HUM) BULLETIN, I1HND, OREGON TIHJIWIMY, .M.NTAUV i, UVM PAOK 7 . CHEAP POWER BIG RESOURCE ALTERNATIVE IS SEEN AT BENIIAM FALLS Initiation, A lut Inn, Golf, rlirtlont mill Hlnto Cliniulicir IMmiihmmI lit I.iihI MtvMiiK "f Coin nindnl Club. If speedy iicllon ciniiot bo linil In (tin development of Don ham Fulls fur purpoitu of Irrigation, u ilntur jnlnod cainpiilwi should be iiuulo to Interest eastern Industry In tliu op portunity offered by tho quuntlty of cheap powur In tho Deschutes river. Thin was tho declaration mado Wednesday by C. H. Iluilhon at tho wmkly iimctliiK of thu Rend Comtnor clul club, iiftor lie had untod Hint u ooimnltliMi from Mam! muko n sp'eclnJ effort ut thu coming Mtuto Irrigation t'onnrt'HH, to elect tho president from Central Oregon. Tho -committee iiuiuod to huvo till work in cliurKu consists of Mr. Hudson, II. II, Do Arinonil, mid It. II, Gould. Mr. Hudson advised Hint tho delegation from Central Op-koii bo mailo tho blcttONt on record, RespondltiK to tho resolutions of appreciation recently voted by thu club In comiuctlon with tho propound i;lft of tho Hhovlln .Mo;norlnl Park by Tho Hhovllii-llixoii Company, a letter from I', I. Illxun, of I.a Crosse, Wisconsin, was read. "I beg to no luiowlmlKo tho reculpl of your favor ((ticloitltiK copy of resolutions com tiiiidliiK Tho Hhovlln-IIUon Com pany plntiH for n memorial park, mid It conservation policy " Mr. Illxon wrote. "It I very nrrtlfyliiR In deed to huvo such appreciation of nets, which of themselvrs, Kite no much pleasure In tho doing Wo hlKhly npproclato, and liopo to con tluuo to merit, tho friendly setill mont of tho coinmiiiilty towards our oporutlon, which hn remained un disturbed ulnce It Inception " RIPPLING RHYMES . Iiy WALT MASON Snow. A' lot of anow came down luafc night; it's lying round mo b I write, in ghastly drift and heap; il'fi in tho alleys and the mews, ifcs everywhere, for men to use the only thing that's cheap. If snow would make the furnace hot, and heat the house, 'twould hit the spot, and spoil a lot of grief; alas, it isn't worth a dern; in vain we've, tried to make it burn, so we rear up and beef. How it would soothe the anguished soul, if there should be a fall of coal, or wood in proper 'size! 'Twould make the out look far more bright to have a shower of anthracite from these forbidding skies. We, loHg to see the fireplace glow, and so we get a raft of snow that will not even smoke; and sp ve sit around and freeze and say that life's one long disease, that's ceased to be a joke. My hands are frozen on my lyre, there is no coal, there is no fire, and knife edge tempests blow ; I look around for suff to burn for egg or nut or lump I yearn and get a foot of snow. The snow lies deen on dale and dell; I have a thousand tons to sell, but no one wants to buy; men want it not, but they'd go broke to feet a cord of elm or" oak from yonder lowering sky. WuiitN Golf Link. Discussion of plans for a landing Hold for nvlutors, wus brought up by it letter from tho Aero club re garding tho sending of nil expert to look over possible Holds In tlili nectlon. It wus decided that duo to present weuthur conditions It would b Inadvisable to auk for nuch n sur voy until later In tho season. Tho request of C. S. Hudson that tho pos Nihility of combining n golf links with tho lauding Hold bo considered, wax referred to tho landing Held com mittee. , . At tho next meeting of tho club, annual election of officers will bo tho chief order of business, and Presi dent Foley urge n largo attendance, JS$ THE INSTRUMENT CT QUALITY onorj i&r CCKAR HI A BELL n mmmMm H Sonora's Leadership HERE'S a pride in possess ing the finest phonograph' made, and that feeling is enjoyed by every Sonora owner. The 'Sonora plays all makes of disc records per fectly without extra attachments and with a tone of magnificent richness and beauty. At the Panama-Pacific Expo sition Sonora won highest score for tone quality. i Ax complete line of peerless models is available. Prices $50 to $1000 L. K. SHEPHERD MINNESOTA STREET The Highest Class Talking Machine in the World M S In order that tho selection mndo may bo truly roproxcntntlvo of tho wishes of tho club, Itetialo on Duet AiIvImmI. A requext for Information from Judge J. T. Itoilck, of Tho Dalles, who will speak at tfic coming Reu nion of the Ktato Chamber of Com merce next week, on "Tho Needs of Central Oregon," was referred to It. A. Ward. II. J. Ovcrturf axproxxed tho dexlro that n, rehnto from the dues paid Into tho Mtuto chamber from this community, bu nought, de claring that 10 per cent of tho org unltntlor.'s entlro duett had como from Deschutes county. J. I. ICoyes voiced hlx approval of tho county court's action In eliminating tho $!. 000 appropriation for tho State Chamber, from tho county budget, and moved that n committee bo up pointed to dexlgnato a candidate for director from thin dlxtrlct. Tho mo tlon carried without opposition. Not Well-Not Hick. When tho kidneys fall to cleanse tho blood of impurities tho wholo system Is affected. Tho result may bo a half-sick condition not well enough to work, not sick enough for bed rheumatic pains, backachA. lameness. Foley Kidney PHI heal and' strengthen disordered kidneys and Help them do their work. Brand Directory A Illght side; right oar crop pod; wattle right hind log. II. L. TONE, Ulsters, Ore. adr.lOOc LEGAL NOTICES XOTI'-'K of Annual .Stockholders Meeting. Notlco Is hereby given that the annual stockholders' meeting of tho I'Ino Forest Irrigation Co.. will bo hold at tho Arnold schoolhouse, 7 miles southeast of Dond on the Bond Ilurns road ut 2 p. m. Saturday, Jan uary 3, 1920. T. E. TROTTER, Wlce-l'resldent. 42-43p NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of tho Interior. U. S. LAND OFFICE at Tho Dalles. Oregon, December 2G,'l919. NOTICE Is horoby glvon that James Whltlock, ot Dond, Oregon, who, on Juno 22, 1914, made homo utead entry No. 013G02, and on April 22, 1915, mado uddl., No. 014759, for SEW. section 31, township 20 South, ran go 10-Enst, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice ot Intention to mnko Until three year proof, to establish claim to tho laud abovo des cribed, biforo H. C. Ellis, U, S. Com missioner, at Dond, Oregon, on tho 7th dny of Fohruury, 1920. Claimant nnmoa us witnesses: UonJuniJn lJodgo, Frederick flnl laghnn. John Atkinson, Charles Soo lov, all of Dond, Oregon. , II. FRANK WOODCOCK, , Register. 44-48p It, C. Hcott, John Mnsten, Carl Wlso, Jesslo Wlso, all of Lit I'Ino, Oregon, JA8 T. MMUJHHH, g Ilfglxtor. ' 43-47C OltDEIt. DlrerlliiK Next of Hlu of Ward anil nil IVrxoii! Interititil In Uiy IW lii( l( Hhow (.'iiiiin Why mi Order Hliotihl Not bo Mmlo I'or tho Hiilo of (Yi'lalu Real L'ltuto of the Wind. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE HTATE OF OREGON FOR DE HCHUTE8 COUNTY. NOTICE FOR PUnLICATlON. Department of the Interior. U. S, LAND OFFICE at I.akovlow, Oregon, Doc.ombor 13, 1919. NOTICE Is hereby glvon that Wil liam lllrcliot, of La Pino, Oregon, who, on Juno 1st. 1915, made homo (ond entry, No. 08701, for NEW, Boctlon 20, township 23 S., rango 9 E, Wllllamotto Morldian, has tllod notlco ot lntontlon to make final throo-yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo E. L. Clark, U. S. Commlsslonor, at La Pino, Orogon, on tho, 17th day ot January, 1920, Claimant naruos aB wltnooaes: IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF ALI1BRTA LANDK VMMER. a minor; This catixu came on to bo heard at this tliiie on tho petition of Anna Iloardman as tiunrdlan of tho person and estate of Alberta Landkamimor, it minor, for permission to sell cer tain real estuta of said minor therein particularly described; and It appear Ing to nie, tho Judgo of tho above en titled Court that It is both expedient and necessary that said real citato bo sold for tho maintenance of said minor and for tho purpose of assist ing her to obtain an education and Jt further appearing that It will bo most advantageous to sell said real ostato ut private sale. IT IB THEREFORE hereby order- cu; inai me next of kin of said ward and all persons Interested In her os tato appear beforo this court on Sat urday the 24th day of January. 1920, at tho hour of 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, ut tho county court room In tho city of Rend, In said county, then mid thera to show cause, If any there be, why a llconso for tho sale of said real estato should not bo granted us prayed ror In said petit Ion: and It Is 'further ordered that a copy of this order bo published for three successlvo weeks In tho Uend Ilullctln. a weekly newspaper published and circulating In nald County, prior to said date of hear ing. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1919. W. D. IURNES, County Judgo. Why. 4 3-4 5 c .NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SA" I.E. Iiy virtuo of an execution Issued out and under Uio seal of the Cir cuit court In and for the County bf Deschutes and State of Oregon upon a Judgment rendered and docketed in the said Court on tho 10th day ot November. 1919, In an action where in Hamilton Company, a corporation is plaintiff and Myrtlo O. Ilotsford and Charles S. Ilotsford, husband and wife are defendants, In favor of said plaintiff and against the said defend ants, for the sum of J 1,41 4. CS with Interest thereon at tho rato of 7 per cent per annum from the 24th day of March, 1917, for the further sum of 1 150.00 attomeys's fees and tho costs mid disbursements, taxed at $17.25. which execution was directed and delivered to me. ns sheriff in and for said county ot Deschutes. Oregon. I havo levied upon all tho right, title and Interest of said defendant, Mrytlo O. Ilotsford nnd Charles S. Rotsford In and to the following des cribed reul property to-wlt: All of section sixteen (1C). town ship eighteen (18) south of range ten (10). E. W. M. in Deschutes county. Oregon. NOTICE is hereby given that I. the undersigned sheriff as aforesaid, will sell tho above described real pro perty to tho highest bidder at cash at public auction nt tho steps of the Court Houso In tho city of Rend, in the county of Deschutes und State of Oregon on tho 17th. day of Jan 'unjry, 1920 nt 1000 u. m. of that day. to satisfy tho said execution, to gether with Interest and costs there on, and together with nil costs and disbursements that have or may ac crue. S. E. ROHERTS. Sheriff of Deschutes County. Oregon. Dated Rend, Oregon, December IS, 1919. 42-4 9c SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DE SCHUTES COUNTY. 0 RACE I. DICKEY, Plaintiff, vs. R. P. STRURRLE, Defendant. TO R. P. STRUIUILB: IN THE NAME OF THBSTATE OF OREGON: you nro hereby requir ed to npponr and niiBwer tho com plaint tiled against you In tho abovo outltleu suit within six weeks from tho data ot tho first publication, ot this summons upon you, to-wlt: within six weeks from tho ISth day ot December, 1919, and which said dato Is tho data ot tho first publica tion hereof, tu d It you fall to appear and answer within said time., tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for ,Uio relief praxed for In said com plaint, t-wit: For n partition of tho Northwost quarter ot tho Southwest quurtor of section nlnotoou, township sovon toon, south of rango thlrtoon, E. W. M In Doachutoa county, Oregon, to gether with nil water rights nppurt onnnt thereto, plaintiff heroin own ing a two-thirds interest in the. fee of said described promises and tho defondnut owning a one-third Inter est In said doscrlbcd promises, nnd it n partition cannot bo had without material injury to tho rights therein then for a sale ot said promises nud n division of tho proceeds between tho parties according to their, rjghts and for u division ot the costs and disbursements attached to this pro ceeding. ,This summons la published In the Dond Dullotin, a woolcly newspaper of general circulation published in TANLAC FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOLE AGENTS Rond, DeschuteH County, Oregon, onco n week for six ronsccutlvo weeks by order of Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo of tho circuit court, which order Is dated this Sth day of December, 1919, and which order specifies tho ditc of tho first publica tion ot this summons, and directs that you appear and answer within six weeks from tho said 18th day of December, 1919, and that a copy of the complaint and summons bo forth with mailed to you at your last known post office address Dato of first publication, December 18, 1919. DeARMOND & ERSKINE, Attorneys For Plaintiff. O'Kanc Uldg. Rend, Oregon. 42-48c HU.AIMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR DE SCHUTES COUNTY. WnT. E. 8ANDEL. Plaintiff, vs. ANNA O. 1NOERSOLL, nnd J. II. HANER. Clerk of Deschutes County, Oregon, Defendants. TO ANNA G. INGERSOLL, Dcfend- ",;, -, ,.-. ,., OF OREGON; You nro hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In tho abovo entitled suit within six weeks from tho dato of the first publication of this summons upon you, to-wlt: within sox weeks from the 20th. day of November, 1919, nnd whlgh said dato Is tho dato of tho first publica tion. hereof, and If you fall to appear and answer within said time, the plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief prayed for In said com plaint, to-wlt. FIRST for tho sum of Jl.700.00 with Interest thereon nt tho rate of six per cent per annum from the 13th day of September, 1917; for the sum of $170.00 attorneys fee, and for his costs and disbursements herein. 8ECPND that tho usual decree may be mado for the sale of said premises by the sheriff of said county, according to law and the practiso of this court, and that the proceeds of said sale may be applied In the payment of tho amount due to tho plaintiff, nnd of the cost and attorneys fees, nnd that the balance, If nny there be, be applied ns pro vided by law, and that said defend ant, and all persons claiming under him subsequent to tho execution of sold mortgago upon said promises, cither an purchasers, Incumbrancer!! or otherwise, may bo barred und foreclosed of all rights, claims or equity of redemption In tho said pro mises, and every part thereof. THIRD that tho plaintiff, or nny other party to this suit, may becomo n purchaser at said sale. FOURTH, that ft Rcilrnlnlnur Order be Issued by this court forbid ding and prohibiting said defendant. J. It. Haner, county clerk of De schutes County, Oregon, from ac cepting for record tho deed given by W. M. Sandel, to the, dofondnnt Anna G, Ingersol! FIFTH, that a Restraining Order bo Issued by this courL prohibiting nnd forbidding the defendant, Anna G. IngcrsoII, her beirn or assigns, from filing for record the deed given to her on September J3, 1917, by tho plaintiff, for tho real estate hero in before described, and that the plaintiff havo such other and fur ther relict In the premtnes as to this court may seem meet axl equitable. This summons Is published In the Rend Bulletin, a weekly newspapor of general circulation published In Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, once a week for six consecutive weeks by order of Honorable T. E. J. Duffy. Judge of the abovo entitled court, which order Is dated the 19th day of November, 1919, and which Order specifics the date of the first publication of this summons, and directs that you appear and answer within six weeks from tho said 20th day of Novcmcber, and that a copy of tho complaint and summons bo forthwith malted to you at your last known post offlco addnwi. Dated of first publication, Novem ber 20. 1919. DeARMOND and ERSKINE. Attorneys for Plaintiff, O'K'ano BIdg., Bend, Oregon. 3 8-4 4c Dr. L. W. Gatchell Oplmelrisl aiil MaasfactiriBg OpJkiaa Cocnplcie L CraxJmg Plu! io toa nectioo vriih my oftce tl LARSON & CO., Jewelers 143 Orrfoa (trtct, Btad, Ofrgea Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Mater inU Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK d Sundwd Slit-. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. Business ancl Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms, 13-16 First National Bank Bldg. Tel. 611 (Dr. Co'i rnnr Oficr.) 1U 1L DrArmonil ChM. W. Krtkln DeArmond & Erskine l a v YEBS O'Knno Building, Bend, Oregon H. O. 10 L L I 8 Attorney-at-Law United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Lawronco Bldg., Room 3' rhono Red 2251 Pkoae Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. 1A. Architect 2-4 O'Kane Building BEND ... ORHOON' O. P. NIBWONQER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalmcr, Ftuieral Director. Phono Red 421. Lady AmL DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapathlc I'hyslcUui Over Logan Furniture Cc Wall Street Hours 9 to S Phono Red 489 ,DR. C. H. SOLL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bend Press Bldg. BEND, OREGON Phones: Offlco Red 41; Res. 123 DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Bend with Now Equipment Private Office In Thorson'a Jewelry Storo Dr. Tumor will be In Prlne villa evory first and third Fri day; In Madras every second and fourth Friday, and in Red mond every first and third Thursday of each month. Read the Classified Ads. Deschutes County Abstract Company i D. H. PEOPLES. President Most Complete Abstract Plant In Central Oregon. Special Attention Given to Federal Loan AbstraoU, first National Donh Bid., BEND, ORE., Cor. next to Alley