roerui .. $ Lt r PAHM BKNI) UUIiLKTIN, HKND, OltKfiON, THUHHrAV, NOVKMIlKll S7, (Off W3EBHEHSHHSWBEBH &EEH3SLMK Family Thought 4k End Was Near xnmmmmmmmm mmn saamMnwi it u ihihiiipiiiiiii1 mm it j tj All wains' 1 10 ww . jp jiiiiiittaiiiiiiiiii;iijrjiiraiiiiisBUi'i!i .4 1 ' . ! II ' 1 1 Thank'giving For The Holidays i t .Mi. Illrkuk Win Told There Win No Chance For Her Tii ii fur I lost on Hit. If you need clothes for I V- HI Day Values We have many things to be thankful for that vc are living- in a free country and among friends. We are your friends, in trying to live up to the Golden Rule, which our FOUNDER, MR. J. C. PENNEY made the guiding principle of our business. Give g us an opportunity to prove our sincerity. Flannel- Shirts for Men and Boys at Popular Prices - - $1.25 to $5.90. Sweaters '. L......$1.49 to $10.90 Wool Underwear (Union). ... .. .L50Jq $7.50 Wool taixed (Union) $2.98 to $3.98 . r- sgri S? : Cotton Ribbed; and Fleeced (Union) $t9S v tse - - - Two Piece Wool Shirts and Drawers $2.49 to $3.9S Two Piece Cotton Ribbed and Fleeced Shirts and Drawers..: Always Ou Tho Square J. C. PENNEY CO. Inc. .197 BUSY gjj.H''r'M'M A. SONG WRITTEN BY -GRANGE HALL MAN GJtANGB HALIi. Nov. 26. A been written. (words and music) by a Grange Halt 11 S! man. Tho song is a tribute to Itcd Cross nurse. The story told I a true one, which was related to (he composer by a comrade In the trenches. The composer Is 31 r. Hoyer who returned from Franco In the spring and who Is at present farming a part of the L. C. Young Vfrinch. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. liutler accom panied O. Daule und wife to tho sale at the Warner ranch near I'owoll llutte. Phillip Melvln was the name se lected for Julius Pederfion's young son. Mr. Jennessen who atteuded the .Utock sale in Portland, brought home u flue cow as bin purchase. Mr. Guudersen und wife who live 72 miles south of liend spent Thanksgiving week with Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Erlcksen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ilcttmun at tended the Warner sale Monday. Mrs. P. J. Young, nnd Dorothy Voting were cullers at the teacher's cottage Wednesday evgnlug. RULES GIVEN FOR SENDING PACKAGES With a comparative few of tho American Expeditionary forces re maining In Europe, regulations just received by Acting Postmaster Hud son governing the sending of Christ muK packages overseas, have under gone a change from those in effect last year. Tho new instructions provide (hat n "parcel may weigh not more than s6vqii pounds, must be not more than 72 Incliijslu combined' length and width, must lit; marked with the complete address of tho soldier to whani'lt ls',ont. and must be rnnrk ?d 'Christmas parcel." For dellv ury In Franco, England, or Germany .by Christinas, packages must bo at llobokeu by December 8. ' v . . ;. f ASSOCIATION LOADS . .; CAR OF POTATOES Whorl lutown .Monday on his rogu- WPgPtff. was no. car . v . - ' asseclntien 'President Pus Erstadlg, "for a ful and caAip : of t1oWaivtI?iliP.aiin(iiinrnilhnf II... '? .Id .CStlmateS'iEwh H Sc 2p" K! '. fJ"JUtiH. vfuctlon " Our v Aim I STORES ' potatoes for members living In tho liend district. Tho price being ro- celyed fortbls car load is three cents per pound and Mr. Stadlg says hr ex pects to see tho price" still higher. LEGAL NOTICES I'L'llLIC XOTM'K. Public notlco is hereby given that the county court of Deschutes county Oregon, has made tho following es timate of the amount of money to be raised by taxation for the ensuing year und contnlng a statement of the probable receipts of the county from sources other thuu direct tax. Estimate of County clerk . .. KH-iidltiirc 0.275 S.280 4.3T.H 4.210 2,000 400 3,500 1.100 400 100 2,750 SO 2.C00 1,200 3G0 1,500 5,000 4.000 Sheriff School superintendent, . Assessor, t? Treasurer Surveyor Commissioners court. ..... County court, .... Justice courts, Coroner Election expense Insuim, Widows pensions Wator master. '..... Health officer Indigent relief County farm Court house nnd Jail Itoads und bridges, 18,750 State chamber of 'com 1,000 1,750 hcalp bounties Fairs Uoard of prisoners, .. Printing proceedings, Miscellaneous, Circuit court, County attorney 1.000 1,000 300 1,000 3,550 750 3,000 30,000 2,200 5,000 27.000 Library, State tax, , ... Agriculturist Itoad machinery General school Total , 1144,570 KstimnU-d lUwipts. Clerk's & Recorders fees X 0,856 2,000 1,000 GOO ? - .. Bprcst revenue ;.. Fair money, Total 10,256 llalance to bo raised by direct taxutlon S 134,3 14 'In addition there will bo rnlsed by direct taxation nutsido the amount limited by tho constitution tho sum of 6,875 interest on 3125,000 road fund bonds, and a 0110 mill tax for market roads. rouce is further kIvoii tbnt thn c"r,t h"8. 'iied Thursday,. Dec- nine nnu nhtpo leto' dlscussjin Oil. and wfinrn miiv r u v rn ina m n 1 ir Kr VUrSSd. .TO h"2M 1 -.--. ... Tor tlin first tlmu In your I am utile to sit down unit out u hourly meal without stiffoiliiK afterwards," sulci Mrs. Jonnlo M. Hlckok who liven nt 701 13th. Ave South, Seattle, Washington, whllo relating her ex perience to n Tniilnc -representative, tho other lny, ".My family didn't think I would live very Ioiik." continued Mrs. Hlckok, "nnd In fact whllo 1 was under treatment 1 wum told that I hud Hitch n complication o.f l rouble tliut there waa 116 chuheo fur,'mo to ever he well ngulu. t had n hnd case of stomach trouble, am! had gotten to tho point where every! IiIiir I nto would our aim cnusu Ran 10 lorm I so had I could hardly breathe. .My ktdueyti wore out of order all tho 'time, nnd I would have such awful pnlns In tho small or my back that It wns out of the question for me to go up and down a night of steps. And then, the awful hendnches I used to have nearly overy day would almost drive me wild. I wus very restless at night and nover slept well. In fact, my nerves were In such terrible condition that tho least noise would upset mo terribly. The different medicines and treat uieutH I wus taking didn't seem to do me any good at all, and I Just kept mi Retting worse all the time. "When I told my sou I wns going to take Tnnlnc, ho wuh very much surprised, and seemed to think I wan ! doing the wrong ..lag to stop taking I my other medicine and coiumeiico ion something I knew nothing about Well. I told him that I had heard 1 about Tanlnc helping others who suf I fered as I did, nnd I didn't see any reason why It shouldn't do me some good, ton, so I got a bottle and bo- Ei Ran taking It I wus rlRht. for Tun (st'luc wns Just the medicine 1 had boon needing all the time, ami I began to w 1 feel better by the tlmo I had Mulshed Hi my first bottte I have taken eight B' bottles now, and I never huvo a pain or an acne or any kiiki. 1110 neau 'nclios nre gone nnd I am not bothered jany more with those awful pains In I my bnck I can go up and down stairs ns well us anybody now, and lean take long walks nnd climb hilM Ins well as I ever could I have n. , splendid appetltu tind eat thice (hearty meals every day nnd' I never havo a sign of stomach trouble or In- digestion of any kind. My nerves worn to be In Perfect condition nnd I sleep like n child evury night. Vow,' that Is what Tunlac did for tn after I wns given up to din, and that is ' why I say that It Is the medicine In 1 the world. I am more than Rind to recommend it to everybody." Tnnlnc Is sold in liend by Owl Drug Co.. In Sinters by Geo. F. Altkeii, and In liend by Morton Dm;; Co." favor or against any proposed tax levy. . ,1 Published by order of the county court of Deschutes county. In The liend Hulletln, tho official paper of said county on the 27lh,uViy:jof Nov ember and the 4th day of December. 1919, the first publication being not less than 20 dnys und the second not less than 10 days prior to said pro-' posed meeting. , L. W. I). II.MIXBS, m County Judge O. K. MIM.KIt. SKTII STOOKEY. Conimfsslonors. 30-40c T" XOTK'K OF IIEAItl.VC OX (' ACCOL'XTIXG. FIX Al, Notlco Is hereby given thn at tho of "thol undersigned administrator estate of Champ Smith, deceased, has filed his final accounting In the county courl of Dcschutos County Oregon, and that the Judge of said 4- Listed Below are a few of the items we can positively Save Dollars to you BEDS MATRESSES SPRINGS LIBRARY TABLES ROCKERS DINING CHAIRS AND RUGS. You ciin make your own terms within reason nt Gilbert Furniture Company it, we are here for you rhis day is made an occasion for a social function, festiv ity and good cheer. You want to be dressed right for it. I -. Hart Sdiaffner & Marx Clothes : mean being dressed with" no fear style and quality. Overcoats for Everybody We're safe in recommending to you our exceptionally fine showing of Men's Overcoats. I IfTKUL. -I - - dL- ' - - - .IU.M 9Sf . , w$& I Gordon Hats "IL i Whenever ypu thinly of a Hat you look for distinction that's V 'the last word GORDON'S rr .In t .Ti - M. P. Cashman Bend's Clothier I fawwMiaHiMcia I court has fixed Saturdny, Docombor 27. 1911). ut 10 o'clock 11. m. nl I hit county court room In the courthouse in Ileud, Oregon, as the tlmo nnd placo for hearing objections to und tho settlement of said accounting, and all persons Interested a 10 hero by cited to appear nt said tlmo and place and shown cause If such exist why suld Iluul accounting should not be allowed and said udmliilutrator discharged from his trust. Dated und published first time November 27, 1919. J. H. SMITH. Administrator of the Estate of Champ Hin'lth, Dncvnsed. 30-42c .NOTICE TO CIIKIUTOUH. Notlco Is hereby given thut tho undersigned' iiUH been duly appoint ed administrator ,of tho estate of John II. Fry roar Into of Sisters, De schutes county Oregon, All parlous having clulms against tho estuto of said deceased 1110 hereby uotllled to present tho vsnino, duly verified ac cording to aw, to John It, Fryrear, udmlufHtrntnjr, liend, Oregon, within six mouths from tho dntu of the llrst publication Jiereof. Date of lrst publication, Novo la bor 27, )9I9. . JOHN Il.rUYJlBAU. Administrator of tho estutui of John U. Fryreur, doSoased, ''. 3DM3f -H ' -v-tH J ,mii-wCiji mm st-'Haw- Our Holiday Patterns in Beautiful Neckwear Is coming in every dny. Our observation en ables us to tell you our CHRISTMBS LINE of Holiday Ties will be the best In the city. We cant begin to tell you about the fine patterns we have in all kinds of Beautiful Shirts for men. Make sure that you do not delay in making a selection early For Christmas CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CUialllrtl idwrti.mB chtrso twr Ixtu 20 etnt fur 20 wonU or Iru. On cnt iwr word for nil uv.r 20. All cUulflixl mJvcrtUluv trUtljr th In tdvantc WANTED. WANTED -Hecond hand winding drum for steel cable, equipped wl(b a brake, belt pulley und frict ion clutch. Ktuuley Hmlth, Mllllcnn, Oregoiii lC3Dp ('Oil KENT Grass and stubble pas- Jure, P. A. Duvora Ai 8011, Tumalo, Oregon. C-38tfc WANTED -White leujwrn henri (,r pullets. Address Mrs. Carl Llvw- ley, Deschutes. Oregon. l-37-39p WANTED Wo will call anywhere, any place, any time, to look at your used fuhilturu. Let uu know what you havo. Wo pay cash. Tho Standard Furnlturo Co. 97-49tfc WANTED CQ Hlmres Swaloy water. Wrlto Uox B, Uend, Oro. OB-Sfi-Op I'OII HAhK. i-'plt .SALE- Itoson seed ryq,. 'n'nr owl. flirTnlrii Wni.'KnvS Turn. alo, Oregon, W. .... ....(.. ..y ...... . ... f ,.,,. 47i30ri2 that you have not Stetson Hats v ,i - IK HAI.K -liO head of a and 3 year Aid steers. 8 head of Durham mill; nrwji. Komu fresh and rust coming rresh lusldo of thirty days, nil In No. 1 condition. Address P. . (Jfry, One mllo north of Toriebonno. 19-39-IOp. KOIl 8AI.K Alfulfu hay and pasturo nt 11 bargain. About 200 tons and 80 iterca good pasturo, plenty wntur. Keo It n. Hoberts ou Hall i'owell IJutto. 2-38tfc KOU HAI.EFour sucking calves -yind.rroHh milch cows. (Jeo. llatuii, telephono Ited 021. 30-31tfo P.01.1 HK Alfalfn hn, -ir.0 tons nt fzo n ton. Home pasture will go with It at this price. Address, .J; lHnor IJond. Oro. 7fi-:iltfo LOHT AND FOUND, lltAED-Krom my ranch 'iu Mil llcau 0110 bUY hIx yor irt ,miro, 0110 bay two year old mure, oiio bay Jfrttrtlng maro vlth whito strip in n?.a,',ifln l'w1w' WO rouiioolod on L0,"1H,e?rfd',rv,n? Avo.. and Jjwelvo rowar(J pfTJsQ.OO." 'Sl-as- hind rjunrtor, right oar sljt und loft jocip lerahlo, luQu ro llootw .Mur chpid . norih pf ;o liar niA,;'- "7- sras 13, 1-r 'ST1" i. i 4 yy, , $,... '. -,., 'to fii ' ivr ": 1 1 M Fi f-4r . w M U -xm-f- w r -t v .'mvii mzvr rurto, . 1 A ufcM.r(,w- ma ii.wW, 4V.if MU-ktV m M -T,-,Tf t.v r;m rwi