The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 08, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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liaStH- HtTLLfcTttf, BWWI), ORKODPI, TfWiUHlAY,, JANUARY B, 1020
" 4.t ,s
k Tri'"'1 -.MMlB
The Bend Bulletin
(Weekly Edition)
1 Published Br
Established lDOSi
An independent newspaper standing
Tor the square deal, cleah "business,
clean politics and tho beat Interests
or Bend, andiCcntral Oregon.
One year . ?2.00
Six months..,- 1.00
Throo months..,...... v 00
The falluio of tho railroad admin
istration to Include any reference to
Deschutes county In its recently Is
sued pamphlet, "'Oregon-Tho Land of
Opportunlty"'has not gone unuotlced
In other parvt8 of the stato besides
Bend. In our mall todny comes n
letter from Portland which says, "I
havo sought for Information rclatlvo
to Bend and Deschutes and Crook
counties lira pamphlet recently tssu
'W by tho U. S. R. R. Administration
ontltled "Oregon-tho land of Oppor
tunlty" and have sought In vain. I any considerable amount havo nccru
i .
Tho'8Uggestt6nB made nt tho meet
ing of tho Shorthorn association on
Saturday are importnut to all live
stock "irt'.edorH In this county. It Is
to bo' hoped .that tho otlior associa
tions will take them up and proceed
to obtain tho protective measures
needed. . '
On two points of tho proposed pro
gram substantial aid can bo Riven. by
the city of Bend. One concerns w
trays and tho other tho marketing
of beef, both subjects to bo dealt
with by tho city council nnd each
offering nn opportunity to show con
sideration for the, rancher nnd farm
er which wo bctlevo has hlthorto
been Inching.
Tho manner of dealing with cs
trays Is, bf course, provided by city
ordinance and if necessary the or
dinance can bo amended to cover
tho needs of tho stockmen. How
over, they havo never criticised tho
Impounding of stock. They recog
niio that the City must take up ani
mals running at largo to avoid dam
age to properly. All they nitk Is
that when taken up notice bo, sent
at their expenso describing tho ani
mals and their brands so that, It mis
sing stock is recognlicd. tho owner
may come for It beforo charges in
can find no. mention of either
though from tho map which said
pamphlet carries I see there are
The other matter, tho regulation
of the sale- of beef. Is more difficult
such pjacos I see In this document to deal with slnco It makes extra
deBcriptivo of Curry county there Is
A "Continent of the United States"
another slight inaccuracy, I sup
'The. Bulletin commented on the
failure to mention this section when
this pamphlet first appeared and at
the same time, wrote to Portland
railroad officials asking for an ex
planation. None has been forthcom
ing. Wo understand, however, that
tho Commercial club has been in
formed that a local newspaper man
cuts asked for Information on Des
chutes county for the pamphlet and
that, ho failed to givo it. On that ac
count, It is said, no mention of the
county was made.
Newspaper men are supposed to bo
readiest and the best able ot any
members of a community to give
facts concerning its opportunities
and 'advantages. Ordinarily they
consid'ei"'It "ndt only a duty but a
'privilege' to say what they can for
their town and county. If they neg
lect (o 'dd so they fail In the trust
imVoWd' upon them by their poslt
Jori'in the Community. Howovcr, the
railroad 'administration cannot' just
ify Its' 'neglect of Deschutes county
byi'any such excuse as that offered
Several of tho men responsible for
'the compilation. of the booklet are
thoroughly acquainted with Bend
and Deschutes county. They visit
Bend 'to get trade for their roads.
They know what there Is here and
that 'the 'advantages und opportunit
ies for tho home seeker and investor
are as great here as In any other
parts bf the state. They are as able
.as 'any -riewspaper man in town to
but that knowledge on paper. By
some carelessness they failed to got
It Into the' pamphlet.
Its belongs thero and they can
ow remedy their neglect by Issuing
. It' up to them to do so.
troublo for tho honest rancher who
kills and brings In his own meat for
pale. It Is tho only wpy however, to
protect against tho cattlo thief and,
since the protection extends to every
stock owner they ought all to bo wil
ling to undergo any slight Inconveni
ence caused by the need of obtaining
the proposed permit.
Tho other matters discussed on
Saturday are subjects for others than
tho city council to deal with.
Saturday's meeting was highly in
teresting and valuable, to tho Short
horn owner and breeder. It was a
mllcstono In tho progress of a new
industry- that will mean much to tho
county. Mr. Mahaffcy and tho Con
trol Oregon Bank aro to bo congrat
ulated on the assistance they have
rendered In giving It a start.
, J,.',, Tic Liberty Bond,
I've a hundred-dollar bond, that I bought from"
Uncle Sam, when the Wai across the pond gave this
universe a slam. It's a document I prize, with its
coupons twenty-four; and I wish, with heartfelt
sighs, that I had a dozen more. People try to get
my bond, handing me all kinds of bunk, but it won't
be sold or pawned) -or be swapped for any junk,
"Come and buy a motor car," says tho dealer, bold
and brash; "I will take your bond at par, if you'll
pay tho rest in cash." I have acres of blue sky in
the distances beyond," says the faker, strolling by,
"and I'll trade it for your bbhd." "I've an under where all kinu of fish are spawned,"
says the skate whose accents charm ; "you may
have it for your bond." All the get-rich-quickly
sharks come and yammer at my door, and I smile
at their remarks till their talk becomes n bore. Then
I say, "You've cringed and fawned, and you've ar
gued and you've lied, all to get my cherished Ijond, ,
with its coupons, down the side. But your game's
a flimmy flamj and a futile rag you chew; I will
trust my Uncle Sam, but I cannot bank on you. Of
that document I'm fond," I- exclaim, in thunder
tones; "no one gets that little bond, which is worth
a hundred bones." ' '
from which to Make'Your Selections
.. ar. ;3 JJUl' as
Jrhc following is a list of a few of the most
popular numbers wc now have in stock. The
demand for these records is so great however
that we would suggest that you make your
choice as soon as possible, or the particular
number you desire may be sold.
it Is probnblo that tho cost of street
sprinkling can be reduced.
In somo ways Bend la n hURtllng,
thriving littlo city nnd In others a
provincial town, Hard surfneo pave
ment on our buslne,ss streets will give
us a start out of the provincial class.
The calondar man is selling 1921
calendars already. Apparently he
'has no fear of any end of the world
'catastropho such as had some folks
stirred' up on the 17th.
? " y
From tho present appearance of
dufdown town.streettf ItBeems clear
that they must be hard surfaced
next spring or a lot of money- wasted
In temporary repairs. In fair condi
tion early last fall they gave pro
mise, when the suggestion of hard
surfacing was first made, of being
sufficient for another Tear. Since
then, however, the bumps caused by
carrying water pipes across the street
and the chuck holes developed when
water collected in the single tracks
broken out after tho December
storm havo made tho streets almost
as rough as they wore beforo tho
cindering in the spring of 1918.
With costs as high as they ore at
Over a year ago, In making plans
for tho Commcrlcal club for tho
year 1919, Ita directors nnd others
Interested In Its' work on behalf ot
tho town made a short. study ot n
possible program for the year now
drawing to nn end. Still later, on
tho voto of the club, a committee was
appoiiitedto make recdmmontlatfons
fnr Mm vnnr. ''AfinV ilua considera
tion this committee brought In Its
report featuring, as wo rcmomber,
two things, one, tho Irrlgatloji situa
tion lu the Deschutes valley, and the
other, a recommendation conciirnlng.
the club management.
Today new officers of t
have been elected. It is probably
too soon for them to have their plans
made or any, program worked out
but they may,;be willing to take a
suggcstjmfiigulhl'j fa that Hnrther
consideration Ifo given to thcidea of f
employing an ubio exoqutire manager
of the club. "
suro of n ship nt tho end of tils sproo.
and gonorhlly ho expects to end In
shipwreck anyway, so "Kllng your
money and have your Iflng." Moil
young men hare, not two weeks' sub
sistence ahead, if they are not six
months behind, with appetites blggor
than their pay, and their money spent
long beforo earned. They will faco
tho sick day, tho rainy day, tho dis
aster day, and tho Judgment day
when panic comes, as it Inevitably
will, ns fools in terror. High wngtrt
will drop bofore tho high cost of liv
ing drops. A storm will some
time. A period of panic will follow.
as It always has followed, piospcrlty.
It may not como for five oars; It
may In two, but It will como na suru
as exhaustion follows fever, and de-t
llrium follows drunkenness. High
as tho high cost of living Is, yet
most men on the .high, nnd steady
wages of tho present time can save
15 to 10 a week. LeUhcra atyp and
think of tho times five years n ago
when, mon were tramping tho streets'
looking -ror work, standing in the
bread-lino or begging for odd Jobs
a few duys a week. .Most mon at
trades woro lucky If they got eight
months' work a year.
"Conditions may mako it imnossl-
. bio to? a yodng mnrrfti! man with
.Uti02 Down Ily The .Meadow llrook, Wultx, by (Jol. Orch.
Enid, Walts by Columbia Orchentru.
,,MJ777Chlnoso Lullaby, from "East Is West" by Col. Orch.
. Chocone, by Columbia Orchestra.
Att741 Vnmn Yamn llluoit, Modloy Fox Trd, Jocknr'n Orch,
Tears, (of luvu), Medley by Jockor's Orchoxtrn,
Al!rtH'J Illuln Tho Blues, by Wilbur Sweat iiumi'm Juxx Hand
HliiKlall Mui', by U'llbfr Uwentmnn'n Jiux Hand,
AUiiHU Blngipori. Medley, by Earl Fuller's Hector Orch.
Out Of The East. Fox Trot, by Earl Fuller's Orch,
rAUTIU Sweet Siamese, Fox Trot, Earl Fullor'n Hector Orch.
Itkmpana, Tvso Step, by Earl Fuller's Hector Orch.
AtI7ltt Yelping Hound Blues, Fox Trot, Loulslunn Orch.
Just Another Good Man Gono Wrong, Fox Trot
by Louisiana Flvu Orchestra.
AU7I7 Mammy's Lullaby, Walts by Tim Happy Six.
The Hed. Lantern. Medley, by Waldorf-Astoria,
AH" HO Ting Ling Toy, Fox Trot, by Columbia Orchestra,
Where The Lanterns Glow, .Medley, by Col, Orch,
Al!OI My Cairo Love, by Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra.
Mere! Uenucoup, by Wuldorf-As'torlu Orchestra.
i Krowlne rtlllllrnn in nvo nw .. Il
In tho past practically all of the 0I1 ,. Ml but h
club s activities imvo been carried on yollnB mcn but CRB
hrough committees appointed na few njfl WOfM Qn J
bus ncss camo un. There have been i-.. .. ........ .. -..
IZnl 87P,rPer!?: WnerS " IT r, two an;,nK "'nlfc Uorm coming sometime fiRion. bub
turally shrink from the expense In- these work bIe w bllr8.l0 jum(.niM'AV
volved in laying hard surface. This except wher members had a' per- of. spendthrift ,,,.., i,l A..., 'f
Is especially true of those whoso pro
perty Is occupied under leases that
woro written at a low rent and have
still some time to run. The expense
seems Justified, however, when tho
alternative of temporary repairs is
considered, and the fact that such re
pairs cannot mako tho streets much
better than they now are. SJoro
keepers especially, whose show win.
QOWS BUtier from thi ,ln.t - .
paved street look for a savlnir. and
m ,
ff'JRvj JkrVMb 1
?i- jv
VMFyc,-f I
I, I
HAT you did in war times to help the
nation you can do today to help yourself,
Like anything it may become a habit.
Our saving department pays 4 per cent.
r -".svm fi t
KiWiTr:':'i' 'J.'l'AJ. H9B!fr7S'MFIHP4
"sll itHoi, r'
. . .- .... ........ ... -" " 'l
uimi imeresi in mo suujcci. Ann "Thrift U'.t .!,... i-.ol m
very little work has been done by tho comne, . mitn . .,. j! !
special committees appointed from ,CUMreIy , Bt0B 0 Bptm,u,
time .to time. Wo venture to say 8auandorlng and saving."
that fully a third of tho committees
Tho West Coast Lumbermen's as
sociation has appropriated J 1,000
for tho use of tho Grant Hodge Post
of the Amorlcan Legion, of Ceutra
lla, Washington In dealing with tho
L W, W. monaCO. Accnrdlnr in nn
association circular nono of tho
money Is to bo used for attorney's
fees for tho prosecution ojf the nrtn
charged with the Arnilstlce'dajterino
but will bo used In n general-cloan-Ing-up
of I. w. W. Infection by
means of honorablo and law abiding
methods. "A part of tho fund," saya
tho circular, "will doubtless go) to
ward tho support of families o"M;V.
W. now In Jail, on the, tboory that
tho kiddles aro not responsible for
tho murdorous moral obllquetloa of
the fathers."
Youi.Cun Always Como Hack To M, Hy George
Tho Secret ,of Homo .Hweut Homo. Ily Hamiiel Ash.
' , t . v
. For Ever Is n Long, Long Time, Ily Georgr WllBpn.
IHue Hlrd, Ily Sumucl AsliN
A'M'Jtl Tell Mo, Sung hy Al. Jolson.
Wonderful l'nl, Hung by Geo, Mvador.
AllU'O Klssaf, Rung ly Pampbnll und llurr. ,
I 'ound Tho End Of Tho Rainbow, by Hamuel Ash.
AS" 1 7 Dreams, Sung 'by Sterling Trio,
, Alabama Lullaby, Huug by Campbo)! and llurr.
" A27S Somebody's Waiting For Someone, by'CampbulMlurr
-. Beforo I Grow L'n To Iavu You, by Henry Burr.
AU7I3 Jazz II a by, Sung by Agness Lynn.
I Aln't'er Got No Time To Have The Ulues, Sung
by Irving and Jack Kaufman,
27K0 I'll Bo Happy 'When Tho Treacher Makes You Mine,
-Bung by Irving and Jack Kaufman.
Mnndy, Hung by Van and Schonek
AilTK." In Miami, Sung hy Nora IlAyea.
Jerry, Sung by NpraUnyos, t t a- -t m
A1570.! They're tvil Sweetie, 'fiung hy'Van Ind Scheik".
t-KlssuN, Sunt by Vq an He (in nek g t
didn't Wunt Mo'When You Hud Mo, Sung!
A'JXOO You Dldn'
appointed in the past year havo novcr
reported on their assignments,
Tho trouble is, of courso, lack of
Interest In doing moro than attend
ing tho weekly luncheons or, giving
time to matters that do not directly
affect one. Everybody Is willing to
make his little contribution and to
Join In tho debate, but few will take
time for committee work. The rem
edy Is as suggested a year ago- to
employ a manager who w attend
to all business matters, who will do
tho work that committeemen now
fall to do, and who will always be
on the Job.
Tho right man will take a high
salary and he will bo worth It to tho
town. Possibly ho can bo associated
In some way. with tho managamont
of tho Mercbnnta'B'asBoclatlouthere-
by reducing expense. But whether
ho has two Jobs or onjy one ho 'can
find plonty to do. Tho town needs
' Sweef-
I lM t ft t ! A M
-That's Worth While Valtlng ForrBun
K by, .Irving
L K. Sheuherd
The week from January 17 to 24
Is to bo observed this year as Thrift
week and a program fallowed under
tho auspices of tho Y. M. C. A. of the,
country, Locly the activity will bo
carried on undor tho direction of a
commltteo from the Industrial "Y"
and an effort mado to create renowe1
Interest, Jn tho several matters, from
Insurance, making a will and owning
a homo down to plain saving of
money for deposit in tho bank that
go to mako up a thrift program.
In preparation for tho campaign
"Association Mon," the "Y' maga
zino has n. very timely editorial as
"Spending money like drunken
'$-r?4 g'AM 'c&amon .msuro of
current financial Idiocy of the
Tho sailor auhore to celebrate
Tho big troublo with llryan us a
rnndldate for president is that ho
has so littlo left to run on. About
everything ho pvex advocated Ih now
IttW, OXCODt tllO COlliaca nt uWvnr nt
tho ratio of 10 to 1, and tho equival
ent ui mm ih now met, ir not law,
through tho oporntlon of economic
forcos. This. It may bo said. Is tho
Having boon unsolicited tho testi
monial, from tho county Farm Bureau
for tho weoKly edition of Tho Bul
letin, reported In ycBtordny'u dally
edition, Is especially gratifying. With
Its wookly for tho country and th'o
dally odltJon for thclty Tho Dullotln
covora tho field. ' '
Fifteen Years Ago
Thq call from all sides that tho
loglslttturo .adjourn Jut us ijulckiy
aa it can .after me'otifig jn spoclal
esslon Wtiot ver'y .flaftorlrrg (o tho
worthy law makers of the 'ejnto.
aro atl?Ar,9Vt'lWiixA9 KA rw silver,
hbur. Jaw wouId h b ( t de'C'thS
W t'conomlp forces.
(From tho columns of The
latin, January C, 190C.)
Bond Is now n city. Tho boundar
ies are as heretofore published, Of
ficers aro required to qualify next
Tuesday nnd enter upon their dutlos
at that time.
Tho Deschutoa Tolophond Co, Ih ex
pected to extend its lino ubout 30'
miles to servo tho ranchers In tho
territory south of Powell Butte.
Tho Jlov. Father M. J, Hlcky wbh
In Ilond this week, und started n
Catholic church organization, Tho
plan Is to build nn edifice which
Hlmll bo llko tho Wnsco church, and
a good start lias already been mado
at raising tho necessary funds,
Buildings erected In Bond, Lyllo,
Deschutes, and on nearby furina dur
ing tho past year Involved1 nn ex
penditure, of (100,382.
John Steldl hits Just roturnod from
Silver LakO wlioro ho purchased tho
Chrlsman trnqtlon englno ,whlch In
now on ItH way to Ilond. ThO englno
will bo uhc4 for logging In tho Steldl
und Held mill,
L, E, Alllngham has bought thi
Priuevllle-RlutorH stage (Ino, taking
noHSessIon January 1. Ha will mnva
his"' amtly mut vfrom Prlnoville o
Bl.lnVa ,(., -u f.iur Anita N t u
BisiortuinX'GW unyi. . t
Lnst Sunday the. Uond Union $un-
dSKIlJJSifiL10 dl,8C0,lt,nu meet
ings and topiirproperty Iit,'tKe'h'andi
of L, I). Wlost, W, fl. Nlchol, and Hi
C Ellis na trustees, with Instruct
ions to soil It nnd divide tho pro
coeds equally among the Sunday
schools ot Bend.
The dance given by tho band boy
Inst Friday evening was welt altond
ed. Refreshments woio served nt
tho Pilot Butte Inn.
Work on canal construction Is not
Inlitrforcd with by tho weather this
winter. Tho camps nra ntrotchlng
out along tho lino nnd making rapid
proKrH8. . Over 300 men nre now era
ployed In this work, ,
Again-rmhovo to organize o now
county from parts of Crook, asco.
nnd Shormnn, is taking form. ' Thbt
tlmo It Is to bo callod Jefferson In
stead of Stockmun. Tho main ob
Joctlon comoo from Pilnovlllo.
( . famous Sundial Brok'erf. 1
A Bu'mllnl known n "Nell Gwynn'i?
Suiidjiil," which for years linn been )i?
Poslllon In the lecrnco nt Lnuderdalo
house, Hlghgiile, Unglmul, was broken
beyond repair while workmen werof
trying to change Its position, a London
ilkimtrh snyj4. Thero Is still n tho
hoiio Nell Gwynn's original bath,
"hlih n jniiclj uhlur tlim tho sundial,
nnd uiih plnvt'tl thero whpn sho wa
ItiHlalled lit thu pliteO by Charles II,
Holrjht of Conceit. '
KsperlPiico Js'n good teacher, but
ohw nlen nroeoKceltc(l Anmigh to
think tlmt(riliey can elver ExniSrinneaV
I ". 'l V --"- .-- r-
a'-ipw poiHijH-sr A
Bulletin "WANT ADS" Bring RoV1
- wRi-Ti'wlihewwew