles ThomuH In In Dond to do oiiio ihopplnc and to look aftor bus; luoiin matters. Ilo will return to his homo In Crescent tomorrow. Tho Baptist Women's Union wlI hold Iti regular monthly business meeting at tho homo of Mr. J, J. Clapp Tliuniday afternoon at 2:30. O. Bonson and L. A. Harris have etonyl'tho deal for tho purchflM from A. Johnion.of tho barber ifcop formerly on Wall formerly owned by Mr, JJennon. 'MUi Eunice and MUn Dolores Cat low havo roturned to lako up their Htudles nt Whitman coIIckc, after upending thu holidays with their parents In Dend. 11. II. Orndy, Madras district agent for tho Northern Qraln and Ware- Women's and Misses' 71 Coats - Suits - Dresses 7 . Modish Styles! Unusual Values! The Coats, Suits and Dresses caught in the Clearance are desirable, up-to-the-minute mod els, suitable to wear for months to come. But they are winter apparel, and this is their 4jumping-off place" so far as our stocks are concerned. Women who believe in practicing thrift will realize the sterling val ues offered and get here early. There ATeTftlany Other Items Offered here that will interest the thrifty shopper Knitted Wool Caps, regularly sold AOp CO at 78c to $1.18, reduced to ot W. IOV Ladies' Ribbed Fleeced Union Suit, the tfl IJO kind we sold at $2.25, reduced to Children's Heavy Fleeced Unlpn Suits, for 07r boys or girls, all sjzes, 4 to 14 years "' Children's Ribbed Fleeced Lined Vests AQ and' Pants, any size , ,..., wv hoiiwu CamvWYajfoi'Ji ' "Wjd today, Mo Orndy boljvvon that nn'miunually Kobil soonon will bo oxporioncod by wheat rnncliorn In Joffnrflon county m tho rcBiilt of, tli(i hoavy snow. Tuesday Dan Hourlguii, Powoll Ilutto nhoepman, Is npeiidliii; a few day In Houd. C. K. Btrcnt, of I.a Pino, arrlvod In Dond lat night, uud In romalnlng over today. Quluu Johnson alidwA. I). Mynrs, of Ontoway, aro bunlnosH visitor In tho city today. Mm. T. 0. DepHeoEwlfHdls spending a fow days In Dond asUlio guest of Mrs. A. M. Prlngle. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCulstonnnd son Clifton havo returned to Ilond after n tbrno months visit In Beattlo. Charles Stanton reeolvcd a tele gram yesterday announcing tho death of his father, O. A. Btanton.Jn Mountain Oroyo, Missouri. Tho Ladles Aid society of thr. Methodist church hnt postponed tho mooting scheduled to be held at tho church on Friday afternoon. Tho regular meeting of tho Dend chnptcr of (ho Amorican Hod Cross .wlllibo bold at r, o'clock Friday '. Aiiam It. 1it fMrttlt mtirt rooms. Hobs Downs, brother of Mrs. H. K. IHrooks, and Miss Marlon Lilly, who hnvo.bcen visiting In Ilend at tho lirwku homo, left for their home In Beattlo yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hogcrs and Unfniit daughter aro In Dend from Tho Dalles visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horton. They aro plaunlng to locato In this city. Mrs. H, II. ilnrtlejr left yesterday for Cadillac, Mlchlgnn, and will bo followed In February by Mr. Hart ley, who will open n new store for tho J. C. Penney Co, Mr, Hartley Is now with tho Penney storo Jn this city. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Shepherd levo tonight for Portland, where they will havo thu opportunity of hearing Alice NelUon. Later, Mr. Shepherd will go to San Francisco on a buying trip. During his absence, tho Shep herd Music store will bo under the management of Mriujl.lljchell. f Word has Just bc?n" receJr?d of tho death of N C. lHHery!" form erly of Ilend, who wan accidentally killed while working In thu mills at Centralla, Washington. Ho is survived by a. wife, four children, nix KruiiuGiiiKirwi, nnu innw-'i t hlchard Hlllury, reslding-Alu, thla city. II, V. Madscn and AHn P. Odoll were; uultod In marrlago by Hav. If. 0. , Hnrlranft, of tho PrebytorIan church last night, nt tho homo ot fl, A, Hlukely on Congress street. Tho homo was artistically decorated with chrysanthemums and Christmas greona. Only Immcdlato friends of brldo and groom were prcsont. Tho wedding march was played by Miss Honi'ilo.Htockwoll. Mr. Madsen was formerly n teacher In Portland, and Mr, Madsen resides in tho Sisters country. i ' i Mi . . i . ' ' Monday Mrs, Ik-rllin Dawson has recovered from an attack of grippe. D. J. Crowley, of Bilvcr Lako, is spending tho day in Dend. T. II. Foley has returned from a business trip to Portland. , K. L, Mann, of Ttimqlo, In a busi ness visitor in tho city today. G, G. Partln wan in Dend last night from his homo In Sisters. ML. Hogers hu arrived in Dend from Tho Dalles and will locato in nmd., Mrs, C A. llalsley and Elizabeth Kvuns, of Druthers, are In Dend" visit ing friends. It. II. Mutzlg, formerly of this city,. Is In Dend looking aftor pro perty intpr; here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bmalllng, of Iloanoke, Vlirlnla, have arrived In Dend and will locato here. Mlwr Helen Foley returned this morning from Portland, where she spent tho holidays with relatives. J. T. Hardy, Travelling Freight and Passenger Agent for the Oregon Trunk, was in Dend yesterday on official buslnesM. Ted Povey drove his truck In from Silver Lake, arriving In the city last night. Ho camo In over the high desert road, having started the trip on New Years Day. The ladles of the Christian church will have a business meeting Wed nesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Funlon, 8S2 Columbia. All ladies of the, church and their friends ore re quested to bo prevent. Saturday Irma Kceney, of Culver, was a Dend visitor today. E. Montgomery Is spending the day In Dend from his homo at Dry OUR ANNUAL January! Clean-up IT .vvW., t ivmi.J1 --.-,.,,, ),, . -.,. , ... . . , vji i Come In ToIIaSTk If You Need a Suit, Coat or Dress All Fall and Winter Clothes have been reduced. There is nothing reserved. ' . e' All Go at 25 Per Cent Discount FURS, too, are reduced 25 per cent. ' Announcing the Arrival of Several Styles of Queen Quality Shoes -j Chocolate Kid, cloth top, military heels, at $8.75 Grey Kid, cloth-top, " &Q E military heels, at P&J All Chocolate Kid Shoes, Louis or (i? CA military heels, $1G5Q, $11, $11.50, 12iO,P V Patent Colt, Mat Kid Top. lace $150 shoes; a very stylish shoe ipiJ,uv All Calf, medium brown, military f2 SO heel shoes, per pair p,I.Jj Better Styles - Good Quality - Courteous and Efficient Service MM Stop and" Shop at OTEII BROTHERS Quality Pioneer liacc 1911 Mil lil IV) llil fn '('WBRWiTl Lake. Leland T. Dandy, of Fort Hock, Is In tho city for a few days on bus iness. Archie Drown arrived In the city lat night from hlo home In Red mond, and Is remaining over today. Mrs. Dertha Dawson la suffering from a light attack of grippe- She Is confined to her homo in consequence. Miss Maybcllo Dpyer Is able, to be about aftor being confined to her homo for several days by a severe at tack jf tonsllltls. T John Alexander left last, night. or Corralli where ho will enter the Oregon Agricultural college In the civil engineering department. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews, of Dluo EartlrfMlnnesotu, are In Dend visiting at the homo ofMr. and Mrs. Georgo Dueglor. They will remain In tho city for a fjw wccko, before going to Calirornla to spend the re mainder ot tho winter. yesterday from Lake county. Accom panying him were Mr. and 21 rs. C. C. Harris, and F. W. Foster, of Sum mer Lake. 1 SPECIALS Marked Redactions on Many Items We Are Putting Our Store In Order for Spring Blankets, grey wool mixed $6.95 Blankets, grey wool mlxee, d0 AC our $9.95 values, at pO.tJ UnderwearVests and Pants for girls AQp and boys, heavy fleeced lined garment "v Union Suits Misses bleached cotton QO fleeced lined suit J0 Hose Black Jieavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, for boys or girls, sizes 5 to 7,1-2, JQ 39c; sizes 8 to 11 T t Union Suits Men's heavy d1 OQ Cotton Ribbed Suits $l.OU EXTRA LOW PRICES NOW ON LADIES' COATS Come Now for January Clean-up Specials THE WARNER COMPANY nmiii MusCHAMtllkK AT J'OH'L l'HICES 0utv Friday T. If. .Foley left last night on a mBlness trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Oner, of La Pine, aro In tho city for a few days. Dr. Grant Skinner haa returned from a visit with relatives in Port land. Robert Gould is in Portland nt tending tho meeting ot state highway engineers, Mr. and Mrs. J. Duxton Price ar rived In tho city yesterday mopilng from a trip. to Portland. H. J. Overturf and Georgo Jones roturned to Dend this morning after spending tho last few: day8 In Port land. Mr. and Mrs. C. 9. Hudson left last night for California, Intending to spend tho next month at Los Angelee and beach resorts. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Moore havo re turned from Portland, where Mr. Mooro attendod tho meetlug ot ,tho teachers ot Oregon. John Alexander, who has bee.n In tho office of City Engineer Robert D. Gould for several months past, loavea tonight for Corvallla, where ho will enter tho school ot civil engineering. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Woelflcn, ar rived In "Bond this morning after a brief woddlng trip, to make their homo in Dend. Mrs. Woelllen was formerly Miss Mary Burns, of San Francisco. Jason Mooro who is leasing Sum mer Lako for tho recovery of com mercially valuable salts, was in Dend Wednesday John Farrell is confined to bis home by a severe attack of. toBsilltis. W D. Manton. of PrlBCvUle, was' in the city yesterday visiting rela tives. P. St. Cler, of Marshfield, Has re turned to the coast after visiting rel atives in Dend over the holidays. Robert D. Gould has reluraed.from. Portland, where ho attended a meet ing of the stato highway engineers. J. Alton Thompson is In Salem this week on official business at tho office of the Stijto superintendent of education. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Egli, ot Hums. are spending a few days In the city before returning to their homo in Harney county. Al Chaneay, brother ot Miss Be atrice Chancay, of the Dend high Kchool faculty, has arrived In Dend from Canada, and will attend school during tho spring term. Miss M. E. Coleman, city treas urer, returned to Bend yesterday after a secral weeks trip to the mid dle west. During the greater part ot her absence from Bend she visited relative in Chicago and- Galena, Il linois. Mrs. G. E. Yoakum will entertain the members of the Women's Foreign Missionary society ot the Methodist church, and their friends, ' at tho home of Mrs. W. C. McGulston, 234 Joffexson Placo, at :-30 o'clock, Thursday afternoon, January 8. Catarrh Cannot Be Cur4 ty LOCAIi APPLICATIONS, aa they cannot reach the seat ot the dlteaae. Catarrh l ft local dlee&se. greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. HALLS CATAIUlrl HKDIUHH Win cure caiorriu It if taken internally and acta thrpuch the Blood on the Mumui Burfaeea of the Syttem. HALL'S CAtARXII MKDICINK la composed or oeina ec ma wee ibb ic known. coroblned'wUlt Men ot the beet blood purUtere. Tta J&Sy2?g$$ of tpeTirf4Unt.,hi HAMa CATARRH mkdicTRb hi wlket rouc au)t wun NEW SHOP TO OPEN ON GREENWOOD SOON From Kight to 10 Min Will be Em ployed In EMaMklimcnt to bo Conducted by A. J. Tucker. With preliminary blasting practic ally finished, A. J. Tucker will be gin work In tho next fow days on a $4,00Q ono story alone building, 35 by CO feet, on tho corner p( Green wood and Hurrlman, which when completed will bo used by Mr. Tuck er to house workshops for several allied trades, Including blacksmith Ing, carpentering, and cabinet mak ing', all to bo under his own super vision. A specialty will be made of automobile top and body work, Mr, Tucker experts that the build ing can be completed within 30 days, and once the establishment, in open ed he plans to employ from' eight to 10 men, la addition to theenlp. rnont which he now has' in hWi shop on Irving, he will iiwtaU several pieces of new machinery, Later jn the season, en the lot bask of the shop ttttviii'.Tujker will jtrect a $4,000, flvo reem hrlek 1 t .- i. 't rosHMaee, ! .-rag w;' tf ,,J,rv' -TM ", i