. 4 f "It'sLikeJMttgMoW says the Pat Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco ' W-B.CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco A LEAD HEN TO TRAP NEST, THEN INDUCE HER TO LAY How the Poultry Raiser Can Overcome Nature of Fowl to Deposit Ekpw in "Cash Registers" and Not in Scheduled 1'Iuccs Trap Nesting Valuable. If you have ever led 11 Imrmi down n low; iiuil tortuous limit to water mill (hull IiiiiI lliu iiiilimil ropealmlly )fiiHo to drink, you 1110 In n position (o nppreclnto tho iircillctiiiii'iit of lliu poultry miser who equlpi It If poul try house wlh trui nests uiiiI then tlmU thiit somo of tin' pullets will not tmn those liiKiiiilnus dov.',. Tliat latent Instinct of thu fnmntu fowl to deposit her ukk In wtrlodml. remote spots, piifrnbly In n nost which dlii) nuiHoimlly constructs, uiuy , omiim troillilo to tho chloknti miner who Attempts to uocmitom tho pill loin to tho mtlllnliil Imp nest. t'Miully iih soon iih thu pullol uro iuimovim) to winter o,uurlor whom trap nests are used thu trouble be ins, ih ii n In of tint younl fi-ninles inny lny tlmlr or.Ks on tho flour In tho Htwv anil llttur. In tho corners of the luillillnx. mill often upon mill tuulor (ho dropping boards. In remmlytiiK nuoh nifjiiliiniisiiKir on tho p;irt of tho pulley, It In llriit ossoiitlul to sco A (hul onoiiuh trup nosls uro proved. I'suHlly tho c(ulpiiu)iit should In oluda ono trap nost for each four pul lets or hour) In (ho Hock. IIuvIiik turnedled uny deficiency In thu way of mint cqtilpuipni. tho pnultryuwui should next rosnrf to hundlliiK us u menus of ourlmt tho fowls of their undesirably hithlt or InyltjK tholr efjKS ntO'whuro uml everywhere nliout tho Iioum. Tho owimr or nttoiidaul nhoulil outer tho hoimo ftoiiicntly throiiKhout tin- day. mid an oflon iih Iiu flndM nuu of tliji piiltotH uoHtliiK In ii aMludod npot ho nhoulil pick tho Mrd up mid pUrw hor In a trap uot Aftr ho do(M thl Hovoml tliii tho pullot hcomm nrrUMtomi'd to tho nr IHIpIhI iimIm and MokR (hum Inlul- lively when h In roudy to lny okkm. .Mako tho .r Coyy. Of coiimo, H U 0MtMillal to niulio tho iioHtu iih altraullvo mid cozy u poiathlo, mid (IiIh Ik iiccoiupllMhod hy providing thnm with plenty of clean llttor. iih ofton iih n nuw aupply of w ntinw Ih noi'dml. Furthurnioro, In aw Ih needed. Furthermore, In c.,.ar.y ""jectlonnhlo cuhoh h to clean all tho litter from tho1 partlc pay A ALE Founded onJ.M.ltarrit'sfamous play"ThtAdmirablt Criehlon." Adapttdjor the setetn lyjtamt Maephenon iOUCIL B. Df MII.LU hat pro VJ dured a conilderable number of the blggeti motion picture lu? cenei In (he hlilnry of the xreen. If you iv hit production, "Don't Change Your Huiband," "For Bet ter, For Vore," and "Old Wlvei for New," you cannot forget them', every one a great human drama, every one a great Paramount Art ra(t Picture. Aro You Seeing Paramount Artcraft Pictures ? America' finett motion nlcture theatre, big and amall, are ihow ing Paramount Artcraft Plciurct, week in, week out. Here arc tome of the recent production. Make ure your theatre ihowa them: Marguerite Clark in "Widow by Proxy," Elite Ferguwn in "The Witnet for the Defenie," Wal lace Held in "The Valley of the FAMOUS IIAYEJlfi SB vtmmmmmhi4jFmmMmmmiAtm Good Judge When you take a little chew of this real quality tobacco, and the good tobacco taste begins to come. You'll find it keeps com ing, too. The ricli to bacco taste lasts and lusts. You don't have to take a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. floor of thn house, In order to break tho Iiiiiih of laylni: promiscuously wherever thoy duslro. Ily removing tho straw anil heddluir, tho floor of tho Iioiiho Jh not ho attractive ns a nesting spot for tho hens and pullctt. mid hoiica thoy uro forced (o seek the trap nests. Tho purpose of Imp nesting tho flock Ii4 to ascertain which buns luy. either for ddtvrinlulnit what record thoy innjto or for IdonHfyliiK thulr OKK durliiK (ho hutching season, no! that pjdli;ro records uro possible. Trup niintliij: icqulroH considerable amount of attojitlon, but Is n vnlu nlilo aid In duvoloplw; a flock of poul try AIoiik IIiiok of breeding for pkk pioducllon. " COW TIMTI.NO !-:.'l'J.AI.NKI. OHKOPN AOItlCCl.TUUAI. CQI I.KOK, lcc (. Ono of tho InrKHnt mid moHt proKroHHlvo cow lHtlnK Moclatloim In tho United tltutw Ih tho oiKaulallon now In operation In Til lamook county. DurluK tlio novoml yonrn of IIh xlttnco tho money Hpolit for tettliiK cowh him brought iiiryturii moro than nny other In .:Tr.:..i .. . .i. . . . Yuniliiuilif 'rtl I llll 1' annum weOK lO ho hold ut (ho, Oregon Agricultural wwt . P. coIIoko Drroinhcr 2U,-Janunry 3, I'ror. K. I. .Wentovcr win, nhow. how any Kroup or dairy farmnrH can ;et toKether lind form Hiich un orKanlza lion. IIIm lociuroii will Indlcato tho nreat liunufltH to ho derived from iiurli mi URnocliitlon. manured by tho farmur in a cooperative way. Ho will kIvo iiclutil IIIUHtrallotiH of how furmoni In tho atnto have onnrmotiHly lucroHHod tholr profll by detecthiR tho "boarder" cow mid HHtidliiR hor to the block. LEGAL NOTICES I't'iu.ic xotici:. Public notice Ih hereby given that tho county court of iJohcuuIcr county Oregon. Iuih mndo the fnllowlnr; oh- '"'on. iuih mniio ine ioiiowihk $ VlZSW $?& ,,., ml coutnliiK it Htntement bo IllfT of Utf t. LAKV .M..W CECILBDeMILLE'S PRODUCTION f and FEMALE ffammowitjrk'tvlfpkftuv- In "Male and Female" you ie the , miurioui civniiailoa ol the Hate lieu home of modern HnRUnd you tee a lummuoui EnalUh yacht wrecked on a South Sea Island and iti titled occunintu flung athnre by the tea and forced to struggle for existence tinder Swltt Family Rob iaton conditioni and later you ice the imt character moving amid the barbaric iplendor ot a court In ancient Babylon I Giant"; George Loane Tucker's Production "The Miracle Man," Alto, the Thomas II. Incc Produo tlonsi Knld IJennett in "Stepping Out" and Charlet Ray in "The Kgg Crate Wallop"; the Paramount. Arbuckle Comedies, the Paramount Mack Srnnett Coinedici, and ths Paramount-Uurton HolincJ Travel Picture. mL -IA8XY CORfOSATJON from sources 7Jthor"IhH'n"tlroct"(Kx7 IXImnto of KxnoudUurf County clork 0,27(5 8,280 4,8 r; 15 4,210 2,000 400 3.C00 1,400 400 100 2,700 CO 2,1500 1,200 3150 1,500 Sheriff, tia f Hohool iittpnrliitondonf, ASHOHSOr, TronHiiror, Surveyor Commissioners cuur(, County court, Justice courts, Coroner, .......;. Election (IXpOIIMO, ..... Widows pensions, J.'.. Water inriHtcc, Health o III cor, - Indigent relief County farm u. r.,ooo Court house and nil 4.000 uoauK nuu nrniKos, jo.ihu Htato cliamliiir of com,, 1,000 1.7C0 Hcalp oouutloM, ...... Knlrn Hoard of prlHonurH, . Printing prococdlii;s, MlHcolhuiuouH, Circuit court County uttornoy, . ... Library (Unto tar AKrlculturlxt ,., Iloud innrlilnory (lonnrnl hcIiooI, 1,000 1,000 300 1,000 3,nr,o 7G0 3,00P 30,000 2,200 c.o oo 27,000 Total $14 1,570 ' I'MJiiiuIimI Itotclpto. Clork'M & ItocordorH focn,... I fl.CGfi Klnon . 2.000 Kori'Dt rovemue, ........ ... 1,000 Fair monyy, ... 000 Total ...$ 10,200 Ilalnnco to ho ralHcd hy direct taxation (134.311 In addition tlicro will ho mined hy direct luxation oufnldp tho umount llmltud hy tho constitution tho mini or 0.875 IntorcKt on $125,000 rond fund houiU, .nud a ono mill tax for market roadn. Not I c Ih further kIvoii that the inlil court ban llxed ThurHduy, Dec oinbor IK. 191!), at tho hoilr of 10 o'clock In tho morultiK at tho court room In Mend, tn tho time and place for a full mid complete iIIuciihhIoii of nalil CMllmatcH when and where any tux payer Hiihjoct to wild tax levy when made uhatl ho heard In favor or nKiiliiHt any proponed tar levy. ruhllHhed hy order of tho county court of DeHchutffl county. In Tho Iloud lliillelln. iho oniclal paper of toild county on the 27th day of Nov ember and the 4th day of December, I Mil. the llrxt publication belnir not Iokh than 20 dnyn mid tho iiccoiid not I o than 10 dnya prior to mild pro poned mootliijr. U I. IIAIIN'KS, County JuiIko. V. II. MIU.KK, , HBTII HTOOKKV, CommlBRlonorn. 3U-I0c .VOTICi: Ol' IICAItlNO O.N I'l.NAIi ACCOl'NTIXO. Notice Ih hereby Klvou Hint tho tindoralKitrd ndmlnlKtrnlor of tho I'Htuto of Chump Smith, decoiiKed, Iiiib filed bin tluul acconntliiK In tho county court of DoHchuton County OroKon. nud that thn Judno of ald court linn fixed .Saturday, December - 27. 1319, nt 10 o'clock a. in. at tho rnmilv riinrt ri.n.i. I.. l. ,...!. t "'"' .Mf tifIM J WUIIIIHUIIV In Ileml. Orecoti. ax tho (Into und place for hearing objcctlonn to mid tho Hottlemuut of nnld ticcoiiullui:, mid nil pernoiiH IntereMted uro here by cited to appear at unld tlhio and place and utiown cause If nuch-oxlHt why mild final nccouutlni; Hhould not bo allowed nnd unld admlnlutrator dlnclinrued from Ills trimt. Dated mid published 11 mt tlmo November 2", IfllS. J. 8. SMITH. Aitmu!fltnitnr of tho Untato of Champ Smith, Decerned. 39.42c SUMMONS. IN THE CIItCUIT COUItT OF THE . STATE OF OltEOON. FOIt DE SCHUTES COUNTY. Win. E. SANI)KU ) Plaintiff. ) v. ) ANNA O. INOEItSOI.I,. ) nnd J. II. HANEIt, ) Clork of Deschutes County, Oregon. ) Defendants. ) TO ANNA O, INQEItSOI.I.. Dofoiul- luut: IN THE .NAME OF THE STATE OF OltEOON; You uro horeby re quired to appear nnd answer tho com plaint filed tlKlllllHt VOll In thn lilinvn I entitled suit within six weeks from 'the dato of tho first publication of mis HuiumonH upon you, to-wlt: within sox weeks front tho 20th. dny of Novemhor. 1919, nnd which said duto Ih tho dato of tho first publica tion hereof, und if you full to nppenr and uiiHwor within suld tlmo. tho pimuiiu win nppty to tho court for tho relief prayed for In said com plaint, to-wlt. FHtST for tho sum of $1,700.00 with Intercut thereon nt tho rate of Six per cent porminuin front thn laili day of Sopt.ouibor, 1917; for tho sum or $170.00 nttnruoys fen, nud for his costs mid dlsbursonioiits herein. SECOND tltnt tho usual decreo may bo iniulo for tho sale of mild promises by tho sherlif of said county, according 0 jaw mul t(lc prnctlsu of thla court, nnd that tho proceeds of said salo nmv hn inmiin.i lln thu paymom of tho mmmnt due to tho plaintiff, nud of tho cost nnd attorneys foes, und that tho balance. nf nny (hero bo. bo applied as pro- wueu iij- iuw, nuu iuih said tlofoiul mit, nud nil persons claiming under him subsequent to tho execution or said mnrlKngo upon snld premises, either us purchasers, Incumbrancers or othorwlso, may ho barred und roreclo,sod of nil rights, claims or equity or rpdoniptlou in tho said pre iuIhos. nud every part thoreof. TIHUD Hint tho plaintiff, or nny other party to this suit, muy becomo a purchnser at Hitld sale. FOUUTII, that it ltestrnlulns Order bo Issued, by this court forbid ding nnd. prohibiting said dofendant, J. II.' Hnner, county clork of Do- copllnK"fi5r"fetfririinnicoa-rivon-oyt w. w. nnnooi, io mo uerenuntit Anna O. Intnrnoll. FIFTH, that it Itontrnliilnff Ordor he lnHiiml hy thin court prohibiting mid forblddlni; (ho defendant, Anna G. IiiKoiHoll, hor holrx or ohhIkiih, from filing for record tho deed given to hor on Hoptomber 13, 1017, by tho plnlntln", for tho rout ctn(o hero in before doHcrlhed, nnd Hint thu plaintiff have hiicIi other and fur ther relief In tho promlneii n to thin court may ncom moot mid cditllahln. TlilM.wilmnioiiH Ih ptibllohcd In tho DijihI .Itiilletln, n weekly uowHpnpcr of Ko'neml circulation publlnhcd In HoniW Definite County. Oregon. onco a week for hIx conHccutlvo! wekH by ordor of Honorable T. K, J. DurfyJiidK" of the abovo entitled court, .which order Ih dated tho 10th day of November, 1919, mid which Order hpocMpk tho dato of tho llixt publication of thin HiimmoiiH, mid dlrectH that you nppcar mid antiwr within lx weekH from the unld 20th day of Novomeber, und that it copy of tho "complaint mid mimmon bo forthwith mulled to on nt your Inst knowjj pout olllco nddrcHH. Dated of llrxt publication, Novem ber 20, 1919. DoAUMOND mid KIIRKINK. AtlorneyH for Plaintiff, O'Kniiq Illdjf,, IJend, OreKon. 38-44c , NOTICI3 OF ltO.NI HAM:. Honied bld will ho received until the hour of 10 o'clock. . m. tho 11th day of December, 1919, by tho under idfcned nnd Immediately thereafter publicly opened by tho County Cdurt of DcKchutoH County, Oregon, nt tho ofllco of mild court in the County Court Hon no in IJend, Ore Kou. for the purchuKo of botnla of Hiild county InMiied for the bulldliw; or permanent roadu tlicro In the mi or ot 1125,000, Ramo heliiK thn whole of mi authorized liwiie of $125,000. iiamo beliiK In denominations of $1, 000 ouch, numbered from 1 upwnrdH, dutod Novomlier I, 1919, mid nialur Iuk Horlally In nuinerlail order iih followH: $18,000 four (I) yenm from dnto of Ihhiio; $18,000 five (5) yearn from dnto of Ihhiio; $18,000 hIx (C) years from date of Inane; $18,000 hovcii (7) year from data of Home; $18, 000 olRht (8) yenrH from dnto ot is Hiie; $18,000 ulno (9) years from dato or Ihhiic; $17,000 ten (10) years from dato of Iiutue. Said bondH to boar Interest nt flvo nnd ono-hnlf per cent (5) per an num, payable semi-annually on May and November llrnt. principal and In to rent, payable In United Stnten gold coin at the otllce of Iho County TrenH urer or at tho FIhcoI Anency of tho State of Oregon. In New Vork City, nt tho option of tho holder. . Said bondH miiHt ho accompanied hy it certified check for 5 per cent of tho par value of tho bondH hid for nndjiutiHl bo unconditional. Tho upprovltiR IokjiI opinion of Mcshi-h Ten!. Minor & Wlnfree. of rprtlnnd. OreKon. will bo furnUhed the Hiiccimsftil bidder. Tho court roKorvefi tho right to re ject any or nil bldn. J. II. HANEIt. ' Qlork. AwioHHed valuation of taxablo pro perty of DoHchutes County Ih $8,733. G29.40. The county Iuih no bonded IndchtcduoKH. 3S-40c SUMMONS. In I ho Crnilt Court of the State of Oregon, I'oi Doneltutiw County. ANNETTE FItlNK. ) Pralntlff. ) s. ) W.M. A. FItlNK, ) Defendant. ) TO Win. A. Frlnk. tho nbove named defendant: In tho Nnmo of tho Stnto of Ore gon, you aro hereby required to np poar and answer tho complaint filed against you in tlio above entitled esse and cause nit or beforo tho 2fth day or December. 1919. which is more than six weeks nrtor tho 13th duy or November, 1919. tho dato or tho first publication ot this summons nud If you fall so tn appear ami answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to tho court for the relief prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlt! For n decreo of this court dissolving tho bonds of matrimony heretofore und now existing between plaintiff nnd defendant, und for n further decreo awarding to plaintiff the future care, custody und control Of plaintiff mid ttnftmilnnt'it mlnnr child. Oludys Frlnk, und for such otner iinti nirtiior roller us to tho court niny nppenr Just nnd equltnble. Service of this summons Is made upon yon hy publication thereof In the Iloud Hulletln for six rnnsoritllvn and successive weoks under nud. by tirmo or on ordor mndo mid entered Oil tllO 13th dllV nf K'nvnmliAP I Q. t Q by tho Honorable T. E. J. Duffy! Judgo of tho above entitled court. 1110 (lute Of the llrsl mihllrntlm of this summons is tho 13th day of Not ember. 1919. and tho dnto or tho last puWIcutlon thereor is tho ISth day of December. 1919. E. O. STADTEIt. Attorney (or Plajntlff. Head, Oregon 37-42c Sl'MJIOXS. In tl rti-riilt Cou'it of tho. Stut or OiTKim in mid For tlio County of livchnti. GEO, IJ, SIMPSON. ) Plaintiff. ) GEO. S. CLAYTON, ) Defendant. ) THE STATE OF OUEG.ON TO THE SAID GEOHCIE S. CLAYTON: on are hereby summoned to ap pear within sixty days nftor tho first publication or this summons, to-wlt: Wlthtll Hlvlv lnvi ,.f, ,1... ,.,. ...... of Novemhor, lOlO, und dorend tho nbovo entitled notion In tho ubovo entitled court and servo copy ot your nnswer upon tho iittorueya ror tho plaintiff nt tholr ofllco below RtllttWl mill 111 nnon ,. . .... .... . ......... W1BU ,,, JUr Illliurg BQ I I TANUC iiKnliiHt you iiccordlnr; to the prnyor of tho complaint, which hnx been filed with the clork of tho fin Id court, tho object of thin null Ih to forcclofle n mortgage In tho mini of Ono TIioiih mid dollurH, together with Interest thereon nt tho rnto of 10 per cent per milium from the Unit day of Hop lumber, 1918, nnd for the furtlinr miiiii ot Two Hundred dollar attor ney 'h fee mid tho cohIh and dlHbumo mentfl of thin action to bo tnxed. Said forecIoHiiro beitiK no unlit up on tho following described property in the county of Deschutes, Stnto of Oregon, to-wlt: tho southwcHt quarter of tho noutheaat qunrtcr of Hectlou 32, townHhlp 15 and lots three und four nnd tho north ono hnlf of tho Houthwent quarter of mcc tlon flvo in (owiiHhlp xlxteei Houth, nil In rniiKo 11 K, W. M. contnlnlng 138.51 acres. Thl numinous Ih published In com pliance with mi order of (ho Honor able Circuit court for the county of DcHchutcH made nnd entered on tho 22nd. day of October, 1919, and or dering thn( the nnld Biimmoim bo published lu seven coneciitlvo Ihhiios of u newHpapcr or general circula tion lu DeicuutcH county, Oregon. CUIUS A. WRLh. GEO. IJ. SIMPSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO t itKDITOIt.H. Notice In hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly appoint ed administrator of tho estate of John It, Fryrcar Into of Sisters, I)e schuteH county Oregon. All person's hnvliiK claims against tho estate or said deceased are hereby notified to present tho same, duly verified ac cording to law, to John II. Fryreur, administrator. Ilend, Oregon, within six mouths from the dato of the first publication hereof. Dato of first publication, Novem ber 27, 1919. JOHN It. FRVItEAIt. Administrator of tho estato of John IJ. Fryrcar. deceased. 39-43c XOTlCi: IOK I't'lH.ICATiOX. Department of llio Inferior. V. S. LA,ND OFFICE nt Tho Dalles Oregon. November 8, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that Ferdinand Tnuscher, of Mlllicnn, Oregon, who en April 2G, 1910, mndo Homestead Entry, No. 015987, for Lots 1-2 S16 NE, SB,i, Section C. Township 20 South, Ilango 16 East, Willamette Meridian, ban filed notico of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim td tho land abovo described, before H. C. Ellis Brooks-Scanlon Lumber X Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Buildinp Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Fjnish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Standard Sue. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sale Ayent, MILLER LUMDER CO. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Itooms 13-16 First National Dank D'.Os. To!. 511 (Dr. Cot'n Former OWe.) II. 11. DcArmonJ Cb. Vf. Eriklne DeArmond & Erskine LAWYKKS O'Kano Duildlnj, Bend, Oregon H. C. JC L L I S Attorneynt-LW Tatted. Stt CotttBilssloBer First Nntlonnl Bank Bulldlnc BEND. OREGON 1MISS B, OSTSRMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOt Lawronco BUIr., Room 3 Phone Red 2251 DR. C. H. SOLL PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON Bend Press Bldg. BENp. OREOON Phpnes: OJflco Red 41; Res. 123 j Deschutes County Abstract Company D. tt. PEOPLES. Pro.ldont Most Complete Abstract Plant in Central Oregon. Special Attontion Qlyen to Federal Loan Abstracts. First Nutlonul Dnh Dldg., BEND, ORE., Cor. next to Alloj FOR SALE BY The Owl f'harimfacy SOLK AGENTS V 8. Commhinlonor, nt Ilond, Ore gon, on tho 27th day of Decomber, 1919. Clalmnut names n wltnoHncn: Clifford J. Cook, Qoorgo W. Cook. Wllllnm Ilnhn. ChnrlcH Orn(Tonler gor, nil of Mlllicnn, Oregpu, H. FltANIC WOODCOCif, Ilcglster. 3 8-4 2 p 37-43c STATE OF OltEOON, . ) COUNTY OF DESCHUTES ) U. O. Mclleynolds, who holnjf first duly nworu, states upon oath that ho Is the duly elected, aunllfled. and acting Cashier of. Tho First National Hank of Ilend, Oregon, a corporation organized and existing under tho laws of Oregon. Affiant further states that tho fol lowing Is n truo and' complete state ment of nil accounts, now on tho hooks of said bunk, in which tlicro has been neither deposit or chock drawn during seven (7) years last past: II. J. Douglas ...$283.67 That tho last known placo of re sidence, or post ofllco address of nald depositor mm IJend, Oregon," and that the last change mndo in said account was February, 1912, Is. O. ilcItEVNOLDS. Subscribed and sworn td before tne. this 7lh. day of November, A. D.. 1919. IJIUDIE MOHOAN, Notary Public ror Oregon. My commission expires, October 18. 1922. 37-40C Dr. L W. GatcM Optftaelrist ar Manufzcioring Optician i II Complete Lent Grindiaz PUnt io con- i ncclica with my efflce it 'I LARSON U CO.. Jewelers J 143 Oregon iticet. ' Bend, Oregoa Brand Directory A Right side; right oar crop ped; wattle right bind le. 11. L. TONE, Sisters, Ore. adr.lOOa Phone Black 1391 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kane Butldlas BEND ... ORBQON J O. P. NIBWONpER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Llceased EmbaJraw, Fuaernl Dbctor. Phone Red 42L Lady Aut DR. R. D. STOWELL Nsprapnthlc Physic! Over Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Houra 9 to B Phoao Red 48fl DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located in Bend with New Equipment Private Offlco In Thorson's Jowelry Storo Dr. Turnor will be In Prlno vllle every tlrst aud third Frl dny; in Madras ovory second and fourth Friday and In Red mond every first and third Thursday ot each month. Read the Classified Ads. " w juub-iuuiu win uo roudorod J ' .4 'l