PA0K8 fMlnlM!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIMIlHtl!llltllllll'llllllllllllllllllllIil!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIItl(tllllIlltIllltttlIltlllim!lllllll!lll!llllttl(ltllIIIIII( REACTION FROM COLD IS NOTED :bend happenings from day to day G0WIC55, X Vl5H'P0Atl UWLD HMfif V;i) i-i " '- 'liifniiran FOR.tANDSAKcTS-. "I MtT HIRE WITM TtATfeCTKCOtX, CREAM- W i tkk pwir rttU cieAn umttt x HQME U5C IT SWEE'il LMi:ilNIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!l!lll!IIIIM:illlllllllllllIinilIlllltiIlt!lllllllllll!IIIIII!l!IIIIIlil!IIII!l!iltllllllI)lll!lini!!!IIIIIIJ( niWI) nULUCTIN, IIKND, OREGON, THlnHIMV, JHvCKMJJKH IH, low TICKC IT 5 I H UKfUPOf I WA. MAWF VMI ,. ' t i u&m -j- --..-,. ....... .---, j,"iM-SW;wV,, flHau1crt"i rvwv-s cyii.rt,; hi aisan u id HOME Monday Mrn, JIuzol Miinlon Ik confined In her homo by Illness. L. W. '1'i'lcl.oy returned thin morn lug (rnm a liimlni'nn trip to Portland. Hitlloy Wornor, loproimututlvo of tio Hlitlo Labor, wiih In llutnl todny on olllclul business. Oorilou Thoiupiion, cleric nt tho J'llot Hullo Inn. linn roturjied to llond nPer n two weeks' vltflj spout In Portland, II. A. Htovur, frninoily of tlilit city, )k In Hcnil on n throo dny buslnoHH vIMt, rupi (wonting tho- Unlcord Tint Company, Ollliort Lludloy mid llunn ClirlHt litrnoii, ovoriu'nn votorniw, wero wont to Portland ycNtordiiy for modlrnl treatment, 0. II, OHiniiiidnoii, of Kllvor Lttko, nrtlvud In llond yontoidny from Cort land, to incut IiIh wlfo who, has Jtmt returned front it tilp In Minnesota, They expert to remain In llond dur tti tho remainder of tint winter. &mmim&mm?Mmm8!SM SMOKER Y6 . FOR DEC. 'ill m - POSTPONED On account of tlir cold weatltcr $ and Jeep mow. Will be given f at future date. jj COMMITTEE. WBBM3&BBaaBEBgBS3Scai6BBSl Saturday J. P. f 'Milium, of Tuniiilo, spent liiHt night In llond, H, I, Diiuftliohliiiui;!!, of Mllllciui, lit npoudlug tin) dny In Horfd, Krnd JolniMon, of linker, Ih maklm: a brief tiiiitlnoMii vIhIi In tho city to day, County Cotniiilmflonor Miller left for IiIh homo In'lteilmoiid lust night uftor iitlondlnic u moutliiu of tho county court. Monibois of Hay Johnson Pont, American l,ogloii, of ltodinond, wfll glvo n dniino Christmas, night nt tho IC. of P. hull In that city. Toward tho clomi of tho evening, Mi ppor will bo served. RANGE IN FOUR DAYS 07 DEGREES. Si", Friday County Commissioner Mlllur nr rived In llond thin noon from a buslnon trip to tho Wlllnmctto 'vnlley. I,, V Trlckoy, nccrotniy of tho Industrial Y. M. C. A, Intro, loft hint night on it IiiihIiichm trip to Portlnnd, .M. V. Mlllur, of Columbtm. Ohio, hrrlvd In llond today, and will mnko a brh-f Htay horo whllo dis poning of property. In Hpltu of tho snow Htorni tho ladle of tho Hcandln vlan-Luthernn church who" lived nearest town cuiuo Ingothor nu Wednesday In tho norr pont office building and nerved hot c often and sandwiches nnd cako. I Homo of tho Christmas articles wore nlno nold. After tho day'n work wan Jover thn ladles decided to contlnuo itholr naln on Haturdny, both after noon and evening. Lunch will nlno bo nerved. Hihhv Milk fjiilc'hly Am Thatv Hets In, lliil 'thick I(o In Pond HUH Keep llaiiil Hatt Mil. Now that u now record for cold litiH boon Hot In Pond, tho weather man Ih engineering n direct change, and Tuesday, four dnyH nflor l!fi degrees below waM reentered horo, tho inorcury stood nt W. do groeii, n most unuiiual tomperaturo range. A decided thaw linn not In, and it warm wind ,whleh continue to nettle thn hiiow rapidly, Whllo tho rold Mtiap In apparently Thursday I)r, Hurry N. Monro lonvcH tonight for Kugono, called by tho serious Ni nons of hlit mother. ' II, I), Moorcx nnd Arthur Olson, I'ortluud bond nnlesmcu, aro in tho city in connection with tho county bond flotation. MrM. A! IjInitbeHr. nnd daughter, Anna, aro hero from Ht, Cloud, Minn,, to npond tho winter with Mrn, Llnd borB'it daiiKhtcr, Mr. Cenrno IJuor lor. 1). If. People Iihh received notice of liM appointment as local corren- pondont for tho California Joint Land hunk. Tho organization Ih formed under tho Federal Itcservn bank, to nupploment tho work of tho dlHlrlct land bitukit. Loans nn IiIrIi ii h $37,r00 aro permlttod. KM Only 5 Shopping Days Left I The Gift Supreme A T iii imiiii T Now's iThe Time To Buy IS JEWELRY One does not purchase jewelry without careful thouglit as to quality. This mcaftn that the purchaser must rely largely, upon the .knowledge of the dealer. We lire pleaded to give you the benefit of our thorough knowledge of jewelry. T t i' About Watches Theio nro ncores of very good tnnkeit of wntcheH on tho mar ket today, liut thoro tiro iiomo hotter tt'iuj otlwro for particular useH. Now, In thlri very particular tho ChrlfitmiiH purchnBor ' should coitHult tho Jeweler who Ih ac quainted with thu rertaln adaptaliillly of a watch. Wo aro plcaiiod to bo able lo offer you n lino of very nolect vatchoH for ladlew and Kentlemen nt nil prlcoa. GIFT SUGGESTIONS Urooches LlnKorlo Pine Py-lta-LIn Ivory Steak Sota- - , Slvor IllngH Cut CIltifcH China Vanity Haga Mantel Clocks SowIiik Ilankota Manicure Seta Pearl Necklncos Wrlat WatcltoH I It's The Little Yfovd One Receives On Christmas Day hoping for a Merry Christmas, good health, prosperity happiness that one appreciates. Be suro to remembor those good true friends with CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS The VOLLAND GREETING CARDS are recognized as the most artistic on the market for this holiday season; And then too there are the superb VOL LAND books for children illustrated by artists who understand the likes of children, and written by artists who understand how children think. f . rson-& .GO.. mLlk Specialists ATvTHE SIGN .OF THE DIG CLOCK JeWelw TipFJGoT 1 rrj I told vou Sfli v;ea, this vas n Frrm mtfoly u mutter of hlntory, Kh effectH aro ntlll belni; felt In the wldenproad duuiaKo dono to plumbing through out tho city. Not only wuh plumbing damaged, but In Hcndvinw, no water whatever wan delivered for moro than two,dyn when the pumping ma chinery 'which KupplleH tho upper roMirvolr froxe, and a thrco Inch pipe burnt, neccKHltatlng n rush order of equipment from Portland before Morvlca could be resumed. Tho big mlllH nero ntlll Idle, for in nplto of tho thaw, logH In tho pond aro held by Ico 10 Inches thick, and logging has not yet been renamed In tho canipH, Rawing wax not to bo titnrted until Thurnduy at tho earliest. at tho BhevlIn-HIxon plant, while at tho DrookK-Scnnlon mill, repairs will keep tho bands idlo for much longer. IlondB throughout tho county aro for tho most part passable today, County Judge W. D. Uarnen reported. Kigltt Children Had Croup. "I havo eight children and give Foley's Honey and Tar to all of them," writes Mrs. P. Itehkamp, 2-104 Iforman St., Covington, Ky.; "they all wero subject to croup." It loosens mucus and phlegm, wtops that strangling cougr., iaaken easy breathing possible and permits quiet Bleep. Contain no oplatoa. Child ren II ko It.- Sold Evorywhero. I FAVOR COMPROMISE ON PEACE TREATY Preference for compromlno on res ervations, with Immediate ratifica tion of tho peace treaty and tho lea gue of nations covenant, 7 evinced in volet which havo been turned in to The ltullctin on tho pcaco treaty ballot which was prl'ited In tho Sat urday and Monday issues. In addi tion to tho votes supporting this man ner of settling tho Senate deadlock, ono favored ratification, but only with all the Lodge reservations, ono was for ratification without any res ervations, and one opposed ratlflca tiop In any form. THE INSTRUMENT OF QUALITY onflr, CLEAR AS A DELL VJ 5 -i O-NIGHT, in front of a cozy fire, with your slippers on and seated luxuri ously in a big easy chair, you can start your Sonora and in an instant you are on Broadway, at the Metropolitan, where world-famed artists sing, at the cabarets where the latest fox trots are heard, or at the theatres where light opera reigns. The Sonora plays for you all makes of disc records perfectly without extra attachments and with superb ex pression and beauty. The' Sonora is recognized as un equaled by those whose musical taste is most discriminating. You'll be proud to own the Sonora! Prices $50 to $1000 L. K. SHEPHERD MINNESOTA ST. BEND OREGON LU fK F k" " ' i D IM 9 MB A