i qwmmtmmfminwmntmwi4WwimmQrt ft i i. .u H , BEND MJIMRIK, BKKD, OWMOfr; 'TKUMDAY, DKCIOinKn 4, 191 FAan H FARM CENSUS IS IMPORTANT ' Among the nc"w features Included In the approaching 1920. census "of Agriculture will bo" ri series ot ques tions relating to tho amount cf crops raised for silage purposes. Those statistics on silage, which nro to ho collected by tho lJurcrti of tho Census In accordance with tho recom mendations' mad.eJjoihtU Bureau tind to Congress by tfio United States Do jwrtment of Ajtriculfure, nro oxpoct- ed tovfurijisiiflibdratd and comprc hcn&lvc flgur'eH'wiW this important .phaso of farming jrhlch havo hereto fore been Inciting. Tho facts ana jtfgures gathered )n tho census on this 'Subject Wli bts ikbluuted, so as to Ahow what each -county ns well ns What each Stato produced In tho way of 8llago during tho year 1919. The census nureau also announces tho inclusion In tho farm schedule of questions to show how many farmers dwn tractors and automobiles and how many hao heating and lighting plants and telephones in their homes. These questions are designed prim arlly to mako known tho better liv ing conditions and modern improve ments on farms In all sections of the country. Copies of Schedules for Parmcrs. jTo secure: cooperation on the part of tho farmers and intorettiicm in tkf census, the Bureau of the Census Wm distributed more than a million Mil os of tho agriculture schedule. tjTlie farmers who received these pies will thus have an opportunity to study tho questions in advance and bo ready to give prompt and ac curate lnforma(lon to the census en umerator when ho calls during the month of January. Any farmer who (teelres a copy ot the agriculture aefeedule In advance may secure ono 6yl!wrlt!ng to tho Bureau of the Cen sus, Washington. D. C. An extra supply of tho schedules has been printed for this purpose. ?hat the individual farmer will realize the advantage of keeping a more accurate tab on what his farm fs yioldlng is ono result of tho census hoped for by the Department of Agriculture. JIOGS PROSPER ON , IRRIGATED LAW US Vvcdlnff Supplementary Itutlon With V" Alfalfa Will ,itiluco Homy Heavy Poik Yield. Tho fluctuations which hnvo been experienced In thoi hog production, according to exports ot tho dopnrt mont ot Agriculture, ara tho results of tho lack of knowledge ns to tho possibility of using certain Irrigated field crops, and tho vtttuo ot those crops when measured In terms of pork production. Full advantago must bo takou of tho wfdo raugo ot feeds nvailablo toT'swlnq producers. Irrigation tarmeifc ,?gr tho'mbst part, lWu had to fo'fojifton the re sults obtafli&l In nonnTlgated sec tions, and applied to seat Ions where wob-footed crops nrogrown. Owing to this lack of knowledge tho de partment of ogrlculturo has made ex haustive study ot Western irrigated projects on tho utilization of irrigat ed Meld crops as hog pasture Pas ture tests were made on 149 lots con sisting ot 3,795 hogs pastured on al falfa, sweet clover, corn and field peas. Feeding with supplementary rat ion such ns barley, corn, wheat or shorts, making up two percent of tho ration, ono ncro of good nlfalfn pas turo will produce with reasonably surety 2,500 pounds of pork. As high ns 4,292 pounds per ncro hnvo boon recorded where three per cent ration ot supplementary carbonace ous feed was used. Naturally tho gains depend on tho size and quality of the crop, the char acter of tho hogs, the method of man agement and. the quality and quant ity of supplementary feed. It is said that It is a poor policy to attempt to feed alfalfa to hogs without supple mentary ration. Experts are agreed that an ncro of good alfalfa pasturo If supple mented with a 2 per cent ration of barley or corn will support bIx to eight sows and 50 to 7.Q.suckpg pigs for about 60 days during, the sum mer, during which ilmfi the pigs should gain between 2St6t36jTpVunds apiece. ''?$?' Y Wnnt to buy tiay, mo Bttlleblas slflcU nds. . - i Tut It tn The BallctlB. FARM BUREAtJ AGAINST SALE (Continued tiom Pngu 1,) county agriculturist ot Lincoln county. Idaho, to succeed H. H. ICoons, whoso resignation ns county agriculturist of Deschutes county was accepted. Tho recommendation of Mr. Avery waB made by F. L,, Hal lard, stnto agont-loador for-tKantoni Oregon, who was present at Inst night's mooting and who Is well ac quainted with Mr. Avery's work In Idaho. Tho proposed successor to Mr. Koons has had wtdo exporleucu In organization work with marked success in tho organization of farm ers' Vool'Htfools, cooporatlio lc stock?h.lppliig nnd haV. growers as soclawons" ln Lincoln Ey'&Mu' Dallafd will confer wltjfjlr. AlW on the Deschutes county),apcnng n't Ontario tomorrow and thA'farmpf$ of thn county will bo Immediately ad vlsedos to whether MfiAvory will accept"1 tho Deschutes cWnty offoi. MTV To Stmt llabbit WW. Tho extensive cnmpalgn for rabbit and extermination will probably be gin next Mondny with tho arrival In Hedmond ot I). L. Jamloson, of tho 17. S. Biological service, who has been conducting n successful rabbit campaign In Mora and Umatilla counties. Tho farmers will then hnvo the expert ndvlco ot a govern ment representative, who will re main In Central Oregon for soveral weeks directing tho work. Large quantities of strychnine will bo uvallablo. Upon tho belief that the county court should be acquainted with tho needs of tho farmers it was suggest ed Mint a member of tho Deschutes county court be appointed to sjt at every meeting of tho Deschutes county farm bureau and that one ot tho court members bo n member of tho executive board of tho bureau With tho growing interest In poul try raising In tho county tho execu tive board will ask that th'o bVegon Agricultural Collcgo provide an ex perienced poultry extension man to work with tho Deschutes county farmers. F. L. Dallard. state agont leader for Eastern Orcgpn, pointed out thnt tho Increase In tho alfalfa yield- In Deschutes county alone this year with tho use of sulphur brought re- m IHJ ---"-"-----------y------Wti - - - The Golden Rule r . 44 i,WiWWJfcl 3 3 9 3 3 4 3 WINTER is herein full dress, and Christmas is only a few days off, so why not start shop ping today and beat the eleventh hour shopper to it? m BUY your Father, Husband, Brother or Sweetheart, something: useful; name ly, a Tie, Hosiery, Belt, Shirt, Hat, Shoes, Bedroom Slippers, Underwear, or possibly , a Suit of Clothes. E WE have a complete line of Jewelry, Cigarette C.VT Cases. Relt Ruckles. Cuff I inks. Tie Pins E .. .- T. n" -. v7 - 1 r Collar Fins, Shaving Sets, Brushes, etc. REMEMBER our Work Clothes depart? ment has a very complete line. Personal r'Servicer Courteous Treatment 4 , i A Diamond is WHAT a satisfaction there is in the own ership oftpcrfect diamonds in the pleasure and pride their possession brings, and in the assurance that they jWillenhance in value as years roll by. A Lover's Gift sgg jCfdraBMfl Jw U. l6rt " ftP. Value of Diamonds Is increasing-particularly those of the fine blue qualities. In making your selection of a 'gift for Christmas especially with the idea of giving a thing of real worth, you cannot err in giving a diamond. It is not wholly necessary for us to say regard ing the reliability of our diamonds, yet we are pleased to give you every assurance with all that theiname of Ear son & Company means to us. Will be pleased to give you the benefit of our knowledge of diamonds. m xitll H'K 1 g,.,i,if.,l,i,i,i;iiiiiii;i,i,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii; iMilililtlillliltlihlilihlililililtlilitilililililiTil m m ?i!i!ii!i!i!i!i!iii!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!t turns aumclent 'to meet tho expenses of nil cooperntlvo agricultural work b tho counties, stato and Federal govcraent. Mr. Dallard stated that tlm Increaso in tho Deschutes county. of nlfaltn hay this year was 5,000 tons, which brought npproxlmatolj $00,000, which If applied on tho ax penses of county agricultural work in Oregon would tnot all tho ex penses of this work. R. N. BUCHWALTER TO OPEN SPORT STORE EARLY PIONEER. IS BURIED iNj-iEUGENE POIITLAND, Nov. 29 On !ior. way to Eugene to bury hor husband,'' George Milllcan who died Tuesday on their ranch In Central Oregon, Mrs. Ada II. Milllcan, of Prinevllle. passed through Portland Thursday. It was In Kugnno that Mr. Milllcan had spent his boyhood days In Oro-gon. JHAG,.A.NIX REINIE UA iCEl ---ii-"rAi------'---- i !2OQSai!jj0SS3L Horn in Now York In 183 J, deorgo Milllcan crossed tho plains in 18C1, arriving In tho Sacramento Valley mining in California and Idaho until 18C2, when ho rodo from Idaho to tho mint at Han Francisco, carrying a quantity of gold on horseback. For tho next seven yoars, Mr. MJIIIcan farmed on the McKenzlo. near Eu geno, and first came over the Cascade mountains in 18C3, helping to con struct tho tlrst trull through McKou zlo Pass. In 1808 ho brought regls tored Hereford cattlo to Central Ore gon, tho first blooded beef animals put on tho raugo In this section. Shortly aftorward, ho moved his family to Central Oregon, nnd In 1880 located in what Is now known as tho Mllllenn vult'oy, Besides his wlfo, ho Is survived by ono son, Wultor, a merchant In Kugono. It. N. Huchwalter, formerly of Paisley, will open n sporting goods store hero In tho nenr future, In tho building formerly occupied by tho Peoples Store on Oregon street, ho announces. Mr Iluchwnllor de parted for Portland Tuesday night to order his stock, nnd expects to bo open for business within 10 days. Tho new otoro will carry n line of vacation supplies, will handle fishing nnd hunting licenses, nnd will nlso conduct an Information bureau for tourists and sportsmen. - Soma Superit'tlons. Tho breaking of n looking glass Is, with some people, tlio occasion of n gloomy fiirdioillnjr, nnd tho unlucky person who lines It Is supposed to be doomed to hcipii jenrs of bad luck. Peacock fcnllicrH ui'fo formerly on rldercd ui beiirew of slwnens, f t fnshlpn has introduced tucm info notw decorations. SNOW STORM HALTS FILM 'PRODUCTION Amct-lrnn Uftgrnph Company M.ty Ilrtiim to Portland for Ktudlu Woik I'nlll WVnlliet' ('liiiugeN. Incloimtnt vvvathor wll protmhTV causy-fhiiynenibejrs of tlio Amerlcun' I.Tfoogruph 'Company to go to Port " land to tlknHtidlo scones lioforu roturnlng in' Central Oregon to flc lull thnlr outdoor work. This wah tho statement on Tuesday of Mac tiger Harold Orndy, who declared J. that unless the snow coanes by Ipf night, ItJvlllbij'nocoHHnry to dofor the program mapped out In thU vicinity. Plans are being considered by lh Heaver Film Co,, also operating In and nnr Ilond, for taking Hil yn'ntngo of the ctinngo In wrnther by filming " numbur of snow sconos. asiMi (i 5lbs. Xmas Candy Free ! riT-fJ-Tis-f-T f sTiTi Tifi-t-TiTiTiTil I Prettlneai. f', Mnny persons erroncoiiNly suppose .hat they have found beauty when thoy nave taken pleaNiire In what Is merely pretty, and this Is unfortunate, for It naked It necessary to (llffercnUalo be tween what Is pretty and what Ik beau tiful. To thn lover of prettlnens, lovo a a iltllo frosted cuke, Joy u ,1ukcIouh ion boil, sorrow n dose of blttfr medl clno. I'rettlncBS Is ephemoral, llut benuty Is powciful nnd memorable. if. Wllklnton. M i ) i ! four chalrsat 'ylmr srvfdat the Molrnpolltan, No waiting. Adv. 'A. Flvo pounds mixed free to pvery church and school In Contral Oregon. Ilrlng this ad wltn you nt once. Rpoclal prlcefl on fancy Xmas. mixed consisting of -10 ,vnrl' tles, and at a price that will foil tho best laid plans of tho high cost of living, Mlxctl Nuts At ae Pound HrokeniMKrdjCandy at lc Poniiil Wo can equip any Xmas Trno from tho trunk to tho top. with oceans ot goodies for the llttlo follows, Crater Lnko Chocolates Our own famous mako should bo given a place on your tablo for Xmns, ) Jupancst? Ilnttqu and. Hamboo IlnHkots Absolutely vtlio biggd) and best hhlpmont over made direct from Japan. Doing orna mouted with Japanese money and Chinese bracelets, Any of thoso would make uu -exquisite present for '"your mother, wlfo,' or girlie, . .- , . , '' Eyory Ili qt Our Candy (a mado right hero In Bond from puro cauo sugar, cream, biittdr and fresh eggs, t Wo urobilin World'si-Orontcst Candy Makers.. . i lall Ork' pivon flpoclal Attention, jl . '- 'f. Day Caridy ;Go. 4 Wall Street I K6IMl!KI Ifend; Oregoli tm n