n 0 & MfimBUliUMnX, Cn,;OIlKmW THUfWlMtY,'. DECKMflKR on, tin m a& rAGK 4 s The .Bend Bulletin ruoiisnca uj T1IK 11KND KULLKTIN (Incorporated) f FRKD A. WOELFLEN, Editor TtOBBRT W. SAWYER, Manager t. An independent newspaper standing for the squnro donl, clean business, clean politics and the best Interests of Bend and Central Oregon. One yenr .00 Six months -.- 100 Three months 50 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1919 A . NEW RECLAMATION" Fl'ND. ltnow seems npparcnt that the .Mondell blllAy which It was hoped to obtain funds for the development of, reclamation projects, nnd espec ially In this section, tho construct ion of tho Deschutes project, has gopo by the- board. The last heard jit'lt Its sponsors were waiting for action by Uio American Legion at Its' Minneapolis meeting in Novem ber. That meeting has come and gono and there has been nothing pew on tho bill. It may safely bo 'considered as dead. . -Because this bill has come to nothing is no reason why tho Dcs- chutes valley should give up hope of construction involving tho Ben ham Falls reservoir and tho water ing of tho thousands of now arid acres in this and Jefferson county. t So long as there is n dollar to bo ' spent by tho United States reclama tion servlco in Irrigation work that "jiollur will be marked for attack by itbo people of this section who want u see this great project carried .through. Just now the point of attack Is in connection with the Western States Reclamation association which, nt tits recent Salt Lake meeting, urged $a direct appropriation of $250,000, $00 for expenditure by the Reclama tion service. If this fund Is made avalnbtc some of it will almost Barely be spent In the Deschutes val ley. Urge your congressman to aid 'In getting jthe appropriation made. After tho Umatilla library was organ led '.ttierd woro 4,Slv4 county bor rower registered who riovnr bbfofo had had public library privileges, shows how great a wofk tho institu tion did nnd suggests something of what a county library may do In De schutes. Todny Bend nnd Redmond have mcagro library facilities. By tho county system both wllj bo greatly Improved nnd in addition it will bo possible to get books Into commun ities which have hitherto had none. There Is n flno work to ba dono nnd it Is n pleasure to seo It made possible. oi MMM til 94 ' ,r A COUNTY LIBRARY. In appropriating 13,000 trnm next year's taxes for the support of a county library tho county court has VOLUNTEERS AND SOVIETS. The announcement that nil drafted men wero now out of Siberia Is nindo with an assumption of virtue on tho part of tho War Department that will havo no weight with tho peo ple. The department would havo us think that since the only troops left In Siberia were volunteers It Is nil right ftr an American army to bo there. To hose, however, who are taking any Interest In the relation of the United States to the Russian situation this is merely an avoidance of the fundamental Issue. We should like to know why American troops are In Siberia at all. The fact that they are volunteers makes uo differ ence. Indeed for the department to mako a special point of tho fact that tho soldiers nrevolunteer suggests that hereafter It Is to be necessary to got volunteers for every duty tho army Is to perform, and that Is going a little too far. Tho American army ought never to go nnywhero where It has no business: but if it has legi timate business to attend to It oughj to go without calling for volunteers. Curiously on the same day that this announcement Is made thero has been received here samplo copies of n magazine called "Soviet Rus sia" printed In tho city or New York, which Is still In the United States. Tho magazine is stated to be the offi cial organ of the Russian Soviet Government Bureau, it is carried lui the United States malls, and its ed itors are living under the protection of, tho taws of tho United States. ' tKovr we confess to a large amount! of ignorance concerning present coo-j anions in itussia. There are those! 4tffft X iff J rt 'V-- All that remains now of the Christmas season is happiness. The trials and worries of Christ mas shopping are but q remembrance artd the time when every heart is filled with a kind thought is fast approaching Christmns morn ing when you gather around the well ladened evergreen tree to present a token, in remem brance of "Him Who bied To Save All Men," remember that it is our fervent desire to ex tend a wish for happiness to all. THE PIONEER GARAGE CO. NEW VICTOR RECORDS FOR DECEMBER Now Selling i .&. i. i ! . , l: J . , ; L . ; ,, IwHH.-uriie. inaj an inosc, hoiciiaK, taken aWtep to put Deschutes In Unci yudBnfrh ntu, lh r. h nr ,, ' Ith other flf tho more Progress j ,,.. tlc Bolsheviks are merely reac-. Oregon counties. Wasco nnl Hood River have had county libraries since .2912, Umatilla since 1914. Jose phine county allows a grant to tho Grants Pass library for county cre ates successfully and in the middle tension.' In California the planper states U! la superceding local oper ation. The Umatilla county library ex perience is perhaps the finest of the Oregon counties, outside of Multno mah, and may well be looked to for guldancq in the local work. A cen tral library Is maintained at Pend leton and branches at Milton, Free water, Ferndale school, Pilot Rock, Hermlston, Umaplne school, Stan Held, Echo, .Weslon) Athenn, Helix and Adams. Funds for the central building In Pendleton "came from the Carnegie coVporation which also made contributions for one of the brapcljea, , Jn the other branch towns the library was established as soon as tho local library committee bad prepared a suitablo room or building which could be heated and lighted as needed, with an attendant or the committee to take charge. The single fact that four years I tlonary representatives of the old regime; 'and there are others who say that thc'.SovIct leaders ue pur ilyJtself. ' Having no facts wo can not make any decision. But If, as' appears to- be tho case, American troopv.are-.kept In Siberia for tho purpose of opposing the Soviet gov ernment and armies how in the nnme of all that is sensible Is a hur- eau of that government allowed to operate In the United States? If the bureau lsall rjg"ht what In the army doing In Siberia? FOR BETTER SIRES. When improvement of livestock can be assured by the Introduction of better sires it would bo supposed that owners would be tumbling over themselves to buy better animals. Some doV indeed, as Is shown by tho record of the prices paid at the re cent livestock show in Portland, and the list of the animals brought Into Central Oregon In the past few weeks. If any remain who are not con verted they are to be sought out by a "Better Sires-Better Stock" cam- fflglililiiililiili,;,;,;, 4m V-Jk.'SL-X 1 J- (s X li!i!i!i!i!i!i!ii!i!iiniiggg d Where go the dollars you cannot account for at 'the end of every week-month--year ? You could put some of them uway as savings Saving is a pleasant undertaking", .Cultivate it. li CENTRAL OREGON BANK BEND iiiiri!ii!iiili!i!i!iij r ft tits' .1gk WUl&MWmmi ' IVili OREGON mmmmm palgn recently Inaugurated by tho United States department of agri culture. Tho campaign looks for ward to the future food needs of this country's Increasing population and tho plan is to hasten tho replace mont of tho multitude of scrub do mestic animals In tho United States with purebred or high grade stock and also to jnjprove tho quality of purenreus inoraaeiven. In a recent-number of tho Re- clumnUou Record It Is pointed out that U.iq scrub hog requires a certain number 6f bushels of corn to make 200 pounds of pork, while tho pure bred or high grade hog takes the same number of bushels of corn and makes 300 pounds of pork, The purebred, or blph grade cow nkcs three gaJlon- of milk out of tbp samo quantity or silage that fne scrub- covBsei-ioiriUkia gallon nnd a half of hjUkThefesulMs'that the farmer gets more pounds of sal able product but of ills feed when he uses purebred sires at tho head of his herds and flocks. An Illustration accompanying" the Record article shows on one side live tubs (of butter, four of GO pounds and ono of 28, the average production per cow lit herds headed by purebred bulls, and on tho other three, two Go's nnd a 49, tho average per cow In herds headed by grade and scrub bulls. Ono set of tubs weighs 2C8 pounds and the other 1C9. Tho dlfferenco in value is $59. CO per cow. Thjs graphic method U.tused to show the results obtained by a cow testing association In Texas. , If purebred sires will produce such results In Texas they will do tho samo here and every effort should bo made to promote their owner ship and use. ' THE LIBERTY CALENDAR. There's a new scheme on foot to mako over the calendar. An ossocln tlon has been formed and It is now at work trying to persuado Congress and tho public that Its proposed re form is desirable. Remcmbering-thal tho calendnr has been made over al ready n number of times, on cn.ch "with a view to simplifying it, wo may consider the ateut proposal with open minds, .; The plan is to divide tho year Into ,13 months, instead of tho present 12t ine esiru iiivhui wuuiu uv ciiiiuu liberty and would follow February. Each of tho 13 would have exactly 28 days, or four weeku each,' nnd each would begin on Monday, Now Yours day would becomo an inde- ipondont legal -holiday nnd would not bo included in any weok or month, and in leap years another Independ ent legal holiday Is provided called "Correction duy." Tho advantage that strikes ono at once Is the arrangomont by which tho days of tho month aro mado to coin cide with the uanlo days of tho week tho year around. Monday would always bo tho 1st, tho 8th, tho 15th, or tho 22nd. No longer would wo havo to mumblo "Thirty Days Hath (November, April June and Septem ber." etc., or run over our knuckles ther As listed by tho association advnntnges are that: "Tho saving of time and mental effort would be Immense. All holi days and nnnlversarlen would always fall on tho samo day of the weok. A promissory noto given for any number of weeks, months and years would always come duo on the same day of the week it was given. The jilan also provides that Good Friday aim waster minuay sunn always be observed on certain fixed dates. This was contemplated when our prevent calendar' was adopted," Folks who are Interested aro urged by the association to ask thilr con grossmen to support tho measure. ' It's A Great List-- POPULAKiSONGS imilt Blues My Nnughty fiwtotlb',aW, to Mo .. S5n Swet't Kisses . .. - .. .- - - 1WJ21 When the Preacher Make You .Mine ... . 85c Granny .,... .. . . .. IfMI2:i Olvu Mo a ttmllo and u Kiss ..... -.- S6o Cllrl of Minn - . IHU24 a)) You JumI the Huino, Swiot Adeline S5c Pretty Little Rainbow .Khther Walker , .Esther Walker .i -Aflylo Rowland , .JVdelo Rowland . . John Hteel .Charles Harrison JaivvIn Juines- -Chns. Harrison Sterling Trio DANCE RECORDS 18617 Alcoholic Blues Medley Fox Trot All Star Trio' 85e Jerry Medley Fox Trot . All Star Trio 18618 Tulip Time Medley Fox Trot .Jo.senh C. Smith's Orchestra 85c Yellow Dog Blues Medley Fox Trot Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL .RECORDS. I.TITlr-Tell Me .v . ;- , , . . Uimbert Murphy 11.00 Yearning .. i . .... . .Lumbuit Murphy 15170 At DAMnlng . . Victor Herbert's Orcheltru ' II 00. The Wnltsliuc Doll (Poupwi Valiant") Victor Heiliort'ii Or. WlTi! Venetian Boat Song. - - ..i ....... . ... .Lllllefie'ld-Baker C $1.00 Canoe Song (Clrkblrlbtm) J.lttlatluld-Ilaker In spite of the almost nnlvarsnl use of self starters w notice that' cranks still abound, Intea"d of money for street work lial Bend now needs Is u slush fund. BEND COUNCIL IN FAVOR OF A NEW BRIDGE (Continued from Page 1.) , by the flro truck. It was alno pointed out that construction would! mako possibly a delivery circuli which would be of material assist ance to the merchants of Bend. Recommendations for tho typo of bridge, and tho bent manner of fin ancing construction will be made by tho streets commltteu at the next session of the council. Health Ordinance DniMlc. A new health ordlnnnco making drastic regulations for abatement of nulnancex, reporting of births anu ueuiiis, reporting ni communir cuuia umeiiBUH, unu quaraniinu pro; ceeduro, was Introduced under an emergency clause, but on tho mo tion of I). G, McPhorson It was re duced to tho status of an ordi nary ordinance bill. Tho proposed ordlnanco carries penalties for vio lation of a flno from $5 to 1500, or Jail sentence of from 10 100 days, or both flno and Imprloonmont. RED SEAL RECORDS ")tK!H-kYlllo Wns a Lad f 1.00.:... .. . C4S33Caprlce 11.00.. .. . .Alma Oluck .Jancha Helfltz RED SEAL tJ4'J7--Uv00The Dclugo Prelude (La Doltige) Efritn '.Imballut HORTOJN DRUG CO. ID Three more ordinances were read, ono providing for the licensing of jitney drivers nnd cxpresmnco ono umendlng the card room nnd bil liard hall ordinance, alining nt the impprenslon of gambling and one fixing the salnrlen ut city offlcnlN. .N'o change is made from tho salaries now being paid, and tho object of the ordinance is merely to establish the amounts definitely In the city law. ' To I.'xtrnd Firti Limit. Representing tho school board and tho library, ?t. W. Sawyer ap peared' boforo the council, suggest ing first nn extension of the fire limits to afford greater protection to the high school, and wcoud tho appoint mont of u com-mltt-o to meet with the library board with (he Intention of rcorgnnlzntion on n tounty basis. In response to the first suggestion, the council Isiued k: temporary ordor revoking all building permits falling to specify fireproof structures, tho district In cluded being nil (if the original townsitu of Bond, and North Ad dition. Definite boundaries will be ro-OBtubllshod nt the noxt meeting- For the library committee, iMaycr Kufcte wiiii designed an tho sol member. ' Ri-cordurt). H. Peoples reporti 1 that tho city garbage truck Is nor , uusly indisposed, and said that tuf council must face the uecesslty fur purchase of a heavier and more suitable truck, or let tho work out by contract. The matter v,uh in ferred to the Health committee and Recorder. E. O. Johnson again appeared to Pterent his claim for damages U his car which rau Into a newly du bawmentJust off Newport nvrnue, 9qvurnL 4wcek ago. Tlio council 9 voted dfMllowIng tho bill. The Correct Word. "Old Brown won't live long; he his me foot In tho grate ulrendy." 'You menu one foot In the grave.-. "No he's going to be cremated." R0 Paper Ancient. " ,w Paper wum made from rugs In ArnbU more than ten centuries age and tho method wax Introduced Into Europo la the (hlrteenth century. Sl'iW!ni!i!i!liliiii8iH!il!j!i!i!l!i!if m '.T ' " tUTiW THE BEND HARDWARE 'Wishes you A Merry Christmas and A JHappy, Prosperous, New Year. 11 1) ivi.1"! Mi.ui.-r wiiuru wo hitb in t'lOiJCf tlrt ". . to, (Jlcover where we wore In the fc hXWti ,"?'JSv5' ZKW 'K 1 3fl9j As' 7-7Z