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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1919)
r 4 . v ELKS MEMORIAL SERVICE SOON kijndaV AIW.UN'OO.V, diccimn mm 7, nkt ahiih: ah l'OH HONOIUNO MKMOIIV OK DKPAUTKi) f.O!)(JH MKMIIKItH. BUILDING SITE IS BOUGHT BY LODGE Preparations for tlio firist mamor lul Rorvlco of Ilond l.odgo No, 1371, 11. I. 0. H. will bo well under way within (ho next fuw days, it was nu Tiouncod Thursday by B. '. Ma liiiffny, exulted ruler of tho lodgo, Tim sorvlcea will bo bold ut 3 o'clock on tho afternoon of Sunday, Decem ber 7, In tho Ilond Amateur Athletic club, gymnasium, lift stated, John 1), Coffey, of Portlnnd, will give tho memorial address, and an elaborate mimical program li being worked out by a committee bonded by Wilson (luorco, Tho momorlnl service thli year will bo for but two "absent bro thers," Vernon A. Forbes ami Italph rolndextor. Although the death of tho two Elks occurred boforo tho In stitution of Dona Lodge No. 1371. they woro virtually tho foundorn o( tho local D. P. O. n. organisation, nd their names wilt bo road when' tho roll of Oio absent In called'. Klk Argiilro Lot on Itlvrr Front I'ot- location of II, 1', O, K, Homo In Henri, An Important realty deal wax cloned on Thursday wlion tlm build Inn commlttoo til tho Henri Elks IoiIko jnirclmtiod threo loin facing on Urn rlvor, In blouk two, original towtiblto of Ilond, from F, 0. Minor and Mr, jlaoliel Aiccnrrery for a total countdoratlon of $4260. The lotu havo n . frontaftti on tlm river of approximately 80 feet, ure 135 foot deep, and havo ri'ur dimen sion of HC feet. Tho property will bo uned as tho location for an Elks home. GILBERT WINS IN ONE ROUND itiwirr hook to jaw puth mmy mm.VH to hlkkp HPKOK WOODH JOWICH O.V FOUL TO CAUL MAIlTIfy. CITY ORDINANCE IS DEFIED BY HUNTERS Hliot Heard In Early Moriilntc ly Ib'fildcnt Senr Illyrr Many Wildfowl Frequent VvcUutcH DICK SEDER IS HELD TO THE GRAND JURY 8millcit Bird, 31m mallcitt known bird In a Cen tral American humming bird that M ftbovt large n n bluo bottle fly. Dick feeder, arrosted Saturday night by Chief of 1'ollco L. A. Vf, Nixon on n charge of drunkenness, appeared In Justice Court on Tburs day to answer a complaint filed by tho Warner Company, of pu sulng tho chock, and won bound 130 on tho Find National ilank of Ilend, Tint do fun d(! ut admitted Is Nulnie tho cliccq, and was bound obur to thu (Iraud Jury by Judge J. A. Bastes. Ills bond was fixed at 11600. Gold Came Pint. The nilllinrllh'M It'll im Hint i,.M . . Hie iirnt metal (o be luentlotivd In hi-lory. I'illlilfl 11 II' I I BE SURE THAT IT'S A Vidtor Record for a Victrola. RecorJi are hard to get thie diy bccsuie they arc to popular sod the (li ma n J to tfrt, but here are a JOHN MacCORMACK FAVORITES RED SEALS. "BONNIE WEE THING." "CALM AS THE NIGHT." I "VENETIAN SONG" (TOSTI).i 1 "IRELAND MY SIRELAND." "THE ROSES OF PICARDY." 2 A VICTOR RECORD ON A VICTROLA J IS PURER SWEETER MUSIC. i HORTON DRUG CO. ? .. .1.-' Viclrolas 'I ; . r. , Victor Records L Fred Gilbert of llcnd mid Jimmy Hums, of Kunkakco, were schodulod for u 10 round bout In tho smoker at tho Oymnnnlum Thursday, but It took junt one round nor Fred to put tho Illinois lad In cold storage, A right hook to tho jaw wan tho sleep Algnal, and while tho lanky Kanka kee boy writhed on tho mat In a vain endeavor to come out of bin trunco, referee Wlllard Ilounton counted tho declHlvn ten. While ho hinted, Ilurnn wan fait and carried n wicked punch, for bo foro tho round wan half over ho drop ped Gilbert to his kneea with a atrlRht Jolt to tho chin. Tho Ilond flRhtcr, however, allowed no bad re aultu und continued to forco tho fighting until opportunity offered for til" nhort, powerful knockout blow, Kpcck Woodn, of Iieud, and Carl .Martin, of Portlnnd, founht a alx round no, which would bavo been an nounced a draw had not Woodn foul ed bin opponent with a Jb below the bolt, lata In thu final frame. Roforco lloimton Immediately forfeited tho ko to tho npocdy Portlander, and won a ntorm of applauko from tho faun. For tho Jlrat Jlvo rouudn Woodn wua content to allow .Martin to lead the flRhtltifc, but occHHlonally limliod out with hh left to Martln'n Jaw. At tho end of tho fifth round tho flclit wan Martin', but Woodn nut on an offensive cnmpnlcn In tho last round which would havo evened up tho score, "Slim" Stafford and Kid Ilcnaon put on n tamo four round go, re ceiving a draw for tholr offorln. Tut It Ib "TUB tlMHTIX." I I I llii i ewnail ?KlWJhmmMM I WBIaWJlB11!!! jj ssmmmmni i laM A P P L E S An apple a day Keeps the doctor away. Smith Says: "Buy Apples ? Our Grocerv l Prices Are Right J i At All Times-- Try Us and be Convinced m it THE A TO Zf rpnrcBv ! UUViLUl w It A CHi load of fine fresh apples airived Saturday from the Hood River Ranch of J. N. Hunter. These apples were not bitten by frost, but were in the packing house. Spitzenberg, Ortleys, Jonathans Yellow Newlowns, ul - $2.25 Apples in Box Lots, &t" $2.15 V Smith's Grocery Phone SI Phone Your Creamery Builds Business for Yourselves The Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery Will Pay One Cent Above the Market Price for Butterfat Paid by Portland Creameries Yearly Market Fair, Honest Tests. The Creamery Should be, Your Asset. Bring in Your Cream Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery In defiance or city lawn and of tho warning sIkiih pouted on tho hanks of tho Deaclmtoa, shooting of wild fowl la continuing wllhln tho city limits, according to Charlea Halne, who rouort hearing tho report of gilnii along tho river In tho early morning, Uy tho lime he hod reach ed tho DcuchulcK, tho hunter hod gono. . Later In tho day, largo numbers of dticka, and two awans wcro noon In tho atretch of quiet water between the power dam and tbo foot bridge, WRIGUYS OFI'IC'IAli TKHXINO I'AVH. Offlclal tenting haa grown over 100 per cent In the luat year. Bo great i the Intcrcat In thla sort of work RMd no many ore tho Inquiries re gurdlng It that o number or lecture on.omclnl testing will be glren at farmer week at tho Oregon .Agri cultural collego during December 23 January 3. In thoao lectures will be explained the methods of oraclal teat. Jng, what mum bo done to get the ALWAYS A CASH MARKET i At Palace Market Bend, Oregon for Eggs, Butter, Poultry Beef, Veal, Pork Sell your products Jat home Chas. Boyd 5 5 c a package before the war c a package during the war 5c a package NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! MILE " IT work done, and what benefits could bo expected from It. At the present time over 75 herds In the state of Oregon are tested each month. KULPJIUIl IJUI.LETI.V OUT. OHEGON AGUICULTUIUL COL LEGE, Conrallls. Dec i. Two bul letins just Issued by tbo Oregon Ag ricultural Experiment station 4art "Sulphur as a Fertilizer In Southern Oregon," by P. C. Rt'lmer, superin tendent of the Southern Oregon branch station, and II. V. Tartar. formerly tho station chemist, and ("Finishing Pigs for Market" by K. J. Fijelsted, specialist in swine hus bandry at tho college. Copies of tbo bulletins are now arallablc for tbo asking. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. Don't miss this. Cut out this slip encloao with 5c to Foley & Co., 2S35 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, III., wrlttlng your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup. Foley's Kidney Pills and Foley's fnthnrHr. Tablets. Sold Everywhere adv. Sell your poultry tluoucli llulldtin cius.slflcri nd. JHB9HHHHIIRSfflHl the national joy smoke 'fissswftj,. -.tS.ii? 'i'LHhte '1 3mi OCC. NEVER was such right-handed-two-fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a jimmy pipe paacea witn Jfnnce Albert I jinacs oecause jr. a. nas the quality You can't fool your taste apparatus any more than you can get five aces out of a family deck! So, when you hit Prince Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, you know you've got the big prize on the end of your linel Prince Albert's 'quality alone puts it in a class of its own, but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch well yon feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words to express your happy days sentiments I Toppy rrf bos; tidy rtd ttnt, fuuuhom pound md holf.poaad tkt ' fnumiOoTt-ondthat cl$ty, practical pound cryttal -Jj SamUhr with fmg moutenir top that http th tobacco in mcA prftct condition, R.-J. Reynold Tobacco Company, Winitott-SaUm, N. C t ' MNB(0 4