TAOIS? r4MM HKTW KUTXJCTIN, KND, OKIKJON, THCIWDAY, DKCKMBfttl IB, WiO ' s T 4i rpnitflittiniMiiMqWtairiini;ifti;iMiim ' " ' i' i BEND HAPPENINGS ' PROM PAt TO DAY ;MtlltMIIIMIIIItllllllllUIM!llllllIIIIIMIItMllltnllHIIjillllint!Mtimmiirl!imii:iM!lMMllI!:l!IIItllI!III!l!lliill!II t Wednesday .' Ilnrry 0. Kniiiiunl wnn a btinlhoiiJi vlHllur In (liu city toilny from HImUiih. C, M. (Jlmrllon, Powell Hull i anchor, Ih In lloixl today. . MIkh M'. A. Kolloy iimt Mm. T. M. l)lr.ncy, of Hedinoml, nro In tho city, ' Mis Vlpronro lliirg Iiiih nccoptud n position In tho oftlco of County An- . HHnur W. T. Mulliirky. MIhh Mnry V, Cox, who linn boon Shilling liur wlHtiir, Mm, IC, K. Haw- yor, will lonvo Friday night for lior homo In 1'ortlnml. . Thu Catholic UmllcH Altar Society will niel nt tint homo of Mm. OTniiglillu III thij May apartments Thursday Afternoon ul 2:30. Invitations Imvo boon received lit Ilond to thu wedding ot Frederick A, Wwlfli'ii, of Tho Uullotln, nnd MIkh Jlnry Cocnllu Hurnri, of Han Francisco, which will (nkq place In flan I'lnncliico on DocoSnbor 2,1. II II. Durlt and !!. If. Urtlnhl, of (ho Uidnlil Jnvutitnioiit. Co., of I'ort Inml, who wore In Ilond Ilia Unit two duyn of thlH wcolc closing tho dcnl for tho 0. K. IIohIcIiim ranch at Lower Hrldgo, rolnrnod to Portland ImhI night. ' ltov. II, U. Hnrtrnnrt, of tho l'niii hytorlnn church, olllclntod Monday uvonlng nt tho marriage of Loo Tnus chnr nnd Minn Mary Carter, nt tho Louisiana nvoniio. Only Itnincdlntol rolatlvrn wore juooont nt tho corn Tuesday J. W. Hpenc'or, or Alfujfn, spoilt today In tho city. C, F. HowkliiH, of Lower Drldgo, wnn In Ilond today on huolnamt. Jarod W. Mooro returned Inst night from n trip to Portland. T, A, JMcOniiii wllf raliuii Tlitim day from n hiiHlnnnH trjji lo Mlnnca polli). Vi Wt Fleming linn returned from Hood Itlvor whoro ho apont tho jiunt fow, weeks, Frank Silvio, of Kntclsilcnn, Alan la, Hpont Sunday and tho first of tlio week wlli ItlH brotlior, 0. V, IIvIh, of thin city. J. M, Porry wnn lir last nght nnd today from south of IlrookH-Hcnnlon Camp No. 2, whoro ho linn hcon drll Hub a well to nupply camp needs. ' Frank May will lonvo, tomorrow nli'lil for Monmouth, IIIIiiiiIm. to spend tho Christmas holidays wffif roInUvon. From thoro, ho will travel sputh, and will noL return to Ilond for ncvoral inonthn, Tho Women' Foreign Missionary society of tho MothodlRt church will bo entertained by Mm. J. 13. Purdy nt tho parsonage Thursday, Decem ber 18, nt 2;30 o'clock In the .after noon. An Interesting program has been planned, and all members nnd tholr friends nro Invited .to attetid. Hell your poultry Ilirotigli'Uiillctla clitxnlflctl ndf. ' ' Tut It In The Ilullctln. - OH Only 6 More Shopping Days Before Christmas ! OME in and let us assist you. Our store is just brimful of lovely things that will delight your lady friends and relatives, as well as the little girls, and you'll find everything priced so reasonable too. BreragggrsaggEfgi j -- -- 4 ' S I f I fir IL 5 9 CjlOI. Mi ,( I vBL rf!rVBp,o iJ1 m??f55ii Mil j We can frankly say that our showing of Waists is by far the best we have ever offered at any time. " Pretty , Fancy Waists from $2.98 up. Beautiful Tailored Waists up to $16.50 1JI Every Voman likes dainty Silk Underwear. WeVe se lected this line of Silk Under wear with the same care that one would do for personal use. Camisoles, Bloomers, Combin ations, Gowns and Vests, to suit every,, taste and purse. ,!.!' tr" Beautiful .Warm Coats would make an ideal Christmas ' Gift for any lady. We have them at $17.50 to $87.00. A Nice Stylish Coat would make your little girl happy on Christmas morning. . They're priced at $6.00 up to $19.50. Then there arc so ninny things that are dear to the feminine heart-such as Handkerchiefs Hosiery; Sweaters, Scarfs, Boudoir Caps. .Plan to tk your shopping early. PS.T- i (W v .. , - r -- 10 t f t fS y. y ; f W New Christmas Merchandise Is Arriving Daily WE ARE EACH DAY RECEIVING; LOtS 6V MERCHANDISE WHICH HAVE BEEN DELAYED IN SHIPMENT BY THE MANUFACTURER. MB Just tn ' by Express S2. Cozy Toes Felt Slippers for Men and Women Priced at $1.60, $1.65, $1.75, $1.95, $2.15, $2.25, $2.50. Men's Leather Everett Slippers and Romeos $2.35 to $3.75 the pair. Men's Neckwear at 75c, $1.00, Si .25 $1.50. ' - Compare our neckwear with others and you will readily see ours ex cels in quality and low price. . Silk Hosiery For Women You can buy silk hosiery for gift purposes here with the assurance- of getting quality. f Phoenix and Holeproof Silk Hosiery $1.50, $1.65, $2.05, $2.25, $3.00 pair. Interwoven and Holeproof Hosiery For Men Buy Them By The Box50c to $1.25 Pair For Silk. Men's Cashmere Wool Hose 50c, 65c, 75c $1.00, $1.25, $1.35 Pair. Men's Silk Shirts from reliable makers. Men's Dress Shirts Priced $1.25 to $13.50 each. New Styles Queen Quality Shoes In Battleship Gray Kid, Havana Brown and Black, at $10.00, $10. 50, $10.75, $11.00, $11.50, $12.50. New Overcoats have just arrived. You probably know that there have been not enough good overcoats to meet the demands we have just received 20 new overcoats from the HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER. and other makes at $33.50, $35.00, $39.50, $12.50, $47.50, $55.00. ; New Suits too have just been unpacked ', A gift he'll appreciate Priced f $28.50 to $55.00. ' . House Coats for men $9.50 to $1&75 Bath Robes for men $4.95-.to.5p Gloves Make Excellent Gifts The most complete selection for-men and women can be seen here Dress gloves, lined and unlined 'Auto mi Ski aaB? i- Gloves Work and Street Gloves in Kid, Mocha Suede and Horse hide, Priced $1.15 to $3.95 Pair. Useful Gift Suggestions for Her Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Boudoir Caps, Hand Bags, Silk Underwear, Porto Rican Hand Made Underwear, Boxed Stationery, Table and Dresser Scarfs, Luncheon Cloths, Sweaters, Silk Petticoats, Waists, and Bath Robes. & SHOP EARLY EARLY IN THE DAY. Stop and Shop at HI ' BROTHERS Quality Pioneen lince 1911 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. PROGRESS SEEN ON C. O. I. LANDS (Continued from Pago 1.) list with a totnl of 13,485 which roprcEonta an Increase over last year ot 2,969, Small Increases uro noted In tho acreage sown to clover, orch and, garden and miscellaneous crops, totalling in all 3,116, Thoro has boon a noticeable drop in tho acre ago plantod to grain, 5,863 ncreB bo in in, during tho. 1919 soason ns compared with 7,893 last year. There la also Bhown a smaller acre age sown to .potatoes and timothy; (Jqmjn under. .the heading rf crops "it lTstfown that 13,485 acrea in al falfa produced 3 tons to tho acre wth a valuation ot 1709,190; clover, 825 acres, valued At $41,250; tlmo thV. 302 acre, valued at? 19,1 10';' 5,868 acres in grain valued at 510, 513; '880 acrwTla potatoes valued at m.O0ps Ot all. the fl,-UiBfol- lowing roprosont tho consumption on tho project, hay. 32,255 tons; grain, 156,052; potatoes, 8,925 buBhols. Tho valued of the surplus la $858,117 while tho crop value pro duced Ih placod at 31,368,976. Tho valuo of livestock is held at $788, 266 with bset cattle leading at $257. 810, sheep $227,528; dairy cows, $156,640; horses, $126,640; hogs, $19,648, Tho estimated, markot vulue'iot surplus llvestock'la $213, 234. Tho estimated valuo of improved farms Is $3,307,431 divided as fol lows: oloared tracts, $323,588; cul tivated farms, $2,983,843. The population of tho farmers shows an increase over last year of 304 persons, with a total this year of 1,785. lirgo Aci-oaga Served. In th decrease cluran thoracis ahown a slump Intllvesteck over last year divided as follows: beef cattle", 9; dairy cows, 148; horses, 67; hogs, ,183 Uafce9, 1 ,745, Regarding tho eondlllqn of tho farmer on tho project, lh followluR indicate his rating; number maki g money from place, 4f aiSibor merely making a living, 95, number making a failure, 6; number using outbldo tecourcee, 53. In thUi clual flcatfon tho better condition, this last year over 1918 are marhed, th o being moro making money, fewor merely making money, failures uud fewor using outside resources, Thoro nro 229 automobiles' on, the project while last year there wjl72, Thero are 22,965. irrigable acres in cultlatlon; irrigable lauilMn culti vated tracts, not cleared' 001. A total uernncrn nf a.EluU iforvaA water this year agai last year, total acreago ot 32J4JL'juuytorvd by fK.2pt:OT i acrea Hewitt TUaes liae.liitiariii'ol Jewett Yes, It 1m a,i)Mfro randfather'a clock to 'rfM wtc cf. Crf . "2"P ' v.; 'H rsr i ' '. ',- -,SHJF. J,- M5S.,