The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 04, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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What's Doing In The Country
MILMCAN. noc. A.
Rnhn took the school census ot the
No. 26 school district the post week
Ho colled nt the R. n. Keller homo
Tho drilling o( tho Howard Dyer
well la now completed. It Is 580 root
deep and has 23 feet of wnter.
The. Lower district children are
nou attending tho school.
A few from hero attended tho
danco at Hrothen Thanksgiving eve
ning. Mrs. M. C. Keller celebrated her
birthday Thanksgiving day.
Frank Orlnstcad called nt the
Mary Keller home Thursday.
Horace K. Cooko was a visitor at
tho Tauscher home Thursday,
Mr. T. TauBcher returned from his
trio to Pasco, near which place he
rented a 10 acre tract out which tho
Tauscher s will move next month.
Albert Tauscher. roundest son of
Mr. and Mrs. T. Tauscher has been
honorably discharged after long ser
vice, In the U. S. army.
It. R. Keller was a business caller
at tho C J. Cooke home. Thursday.
J. A. Smith Is building a beautiful
homo on his homestead.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holland visited
with tho Mooro brothers Sunday.
J. J. Holland was a Wednesday
afternoon visitor at the It. R. Keller
J. A. Smith and son, J. M. made a
trip to Alfalfa today to buy somo
J. J. Holland and son Joe, are
fiimv hniillnir hnv from tho Xorton
place, which hay Mr. Holland boughf
beforo Norton s left.
Mrs. L. G. Morgan called at tho R.
R. Keller homo Friday.
Mary C. Keller visited school
George Smith called at the Morgan
homo Triday evening.
R. R. Keller made a business call
at tho F. Tauscher homo Frldny.
Mrs. II. R. Keller Is now one of
the Curtis Publishing company's
authorized representatives.
The dance at L-. Schmorl's place
was qulto well attended last Satur
day night. All rcvort a good time.
R. R. Keller mado a business call
at tho C. J. Cooke place Sunday.
Mrs. George W. Cooke camo out
J. J. Holland was an over Sunday
guest at his home.
Win. A. Ream was a Bend visitor
Tho former school district No. 26,
has been divided Into district 26 and
34. Win. A. Rahh Is clerk and J. J.
Holland and C. H. Grnffcnberger and
Mary C. Keller arc directors of dis
trict 2C. While Floyd Van Clcare
Js clerk, EH Spencer, Mrs. J. N. Smith
and Mrs. C. Evans are directors of
district 34.
C. J. Cooke returned from his re
cent trip to Spokane Wednesday.
Mrs. J. J. nolland called at the R.
R. Keller home Wednesday.
T. E. Going was out from Bend
F. E. Lee is a Bend visitor.
Wm. A. Rahn tried to raise the
flag pole Saturday at the No. 26
schoolhouse, but was unsuccessful
breaking the polo In tho attempt.
Put It In Tho Bulletin.
' Gives PornilHsion to Uo nini.
Eugono Palmer, Lawrence, Mass.,
writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar re
lieved me of a cough from which I
suffered for weeks. You have ray full
permission to use my name in any
advertising." Foley's Honey and
Tar checks coldB, cuts the phlegm,
Boothea inflamed membranes, clears
breathing passages. Sold Everywhere.
PLAINVIEW. Doc. 2 A big
crowd nttcudod tho Thanksgiving
bazaar given by tho O. D. O. club nt
tho club rooms last Thursday eve
ning. Lota ot good cats and a lino
tlmo wero enjoyed by all present.
The school children gave their
Thanksgiving program to add to tho
pleasure of tho evening between
twe jy-fivo and thirty dollars wero
cleared to contribute toward tho hall
Mr. and -Mrs, Howard Hartley
and family spent a very pleasant day
in Bend Thanksgiving. They wero
guests ot Mr. and (Mrs. Llllo.
A. E. lloss. Installed a new tele-
at his ranch last week.
Mrs. John McKlnncy was tho
guest of Mrs. Paul Scoggln lost
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Burgess and
Miss Jo tDurgess of Mend wero
guests for Thanksgiving dinner at
tho J. A. W. Scoggin homo.
Ida How was tho guest ot Wilnm
Bennett, Sunday.
Miss Lily Colfolt came from
Bend to spend Thanksgiving vaca
tion with her homo folks.
IMr. and Mrs. M. W. Knicker
bocker and son Emmett arrived in
Plaluvlew last Saturday afternoon
from Portland enrouto to their ntiw
homo near Sstors. They were
guests at the J. F. Dawson home
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Grover Pulllam nnd son
George or Sisters aro visiting at tho
home of Mrs. Louzettu Pulllam are
P. A. Scoggln mado a business
trip to Bend Monday,
visiting at tho homo of Mrs. Somo
H. T. Hartley sold his yearling
cattle and weaners to Mr. Fryear of
A number of the parents attend
ed school last Wednesday afternoon
to enjoy the Thanksgiving exercises
given by the pupils.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. McKlnncy and
Mr. and Mrs. Grnndel of Sisters
were guests at tho homo of John
McKInney Thanksgiving.
Miss Connio Knickbocker , waa
Jo Burgess ot Bend spent their
Their Thanksgiving vacation at tho
Box A Ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colfelt and
family were guests at the A. E.
Hoss home Friday ervoning.
Miss Jo Burgess and H. A.
Scoggin wero dinner guests at the
Hartley homo Sunday.
Jim Pulllam and Meivln Couch
wero Bend callers Sunday evening.
Miss Connlco Knickbocker was
entertained at the Dawson homo
Saturday and Sunday.
A. E. Hoss and Roy Hcartt were
in Turaalo on business Friday.
A number of friends enjoyed a
very pleasant tlmo at the Manners
home last Sunday evening.
Tho O. D. O. club will hold its
regular meeting with Mrs. Sarah
Elklns next Thursday afternoon,
December 4.
Lawrence Schaffner nnd Roy
Hcartt wero guests nt tho Box A.
ranch Friday evening.
Don't Allow
Farm Crops or
Buildings to go
We will insure
your farm and
allow you one
year in which
to pay
the premium.
PINEUURST, Dec 3.- J. M.
Couch was a business caller In Bend
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McMnnmon
spent Sunday at the G. W. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Gerklng
returned to their home Sunday
morning, after a short vUIt In
Charlie Montgomery was In Bend
Miss Beryl Robinson of Shaniko,
who has been visiting with hor
G. W. Snyder took a load of po
tatoes to Bend, Monday.
Lloyd Root is helplivg E. Wimer
and C. H. Spaugh balo lny this
C. Peterson was helping C. H.
Spaugh haul hay on Tuesday.
E. Wlmcr was a business caller
In Bond Monday.
Leonard Snyder Is visiting with
his sister. Mr. and Mrs. McMnm
man this week.
Lewis White of Portland, nrrlv
ed at the Phelps homo Wednesday
evening, nnd returned Thursday
oven In.
C. M. Phelps nnd daughter, and
Mrs. Robort Smith, woro shopping
in Bond Saturday.
Mrs. Roy Wells, was at Pine
hurst on business, Sunday after
noon. David Mickels went to Fort Rock
Monday morning nnd will return
on Wednesday.
C. H. Spaugh nttended tho fair
board meeting in Tumalo Monday
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry McGulru
spent Monday evening in Tumalo.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen and
family, left for Idaho, this week.
Mrs. P. A. Dovers and son wero
shopping in Bend Tuesday.
Sir and iMrs. W. E. Searcy of
Bcndspont Tuesday evening at tho
Spaugh home.
C. '11. .Spaugh and family attend
ed tho movies at Bend Saturday
Mrs. C. If. Spaugh entertained
Mrs. Hartley Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. McOuIro and Net
Ho nnd LeRoy Howoll were In
Bend on Saturday.
Wat Nestle With I'nln.
E. W. Kltt, R. F. D. 2. Box 9,
Shorter. Ala., writes; '"I took Foley
Kidney Pills as I was restless nt
night with pains in my back nnd side,
and thoy did mo good, I enn truth
fully say Foley Kldnoy Pills is tho
medlclno for kldnoy trouble." They
rellnvo rhoumntlc pains, stiff, swol
len Joints, lameness, sorencsi. -Sold
W. Peterson mado a business trip
to Bend Wednesday.
Mr. ond Mrs. II. T. Mlkkclsen en
tertained tho following guests
Thanksgiving Day: Mr. nnd Mrs,
for?. T S7L
ff.:-n 5i j-j-.v,.i
' let
OIo Hansen and Hans Hansen, of
iZr Mfn:f 'VAin,,.r ," chutcs; Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Po-
Ifnr hor hnmo QnnHov i i torson nnd children, Andrew Nel
Ifor her home Sunday morning. Lnn -naama unlar'nn ,i ,
Cathrino Johansen.
O. E. Anderson helped Anton
Ahlstrom (butcher on FrJduy.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Swnlloy nnd
children spent Thnnksgiving Day
with Mr. and Mrs. E. C, Landing
ham of Bend.
Mr. and Mrs, W. K. McCormlck
of Deschutes were callers In this
neighborhood Sunday.
W. H. Gray Is putting a floor In
his barn.
Mr, and Mrs. O. E, Anderson at
tended the show In Bond Sunday
Watt Jones went to Redmond to
on business Saturday.
(Mr. Olson who is herding sheep
for Bill MoC'ormick wont to Bend
Saturday night to attend the Mooso
Roy Miller has been attending
the Moose Cnrnivul this week In
Mr. and Mrs, O, E. Andorson wero
shopping In Bond 'Monday,
Mrs. Walter Low was a Bond vis
itor (Monday.
"Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Whiter Hpont
Thanksgiving with their son Roy
White, and family ot Bend,
Jlmmlo Hutton went to Redmond
Mrs. Ed. Swnlloy was in Bend
with a load ot wood Friday,
on Monday.
Mr, ana Mrs. "W, II. Oray enter
tained Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E, Anderson
and Fred Seeling at dlnnor Thanks
giving Day.
J, W. Peterson and Androw Nel
son went up Tumalo Creek Satur
day after a 'load of polos In build
ing a now barn,
Hnnn Hanson of Deschutes, spent
Friday visiting with Alfred Mlkkol
Hon, Ramnufl Peterson nnd O. E. An
derson served on the election board
nt Dcschute. Tuesday,
Anton Ahlstrom went to Bend
Don't pave your days with intentions Actions
Results Count. Begin now to save No
matter how small the amount you will find
adding to your savings becomes monthly
We Will Help You.
Pays 4 per cent intcrctt
.iHHasr' c, .?t?xmam' jk i
l.i il il WW Mill
m m r' '! w Bit. HIhwH ttiTmBi If iHiiiiiiiiiiWif "wK
Select Early
Buy Early
fSJi Put your gift money into
your home this year in some
thing that the entire family
will admire and enjoy all the
year round.
Reed Rockers $15.50 to ,5-15
Overstuffed Davenports $125 to $250
Desks $2-1.50 to $58.00
Cedar Chests $22.50 to $60.00
Stand Lamps v $16.50 to $30
Tapestry Chairs and Rockers $35 to $85
Leather Rockers $-15 to $75
Dressing Tables $21.00 to $95.00
Ash Trays, Smoking Stands $1.50 to $15.00
Pyrex Casseroles and Stands $3.00 to $5.00
Our Stock of Furniture Never Offered
the Christmas Shopper a Better Op
portunity to Make Timely Selections.
Homo Suggestions
Overstuffed Duvon-
Leather Rockers
Wicker Chairs
Stand Lamps
Floor Lamps
Floor Lumps
Tea Wagons
Breakfast Tables
Cedar Chests
Library Tables
Smoking . Sets
Navajo Rugs
Bed Room Sets
Dressing Tables
Cut Glass
Book Ends'
Candle Sticks
Floor Lamps in Var
ious Shades and Pat
terns $35 t0 $78
K llnnnlilliEBHHBi v,i
B lilllllulllJJIAal iH jy
You'll never know the pleas
ure of a Phonograph until you
Tftcy m
in your home. Plays all records
at their best..
Your Brunswick is here
for your Christmas.
MAjranc gAHoea BBBIESBiE3Bffll(BB
W HltWIUIMtrHlimmillUm"!!
niiiiiiiiMiiiiiiifiiiiniiniiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiiiriBHHuiiiiini.HiiiiiiiHM """ff-HriTl'llllfT10HUlJUimiUlUU
Monday to transact some business.
Sirs. O. K. Anderson was n busi
ness visitor in Redmond Tuesday,
Winter Weather nnd Heavy Foods.
Extra work put on dlgostlvo or
gniiH In cold weather leadH to lndi
Kostlon blllouflnonB, bad breath,
blontlng, bqh, conHtlpatlon, Koloy
Carthnrtic TubletH cleunno the IiowIh,
8weeten tho stomach and bouoflt tho
llvor. Cause no grliiinR or nnuiioa.
Stout perHons llko tho light, frco
feeling thoy bring. Sold Everywhere.
REDMOND Doc. 1. Lout Friday
night Mini Dorothy Hauk entertained
a numbor of hor friends nt hor home,
Ah a result of tholr having mudo ono
touchdown at the gamo botweon Red
mond nnd Rand, Principal Irvlno of
tho R, U. II. S', gavo n chicken ban
quet in honor of the football team.
Tho boys woro allowed to Invito
somo young lady friend, nnd tho girls
thus invited had tho prlvilego of pro
paring tho banquet, Through kind
ness of, Mr. Van Mntre, tho young
people were entertained at tho mov
ing picturo show, after the banquet,
after which thoy roturnod to tho
scene of the banquet and washed up
tho dishes.
Miss Eunlco Wilson gavo a sur
prlso party on Miss Joydo Hazloton
Monday night, fho ovont being MIhh
Huzloton'u birthday,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Doty nnd family
of Nebraska arrived last week to
rnako their homo in Control Oregon,
Miss Doty hau boon ongagod to toach
tho Clovordnlo school, loft vacant
thru tho resignation of Miss Morse,
Sam Woods, u former farmer of
this section but now living in Hpok
nno, was in town tho llrst of tho
weok looking aftor Interests In this
Mr. and Mrs, Roto Robblns left
for Portland Monday night whoro
Mm. Robblns will commit specialists
about hor eyes.
Mr. 0, R. Hardy" returned from
Minneapolis Wednosday morning
whore ho wont as a delegate of tho
American Legion to attend tho con
vention hold In that city.
C.irpentors aro busy putting In tho
collie; and sides of tho gymnasium
IiA PINE, Doc. 4. Students of
tho I.a Pino high school discussed
tho BUbJoct of Woman 8uffrngo nt
tho Commorclnl club hall on
Thanksgiving ovo, An nbund
nnco of literature wbh Hoourod from,
tho State Library, nnd six wookn
wero pont In tho most thorough
propnrutlons. Evory seat In tho
linll -was takon and a largo num
ber, occupied tho stundlng room In
tho roar of tho hall, Outside,
judxos woro socurod who consisted
?,'. Mnh. n' - 8cott' a tonchor a
Klamath county, Miss Mnrgaret
Rrenis, Red Cross Nurso, and Minn r
May, a toucher In Klamath county.
'Iho decision wont In favor of tho
nogntlvo sldo by n very closo mnrglu
Holon Clark und Marlon Donnhuo
both guyo oxcollont recitations.
Marlon Jtabor, Clydo Glow nnd
Crawford Donnhuo spoko for tho
nfflrmatlvo sldo nnd Dorn flly, Clif
ford, Clow and Hnrry Hill spoko
for tho nogntlvo Hide. Immodlnto
ly after tho dobnto dancing wnH n
dulgcMl In for a short tlmo nnd nil
tho indies' pies woro sold to tho
gontlomon who paid for them n&
cording to the slzo of tho shoes
(Continued on Page B,) 'f