The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 04, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 11, Image 11

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    mncD lULfjrrirw, mwi, okroon, TnuiwnAY, vKanmjm 4, jaJ
Tpv 11
Orowera Everywhere Are- Coming to
llenllio That Thero la Moro
Money In Standard Drcede.
(I'rrliartd by tlin United Mutes Depart
incut ufAKilitillure.)
Tho story of lti'iilii'ii Lowe of North
fcthiilil(;li, ilt'., llliiMlnilfH (Iki possllilo
' prnHls from poultry keeping where'
careful iiiiiiiiigeiiifiit In practiced. Dur
Iiik ll'IH this poultrymnn, who de
voles only part of liU time to chicken
raising, kept U50 birds, which paid
lilm n profit over feed com of more
limn JI.IKKi, equivalent to ?l n ttlnl.
Included In thin amount nro the sales
t a few egg for hutching, about W
cockerels Kold for breeding purposes
nt $3.M) to .' cuth, its will iir tlin
market rptr". which were disposed of
In large quantify. Mr. Lowe keeps
UnfjHBH AmIbB aaaaao&aaaaaal
' aai-JMi'flBaV 'JaaamlfC
Main Poultryman ilealUta (4 a Bird
f From Hla White Wyandottee.
Wlilto Wyandotte of n strain thi'it
& In tin show rltiK when Judged
according to either tho standard of
perfection or a utility ittindnnl.
One pen of DO pullet owned hy thin
Ualuo poultry raiser produced eggn
as follow: November, 1018, -till; De
ctrnibcr,, 1018, -MB; Jiiuunry, 1010, JWO;
February. 1010, IKM; March, 1010, -tr.0;
a total of 1.003 eggs, nvrrngtug W.0S
cfp per bird In five inontha.
It pay to keep poultry of thin kind,
and growers everywhere arc coining
y lYflllzo thnt thvre- ta more money
Ut keeping hotter fowl nod frcdliiK
them properly balanced ration thun
, la waiting tlmo with Inferior birds.
Mixture of Qaaollna, Carbolic Acid
and Platter of Parlt la Inert-
pensive and Efficient
a. ".lilt" III! Vil-M'n ..VIM '.MHWW
powucr ror pnunry in mnue uj inn
I nir three part of gaiollno and Cine
pnrt of crude rnrhollc ncld with an
much pIi-Mer of pnrla as the liquid
wilt moisten, ns determined hy tlin
Ohio experiment Million. The pow
der In nllowed to dry before mini:: It
tuny tic kept In nn nlr-tlKht contnlner
when It retain Km strength for long
period, The fMiwiler I Inlhiinmuhle
nud mtiit he kept iiwny from (fre.
Infested fowl when thoroughly
dusted nro noon relieved from tho nt
tnvkn or lien; nhoiit 128 bird limy he
diuted In one hour, one muiihI of thu
mixture being needed to dutt ten urn
lure fowls.
For hend lire on chicken tho use
of tiluo ointment or mercurhil olnt
went hn heeu found effective. Otto
part of tho ointment Ik mixed with
two piirtn of vnellue mid u lump f
tho mixture nhout the ti of n pea In
riihhed thoroughly lit the base of the
feather nhout the head.
Plenty of Qood Food In Considerable
Variety la Essential to Main.
tain Qood Health.
When the fowls begin to shed their
feather he sure Hint they luivo plenty
of good food, In considerable vnrlety,
o they can maintain their health and
strength and at the snino tlmo grow
a perfect new net of feathers.
Bran Is a Rood regulntor for ponl
try of ull ukch.
rurchuHO wcll-inuturcd pullets rath
er thun liens.
Having movable, sepnruto nest boxes
makes it easier to cleun them ub well
nu tho house.
Don't expect great success In hatch'
4 lug mid mlHlng chicks uuletis you have
had Homo cxporleuco.
Thoro In no better pluco for turkeyB
to roobt than In tho trees, In tho open
nlr, during tho summer mid fall.
Chicks Hint gut too warm In coops
do not grow well and thercforo do not
mnlio tho best nso of their feed und
If tho wing feathers of llttlo chicks
grow too rapidly and muko tho wings
nnng down thoy should bo cut off bo
that thoy will not Bap tho vitality of
' the chicks, . . .
Little Real Credit Bualneta la Done
by Foreign Finn Operatlno
In Chlnv
Wlicn n foreign flnn ojicna tii In
China ouu of Itn II rut car;. Is to nelecl
a cnniprndoro, write "iwrlctm" In
Anln imigMxttie, Thin liiitrt'Jiinl In
initially n wenlthy mercham of the
town with considerable! properly. He
becmnen, not nn employee, hut a kind
of iiHrfncliitu of the foreign buMm-xii
Minn, und while keeping up In many
ciiffcn liU own Independent eoinmrrcliil
vi'iiliircM, he eliibllthen an olllce c6n
neclloii with the llrm'n olllcen, where
he ncla im lulermedlury for all trann
uelloua with Chinese cilxtoiiior. No
Chlncku order l hooked without lit
npprotnl, for ho Inkea the place of our
"credit nmn" and knows who rnu be
tnuted nud to whnt extent, Hut he
ill rf era from the credit man In thnt
lie, In return for n comuilnnloii on the
tratmnctlon, nsauinei full reipoiiKlblllly
for It nud pays up hlnnelf If the
ciiftmoer defaultn. IHlug a'runn of
property he con do litis, nnd lo make
aaitiruuce doubly sure, tlin foreigner
usually reipjlrea him to deposit aecur
Hy In the form of title deed to Innd
or even cnh In some caaei. When the
W(la nro finally delivered It la not
uaunl to give long credits. In one of the
prlnclpnl pnrla of China payments arc
usually made nt once throuirh whnt
nre culled 'nutlve bank orders, I. e.,
cheeka dnted five or ten dn nhenil
nud cerlllled by some Chinese bunk.
In other wordi very Hide renl credit
tiuklneNB Is done, necordlug to our Idea
of thnt term, and It Is cnuiequeiitly
not surprising thill there nre nt few
fleitarchea of Antiquarians Have
Orouoht to Light Many Thlngt
of Historical Interest.
A side rond lend In Hie left from
the Tom- Wuy of ancient memory,
nud winds nloiig n vnlley beside the
rnrly wuiulcrliiKS of (he Colne, In the
Kngllnh Colawidd eoimlry, writer In
the Chrlstliin Science Monitor says.
The car, chugging Its wny up the
rond cornea io rt ut last beiienth the
trees which crowd nrouud the Homnn
vllln, nt Chedworth, and n pntchwork
enrpet of sun nnd shadow luvltea to
Idle loitering In tho warmth of a spring
dny, Hut suddenly one 1 uahered Into
(he twilight of tho Itomsn occupation,
to gate on fragments of motslc floor
lug nnd srntlered plllnrs und bricks
und stones, nil that remain of the
pronperoim home of some rich Homnn
who settled here In the diiwu of Kng
llah history.
The beautiful coloring and design
of the moiulc floors nrs not more
fttrtklng tlmo the hollowed bricks, and
furnaces which tell of wonderful heat'
Ing arrangements, of greuter efficiency
than thnt of which mot modem Kug
llih homes can bonst.
Here, beside the lllu, laundries nnd
bathi would appear to have been n
mull smelting ehtnlillfliuieiit, which
must haw once made the place a little
hive of Industry amid the wild sur
roundlucs of Ilrltalu.
All IliU luy tiudlscovered through
tho centuries till men came and uu
enrthed It from the dust and debris
and fallen leaves of well-nluh two
thousand jeins.
Cabbages, Turnips, Beets, Potatoes,
Etc., Are Suitable Feeds for
Cold Weather.
(Prepared by the United filntes Dopart
nirntof Agriculture.)
If the best results are to be ohlnlncd
with poultry they must be furnished
with a plentiful supply of green feed.
Where fouls have unlimited rango on
n farm they will secure green feed
during tho spring, but during tho win
Icr. It must be supplied for them. The
question of how to supply the best
feed at tho least cost Is ono that each
poultry kecicr must decide lurg'ly for
himself. It will probahljr &Vu but
little difference what kind of green
feed Is supplied, provided It Is relished
hy the fowls. Ciibbnges, turnips,
heels, potatoes, etc., arc sultnblo for
thin purpose. The larger roots nnd
the cabbages may bo nusjicndcd by
means of n wire or string, or they
may he placed on the floor, In which
esse It would be well to split the tur
nl pi or beets lengthwise with n largo
knife. I'otntoes nnd turnips should be
J fed cooked. The mangel In nn excel-
lent root for feeding rnw. Cut clover
soaked In boiling water fed alone or
with the mush In good. Clover meal
and ground alfalfa make very good
feeds for this purpose. Where tho
fowls nre yarded nud not enough
green feed Is furnished by the yard
a small patch of clover, nlfulfu or rape
may he sown. Any ono of these, If
frequently mowed, will furnish h great
quantity of green feed In a form
which Is relished by tlin fowls. Can
ndn flehl peas tuny also be sown for
this purpose, nnd when fed In a ten
You mutt make oiir own friends,
Homu men are horn with a natural
dlhpoltloti to be friendly. Other men
wltli equal bruins are bom with natures
that do not easily make tleud. The
one man need to bo careful that hu
does not make too many ft lends nnd
the other needs to cultivate the art of
miking rrleiids, llolli men may muke
shipwreck of life by allowing the
natural bent of their lives to dominate
them. Home folks may Miy a man
should maku his friends among thoe
ho is able to help. That may be nl
trulstle but as n rule a fellow wants
friends who will help themselves. Tho
tendency Is to make friends of those
wIioko life appeals to us without re
gard to profit. Hut tho wise man will
take stock of the friends he mskes and
cultivate these who help him to be
ii heller mini. He needs thu Incentives
good men mo nhlo to urouse with
In him. "To make friends you must
diow jouj-svlf friendly,"
Army and Navy Union.
The history of tho Army nnd Navy
Union dates' from March 1, 18SH, when
veterans of thu United States army
ihtnlued articles of Incorporation for
an orgaultatlou to bo known ns tho
Itegular Army of tho Union of thu
United Htntcu of America. According
to a circular sent out by the union, It
"alms to defend nnd elevate tho ma
terlal standing of tho ofllcers and en
listed men, encourages nud abetn legis
lation In their behalf, as well as for
those veterans who huvo returned to
civil life; It takes care of Its stck,
buries Its dead and exteitds n helping
hand, pecuniary and othorwise, as may
hu necessary," and generally strives to
promote patriotism and faithfulness.
Men who possess an houorablo dls
chaigo from tho United Stutes service,
with regular or volunteer army, navy
or marine corps, whether service was
before, during or slnco nny war at
homo or abroad, aro eligible to admis
sion to Its ranks.
A Dizzy Feeling.
nave you uwr tuken u lull splu In
an airplane?"
"No, but I've been called upon un
expectedly to mako a speech nud I
guess the sensation Is about the same."
Provide Plenty of Winter Succulence
for the Flock.
der, crisp condition are eaten readily. ,
Kye Is a good crop for lato fall and
early spring, for It will germinate nud
grow In very cold weather und will
live through tho winter. As ii general
thing fowlH should have onco n day
about all tho green feed they will cat.
Value as Part of Poultry Ration Strik
ingly Demonstrated at Purdue
That milk has it value as a part of
tho poultry ration wan strikingly dem
onstrated by tho results obtained on
ono of the poultry demonstration farms
which arc established und conducted
hy rurduo" university.
One fanner who had been feeding
milk to his Hock discontinued doing
so with tho arrival of tho summer
months thinking that tho fowls would
pick up enough Insects to mako up for
the food value that was furnished by
tho milk. Almost Immediately, how
ever, his dally egg production began
fulling oft until, In ono month, It had
dropped off to one-half what It had
been for the month previous. When
milk wub again mndo a part of tho
ration, tho dally egg production grad
ually Increased. As a result of tho
milk fed, tho production tho following
month wna oh good as In tho spring
monthH und tho extra profit made
moro than paid for tho milk fed.
Certain Standard Requirements Which
Fowls Must Meet to Bring
Highest Prices.
Thero Is Just ns much dlffcrcnco In
the quality of capons ns of other
meats. Thero aro certain atandnrd
requirements which tho birds must
meet to bring the highest prices. Qual
ity counts, but kIzu iib woll as quality
Is required In capons.
Dust Bath Is Essential In Ridding
Fowls of Vermin Whitewash
Ing Is Effective,
The frco uso of nn cffcctlvo llco
powder- Is always In order. A dust
bath Is very essential In ridding tho
fowls of lice. Whitewashing la
effectlvo ogalust vermin. Uso koro
seuo on tho roosts and In tho cracks
to exterminate miles.
Making The Farm More Efficient and
A Brighter Place.
DELCO LICH provides bright;, clean, safe electric light for tbe
n,. computXr, uj! Kome' barn gaw. powtr for pump, washer,
power plant cream separator and other light machinery.
Among the 60,000 Satisfied Users Who Endorse Delco Light are:
O. C. I'rico Powell Dutte, Oregon
llaldwln Sheep Company Hay Creek, Oregon
Thomas Houston
Frank McCaffcry
T. H. Dronnan
H. L. Ivorson
John Kemmeling
John Friday
11. L.Prlday
It. K.. Scott
It. 11. Cram
8. I). Mustard
V,im. Peterson
I. II. Meyors
W. P. Trolcholl
F. A. Powell
Homer Norton
O. C. Prlco
J. It. Dreese
Thomas Fitzgerald
H. J, Connelly
John C. O'Callaghan
K. It. Kaughliu
B. It, Shown
PrlnoTllle, Oregon
Powell Dutto, Oregon
Paulina, Oregon
I'owoll Dutto, Oregon
Prlnovllle, Oregon
Cateway, Oregon
Gateway, Oregon
Mitchell, Oregon
Uatoway, Oregon
Powell Dutto, Oregon
Powell Iiutte, Oregon
Post, Oregon
Paulina, Oregon
Paulina, Oregon ,
Post, Oregon
Prlnovllle, Oregon
Prinevlllc, Oregon
Mitchell, Oregon
Mitchell, Orogon
Towell Uutte, Oregon
Mitchell, Oregon
Ttichmond, Oregon
Wheeler County Trading
Company Mitchell, Oregon
Cam Woods lllmond, Oregon
J. II. Sclrwnrtzor Paulina, Oregon
The Plant That Is Air Cooled And Has The Big 160 Amperej
x Hour Batteries. II
n W D PA VTtfMM WaU st next to Carlson & Ly
IvVf 1 KjJnL 1 1 VIi) Bend, Oregon
f "T-VO POUND OF I s?Z. nZi ' !r-s t wHBE T T CO.HAP?
..r, LMO AND HORRY lm ip fr 1 -pffOPPEO ft RT
HOME I t PK f.V W 3g I "iVv WrcAKPrrWetttE;
, Conciliation.
The cook of a certain family had
been In tho sunie situation for years.
One afternoon tho mistress of the
house visited tho kitchen nnd said,
"l'ou know, cook, wo arc all very
fond of you. I hope you llko your
present room and nre content with
your wages? I nm thinking of giv
ing you ono of my silk pcttlcoata."
Tho cook's eyes widened, nnd she satd,
"Oh, iu'iii, however many people havo
you asked to dinner nowl"
First Salt Mercl ints.
The Delaware Indians made mil
from brine springs In New York state
and sold it to settle as early as 1(170.
making probably the llrst commercial
production of salt In Ibis country. The
manufacture of salt by whllo people
In tho United Stntes was begun near
Syracuse, N. , nhout i7KI. Salt Is
tho most commonly used mineral in
tho world, and no useful mineral ex
cept coal, perhaps, occurs In greater
nhundaiice or U moro widely distrib
uted In tho United States.
Chinese Locomotive Engineers,
Chinese engine drivers have tho gen
tlest senso of touch with tho air brake
of any In tho world. A break in two
Is almost unheard of, and there Is very
llttlo dnmago to cars in Shantung on
Chinese railways.
INUntstcr Wants to Help.
It Is only natural that ono who has
boon rollovod from suffering should
fool grntoful nnd want to help othors,
Rov. yv. P. McSwyndolo, 818 Elm
St., Macon, da,, writes: "My kidneys
gavo mo much troublo boforo 1 took
Foloy Kidney rills. I am roady at
any time to speak a word for Foley
Kldnoy Pills," Sold Everywhere.
New 1920
The Quality Talking Machine. We have just
Received the Local Agency for the Playerphone
and Have Received Several of the New Models
From Which You May Select Your
Automatic Top Lift
Doing Away With The Hinge 'j
Automatic Stop
Tone Modifier
Heineman Spring Motor.
Plays AW Records Perfectly See Them At
Furniture Store
i-i. t?