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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1919)
N. IIKM) HUIiLKTIN, I1KND, OBEflOX, TIIUItSDAY, NOVKMHKH I0, 1010 aMOK 8 X i , Silverware You may netfd a few pieces to com plete your set or to make serving your turkey dinner easier and more satisfactory. We may help you with suggestions. Put Some New Clothes on your Thanks giving Dinner Table Dinner China Thtnlcigivintf It the time you want your china to ihow at iti Lett. See our J. J. Meekin Entf lilh China priced a $28 to $30 per netvery attractive pattcroi. Alio a fine Auitrian china, o hard to get now, at $45 per et. You may need a Water Set, Jug and six glasses, or a new Carving Set. Larson & Co. a" At the Sign of the Big Clock. BfifedayjyW;jttj! iTi JBiifti etuutttuutiiu:ttuuuiminmiutnuututfttnnituuiti:nti!itt:intnmuttttiunm!K:iUftiuiiuitmtuim:utn:in:mti:uiuiiu BEND HAPPENINGS FROM DAY TO DAY i ijutitimmtiituiiuinumui!UUuiuiitMiiunitiiutitiuiiiiMi::ttiitimiiti!:itiitit:ftittiitmtt!iitutmit:itiittiiiwuimmmnitV Saturday- M. 0. Powell, of Prluovlllo. Iii ovor nu litmlnuHH today. John llublgtno, of Iti'ilmoml.'tM n i Bond vIMtor today. Kdwurd (loulil of Mlllloau wan 4 lluml vlnltor Saturday. Mrn. Charles lllniliniin, of HUturn, wiim In town tlila morning. Mr. mid MrH. J. M. Jiiiihuoii, of Do- nohulon, linvu linen In Bond on IjiihI- iium today. Minn Mitrlo I.nrt daughter of Mr., nmt Mm. Ceorgu Lenro, 930 Coliim bin ntreot, etitiirlnlned u niiiitbur of her llttlo friends thin afternoon, In lionnr of tliu eighth birthday. Tim Infant non of Mr. mid Mm. llunry Cratier wan liaptlited ut tho liotno of llev. Frcdorlck A. T. Curn-'-lulnnflti, Thursday afternoon, Nov ember 13. mid wan tflvon tho name of Henry Melvlu. Mr. mill MrH. Ilnrry Toulo, of Port lnnd, stopped In this city UiIh morn ing on their way to vIkIi nl tliu Don utd ranch near Fife, i J. K. HiikIIii In constructing four room modern bungalow, on tliu cor ner of Florida mid Wall. Ho expecln to occupy tho ronldcncu when com pleted. Mr. Oeo. McLtun, wifo and daugh ter. Bessie, loft Bond thin morning for Hpokntiu. whore Ihoy expect to mnko tholr homo. Mr. McLInn linn -boon living on a homestead nvur Onwcont tho ptiHt your. - IJ. Pearl who n year ago gold his Mtitoront In tho Golden Hulu More on Wall ntreot and linn nlnco been In IiusIiiosh In 1'orlland, Iiiim returned to Ilniid for tho winter. Mr. Pearl In again Identified with tho (loldun . Hulo. h (linn Hurch, non of Mr. nnd Mm. F r nk Ilurcli, onturtnliimt tho mnni born of tho young people's class of the Christian church, Friday ovonlng at tho homo of bin pnrontM, 23-t WeHt Second street. After n nodal ovoii Inc light rofroHliniontH wcro nerved. M. A, Palmer, who loft for nouth nm California tiovernl weeks iiro, lino rocontly iiudiii-Rouo n novorn opera tion In n Lon AiiroIoh hospital, ac cording to nHiHMiigoa'rccolvod hy frl ijiuIh hero. H In now repotted to ho doing well. Mr. ralmor Is expect ed to return to Ilenil In tho nprliiK. Twonty-olRht momborn of tho Wo man's KoralKti inlnnlonitry nocloty 0fcnot at tho hopio of 3tra, John Huni- imr In Kenwood, Thurndny nftor noon. Tho ntuily for tho year In, "Tho Crunndo of Coiiipannlon," The limnou for tho nfturnooii wan road by Mrn. A. J. Hrlckaon and tho myn tery hox wan opened hy Mrn. K. W. (IIInoii. After tho husliifvin mcolliiR tho hontenn nerved hot rolln, naiad and coffre. Tho Ladlrn Aid noclety of tho Scandinavian Lutheran church nnd their fiiml I leu -wcro entertained Thurndny evening nt a houno party at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrn. P. A. Krlcknnn on Wall ntrcet. After n inimical and literary program tho ro maluder of tho ovenliiR wan npent In u nodal way. I,li;ht refrenhmentM wero nerved. On Decumhnr , Mm. O. Dahl and Mrn. Ceo. Krlcknon will entertain tho nocloty In tho parlorn of tho church. Tho member of tho Iloml local order of Mooho wero entertained at a curd party hy tho Indlcn of tho Mooho Heart I.crIoii, Thurndny oren Iiik In tho club rooiitn or tho Moonc temple, Tho flrnt prUo wan awarded to Mr. Hanco Hiiriiii and Mrn. A. McLelan whllo tho couoeltlon prize wiih won by Mr. It. K. Ilolmca nnd Mrn. J. Newby, Itofrenhmentn worb nerved by a committee of Indies con- nlnlliiR of Mrn. O. Curlnog, Mrn. Geo. T. Kollern. Mrn. It. A. Smith, Mrn. Geo. I). linker, Mrn. J. Newby, and Mrn. Slate. Friday Dan llelnliiR In In town from tho Midway ranch today. 0. Hroitrom of Hlntem was In Ilend WfdnoMlny nu liunlno.ii. Mr. and Mm. U M. Ilcchtel, of Prlnovlllo iiro vlnltorn In the city today. Minn Helen Ilonnon of Seattlo In u Iioiiho uet of 'Mr. and Mrn. E. A. IleiilniiRh. Adolph NeUon of SlMern npont Ttiexdny and Wednenday lu Ilend on liuiiluoHH. AiiRiiHt Andernnn, deputy nherlff, Ih not nt hln office today on ac count of llliienn. County 'CammlKHlonor 0, H Miller In In town ifrom Itedmond tnduy to attend a incetltiR of tho county court. Jny H. Upton, who htm been nt tendliiR tho Hennlon of tho circuit court hero returned to hln homo In Prlnovlllo hint nlxtit. Mr. nnd Mrn, A moo Erlcknou nro movliiR Into their now homo on Oeorla nventie today. Mr. Kilck Hon l bookeeper for Tho Shevlln- Hlxon Company. CMrn. h, D. Htulcup of Snlmon Acren, U. C, arrived lu Ilend Wed-, neMilay -with the expectation of pur- chiinliiR u ranch and entering tho ntock raining bunlnenn. Mr. nnd Mrn. Henry u, Whltnoll and family blivo moved to town from Powell Uutto nnd nro oc cupying tho liyberg property In Park addition recently purchnned by thorn. ISoforo taking definite ntepn In put ting into forco tho mall carrier nyn- tern lu llond tho Pont Olllco Depart ment ties Iron additional Information on local conditions, according to W. If. Hiidnou, 0. Ijinlett and J. II. Wnltorman. brick ninnoun of Spokane, arrived In Ilend th(n morning to anoint in tho mnnonary work on the new Sherlln-Hlxon burner now undor count ruction. Mr. nnd Mrn. J. Iluxton Prlco huvo returned from a honeymoon trip through . California. Whllo walling for the completion of their new bungalow In Park ndltlon they are vlnltlng in Itedmond. Dr. II. Daley, John C. Flynn, David T. Jonea nnd 8. 0. Crcnnlor of Lnkvelow wero In Ilend yoHtor duy on their way to tho Interna tional Mvo Stock exhibition to bo held In Portland next week. Tho pinto Rlnns In tho now O'Don noil block Iiiih been put In nnd work will noon bo completed on tho Inter ior llnlnhlng u that tho building may bo ready for occupancy by tho pont ofllco on or about December 10. Tho Pioneer Garage Co. hold open hoiuo lam night to visitors. Tho building occupied by tho Pioneer Oarage linn been remodeled no as to permit n nhow room In tho front for ono or more automobiles nnd to al low for mora olllco room. Jmnen Lakos and John Nltomls, of Portland yesterday purchnned the Silver Orlll from Mrs. Georgia Klslier and took possession yestcr dny morning. Mr. Lakos Is an ex- YOUR DRUG STORE "" ' Take or Send Her a Box Lowney's delicious Candies Known the world over for freshness and deli cacy of flavor. or Sweet's (of Salt Lake) Chocolates fapWw. Owl Pharmacy Either most MJr. A t. r pOROCa- fit- i7 . I UL.I I T Mm A I .i InvrtinuOTt Whx i , : and Cvarnv totffxe Complex5 ow. 4-V The Social Season i!i!Si.'!iitii:i:iiii!::iiiii:i:.'ii!iti:ii;tt!iiii!i:iiat:tii::iin: !:!Rs;ws::aI:3amllt:lIs:M::.J::l:t!n!:8ima Has Began fl Milady must be correspondingly gowned. In our ready-to-wear De partment we have on display the daintiest evening apparel ever created. Made of Shimmering Satin Fluffy Tulle Bits of Tinsel Ribbon and Orna ment with Garlands of Flowers fl They are simply irresistible. One, often named the Rainbow Division, combines all the, delicat tints of the spectrum. All the wanted evening shades in pink, blue, orchid, amber, Nile and black. - Priced from $25 lo $45 Pumps for Evening Wear In Patent Leather, White and Black Kid. Priced from :a ' r s $6.50 to $9.75 Silk Hosiery In both Phoenix and Holeproof, in plain and drop stitch. Priced from $1.25 to $3.00 Stop and Shop at 'MM BROTHERS ISPEH Quality Pioneer lince 1911 perlenced chef, having been with tho Ilenson HotcVMn Portland for n number of yenrs. A Thanksgiving party will be given In honor of "Uncle" Frank Nlckle'a at his homo near Tumalo, Thurndny ovenlng. Tho Bend lodge No. 139 of tho Masonic order has been extended an Invitation to at tend In u body. "Undo Frank" celebrated his 94th birthday last year. Miss "Mnry Cronon, of tho Ore gon Tuberculosis Society, has re turned from Hums and will go to Prlnevlllo to urrango for tho nalo of Christmas seals for the lied Cross shortly. Miss Cronen has previously taken up tho matter with tho Percy A. Stevens Post of tho American Legion In Bond. IWALKER BASIN WORK FINISHED FOR 1919 Thursday Jack Colomau, of La Pine, is siieudliiR the day in Ilend. il II I... Tnnn. of Sisters. Is n liusl- l -. - , . , -- -- liens vlHltor In tho city today. S. E. West and H. S. Towno, of Lower Hrldge, arq transacting busi ness in Ilend today. II. Somors, of Sliver Lnko, ur rived in tho city lnst night, nnd is remaining ovor today. Word wan received today of tho death In Snlom, of John V. Todd, I formerly n stockman In this sec tion. Mr. Todd was one of tho oldest members of the Musonlc order In the stnte. The Ladies' Aid society of tho meet ut 7:30 o'clock this evening IScandlunvIan-Luthornn church, will Sat the home of Mrs. P. A. Krlcknon. I A program of music and recitations will bn given, nnd n cordial iuvlta Hon Is extended to all. After a full summer of activity construction Is now finished on tho west unit of the Walker Basin Ir rigation Company project, formerly tho so-cullcd Morson project, at La Pino. Already n fow settlers havo como iu nnd started to clear their land against next spring's seeding but no especial activity is expected by tho management of tho project until a few month later. Application has been mado for patent on 9000 acres of (and iu the project nnd It is understood that tho patent is to bo issued. Next spring it is expected that construc tion on tho east unit of tho pro ject will begin. COURT OPENS BIDS ON TUMALO BRIDGE Meeting In special session on .Sat urday morning tho county court opened bids for tho construction of the bridge over the Deschutes at tlis Awbivy place below Tumalo. The contract was awarded to It. H. Bay ley nnd Chauncy Becker, of Tu malo. the low bidders, whoso figure was J15SC. Their bid for thograd Ing was also accepted, the figure being $1005. FOREST TO CHOOSE MAN FOR COURSE A representative of the Deschutes National Forest force will likely be chosen today by Supervisor Norman Jacobson, to attend tho six weks course at Marsh Field at Riverside California, where forest officials will bo preparedfor the fire prevention, season of 1920. Advices were received hero yester day that tho Forestry department will train Its men In the use or air planes, radio, wireless, telephone, topographic maps and homing pigeons. Pat It la Tho Bulletin. Just Rememher fflagill & Erskiiie O'KANIMJUILDUVG Our PftKiij lion Drpntmrnl u Complete in Hvciy Detail, YOUR DRUGSTORE A Cheerful Iteroiniueiidatlon. i "They should ho In every travel- I ing man h grip," writes ueo. Jenner, j-1115 Labor St., Sim Antonio, Tex., of i Foley Cathartic Tablets. "They are the best luxutlvo I havo taken and I cheerfully recommend them to anyone suffering with constipation or biliousness." Thoy cleanse buwols, swooleu stomach, benefit llvor. Sold' oyery-w horo. Ad v. Walking Deleijate Not on Wire Then. When Ben Franklin coaxed electric ity fi'om tho clouds It probably did not occur to him that ho wits paving the way for possible telephone or tele graph strikes, Four chairs ut your sorvico at the Metropolitan. No waiting, Adr. :::::;:nu::::i:::::::::::::: Kiddies' Christmas flints Wagons, tin Velocipeds Kiddie Kars Sam-E Kars Scudders - $1.98 to $3.50 $3.50 to $5.95 - - - $1.50 - - - $4.45 - - - $3.25 Doll Go-Carts, a, very fall line, prices ranging from, 60c to $5.50 , Come in and pick out these toys for Christmas while the line is complete and let us hold them for you. i it' BEND'S ECONOMY STORE FAIR VARIETY STORE - ...a l.;i4M0.n.t.I.UUMWMWiMM"UM"MM 4"