The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 04, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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nwliy SlmufiCVt Ximitn6"broui;hl
you In trouble. I can rend In your
face how discouraged you nro. You
must not think I do not understniul.
I ilo understniul perfectly. What you
liRVO dona hns boon only n response
to Impulse; merely undertnken
through u spit It of ndventure. Then
then why not let It end here, nnd
Sum nnd I can ri on to to whatever
Is before ust ft Is nothing to you."
"You nctnnlly brllevo I would con
tent to that?" I asked In startled sur
Urine nt the vehemence of her words.
"'Hint I could prove such it cur?"
"Hut why not? It would not bo
n cowardly net nt nil. I could not
blame you, for I lmvo no claim on
your service never have had. You
lmve done n thousand timet too much
nlrendy; you have risked honor, repu
tation, nnd neglected duty to aid my
rscnpe; nnd and I iiui nothing to you
enn be nothing."
"Nothing to nier
"Certainly not. Why speak llko
tlint? Have you forgotten npilu that
Not. Why Speak Llko
That7 Have Vou Forgotten Again
That I am a Slave a Negress?"
I am n slave a negrcss? Think,
Lieutenant Knox, what It would mean
to you to be caught In my company;
to he overtaken while attempting to
nsslsLinc In escnptug from my master.
Now no one dreams of such a thing,
nnd no one ever need dream. You
have hnd your adventure; let It end
here. I shall be grateful to you al
ways, but but I cannot bear to drag
you deeper Into this mire."
'JYou order me to leave you?"
"I cannot order; I uin u slnve. My
only privilege Is to request, urge, Im
plore. I can merely Insist that It will
be bet best for 114 both for you to
go. Surely you also must realize that
this Is true?"
"You have been brooding over nil
IIiIh." I wild gently, "sitting hero alone,
nnd thinking vihlle we worked. I 11m
not going to nnswer yon now. Thero
Ik no need. Nothing enn he done utull
night, whatever wc decide upon. You
Mill go back with ns to the boat?"
"Yes; I simply cannot stay here"
her eyes wandering toward the cabin.
I took the lend on the return, find
ing tho pjth easy enough to follow In
the full light of day. The sincere lion-r-sty
of her plea tho knowledge that
she actually meant It only served to
draw me closer, to strengthen my de
termination not to desert. lU-t face
won ever before me ns I ndvnuced a
bravely pathetic face, wonderfully
womanly In ih girlish contour np
)eallng to every Impulse of my innn
hood. I admitted the truth of what
she Mild It had been largely love of
nd venture, tho rash recklessness of
youth, which bad brought uu- here.
Hut t lit was my Inspiration no longer
I bad begun to realise that something
deeper, mora worthy, now held me to
tho task. What this was I made nq
Attempt to analyze possibly I did not
dnre but, nevertheless, the mere con
ception of deserting her In the midst
of this wlldcrnps was too utterly re
pugnant for expiesslon. No, not that;
whutever happened It would never be
The lait few rods of our Journey
Iny through thick underbrush, and be
neath the spreading hrnnehcH of Inter
lacing trees. Suddenly I emerged
upon the bank of the creek, with the
rude log wharf directly before me. I
Hopped transfixed, staring ut tho wa
ternothing else greeted my eyes;
, both the bou In were gone.
This unexpected" discovery cumo to
mo llkp n blow- the very breath
KTined to desert my lungs, as I
xiared down ut the vacant stream. We
had been outgeneraled, tricked, and all
our Theories us to what had occurred
were wrong. Tho duly wo bad per
formed to the dead had cost us our
own chance to escape. Instead of be
ing alone, as we hud supposed, wo
were In the midst of enemies; we had
been seen, watched, and while wu
loitered ashore the murderers hnd sto
len our boat and vanished, leaving us
thero helplessly marooned. All this
was plain enough now, when It was
nlrendy too Into to remedy the evil.
The struggling girl emerged through
the tangle of shrubs nnd paused sud
denly nl my side, her lps giving, ut
terance to a cry of surprise. "
kf ik
' US. ' Ji
Devil's Own.
Al.of tl8!uck Howie War
I II null gjjrwwmy.ii
"he-Mlie b'ontt It" ft not hero?"
"No; there Is mil n sign of It. Those
fellows must be still In the neighbor
hood; must have seen us when wu
first came."
"But what nre we to do?"
I had no ready answer, yet the echo
of utter despair In her voice stirred
mo to my own duty as swiftly ns
though she hnd thrust n knife Into my
side. Do? We must do something!
We could not sit down Idly there In
tho swamp. And to decide what was
to be attempted wns my part. It Kir
by nnd whoever was with him had
stolen the missing hunt, as undoubt
edly they had, Ihey could lmve pos-
Isessed but one purpose escape. They
were Inspired to the net by 11 desire
to get nwny, to tlee from the scene
I of their crime. They must bolleve
thnt we were left helpless, unable to
pursue them or create alarm. Yet If
It was Klrby why had he lied so
swiftly, making no effort to take Renu
captive also? It wns she he wns seek
ing; fiir the purpose of gaining pos
session of her these murders had been
committed. Why, then, should he run
nwny when he must have known the
girl wns already In his grasp? The
same thought apparently occurred" to
"Yon you believe,, that Klrby did
"Wlmt other conclusion Is possible?
We know thnt he passed us on the
steamer Sum saw him philuly. It
wus his man, Carver, whom we found
dead In the hut. It could have been
no om else."
"Ilui," she questioned, unsathflod,
'he v uld bin e only one ronson for
'icIl-j here hunting me, his slave.
Vh t wus his one purpose, wus It not?
f he miw us then he must have known
f my presence, thnt 1 wns here with
on. Why should he make no uttcmnt
take me with hliu? Why should he
teal our boat nnd run uwuy?"
"One theory Is ns good ns another,"
said, "and mine so far have all been
.vrong. What do you make of It,
"Who. sah? lie. sah?"
"Yes, take n guess nt this."
" Tenrs like." he said, deliberately,
itbblng his ear with one hand, "us
iow It mought have happened dis yere
way, sah. Ah ain't u-suyln It wu.
t mought be. Maybe Massu Klrby
nebbcr got no sight oh us 'tall, an'
.vus nfeerd fer ter stay. !Io Just
iuiowed a party wus yerc likely
uougli sum lilnck AbolltlotiUts, who'd
be huntln' hliu If he didn't cl'ur out.
Just so boon ns (ley foun' dnt Amos
Shrunk wus dead. Here wus his
chance, nn' he done took It."
lie bent suddenly forward, Ids
glance at the edge of the log. "Doy
uln't took but Just de one boat, tali,
fer de odder am shoved under dar
out'r sight."
as I stooied further over I saw thnt
this wns true, the small rowboat, with
the oars undisturbed In lis bottom,
hud been pressed In beneath the con
cealment of the log wharf, almost com
pletely hidden from nhove, yet to nil
uppeaninces uninjured. The. very fuct
that It should have been thus left only
added to the mystery of the nfTulr. If
It had been Klrby's deliberate purimso
to leave us there stranded ashore
why hnd he fulled to crush In the
bout's planking with a rock? Could
the leaving of the craft In lit condi
tion for our use be part of some care
fully conceived plan; a bait to draw
us Into some set trap? Or did It occur
merely ns un incident of their hur
ried flight? These were unanswerable
questions, yet the mere knowledge
that the boat wns actually there nnd
In nnvlgnble condition promised us an
opportunity to escape. While hope re
mained, however vague, it wus not my
nature to despair. Whether accident
or design had been tho cause made no
odds I was willing to match my wits
against Klrby and endeavor to win.
And I must deal with facts Just as
they were.
"It Is my guess," I said, "that their
only thought was to get away before
tho crime wus discovered. Rene,
would you bo afraid to remain here
ilone for a little while?"
She glanced about Into tho gloom of
the surrounding woods, her hcsltuncy
inswerlng me.
"It Is not a pleasant prospect I ad
mit, but there is no possible danger.
Klrby bus gone, beyond ull question,
but I wish to learn If I can the ill lec
tio n he hits taken. All this must have
happened only n short time ago while
wo were nt the cabin. The fceelbonf
enn scarcely bo entirely out of sight
yet on either river If we could ontv
find a place to offer us 11 wide vlow. '
"Hut could I not go with you?"
"Hardly with me, for I intend 'o
swim tho creek und try to reach the
point ut the mouth o( the Illinois,
from where I am see up and down the
Mississippi. I am gilng to send Sam
back through the woods theru and
have him climb that ridge. IY011) the
top hu ought to have a good view up
tho vulley of the Illinois. I suppose
you might go with him."
"Ah, sure wish yer wud, missus,"
broke in tho negro pleadingly. "Ah
uln't perzacRly feered fer ter go 'lone,
hut All's an o' man an' Ah reckon us
how ti young al vus likely fer ter see
inortiTAli wudTI'enfsinro
los' my glasses."
A faint Btullo lighted tip her fnee
a more glimmer of a smile.
"Yes, Sam, I'll go," sho said, Rhine
lag up Into my eyes nnd holding out
her bund. "You wish me to, do you
"I think It will he fully ns well. You
still retain tho pltdol?"
She nodded her response, and with
out delaying my departure longer I
lowered myself Into tho wnter nnd
swam toward, the oppoAllo shore,
creeping forth nmld n tangle of roots
nnd Immediately disappearing In tho
underbrush. I found 11 rough passage
for the first few rods, being obliged to
almost tear a wny through the close
growth and unable to seo 11 ymd In
advance. Hut this ended suddenly nt
the edge of the sand Hal, with the eon
verging wntcrs of the two livers vis-
Ihle Just beyond. My view from here
was narrowed, however, by high ridges
on both sides, and with a desire not to
expose myself to nny chance eye, I
followed the line of forest until able
to climb the slope, and thus attain the
crest of the bluff.
From this vantage point the view'
was extensive, both up nnd down the
big river, as well ns neross to the op
poslte bank. Along thnt eullro sur
face but three objects met my gaze
it small Inland, green with trees, seem
ingly anchored Just beyond the mouth
of tho Illinois; a lumbering bnrge nl
iiHtet opH.-lle me, clearly outlined
against the distant-shore, and barely
niovh'j; with the current; and far
nwny below a thin smudge of smoke,
arising from behind a headland, as
though curling upward from the stack
of some steamer. I felt no doubt but
what this was the stolen keelboat,
speeding toward SI. Louis.
This struck me as the most reason
able course to pursue to work our!
way quietly up the Illinois by night
m-i-i-m); V11.-H. nii-nv in muni nny i mR mo ami I wns feeling stronger
passing steamer, until we arrived close j than I had In years. I haven't slop
to Iteardstown. Undoubtedly there ped taking Tunlnc yet because l
were blacks In tho town, both slaves I want to be sure thnt all my old
and free negroes, with whom Stuulwon," years of mlsory Is entirely
could enMly estnbllsh an nrqualiitnnce. K"? o-' I quit' Inking It. but ol
Hy this means we would soon be able ren.,,y "ho greatly relieved thnt I
to Identify that particular preher ' f " "V1 , ,ko, "ll.0li,,"7","" . ?
Into who,e care I hoped J iSn.lelKff'S.i'ul Trtuffi" U T Si
Itene. Of course tho girl might re-,,,,i tho pnlns In my back have til
fuse to enter Into the game, might de- most entirely, stopped nnd my kid
cllne to nssiime the role nsslsnod her, neys don' bother mo nt night llko
however Innocent I Intended It to be they used to The catarrh, thnt
Indeed.. 1 felt convinced she would 8---rted nil my troubles ban Just about
meet the siiggtw'jon with Indlgiuilloii. ' Kon,0; ""' ", " constipated n bit
Hut why worry nbout that now? Let "I1'1 fc,,, ,,u,lt u1n.,n "very wny I am
this be kept as n last resort. There ' Sl "1,y'1,'ll'l!'vll, I'V", ', l"1
was m, necessity for me ,0 even nic,,.: TjLr.rllirnnS'me i'Z
Hon this part of my plan until after world."
our approach to Heardstown; then the I Taiilac Is sold In Hend by Owl
necessity of our going forward with 1 Drug Co . In sisters by tleo ! Alt-
it might be so apparent she could not
reaise to curry on her part. With this
oliit settled 111 my own mind I felt
ready to rejoin tho others.
I must have been absent In tho
neighborhood of two hours, nnd they
had returned to tho bank of the creek
soiiie Utile In ndvnnce of me. As I
nppenrtsl nt tho edge of the wood
Sam hailed, offering to row tho boat
"All right," I replied, confident we
were nlone. "It will save me another
wetting. You snw nothing?"
"No, salt; Icustwnys not much. We
cud see up de Illinois inor'n ten mile,
Ah reckon, but dar wn'n't no boat 110
whar, 'ceptlng nn ol' scow tied up to
de bank."
"I thought so. The" keelboat bus
gone down the Mississippi."
"Yer done saw her, sali?"
"I saw her smoke; she was hidden
by a big bend Just below. Don't sli
there staring nt me come neross."
Itene greeted me with n smile ns I
bcruiuhled up on the slipper) l-,- mid
-Tr,,H.. 1
'r I'V
I fcVJ
"V -
Rene Greeted Me With a Smile.
asked n number of questions. I an
swered these ns best I could and (lien
explained, so far ns I deemed It de
sirable, the general nature of tho
plans I hud made. Tin.- Illinois route
offered the .only hope, nnd we decided
to venture It, although Iteno pleaded
earnestly that she und the negro be
permitted to go on alone. To this
suggestion, however, I would not con
sent, ami the ghi finally yielded her
reluctant permission for mo to lie
company them until she could bo
safely left In the care of white friends.
I knew her real thought was eluo
where with those two In Kirhy'fl
hands, already well on their way to
St. Louis, Try as she would, she was
unable to banish from her mind tho
conception that she was largely to
blame for their misfortune, or sub
merge the Idea that It wns cowardly
In her to seek escape, while leaving
them In such peril. I lingered, talk
ing with her for some time after Sam
had fullcn asleep, yet tho only result
was the bringing of tenrs to her eyes
and a reluctantly given pledge that
she would do whatever I bellovod to
bo best und right. Shi' appeared so
tired and worn that I-left her at last
t& a pj w . iMi
ngrrv ir
"Is Grandest in
World" He Says
After Twenty Years HunYiing Ownm
Knds Trouble by Tailing Tanlae,
"I mirrored for twenty years, and
could find nothing that would stop
my troubles until Tnntao came my
way," said John Owens, a well known
longshoreman, living ut 1283 Kant
Tenth St., Portland, Ore., n few days
"About twenty yenrs ago my trou
bles began," ho continued, "when I
started suffering from catarrh nt tho
nose, head nnd throat nnd iih tlmo
passed on my condition got worse.
My suffering nt times was something
awful nnd I took cold easy nnd this
made my noso hend und throat that
much worse, nnd when I had a head
ncho my eyes would hurt mo terri
bly. About four years ago my stom
ach, liver and klduoys were effected
by catarrh nnd this only added to my
misery, and my whole body seemed
poisoned If I uvor got a llttlo hot
and sat down to rest und cool off, tho
'Joints in my arms, hips und legs
would get so stuff nnd sore that I
could hardly inovo und at times my
muscles would draw up llko I hnd
rhouuinttsm, I had pains In my
right side and In the small of my
back, nnd at night I would have to
got up four or live times. I wan bad
ly constipated and nearly always had
10 no in sing a laxative.
"I searched for twenty years for
n medicine that would help mo and
I would have still been suffering It
I hadn't read about Tanlae In tho
paper and commenced taking It l
hadn't finished the first bottle before
1 saw thnt at last I had found the
right thing for me because I begnn
to pick tip right nwny. my appetite
Ifflf llltMnr. fill- llfninnuli mill -i-mtlil.
ken. and In Horn! by Morton Drug
Ono of tho grcatost conveniences
011 tho farm where cows uro kspt
Is some means for heating an abund
ance of wnter for vrnshlUR the milk
vessels. Where it considerable num
ber of cows nro kept, heating water
by means or steam from a smnll, low
pressure upright boiler Is desirable,
but on tho small farm a stove with
a basin fitted into tho top (or It may
be supnrnto from tho top) can bo pur
chased choaply und will sorvo tho
purpose, provided tho wator is pro
pcrly heated. Water can ho pumped
from the woll directly Into tho basin
In order to avoid heating tho milk
room and to' do away with smoko and
ushes, tho water heater should bo
placed Immediately outsldo tho milk
room, nnd u elevated tho water from
It. can bo run Into tho washing vat.
Somo equipment is necessary In
which to wash utensils used in huud-
In Tho iTitfe glado "wllero Wo Had
found refuge, hoping she might fall'
nslcep. I doubt If she did, although I
dozed Irregularly, my back against a
tree, and it was already growing dusk
when she cumo forth again from Iter
retreat and Joined us in a hastily pre
pared meal,
Sam and I stowed away In tho bout
whatever provender remained, nnd I
nsslstcd her to n sout at tho stern,
wrapping n blanket carefully about
her body, for the night air In those
dank shadows nlrendy bognn to chill,
I took possession of the oars myself,
believing the negro would surra best
as n lookout in the bow, and thus
settled we headed the boat out through
the Inngle of trees toward the Invis
ible river.
Suddenly we shot out through the
screen of concealing boughs Into the
broader stream beyond. Tho light
here In tho open wus better, although
dim enough still, nnd revealing little
of our surroundings. Sam knelt, peer
ing eagerly forwnrd Into the blnck
ness, nu occasional growl of his volco
tho only evidence of his presence. I
doubt If I bad taken n dozen strokes,
my wholo nttentlon centered on my
task, when tho sudden rocking of tho
boat told mo ho had scrambled to his
feet. Almost at the same lnstnnt my
ears distinguished the sharp chugging
of an engine straight ahead; then
enme his shout of ulurni, "God
A'ralghtyl Dnr's do keelboat, sail.
Dey's goin' ter rnm usl"
I twisted nbout In my sent, cuught a
vuguo glimpse of tho advancing
shadow, nnd lenped to my feet, nn oar
gripped in my hands. Scarcely wns
I poised to strike when tho speeding
prow ripped into us, and I wus cata
pulted into the black water.
(To Do Continued.)
ling milk, A vnt Is very convonlnnt,
Ono otul of tltu Vnt can ho unud for
washing nnd Iho other for rlimlun
and scalding.
Fiber hiunhus for washing milk
utensils should roplncn tho common
dlshrnff, ns they do hotter work and
nro mote oanlly kept clean,
On every fnini where as many ns
four or live cows nro kopl n cream
scpnrntf) In advisable, an It will re
duce tho labor required In handling
Having the
Used Furriitwe
in Bend we nre In a position to make
you some very attractive offerings.
Almost Anything You Want
If you arc going to have a"NEVV
RANGE this year, first conshlerUie
Monarch Range
..:... Featuring the
We also Buy Used Furniture
See Us first before buying
tandard Furniture Co. Si
P K .11 &i '41 &j ' I'M
Have You Secured Your.i
PATHE for Christmas?
There isn't such a great deal of time as you may
imagine. Conditions are aucH as that the PATHE
PHONOGRAPH cannot, at this time, be produc
ed in sufficient numbers to meet the demand.
So, please, make an early selection. You can se
cure a PATHE by means of a moderate initial
payment. But act before it is too late. There
will not be enough PATHE machines to go
around for Christmas.
Thompson Music Co.
tho milk from cows more than 11115;
other ono thliiif,
A refrigerator or loo box la doslti
nblo upon every ftirin wltero cither n
few or in a ti)' cows aril kept If It hi
practicable to hooiiio Ice for use In
sit m it tor.
Want to buy liny, u-o llulletlu lias,
slflisl nils,
Put It In Tho llulletln.
Largest Line of
Duplex Draft.
L m -1 . , ' . ,