r feKND BULLKTIN, ItKND, OKKGOft, THUItHDAY, NOYKMIIKH UO, 1010 PAGK s INCREASE POULTRY PROFITS BY FEEDING FRESH GARBAGE High Costs of Poultry Production May Be Markctcdly Reduced by the Judicious Use of Garbage in Feeding Laying Hens. Fresh garbage, ted as soon ns pos nlblo after It In dlacnrdod from tlio cnblen ot cousumors, provides ta efficient feed tor poultry, tlsod Jud iciously It wilt reduce the cost ot egg, nnd meat production from 25 to 30 per cent. Clcanllno.'vs and sanitation in tho preparation, handling, nnd feeding of grabngo nro essential, ns sour or tainted gnrbngo Is particularly ob noxious to chickens, because any fermentation Indures digestive dis orders ami profuse diarrhea. Ap parently tho Intrinsic value ot .gar bage ns n poultry feed come9 from the fact that It provides a diversified ration which satisfies nil tho needs nnd requirements ot the flock. It Is n blg-scalo replica of tho small-feeding operations ot tho ' back-yard poultry raiser who maintains hts birds chiefly on table scraps nnd left overs from tho family bonrd. Al though the character ot fact that more succulent vegetables and fruits nre used durlug tho summer, tho re fuse is always ti valuable subatltuto for costly grains and concentrates In The hen dietary. Select Garbage Carefully. Some- poultrymen have experi enced unsatisfactory results in the use or gnrbago because they did not! watch for the gnrbago wagon. The practice careful selection. It, can I gobblers relish the tablo scraps keen not bo expected that tho hens will J ly nnd desert tender grasshoppers Thrive ou teed which is contaminated with broke glass, scraps of tin, phonograph needles, and the llko. and It Is only tho owner who will; pick over tho garbage and eliminate i Tho objectionable foreign matter Hint. will realize profltnblo nnd depend-! able results from its use. The best ntnM ttf ft, t Is. iAt Ka tint.anwlff. JIIUIA Id K ,J J W.V ,.wm- .... . to keep sucu undesirable material from going Into the garbage. Spe cialists ot the United States Depart-i ment ot Agriculture recommended I running tho garbage through a meat' or vegetable chopper and mixing It. with a Ilttlo moist mash before it is' placed before the fowls. The amount j -which is fed will entirely depend on the size ot the dock, It being usually advisable to provide as much refuse In the course ot an hour. Any feed which the fowls reject should be ro pens, or yards as soon as posslblo thereafter. Otherwiso lt( sours and contimlnates the premises and, sud sequent ly, if the fowls peck at It dur ing a period when they are hungry, It invariably causes digestive trou ble. Whero garbage Is fed. it Is always essential to supply a light ration of grain twice daily as well as to Have a dry mash avullable In hoppers be lore the flock all the timo Gener ally, table scraps are rich In protein, although where the garbage is de ficient In this Ingredlont It is prac tical to sunpplcment tho mash with about 5 per cent of meat meal. 'Cold Weather KucllUflati' Feeding. Generally speaking, there is less danger, from feeding gnrbago In the -winter thun during the summer as the cold weather prevents rapid de composition and torment ntlon ot the refuse. Often' the suburban flock owner may sec ure the garbage of neighboring fam ilies who do not keep chickens. This source of feed may be so plentiful that ho can expand his poultry keep ing operations and afford to pay a small amount for the tublo refuse. Where many uncooked potatoes are present In tho garbage, it Is usually t n good plan to separate them and to cook them before feeding to tho fowls. Otherwise they are not well utilized nnd often induce digestive trouble. Experiments in feeding garbage ut the Government experimental farm nt Reltsvllla, Md iudlcuto that 30 hens will uso about 3 quarts ot garbage dally to advantage. In ad dition, keep n dry mash consisting of 3 parts by weight of corn meal, 1 -part of bran, 1 part of middlings, 5 per cent of meat scraps before tho lions all of tho time. The experi ments proved conclusively that where fresh garbage Is properly fed n bountiful egg yield results, while economical and rapid meat produc tion is also engendered by tho Jud icious use of gurbago in the ration. Ordinarily it Is advisable where gar bage is plentiful to mix enough sup plementary mash with the gnrbago to give the mixture a good, consist ency, In case tho tublo scraps con tain much fruit and vegetuble peel ings it is essential to add more mush, whllo if tho garbage is mndo up chiefly of potato pelllitKS, bread, meat, nnd tho like, Icks mush la should bo exorcised to free tho gar bage from soapy wntor or excess liquid, this being commonly nc compllshcd by dipping off nnd teed Ing tho top of garbage and allowing the excess liquid to remain In tho container. Feeds Gnrbago Freely. One Southern poultrymnn who handles about 1,000 fowls reports excellent results from the use of well selected garbage which he obtains from n large charitable Instltuntlou. He hauls the garbage twice n dny. nnd feeds It to tho birds nbout 10 o'clock In the morning, nnd ngnln during tho middle of the afternoon, so that the table scraps nre ted fresh, only two or three hours nfter they nre discharged from the kitchen. This poultrymnn feeds tho gnrbago on the grass of the range, In such quantity that tho fowls clean up nil the refuse. The successful results obtained y this chicken fancier nre due largely to the welt-selected nnd thoroukhlyb fresh garbage which is fed. Ho reports excellent results not only from the feeding of garbage to fattening cockerels nnd old hens, but also to its uso for laying hens and pullets. Even a small number of turkeys which nro mnlntnluc'd on this fnrm are always attentively on the nnd nutritious chestnuts as readily as tho chickens scamper from suc culent alfalfa and well-lillcd hoppers of mash when tho garbage Is spread out on the ground. - . REDMOND LODGE OPENS NEW HALL KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS XOIV" V .,,,.. ..... ... . leases of this kind that tho bull as- 1IAVK HOME OF THKIIt OWX 911,500 Ul'ILIHXG LAST NIUHT. OPENED UEDMON'D. Jov. 1G. Compara tively In its Infancy na local fra tornal order the Redmond lodge No. 110 Knights of Pythias havo built a homo thnt they can well bo proud of. Last night the members of the order celebrated the opening of their new 111,500 building nnd lodge room, " u I"""IC onnco nnB "er- a two siury uricK uuiiuing . two story uricK untitling 70 uy 120 feet, tho lower floor designed for n parage nnd the upper floor part itioned into a reception hall, dining room and kitchen to be used by the lodge for their future home, has Just reached completion. The building is located ou the cornor of Sixth street nnd C avenue, nnd is ono of tho fore most architectural structures in the city. Tho Knights of Pythias order, though only organized u few years In Iledmoud, has grown to he the lurgeht and strongest order, both in brotherhood nnd financially In the city. At tho present timo n drive is well under way that h anticipated by the order to Increase its member ship to u strength of 250 members. It is tho hope of tho Redmond ordor that durjng Uio winter it will he possible to co-operate with the Hand order In a social way and to enjoy many a soclul function to gether. ( SHOE STOCK SOLD OUT IN ONE DAY C. A. Daniels, proprietor of the Electric Shoe Shop ou Wall street, purchased r bankrupt stock of shoes from a store In tlfe Willamette val ley, Tito shoes arrived ' in Bend Thursday, two hundred pairs. Fri day ho put them on sale In his shop, nnd advertised in Tho Ilulletlu. In three hours from tho time the shoes wore put on the counter for display the entire stock was sold. This is perhaps ono of the most remarkable merchandising, records ever known In Ilend, This Woman Found Hellef. Men and women suffering from kidney nnd bladder trouble will bo glnd to read how one woman found rellof. Mrs. Gu Hydo, Home3toad, Mich., writes: ""I had that terrible backache and tired out fooling, scarcely able to do ray work, Foley iviuney mis mane me reel line a now person." Sold everywhere. Adv. Bend Legion Post Approves Measures for Law and Order Percy A. .Stevens Post, American Legion, through It board of directors, today endorsed tho net Inn of the legion member of Ocn tralla following tho killing of tour -.soldlers by I. W. W.'s, and made public the following resolutions: "To tho (irnnt Hodge Cost of tho American Legion oMYutnilln, 'Washington, the Percy A. Stevens Post No, I, of the American Legion of Mend, Oregon mmhIs Its heartfelt sympathies for the recent tragedy perpetrated by the I. V. W. resulting in the death of four tuembcrN of your post. 'Tho Percy A. Stevens Post commend your post upon ynnr ac tion to litl your community of tho tmdenlrnblc el mn en t, whose trait orous nets of last Tuesday havo Ncnrrely n parallel in the history of tho country. This post bullet rt that your conduct hns been fully Jiisticd. Your member nit1 martyr to u better standard of Ameri can cltUenshlp foe which the American Legion stands, and lo obtain It, every means counlMent with good rltlxenshlp must Im employisl to rid the nation of the element whoso principle aim Is lo destroy the Institutions of American government. "The Percy A. Stevens Post of the American Legion may be counted upon to lend it force for tho maintenance of law and order. CHARLES HRNKIXH, Clmliiiuin." BETTER INDIVIDUALS BOUGHT THROUGH BULL ASSOCIATION Every Dairyman in Community May Have Use of Bulls That Are Twice as Valuable as Most Valuable 'One He Would Be Able to Own Individually. Hull associations tire hero to stay.. Figures furnished by the United Stntes Department of Agriculture j show thnt there were 78 cooporntlvo bull associations In operation In this country on July 1. ID 19, which rep resents u gain of 34 associations ac tive on July 1, 1D1S. Hull associations havo proved es-l peclally populnr In sections whero dairying Is n comparatively now ln - dustry. Many dairymen havo been anxious to Increase the productivity of their cows, but duo to tho fact thnt their hords were small and their resources limited. was often Im possible for them to buy and muln- tuln sufficiently good purebred bulls l, nrpiminI,,i. thL tu,rnaa. u u in Uoclntlon has proved most valuable. says tho Department. I)y organi zing tho dairymen Into nu associa tion nnd working cooperatively tho purchnse of proved bulls of high pro ducing ancestry is mndo possible. Hy using these animals cooperative ly a few' good bulls can tako the place of ull the Inferior hulls formerly found In the community. Itettcr Hulls Smaller Investment. An example of what tho hull as sociation can do in improving tho type of sires Is found in tho South Gibson Hull association of Susque-. linnna County, Pn. This association has 20 members who own n total of 382 cows. Jlcfore tho bull associa tion was formed there wore 13 bulls in tho community witli n totnl vnlu ntlon ot f,300. After organizing only four bulls wore needed nnd these were purchused at n total cost of $4,800. The average Investment In enclf of the 13 bulls In use before organizing was $G61.54. but utter the association was formed the aver age investment was $1,200 for each of tho good bulls. In this way ouch dairyman had tho use of bulls that were twice as vulunblo ns tho bulls used formerly, nnd nt the name time his Investment wns $125 less. Tho Southern Stutes huvo been found especially woll mluptcd to bull association work. Dairying in thoso States Is making rapid str des, mid producers have shown great Inter est in improved dairy cattle. Twenty of the associations organized during the past year are credited to the South, six association having been formed in Mississippi, four (u North Carolina, three In South Carolina, two each in Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee, and ono in Louisiana. HOW MAW -IIK.VH TO KEEP. Tho size of tho flock which can be most eflicleutly kept will dopond first of nil upon the space available and secondly, upon the amount of tublo scraps or other waste which Is avail able for feed. It Is n mistake to try to overstock tho available space, liettor results will bo obtained from a few hens In u small yard thun from a larger numbor. Tho backyard poultry flock rarely will consist of over 20 or 25 hens, nnd In many cases ot not more than 8Nor 10, or occasionally of only 3 or 4. For a flock of 25 to 30 foot should ho avail able for a yurd. Whore less space Is nvnllublo, the size of tho flock should bo reduced, allowing ou tho average 20 to 30 square foot per bird, A'. tow hens are sometimes kept sy:cpssfully 'with a smuller yard allowanco than this, but If, tho Indicated should no used. poi't.Tiiv nii.ii or fare. A good mixture for laying hens is I parts each ot cracked corn nnd oats and 1 part barley or wheat, If available, which should bo scattered In tho litter. Provide 4 or 5 Inches of KOod' cll'un lMV- A dry mush composed of enunl parts of corn meal, bran, middlings, ground oats, nnd beef scrap should ho kept in hoppers to which tho fowls havo ucccss nt all times. Plenty of cxurclso Increases tho egg yield. HEX HINTS. The prime essentials for n small poultry house- are fresh ulr, dryness, sunlight, and spnen enough to keep the birds comfortable Tho fowls should also huvo us much outside space us possible to run In. Lot tho pullets become accustom ed to opon-front, fresh-air houses early In the fall. Such practice means healthier birds nnd mure eggs when cold weather arrives. Very few poultry raisers prnctlco a systematic plan ot disposing of tholr fowls after they havo ceased to bo productive. Don't waste food on nonproductive huns. Fowls of tho henvler breeds cooso to rodpuce a profltnblo number of eggs at the cud of their second lay ing year. This holds with the lighter breeds ut the end ot tholr third lay ing' year. ' Provide n box partly fllled with road dust or wood ashes, so as to give the hens nn opportunity to tako u dust bath. It gives them needed exercise nnd keeps them free from llco and mites. Bull Charges Automobile , Tail Light It bus nlwnys bueu known that u hull has nu antipathy tor a red Hug, but it has never been known that he also is Ir- rltutod nt tho sight of a red nu- tomobllo tail light until last week when William L. Pyutt, of Redmond was returning to IiIh ranch near Itudinond nfter doing somo shopping. It developed before the grnnd Jury this week In uu action brought by W. M. Drown, n well 1 known rout estate mini of Itcd- -J- mom! that Pyutt killed one of Ilrown's bulls, yrhn fuels brought out wore that Hiowh'h bull charged tlio lull light ot Pyntt's car and followed him for some dlstunco until Pyutt nrrlved ut his liomo. Porslst- out in his efforts to got the oh- , noxious rod light tho Jersey bull followod tho car into tho barn yard. Pyntt wont Into his houso and hoard tho bull v ouiHKiu my jiousu pawing nngr- Uy. Pyntt obtained his rlllo nnd wont out doors wnoro ho found tho bull reudy to clinrgo, v nun. ryntt snot and killed tho bull. Drown brought action ugnliiHt Pyntt, but tho grand Jury, brought no truo bill ngnlnst thu Iledmoud rancher, cptvsf&iir What's Doing in the Country. SiSJBI8ISmii3MfflaiS KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS OPEN REDMOND HALL liodmomt. Oregon. Nov. 18.1010. The Knights of Pythlns gave n dance In their new hull last Friday night, and supper was served by Hie Pythlnu Sisters, Quite n largo crowd was In ntteuduuee, and ull voted it n good time. The funds obtained from this dnnco will be used to help pay for thu repair done on thu hull this fall. Tho Juniper Literary Circle met at the home of Mrs, Mux Cunning lust Wednesdny. The hostesn gave n very Interesting and entertaining talk on her subject of "Modern llussluit Composers," A delightful prelimin ary was also given by Mrs. Edna Wells. A delicious luncheon was served by thu hostess, assisted by Mrs. J. It Koherts, Redmond's hist luter-schnlaslle foot ball gumu wns played last Sat urdny when our team mnt Prluo vllle on the local Held. Our team playud a very good game nnd It Is thought that If thu seiisoit were not over wo could well mnfto either Ilend or Prliievllle InoW nfter their laurels. The gnmo wns n vory hard fought one. but ended with the seure of 17 lo 0 in luvor ot tho visiting team. Mr and Mrs. J. lluxlou Price re turned from their trip to California hist week and have been spending several ilnyn iwtli MrM. Price's par ents, Mr. mid Mrs. P. S. Campbell. MM Joyce Robblns returned to Portland Friday night utter u two week's visit with her parents Mr. anil Mnt. l'oto Robblns. Sunday she and Mr. Clinton Wilson of Portland were united in marriage. The bride's tunny friends In this section wIhIi her every happiness in her new life. We have been Informed thnt Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Kelly of Ilentl limit recently purchased the Victory Thentro and moving picture show from Mr. W. W. Vun Mutie. ami will soon take possession. Sum Rates returned to Portland last Wednesday, nfter spending some two months at tho home of his pur outs, convalescing from nn operation. Tryouts for both the high school hoys' and the girls' (llco Club hnvo been conducted the early part of this week. lUta expected that both Glee Clubs will render some excellent music In thu future PINEHURST TO HAVE COMMUNITY DINNER PIN'KItl'ltHT. Nov. 10 A re ception was given nt the Turn- ulo Hull Satiirdny In Honor ot .Mrs. Charlie Howell, who will leave Tues day morning. F. V. Swisher nnd Robert Smith wore in Ilend Wednesday. O. W Snyder nnu Lester were nu Incss callers In Ilend Wednesday Mrs J llollmnn and children and WRIGLEY 5 c a package 5 c a package 5 c a package THE FLAUOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! ELKS OPTION A BUILDING SITE BABY LODGE PLANS NEW HOME LnrnUun nt I'ool of Oregon Sired , With View of ItUcr nnd Motui. tnins Kelrrted Tolal Iif vestment $.VMH0. Within a year from the tlmu of organization tlio llond longu of Elks, tho hnby lodge of the order, will hn? n homo second to none In Elk duin, If present plans luutuin. Tiny location of thu proposed Elk temple will he ut thu foot or Oregon street on tho property now owned by Ross Farnhiiin niitl Mrs. (leorgo A. Jones. Options hiivu been taken ou the Farnhum Mile nnd on 25 feet ot tho Janes ptoperty. As soon tm title complications huvo been cleared up It Is uxportrd Unit ll'" transfer will bo rumpluled for the tolal pur chase price of $8,000. Plans have not yet boon prepared for the building but the present Idea In to construct u temple (hut, with thu site and furnishings, will rep resent a total Investment 'of $50,000, At the same timo it Is expected that tho movement for thu construction of tho Elks reiort ou thu MuIoIIuh river win proceed. The location selected and on which options have been taken is one ot the mot beautiful In thn city com manding u view up the river nnd toward the snow capped moiintaliiH In the went. Mrs. C. M. Phelps and daughter, call ed ou Mrs. F. V. Swisher Sunday. E. E. Phelps went to lleud ou bind ueis Wednesday. Mrs. Garner is visiting with Mrs. 1). L. Lndd, who lles near Redmond. There Is to be n community dinner nt the Rlitehurst schoolhoiisu Thunksglvlng day. and everyone In thu community Is Invited to come. C. II. Spaiigh mid A. E. Winner wore business callers ut Jess darter's Monday. Mrs. C. M. Phelps nnd daughter Hnzelln mid Mrs. G. W. Snyder ami daughter Leiiora. were In Rend Sat urday. The toot of the threshing machine Is waking the people of thu vicinity this week. Resale mid Leiinrn Snyder called on Mr. Gerklng Tuesday. Roy Edwin, mid Leo Mlckels were callers at tho Spnugh home Friday night. Sell oiir poultry through llulletln classified uds. before the war during the war NOW 187 T A necessary. Special precautious Pur. It la The, UulJetln.' spaco Is uvallublu n yard of the size V V . ',' ' A A V V