The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 01, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    . j'-i.-tm - -,
! i
Kor llio second lime In live ivooUs,
dlmmy Rums, recently of Kankakee,
Illinois, went to the mat for the
until 1ls chance enmu tn tlio form
of nn exposed chin. A short, hard
right sent Rums partly through the
count under tho sopor I lie Influence, ropea, his hend hitting with such
bf Fred Gilbert's right, vhuu the
juuln event In'tho Hlppodromo.smok
r wns put qii latt night. Uurns
nindo n decidedly belter chowlug
thnn In his former bout, for ho last
ed through' utmost IHe- roll ml 8 In his
force nn tlio bonrds beyond the mat
that for n moment spectators feared
that the knockout was n permanent
one. It was fully Ave mlnut s beforo
tlio beaten lighter regained con
sciousness, and he was apparently
Kccond mill, while In tlio first battle , still b.ulty dnxed us ho was helped
ho went nut In something less than ' from tlio ring.
one round!-
' While If lasted, tho combat was
well worth 'peeing for Uurns put up
With the exception of n two round
exhibition mutch put on by u 120
pounder Introduced lis Greek George,
n game bnttlo, forcing the lighting land Allltou Newman, the rest of the
through the' earlier rounds, and
breaking u tittle better than even
with the- Hend hoy In the. tlrst and
third, lloth opponents woro looking
for the chance to land n knockout
from I he II ft tijp of the gong, and
twice GUbcf.t ttoored his ninn, once
in tho second, and once In the fifth,
each time, uxkendtng tils hand to as
sist Hums .to his feet. It tho second,
one of KredVsivicious rights deprived
Burns of an 'Incisor, but Jho Kanka
kee lad tne'roly smiled a toothless
smile and carried on.
Burn's Jong reach proved a tre
mendous advantago in the eurlier
lighting-, bur .Gilbert showed no 111
effects from tho long range punches
nhowered upon him, and bored in
card was tamo. George, although
something of n graudstnndcr, show
ed genuine ability, and puzzled his
opponent badly with his whirlwind,
shifty style of combat. It might bo
mentioned that for a small muu, ho
carries and delivers a tremendous
Of tho other two bouts, tho least
said the better. Newman, In the
tlrst preliminary, technically knock
ed out Kugene Rose In the first
round and French)' Lo Clair, pitted
against Kid Taylor, quit before tho
fight had fulrly started, offering
as nn excuse that Taylor was
Wlllnrd Houston was an e(ucleu
(Continued from Page 2.)
Mrs., Oliver and children who ac
companied 'him to Paisley remained
with relatlvoajiiiitll the car can come
through. ,
Mrs. E. A. Russell's class of boys
In the Powell Butte Sunday school
presented her with a bcailtiful en-
graved qutjjlass vase for a. Christmas altho lhe program wns Kolten Hp on
present. I rather short notice everything went
Dominic Verges nrrlved at homo off very smoothly. Mayor J. It.
safely with his largo band of sheen Roberts gave the opening address.
niter comiiiR' inrougn tnu snow aim
storm eight days without feed for
nnd Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and daughters
Suit$ for eVem figure
-fit guaranteed.
AE have lively suits for the young men. But
V V we haven't overlooked the older men who
prefer to dress more quietly. We have a suit
for every figure, for every age, perfectly tailored
made to ht.
There's a perfect combination of style and
dignity in every suit.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
know how-to accomplish this. They use noth
ing but all-wool fabrics, and put the newest de
velopments of style and workmanship into the
These clothes are made for us to give absolute
satisfaction. Money buck it' you dbnt get jfc
yrAtvlr'mtrr y.-i
iri i-en. ,
v tmvw i i it-1 :
1 I . wUCiu i I
ti fU'F k C l
lV?n' I HI' Hut fcfulfort &. Mai
REDMOND. Jan. 1 Tlio com-;:
in unity Christmas tree nnd program
given nt tho gymnasium Wednesday jl
V I'll 4 K rin ULbiuvu oiuivia) mmu i
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx
the sheepj
Eiectten of odlcers and teachers
for Powell Butte Sunday school, was
held last Sunday. Tho o Ulcers are
as follows: i '
Mrs. Carl Llndquist, superintend
ent; Mr. Irvine, assistant supt.; Will
Pauls,, secretary-treasurer;-Air. J. J.
Khut, teacher of girls class; Mrs.
IrvInK. teacher of young peoples
f Alt nlAJI lftft h .111 Im l I
luituncu uj iiic uuuii'iicu riiiHiiiK
"Joy to the World." Itev. Caheeu of
the Baptist church read the Christ
mas story, followed by Itev. Wilson
of the Presbyterian church leading
tho audience In prayer. Then tho
program, by members of tho four
churches, was given, closing with the
Introduction of Santa Clnus by Itev.
Hazleton of tho Methodist church.
W J. Shlngler Tuosday morning.
Mrs Shlngler hnbc,on ailing for
(oiuo tlmo. but wns nut considered
In u serious condition, so that her
death came ns a surprise As ''l ar
rangements have not been mudu for
tho funernl. '
Born to r.M. nnd Mrs. J. M. Van
Duyne a daughter early last week.
W. J. nnd J. J. Buckley are en
joying n visit of their brother. B. I
Snnta Eavo a very Intexestlnc tnlk Buckley of Spokane, wjio arrived In
of his work during thu past year then this city Frldny night.
ordered the ushors forward, plnced Mr. and Mrs. Hiruni Smith nnd
them unon oath, nnd cuvc them tho . Miss flrnco Sherwood roturned to
n..nrt Tioi.i., . nuA tn ni. candy nnd nuts to distribute. The 1 Redmond Sunday morning from their
" w r vhi.vm w xtwu .. .. .. i . I Pliwlut n .ikAnlmii l
dalo Oregon, about two weeks ago T" " " miMijr awnraiea in
because. of- tho Illness of his aged!1110 Christmas color, and tho tree
father. Mri. Hobbs received a wlro " deolared by all to bo one of tho
TUnminir n.n!,, o .1... ,.. ,...,. J besl hnd ,n lMs community for some
..... ,, ..v.,.....,, . .... lla nunc, limn
Tho Ray Johnson Pont of Amer
ican Legion gave a danco In thu K.
of P hall Thurddny night. It was
very well attended, and reports' are
, that a splendid time was had by all.
Afr Paul frl-tntr tirlnMri-il nt Ilia
mm - .. . . '.... V. I. U. . KltV
fi- 41 . 'iwamonu iiiku bciiooi. returned toon Chriitmaii Ere. n Hon
daughter. Margaret. Mr. Lloyd Bus-' Portland. Idiuico at Metollus Saturday night
Bet. 'Pay Bussett. Mr. Phil Dolson, Mr. and Mrs. Max Cunning return-J for tho benefit of tho Women's Uujld
and mother of Redmond. Mrs Almajed home oarly this weok from Port-ling at the U . of O.
Hall of Portland and Dominic Verges land whore they spent Christmas Elmer Krlckson Is home 'from
or Powell Butte. Tho County Agent's ofllco has Just Portland where ho litis been dmploy-
Miss Bussed s fichool gave a fide received a large supply of trychnltib , ed lu the ship yurds.
llttlo entertainment Christinas Eve.. for rodent poisoning. This strychnine! Mrs. II. AJCendiill is working In
at tho Shepherd school home, ufter ' omo thlrty-flvv cents cheapen tho Kendall Hardware store durliiK
had passed uwar at the not, of M
years. The sympathy of the entire
Community Is fcjt f6r our helghbor
iii his sorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A Bussott enter
tained with a largo dinner prty pn
unrisimas day.
Mr. and Mrs.
ChrUtmns vacation.
Born to Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Van
cock ,n duughtor on ChrUtmns Eve.
School started Monday morning
utter being closed nearly three
weeks on account of bad weather.
Miss Cora Conway of Ncwburff Is
stnylng with her sister. Mrs Wayne
Chase and nttendlug high school In
Redmond. She Is in the Junior class.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Win Pyett,
Thu unnttul meetlug or (he stock,
holders "of Iho .Arnqld Irrigation
Company-Will -hfrd'oTi "January 10,
1920 at 2..H. in.,ln,lhu Circuit court
room,IieHdr" ,i f '
Put it In Tlio Bulletin.
CUulAcl Wcril.inv-cli.rva .nr U.u 10
ernU for JO wiirJ. or 14. On rnl t-tj
wvrii (or fcJI otr Z0. All clauiatl iiv.rlUln
itrlctlr ciuh in inc
t '
WANTED Housekeeper one In fum-
i)'k wares $.10 n nioiith. easy plnce.
Alfrr4rNlcholH, 130 Seonth St.,
Prlnrvllln. Orcvon. OOillp
WANTED To buy light team with
or without harness anil wagon.
Must be cheap. What lime you? C.
V.. Dickey, Bend, opposite Bulletin
ofllcc. 87-Hp.
FOR SALE If Its bargain for cash
' you are looking for bettor see or
write, Edwin J. Roger about thnt
lirf ucres of potatoes nnd alfulrn
,Uind -Edwin J. Rogers, Tuntnloi
OT-mou. C8-IStfo
KOR SALE -Alfalfa ha. I'VO tons
ut iJiO n ton. Some puslura will
itntwlth It nt this nrlco. Addrcitu,
Ji B. Miner, Bmid. Ore. Tfi-Sltfc
POf'ND 3 year r.M rud atr, llo'
lioru li..lllil I ur'((l J t(j) litft;
hip Both oars croppvd richl ear
silt. Win. Alt. Bond. Ore s0-l3tic
HTRAVED 3 Jerney belfnrs. siuikn
hrund. Kinder notify Win. Alt,
Brnd, Oregon 7-Ulfo
TAKEN t'P Hertford steer two
years old. branded skull mid cronA
hones on rlxhl sdT m-nr spine, both
bars Hpllt. Nets Anderson, Bend, Ore
gon. 78-13-4 lp
TAKEN I'P - On December 1 1, year
ling nicer, red ami white spotted,
nultou fork In left en r. under bit
In jlgltt , llniiwlcd bar on lfl hip
Owner may hlivn snmo by paying
rhurP'rtt. -Edwin Mfller. I miles i'nn
of Grllllu lirldgu on Bond-Burns road
TAKEN I'P--Cams to my plnco
. about November 16, brludlo two
year old heifer. No ear murk, no
bi-und derlpliHrnblg. Owner tuny
bjivo wwio b Hplng oliHrges. Olms.
(larYoll.' - StHtw lllxhwuy. 0 1-13-
Up. '
which sandwiches, coffee and ca'.ca
w'ercjserved. The.soclul evening: was
enjoyed by nil the school patrons of
that dlstrlct,
Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Mllner nro
comfortably established u their now
home. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold' nnd sons
havo moved 'to Prlnovllld.
Mr. uijd Mrs. John Dresooll were
Ruestsiit tho McCaffrey home Christ
inas Day.
Max Wui-iweller has gone to Port-
Iurfd after a mouths stay at tho com-1
pnny's raiichoa her anu at the'
uwnmp. ' j
Mr. and Mrs. I) A. Vate and I
Grandma Spray were guests nt tlie r
George Kfwlcr home Sundty. i
Will Wurewollex came out from
Pi;lnovlllo Saturday to look over the
cattle at tho company's ranch here.
He found all In good condition
under the ablo munuBomcint of
Arthur Wuraweilor.
Mr. WurzwolJer returned to
Piincvlllo Sunduy.
F'rank Klsulor and family are cw
ioylng poh-TOBsloii of a Ford car pur
chabod from John Drlscoll.
Mrtj. Mary V. Charlton of Powell
ljutto has bPon appointed census
enumerator tor the predncU nf
I'SHTftU Rutin. Montgomery nnd Hat
JCpck. Sh will begin work Junuury
2. '
Sovoral now cars havo arrived for
.resident!! of Powell Butte. Among
th,em Arthur Wurwi-iltr has a new
Kysox. John Dr'Hcull rHiid now
Ford. Jawo Mcpanlel a new Dort.
Mr. and Mr E. H. Stewart. Mr.
niul .Mm. Roy Roberta and daughter.
IilU, braved Oio bud roads Christmas
Day to enjoy ths hobpltullty of their
former Hodd River friends. Mr. and
Mrs. Ifortloy of Tunialo. They were
Joined by Mr. and Mrs. Vorna LIU
nnd ytwo children of Bend and a
delightful visit was had. They
came, homo by way ofupilno Falls,
reporting thp roads better that way.
MY. and Mrs Roy Roberts enter
tained li '-Jolly party ntAtuaJr home
on ChrlstmaB Eve, a treo'and all the
trlmmlmjH ,wer a delightful part of
tha'ovonlng'H.plensUro, Thote enjoy
ing this hpspftuble homo were Mr.
nnd Mrs." (Jeorgo Trueudule pud
Uanhtershgrjiie aud. Dorothy
' ,i ' ' '
than the former supply and many , tho nbnonce of Sidney Lloyd.
luriners win uouiuiess nvaii tiiom-
selves of this opportunity to rid their I
forms of rabbits at n'nomlnul cost.1 Wintering Stock Pasture and
Mlka Wuntn li'n.n. .........j . I tfrn fnr u-lnlnr Wrlto nr tifmnn T
-....u u...vv i iduu. ri-cuiiu I1I1I1 ,-- --.. .....v ... ...... .4 i
mira grade teacher, returned to
the city Saturday evening from her
homp in Portland.
Friends will be grlevod to hoar of
tho sudden death of tho mother of
A. Dover & Son, Tunialo, Oregon.
Bulletin "WANT ADS" 'Bring Ro
. bulls Try Them.
Getting Back.
Let us'all gel back to working, back to earning
honest rocks; back to baking, painting, clerking,
back to winding eight-day clocks. Long enough
we've whooped and clamored, making all the wel
kins ring; long enough we've knocked and hammer
ed every sane and useful thing. If we'd all get back
to toiling like a bunch of earnest men, industries
now dead and soiling would be cutting grass again.
There would be a trade revival .that would simply
beat the band, and a boom without a rival in the an
nals of this land. There would be no idle pulley,
smoke would come from every slack, if we'd be
less wild and woolly, if we'd hit the old lime .track.
Let's get back to useful labor, as we labored long
ago, peeling onions with a saber, sawing firewood
with a hoe. Let us all resume our knitting, make
the shining needles fly, working blithely, nor ad
mitting any "agitator" guy.' 'Let us darn the socks
and mittens, prune the hedge and shear the cow,
hunt the eggs and drown the k'ittens let us all get
uuay now.
Ok ltfMi
JMMMMUfl'imMXmwBBrrri. EBK'''mmmmlWBBIIt"""'". '
'mmMmmEm, iMmmm m mmmm iiHUHinnn
nfiinmn in iiiii m i ti mi i iiw nn minimi n i m ' nw h hi uunu i
ttBBKmSKwwSH IH W nil W ' t uTTifli iW 'RH ffl Ml If
m mmsmsEmusmimmt
BtaM&&Mt&BmaXw9W!MW&&Ml2P?iA I'lHIH Bm II ! lllliiilll lit llll UMII HHIIt I1H1I Iffb
. .mamMmpr .i " ii mw .i i"
is mSmh
'I Pi
Tacav tJ hmti. ilJ
TlJttnt. fianJ$amtpounJ
anj hal-pomJ llnhuml'
Uort and that tlatty,
ptaedcal pounJ erytut
glaif humlilor with
tpant mltltntr fop Iftol
A.j Iht lukacco tn tmS
pttfttl eonJUhn.
PUT a pipe in your faca that's filled cheerily brimful of Princo
Albert, if you're on tho trail of smoke pencol For, P. A. will
sing you a song of tobacco joy that will make you wish your
life job was to see how much of the national joy smoko you
could get away with every twenty-four hours I
You can "carry on" with Princo Albert through thick and thin.
'You'll be after laying down a smoke barrage that'll make the
boys think of the old front line in France I
P. A. never tires your taste because it has the quality I And,
let it slip into your think-tank that P. A. is made by our exclu
sive patented process that cuts out bite and parch-4'Miftirance
that you can hit smoke-record-hlgh-rsppts seven days out of
every week without any comeback but real smoke joy 1
j , i
tR.. J. Reynolds Tobacco Compiy, Vit6.Slem, N. C,
j .', t k
0i ttmr -
-VI .
i t i ' '