The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 18, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    IMOK 4
nKND nuMiiaiN, uknd, oiiKuorv, Tiiru.siiv, met KMitim in, idiii
The Bend Bulletin
(Weekly KiliUon)
Published Hy
KslnMMicil lOOJJ.
KKKl) A WOEIiFl.KN, Killtor
An Independent newspaper standing
for tlic iiqunro uoai, cicnu ousmess,
clenn politics nnd tho boat Interests
of Uond nnd Central Oregon.
Ono year f2.00
Six month 1.00
Three months - B0
When legislators pass tho laws
that go Into tho statute books they
have ho t'dea 'or the strange and un
expected results that may flow from
thorn. A caso In point is tho national
excess profit law designed to bring
revenue info tho United States treas
ury and doing so with great success
and also forcing tho suspension
of many small country newspapers,
n result wholly unintended.
Tho direct reason for tho suspen
sion of the small papers Is their ab
solute Jualtlllty to buy news print
or tho fact that it can bo obtained
only for prices that are prohibitive.
Never in newspaper history were con
ditions so difficult. Prices of tho
news print have advanced by leaps
nnd bounds. Where a few years ago
threo cents per pound was an aver
age price tho rate Is now anywhere
'from seven and threo quarters to 13.
Contracts are unobtainable. Many
papers are living from hand to
mouth. Regulations tor paper sav
ing more strict than wero enforced
during tho war are being adopted
nnd still tho shortago continues and
tho little fellow Is going down n:ul
Why Is newsprint scarce'. One
reason Is . strong foivi; i demand
Another is curtailed production, but
tne chief reason is that there Is an
unusually, larre amount being used.
Tho reason -why so much Is being
used is to accomoi'ato the tremend
ous quantity of alvotMns now be
ing placed.
Why so much advertising? Ee
cause It is paid for by money that
otherwise would go futo excess pro
fits. As an expense of tho buslnos
It is a deductible Item.' It tlw money
wero not spent it would go Into pro
lit s and from CO to 80 percent would
be paid In taxes. Put Into advertis
ing CO to 80 percent of tho expense
Is paid by Uncle Sam and tho balance
Is the actual cost to the advertiser.
The advertisers referred to aro of
course, the large corporations that
advertise nationally. They have
taken so much space In the metro
politan newspaper that tho publish
ers have found it necessary to In
crease the slzo of their papers.
In so doing they have created an
inordinate demand for newsprint and
are crowding the little fellow out.
And to think that a nowspaper had
to go out of busluoes because of too
much advertising.
P. S. Tho foregoing Is not a pre
liminary hint that Tho Rulletln Is
going out of business on account of
the newsprint shortage. It has Its
supply airanged for.
ant to correct It and to state tho ex
act facts for the Information ot tho
Tho Y. M. C. A. as represented by
Mr. Trlckey, Mr. Kulls and Mr. Duu
can, tho only members o: tho organ
ization from tho outside who havo
been connected with the local Instit
ution, has never taken any position
In regard to professional contests In
IlllU fij llllliinilllll. W K1UM U. "t.'M
men. whnlevor htu personal opinion
has been, has made it a condition of
the Y. M C. A. taking over tho man
agement, that no such contests bo
allowed and In no discussion of tho
subject has any one of thorn said that
tho professional contests must bo
Tho action which Is now reported
came entirely from the local mem
bers ot the committee ot manage
ment. At a meeting ot this commltteo
held last Thursday night there wero
present besides Mr. Trlckey and
Mr. Kells. T. H. Foley, D. (S. Mcl'hor
8on. Frank Inabnlt. Frank Ilrobert,
J. E. Purdy, Gcorgu Gove. Carl A.
Johnson, J A. Hastes, II, K. Allen,
F. A. Woelflou and Robert W. Saw
yer. Mr. Trlckey reported that a
request had been made to rent tho
building for a smoker nnd asked
what the policy ot tho committee
was to be toward renting the build
Ing for such purposes. Knch mem
ber of tho committee 'present was
called on for his opinion nnd when
the poll was complete, It was found
that It was unanlmlous against pro
fessional contests In tho building.
So far as this committee Is tho Y.
M. C. A. tho action Is that of tho Y.
M. C. A. It Is not. however, tho ac
tion of the Y. M. C. A. mcu who have
come to Rend to manage the gym
nasium. It Is n thing toted hf the
loenl men who aro connected with
the management nnd represents their
opinion ns to what Is proper and fit
ting for the building devoted to tho
purposes for which tho gymnasium
Is devoted.
Tho statement now going about
, that the Y. M. C. A. will not allow
any more smokers in the gymnas
ium Is so Ruble to give the wrong
Impression that wo feel it is Import-
Several times In the past we have
compared the efforts made by the
business Interests of Rond and Red
mond to attract farmers and farm
trade to tho respective towns. To
anyone acquainted with the facts It
Is clear that the comparison Is whol
ly In favor of Redmond. Ry creat
ion of n union high school, ostab;
llshed of rural free delivery routes,
nnd In other ways the town has at
tracted business from the farms.
In Rend, on tho contrary, condi
tions have been created that tend to
repef. rather than attract, farmers
Thyse conditions Include, for ex-
nmple, short banking hours en Sat
urday, limited store hours and the
procedure under the city charter for
tho handling of eat rays. This Is not
to say that each of those things Is
not desirable from the town point of
view. Viewed from the farmer's
side, however, they are not so doslr
able nnd it Is from his side Hint we
are now looking at things.
Plainly, tho reason for the differ
ence between the towns Is natural.
Redmond Is naturally an agricultural
center and has been active In Improv
ing hnr position as one; Rend has
become more of nn Industrial town
and as such has an assured prosper
ity up to a certain time and point.
Recauso of this assured business but
fow have bcon Interested to go af
ter the farmers as tho merchants
of Redmond havo done and there
we have lost.
When tho Romans feasted they
i n At -i
Y't-iy' - s
- iiiiijiiiWiiiiiiiiiiifl
Did you ever hear of a squirrel starving? No
because the squirrel lays away his food sup
ply for the day when he will be unable to ob
tain it or work.
The squirrel may be an example to you. Put
away today for the day when you will need.
We Will Help You.
Pay 4- per cent interest
PI nm W If M?rwt
f train ' "lir'HEttly
It til It! Hi i JilKiJL
Your Creamery
Builds Business
for Yourselves
The Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
Will Pay One Cent
Above the Market
Price for Butterfat
Paid by Portland
Yearly Market
Fair, Honest Tests.
The Creamery Should
be Your Asset.
Bring in Your Cream
Central Oregon
Farmers' Creamery
placed on tlte banquet table a skull
as a reminder ot man's mortality.
Happy as they might bo at the feast
tho skull told them ot tho day to
come and to those tfhoso vision Is
beyond today the death's head of
our forests' end is u very cal thing.
Indeed, suppose a mill shut down for
any rensou next mouth or next year.
I'nless we had other resources to
full back on It would mean bad
times for Rend.
It Is none too soon to begin the
development of other resources and
the farm trade Is the most (Import
ant and most readily av'allablo re
sources thorn Is.
Will Rend go after It?
Wo trust that our -eadors are not
tired of tho thrift arguments print
ed occasionally In this column. I lore
Is another taken from Ui Mlehlu
Hulk-tin and entitled "The Two
Roads." Rend it and decide which
one you are travelling.
"This Is on me."
"Ono more of the tmme."
"Lend mo live."
"Just a 11 t lo game o paw the
"Charge this."
"Here, boy."
"Where do wo go from hero?"
"Lot's have another round."
"W live but once." '
"You can go home any time."
"Your money's no good."
"I can't b bothered with small
change." t
"Tho sky's the limit."
"I'm paying for this. '
"Don't bo n piker."
"It's nil In a lifetime." .
"We'll be a long tlmo illad."
"More where this oamo from,"
Thrift Road.
"What's the price of thin?"
"One will do."
"Tho walk will do me good."
"No, thank you." '
"I onn't afford that."
"Give me your host price."
"I'll carry this."
"I promised iny wife."
"I need the money."
"Let mu pay my share.''
"I can get ulong without this."
I'll got It ns I need it."
"Is It worth seolng?"
"A penny In as good In my pocket."
"This is what I got for niy money."
In vlow of tho plans under con
sideration for tho establishment of
n county library the following from
tho Medford Mall-Trlbuno la of Inter
est. Says tho Tribune:
"Our entire system of political eco
nomy doponds for Its success upon
the Intelligence and enlightenment
of tho rank and fllo. Wo tulk a grout
deal about Rolshevlks, but tho super
Rolshevlk of all Is Ignorance Any
plan that will reduce Ignorance I&
worthy tho support of afl good citi
zens, here and elHowhore, Such u
A Few Christmas Facts
in Black and White-
If you have been undecided about what
. to get for-Christmas do this
a Estimate what your family will spend.
b Find from each one what he wants.
c Find what each expects to give.
d Gather them altogether.
e Find out from each what he or she enjoys
the most.
f Then you suggest getting something for
the home which every 'one will enjoy for
a long, long time.
g And when you've done this, the conclus
clusion will be a phonograph.
And that phonograph will be SONORA.
: L K. Shepherd '
plan Is the extension of tho city
library system to the rountry dis
tricts. If tho small financial assist
ance necessary Is available, tho coun
ty court will have the united support
of tho peoplo In extending It to the
organizers of tho county library plan.
Working under conditions more
dltllcult than any It has evur known
here tho Rend Water. Light & Power
Co. hatf maintained lis city service
this .week In a most creditable iimu
nor. All of us are dependent on tho
company for water, most of us for
light, many of us for power and heat.
Kullure of service In any of them)
would have been a real calamity.
That It has not failed has been duo
to constant vigilance and real hard
work and great credit Is due for the
results obtained.
The Department ot Agriculture's
"Rettar Klres-Ilutter Stock" cam
palgn referred to hero yesterday Is
already under way in this section
through tho campaign Inaugurated
by tho I'lrst National Rank, Its al
lltoratlvo slogan, "Metier Rucks,
Mulls anil Roars Riilld Rigger Rank
Ralauces" Is u statement of what
the Department Is trying to do and
also describes the goal set by tho
bnuk for the liiiproromout of cen
tral Oregon livestock.
It has taken tho destruction of tho
Konwood foot bridge to show how
Important It Is In tho life of most
of tho residents of the west side of
tho river. Tho bridge that Is gouo
was built by The Rend Company.
The city should lose no tlmo In re
placing It with a now ono to tako
all kinds of travel,
Now that two senators have call
ed on President Wilson and found
that there Is no Impairment of his
faculties they aro limited to saying
that ho Is suffering from puraylsls
below the waist. They aro bound
to havo him paralyzed Homewhero,
The Inlted ritntes llNllrniid Ad-j
ministration has Jiimi published a
booklet on Oregon with matter do- '
ftcrlptlvo of most sections of t lit
stale, and even going Into detail I
concerning the counties. DitnoliutoM
county, however. Is prominently1
missing. Wo wonder why.
Did It ever occur lo you that 'in
only place In Oregon where nilM
grow Is weal of tho Cascades?
It's about tlmo for someone toj
come forward and tell us that the
winters in o getting moie severe.
This one Is, anyway.
One trouble with our school ,
seems to be too much boat In one
building and not enough In others
The fceunlor from Arizona Ih un
able to iNiikit Wilson I'hII for his
(Ii-sIkiim on Mexico.
First Item on your shopping list
for tomorrow. Ruy Red Cross seals.
" In a nook 6tore.
Ciitomor lluto you a book of syno.
(Ireen Clerk I'll mt, iimilnme, (To
department head:) Do wo carry Mr,
Synonym' -vorlis?
We linve. stocks of
for immediate and future de
livery. We purchased early.
Write or Wire
Swift & Company
Animal Food Dopt. NORTH l'ORTI,AXR, ORKtJO.V