The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 08, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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bend bulletin.
No. 43
i H'E
Vfilunl ,tMiriiiir? by rrofcwMir
'rnby on llriilmm 1'nlU ami
Vvmw Prairie In In I'wil at
li ligation Congies-.
Virtual assurnncn that both the
llenhnm Fnlls mid Cmno I'ralrln res
ervoir niton will be nyillnble for de
velopment, U contained In n wlro
jiufmcelved by T. II. Foley, retlr-
lug piculdent f iho 1'vnd Commer
cial cluli, from Professor W. O.
Crosby, houd of Iho party of geolo
gist who piirNiird Investigations here
last summer for tlio reclamation ser
vice. "ltnioiln Hearing completion e
) peeled to bo optimistic ui to both
Ilouham Kails nnd Cinno Prairie."
Professor Crosby wired. "For each
sllu a safo und stable dam, iiiul n
tight lesorvolr appear to bo ecoiiom
.loally fiHlbli). 1-nlost boring sam
ples from llenhnm Full not receiv
ed but expected noon."
Frofewnr Crosby's lok'Knun whs In
ronponno to one sent u wook ago by
Mr. Foley. In which ho asked thnt
any possible information u to thu
futuro of Ilia project bo given, no
Hint Conn al Oregon representatives
would know whnl course of notion to
piiriiuo itt this Ktiita Irrigation Con
-k gross which convene on January 8.
Thu completeness of tlio reply, as
woll iin llm delay In nandlng II, In
d lea to, Mr Foley believes, Unit Iho
ntuwer wnn sanctioned by Iho rcc
tarnation service.
"Wo uro now ready for ilia second
step." Mr. Foley Muled (hi morning
In commenting on tho pohslhllltlos
opened up by llm Inforiuntlon
received from the geologist. "With
a favorable report practically nssur
od, mo nru In a poult Ion to uak gov
ernment aid. Ily coucoulrAiliiK on
IhU oiio project. great thlnga'cnn bo
, ilouo by Iho Oregon IrrlKutlon con
gros this year In tho way of securing
' fcditrul nsslstunca."
. &
Dr. Judge Bernard Duly, of Luke
view, former Circuit Judge, died
Monday mornlnn whllii on bin wy
to Dlvo'rmore, California, for his
hoalth, according to word received
hero Wednesday. Ilo won 62 years of
ago. Dr. Daly wuh president of thu
bunk of Lnkiivlnw, of Iho Lnko Coun
ty Land & Livestock Co. nnd wor con
nected with viirloiiH other largo cor
porations operating In 'southeastern
At ona lima ho was Mnto senator
nnd was thu fnlhor of tho prcsunt
t exemption law for debtors. Ho wns
rlmirmnn or nil tho wnr loan
Hot ncllvltloH durliiK Iho wnr, nnd
was a heavy Investor In llborty bondH,
Dr. Daly s rutuomborcd by uarly
roBldontiinf Central Oregon for tht
purl ho pluywl 7n -xJuHilliig Relief tp
tlfo Buffcrorn nt Itc tlrjvo of th 1Ih-
nutjoiiH Silver I,k tire, making n
contlnuouu rldo of'moro titun 2t
hourM to of for medical nvNlHtuuco to
tho (Iro ylctlniH,
Tho Itudiuond, Hums, mid Trliia
vllh I'lKh HrhoolH hnvo entered tho
navy oHtmy wrltlni; rontost which pro
vldea iih n prize n three Inch uhell
(uken from n (Ionium battleship, The
shell wllj bo nlokle plated, and will
bo enpnVod. with thft name of tho
wlunli;R school. "AvlHtlon" Ih to be
the inject tpv wnay wflteib, u-iioiiiici-H
HeciultluR OWcer Warner,
und tho length of atmuys In limited
(o l.WQ y"$4p ThePend hlRh
uplinerwa iiIh t'jer thf con
lol'V9iJi9.MJck .iifuiR, . -, '
IliftnliillOHM l Imi .ti.vor.ilri. al
Hlalr li-rlKtloa ConxrrftM 1'jtHt.nI
on by Conimerrlnl Club nl
liiiniliron TliU Noon.
Appointment of commltk-en to
Horto durlnjt tho pro-cnt year, nnd
dlHCUMlona of renolullonii lo be In
troduced nt the Hlnle. Irrigation Con
KrM, comitltuted tho chief bmlne
brouRht before tho llund Commercial
club Wodnotdny nt It llmt mcetlnR
of tho year, A report by the lH
treiiNiirer nhowd n iivruIIyv balance
of 24cta, tho reMolutlonH outllnlun the
nliiifi of llm propo.od Civic council
were approved and Carl A, Johmton
named an tho club" dcJcRiile, and
I'reldnnt D. 0. McPhcrHon reported
on tho action tukou by thu directors
In their moellnR Tuesday to puy con
Mtm cnutnerntorH four rejila n nnmo
liuKlnnliiR IIiIk niornlnit. In addition
lo thu four cont rnlo already beliiR
paid by the government Thin la to In
Ktiro a llioroiiith coiihun bnlnc made,
nnd iih n further precaution uiiolll
clal uuuitK'atorH mny bo put on to
hoc uro Information for Ihu govern
ment ronpUN taker.
Threu poluln were nt Imkiio In tho
rcHoliitloitN brought up by II. II. Da
Armotid, indnt Importiinl being tho
oiio cmboilylug tho movement for
federal nld for Iho Ilunhnm Falls
project. Tho necoiid nought to have
tho duty of water for Irrigation til
ed , and tho third nought to prevent
Iho, WINS bfwifur for outside uses
from n district which already tins
nn Insufficient aupply, Tho hint part
Wiia ron-ldorod nn being directed at
the relations exlHllug between Iho C.
O. I. Company and Ih I.ono I'lue Ir
rlgntton district, und after cousldar.
nblti opposition on tho giouud that
Ihu liut.Uu was ton local, tho resolu
tion wiia withdrawn by Mr. Do Ar
moud. As pasried by the club, tho
mcnaurcK provided that action on tho
namo polntu should bo asked of thu
llMlaturo mid the Stnte Chamber of
Committee nppolntmeulN made
by tho clinlr were as follows
Kond IT, J. Oyerlurf. It. S.
Ilamlltpn, und X 0. Jacnbsnn,
Mnmberahlp B, 1.. Payne, Oeorgo
.1. I'urknH,Juii(IJ.Vo A. ThomiiM.
Mull routes -I). H. Peoples, W. H.
Hiidtton. nnd F. B. Htudubaker. '
ButertnluinantA. V h I h n a n I,
Hov. J. KdgsrPurdy, and Henry
N. FowJor. . 1 .
MtMcantllo-!.. J. Callow, Frank
Imibult, and C. A. Wnrner.
Irrigation T. II. Foley. II. II. Dc
Armond, and Ilobort II. Could.
Although no hlgns of steam roller
Indies woro In ovldonco, ovory oftlror
elected by tho lloiid Conuuerclul
club for 1030, ut tho weekly meeting
last week, was chosen by u unanim
ous voto, thoro being no contest for
uuy position. D. (!. McPherson,
nominated by J. A, BnsteH was prom
oted from the Hccretaryshlp of the
club to tho presidency, Mr. Bastes,
whoso name was put up by C. S.
Hudson, boenmo vice-president, nnd
the oticV) of. secretary and trous
urpr combined, It. A. Ward bo
Ing picked for both Jolm. The so
lection of directors proved lo bo u
lengthy task, nd less than 10 nomin
ations nml Impiodluto refusal or
iiomlnoeH preceding tho fluul select
ion of J. I ,Koyes, J. P. Ilonnessoy,
0. S, Hudson, nnd H. 1 MulinlToy.
At tho close of the, elections, tho club
Kuvo a lislng voto f thnnka to T. II.
Foley, retiring prosldent, for his of
ll'elent work during tho lqst tvy-o
HOMK HBIiUS FOIt t.1,000.
AuuouncDmout wuh mudo Tuesday
of the purchase by It. H. Muncev. of
tho O. A, O'llrloi) homa in Ttlver Ter
race, for n cash conlde.ratlon of $3.-
000,,Tho house la of brick vouoer con
strucqn, nnd contains flvd' rooms.
ina ueu whs made through the
HgenoyGf llunkl & IMm-
I'liibleiu of Flailing New County
Agcnl ! l,uI,rl,ncHl Man
.May Ilo round llullrllii'!'
IIiMloinl My Fanner.'
Meeting In Hedmoud Monday
tho executive board of Hid Deschutes
County Farm Ilurcuu decided on Jan
uury 31, ns thu dale for the annual
meeting of4ho bureau. Tho session
will fit art nt 10 o'clock, und annual
roports, tho formulation of a policy
for Iho coming year, and election of
ufJlcpr wilt bo In order. . '"
Discussion ut last night's session
centered about tho problem of secur
ing u county agent to replace If. B,
Koons, who resigned recently. ' No
county agent leader from O. A. C.
was present at tho meeting, but tho
only caudldalo for tho position
known to bo nvalluble, has reconsid
crcd Ills intention of coming lo Des
chutes county, and tho agricultural
college Is ut n loss as to how best
to remedy existing conditions. It is
pqsslblo that some mnu well ac
quainted with Iho problems coufroul-lng-k)Q
agriculturist In Central Oro
gon, mny bn round within tho county,
mid If this solution is offered, it Is
understood that the board's choice
will bo mndo public following n con
ference with O. A. C. leaders tho lat
ter part of tho week.
Thu board endorsed tho weekly
edition or Tho Ilulletln ns a strong
farm paper, and postponed advertis
ing In tho Farm Ilurcuu News Indef
initely, It. A. Ward was elected to
a place on Iho board to fill n vacancy
recently caused by resignation.
Those In attendance last night
were: It, II. Short, President Fred
N. Wallace. John Marsh, It. U. Flick
inger, Otis Htndlg, J B. Smnlllng, nnd
, It. A. Wnrd
"AVIlh Iho coming ol Q. II ICrogor
fnd' F. J. Whlttlesoy, engineers for
(he Oregon Hating bureau, tho our
veypf Uond, on which a downward
revlsfaji of thu II ro insurance charges'
WllP&epund, begun Monday. Tho
Worker tbo first lev: dayH wilt bo
lurgglyi preliminary, and It-1 expect
ed that Iho entire Investigation of
local 'conditions and tho changes cf
fectod ,for thu city's safoty by tho
Introduction of up-to-dato lire fight
ing methods, organization of a crack
volunteer department, und purchase
or new equipment, may lnko In tho
neighborhood or three weeks.
Mr. Whlttlesoy and Mr. Kroger
woro presont nt the regular meeting
of tho tiro department Monday, i
und exprosiod themselves us being
innrn Minn iiIoiiua,! will, llm ni.mlnk
:. - ;: . .-..-,
won. iiuyor j. a. Kastcs nnd D. a,
McPhersou, of tho tiro committee,
wore also In attendance.
Tho department's charter closed
Monday; 'with u membership or
Ily virtue or tesolutlouB pah-od
Wednesday by the Deschutes County
conn, tho County Library or Des
chutes county was declared ostnblluh
oil. n library board appointed, an an
mini half mill tax fur tho support or
tho Institution authorized, ami organ
Uutlon, followed by thu employment
of a, trained librarian, ordered. The
uoara w composed or 1 W. Sawyer,
appqlntqd (o soryo rour years. Fred
N, Wallace or Tumnlo. ror three
yen.ts, (Mrs. Mux Cunning of. Red
mond, ror; four years,, Qeorgo Pad
dock, .for two yemva, and lj'. J. M
J.Hwrenro. for ono year.
Under tho plan o i uRjaatlon
(.iwIIiik nod ClndrriiiK lo be Hulc
nl lo Tnki) AilvnnliiKi' or Mol-
- "
Mil e .Vow in, OioiiihI To
.Vit (.rntel on One Mile.
Under direction or Stephen Quail,
superintendent of construction for
Oskar Huber, work started on
Monduy establishing a camp Just be
yond Iiva liuttc, from which point
tho work of Improving tho La Pine
road will bo directed. Operations
are. to commence at once, and H. F.
'Wlekncr, construction" engineer, be
Wre that It can bo completed by tho
.middle of February.
Home amount or snow stilt lies
along the road, and In fact covers
one side or it, because or the method
employed In clearing it wny from
Im- PI no following tho big storm of
eirly December. Mr. Wicknor states,
but this condition will bo immediate
ly remedied by using tho big cater
pillar tractor which was employed
with such good results on tho Turn
ulo road. Ily tho use of a scarifier
tho frozen ground will bo, loosened,
then graded, und tho surfacing of
cinders put on. Ily using this meth
od, it will ho possible to tako advant
age of tho moisture now In tho soli,
flrmlyHdndlog on tho cont of cinders
ns soon as Iho road Is rolled.
Clearing the road will Involve an
uxtra expenditure of approximately
300 'to tho contractor. Mr. Wlekncr
states, but ho Is anxious to get the
work started dt onco do that the
ground will have no llmo to dry out
bcfoie the surfacing Is done.
Approximately ulna miles of, clear
Ing nnd rough grading has already
been completed on the north road
on Ttiit-Dalles-Cullforuin highway,
und this will bo resumed as soon aa
tho work authorized by tho State
Highway commission, on tho south
hjghway Is flnlsht;d,Tho fifth mile
on the,l.a Pine rond'fs Co bo gravelled
Instead of cindered, In order that
comparison made between tho
cosl and efTccflveneM or tho twp
methods of-rond construction.
Fir! In', 100 Venrs to II.ivo Five
SiiHilajH.JI Nml Trlibiyr Cwiiipm
On The Tliiiteriitli.
Confirmed and irreconcilable bach
elors'look askance, nt thu 1920 calen
dar, with particular attention direct
ed to February. A casual glance sum
ces to Indicate tho reason for appro
pension for February. 1320. contains
twenty-nine, days, 1920 being n Loop
And to mnko a bad muttcx worse,
Filday of tho second week or Febru
nry rails on the 13th.
Ouco in n century. Fobruury hns
tlvo Sundays and 1920 Is the ono
hundredth years bIiico a similar phe
nomenon occurred Everything con
sidered, 1020 shou J provo u lucky
year lor the girls, but to tho bachelor
contingent tho twelve months are
tilled with dark forebodings.
for u county library ns provldod by
Htatute. und as bus now been accept
ed, formally by tho county, und In
formally by the city, thu Institution
has headquarters li tho county's
largest city, with brunches establish
ed In other communities us soon as
places for such distributing points,
nnd biittuble librarians aro provided.
The half mill which will bo lovled
by the county, and u similar mlllago
In thu city, according to present val
uations, will maun an Income or ap
proximately $5,300 annually. This
does not ntTocyhe present yeur's tin
uncial arrangements, however, as
56,000 is now awured from tho coih
blnw taxw o;.ty(tKud county, ' l
i ti'friKVr im rtrufViUM uj-vl.
Hard surface streets for tho great
er part of tho fiend business districts
are asked in a petition to the city
council being drawn up Tuesday by
W. C. Illrdsall, lo bo circulated for
signatures within a few days. Wall
street from Franklin to tbo Ilend
garage, Itoad from Franklin to
Greenwood, and all Intersecting
streets, together with Greenwood
from Wall to tho depot, are speci
fied In the petition as the streets for
which hard surfacing is desired.
Another petition which Mr. Bird
sail Is preparing calls for the widen
Ing of Greenwood by the city. Tho
plan suggested Is that the city buy
an Insldo lo. in tho block across
Oreenwood from the Pilot Butte Inn.
K this Is done, Mr. Illrdsall, as roan
ager of the Inn property, agrees to
donate a corner lot completing the
strip which could bo vacated In
order that tho widening of the street
could bo made possible.
Ileplylng to a letter from William
McMurray, General Passenger Agent,
or tho O.-W. It. & N. recently print
ed In Tho Dullotln. rcgurdlcg the
failure of tho railroad administra
tion Oregpu Ilook to mako mention
ot Deschutes county, T. IL Foley, re
tiring presldont ot tho Bend Com
mercial club, denies thnt any rcauest
wus made to tho club to furnish In
formation for audi a publication. He
disagrees with Mr. McMurray's state
ment that Iho Commorient club waft
iMrt.allv. If not nrlmnrllv resnonni. '
blo ror tbo omission, nnd In refeMuiri
to this phase of the question, writes
mt follows:
. . .... . . . .... . .
iu mai siaiemeni i wisn to joko
excoptlou for the files of tho Bend
Commercial club do not disclose any
correspondence trom Farmer Smith
or any ono olso asking tor Informa
tion for this booklet. Wo do not
believe that Farmer Smith, or any
ono olse can produce copies ot cor
respondence from thejr files showing
that such information was asked ot
tho Bond Commercial club.
'.However, wo do not believe that
any one conscientiously did us nn in
Justice but wo do bejlore that an in
justice was d?"o, consequently wo
reel that we aro not asking too much
when wo ask that a supplement be
Issued to be distributed by tho same
organisation. Wo will be glad to
furnish (he data ror such supple
A roport to Senator McNary by J.
D. niakcoly, fourth Assistant Post
master General, on the matter ot a
Bond to Burns star mall route, de
clares that investigation or condi
tions bus caused tho belief that it is
better to rely on tho routing or mull
through Ontario nud Crane, desplto
tho poor train service From Bond
to Burns would require an overland
roule ot 170 milos, ho says.
Arguments lu favor ot tho Bend
to Burns route wero sent lu by Burt
C. Jones, secretary of the Bums
Commercial club.
As a now. feature In the Athletic
program of the Industrial Y. M. C. A.
a class in boxing is to bo started
under tho direction of Fred Gilbert
conceded to- be tha best mitt si-Hat
over develop n. Ikmdt ,Tlw boxing
course wHHwvur 10, weeks, and
hottH wll4 established later, the
schedule J--Jh ndja n ahWly t
HU'lt a buBleBj'of the pulls'.
KxprnrllliirrFoi Jl Well ia Hsr
ccnt of ISuiIget Fire Losae
For War 'V-68 R,U
nintrw on HU-eclii Aked.
A review of the business ot tha
past year, with dhtcusslon ot tho
now year's prospects, and an Infor
mal rote fardrlag an ordinance
abolishing the city library .and re
cognizing and cooperating In tho
flnoncing ot tbo proposed cotiatr
library, featured the, annual nessloa
of tho Bend city council Tuesday.
A matter which It Is considered raay
be ot much Importance later, wwp
touched on la the report of City
Hecorder D. II. Peoples, whea as
recommended that in the next bud
get, provisions bo made for a salary
sufficiently large to permit tho re
corder to devote his entire time te
city work, and to act In a senso as
a city manager. Mr. Peoples stated
further, tffat If the city should' de
cide la favor of this plan, and,caa
iind a satisfactory man for tho peti
tion, that he would be willlngr't9
tender his resignation. ,
Prccccding tljo Introduction, et
tho library ordiitaace, an explana
tion ot the county library plaa waa
given by It. W. Sawyer. Tho ordi
nance Itself provides, for a one-half
mill tax to add to a similar laUUgo
agreed on by the county. Durlai
tho present year, however, the $3.
000 appropriation mado by city aad
county alike, will jitatid.
1010 "itudgrt Too .Small
Six thousand, throe hundred and
cerenty-Iour dollars and thlrty-nlaa
cents w.m the total ot fees taken In
by the recorder's office during tho
Parft year, whllo a list ot expeadt-
" showed a detlcl. In practically
every fund, because ot the insaal
clency ot tho 1919 budget. Deficits
were as follows: City Attorney,
$130; Ilecordor. 60; Treasurer,
?150; Police. $2024.49, tiro taad.
(Continued ob 2.H8t Page.)
Reasons underlying tho orguulxa
tlou ot tho Bend Civic council, now
In process ot formation, and outlin
ing tho alms ot the organization, are
gbeu in tho report of, a special com
mittee, composed,. R. S. Hamilton,
O. H. Baker, E. JO. Olison. Mrs. N.
G. Jacobson, and h. W. Trickey. It
Is us follows:
"Realizing that a number or baai
ness, labor, social, religious, frater
nal, and other reputable organiza
tions exist In Bend, all apparently
working In various ways for tho gen
eral welfare and upbuilding of Bend
nn& tho communjty, that- there Is in
many lustaucea a duplication ot ef
fort, often r suiting lu a waste t
energy and money,
"Bellovlng thnt there is a need tor
a central organisation, builded upon
tho basis ot brotherly fooling and
oqunltty, to be uou-polltlcal and non
sectarian In its nature, to collect pub
lic sentiment, crystallize It, and by
proper publicity und concentrated ef
fort seo that it is carried into eKeet
.which organization shall bring (nte
closer relation tha varied Interests,
through representatives at the coor
dinated orsnlzatleRS, thereby ob
taining prompt, energetic, harmoni
ous, efllclent and uaanlmous uctlan
lu all matters affecting the general
weltare ot Bend and the community,
which shall stimulate buBlntvm activ
ity awl enterprise, promote the gen
eral good, improve present cedf
tlana ot living, cultivate frBday
buJa. labor, vo-JaI, and frafwrjuU
tWutieaa - ameag eMwdvM andwfi
our naJghbera tarwkt Uw
lkHt tM Ss4f.
"Wa. tha uwmkkM.
.ft .,:S-i.i. -?rzz:7
vmt,- mm-' swptrsn