FARR a nKNT) nUTXRTIN, nEND, OKKGON, THimSDAY, NOVKMIIKU in, 1010. ! What's Doing In The Country J::::::::::::::--!""""" !:ti:t:i::!ti::ui:::ii::::tii:i:iti:t:::::::ii:im PIONEER CLUB OF TERREBONNE MEETS TEKREBONNE, Nov. 11. Dele gates from tho Ladles Pioneer vclub ot Torrdbonno woro invited to nt tond n special meeting of tho Ladles Annex of Prlnovllld to henr tho re port of tho Stnto Federation of Wo menu' clubs. Tho roporfof tho Stnto mooting was given by tho president Tvlrs. Robert Douglas and outlines of tho threo main activities ror wio coming year wero Riven uy airs, c. W. Elklns. Theso are: Community Service. Thrift and Americanization. Those in attendance from Torre bonno wero: Mosdnmcs Mitchel Parr, Knorr. Gates, Alderdycc, Iun kor, Galbralth, Beckham and Whltols. A largo number of friends met at a reception at tho club hall last Mon day evening In honor ot Mrs. Carla Pockhnm who is leavinc for Califor nia soon, in appreciation 01 nor faithful services ns past mistress tho community presented her with n wrist watch. Mrs. Packhnm has a great many friends hero and nltho her departure will cause many rc- BretB our good wishes for her futuro good fortune go with her. W. O. Rnlston has Riven up his position nt tho Prlnevlllo Junction and is returning to his ranch near Terrobonne. Miss Irnm Kceney attended tho 2Gth weddtnR anlvcrsary of her par ents at Culver last Thursday even ing. J. II. Drew has bought tho Ostln place ono mllo north of Terrebonno " Mr. Houghton who has been farming tho Ostfu place will move to Bend in a few days after which Mr. Drew will tako possession. Most of tho stock and farm Implements will chango hands with tho farm. Mrs. Peckham and son Howard wero visitors at Bend Monday. Messrs Forest and Clarcnco Miller ot Jefferson Oregon werp visitors last .week nt tho homo of their sister, Mrs. F. L. Wester. Mr. Clarence Miller returned homo but his brother will remain for sometime. Miss Irma Kceney attended tho eleventh wedding anniversary din ner of Mr. and Mrs. James Reed, .ast Sunday at Culver. Miss Louise Rnmmln left Wednes day for Tho Dalles. Mesdames George and Harvey Gates left Thursday morning for an extended visit in North Dakota. Tho Mlives Irma Keeney and Ada line Dietrich spent Saturday in Bend. The Sunday school presented Mrs. Carta Peckham with a Bible last Sun day as a token of their high esteem ot her services the past eight years. EARLY WINTER IS FELT AT M1LLICAN i . ... .... ..... ... rannt8nm,niuatB,:8::i:8itBnnB:!BHnannn!!m 01 cuuio mi me i (iiiiiiuu iiiiiikui. waiter .Miiimiii iruiu near nunuini was visiting nt tho J. A. Elliott homo lust wcuk. Mr. Mltllcuu In u Hon ot tho pioneer Goortto Mllllcun and wiih raised In thin country. Ho sucu miiiiy changes, ho Mays! Mr. and Mrs. t M. Charlton woro business visitors In Prlnovlllo Satur day. George WVlta wim looking after business ntfuli'8 In tho county Kent Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Ilahbt Woio In Prlnovlllo Saturday ovunliiR. Miss Crystal Sturtlovau (sited at theo E. A. Biissott homo over tho week ond. Mrs. C. C. Urlx has returned to liur homo horo from tin oxlotulod vIhU in Tncomn. She camo In on Wednes day morning's stngo greatly surpris ing Mr Brlx. Earl Forrest has brought his thresher In this week, and with (ho thresher that Is already horo. tho threshluR will soon bo cleaned up. There Is yet much grain in the shock and so mo stacked to bo threshed. Mrs. Roy RohortHrotuiiied on MILL1CAN, Nov. 11.- 11. K. Cooko went to Bond Friday, return ing Sunday, having missed tho stage Sunday morning ho wnlkod to Horso Rldgo beforo n car overtook him. Mrs. Georgo W. Cooko Is In Bend visiting with Mr. Cooko. R. R. Keller returning Saturday. Our winter Is setting In rather onrly this yenr. J. J. Holland was an over Sunday Riicst at his homo. C. J. Cooke called at tho R. R. Koller homo Tuesday, T. E. Going was out from Bend from Saturday until Tuesday. C. 11. Graffonberger was a business visitor nt tho William Ream home, Wednesday. Ho has been visiting in Washington. School district 26 has been divid ed. A teacher has been hired and school will commence Monday. Mary Holland called nt the Keller homo Thursday. Mrs. L. G. Morgan accompanied E. W. Gurney to Bond today to haul out n load of groceries. v. A Rami Is looking after tho post-oftlco during her absence. Leo F. Tauscher was out from Bond Wednesday. Stanley Bishop was on the sick list tho past week. ' Thursday's train from n visit with otlior relatives itt Recommends It to An) one. "My son had n cough for n long time," writes Mrs. Heck, 72S Fohr Ave., Louisville, K, "and he tried Foley's Honey and Tar and ho slept bettor that night than he had tor some time, it certainly is line. I recommend it to anyone. Good for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough. Children take it. Contains no opiates. Sold Everywhere. Adv BIG DANCE GIVEN AT POWELL BUTTE her mother and Gresham, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Stewart return ed In their car Wednesday of last week, from n two woekH visit nt Hood Rlvor, Portland, St. Helens and other poluts. D. A. Yntrs has bought 20 head of flno wes from Reaves Wllcoxen mid will keep them on his ranch here. Miss Josophlno Mnucoaro arrived from Tncomn Saturday uvoiilug, for a visit with her pnrontn Mr. and Mi's. B. Mnucaru and sister Colin C. 0. I. CO. REPAIRS IRRIGATION SYSTEM L, A. Drnmlouhut'K linn contracted with tho pencil fuutory at Bond to pull and out several hundred Heron ot JuulpoiH In to wood milttthlo to ho used In the factory, and him gone to Wasco County lo got n now puller iiiul outfit for tho Job. (loorgu lloKon luni heuu hutillng hay to tho Bond markut thin week, Tho U. O. I. Co. IuhI wook locolv ed from Hunver, Colorado two nuw steel Head Gates to ho Installed under tho Central Oregon Canal, which will loplaco old wood gales that wero hard to operato In tho winter tlino while tho now steel gates can bo operated under nil ooudlttonn, mid regulated to n fraction ot an Inch) they will ho liiHtallml during tho winter while tho water Is' out of tho canal. Wo wonder how many of Des chutes county people ate npplylug Jim IIIII'h test of success to thorn solves theso ilnyH If you want to know whether you nro going to ho u success of n failure In life you can easily llnd out, tho test Is simple and lufatllbleo, are you able to save money? ThU Woman Found Roller. Men and womeii suffering from kidney and bladder trouble will ho glad to read how ono woman found relief. Mrs. (I, Hyde, Homestead, Mich., writes: "I had that terrible hackacho und tired out feeling, senrcoly nlilu to do my work. Foley Kidney Pills mndo mo feel Ilka n now person." Sold everywhere.- Adv. DESCHUTES. Nov. 13 C M Redflold ntul W. G. Cox wore staking out 8omo nuw work for the repair crow of tho C. O. I. Co. In the Rod mond district Saturday. Denton Q. Burdick'wan a business caller nt Deschutes Saturday 55. M. Brown was In Deschutes looking nfter mutters portalnlng to his Irrigated laud recently. Tho C. O. I. Co. are maintaining a .largo force of tnon In -repair work this fall cleaning out silt, and re newing mnny wood structures to put tho canal system In good shape for tho 1920 irrigation season. Captain Andy Anderson, road builder, now at work on the Do- schutcs-Tumnlo road, has moved his crow ot men to tho Deschutes ond ot tho road and will give tho east end POWELL BUTTE. Nov. 13 Tho harvest danco given nt Powell Butte Nov. 7 was a grand success. A flno crowd attended, thero was Rood music, tho feed was fine, and tho management reports clearing over SI GO. They deslro to express tholrltho onco over. thanks to all who so generously help- Frances Redflold, ed in any way whatever, and hope Bend high school that the people of Bend. Prlnevlllo and Redmond will send again such n flno crowd. At this rato tho indebt edness on the hall will bo cleared off beforo the first of tho Now Year. Born at tho family homo at Powell Butto Nov. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. WIIT Kentner a "K pound baby boy. Arthur Wurzweller wont to Port land Saturday night with a carload rooter for tho foot ball tenm, spent tho week end with homo folks. A basket social Is announced for tho evening ot Friday Nov. 21. nt tho Deschutes school houso, for the pur pose of raising funds to pay for souib additional eQulpmont that was re cently purchased. Tho Indies have planned muny lnndsomo baskets for tho occasion to entice tho bachelors out. Better Bulls, Bucks and Boars Build Bigger Bank Balances. Here's your chance to secure Pure Bred Live Stopk. Our representative will be at the show and will buy t any stock for those who cannot attend. The prospective pur chaser needs only to tell us exactly what he wants, what he is willing to pay, and we'll do the rest. For your con venience an order blank is printed herewith. SHEEP ATTACKED BY RABID COYOTE LOWER BRIGDE. Nor. 11 On Wednesday a coyoto suspected of having rubles attacked a bunch of nheep on tho Hr.sklus place with In 50 feet of the house. Mr. Rod Foster who purchnscd part of Joo Howard, Jr., place Is Improving his purchase rapidly. Mr. Foster Is tho class of resident Lower Bridge needs. Everybody busy digging spuds tho yields are larger than usual. .Mr. Shepherd of tho nil rue house was In the community this week and visited tho school with object of plac ing n vlctrola. Mr. and "Mrs. Clonvcngor return ed to their farm having decided this community was better than anything they saw elsewhere. Mr. Farrot nnd son liovo rented the Grnmthon houso and moved In until they can build on their own place, Mr. Wclford Jack has purchased tho Bronson farm and taken pos sesion. Mrs. R. S. Fowna gavo a party fori tho Sunday school. Mr. Stntllg Is very busy' looking I after tlio luterust of the Potato Growers. Mr. Hosklns went to tho Hay Creek ranch In Jofforson county on Friday to inspect their pure-blood sheep with the object of purchasing Mr. and Mrs. Parker havo moved In their new bungalow at tho silica placet. Good mental aa well aa bodily stinuiluH conies only in surroundings of harmony. Parents interested in the musical education of their children should choose a Brunswick Phonograph because it has achieved perfect sound reproduction. In no other instrument is tone reproduced with as great a richness and fidelity. Tho Brunswick Method of Reproduction The Brunswick Method of Reproduction is re sponsible for The Brunswick's superiority, it consists of two exclusive and scientific features -the Ultona and the Tone Amplifier. The Ultona The Ultona plays alt records. By a simple turn of the hand it presents the required needle, correct weight and precise diaphragm. Tho Tone Amplifier The Tone Amplifier js a vibrant tone elwunbcr. Built entirely of wood like the sounding board of a fine piano or violin. No metal touches it. Hence its freeness from any harsh metallic sounds. Knowing its super quality we do not hesitate giving it our full endorsement. Come in today. Let us play your favorite record on this beau tiful instrument. If you like we'll make com parisons for you. u 3 Toll How He Wim Helped. A neglected cold may develop Into most serious sickness. Tho In- i tluenzn and pneumonia that swept 'tho country a yonr ago worn pre 'reded by an epidemic of colds, i Foley's Honey and Tnr will check a cold If taken In time. It loosens phlegm nnd mucous, clears air pas sages, on son hnsi-mmes. stops tick ling throat. Sold nvurywlioro. Adv. BID BLANK. Bend, Oregon, To The First National Bank of Bend: Pleaso buy for me at tho Pacific International Shorthorn, Hereford, Hol stein, Jersey or Guernsey sale at North Portland, Oregon, Nov. 20-21-22, tho stock listed below, as cheap as you can, but in no en bo bid mora than tho limit I havo set opposite each choice, or what your Judgment indicates as being a fair price. I deslro to buy In all -females and bulla, , -breed. FIRST CHOICE SECOND CHOICE CaUIoc No Plct Limit CaUloc No Price Limit Cfttilor No .I'lltt Limit CaUlor No I'll' Limit, ,.,,, Catilo- No Prlt Limit. Catalog No, ct Limit, In case you are not able to buy what I havo marked at tho prices Indicated, pleaso buy at the best price you can, according to your judgment, .....,....... bulls and females, limiting yourself to S each for tho bulls and each for tho females. Let mo know after tho sale whether you havo purchased anything for mo, and it you have, have it shipped by to mo at S It 1b understood that this stock will ho purchased for mo by Tho First National Bank of Bend at the lowest prlco possible and turned over to mo at actual cost, plus tho expense of bringing stock to Bond. It is understood that I am to pay cash for this livestock or arrange with Tho First National Bank ot Bend for credit before I sign this contract. Signed Catalogs may be had at this Bank Consistent with our Liva Stock Improvement Policy, we will finance farmers wishing to purchase live stock at these sales. The First National Bank of Bend PLAINVIEW PLANS FOR THANKSGIVING PLAINVIBW. Nov. II. Tho 0. D. O. club will hold Its regular mooting with Mrs. Bookmnu on TJiursdny afternoon, November 13. A good attendance Is desired as tho Indies wish to complete plans for tho Thanksgiving foto. Bvoryono Is re quested to bring thimbles and scis sors ns thero Is plenty of work to do on tho club rjullt. Vern l.lvcsay helped A, W. Arm strong pick up potatoes soveral days the past week. Will Patterson of Portland, was a gucMt at tho Hoss homo Thursday. Mrs. M. W. Skeel Hturted for her homo In Portland on Monday. Mrs, Skcol has beon with her daughter Mrs. Paul Kcoggln for several months. Mr. Myers and family havo moved to tho old Baker place which they purchased recently from C. S. Hud sop, A. C. McCnlllster was n business callor in Bepd, Saturday, Mr. Claudo Chris of Itedmond, and Lou Nichols of Prlnovlllo woro guosts to dinner at tho Hartley homo Sun day. Mrs. A. B. Hoss, Mrs. Patterson, and Roy Hoartt wero In Itedmond Friday, Mrs. I.ouzetta Pulllam and son Jim, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Scoggln und Mrs, John McKlnncy woro Bond callors Monday.' Mulcolm Volgt was a callor at tho Hoss homo Sunday. NEWS NOTES FROM PLEASANT. RIDGE PM0A8ANT IUDC1B, Nov, 1 1 . J. W. Poterson was In Bond on business Thursday. F. B. Baiighman purchased 200 head of lambs from II. T. Mlklcolsun, Mr. Mlkkolson recuntly purchiiHod tliCHO lambs from Ned Anglaud of I'owoll Butto, Tho C. 0. I. Co,, has u crow of man Hilling out tho main canal. Andrew Nolson Iiiih moved in with Mr. and Mm. J, W, Poterson for tho winter. Anton Ahlstron mudo n business trip to Itedmonu Monday, Mrs, 0, M. Itcdflold and Mrs. Mnbol Coitnoly ot Deschutes called Bend Furniture Company at Air. Shannon of Bend who, recently purchused the Harper place tons hero on Thursday. I In will move out nt onco and Improve his place this win ter. Mr. nnd Mrs. O K. Anderson were shopping In Bend on Thursday. Doll Becson was n callor nt tho Anderson homo Wednesday. O. B Anderson sold a lino drotwod hog in Bend Thursday. II. T MlkkolHou mudo n buslne trip to Itedmond Thursday. Mrs. Alfred IMtlursmi tins bt'o,u working nt DosehutoM itovorul days this week. Anton Ahlstrom was In Itedmond on Thursdny. Alfred Podorsnn helped O. K. An derson butcher Wednesday. F. B. Baughinnu was In Bend on business Thursday. Mrs. Cathrlno Johnnson ontertnln ed Mr. and Mrs. Olo Ilannon of Des chutes nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. H T. Mlk kolson Sunday afternoon. Fred Seeling of Bend spont Sun day ut tho W. II Gray homo. Miss Ituth Kncsomeyer and Glen Cox woro dinner gucstH nt Mrs. Jnr rotts hqmu Friday ovouiug. Mr. und MrH. O. B. Anderson at tended tho show in Bend Hunduy night. Alfred Poderson has been fixing up his house Inside for tho winter. Several of tho ladles In this vic inity attended tho Parent Teuchori' v:!:iim!iui:isiii:iai:t!i:tiuiitiiiiiiiiii!tm:ii:i:i:n:mi::aniii Don't Allow Your Farm Crops or Buildings to go Uninsured. We will insure your farm and allow you one year in which to pay ,a . the premium. C. V. SILVIS BEND. OREGON mooting at tho IVHohtites school houso Friday afternoon. John Bdwatds Is hauling his household goods to DoachuloH pre paratory to moving to Prosier, Wnsti Mm. KM wards mid small son loft sev eral weeks ago having been called suddenly by tlin Illness of hr mother. The Bdwnrds family hnvn lived in this neighborhood ror tint past two yours and their many fri ends will be sorry to sou them leave (ConlliiTieTolf Pago 11.) You'll Enjoy Buying Groceries At Our Store Everybody does. He cause it's conducted just the wny you think u gro cery store should he. It is conducted to serve you. To supply you with groceries in u way that will suve your time, prey vent annoyance and furn ish you with good things to cut nt fair prices. Prompt service, courte ous personal attention, accurate accounts, are ev eryday features at our store. 5 And in addition you have the benefit of our complete 'knowledge of the grocery business. We know what's gool and we make it our bus' ness to tell you, Smith's Grocery ii m pn Mrs, O, B. Anderson Tuesday r lb. uiiumuua. :itii:itt:su:i:u:::i::::isii::s:i:iaiiiiiii:i!:ii:iiiii.u:i!:iiit!iii.