The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 20, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 11, Image 11

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PAflK 11
Htudy tilioiilil In .Vliiilc of roHhllilll
tliH to Develop ami Utilise, lanN
-Kettleis ceil HjMiintlo (Juld-
(in ,NV HolU.
III mi address liiHt Tuesday before
tint National association of commis
sioners or Agriculture at Chicago,
David F. Houston, secretary of Agri
culture, dealt with wlmt ho called
tho fallacious uotloiiH tlint "In 'point
of productivity American agriculture
Ih on tho decline mid that wo tiro in
night of tho limit of production, that
wo need an iinllniltiid number of
farmers, that agriculture I not a
business which requires expondlturo
of capital and labor and must show
u profit, that tho remedy for an an
sumed shortage of production I it
backtotholaiid movement, that tho
American farmur has boon Ignored
by tlio Government, or that It can
hoIvo all tint problems of production
mid distribution."
Crop Improti.
"In view of tho fact, It Is HliiKtilar"
mild tho Secretary, "that Jh notion
should still bn disseminated that
American agriculture has been de
teriorating and that there Is ground
for pessimism about tho future. It
Is trim that tho production of soiuo
of tho stablo commodlllus has not
kept pacn with population, hut this
In Itself may bo Of llttlo significance
Tho advnnco In urglctilluro has re
vealed Itself not so much In tho ex
punslou of thn stajflit cominodltles as
In a greater diversity of product. In
tho nppoaranco of now crops, In tho
rise of minor crops to low propor
tlons, and tho availability of supplies
throughout thn year. Hut ovun In
reference to tho staple products as
measured by one Important lust,
there hus been u very marked up
ward movement. Tim yield per acre
of crop production In I tin United
Htntes has gradually Increased. Tho
average rate of this Increase for tho
past tweiity.flvu yearn has been
small, It Is true, holm; only one-half
of otiu per cent a your, but tho aggre
gate results have been enormous.
This upward trend Is not readily ob
served In yields from one year to
another, owing to the wldo yearly
variations caused by tho differences
In seasons. Hut when averages are
obtained for u series of years, It is
readily observed. During tho seven
ties olid eighties, when there was a
vast oxpnnsloti In farm nroti in tho
West and orops wero grown on a
more extensive scale, tho tendency
of yields was downward. Since tho
early nluotlos. however. It has been
upward. For tho ton years ending
with 1800, tho average yield per aero
of wheat In the United States whs
1 1 8 bushels; for tho ten years end
ing In 1018, tho average yield win
KS bushels, or an Increase of 2b
per cent. In thn first period tho
nverago yield of corn wss 23.4
bushels; In tho second IT, S. or an In
crease of 10 per cent: of oats 25.9
In the first period. In tho second or
32.2, an Increase of 24 per cont; of
potatoes 72 9 bushels for tho first
u itt
(r painted,
Airfare to
varnUlicd, or
In tut v WAV,
there's sn lcmc,Qualitv
IvluJ to fit ttic iujpoe
v . ?
Bend Hardware Company
! SAYS D. F.
period, mid 0(2.8 for tlio second, an
Increase or nearly fill 1-3 per cent.
All other Hold crops huvo Jlkowluo
Improved In yield, the iivnnigo for
the ton yearn ending In 1918 being
1G per cent greater than that for tho
period ending Its 1890,, This ten
dency Is Kotierul throughout tho
Union. It Is not duo to the shifting
of production,
"Tho Nation," said tho secretary,
"does not need and cannot have an
unlimited number of farmers unless
it Is to return to tho old basis when
tho farm was solf-sufllclunt und pro
duced llttlo or no surplus. It should
have, and In tho long run will have,
ust ns many farmers as will produce
what tho world will take at n profit
able price. Farming must pay and
rural life must bo mado attractive
and healthful, schools with their In
struction properly related to rural
life must exist, good roads be pro
vided, and adequate medical, hosp
itnl, mid sanllaiy nrrmtgoment bo
developed, When theso conditions
are mot tho problem will havo been
solved mid tho Nation need not worry
about tho number or Its farmers or
tho requisite supply of materials for
food and clothing.
l.aboi-('apltnl UmlfiM.
"In considering tho rate of exten
sion of tho Idea in farms, it is I in
portaut to recognize that tlio expan
sion of the Nation's agriculture Is
limited by tho supply of labor and
capital available for use. In agricul
ture as distinguished from other
uses, rather than by tho scarcity of
undeveloped lands. It is true that
In general tho best land Is In culti
vation, hut without nuostlon much
or tho remainder rnu bo tilled when
tho Nation reaches the economic
stage which would Justify the utiliza
tion. It probably would be unwise
to stimulate n largo increase In tho
acreage of farm land at the present
time, especially as such an Increases
would be made available at u heavy
outlay of capital for drnlnnge, Irri
gation or clearing. Apparently,
therefore, American ngrlculturo
should consolidate Jho gains already
made, prepare for tho period of
principally by increasing through
sound und economical methods tho
productivity or lauds ulroady under
cultivation, mid utlllxo the services
or tho most experienced mid Judici
ous agricultural leaders In deter
mining where, when mid how to
bring Into cultivation mid develop
public mid private unusod land.
Study llhllltlr.
"Tho best experts or tho Fedunu
Department and of tho agricultural
col legos should make n careful study
of tho possibilities of utilizing lima,
cutovor laud. 00,000.000 uci of
not now devoted to agriculture. In
respect to tho 200.000,000 mi. of
land needing drainage, and SO. 000.-
000 acres which might be Irrigated,
there Is great Variation from dis
trict to district as to tho possibility
of economic use. Distinctive roglous
should bo fully studied with u view
to assemble all existing data on pro
ductivity, the cost of making tho laud
available, present tenure mid prices,
the typo or ngrlculturo best adapted
to the conditions, tho posiltjiu ,e
turns, tho minimum him or farms
cnpablo of supporting families JU ren-
Strong Reason
for Fail Painting
1. The wood is thorpughly dry.
Summtr'i imh tiai rtme-itJ ul tntlltun,
2. Paint penetrates deeper into
dry wood.
Tht itfff It i'fi iht it III It hUl.
3. Fall weather is warm, dry and
dependabje. ,, c , .
Unit ianetf nht. damp, riinr ,
nvfiuh inJanst' tht JutulTilii) tht paint.
4. Wet weather- decays and de
stroys unprotected surfaces.
Lad tf paint imam unixghtt and Uu
valuablt fvptrtb
5. Fall painting keeps out winter
Tht gnattit tntmt to tht lift and btauty
atl itrucurti
Ask us about ACME QUALITY
HOUSE PAINT. It insures the Krcatcst
protection and beauty, at the least cost
pcr.vear of service. Questions cheerfully
Khoiild Woik With County,
.MnoiH Itellcf- Judgo llnnies
Ileneus Offlcr to (live Itend
Uho of Holler Free.
Under existing conditions, tho
charges mado by tho Deschutes
county court for the road rollor
which Is being rented to contractor
Joo Hock, ore entirely fair, was tho
declaration of Mayor J. A. KmliH
Thursday, after a tour of Inspection
of city street Improvement Jobs,
mado in company with J. C. Ilhodes,
chairman of tho streets committee
or tho Iletid council. Mr, Hastes
round that tho rollor, for which the
contractor Ih obligated to pay $2 at
nour, nas neon iuio trio greater pari
of tho time, being used from two to
four ho urn it day, and being held
from road work outside tho city bo-
causo of this. "I don't blamo the
county court u bit," Mnyor Kas,tCJ
Knit Not Formerly Given.
Mr. pastes explained that when
tho matter of thn county agreement
came up at a recent council meet
ing, he had objected to tho rate
charged because ho had understood
thnt the roller was to bo used daily
for a full eight hours. Now thnt all
tho facts are ut his disposal, he sees
only one objection remaining In tho
agreement between tho city mid
county regarding tho roller, and that
lies In tho clause which would make
Ilend gunrantco tho contractor's ob
ligation. "Tho city rccordor and I
will bo glad to look after tho
county's Interests and see thnt col
lections are made, hut I do not con
sider that tho city should bo qulto
so closely bound," tho mayor said.
Ho omphutlcally declared that ho
Is anxious for a policy of tho most
thorough cooporation between city
and county, and had no Intention
of creating any fooling of antagon
ism. Ho will ask tho court, ho sayn,
that the roller bo used on county
roado until enough work has accum
ulated In Hond for several full days
thus, eliminating part time work on
tho city streets.
Court Kxplalus Hate.
County Judgo W. D. Homes mid
Commissioner C. H. Miller, in com
insntlng on tlio arrangement made
with tho contractor, showed that
county roads nro waiting on tho con
tractor's pleasure, mid city ntreeta
nro being given nil tho advantage.
"Ah a mattor of fact. If tho city it
Bclf wore doing tho work, tho rollor
would bo turned ovor to Ilend with
no charges whatovor for rent," Judgo
Ilarnes said. "That Is tho way It has
been handled in tlio past, nnd tho
offer still holds good." Rent
charged by tho company selling tlio I
rollor, when ouo of thomnchlncs was
snipped rroni Portland to Camp
I.owls for n lengthy Job, ho quotea
ns J260 n month, chnrges bolng ns
sesRed from tho. tlmo tho machlno
was shlppod to tho date on which
It was again In tho hnnda of tho
Commissioner Miller mentioned
w-ork done last summer on Wall
streot, when ho personally oporntod
mo rollor for two days. No churgo
was mado even for his own sorvlcos,
Whllo tho rollor Is- now bolng tied
up by part tlmo work in llond, roada
near tho city, includliiBono mllo Just
oast of llond, and throo miles in tho
Ornngo Hull district, aro budly In
need or rolling.
sonnblo comrort, tho minimum
equipment neoded in tho beginning
or settlement, sourcos or crodlt, and
marketing mid transportation racll
Itlea. "It would bo doslrnblo ir Govern
mental agencies, bv svnrnnintln nl.l
should rurnlsh reliable inrormatlon
io moso BOoKing farms, should tako
particular pains, through their agri
cultural niachlnory, to givo now set
tlors very special asslatnnrn n.i
guidance, and whoro conditions uro
lavornoio, Bhould aid in thn iinvninn.
mqnt or woll-consldorod sottlomont
fltniulaidization Needed.
"There is no auestlon that !,..
thlllg Which enn locltlmnrnlv l,n ,1inn
to oiiininnto waste in marketing and
to promote onlariv rilatvlliifn., I
should be done, Certainly we can
UrOCOOd furthnr hv Rtna Prlni
and individual action in standard!-!
Lay a bet on
rolling 'em with
the national joy smoke
ROLLING your own cigarettes with Prince Albert is just
. about as joy'us a sideline as you ever carried around in
your grip I For, take it at any angle, you never got such quality,
flavor, fragrance and coolness in a makin's cigarette in your
life a3 every "P. A. home-made" will present youl
Prince Albert puts new smolccnotlons under your bonnet 1 It's so
delightful rolled into a cigarette and, so easy to roll ! And, you just take
to it like you been doing it since away back! You see, P. A. is crimp cut
and a cinch to handle ! It stays putand you don't lose a lot when you
start to hug tho paper around the tobacco I
Youll like Prince Albert in a jimmy pipe as much as you do in a home
relied cigarette, too! Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented
procccs. You know P. A. is the tobacco that has led three men to c-ioke
pipes vhcro one was smoked before. Yes sir, Prince Albert biased the
way. And, me-o-my, what a wad of smokesport will ripple your way
every time you fill up I
tho packing ot farm products, nnd
In promoting tho uso of standard
containers nnd proper storage on
farms, in transit, and at tho market
"Particularly must the Federal
und State agencies omit nothing to
promote holptul farmers' coopera
tive associations. Already within a
goncration many such bodies have
dovelopcd and expanded rapidly. It
Is estimated that such associations
In this country now market annually
approximately a billion llvo hundred
.million dollars' worth ot commodit
ies. Tho Indications aro that with
tho continued success ot these enter
prises nnd with the proper educa
tional effort and direction, they will
develop even inoro rapidly in the
After referring briefly to existing
What Does A Merchant Do ?
That's a Good Example
for Every Farmer
Good Stationery Will Advertise You
dm?' 'mm i'jfs. ,
nil fflPfV , .lP?iHHHHlhh. m
vi pv" vL'WmUw'- '? 'WmW 4eam
iv" -wamL-.m i
IrrH.J. UttvoMi
i r
machinery for aiding the farmers In
solving their marketing problems,
tho Secretary says, "the rational pro
gram would seem to be to expand
activities which havo clearly demon
strated their value, to follow the
scgnt, ns it were, and to further de
velop the machinery through which
increased assistance may be furnish
ed. There should be in every State
one or more trained market special
ists of the Department of Agricul
ture, working In cooperation with
the proper Stato authority, to stim
ulate cooperative enterprises aud to
aid farmers in their marketing work
by helpful suggestions as to plans
and methods. The department is re
questing Increased. funds to make
this extension possible nnd will tako
the necessary action promptly it the
appropriations are .made. Both the
wi'BF'sr&wwBi noummm- '.wimr&
He selects his firm name-,
He puts his firm's name on
He tells prospective custo
mers what he sells.
Is the BEST m Central Oregon
Awmiltrtyrmt tyn, ymi'll
una teppy tm nt ti"J
m, htndtoirm fmund and
halt poind tin tmmniir
ndtht tlatmy, pioctirjit
pound crywtMl !. humidor
with mtxmi tudiletmt tep
llut krrpa Pnn" Albert In
4ucAprAf umAf,ort
R. J. Reynold Tokacro
WinlMJtIcB, U. C.
trnltoppft nt nprlrulf urA and thn Rtnfa
departments have large duties In this
direction and an immense opportun
ity. The field is bread enough not
only for both of them, but also for
tho Federal Department aud for
farmers and farm organizations."
Denying that tbe American farmer
has been Ignored cither In legisla
tion or in machinery r furnishing
him practical assistance, Secretary
Houston said: "This Nation has
xnoro beneficent legislation for agrl-.
culturo than any other country, and
agencies actively assisting tho
farmer which In point ot personnel,
support, mid range ot activities ex
ceed those ot any other three nations
of the world combined."
Wnut to buy liny, ho llulletln clas
sified nils.
ing mo production, the handling, and