The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 20, 1919, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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1 H 17
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i 1920 MILLAGE
r1iifll0 T.A l- PJP 77 NOW
. IIIkIht AKM-.Miieiil Keep Flgurn
Al Irii't Vwii-'k .Mink In Hpllo of
S ' '
Vh,Jivmic Tiii".-Murh Drpi'inti
on l'l lilt j ViiIim'h mill Hull'
Although tlio uxiirit iiiIllfiKu to bo
r.ihl by .in owiior yhtIJonjJt property
In taxes In 1020 raimol bo nxnclly
ilolnnnlniMl unlll tln rompleto vnlti
Titloii Ih known, the comity rntlo an
tinniiroil mill Him routity tax levied
It In Htlll posslbln to pinko a fair ...
jiroxliiinHmi based on tliu fncloru
vkjUIoh nro nuw,nvutlnblo. From;
thontt II scorns tippurotltilinL U'l "?
' rnlo for nil purposes will br- nboiH'
77 nr-iiriiulloiilly (ho kuiio n II wun
lnt your.
To tbo Imllvliltlul Hili moan Hint
till IllllOllllt of tuxux b will pit)' III
dollars ami colli depends on the ro
lutlon It Ih now lummiutinil binrn to
the obi. If tb valuation higher
befall mi of tbo Increase mudo In tbo
nrn'smiutiifn bo will pny moro; If
Ifiwor bo wll pny Ion. If tbo Mine
(In payment will bo nboiit tbo Humo.
, Of tbo unknown factors tbo
,litmount of tbo county tnx may bo
lil to bo practically determined
without walling for tbo county court
(o II x tbo luvy. Undoubtedly It will bo
tbo full amount pcrmlllod by law, or
liixt year's total plus nix pur rent, and
plus, ulno, tbu lutnrrnt on (bo roatl
tiomlH voted lust spring, wblcb pro
numnhly ban lo bo pulil Into (ho
treasury, iiltlwugji tbo boiulM bavo
mil yet Milieu Hob), I, nut yuar'K tax,
plus, six pur cent, Im $131333. In
tiToht at II vi) mid a balf porcont on
tin' 1 IT., 000 bond Ihmiiii would tolnl
16.875. making a lotal tax ,lovy for
tin- enmity of fH0.208.
Tbo farlom which ruiiialu un
known until nniiouucnmont comes
vtrniu fyulniu nro tbo valuation of tbo
public utilities and tbo county ratio,
1 1 Kfncjj Ujnnj ban boon llttlo or no nil
dltlSiT to tbo proper tin of thoMitlllty
ooinpitnlo In tbo pant year It may
Ini expected tbat tbo valuation will
remain about tbo sumo, but tbo rntlo
by uhlcji It Im determined on wbat
proportion of Iholr vnluatloiiN tbo
iittlltlijn will pay tuxes, and wbat Ih
' to bo tbo county' abnro of I bo statu
i. tax. In hhnw it n Increase.
v Last year ifiocouuiy ratio, n? net
by tbo Ktato Tax commission, wiih Ifi
,, or In otbor words, tbo commission
durldod tbat propurty In DoHcbutua
f county wiih iiNHUHnod at 4I per cent
of IIh Into viiluo. Only IC pvr cent.
.' inn vim !.' l'l inu iiriiiiu viiiiiu III lliu
A publlo utility corporation! was In
I nludnd Iti (bo county UHMcHHiuout of
t6 a.,m,328. In dollorH centH
Huh public utility valuation wan
I $119,131 CO, IciivIiik us tbo valua
tion of otbor county proporty tbo
limit of 16,811,896,50,,
Tli In yoar proporty In (bo county,
( xcluslvo of titllllloK, Ih vnluod at
JS, 34a(100, according to a rocont un
jioiinconioiit ,y Comity Amhuhhoi Mnl
larky, f IiIh Ih an.Jucrim opr laut'H-Kiircn' ?f -ullKbdy ovor 0
pur cont, and f accoptod ut Hh faco
valuo, by (bo ntnto tnx cnmmbnilon,
nlioiild moan an Incrcu.o In (ho ratio
to C3. y '
AhhuiiiIiijt (bun n ratio nr 03 and
Lnn iiucliaiiKcd utility valuation by
'the IMibllo Borvlco co'mmlsHlon the
total -valuations will bo un follows;
futility 033).lOC: clty,$r,092,078
Hdiool ilHtrlct, iNo. 1, ?3,ri89,p0!i,.
Tbo oty und tbo 8cbqp( dlHirlct
UwloH bavo nlroudy boon hoi at JGJ...
010, anil 1109,311, rptinootlvoly and
tbo ruinity lovy Ih ostlmntml nboyo
to bo $110, 308. ApplyliiK tiioHo
IlKuroa tq t)io valuuiloim Elyou In tbo
procodljii.piirugrnpli wof Und that
tbo mllliiBo will bo oty, 30.1 wtnty,
15.15; MoJioul (tlHtrlct. No. 1, 30,1, or
u lo(nl of 77 mlllH, .hnnt'i'oar It wiih,$y, 8,r.; county, 0,1 and scJiool
Mllfkt No, lK 3,q, inuUlntr a total of
..wlKi;jplbiri'Hy,Afieiit otiuii' uatbpr.
' liifr. rfii'lWirWhlKniiiil, mid
" Ovnliirf, Who Dc;iIph J'o
. ' 'llTlcal Jlotlvm.
ApprunUillou of tbo gift, aiinotinc,
till In Tuonday'H Initio of Tbo Ilul
lotln, wblob Tbo Hbovllu-lllxnn Com
pany will mako In tbo form of a
natural pink In tbo Tiunalo Canyon,
mid In tbo proHtirvallon of timber
nonr Dillon KiiIIh mid tbo Ityuu
riinob, whm' volcnd yi-Htorday at tbo
I'llot llutlo In if, wboli at tbo wookly
Itiucliuon of tbo Coinmurclal club, n
iiuaulmniiH vnto favored tbo drnftliiK
of roHoluUoiiH of (liaukM. A commit
ten Im to bo nppolntod by T H Foley,
prc-xldout of tbo rlub, which will
bavo clmri;o of HiIh work.
Appointment of another commit
ln wiih aiitborUud on Hm motion
of. II. J. Ovorlurf, and will bu fin-
poworim in iinni rrniiiuiioiin uiiu.t
Hint; tbo nttUudu of tbo club an favor
ablo toward tho pyrchuno of tbo C
(). I. boldluKH by tbo HottlorH on tho
IMhciimIoii of tho county
by A.
mad policy wiih
WliliHiiutit, who chnruotorlxotl
inomborH of tho court iih "an lncom
potvnt bunch of procrutitlniitoM," al-i
tboiiRb declaring that thoro wan
nothjni! pupiounl oltbor In HiIh, or In
recent utluckH of n nlmllar niituro.
Attempting to provo IiIh cbnrcc, bo
told of tbo proKreHH mndo by Crook
county on tbo Crooked Itlvcr road,
wblcb bo Ha Id would connect with
tbo .ycKenilo I(irh hlKbwny, mid of
roctynlly foil-Hi nil tho Dvnd to
llurnn blcbway, whlln bo Intimated
that It would a I mo divert tourlut tra
vel from Ilend. "It U In tbo mlndii
of the people Hint I favor Jim Over
turf for county JuUko." ho concluded
"but I don't think (bat Jim would
tnko tbu Job on n ultver platter."
Furtbor (IIhciinkIoii wuh partlcN
pated In by N. O, JacobHon, II. C.
KIIIh. und K. U. I'ino, but wut term
inated b DjgO.-MeJHiorjion nfler Mr.
VIiIhiiiiuI bad iikhIii taken tbo floor
to volru tbo opinion Hint tbo court
Jihh been HiiuaudorliiR money on
"Ifn eany cnouKb lo nil around tlfot0'!' "l ,,a".. N. a, Wnlluco. of
table mid criticize." Air. Mcl'herion
declared, "but I counlder Hint tbo
club In to hidino for much that linn
boon laid at tbo door of tbo county
court today. I ronnldor tbo reinnrkn
mndo today bavo been of a highly
pernnnal nature, and ueedlennly ho,"
Mr. Icrhcroon'n motion for tbo up
polutmont of ii commltteo of live lo
meet with tho comt to iIIhcuhh tbo
fnrmiilntlou of u road policy, wan op
posed by Mr. Ovorttirf, hut carried
nlmoHt uiiaulmounly
More than S00 mother and ladles
of, tho city roHponded .Sut unlay nftor
"opn 1(110 call IsHtied Friday by
Mayor J. A. Hasten ut tbo I.lborly
Tbentro for u dlncuHtilon of (bo health
und moral condltloim of tbo city,
Perfecting' u lompnrary orKimlca
Hon,, and nelectlnK (ho name Wo
inoiv'BCIvIo J.ewKiio'of Ilond, Mm.
C. I'. NUwoiiRor wiih named tumpor
ury vlialrman und Mrn. J. TP. ICoyen,
(ompornry aocrohir., Theno ladlen,
(CKPHior with Dp. Annn-Kola Flnloy,
city health offlcnp, Mm. V. A. Forbes
and Mm. J. M. Lawronco will iuoot
tnmnrrpw' to draw up tbo by-law
tv (bo jiernianenl oiKanlsallon when
It, will 'bo doclded uh to (bo tlnu of
Firemen plan"for
dancing .parties
The UoiuJNVplnntoor Flro nepnrt
numt bus madu iirrniiKomonta 'for n
projirnm dnncu to bu nlvon ChilHtmns
nlKbt, Mid a nutnquorndo nd Now
Yearn colobrutlon on Now Voars ovo.
notb nllnlrs will bi kIvch at tho gym
nasium. F.urtbor dotulla will bo an
nounced later,
Sunflower Comes into Iti Own
I In Central Oregon Climate
yiin Hil,)g " m( aB 3r,3JKW' 9HL.B0Eh
. J J-J-- - - - - .. - .
cftj 'tiriiitfhti 4taL w' yj;7
BfVMH9r7!VH!RwwiV9ftf7fTVA' ,
After four bourn deliberation,
the Jury In tbu cane of Gus Nelson,
charjod with a Ntalulory crime
iiRuliiHt tbo minor daughter of Mr.
und Mm, Charles I'enney, of Ilond,
brought In n verdict Tueiiday of
"KUllty McliarKed.M'W. I'.-Mycw
roprvfccn'ted tjm dofenw), Dlmrlct
Atornoy A. J. 3!ooru repreentlni;
tbo ntnto. It In expected tliat hont
enco will bo panned tomorrow oiorn-
Tho enne of J. 11. Anderson vs.
(1. F. IlonklnH, for tbo recovery of
$900 nllcRed duo iih ii commhlon
In u lent entato Hale, went to "trial
thin morulivx and Indlcatlonn wore
Hint tbo bCarliiR would lunt through
l riiniriiitf, nnii ji. ii iJe.riuouii. oi
Uond, repronouted the jilulntlff, It.
8, Hamilton, of thin city, appearing
for tbu defendant
In nplto of un Increased nnHonsed
valuation umountliiR to about 15
per cent of tho county valuation hint
year tho county ratio Iiiih been tenta
tively not by tbo State tax' comtuln
ulon ut I'.', a reduction of tbreo
points liolow Inst year'H llRiiro. The
ratio bast been reduced annually by
(bo cninmlnnlou since tbo county wan
formed huvitiK boon 52 In 1910. -18
In 1917 and -IC In 191S
Ilorauao of tbo serlotiH, onect on
oouiity ftnuucun und oirthu problem
of tnxatlon In tbo county in Konornl
an oH'oit will bo mudo to pornuado
tho Tux commlunlnu to mnl'o tho rat
Ion hlRhor, Instead of lower,, than. It
was )as( year. Tho c6ifiitvcourt la
now coiiHlderlUK HoudluR Asie.sxor
Mullarkey to Salem to tuko up with
)o coiiiiiiIhhIoh the ina.ttor -bt In
cronslne tho tlguve.
12 found Baby
Arrives iniBend;
Name Is Pershing
Join! Porshlus rrlved In
YldmUlntU nlRht. Very fow poo-
plo v Uond know anything of
U unlit this mornlOKi but Kieat
1 ,wAH Hio reJolctiiR ht tbo homo ?
of QjmrloH Carroll when tbo v
t 111 lioiiiu) bnby boy, tho ilrnt v
In Uojul to bo nnmed. for tbo !
U oommiindor of America's ovor-
hoaB'fprcos. nnnouncod bin ud )
fc voht 'with it lusty yoll. jr
Tbo HIiiMtratlon nlxivo
l llio llkciuso of tliu tno
Jiirgo fillot anil Mitnplo
mimIIoiutn on llm ranch
of .f. I. l'jirbiTr'i I" jho
Clowriliilo mtIIoii, Mr,
PurlM-irp-'x, (xiirimt'iitH
with MllllloMlt'.x, mhI of
nblrli wan obtJiluiHl at
tho liiMtuiii'o tho Vint
National lUinkV niiii
llowor niiiipaluii hnto
Ihhii highly Mitlfoctnry
nml Villi ii o tlinu rxtco
hlVoly next jciir for cn
hlbiKi. '
Completion of tbo fund for the
payment of the debts on the Athletic
club building havliiK been practically
nssurcd arrangements bavo been
mudo by tbo Bond holding company,
holding the title to tbo property, and
tbo Ilend Amateur Athletic club, In
charge of. the management for tbo
pant year mid a half, to turn tbo
mmutgomont ovor to tho Industrial
iteltJuetit'Ot Hie V, M. C. A., ac
cording to tho plan heretofore an
nounced. Carrying. outJhU plan I.. W.
TrfcTcoy,"t olj Portland .hun-m-rlvcd to
net nn secretary In cbargounder tho
now arrangement. Mr. Trickey bus
hud cxporlonco In Portland and at
nayonno, ,N. J. He was Stationed at
tho Hog Inbuilt shipyard during the
war and made un cnvlablo record
In his work. Mr. Trickey began on
bin new duties on Saturday mid is
proceeding as fast as possible In tho
reorganization work.
Mny House Library.
Another local activity which It IA
assisting In working up Interest In
hoped may bo housed nt tho club
building is tho library. For uearly
n year tbo Library club, faced with
tbo necessity of moving from Its pro
sent location In tbo rooms ndoinlng
tho Hnptlst church, has been looking
for a now location, it is now pro
posed Hint tho library movo to the
uthk'tlc club, continuing under Its
present management, but giving Its
nid In making tho building a true
community center.
To decldo tbo championship of
Central Oregon In football, tbo Head
und Prtnovlllo high school teams
will moot Friday afternoon on tbo
Hedmoud gridiron. It was nnnouncod
this week by Principal Johnson,
of the Ilond school, Tbo two teams
stand nt tho head of tho percentage
column, und each has won from tho
otbor, Ilend taking tbo long end of
tbo score when playing here, while
Prlnevlllo won wbon (bo gnmo was
staged In tbu Crook county beat. It
Is for this voason that neutral terri
tory luiH been choson for tho decid
ing contest,
llnth. tho Hodmond mid Prlnevlllo
merchants .will closo tholr stores on
Frldny, and ii similar renuest Is to
bo madq boro'tlougb-ibe Commer
cial club. A lnrgOHlologadon of finis
Is opoc(od to luako tbo (rin to ltod-
Through the munificent gift of The Shevlin-Hixdn
Company the people of Bend are to have a park which
will include one of the most beautiful spots in this sec
tion. There will also be preserved for the benefit of the
public another beautiful timbered location and the strip
of timber along The Dalles-California highway through
the company's land which will save it from the desola
tion which has already overtaken the section of the road
nearer town.
The park is to include the Tumalo canyon from the
fish hatchery to the national forest boundary and will' He
dedicated as a memorial to the late Thomas L. Shevlin,
first president of The Shevlin-Hixon Company, famous
Yale athlete, prominent timberman, and friend of Bend
and Central Oregon. In the main its, side boundaries
will be the top of the canyon walls but wherever the
road to Broken Top is not too far from the canyon it
will be included in the park area.-
To make the gift possible the company will be
obliged to secure the title to sections of the canyon floor
now owned by The Bend Company, L. B. Baird, Chas.
Orewiler and A. J. Davidson and negotiations for the
purchase havd already been begun. AH, it is understood,
on learning of the use towhich the property is to beput
have shown a desire to cooperate by placing the lowest
possible price on it.
Beauty Spot Preserved.
All who have visited the canyon recognize it aus
the most beautiful spot there is within easy distanae
from town and will agree that its preservation for tbe
enjoyment of the public is a service of the highest .possi
ble character. In -the flats adjoining the creek!, bn the
lower section of the proposed park grow quantities, (
shrubs, grasses and flowers not found on the afc levels
above. Fir trees are found among the pine and there are
stands of larch, poplar and other deqiduousrees.
Deschutes Valley Timber Spared.
The timber which will be saved from the sweep of the
logger through the Deschutes valley is that lying around
the Ryan ranch, The Tules, and adjoining Dillon falls
Here all the timber will be spared so that to one stand
ing at the falls it will appear as though there were an
unbroken stretchf forest around him.
Now reports which bavo como In
sluco tbo last announcement of the
Ited Cross roll call standing Indicate
that the total will bo In tbo neigh
borhood of $2,090. whoa complete
returns are received from Deschutes
and Jefferson counties. N'o reports
whatever have been received' from
tho latter county, but from tbo Sbov-liu-lllxon
mid the Ilrooks-Scnnlou
mills In Heud, lucludiug their woods
cimps, It was shown today that sub
jcripllous would bo 5S00 moro thnu
had already been definitely assured.
Hodiuond has added $74 to her
total bluco last Saturday, und now
has a total of $130. nml from tho
Hampton section, Mrs. C I). Harmon,
who Is In cbnrgo of tho drive (hero,
sent In 5.
high 'sOh'ooi; TO
1 'oit laud I'lt-p School Will Sign
For 111k Turkey Day Oiiiiio In
IIimkI Xovombor 27.
Tbo lleud high school will have
u real fool bull gnmo on Turkoy day
when It meotH (ho DoiiHon Polytech
nic Hcliool'of, iPortlaml. According
to a. inoasugQ U)s morning from .tho.
iiiiiu 'recur tin oie t;ity preps um
npxioua to bavo tho Central Oregon
trip and will bo on hand. , x,
Tolegrama wen? ulsp from tbo Ore
gon Agricultural collt&e rreKhles
und the Katncndu high bchool, both
wiutflKS wmues. Coach Moore select
ed the $puspn Polytechnic school.
., X. G. Jacobson. as supervisor of
tbo Deschutes National Forest, slga
td a contract on Monday with Joba
M Perry for tho drilling of a well
which Is impeded tq reach a depth
of from 400 to '500 feet, near Roberts
Cabin. 25 ijile northeast or Fort
Rock. Steel casing Is provided tor
tbo well by tbo forest service. Mr.
Perry will start work us soon as he
completes a contract with the
Hrooks-Scanlan Lumber Co., proba
bly In about 15 days.
The sinking of tho well Is nu Im
portant stop In (he carrying out ef
tho forest sorvlc'o progrum for In
creasing tho available ranee. Thotu
nndss of acres trlbuary (o Fort Rock
cannot now bo used because ofTke
lack of water.
One of (ho tallest ranchers In De
schutes county, Frank A. Beard, ot
tho Cloyjardalo aecton, was marrlMl
Monday nf(emoon jy County Judge
W. D. names, to Miss Lottie Arvljb.
Wilson, also of Cloverdale. Sir.
Ilenrd Is six feet flva inche In helgkt,
while M,r8,;Beard a slightly under
Ave feet., T) groQin Is 38 year,ef
age, and tha brldo 17. ,J,
County Commissioners "fteth
Stopkey and C, H, Miller were wit
nesses at tho ceremony.
A, program and auction will, be
hold at the Richardson school a.ik
hiVlock Wednesday evening, ovvm-
fber 2G. A special program betutlKK
to the. Thanksgiving, season wJU'ibe
lvtu AH persons who atto4,iifo
requested to Vfng -r nrtie(e, ,,(e
vklHof fvhloli Is Hot (o bo Ipsa tWn
1Q' cents, A general auction Wet
(beso articles wll b held. Tltt'ifO
gram hi wilder the dirftcUon tfnu
p:vjv L SlwK. . '
V -pjtr