"Tr PAOR 9 BJCND RUliliKTIN, BKND, OltKOON, THURSDAY, DKCKMIIKR 0, 1011) il..lnyi)..nii.,Hii. II iM n immifw q w inimMWil.." wmi'iii imi I mnRnt::nmiti:::::::tt:it:):i::::i:s::in::i:::::!:u::::r.::ui:K::uu:ttu:):::::::t:iiu:u:;i::::::i:::uu:::;i:tiRi:m:t: t::tt:::i:tt;tr What's Doing In The Country Cu::::i:tt:::t:t:::::::t:i:t::::t:t:::::::t::::::::::n:::"t:::::::::nnt::::ni:n:::R:t::::t::::::::::::::::::::::::t":t:::!t::::t::::::u:t:::tt:::iii Kiiiiro SCHOOL AT LA PINE SUFFERS FROM SNOW LA PINK. Doc. 22 .Mrs. Kugcnc Jensen entertained a few friends nt her homo Thursday evening, the oc casion bohiB her birthday anniver sary. Tho evening was spent In card playing and fortune tolling trucks. Some of tho batteries froio up Friday night. Sunday school was hold at tho Koss rcsldonco Sunday at 11:00 o'clock. Tho following people registered nt tho. I.n rino hotel during tho past week. J. K. Sutlllf, R. Ij. Covey, H. I). Hill. Jake Howard. Lloyd I.lno 'vllle. Casey Jones, Dean and CheS' Mcr Holllnshend nil of La l'lne; It Thn nronnnt worn: Mrs. nml Mr J. narvey oi oeiuuo; u, &. hoiijimi, W. a. Kordhum, K. W. Weber, Miss I P. B. Mnllory, K. F. Stover and Al Lilly Drown and Miss Rosa Huunell Orelser nil of Crescent: C. L. Mor- , . , . . ,,,,,. I gan and P. B. Mnllory of Dnvls Lake; Ernest Tomes and Jnmcs Dosek ( J fc . ,; gave an Informal wcepUrn at tho ,,owc ot Corvn,g: GeorKO Mur. Tomes resldonco Friday evening. Thol . nf .... . ., Ann,nirhr,, vr Lr!"?lr"! W ", 2,"iS?A. Kreemnn. K. W. Care.-, and W. consisted of dancing, card playing, and games. An elaborate supper was served. Thoso present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Fordham, Mr. and Mrs. Cavanaugb, Qcorgo May Held, F. W. Weber, Robert Covey, tho Misses Sly, Huunell, and Brown. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fordham en tertained a fow friends Wednesday evonlng nt card playing, fortune tel ling, and dnnclng. Those preent were: F. W. Weber, Ernest Tomes, James Doscli, Miss Rose Hunnell and Miss LIUlo Brown. A party consisting of W. L. Towers of tho Oregon Agricultural college, George. Murphy of Bend, J. C. Cunningham, F. A. Freeman, and F. W. Murphy, and W. A. Scott of Portland camo in from tho Summit station whoro they camped Friday night. Thursday they camo all tho way from Summer Lake to the Sum mit station. Qcorgo Murphy broko his arm while, cranking his car at Summer Lake W. L. Powers was nt La Pine, Bend and Redmond in 1912 doing agricultural work for the O. A. C. George McLaughlin opened up tho road from La Pine to Bond with his tractor Sunday, leaving La Pine at 2:00 o'clock. B. L. Clark and Burton Oney accompanied him to repair tho telephone lino near tho Vandevert ranch. W. D. Hill and the driver of tho tractor also wero with tho tractor or caterpillar. Tho roof on tho north end of the schoolhojse cured in Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and gave tin "choolhouse such a loud Jar that tho pupils In Miss Hunnell's and Miss Brown's rooms camo run ning out Into tho hall and went down into the basement and school was dismissed for tho day. A crew of nine men were put to work shovel ing on the caved In roof and the at lenaanco at scnooi Thursday was A. Scott of Portland. Was IUMlrs With l'nln. E. W. Kltt, It. F. D. 2. Box 9, Snorters. Aln., writes: "I took Foley Kidney Pills ns I was restless nt night with pains In my back and side. and they did mo good. 1 can truth fully say Foley Kidney Pills is tho medictno for kidney trouble." They relievo rheumatic pains, stiff, swol len joints, lameness, soreness. Sold Everywhere. EFFECTS OF SNOW FELT IN MILLICAN MILLTCAN Dec. 22. H. K Cooke, Albert Tnuschir and Mary C, Keller went to Bond with tho Taus- chor car Saturday and had to return by stago Monday. J. J. Hollnnd and son Joe called nt tho II. R. Keller homo Wednes day. C. J, Cooke called at the Keller homo Thursday. Kino of C. H. Graffcubcrger's cal ves ore missing. Cliff Evans and Frank Percival's sires died at tho J. A. Smith ranch from exposure and lack of food, Fri day. Wo experienced one of tho worst storms In the recont history of MIDI- can. Many cattle wero being taken out on account of deep snow, severe cold and lack of feed. Cliff Evans, C. 'J. Cooke, R. It. Keller. J. A. Smith took some out in this vicinity. J. M. Janes took a bunch through last wejjk. O. O. King of Brothers, expects to tako somu out In a few days. Tho mall routs Is very badly ham pered, tho first class mall, being , taken through on horse back m "E wish to express our appre ciation for the generous pa tronage tendered us during this scasonfs Holiday shopping, and to our many friends and patrons We extend our wish for a Very Merry Christmas. Mrs. L. G. Morgan is In bed with a bud cold. The Smith's finally got back from Bend Tuesday, after having broko the frame of their car on the way in. Mrs. L. G. Morgan returned from t Bond Monduy with E. W. Gurney. btio was one or the Smith party Sat urday, going In to Bend. L. G. Morgan called at the Keller j,lB , homo Saturday. ireu lernei caucu at tno Keller home Thursday evening. F. E. Leo is a dally caller at the Terrlel home. Quite a few cars aro stilled In tho snow. Mary M. Holland called at the Kel ler homo Saturday. Tho twenty and only nineteen on Friday. L,nk rou'e has been discontinued al- .Mr. Harrlman. Mr. HI. Mr. wavio. i "Winer, Bill Johnson and Clifford Clow suc ceeded in opening the road so that the pupils from tho north end can bo transported. Bill Johnson and Clifford Clow went to the Masten mill Friday and returned Saturday, but they were unable to get a load of lumber for the repairing of tho roof at the schoolhouse on account or tno deep snow. George .Graft camo In from ranch Friday on horseback. Jay Saltzman who has been at Beals since Tuesday evening with the, mall for Fort Rock and Silver Lake returned to La Pine Sunday. Clarence Voung started for Bend with tho mall' Tuesday evening but succeeded in getting ns far as Har per, where ho had to stay until the following Monday morning. i. II. Sprague, of Fort Rock, walked from tho Brooks-Scanlon camp to the Vandevert ranch Friday and continued his Journey to La Pino Saturday, and left for Fort Rock Sunday to look after his cat tle. Quito a number of people in La Pine, are out of wood on account of tho heay snow fall. Mr. Blco and Mr. Swayze were hauling wood Sat urday and Sunday. Tho thermometer went 2 de grees below zero on th evening of December 12 and 30 below the next night. Almost three feet of snow fell in the vicinity of La Pino dur ing tho storm period. Quito a number of people shoveled tho snow off their roofs. The La Pino garage is full of cars and 1 (ho mull on tho route. It win tl.ti flint Hum mull htm boon received for noiuly two weeks on account of tho deep snow, Rasmus I'otorson iind J, A, Chnso went to Itodmuud Thursday, (). M. Anderson wiih In Redmond on husluess Saturday, Antliou Ahlstrniii iii-compiinled liy Mrs, O. B. Anderson worn In Red mond Krlduy to do some trading, Mr mid Mrs. Ed H will ley accom panied by Rev. Johnson went to lloud Huliiidiiy, J, A, Chnso was In Redmond on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Anderson left Monday night for Port laud. From there they will go to western Wash ington whoie they will spend tho holidays and visit friends and nila lives Loin, tho youngest daughter of .Ms 1M H will ley Iijih been quite III thn last week but Is Hteadlly Improv ing. F 11, Ilnuglimun ncrouipaiiled by Miss Ruth Kaesomoye,r was In Red mond on .Saturday. Mr Sullivan went to Deschutes mi Wednesday Rasmus Peterson's new nnmhln.t shed fell in from tin) heavy weight of snow. Alfred Pedersen and II T Mlk kelson wero business visitors In Red mond on Saturday. J, W, Peterson liiitelini'ed n cow thin week which h hoIiI In lloml J, I), Wliltn Weill to lltuid on Tuesday returning on Wednesday II. T Mlkluilmni mid Alfied Poder son went to Deschutes lluiiiluy nftui' some fend limy had shipped down from Redmond. Mis. MIIYIioIhuii uv couipiinled t tin in ns fur ns IIiiiinoh'h where hIio stayed ami visited uuii Mrii. llaimoii, Mr mid Mm. U. 10. Anderson wun guests of Mr, and Mrs, V, II timv at dinner Sunday, B , GET THE TOP MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR RAW FURS SEND THEM TO THE GOLDEN ROLE FOR GO. 001 First Ave, Scuttle, Wn. Write for Price List and Tags MIiIlIT5ERrl EEH3:iaiica Eight Children Had Croup. "I have eight children und Klvo Foley's Honey and Tar to nil of them," writes Mrs. P. Rehkamp, 2404 Herman St.. Covington, Ky.; "they all were subject to croup." It loosens mucus and phlegm, stops that strangling cough, makes easy breathing possible and permits quiet sleep. Contain no opiates. Child ren like It. Sold Everywhere. SNOW IS CAUSE OF LOSS TO FARMERS GRANGE HALL, Dec, 23 Don Slaughter Is moving on tho Denser place north of Deschutes. He will deliver milk to Deschutes to be ship ped to Bend, it Is stated. I A m P it jBL cm- rrap II S THE END OF THE YEAR DRAWS NEAR AND WE ENJOY THE PLEAS URE OF THIS MERRY HOLIDAY SEASON, MAY WE INTERRUPT YOU A MOMENT TO WISH FOR THE COMING YEAR THAT YOU MAY ENJOY THE BEST THE WORLD AFFORDS NOT FAME. NOR POWER. NOR WEALTH. BUT y Health and Happiness Th Bt, or Bvrmtam Bnvici The First National Bank OF BEND Lcstex Moore moved to Bond lust week. Ho will deliver milk In the city. Mnll Is being delivered to tho star route on horseback this wook. Le .May's big hay barn caved In from tho weight of tho snow. Tho barn was full of hay. Also Bill Warnstatf's barn and Blllndeaux' goat burn went down. Mr. II. Holgcsen, O. Dahlo. Fr. Reynolds, E. B. Butler and Charlie Lowe all braved tho snow tho early part of tho week to shop In Bend. The deiplscd horse has suddenly came Into promlnonce since tho snow. And tho gas eiiAin aro be Iid; abandoned. Sovcrul ar woii nlrudoned be'ore tholr, owners rrrcnod homo V'cdi.csday evjili.r !.. Beobco s auto I.i p.uiMilv raiting near Grtigo Hall u.iti: ill' snow melts. Mr. Noff, tho It. F. D, carrier, had to abandon his car near Mr. Mosler's ranch, and Gordon Dutt also left his car In tho Cro'o ranch nnd reached homo Wednesday nltfht, but Kenneth Dutt was not o for tunate. Ho spent two duyi at tho said ranch beforo ho could get home. After a few days wait In Bond, un til the storm had ceased, Miss Ida Young returned homo from u visit in Spoknuo. Mrs. Lester returned homo from Wisconsin last week. She. was able to get to the ranch tho oarly part of the week by riding horsuhack. Mrs. C. M. Rasmussen spent Sat urdiV and Sunday In this neighbor hood on account of bad roads. Esther Erlckson culled at tho Hel- gosen homo Sunday . Mr. F. A. Nelson was a Bond vis itor Friday. L. C. Young butchered a cow for P. J. Young Friday. II. Helgescn butchered live flno hogs Wednesduy. Mr. I'osko helped him. Tho snow caught many urmers with scant, supply of wood. But what mndo matters worse they could not find their axes which they de clare they left on the wood pile. It wns a question Just where the wood pile wns. Lester Mnoro drove his dairy cons which ho had sold, through tho deep snow Wednesduy to Powell Butte. Mrs. C. M. Rasmussun leans Wed nesday, for her homo near Deschutes to spend tho holidays. Mr. O. Dahlo took tho Grunge Hull pupils to school on a sled Tuck day nnd Wednesday . Mr. and Mrs. O. Dahlo and Gladys Dahlo went to Bend on their sled Saturday. jjMwmwuiiMiiomiMimaaHHMttBiiimiiuiiewiiMw WE WISH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR We take tln'i opportunity to txprrn our tfratitui) to our many patron for their (fencrou patronage Jurinif tlie pait year. Keep in mind that we are alwayi at your Jervice anJ tint our carneit effort u to ancmbie for our patrom only tncrchanJirc of QUALITY, iticli a you will Lr willing to place your tamp of approval upon. WITH BEST WISHES FOR THE COMING YKAR THE PARISIAN LADIES' OUTFITTERS iiaiisiioOTnvowimniiio:iinnnara:niMJWoiiniiBnHa Ghrs l'mnlshlon to Uno Name. Eugene Palmer, Lawrence, Mass , writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar re lieved mo of a cough from which I suffered for weeks. You havu my full permission to use my name In any advertising." Foloy's Honey and Tur checks colds, cuts tho phleKm, soothes lullamed membranes, clears breathing passages. Sold Everywhere. MAIL TO FARMERS IS LONG DELAYED PLEASANT RIDGE. Dec. IT,. Fred Seeling left for Blnlue, Wash ington, Tuesday night to visit his mother who lives there Tho mnll carrier camo through Saturday on horseback and brought Compare tho typehnr system, carriage and escape munt wheel of tho Woodstock with those of other typowrltors and, you will readily understand why this machine holds up bet ter. It has less parts, too which adds to Its durability The Rebuilt Typewriter Company DISTRIBUTORS 301 Oak St., Portland, Oregon, i Slightly used Underwoods, Remingtons, L. C. Smiths and other makes of machines can be had at easonable prices. VtBBBBSBVVv?-ijBaVV9BSBBr 't All OW uon Your Farm Crops or Buildings to go Uninsured. We will insure your farm and allow you one year in which to pay the premium. C. V. SILVIS BEND. ORECON Tuberculosis Kills 15QOOO Persons in the United States EvoryYfcar His Preventable Use Red Cross XmasSeak This Advertisement Donated to tho Oauxo of Red Cross Christmas KiviIh by Itrookh-Hciiiilon Lumber Co, I I a c a j o 3 O i i IJ. BABY CHICKS! TUB UltKfHIN'.eOUVAI.MS HATCHERY Hum II. Moore X Hon CO. O. A, C White Leghorns nnd Buried Rocks a specialty, with other leading ogg-laylng strains of tho Pacific Coast. Also from okx producing Rhode Island Reds. Beforo placing orders wrlto to 410 North Hth, Cor vallls, Oregon Threo Blocks North of O. A C. Campus. C at E VI a J SHEEPMEN! ATTENTION! We have stocks of COTTONSEED CAKE SOYA BEAN CAKE Both NUT SIZE and MEAL for immediate and future de livery. We purchased early. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING Write or Wlro Swift & Company Animal Pood. Dopt. NORTH I'OUTLANI), OKICUON , II :iii::i:i:i:sn:::i!i:i::;:i::i;:::ii;:ii:i:i:i:i:u:ii:!::a A ktetti