The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 01, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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1 1
Thc conqueror released hln jsrlp, nnd
stood tip, revcnllnR his dill height, nml
reaching out for the tlhtrti riled hlouse,
qnjetly slipped It on. Ono of the Ail
venturer's luuwonRors, nn atllccr In
uniform, going nRhoro, another tnll,
nnnre. man, hail halted on the gnng
plnnk to watch the contest. Now ho
Flopped forward to greet the victor,
with Mulling eyes and outstretched
"Not o hndly done, captain," hc
tuild cordially "I nni I.lcut. Jerferson
Dnvi of (Jcncral Atchison's staff, and
may have a good word to say regard
Ing your eillclency some time.
The other wiped his clay-bespattered
lingers nn his dingy Jean punts, and
gripped the offered hand.
"Thank ye, sir," he answered good
hmuorcdly. Tin Abe Lincoln of Sa
lem, Illlnoy, nn I ain't got but Just ono
"I'm Abe LlncolnNjf Salem, Illlnoy, an'
I Ain't Got but Ons Job Right Now."
Job right now that's tcr make them
boys tote this stuff, an I reckon
they're goln' tcr do It."
With the exchange of another word
or two they pnrted, aud not until
thirty yearn later did I realize wlWt
that chance meeting meant, there, la
Ihe clay mud of Yellow Hanks, at the
edge of the Indian wilderness, when
Abraham Lincoln of Illinois and Jeffer
son Davis of Mississippi stood In com
radcshlp with clasped hands.
We bad unloaded perhaps a quarter
of our supplies, when an officer sudden
ly appeared orcr the crest of the bunk,
and hailed the captain. There was a
tone of authority la his voice which
caused as to knock off work and lis
"la Captain Corcoran there? I brine
orders from headquarters. You are to
discontinue unloading, captain, retain
the remainder of the provision on
board and prepare at once to take on
Take on men? We arc not to return
Fouth, then?"
"So; you're going In the other direc
tion up the Rock. You better get
He wheeled his horse and dlsap
Ivcarcd, leaving the angry cuptnln
venting his displeasure on the vacant
nlr. Kirby, evidently from Mime posi
tion across the deck, broke In with a
t-hurp question.
"What Is that. Corcoran? Did thel
fellow say you were nqt going back to
St. Iiuls?"
"That's Just what he said. We've
got to nose our way up Ilock rver,
with a lot of those nipuriy holillcrs
alumni, lien you, Mupes, stop that
unloudlng, nnd get steam up we've
got to put In u night of It."
"But," Insisted Klrby In disgust,
Tra not going up there; aren't there
liny boats going down?"
"How the h should I know? Co
ashore and And out you haven't any
thing elxo to do."
The men below knocked off work
willingly enough and, tuklng advan
tage of the confusion on board, I en
deavored to creep up the stairs nnii
gain u view of tho upper deck. Hut
both Mupes and the second mate made
this attempt Impossible, forcing me
into the ranks of the others und com
polling ine to restow the cargo. Bo far
ns I could pet eel ve, no attempt to de
part was mado by anyone, excepting
u big fellow with a red mustuche, who
tmoro profanely as he struggled
through the mud, dragging u huge
The situation puzzled and confused
me. What choice would Klrby und the
deputy make? If once up Hock river
the Adventurer wight very likely not
return for wei Ut, und It did uot seem
to me possible that the Impatient gam
bler would consent to such u delay,
Every advance northward brought
with It n new danger of ex
posure. These were Illinois troops
to be transported not regulars,
butmllltlii, gathered from u hundred
hamlets und iiiany among them would
be open enemies of slavery. Let such
men ns these, rough with the pioneer
fctiiKO of Justice, once suspect the situ
ation of those two women,' especially
if the rumor got nhroad among them
that Klolso wns white, and the slave
hunter would have u hard row to hoe.
And I made up my mind such a runioi
should, be sown broadcast ; uyo, mora,
jBBy Jr "ti Ji4i'wiM
Devilfc Own,
ARowowceoFilw Black Hawk War
When mldvriM wn Kinj, etc
BWndcJ hy ItflH Mjftfiur
lh"atIf Hie "fioeesslty arose, i wutiul
throw off my own disguise nnd front
him openly with tho cliarco. I. could
do no more.
It was only nn accident which Rave
ine n clue to the real program. Mapcs
sent mo hack Into the vacant space
Just forward of the paddle-wheel, seek
fng n lost canthook, nnd, ns I turned
nttout to return, the missing tool In my
hand, I paused n moment to glance
curiously out through a silt In the
hunt's planking, nttrncted by the sound
of n loud voice uttering n command.
J I was facing the shore and a body of
; men, ununlfonncd, slouching along
with small regnrtl l onler, but each
bearing n rllle ncro&J his shoulder,
were Just tipping the ridge and plow
ing their way down through tho slip
pery clay In the direction of the for
ward gangway. Although I saw, not
for nn Instant did my gaze linger on
their disordered ranks. Tho sight
which held me motionless Was rather
that of a long, broad plank, protected
on cither side by u rope rail, stretch
ing from the slept of the second deck
across the narrow gulf of water, until
It rested Its other cud tlrmly against
the bank.
The meaning of this was sufficiently
apparent. For some reason of his
own. IClrhy had evidently chosen this
means of attaining the shore, nnd
kthrough personal friendship, Corcoran
hnd consented to aid his purpose. TJho
reason, plainly enough, was that by use
of this stern gangway tho landing par
ty would be enabled to nttaln the bank
without the necessity of pushing their
way through the crowd of Idle loung
ers forward. And the passage hud Just
lieen accomplished, for, ns my eyes fo- j
cuei! the scene, they recognized the '
spare figure of the deputy disappear
ing over the crest a vngue glimpse,
but sufficient. At the same Instant
hands above began to draw In tho
There wns but one thing for me to
do, one nctjon to take follow them.
Dropping the canthook, I turned uft
and crept forth through a small open
ing onto the wooden frame which sup
ported, the motionless paddlewheel,
choosing for the scene of operations
the river side, where the lioat effective
ly concealed my movements from any
peylng eyes ashore. I lowered myself
the full length of my amis, dangling
there an Instant by clinging to the
framework, then loosened ray grip and
dropped silently Into the rushing wa
ters beneath.
My Friend, the Deputy Sheriff.
Well below the surface, yet Impelled
swiftly downward by Ihe sturdy rush
of the current, sweeping about the
steamer's stern. I struck out with all
the strength of my arms, anxious to at
tnln In that first effort tho greatest
possible distance. I came panting UP
to breathe, my face lifted barely above
the surface, dashing Ihe water from
my eyes, and casting one swift glance
backward toward the lauding. Great
volumes of black smoke swept forth
from the funnels nn-1 my ears could
distinguish the ceaseless hiss of steam.
Again I permitted my body to sink Into
the depths, swimming onward with
easier stroke, satisfied I had not been
I swum slowly ashore, creeping up
the low bank Into the seclusion of u
shallow, aandy gully, scooped out, by
the late rains. Immediately about me
all wus silent, the steadily deepening
gloom rendering my surroundings
vaguely Indistinct.
Thus far I possessed no plan ex
cept to seejc her. I would venture for
ward, rather blindly trusting that good
fortune might direct my steps urlght.
I would have to discover llrst of all,
where Klrby had taken ICIolse Into
whose blinds he hail deposited the girl
for safekeeping. This tusk ought not
jo be difficult. The settlement was
small, nnd the camp Itself uot a lurge
one; no such party could hopu to en
ter Its confines without attracting at
tention, and causing comment. Once
I hud thus succeeded In locating her,
the rest ought to provo comparatively
easy a, mere mutter of action. For I
had determined to play tho spy no
longer; to cease being u mere shadow.
I proposed finding, aud telling
her the whole truth; following that,
und ussurcd of her support, I wosld
defy Klrby, denounce him if necessary
to the military authorities, Identifying
myself by means of my army commis
sion, and Insist on the Immediate re
lease of the girl. The man hud broken
no lnw unless the wanton killing of
Shrunk could be proven against him
and I might not be able to compel hjs
arrest. Whatever ho suspected now
rclntlvo to his prisoner, ho had orig
inally supposed her to bo his slave, his
property, and hence possessed u right
now under tho law to restrain her lib
erty. Hut even If I wus debarred from
bringing the man to punishment, I
could break his power, and overturn
his plans, Hcyoud that It would be a
personal mutter between us; und the
thought gave me Joy,
I attained my feet, confident nnd ut
tasc. jind advanced up tho gully, mov
ing cautiously, so ua not to run blind
ly upon some sentry post in the dark
flu&s. There would ho uervous sol-
illoVa on duty, Untile to flro nt nny
sound, or suspicion movement, und It
was u part of my plan to penetrate, tho
lines unseen, nnd without Inviting ar
rest. 1 was standing uncertain, when
the dim I1ure of a man, umjuesllonu
lily drunk, came weaving his uncertain
way nlong a footpath which run with
"Who Are Yer? Frten' o' Miner'
Inn ynnl of my position. Tho sudden
blazing up of ti tiro revealed the uu
mistakiilile features of tho deputy.
"Hullo." I said, happily, stepping di
rectly before him. "When did you
come ashore?''
"Hello, ycrself," ho managed to
ejaculate thickly.- "Who are yer?
frlen o' mine?"
"Why, don't yer remember me. ol'
man? We wus tnlkln tcrgether cumin
up. I wus goln' fer ter enlist."
"II I yes; glad tcr sco yer. Sum
hot whisky et tills camp tried eny?"
No," I answered, grasping ut the
opportunity to nrouc his generosity.
"I nln't got no coin to buy. I'm Hat
broke; maybe yer cud stake mo fer n
bite ter eat?"
"Knfl" he flung one arm lovingly
about my, shoulders, nnd burst Into
laughter. "Yer bet yer life, we're a
goln' tt. eat, an' drink too. I don't go
back on none o' flier boy. Yer never
beerd iiuthln' like tliet 'bout Tim Ken
nedy, I reckon. Iiat, sure-'yer know
Jack Hale?"
"Never hcerd the name."
"What, never hcerd o Jack Hnlel
01' river man, half boss, half nlllgator;
uster tend bnr In Saint I.ouee. He's
up yere uow,,n sellln' forty-rod ter so
Jers. Cum up 'long with him frum
Henrdstown. Frlen' o' mine. Yer Just
cum 'long with me thas nil." ,
(To Do Continued.)
J Our Grocery
Prices Are Right J
5 At All Times
Try Us and be
Your Creamery
Builds Business
for Yourselves
The Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
Will Pay One Cent
Above the Market
Price for Butterfat
Paid by Portland
Yearly Market
Fair, Honest Tests.
The Creamery Should
beJYour Asset.
Bring in Your Cream
Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
Illinois Doctor
Recommends It
.Hns Ho Has Never Known Medlcluo
to Produce UcmiIIn lIUo Tnnlnc,
H. 11 Klder, M. I)., with olllcus ut
110 SclmuUkl building. I'enila, 111.,
comes out with his uiuiuulllVed en
dorsement of Tun Inc.
Or. Kldor graduated from Duller
University of Indianapolis. Intl., later
touk u post graduate courso nt Hunh
college. Chicago, und has also studied
Ho has been In active practice over
forty years, twenty-live, years In Pe
oria nnd Is ono of tho bust known
physicians of that city.
"So far as my kno.wledgo goes,"
said Dr. Kltlor, in an Interview re
contly, "medical science hits never
produced n medlcluo that brings re
sults like Titulac. It Is altogether
too good to keep from suffering mi
inanity uud 1 huvu bean presc-lhtng
It In my practice for some time with
remarkable results.
"For years I had HiifTored from
stoniach trouble nrnSrhoumnllsm and
had devoted my bout thought trying
to llm) relief, but nil to no avail.
Hlght utter eating, gas would form
In my stomach nni effect my henrtJ
causing poor circulation, cold hnnds
and foot, dlciy hpoIIh. spots before
nly oyea, puculalr feelings, terrible
headaches, and cremps In my Mum-
arli. Tho rheumatism was the kludt
that Is caused by url ncld deposits
In tho blood, which find their way
Into tho Joints, nnd thu pain wns so
great I could hardly stand to movu
my legs and nruis,
"So, It's no surprise that I devoted
lots of time aud thought, using till
my powers, trying to free myself of
these troubles. Hut nothing I ever
found until I got Tnnlnc afforded
mo moro than n little temporary re
llof. And here Is how I found out
the powers, of Tnnlnc: I hud a pn
ttent who hnd suffered for years with
thu same kind of troubles nnd while
I did all I could for him, the. nntuu
ns for mysolf, ho fnlled In Improve
nuy. Well, thin party camu to my
omco ono day, nfter having been
away for about six mouths, nnd I
never In nil my life saw a man look
In better health or soe,m to feel bet
ter. While silting there in my office
ho Jold mo Tnnlnc was what brought
ubout the wonderful chnuge. I could
not doubt it. for I know what an
awful condition he had been In, and
I mnde, up my mind then uud there
to try Tnnlnc In my own case. 8o
1 did nnd the ruulls are that n few
bottles relieved mo entirely of stom-
ach trouble and rheumatism nnd all
my other ailments us well. I nm an
extra lictrty enter, especially of
meats uud such foods ns often pro
duco bad effects, but none of thoso
things dlsngreo with mo any more.
So now, ns I have discovered the
valuo of Tnnlnc I am ready to honor
It as ono of tho most bonoflclul of
all medicines. I have prescribed It.
in canes of rheumatism, kidney and
bladder (Unorders and n run down
condition, with wonderful results. I
foeJ that I ought, for tho benefit of
sufforlng humanity, to give my ex-
Palace Market
Bend, Oregon
Sell your products
at home
Chas. Boyd
VALUE ABOUT -$500,000
"I'll Tell the World"
says the Good Judge
The man who doesm't
chuwrthis class of to
bacco is not 'getting
real satisfaction out of
his chewing.
A small chew. It Jiolds
its rich taste. You don't
have to- lake so many
fresh chews. Any man
who uses tfb Real To
bacco Chew will tell
you that.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is n short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
BjVjUi ajLuBfDKQ
pcrlcuro with Tnnlnc to tho Kcuornl
public " '
"Tnnlnc Is sold lu lluuil by Owl
Drug Co.. In Sisters by (loo F .Alt
ken, uud In llend by Hoi Ion Drug,
To draw up u "tntumnnt of tho
purpose and Intentions of tho pro
posed civic league now being formed
In llend. a committee Composed of It.
H. Hamilton, K. D. Ollson, 0, II.
linker, I.. W. Trlckey, und Mrs. N,
0 JncobNou, wus appointed Kntunluy
afternoon at u meeting of 25 dele
gates from various organizations In
the city, held at the. I'ltnt Ilutlo Inn.
A report from this committee will ho
turned in nt another meeting to bo
held next Saturday, nt which limn an
even larger attendance Is hoped for.
Submission of tho report to thu
organisations represented In tho ten
tatively formed council, will follow
approval ut noxl Saturday's meeting.
Last Saturday, Carl A. Johnson,
wits' In tho chair, uud a general din
cumtlon, in .which nvory dulegnto pre
sent voiced hla or her approval of tho
civic council Idea, featured the busi
ness of Iho ntlcxnoon.
No,w Yeara Day will bo observed
na a holiday In the fiend ncbools,
both for day and night claiwcn, but
The Ford Ono Ton Truck is a profitable
"beast of burden" and surely has the "right of
way" in every line of businesi activity. For all
trucking purposes in the city and for all heavy
work on the farm, the Ford One Ton Truck
with its manganese bronze worm-drive and
ever)' other Ford merit of simplicity in tlcsign,
strength in construction, economy in operation,
low purchase price, stands head and shoulders
above any other truck on the market. Drop in
and let's talkitovcr and leave yourordcrforonc.
wurk will be resumed on Friday, It
was announced today from thu olllco
of the superintendent.
llullutln "WANT ADH' Drliig Ho-sullH--Try
Don't Allow
Farm Crops or
Buildings to go
We will insure .
your farm and
allow you. one '
year in which
to pay
the premium.
T.-aja si-ail tm
fjVf iii mm