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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1919)
N BRNO BULLETIN, BUND, OKKOON, TIIUKfllMY, NOVRMIIKR 20, 101 TAGK7 v ' J , i 9' Vt ) J 4 t tu M i' mm i 'i l I ,'i'i 'wwwrTfi xwswwotpjr; CLVHM M, MoKAY, Ti on Hii r r "Donoliuliw County ;iSc rhrtVSit j.m v rtttHuri!JuriiirTtutuntinttHutnnftiniMiMnrniuitit;trtMnrntttnrn:(inj;ti:iintnnitntUHninntinMnniiniMinnhitnftttnf BEND HAPPENINGS .. , FROM DAY TO DAY LMi)tuitiuiiiiutttiiilitiMi:iuiititt(fttiiiiiutriiiiiuuiiiUfiii(itiiitiitiiiiitiifiiitinhjjtiu:iiit:ttttitffiriittttiifittittitriifiiMft(tfii Wednesday !i7mi'c. mm, quw'u. , Iliuicor I'oiry Hmilli loft yuHtiinlny iiftiiriinuii for IiIh homo In MnUj4. J. T." Ilfxoti, of I'rliiavllln, win n bllHlllUNH VlHltOI' III till) Oil)' lllHl IllKllt. Frank MiiCiilfttiy. of I'owull llulto y. jiwl Iloilnioiiif, whm u Hand vliiltur yoHtanlny, ' . Wnllor Taylor linn iiiqvmI,(o1U to IllH lltllQll bollltlll IlINt NpiliiK'op till' ' nulidlVlHloii of tint Jolinnon jiropcrty AHHftHmir W. T. Mutlnrky It In J Hiiluni conforrlmt Willi tint Mate Tux .. uoiiiiiiIhhIoii loKitrdlui; llio I ratio, I. ..ilii .. n.l n,i..ll..u li William ranoiiKU "win icu uMrjini : . iri'ii rai rriuuviiio, wore iiiiiuur, iun, jiu- 2T VOTM'IJ OF MOM) HAMJ. Honied IiIiIh will lit) roeolvod until tlio Imiir oMO o'clock n. in llio IMIi dtty of Oiirowbur. I Oil), by tho under hIkiioiI mid Immediately thnrof(or pulilloly ojmiiod by tlm county Court of DoiicliiilvH Onuilty. Op'Koii, at tlm iinirn of wild coin l In tin: Con my Court IIoiiho In Bond, Ore gon, for tho iHirnluiMO of lunula of Hfild county limimd for tlio bullilltii: '4aJSillA!xluJ'ti;iuniiaiil roiyln tlmro JiUhy bum. , or)?Tjo;uuu, miina wc ellTUllttf. Hi Tlty to- oni In llund IiihI iiIkIU for tlio ritual ltln work or Hid KiiIkIiIh TonTpliir W. 0. Iliirrliiiun loft UiIh uftur noon for Iiih Iioiiiu In Tort JlocK after uttfliidliu; to olllclnl btiNlnuim at tlm DoHcliutnH National Fori'vl ofllco J. K. Wiirimr. of Powell In u ITiihIiium vlidlor In Hi day. Mr. ond Mrn. II. M. UuchwulU'r arrived In tlm city Innl nlKht from l'nUloy mid will iiinl'.o tlmlr future homo III flllllll. t,. J. I.. I.uokii.v linn tendered ' bin renlKuatlon on Athletic Director of tlm Bond Amateur oluli, .Mr Luckoy Iiiih boon "inployud In thin Tuesday Denton (1. Ilurdlok wiin up from Ilcduiniid yoMt'irilny, Dr. I). K. Brook, of tlio Urookm Jicuulnn l.uinbor Co , ciiitui In ycMer day mornliiK for a nliort Ntny. C. A. C. Kinltli, of IliiriiK, nccoin pan I yd by IiIn dniilitor. Mnj. . If Itoml, nVrlvud In tlio city IIiIn morn I in: from Portlund unrouto to tlio llanmy countyat. Mr. and Mm. A. K. Doty and clilldrim arrived In lluud on Monday from Itolvlllo, Kiiiikiin liavliupditycn aoroNN country by way of I. on AnitulijN. Tlioy I'Xpuct to I oca to In tliu vicinity of IU-duiond wbi-ri thoy linvn rnlutlveN. Mr. Doty In a brother of MIhh Mabul Doty of Tlio Uiillutln ofllco. P. T. Parknr and family loft Mon day night for Portland wheru Mr. Parkor lum acruptod u poiltlou with tlio NiirtliwiintiTii Kloctrlc Coinpnny Iln tin bcon a rvNlduiil of Itond for tlio- paHt nix ynam and i-mployckl In tlio oOlcv of tint llond WotiT, Mxht & Power Co. 1IU Iioiiiu In Itlvur Tiirracn Iiiih boon purchased by l.loyd MiikIH. Monday W. A. llrown Im b visitor frquUlcil, luoild today. r J p. Thorp In up frpm Titmalo today oh biulno. H, M, LoohrliL of llrotlj!jrii.j.))ero on Illinium today. V. C. ilollliiHhoad of U":Pluo. J. II. Minor roturuwd thla itrulii; from u tvo wookit InmlnMH trip to Hoaltlo. r 0. U. VltliorH. wlfo and dauehtor I.ottlo, of PaUIoy, 'Wuro Honrt ln Horn .Sunday. , Utsorgt) A. llrown of Ornndvlow. cniiiu up today to ntmuil to koiiio li'Kal biiNlnoNN. )xs ' Mrn. Ann Mucklntonli In In (own today from tliu Mackintosh iranch on tlio liond-IluriiH roud, J a in on A. llrown, a brothor of Warron llrown, formorly county clorlc of Crool? county, Iiiih purchiiBCd property In ltlvomldo nddltlon and will .iiiovo lioro from P.rluovlllo to i iiml(o IiIh Iioiiui. Ono of tliu nioMt costly, and anioiiK tlio moHt boautlful roHlduticcJ) In Jlond at llio prudent tliuo, l.i)uiidur coiiHtriictlon by Alox Muvpo, on ItlvorHldo Itoulvard. Tlio otitlnintod comi or tlio Htructuro, when" com- plotod In 12,000. Tlio walkH and Hhrubbory ax pliuiuod fur tlio ynrd arc. oxpuctod to cost 1 2,000. Mr. Mayuu In bulldlnK tlio rosldoncu for IiIh occupancy. Con O'Koofo, of Silver Lako, mid MIsh Mortll McCuIn, dauKhton,jfMr. and Mrs. Chan. McCuIn of 'Silver I.ako, woro ijiiltod In niarrliiKO nt tlio CaUiollo church, by Father hnrkoy, this "mnrnliirr Tlio brldo and kio6iii will loavo Ilond toulKht for ' trip -to aouthorn California, aftor. which thoy' will mako tliolr ihomo at flllvor I.nlco, whoro Mr. O'Koofo Iiiih a larrco nhoop rnnclu liu: tho wholo tif nn-ftiitlinrlznd lAHitr of 1)25,000, iuiiiio lielng' lii.iliinoinlnaiionit or 11,' dOO'fRrlinCfmlnjrod from I upwards, dated "No vutnlmr 1, 1010, and inaliir Iiik Horlally In nuiiiiirlcal order iih follOWH (18,000 four (-1) yoarH from dato of Ihhiio; (18.000 live (C) yvarit from dato of Ihkuh, (18,000 hIx (C) yearn from iliilo of Ihhiiii; $18,000 miven (?) yearn from dato of Irniue: 118, 000 elKlit (8) yoam from dato or Ih hiio, $18,000 ulno (0) yoarH from date of Ihniki; $17,000 tun (10) yoarH from duto of Imiio Kultl boiiilH to bear Inteiunt nt live aii(J one-half pur com (Itil per an mini, pnytiblu Koiiil-aunually 011 May and November llmt, principal and In tenmt payablo In I'ulted Htate cold coin at tlm olllni or tlio Couniy Trean lirer or at Hid Flnoal Aenry of tho Hlitln of OruRiin, III Now York City, at tin option of the holder. . . Haiti I10111H iiiiiHt bo accompanied by a fortified check for fi por cont of tlm pur value of tho bond if bid for and niunt In; iincoiulltlouAf Tho approving eal opinion or Mourn Ten I, Minor & Wliifne. or Portland, OroKon, will bo fiirulHhcd tho NiiccoNNflil bidder. The court rflMirvcH tho right to re ject any or all bldn J. II jrANKIl. Clork Ah(hnoi valUMtlou of taxable pro Mrs. -' . WW Hennessy Says Its Grand t- "I'm AIuiijh (lolnu (o Keep 11 Mottle of ThiiIiic In My Houne," Hlio Hiin, '"Thin Tiiiilao' In tho firandeHt med Iclno I luivo ovor mon or hoard or." wUh the Mtiiteinenl untile by Mm Kdllli Iloimoiwy of J Op llarrlMoii Ht.. Hoiittlo, Winth;. wlioii who called-at llartell'H JlriiK Htoro few diiyn iiko. "ThiiIiio Iiiih entirely ovoroomo my troubli-H mid built me up In every way poHMlbli) I am Hiiirorliu; no more but am onJoyliiK life, and want lo rocoinmeiid Tanliic'to everybody," continued Mrn. Ik'iiinxiiy. In Hpeaklni: of her condition bo fore taklnit Taiilac hIid Hald: "I HUfr fered xtioh awful paliiri In my H(om acli that I didn't know what It wuh to have a pleasant day 1 wu dreud fully uorvuiiM mid ri'stless. and my constitution aiiu wholo nyHtom were fun;dowiinrid4wpflktnod.3i.IABfc f ilhiiHrtittod olnll-TflltHo ilfiTrytKat 'II wuh Hlmply iiilsorablo all tho tlmo "You may not believe It," alio continued, "but I actually lont fifteen pounds In three weokn, un average or live poundii a week. J had no appetite whatever and what I did put did not iiKreu with me My food wouldn't digest and that caused -mo to have sour stomach. Oas would form 011 my stomach and would bloat me up and press against, my Iiiiikh so I could hardly gel my breath. I was also constipated mid freiiuently hud npllttlng headaches. "I road In thu piipors whore Tim lac had given such wonderful results In n case that nearly described in I no so I decided to tiy It Anil to my comploto Htirpilxo I began to get bet ter at once, and now I reel like an other woman. I have taken three bottloH of Tan lac and have been en tirely restored to health mid I can Ittfw.enjoy life. My nerves aro ciiIhh mid I huvu 110 pains whutotor In my stomach. I have forgotten how II feels1 lot imvy a headache or dfzzy spell. I stm led to gain In weight ut onco and am gaining all the tlmo, my appetite In better then ever and I can hardly got enough to eat. My husband says ho l afraid I will eat him out of housu and home I am now enjoying a good night's sleep every night, and I will nlwayH keep in n lac in my Homo. i, COATS -SUITS-DRESSES FROM A WONDERFUL ARRAY that await the eye of tho careful lady purchaser, and too, those at prices which make shopping a' pleasure. We know we 'have them at a toying. You need only to compare wiflfi the catalogue- prices. ' ' Coats, suits and dresses in all seasonable c6lors for wom'en and Misses -Priced fen Intrinsic worth." hm-ik'i imiHi-umintitttw ttMUiminiM!" Wc Make All Alterations Free. iunritmi!iir!)BU.mmeniimiKiimimiimmi:i:'i;,na,tn,r:.iiB::m:.i.r i'v.S Tiiiilni Is Knlil In 11.. ml In- rwi perty of Desohutes County Is $8,733 - )rUK Co . In SIsiorH by (Jeorgo F. MMO. The county Iiiih no born .ml'AUkoii, Bn, t.a by Hot-Ion Drug Indebtedness. 3S-40c ('o LADIES' SUITS In an extensive range of styles. BROAD CLOTH ' ' SERGE POPLIN TRICOTINB T ..1..: 1 s . n r, iff- Xiyi,iliMnny "unvy paiytuniK. oornp are t'jcnjytmmeafaudiJiir the fma touch of ach SuknwSh?Purposc. $14.75 ,9$39.75 LADIES' COATS Either the cloth or the plush coat will find exceeding favor when viewed from the stand point of beauty, utility and economy. The richly fur trimmed garments may be seen in u comprehensive range of models Priced 9 1 2.SO to $49.75 :::m::::u::n::::i:: A Beautiful Assortment of Dresses THE TRICOTINE, SERGE JERSEY, MESSALINE, TAFFETA, POPLIN, GEORGETTE, CRREPE-DE-CHINE Are popular. We can only invite you in to describe them. Sizes 16 to 44 -and beautiful too. Pricad, $7.90 to $39.75 KCM.MO.NH. .'- in tub ciiK'uiT corner of tub STATi: OP OUI.OO.V. FOIt DE 8CIIUTKH COUNTY. W'm. K. S.NI)i:i,. l I'luintinr. m Don't Miss ' J. C. Penney Co., Inc. These Values 197 BUSY STORES WlntorliiK Stook Paaturo tuid food for' wlntor. WrUo or phpno 1 A., Dovors & Son,' Tunialo. Oregon, , ' 8tfc. VAhh VOll UKfllHTKIUCD COU.M'V jkJJO,l!,UNI)VAItl.ANTH. t NoUSa Ih 'hoVoby glyon tlmtVBM wavraiiW' roglHtei'od.,iul driwn pn tho rdftljliwd fronp'(iiiwbr718 tu 010 InoluMlvo aro horohy called for puyniont on Novoinbor -Mth aiid nro 'jioynbH t tho County Troiaurer'a vs. ANNA O. INOBIlfiOI.I.. ami J. II. HANBIt. Clerk of Deschutes County, Oregon, Defendants. TO ANNA INOBItSOI.I., Dofcnd ant IN TUB NA.MB OF TUB .'TATB' OFOItKdO.V: You nr"o horoby ro-i i lilted to appear and answer tho roin-l plaint filed agalnsl you In tho above I entitled huh within six weeks from thu dato of tho first publication of this summons upon you, lo-wlf within sox weeks from the 20th day of Novoinbor, 1019, and which said dale Is the ilntn of Hut llrst tiiilillrn. Hon liofi'nf, und'lf you fall'to apponrj and answer -within snld tlmo. thoi plaintiff will apply to tho court for' tlio relief prayixl for In said com plaint to-wlt . ; FlltJrr for tho Ktiui of $1,700 00 1 with interest thi,rou at the rata of I six per cnt per annum from th 13th dsy of Hiiptombnr. 1017. far tlio slim ioi (ii'i.uu iuinriioys lee. ami lor ins Irontfi nd disbursements herein. 1 . SKCO.VI) that tho usual decree may bo made for the sale of said promises by tho sherllf of said county. ncrordliiK to law and tho practlso of this court, and that tho proroeds of said salo may bo applied III tho payment of tho amount duo to tho plaintiff, and of thu cost mid attorneys fees, and that tlm bnlanco, ir any thorn bo, bo applied us pro-, vlded by law. anil that said defend-1 ant, nud all persons claiming umlor him siibsoiiuout to tho execution of said uiorlKaRo upon said promises.! either uh purchoHnrH, Incuuibrancers ' or otherwise, may bo barrud ami foroolosod of all rlithts, claims or oiiulty of redemption In tho said pre mlsiiH, and nvury part thereof Tlllltl) t'-iit tho plalutirf, or any other party to this suit, may bocomu a purchaser at said salu FOUUT1I, that it ItostralnltiK Order bo Issued by this court forbid Hint ami prohibiting mtld defendant, J. II. Ilaiior, county clork of Do sclititus County, OroRou, from ac coptlm; ror rocord tho dood Riven by W. M. Sandol, to tho defendant Anmi O, IiiKorsolI. FIFTH, that u Ilostralnlntt Order bo Issued by this court prohibiting and forbidding tlio dofontlnnt, Annn Q. IiiKorsolI, her hairs or nsnlKiiB, rrom iiiiiik ror rocord tho dood Riven to lior on Soptombor 13, 1917, by tho plaintiff, for tho real ostuto here in boforo doscrlbod, and that tho Plaintiff Imvo such othbr mJ fur. thor rollof In tho promlsea ha to this couri may nooni moot unit oqultablo, This Hunimouu Is publlshod In tho llond Dullotln, a wookly nowrtpapqi of KonornI circulation piibllHhod In llond, noschutoB County, OroKon, once a wok rdr alx consecutive wooks by ordor of Uonoroblo T H. J. puffy. JudKo of, tho ivbovo ontltlod court, which ordqr Jsdntod tho 19th dity qf Novembor, 1910, mid which Qrdor apoclflos the'dato of tho first publication of this mimpions, and directs that you Appear and uimwor Wlthlrt lx wbfks from tho said 20th day ar Noywil)or. And that it copy dr'tho compUlnUarid aiiipniona bo forthwith ;irtiiil9til6iyou nt your lust kown poHt-oftleai nddrosa, 'Dated Ofinnit imlillpallnn. Mnvn.n. befM, Mir" noARMOND nnd KRSKIN13. Attornoys ror Plaintiff, O'Kana 'Illd. Rend Ortgon.. A J8Mo Commence Your Christmas Shopping Now! It's none too early: The early shopper get the best selection. The best of service. Selecting gifts before the rush-when you can do so at your leisure and receive undivided attention-is a real pleasure. Try lo do so this year. lin::a:i:nauatr3asK:.-a:n::!ai.-sn:::RR:3?2 L3 Pi JWHI IWH5 Hand Bags for Gifts You will bo surprised and pleased with tho wondartul selection of handbag we are showing. llalmy Hark Strap l'm-v Can lie Hail In All (;rnilo. ..nt)f, Tllr, Hi, $!.:), $l.lll $2.2.1, S2.IIH, il.1H SI-0. - Hand Bags with tassols fitted with mlrrow ani purse Mado of Velvet Moire Velvet eon A colors $1.29 full lino up to $.i.7fi. or ti -I I Ti 7)W,1 SILK HOSE Make Fine Gifts Durllagton Newfnshloned Silk Ho Knit to Fit All colors .SI .3D. Burlington Fashioned A Silk Hose Full good ono $1.98 i BURLINGTON 5fasliionccl Hosiery Blltmoro Slllc Hooo Thls famous hose can he had bora ut all times Always tho Best. $2.0.1. WO.MK.VS l'l.Ni: HIIOI- A delight Till nhoo mado with top 8 Vi inches high of flue selected leather Ooodyoar Wolt Soles. There Is '.Satisfaction In Bvery 1'alr llitmii Kid at $ Ilrunn Cnlf at $H.7n lllark Calf nt fi- SFT7 ft :Kn " lllark Kid ut ,.$H.nt ltl'Y KBI.T KUPPKIIS I1KKK WK AUK WKlil. HUI'CLIKD and have thom underprlced Ladies' Fol Solt Soles Leuther Covored Fancy Rib bon Trim Dainty Colors a big valuo $2.(10. Ladies' Felt wltti Leathor Solos and Heels Brown. Bed, Gray, nnd Purplo. A Star value $2.00. Children's With Sort Lea ther Covored Soles .$t.lK-Sl.r,0 -3 PPaA I Dainty Grorgette Waists Are Delightful Gifts Hero you will find Styles Colors Sizes and Prices that are Right' The Waist Illustrated is one of our best sellers. Dainty made of fine Georgette with Silk Embroidery Trim Priced at $5.95 I it j COATS FOR THE HISS A Delayed Shipment Just In Sizes 4 years to 12 years Good materials Goo'd worlc-manship-PricedRight. $7.85, 5S.75, .Jpn.75, $13.50. LOOK HERE FOR t::iiiiiiitiiit:iiui::i:i:ti:::i:a:::iiit::ti.ii:i:i::titi:::::i:::ii!iatiii:i:a:::t:::iiit:i:i!::::i::::i:u::::::::::u::;:::::R::i::iu;:::i:::K:::::: COATS : a!S7tJC The Early Shopper Should Shop at, Ht The Warner (PompanV Quality W Merchand(ie at Popular Plica V "