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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1919)
IJKND BDMilCTIN, I1RNI), ORFJON, TIIURflDAV, NOVEMBER 27, 1010 1 Central Oregon Scenic Wonders Will Be Kept For Posterity To Enjoy Today you tuny no Itu nun o( tin) permnm who loves llm outdoors, os pielnlly lliu outdoois to which one lii'coiniiM liicnmMliiKly itltiiohi'd ux onu llvwt Innr.or In Cniitnil Oiogon, hut a low yours hoiico, perhaps, whim tiiuoh of Central dogon's beautiful timber Im not lit (hit city's threshold, thiiKi) of you who ilo not upprecliito It will know t linn thu significance mill will understand thu vnlixi of ilia recent gift of thu hi'iiutlful tract of iitiindlug timber, nut iihIiIii for thu Hlnirllii Memorial I'mk In thu Turn nlo creek canyon unit Itu euvolrnn liy Thu Shcvlln-Hlxnn Compuny. Onu luiirim by comparison, when dealing with scenery, to appreciate thu beauties thiil tin In Central Ore gon valleys, creek beds, alone thu mountain sides, and about thu lakes Onu Iiiih to bo away from theso beau ties to relish thuiu It Is a fact that onu misses Ilium, longs for thuiu and grown homesick wln-n away from Ilium. Every day, overy hour, onu may look out of one's door and view picture and uvury llmu onu vIuwm thuHu picture thuru aru uuw iiHpcls. Thu mountain, thu tlmhur and rivers thu Hinall creek chung" clothes and appear to present u dlffuruiit torn puramuiit, Thuru may bu portion of our country moro extensively ex ploited and commercialized, hut lliunu aru fuw portions of thu country whuru scenery In umni charmliiK or fascinating, unit that, too, Include lint Inn run wattM of thu dwutrt. With thu pruKurvatloii of Central Onion's huaut)' Npotn, to maku II IM)Hlilf for ptmturlty to understand Hint iipprot'lule thu good thing In iiHturu, to provldu a phtcu to which people mny no and enjoy thulr hour of leisure, and It I true thuru aru more hours for lluru today than a decade iiko. Thu Hhevlln-lllxon Company has net anldu thu strip of beautiful tlmhur alone Tiunalo Can yon, In and about Dillon Kail and nlonr. a ntrutch of The Dalleii-Cull- forula highway south of thu city, Possibilities for the. duvulopmont of this park for thu llciiellt of thu public am without limit With thu national forest within easy approach on onu extremity, with Broken Top, Tumalo Falls, Tumnlo Lake Sparks l.aku, Twin Luke, l.ava l.aku. Crane I'rnlrlu, Lost l.aku alone n poHHlblu circuit, cooperating with thu Forest Hervlcu, Hond and ('untal Oregon ban a Yoitumltu Valley at It front door. True, thonu thing will not come to llund without the expendi ture of money and time. There muni bu doiiu something hIoiii; thu llnu of a dellnlto policy for thu development of Hhovlln Memorial I'ark ItoadH can maku Mm buauty Npoln more arcuiMlblu, and trail can tako thu hlkur Into thu more remote rucuHHUH, In accewdlile to motor u IiIcIuh. Thuru Is nothing In thu wood to bu Hindu over. It U now too beautiful to bu man Hindu ovr. Hut man can maku puwlhlui np proarhuH Into Itu heart whuru Hum thu charm which Nutiuu inner llauntH to thu world. Can you not conceit a trip that will nuvur become tlresomu from llund to thu Tumalo ureuk over thu pruHuut road, oxtuudlng alone thu rruHt of thu canyon for several miles, than rlHliu: to thu uplaudH, over thu lilatoau leadlikK by llioken Tup, drop ping over Into thu IiuhIii of a Hcoro of lakuti, out uguln an Into thu baitln of thu Deschutes rlvur through thu wondorH of Crane I'rnlilu, through thu timber ngiiln and out to thu high way back Iioiiio? It's not beyond u piiKNlblllty, Next year and futuro yearn am going to becomo mora than over outdoor yearn durliu: thu play' time. Thu Central Oregon motor -OT0S J CZ Jfoi of W. R. Speck, Special Agent IhI will not linvu to Journey throtuih Callfoiula or up Into thu Canadian Rookie for a unit and change. When thu toiirlHl c&iiioh ftom other states ho ran bu inferred to this two or three day sldo trip, knowing that he will find mill Joy In thu natural won der that thu Central Oregon up land alfoid. No dellnlto policy Iiuh been an nounced with rugnid to lliu develop ment of thu Hhuvllii Memorial Park. TIiIh action awaltrt the fixing of thu boundaries and thu purchase of deHlrable timber to complete thu limit of thn tract, II I keenly ap preciated thu iiHNut thU elf u will bu to Central Oregon, IJRICK WORK STARTS ON CATHOLIC CHURCH Kl)le f Ailil(rclur Simplified to A old Delay, Hut Later Addllloiik Will lie ro.-lblr. Laying thu floor and brick heKiiu on Hat unlay on thu new Catholic church on Franklin avenue and will now bu rushed with all possibly peed tieforu winter sets In. A. K Krl- borr, hint thu contract for thu brick and Mono work under K. I'. HroNtur hoim who ha thu general contract for thu building. In It uMentlal feature the struc ture will bu thu amu a orlelnally nnnounceil. in order to obviate de lay and to cut thu com, which under thu original plan wait considered to bu too IiIrIi, thn architecture him boon simplified, llowcvur, thu con Mriictlou that will hu carried out at thu present will maku poHlblu thu addition Inter of many of the beau tiful feature an originally denlcned. Thu Mend llrlck & Lumber Com pany I makliiK upoclal brick for tin window archuH and plre. $200 FINE LEVIED FOR SALE OF QUART J. I1. Jones, inunai'.er of n clear utoru on Hand between Mlnnuiota nud Orueon, wait arrutud Friday by Chief of Police Nixon on Inform ation following an arrest earlier In thu uvuiiliiR when a quart of whUkey had been taken by thu police chief. In a raid on Jonen' uHtabllNhtnent no morn liquor was found, but Jonet pleaded Kiilll)' In Police court on Friday, and wrt fined $200 by JlldKu 1) II. People. June admitted procuring thu procurlm; thu whlnkuy for a cus tomer, and luruluK It over to him for a consideration of $20. and be wailed thu fact that hu had known where Intoxlcatlni: liquor could bu obtained. Hu promlHod that It would bu hi lam oftuuvu. M IN TERREBONNE JOIN RED CROSS Tho Ited CroHK roll call fund wuh Increased on .Saturday when mem bership fuuH amounting to $41 wuru received from Tonubonuo ut com mittee headquartura hero. Don't DIsreKanl it Cold. JnmuH MWJrury, Ilorrlmi Center, Mich., wiyn hu wiih troubled with kidney and bladder trouble for two year and lined several kind of medicine without any benefit, but Foley Kldmy Pllltt igavu him roller from ache and palutt and Mopped sleeji illHturblng bladder ailment. Thuy- utop huckacho and rhouraatlc paltiH; ease lamuuumi. Sold ovorj' whoru Adv. FROM CALIFORNIA CRUDE Zerolcne is correctly refined from selected California crude oil, It meets with scientific ac curacy the lubrication needs of all types of au tomobile engines. Gets Corrfcct Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Standard Oil Co., Beiid, Ore. ROSS FARNHAM FACING TRIAL ATTOHNICI AltltKHTi:i KATlfltllAV, CIIAIt(Ji:i) AHKAUIr AND ItATIKHV O. KTAI)Ti:il. IAHT WITH nv i:. On a complaint nwom to by K. O. Htiidlor, Ituitit Fnrnham wuh ar ruHtcd on Katurday by Chief of Police h, A. Nixon, chanted with an- luiult and battery. Ho wan allowed to go on hi own recinnlrancu. Thu cimo erown out of an on counter In Mr. Ktadtur'n law otflce Friday afternoon, when hu ay that ho wan attacked by Faniham an he wan nlttlnr; in hut chair. Hu wan dlncuMlnK a cum) with a client, Mm. Vera Parrl, when Fnrnham came In with noiiiu IukhI paper. The two attorney talked for u moment or two In regard to a divorce cao wherein thu two appeared for the irlnclpal In the case. Mr. Sladtcr Mate that tin uccunud Farnhnm of not llvlni; up to mi agreement and that hu Informed the other attorney that hu would not hu willing to ac cept hi word again. At this remark. Mr. Htadter say, Farnhnm struck him In thu face, and In the clinch which followed, thu alleged iissall uut'it head wait thrtiHl through thu glasH front of a bookcanu on top of a duk. Faniham rerulvud onu or two more blown before leaving thu olllco, bleeding profusely from the scalp wound. PARALYSIS CAUSES WORKMAN'S DEATH A stroke of paraly caused tho deuth Friday of II. C. Taylor, an mplo)u of contrator ou Itock, at thu A It, Kstebenul home wheru ho won rooming. Hu had suffered a lighter attack earlier In thu day w'hllu working on Drake road. Mr. Taylor camu to llund week ago from Canada, and no relative In thin city. two has Put It In Tho llullctln. LEGAL NOTICES CAI.Ij KOK UKOISTKItKI) COL'XTV ItOAII FUND WAIUIANTS. Notlco In hereby glvon that all warrant registered and drawn on thu road fund from number 71 C to 910 Incluslvo aru hereby called for payment on November 24th nud are payable at thu County Treasurer' olMcu, llund, Oregon. C!,YDB M. McKAY, Treasurer Deschute County. 38c SOIMOXS. IN THK CHtCUlT COUUT OF TUB STATK OF OltKOON. KOU I)K- SCHUTKS COUNTY. Win. K. 8ANDKI... ) . Plaintiff. ) vn. ) . ANNA (i. INGHHSOM,. 1 and J, H. HANKIt, ) Clork of Deschute ) County, Oregon, ) Defendants. ) TO ANNA O. 1NQKUSOLL, Dofend ant: IN THK NAMK OF THE STATE OF OllKOON: You nro horoby ro- qulrud to appear and anawor thu com plaint tiled agaliiBt you In thn nbovo untitled Hitlt within six weuks from thu dato of thu tlrst publication of thin HumnioiiH upon you, to-wlt: within hox weukn from tho 20th. day of November, 1919, and which said dato in thu dato of thu first publica tion hereof, and If you fall to appear and aiiHwer within ald time, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for in snld com plaint, to-wlt, FIIIST for tho sum of $1,700.00 with Interest thereon at tho rato of six pur cent pur annum from tho 13th day of Suptembur, 1917: for tho sum of $170.00 attorney feo, and. for hla coatu and disbursements boroln. SECOND that thu usual decroo may bo nuulo for tho salo of snld promises by tho shoritr of said county, according to law and tho practlso of this court, and that tho proceeds of Haul salo may bo applied in tho pnymont of tho amount duo to tho plaintiff, and of tho cost and nttornoys fooii, and that tho balance if any thoro bo, bo applied ns pro vided ny law, aim that said dufond nnt, and nil persons claiming under him subsequent to tho oxocutlon of said mortgage upon Bald promises, either ns purchasers, Incumbrancers or othorwlso, may bo barrod and foreclosed of all rights, claims or equity of redemption in tho said pro mises, nud ovory part thoroof, THIRD ,thnt tho plaintiff, or nny other party to this suit, may bocomo a purchnsor nt snld salo! FOURTH, thnt n Restraining Order bo Issued by this court forbid ding nud prohibiting snld defendant, ling I. 1 J. II. Hunor. county clork of Do- Bchutoa County, Oregon, from ac cepting for rocord tho dood glvon by W, M. Snndol, to tho dofondnut Anna Q, IngorBoll. FIFTH, that n Restraining Order bo Issued by this court prohibiting and forbidding tho defendant, Anna O, Ingorsoll, her holrs or assigns, from filing for record tho deed elvon to her on Huptemher 13, 1917, by tho plaintiff, for tho real entato hero in before described, and that tho plaintiff have such other and fur ther relief In the premise iih to thin court may seem meet ami equitable. Thin HiimmouH In piihllHhed In tho Mend llulletlii, a weekly nuwnpaper of general circulation published In llund, iiertchutoH County, Oregon, once n week for nix connncutivo weuki by order of Honorable T. K. J, Duffy. Judge of tho above entitled court, which order In dated thu 19th day of November, 1919, and which Order specHle thu date of thu first publication of till summon, and dlrcctn that you appear ami annwer within lx week from the nald 20th day of Novumuhor, and that a copy of the complaint and summon bo forthwith mailed to you at your hint known post olllco address. Dated of first publication, Novem ber 20, 1919. DcAUMOND and KHSKINK Attorney for Plaintiff, O'Kano llldg. Mend, Oregon. 38-4 Ic NOTICK OF HON!) HAI.K. Sealed bldn will bo received until thu hour of 10 o'clock a. m. tho 11th day of December, 1919, by thu under nlgued and Immediately thereafter publicly opened by thu County Courl of Deschute County, Oregon, at the office of said court In the County Court House In Ilcnd, Ore gon, for the purchase of bonds of said county Issued for the building of permanent road there In the sum of $125,000, name being thu whole of an authorized lsuo of tl2fi,000, name being In denomination of $1, 000 each, numbered from 1 upwaid, dated November 1, 1919. and matur ing serially In numerical order an follow: J 18.000 four (4) years from dato of Issue; $18,000 live (C) yearn from date of liiBue; $18,000 six (C) years from date of lsue; $18,000 seven (7) yearn from dato of lue; $18. 000 Hght (8) years from dato of is nuo; $18,000 nine (9) years from date or Ihhuo; $17,000 ten 410) yearn from date of lue. Said bonds to bear Interest at five and one-half per coat (S1) per an num, payable semi-annually on May and November tlrst, principal and In terest payable in United Status gold coin at the olllce of tho County Treas urer or at tho Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon. In New York City, at tho option of the holder. Said bond must bu accompanied by n curtllled check for 5 nor ceiu of thu par value of the bonds bid for and muni bo unconditional. Tho approving legal opinion of Messrs Teal, Minor & Wlnfree. of Portland, Oregon, will be furnished thu successful bidder. Tho court resorves tho right to re ject any or all bldn. J. H. HANER. Clerk. Assessed valuutlon of taxable pro perty of Deschutes County Is $8,733, C29.40. Thu couuty has no bonded Indebtedness. 38-40c Kl'.MMONH. In thu Circuit Court of the Statu of Oicgon, For Dosrhutus County. ANNETTE FRINK. ) Plaintiff. ) n. ) WM. A. FRINK, ) Defendant. ) TO Wm. A. Frlnk. tho above named defendant: . In tho Namo of the State of Oro gon, you nro hereby required to np pear and answer the complaint filed against you in tho nbovo entitled case and cause on or before tho 25th day of December. 1919, which is moro than six weeks after tho 13th day of November, 1919. tho dnto of thu first publication of this summons and if you fall so to appoar anc answer, for want thereof, tho plain tiff will apply to the court for thu relief prayed for in tho complaint, to-wlt: For n decreu of this court dissolving tho bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for n further decree awarding to plaintiff thu futuro caro. custody and control of plaintiff and defendant's minor child, Gladys Frluk, and for such other and further relief us to tho court may appear just and cqultublo. Servico of thrs summons is mado upon you by publication thereof In thu Rend Ilullotin for six consocutlvo and succusslvo weeks under and by virtuo of an order made and entered on tho 13th day of Npvomber, 1919, by thu Honorablo T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo of tho nboVo untitled court. Tho dnto of thu tlrst publication of this summons is the 13th day of Norember. 1919, and tho dato of tho last publication thereof Is thu ISth day of December, 1919. E. O. STADTER. Attorney for Plnlutlff. Bond, Oregon 37-42c SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Ort'Kon in ami For tho County of Dorichutes. OEO. n. SIMPSON. ) Plaintiff. ) vs. ) OEO. S. CLAYTON, ) Defendant. ) THE STATE OF OREGON TO THE SAID GEORGE S. CLAYTON: You nro horoby summoned to np poar within sixty duya after tho first publication of this summons, to-wlt: within sixty dnys after tho 1,3th day of Novombor, 1919, nnd dofend tho nbovo entitled action In tho nbovo ontltlod cour( and sorvo a copy of your nnswor upon tho nttornoys for tho plaintiff nt tholr offlco below stntod and In case of your fnlluro bo to do judgment will bo rendered ngnlnst you according to tho prayor of tho complaint, which has been filed with tho clork of tho said court, tho object of tbla suit la to foreclose a mortgage in the sum of Onn Thmm. nnd dollars, togother with interest inoroon at tho rato of 10 per cent per annum from tho first day of Sep-1 TANLAC tumbur, 191ft. nud for tho further Hum of Two Hundred dollars ultor noy'fl fee and the cost and dlnhurnu- muni of thin action to bo tnxed. Said foreclosure being sought up on thu following described property In thu county or Deschutes, Statu of Oregon, to-wlt ', tho south went quarter of the southeast quarter of nectloii 32, township 15 nnd lots thrco nnd four aiftl tho north one half ot thu southwest quarter of sec tion five In township sixteen south, till in range 11 E. W. M. containing 138.51 cren. This summon in published in com pliance with an order of tho Honor able Circuit court for tho county of Deschute mado and entered on tho 22nd. day of October, 1919, nnd or dering that tho said summon bo published in seven consecutive Issues of a newspaper of general circula tion fti Deschutes county, Oregon. CHRIS A. DELL. GEO. IJ. SIMPSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PL'IJLICATIO.V. Department of tho InU-rlor. U. S. LAND OFFICE at Tho Dalles Oregon. November 8, 1919, NOTICE In hereby given that Ferdinand Tauscher, of Milllcan, Oregon, who on April 2G, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 015987, for Lots 1-2 SV4 NEi4, SEW. Section 6, Township 20 South, Range IC East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako final three year proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, before II. C. Ellis V. S. Commissioner, at Rend, Ore gon, on thu iTtlt day of December, 1919. Claimant nnmen an witnesses; Clifford J. Cook. George W. Cook, William Rahn, Charles Graffenbcr gcr, all of Milllcan. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. 3S-42p 37-43C ) )ss. STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF DESCHUTES ) L. G. McRcynolds, who being first duly sworn, states upon oath that he Is the duly elected, qualified, and acting Cashier of The First National Rank of Bend, Oregon, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Oregon. AUlant further states that tho fol lowing is a true and complete state ment of all accounts, now on the books of said bank, in which there has been neither deposit or check drawn during seven (7) years last Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol SuiuLrd Su. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMDER CO. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-1C First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Gil (Dr. Co' Former Office.) II. It. DcArroonJ Chat. W. Enkln DeArmond & Erskine L A AV Y E R S O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon H. O. JC L L I 8 AttorBor-at-Law United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Lawronco Bldg., Room 3 Phone Red 2251 DR. C. H. SOLL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON - Bend Press Bldg. BEND, OREGON Phones: Office Red 41; Res, 123 -I Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, President Most Complete Abstract Plant In Central Orogon. Speolal Attention Given to Federal Loan Abstracts. First National Danh Bid., BEND, OK Cor. next to Allej FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOU; AOI'NTS pant: II. J. Douglas, . ... $283. G7 That tho Inst known placo of ro ntdonco, or post nfflco ndd runs of mild depositor was Rend, Oregon, nnd Uiat tho last change made In said account was February. 1912. L. G. McREYNOLDS. , Subscribed and nworn to beforo mo, thin 7th, day of November, A. D , 1919. IlIRDIB MORGAN, Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expire, October 18, 1922. 37-tOo Department of llm Interior. U. 8. LAND OFFICE nt Lakevlow, Oregon October 13 1919. NOTICE In hereby given thnt Net tle Shultz, of Lnplnp, Oregon, who. on March 9, 191C, ma lie homestead entry, No. 09108, for V 8EJ4W EH SBi. W 8B!4 NBU SB U, Wfc E 8EU SEK, section 25, township 22 8., rango 9 B., Wil lamette .Meridian, han filed notlco of Intention to make final throe year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo E. L. Clark, U.. S. Commissioner, at La pine, Oregon, on tho 25th., day of November, 1919. Claimant names an witnesses: W. E. Recsloy. George Mayiield, Carl Wise, Jessie Wist, all of Laplne, Oregon. (Publish for five consecutivo weeks In the Bend Bulletin, Bond, Oregon.) JAS. F. BURGES8, Register. 34-38o Dr. L W. Gatchell Optometrist and Manufacturing Optician Complete Ltn i Grirdiog PUol la con nection roy cfilcc at LARSON U CO.. Jewelers 143 Orejoo ilrett. Bend, Orrjoo Brand Directory A Right side; right ear crop faX lcui wuiuo iibui uiuu JOB. O X B L. TONE, Hbtcn, Ore. adv.lOOa f Phone Black 1391 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'ICane Building BEND - - - OREGON O. P. NISWONGER, Bond, Ore. UNDERTAXEll Licensed Embaluier, Fun era Director. Phone Red 42L Lady Aiat DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapathlc Phyxtclan Over Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 6 I'uoae Red 4Ba DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Bend with Now Equlpmont Privato Office In Thorson'a Jowelry Storo Dr. Turner will bo in Prlne vlllo ovory first and third Fri day; In Madras overy second aud fourth Friday, and In Red mond overy first nnd third Thursday ot each month. Read the Classified Ads.