T.'AOK' RKXP BUI.LKT1X, ttltXP, OKHUOtv THURSDAY, DKCKMBKU 4, lBlf t w :m:ntt:ii::Hitii:iint:ttisit:tim:ii:t:it:mint::)inii;:tuuiuti;mit::u:ni::t:::H:iw:):ii::iUii:iiiiii:iiK:ti!Situi What's Doing In The Country I . WWIbMsW1 !WHtmKRSRs:u::iiKUtNit:iu:m;!tn::t:mu:M:imRn:Rt::::K::!:t:m::::::i:::::::i:::::::::::::::!:::tt:t SKATING ENJOYED BY REDMOND FOLK wcro In our nolehlxjrhogtl for n outlDK'IUat week, t , ' 'I.qnoro Snyder -visited her sinter for tliu week oiul. i UEDMONO. Dec. 4. Tho colli weather Intel) Una boon unite Ideal 'i for skntlnt?. o lant Friday cronlnKj' a number or th.e young people of, . town motored out to Houston Lnko iind enjoyed several hours of excel-1 lent sport. '.CHANGES ARE MAtE AT GRANGE HALL GKANQi: MAUL, Doc I -Wholi I ...-!. .....I II. II. V. .11. .n ' tt... m.l..u C...IM. .....I A.l,l.r .'" ""' V """ '"t",B " V,,u "" -' 'm I , .i ; .i It r V.. Vw. school district returned to school . Tuck, both of the IMaverslty of Orel Mom, . morBllB Uoy foulul 10 Kon, came Home to spend Than Mhool room Bowljr p,iporci, Womi. Riving. They returned to M'KC"o ,K toncs 0f tH with hint of spring In the border. Tho board of ill iSuudny mottling. b, Last Saturday afternoon Minx hu-jrcctor8 had tho. work UomvdurliiR tha Venice WIIfou entertained tho third jTkntikBglrlnR holidays, and tho Snml fourth grades at a party in tho , school declares It was nn agreeable ' sjSchoolhbuse. ; surprise. ' Last Thursday nlghl (ho Klilghts of Pythias entertained nt an Inform- Mr. E. E Duller added Ills nnlna to the roll of nuto owners last week nl dance Altho It had not been whou he purchased a Maxwell car. '"..widely advertised. pltto n crowd of Miss Ida C. Youiik left Saturday peoplo wcro present. ' for Spokane, Wash , to visit her b!s- t , ....in rrir -?i lmi.t Timnk. ! Icr. Mm. William Uochtold. 1 rIvIiir night at the Baptist church .".Jl?" nTved at tho homo guests nt tho J, A, Rlggs homo for Thanksgiving dinner.' Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Roberts and dauRlttor tnn wcro guuttto of friends In llend, .Thanksgiving, day. AtMi'ifnU'irMrs. C. M. Charlton ou Joyed n homo party for Thanksgiv ing week with tliolr two nous who were in tho army nt home tu onjoy "mother'a cooking and dad's hospit ality,' E. 0. Charlton tho oldest won saw sixteen months service In Frnncu. Harold M. who Ih now In tho govern inont Korvlco. served two years and more In tho army. Another guust was A L. Oueiin from Salem wjjq visited his mother, Catherine Spray at tho Charlton homo. Many dinner parties were given nnd enjoyed by Powull llutto (peo ple, chiefly family groups. Among them Mr and Mrs. Uoss Jlusttntt en tertained with n grand dinner for tC member of tho rautlly thine being four generations represented ntftho tahle. X"Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wurswisllor emonuineii mi, nun iMrs. John juris coll at Thanksgiving dinner S " " - -" v T an-K Cashmans is the gift shop ft or men- -wilh.llev. F. E. Williams of tho Pies byterJau church omclatlng. This , jsermou waR ono of tho last Iter. WIN .. Hams wlir, preach In this section, as ! he leaves Ihls week for another ini i toratc. Miss Winifred Munz, who is at - tending school nt St. Holcn's Hall In Portland, spent Thanksgiving in Redmond with her parents. , Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cunning entor- tnUicd a number of their friends ntUlielr home Friday night. ' (Mr. Paul Irvin, principal of the ' Redmond high school, spent Thanks giving with his relatives in Portland. Mr. W. J. Davis, the painter, hns - recently constructed a utoreifnrMilin- .- telf, and Is moving his mater I it? thin ( week. '-. i Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Meyers and ,jion returned home this -week from rn visit with relatives In tho East Mr. and Mrs. Clnude Kolly took over the motion picture theatre Sun day night nnd are to run 'shows rtx nights in the week. lnstend'ot, three ! week. ns has formerly been done. night missed Is Tuesday. Tho COMMUNITY DINNER GIVEN AT PINEltURST PINBHUHST. Dec. 3 The com munity dinner and program at the scliooj house, on Thanksgiving Day, .was a success. Eroryoue enJoved a good dinner nnd a pleasant time. . . Jr. anu .Mrs. j. u. uouch wore Sunday guests of Mrs. Reed. Lesllo McDanlels and Mr. Jarard were business callers at the Bayley ranch Saturday Phil Smith' was buslnos caller at Edgewood farm on Tuesday, Carl Hatch was a caller at the Michel homo. Saturday, . Mr. Ladd nnd family. Mr. Iloliman and family, and several others spent Thanksgiving Day at the Pholp'a "ioine. Mrs. G. W. Snyder and son Lester, was" in Tumalo Saturday. Mrs. -Simp IJolIinan of Bend was n Thanksgiving guest at the John Bollman home. C, 11. Snaugh and Llord Root snent Sunday evening in Tumnlo. y V. Swisher and O. H. Spaugh attended a telephone meeting In Tu malo, tho flrt of tho week. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Pholps and Mrs. Gamier were in Rend Saturday af ternoon. Hurry McGuire called at the John Iloliman homo. Mr. and Mrs. George Huettl of Bond, was visiting at tho C. H. Spaugh homo on Sunday. C. Peterson has been doing some building thin week George Sanded who has been ill, wns nble to bo in Tumalo. Saturday. Mrs. O W. Snydqr and children visited at tho Pino Tree Mill on Sun- uuy .TERREBONNE MAN :, CALLED BY DEATH 1 TERREBONNE. Dec. R f V. WhttetK aiul wife of llcppuer sfont Thanksgiving at the home offlhls father Geotge Whllels. W John Dietrich died vary suddenly nt his home enrly Sunday inonir lug Mr Dietrich was G5 years old nnd n very halo and hearty man for his age. Ills death was caused by a sudden violent attack of heart trouble. He was a much honored nnd respected citizen of tho Commun ity having come hero with his fam ily from Spokane, nine years Ago when ho purchased tho place which was his homo up to tho timu of his death. Besides a great mniiy friends he leaves to mourn his loss a widow, nue sun. Harvey Dlttrich. of Terrebonne and three daughters Mrs. Henry Doru of Jnrdon. Minne sota; Mrs. Joo Howard of Lower Bridge and Miss Adeline who tenches In the Terrebonne school. A carload of sacks was received last week by tho Westorn Dlatoinlie company of Lower Bridge. A number of people in this vic inity urc purchasing cars. Last week 2 Fords wero bought by R. L. Kuoor and J, D. Wimp. Thlt week Raymond and George Elliot pur chased a Chevrolet. A carload of merchandise bus ar rived for tho Mnckey Grocery Grant Mllcr Is splpplug u car load of baled hay tp.hls ranch near Hood River. R. V Whltels of Hcppncr pur chased a carload of potatoes from tho I fanners hero. . On last Wednesday 'evening the Dftu,.,, . ,., , . , Terrebonne grade nnd high school POtthLL BUTTE. Bee. 3. -A free KttV0 (l Thanksgiving program, do dunce will bo given at Cpmniuurj8pl0 u,0 'cold weather a largo and Ha I December 13. Good music appreciative audlenco. Tho numbers will be furnished also a fine feed foriuero ttn follows which a charge will 0o made n order ChorusTho grades. to pay for the music. Everybody TiinnL-.rU-im- n.iu i..r...,.. is .tll1" . t. . .. Getting rid of nn Agcnt-r-7h and .m u. ucu. iiuuus leucner oi ii- sth grades son school is preparing, a school en- Recitation,' "November Can't be tertainmont to bo given In the nenr jjoat" -Neal Davidson. fUtUre. Rnrltfltlnn "Tliit nr.ynl PnL-nv" -- , ..u .vuvv.4 MtltfWJ of Chap. Williamson last woek Church services wero held at tho home of Julius Pederson Sunday. His Infant son wns christened. P. J. Young and family enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner ut tho L. C. Young ranch. 'All report it good program and an enjoyable time ut tho Richardson school Wednesday night. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Butler wero In Bend on business Monday, Mr. C. Mt Rnimusscu was a Bond visitor Saturday Leroy Smith and O. Swnnsnn at tended the social at the Richardson school Wednesdny night. L C. Young and family dined nt tho Toomey homo in Bond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, of Bend spoiifSunday nt their son's ranch lu this vicinity. Dorothy Young spent Sunday with Needrn Toomey In Bond. Mrs. George Erlckseu and Mrs. Gundorsen called on Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. J. Pedersen one afternoon last The Ladles. Aid will meet nt tho church in Bend this week. Gladys Dahlc und Violet Ilcttmnn visited with Kntharluc Holgescn Sun day. Kenneth Dutt attended tho show In town Saturday night. POWELL BUTTE TO GIVE FREE DANCE Thohulbr 'gentlemen in doubt as to what to get HIM on GlirlHt inas will not bo left without suggestions galore if lie or alio comes into this store ourly. Wo .have begun early to take on the .Christmas spirit because v.Q.tf irmly expect everybody to buy early this'car. ' Dan Hotirigan. the popular bach elor slieep man of Powell Butte, has Cecilo McGregor. Tomray'H Thanksgiving Party" been buying hay A. W Day no hnsMth nn.i nn. .r,,,i sold to him this week at 2P pqrl Recitation, "A Sensible JHor" Ed ton, no pnsturq Included wara Dorn. , Mr. nnd Mrs. K. H. Stewart wore Recitation. "Noiliine qniin,! nim" guests or the E. N. Hall, in Prlne-I Mae Wnllonbtirg. vllle for Thanksgiving dinner. Other Pop Corn Song Primury guests were Mrs. Alma Hall of Port- Topsy Turvy Drill 4th grade land mother of .Mr. Hall and Mr. , Recitation. "A Thanksgiving Story" and Mrs. Reavls Wllcoxen of Red- Mavis Knorr. IIIUI1U. Mrs. Ike Mills and Mrs. (Recltntlon. "I'm Thankful" Arleln Lizzie , Davidson nnd James U'lmn. Lnughlln visited from Frlduy until Seed Drill -3rd grade. Rending and Dramatization The Courtln High School Sunday evening ut the Arthur Wurz- weller home. A wire wus received bi; frionds In Powell Butte that Otis Buttorlleld I had died nt his home in.Iduho. Mr. : HAY IS FED EARLY Butterrteld owned tho ranch now oc- ? wZZJt I cuplcd by Dominic Verges nnd was' - .AT LOWER BRIDGE well like by his neighbors who regret to hear of his death. His body was "" Interred In Portland. LOWER BRIDGE, Dec Mr. Harold M. Charlton returned to Parrot Is hauling lumber for n now Portland on Sunday night truln. i house. .Mr. nnd Mrs A W Bavue and", Mr. Ilosklns niniln n IiiikIiiohh trio QVrt C C..1 'd.- r -jicji ui usciui ii Lb ivi men ; ; -men like useful remembrances Handkerchiefs -Neckties Mufflers--Scarfs Suspenders Sweaters Gloves-- Slippers Shirts, and dozens of other beautiful articles The new double-breasteds by Hart SchafFner & Marx h ir They've "hit the mark? with young men. Maybe it's because they're such a complete change from tho single-breasted army blouse j maybe it's because they set off the broader chests so well;jpyjc young nion look-wiry, athletic. "" " 9 r The old double-breasteds were square and bulky looking; few meiicould wear thern. The now double-breasteds, as Hart Schaffner & Marx make them, loo'k well on any man ; one, two and three button models; some with belts. At this store you not only get the livest. styles to be had, but you save at the same time; all-wool quality lasts longer you don't have to buy so often. .0 .-.u: V-...I !""- M. P. CASHMAN BEND'S CLOTHIER 9 'I ! ih ,, , aerl Bj ley and Gerald Hnrler Mr and Mnr. Arthur minor were to Crooked river Saturduy tH"iiSimti,tit; ( titn r:::r.:::i:::u.-::::.:::::::::.-::i::i::y::': The Shorthorns Have Arrived ! g UR importation of registered Shorthorn Cattle for foundation breed ing stock has arrived and hhs been distributed among the farmers of the county. "Secret Flash", the highest priced Shorthorn cow in Deschutes county, was secured for T. M. Janssen for $1025.00, and breeders in Union county considered her cheap at that fig ure. Our breeders will have a car lot of young stock for sale in the spring. They will be sold locally or consigned to one of the Shorthorn sales, Some of these calves will bring what the cow cost,. anu. the owner will still have the cow. Better ioin the ranks ' - srf A-lNners and secure some pure-bred livestock. " v 7dii'j: W,E WILL HELP Y0U- i ' i; " t k'' tt I Jn'- T1 3"HEBANK OF'SUpfcRIOR SERVICE: i -. : ' ' First NaHnnl Ranlr f fl , . - ' r -. MIU "i;i:iis:n:M:iii!(:iii:tiuuiii:uninitiiiu:u'i:1 ;::!::::H::::::;::::::::;::;:i:::!!:!:::itt::i;::i:.-;:::;:::i:::!:: The Htockinen are feeding rtluce the nturm nnd nro dlnpoHlnn of hnr very rapidly. It lookn now nn there will he n HhortiiRO limtoad of a mir pIiih of hay In this community. C. K. JloHklus Iiiih IiIh InrKo liny cutter at work Krlndliu; alfalfa inoal for Hhceii feed. t There whm a new arrival, Mr. and Mr. Jemt Howahl nro the pareutH of u bahy boy. Mr. uud Mm. L'pdlck nnd Mr. and Mrx. F'oHtor Hpeut ThankHKlvliiK with Mr uud Mrx. I'M. Graham on tho Kd. Urahutu on the Lower UrldKo. Mrn. Wlnflold pent tho woek end with Mrn A. J. Fuller A H HolmoM and Juke, Hook nijiile, ii IjiiHlncHM trip to Ilond flnlurdu')'. lloraro HrookltiK Ih loadliiK u cur of potutoex for California market. Mr. Holt one of the licuvlext xtock holderx of tho Silica niliio la hprn on mi luxpectlon trip. Mr. Holiuox of Hherinan county lx vlHltiiiB IiIh brother Mr. A. H. Holinex. Mrx. and Mrx, Towne were dinner Riiextx nt Holiuox Sunday. The community held u meeting and decided to xturt u vlgoroiiH light on tho Jack Itubblt. R03D AND GUN CLUB MEETING TOMORROW MHiilMuen Will Tuku I'p .Mutter or HlorktiiK HtminiH unil May lte r'tieil ('aid (iiune Wiirrlcu. To outline their work for the coiuIiik year, and to 'formulate recommondatlnnx to bo madu to tho Stnto Hull and flutne coniuiUvj f'P" Plart That Is Shunned. One of tl.u most IntercxtlnK nlnntx n the Atlantic xtatex lx the Virginia wild KliiKer. It lx found both In the t'lnlnliix und ux far Mouth iim (Ji'r;li, I'liero nrc xeveritl other Hpecleo In tljo Atlantic xtutch nv fur xoulh ux Kor-, ida and nnrthwiird to Connecticut. TIo ilnnt Krux'H In very hill und wooded place, mid lx cnully recoKiilzed by Itu klduey-xhaped leuvex uud curloiin pur illRli-brown flowerx. Thexe tlowerf row one to u xtcin. No living llilni vlll eat Itx bIKei' leuvex irTVul one rare y "xcea tho flower unlexx ono huiitx for t. for It hides Itxelf out of xlyht It loxxlble. , nimnheru of the Ilond Hod uud (luii club will hold it xpeclal merit liiK at 7:30 o'clock tought In tho city council rnoiux. Aiiioiik mattorx which will muy ho put up to tho Htnto .coinnilxxloii nro iccoinnietidatliint) for xtocklitK Centra) Oregon xtreunix wltli more rainbow uud xllverxldo trout, und for tho employing; of ii paid kiiuio warden for thlx xecilun. ewex, Mlnln'prlco unit full pnrtlcu larx n h to condition, breedlm;, etc Hart Jolinxton, HnKlnuw, Ore. 7H-I0p. WANTKI) Wo will call nnywliorv, nuy place,, any lime, to look nt your lined fiirultiire. Let ux know whut you Iiuvh. Wo pay caxh. Tho Slaudiird Kuriilttiro Co. U7-49tfo WANTIJn- CO MinroH Hvvalley water. . Wtito llox 8, Ilend, Ore. ijt ori:ifl!ni l-OU HAMi. , Perverse Critters. "t pjin't liclri llilnklntr Rnmellmcii." l.l .1. ,llj.A..tiM.....l .......... Il.t... .1. flrkft U.I ... ..-... a m . nni'i nn- uiniwuiHS' u liiiiiiri, null hip '.'wit n.iitr. AllUlia lln, llil) IQIIX FOIl .SAI.C-AiiUor Holtx xtijiaiator r.00 lb. capacity. Oood ux new. Cheap for quick xale. Addi-oxx V. C Hurl. Ilond. Phono IF2C. OS-40. lc VOl HAIiK- Hoxen seed ryo. $3.'no per cwt. Inqulro Wm. Hay. Turn iIVU)rfKOti. 47-30-42 POIl SAM-; KO head of 2 nnd 3 your old sloorx, 8 liuml of I)urliiiin mftk cows, xoitie freih and text comlnK frculi liiHlde of thirty duyx, ull In N'o. I rondlllou. Addrexx P. H. Coffey, Ono ml lo north of Torrehounu. 10-30-10p, FOll 8ALK Four xuckliiK calvox and frosh milch cows, Ooo, HatjiH, Hiiuinuiiu ituu lli I, au-JllrfO worse you treat your henx the more eKBH you will net from tliont. I ro nieubi'r nn old Joke where one- man usknd another: 'How dp yon KfXP nmny t'vitH'i' 'WJiy,' xald Hie otliW.Tl triflt my henx xo iitixclentltfMlIf they're all luylnt; for we.' " nt 120 II toil. Hmnn nnMliirn uMIt ko with It at thlx price. Addroxx, J. II. Minor, Uond, Oro. 7C-3Jtfo LOHT A.VI1 FOUND, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Guatemalan , Salt, . OiinleinuIu'lifljJndUHtry, wjilrli lie Kiui Hoon uficr,th'e Kpanlxh ciniruei(t, now producex 'neitfly '.'.CKWMXl-pounilx ,u yenr. - , . . When NeftiTV'Not ..e'vysif f Tho xupreiue. court unx liiiliPA.tli'iit' (newx Jb propeijty. 8oiuo if ltfx. uiul .tlujMi soii'i Is "rinnroveincntx theiooti.'' Clutft ailvcrlUinx charuti ir lwu 20 cent (or zu wimu ur imu. une real iwr wurj for il ovtr so. All Uvl(ie0 avrtlmi,;1UMHy twowicld nuiro, ono.buy trflr tli ln.mlyi.nce.. j yirlliu,' inure, with whlto strip III "" r"7 ' fa5.0' .." hr)rtdtVi'0 connected on WANTKI). WANTBDOood milk cows, fresh or co'iiliiK fi'uuji hooiu beo or wrlta J. "I3r Fuiborry. Slateix, Ore. 'lOVlO i'- J! i t J 11?. V K .. I. VANTIil)- To Huy 100 Chlckenx. fitite breed nnd price. Write 85 cure Of. Hullotin, BD-I0p, WANT15Df200 head, sood y"6mig T A KKN-UpTwo your old holfor with two xplltx In each oxr, mi lirniul deulphuiuble. Two your old xtoor iindor crop In loft car nnd crop In right oar, whlto xtrlpo ucrosx foro xhoulder, Rimer WoniHtuff, 3 mllux enxt of town on Hear Cieek road. 10-10. I2p. BTHAYKD- From my much at Mil- uctiii one imy six year old mure, l?f"..".nl'.0'. ' lnWt.PlM!". ilollvor to . w, MiniMififKi,' wjrvliiK Avp and locolve rowii)(j of J2Q.0P. .8i.au. I I ps A :.STHAVa--Cunio to my nlnco-. Wiiite iiSo cow branded M on -loft yl hind quartorrlBl.fr oar xllt anAU 1 1 ' S-!TiV0,,,?,1' tt,!i,,'1''! Ml" no brandx dwclji herablu, Tmiulre Houtor MiTr. I ' . 5n.. ""' ,M 2lV MWWU. IT- 3 0-1 Op. v)'; U ; -&$ ' r V ? 'J'ty J ni. . .w0.hl ,&M itiH imp